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Proceedings of Congress of JASSO
Volume 10, Issue / 1989
English Article Japanese Article
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A figure and internal secretion metabolism of the adiposity patients 吉田尚 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 1-3, 1989. |
Adipose Tissue Development at Cellular and Molecular Levels : New and Future Prospects Gerald Ailhaud Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 4-5, 1989. |
Problems - in the treatment that we saw from obesity and personality - physician 白井厚治, 斎藤康 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 6-8, 1989. |
Approach - from obesity and personality - psychiatry 佐藤ゆかり, 児玉和宏 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 9-13, 1989. |
Obese behavior modification therapy - past, present, future - 大野誠, 三浦順子, 荒井慶子, 塚原暁, 横山淳一, 池田義雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 14-17, 1989. |
Problems in simplification and the enforcement of the treatment technique 大隈和喜, 坂田利家 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 20-22, 1989. |
Obesity and liver function 永井克也1), 中川八郎1), 井上修二2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 23-26, 1989. |
Obesity and pancreas endocrine function 山本泰三, 黄堯範, 清野裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 27-28, 1989. |
Mainly on obesity and muscle - insulin acceptor function - 小林正, 前川聡, 巌西真規 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 29-30, 1989. |
About the enlargement of the white fat cell and the relations with the distribution change of the sugar transport body in cells 江崎治 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 31-33, 1989. |
Obesity and brown adipose tissue 箕越靖彦, 斉藤昌之, 嶋津孝 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 34-35, 1989. |
Examination - of metabolism obesity in the obesity and the obesity in diabetes - young people NIDDM 河原玲子, 雨宮禎子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 36-37, 1989. |
Metabolism - lipid, lipoprotein metabolism - in the obesity 中井継彦, 玉井利孝, 林信太 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 38-40, 1989. |
Endocrine function - pituitary gland, pancreas - in the adiposity 田中克明, 井上修二 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 41-42, 1989. |
Endocrine function - adrenal gland, gonad - in the adiposity 小林功1), 大島喜八2), 下村洋之助2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 43-46, 1989. |
Cardiac activity in the adiposity 中島忠久, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 47-48, 1989. |
Respiratory function in the adiposity 栗山喬之, 国友史雄, 巽浩一郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 49-50, 1989. |
The first seat. Suggestion of new obesity index ACI and the clinical evaluation 佐々木陽1), 堀内成人2), 長谷川恭一2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 53-55, 1989. |
The second seat. About the association between obese evaluation - body fat distribution and arteriosclerotic disease by the sonography - 富沢昌弘, 蔵本裕一, 井原裕二, 宿里芳孝, 糸井仁, 井上幹夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 56-57, 1989. |
The eighth seat. The internal organs type obesity and hyperinsulinemia 稲寺秀邦1), 石川洋1), 篠宮正樹1), 白井厚治1), 斎藤康1), 吉田尚1), 高橋金雄2), 沢井明美2), 本位田泰介2), 佐々木弘夫3), 青木謹3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 70-72, 1989. |
The tenth seat. The actual situation of the degree of corpulence of 14,573 staff of NTT in Aichi 岡田源義1), 河辺昌信1), 清水学1), 丹村敏則1), 伊藤龍雄1), 岩崎雅夫1), 武内俊彦1), 木村浩2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 75-76, 1989. |
The eleventh seat. Examination about the effect to give to lifestyle diseases of the adolescent weight and the weight fluctuation 河辺昌信, 清水学, 木村浩 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 77-78, 1989. |
The twelfth seat. From the experience of obese examination - Takatsu, Kawasaki-shi public health center health enhancement classroom in middle and old age women - 吉永陽子1), 高橋尚子1), 吉永陽子2), 山村行夫2), 星賢二3), 斎藤宣彦3), 染谷一彦3), 宿谷幸治郎4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 79-80, 1989. |
The thirteenth seat. Estimate of the degree of corpulence indicating the minimum mortality in a certain company employee 鈴木九五, 本岡健一, 井上幹夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 81-83, 1989. |
The 14th seat. Examination - from the skinfold thickness of study on senile obesity - old age patients 大庭建三, 南順文, 大崎良一郎, 春山勝, 平井真明, 武内寛, 中野博司, 山下直博, 渕上正章, 仲地紀良, 妻鳥昌平 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 84-85, 1989. |
The 15th seat. Examination - from obese effect on activities of daily living (ADL) of the cerebral infarction case - autopsy case 春山勝1), 武内寛1), 中野博司1), 山下直博1), 大庭建三1), 妻鳥昌平1), 板垣晃之2), 早川道夫2), 大友英一2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 86-87, 1989. |
The 17th seat. Hypothalamic monoamine metabolism in the alimentary obesity: Using the in vivo microdialysis method 清水弘行1), 下村洋之助1), 小林功1), J.S.Fisler2), G.A.Bray2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 90-91, 1989. |
The 18th seat. Comparison - of hypothalamic stimulation effect - electrical stimulation and chemical irritation giving it to the eating problem accomplishment of the monkey 高木厚司1), 粟生修司1), 堀哲郎1), 大村裕2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 92-94, 1989. |
The 19th seat. Eating behavior and sea lion neuron activity of the monkey 田村了以, 小野武年, 福田正治, 中村清実 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 95-97, 1989. |
The 20th seat. Food consumption promotion effect in the GRF rat intracerebral administration 田中康夫, 江川正人, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 98-99, 1989. |
The 24th seat. Effect of "taste" stimulation to give to the centrifugal activity of the abdominal vagus nerve branch 新島旭 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 107-108, 1989. |
The 27th seat. Effect of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) electrical stimulation to give to use of sugar of the rat periphery tissue 首藤誠, 箕越靖彦, 嶋津孝 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 113-114, 1989. |
The 28th seat. 1 case that resulted in huge obesity by psychologic factors 長嶋浩貴, 戸谷理英子, 高橋良当, 雨宮禎子, 河原玲子, 平田幸正 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 115-116, 1989. |
The 29th seat. From examination of the presence or absence of need - weight gain and stress of the mental health care in the obese instruction - 丹村敏則, 河辺昌信, 清水学, 岡田源義, 伊藤龍雄, 武内俊彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 117-118, 1989. |
The 30th seat. About an ambulant treatment system and the effect in consideration of personality on intractable adiposity patients 大野邦子1), 小野修1), 石川洋2), 白井厚治2), 斎藤康2), 吉田尚2), 佐藤ゆかり3), 山内直人3), 児玉和宏3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 119-120, 1989. |
The 32nd seat. One case of the obese child that treatment with super low caloric diet (VLCD) was effective 望月信幸, 幡谷直樹, 角田守, 大木由加志, 細井宏益, 手代木正 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 123-124, 1989. |
The 33rd seat. Obese treatment in the outpatient department by combination of super low caloric diet and general diet 西岡均1), 大沢旭1), 横尾定美1), 亀田孝夫2), 岡本美音子2), 阪上皖庸2), 吉田俊秀3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 125-126, 1989. |
The 34th seat. One patient obese highly who presented with remarkable hypovitaminosis by extreme dieting 小畠隆司, 松沢佑次, 徳永勝人, 藤岡滋典, 山下静也, 川本俊治, 毛野義明, 小松良哉, 垂井清一郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 127-128, 1989. |
The 35th seat. The onset of the depression accompanied with the sudden weight loss 大隈和喜, 坂田利家, 黒川衛, 待鳥浩信 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 129-130, 1989. |
The 36th seat. Semi-starvation therapy using Formula Diet (Optifast(R)) for diabetes (NIDDM) with the obesity 小泉密江1), 鎗田正1), 鎗田努1), 白井厚治2), 田代淳2), 石川洋2), 斎藤康2), 吉田尚2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 131-132, 1989. |
The 37th seat. About the change of the peripheral blood natural killer cell surface marker during super low caloric diet therapy 岡嶋泰一郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 133-134, 1989. |
The 38th seat. VLCD therapy of the pycnic type and urinary 3-Methylhistidine 笠川忍1), 星賢二1), 太田明雄1), 中島慶子1), 吉田明浩1), 西川真人1), 斎藤宣彦1), 染谷一彦1), 戸田和正2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 135-136, 1989. |
The 39th seat. The effect that a food intake of the muscularity gives to urinary 3-methylhistidine output 神野宏司1), 堀田昇1), 青木純一郎1), 土岐良一2), 矢野正幸2), 綾部宗嗣3), 皆河光男3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 137-138, 1989. |
The 40th seat. Change of the bone mineral density before and after super low calorie therapy (VLCD) 小山英則1), 西沢良記1), 古満豊1), 東条周子1), 萩原聡1), 庄司哲雄1), 岸本博至1), 三木隆已1), 森井浩世1), 越智宏暢2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 139-140, 1989. |
The 41st seat. The effect that a therapy with diet and aerobic exercise gives to a blood clotting factor on simple obesity 半田耕一1), 高田洋一1), 佐々木淳1), 荒川規矩男1), 田中宏暁2), 進藤宗洋2), 谷口哲也3), 松尾尚3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 141-142, 1989. |
The 43rd seat. Effect to give to diet monotherapy and a diet and cardiac activity of the aerobic exercise combination therapy on simple obesity 権藤公和1), 藤野正典1), 半田耕一1), 佐々木淳1), 荒川規矩男1), 田中宏暁2), 進藤宗洋2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 145-146, 1989. |
The 45th seat. Does the obesity reinforce hyperlipidemia after a meal? 佐久間恵理子, 及川眞一, 生井一之, 小竹英俊, 遠藤到, 内藤孝, 豊田隆謙 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 150-151, 1989. |
The 46th seat. Fasting effect to give a particle size of the very low density lipoprotein and blood change 鹿住敏1), 石田芳彦1), 吉田宗儀1), 芳野原2), 馬場茂明3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 152-153, 1989. |
The 47th seat. Analysis by the desk ultracentrifugation method of the lipodysproteinemia in patients with obesity 中尾保彦1), 朝倉由加利1), 広瀬順弥1), 鈴木正昭1), 都島基夫1), 田村文子1), 肥塚佳子1), 原納優1), 片山善章2), 松山辰男2), 山本章3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 154-155, 1989. |
The 49th seat. A body fat distribution pattern and serum lipid in adults 田中茂穂 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 158-159, 1989. |
The 54th seat. Obese significance in the cardiac activity evaluation 清水佐恵子1), 澤田準1), 高田博之1), 加藤和三1), 井上修二2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 169-170, 1989. |
The 57th seat. About participation of depression effect - sympathetic nervous system which the calories-in in patients with hypertension with the obesity give it to and insulin - 川村実1), 今西政仁1), 松島與和1), 赤羽敏1), 倉持衛夫1), 尾前照雄1), 伊藤敬一2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 175-176, 1989. |
The 58th seat. Arteriosclerotic examination - in patients with gout primarily about aorta pulse wave velocity, an insulin response and adipose association - 岩谷征子1), 作山理子1), 松浦尚子1), 渡辺富博1), 西岡久寿樹1), 御巫清允2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 177-179, 1989. |
The 59th seat. About an association between coronarography views and degree of corpulence 赤松曙子1), 小笠原憲1), 相沢忠範1), 高橋宣光1), 井上修二2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 180-181, 1989. |
The 61st seat. Esophagogastric junction function after the severe obesity technique 山崎一馬, 川村功, 宮沢幸正, 磯野可一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 185-186, 1989. |
The 64th seat. About the long term prognosis after an inpatient care effect and the discharge of the adiposity patients 宮崎滋, 小山浩永, 真光敏弘, 川杉和夫, 川村光信, 安藤矩子, 内藤周幸 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 191-192, 1989. |
The 65th seat. Examination of the obese foreign intermitter 大原昌樹, 宮谷博幸, 福田哲也, 今井正信 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 193-194, 1989. |
The 66th seat. About a figure and the blood insulin level of adipositas children 金子富夫1), 和頴美和子1), 梅園忠1), 佐々木弘夫1), 高橋金雄2), 小原玲子2), 本位田泰介2), 篠宮正樹3), 石川洋3), 稲寺秀邦3), 白井厚治3), 斎藤康3), 吉田尚3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 195-196, 1989. |
The 71st seat. Examination about the adipose change accompanied with the weight loss of the obese child 数間雅子, 小松崎裕美子, 市川みやぎ, 清水寛子, 山崎公恵, 村田光範 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 206-207, 1989. |
The 72nd seat. Analysis of Morbid Obesity in the pediatrics domain 山崎公恵, 小松崎裕美子, 市川みやぎ, 数間雅子, 清水寛子, 村田光範 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 208-209, 1989. |
The 74th seat. Examination (the second report) of the rising endurance test for children with obesity 原光彦, 岡田知雄, 原田研介, 大國真彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 213-214, 1989. |
The 75th seat. The use of the protein supplement for the moderately severe energy diet in childhood obesity treatment 小松啓子1), 中村秋子1), 小松龍史2), 松尾美恵3), 坂井貴美3), 永田真人3), 野田正紀4), 山岸稔5) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 215-217, 1989. |
The 76th seat. Pancreatic Polypeptide-secreting change in the MSG obesity rat 小川滋彦, 竹田康男, 増永高晴, 上野敏男, 竹田亮祐 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 218-219, 1989. |
The 77th seat. glucagon-like immunoreactivity (GLI) secretion by the glucose load of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus destruction rat 内藤実, 井上修二, 佐藤忍, 鈴木裕代, 斉藤紀文, 古河哲也, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 220-221, 1989. |
The 78th seat. Plasma somatomedin C of the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus injury-related obese mice 山本徹1), 松尾泰孝1), 古川宣明1), 衣笠昭彦1), 澤田淳1), 楠智一2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 222-223, 1989. |
The 80th seat. About the metabolism state in the intraventricular pituitary gland transplant rat 小内亨1), 大島喜八1), 岡田秀一1), 馬原充彦1), 森昌朋1), 下村洋之助1), 小林節雄1), 小林功2), 井上金治3), 坂井貴文3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 226-227, 1989. |
The 81st seat. Using obese effect on immune system (the second report) - hereditary obesity rat - 石原学1), 田中俊一1), 山川正1), 井上修二1), 高邑裕太郎1), 中島茂2), 磯田扶美子3), 松尾隆夫4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 228-229, 1989. |
The 82nd seat. Using obese effect on immune system (the third report) - center-related obese rat - 田中俊一1), 石原学1), 佐藤忍1), 山川正1), 井上修二1), 高邑裕太郎1), 中島茂2), 磯田扶美子3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 230-231, 1989. |
The 83rd seat. Sensitivity for the high fat diet-related obese rat carbon tetrachloride liver damage 宍戸敏浩, 井上修二, 田中克明, 大川伸一, 永瀬肇, 藤井隆人, 星野真人, 遠藤修, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 232-233, 1989. |
The 84th seat. Lipid peroxide and renal failure in the obese rat 久保田美佳1), 細川知良2), 沼野藤夫2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 234-235, 1989. |
The 85th seat. About effect of taurine giving it to experimental obese rat fatty liver 森島昭 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 236-237, 1989. |
The 87th seat. An increase and differentiation of the fat cell in the convalescence from a starvation state 越智雅晴1), 吉岡博1), 衣笠昭彦1), 澤田淳1), 楠智一2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 240-241, 1989. |
The 88th seat. De-fat and proliferative capacity of the culture fat cell 粂井康孝, 藤谷幹浩, 高杉佑一, 並木正義 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 242-243, 1989. |
The 89th seat. Expression of the insulin-like effect by the Sphingomyelinase processing 関谷敬三1), 奥田拓道1), 志摩裕美子2), 新井達潤2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 244-245, 1989. |
The 90th seat. Combination to endogenous fat droplet of Lipolytic Agents 奥田拓道, 森本千恵, 辻田隆広 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 246-247, 1989. |
The 91st seat. About a change with β-adrenalin of the MSG obese rat epididymis fat cell-sensitive abnormal - obesity and aging - 児玉光顕, 柏木厚典, 西尾善彦, 小川勉, 朝比奈崇介, 池淵元祥, 田中勉, 原田夏樹, 繁田幸男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 248-250, 1989. |
The 93rd seat. Role of the brown adipose tissue as the obese origin of the MSG obese mice 吉岡敬治, 吉田俊秀, 平岡範也, 釜鳴孝吉, 近藤元治 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 253-254, 1989. |
The 95th seat. One case of the highly obese Prader-Willi syndrome which we were able to save by the respiratory care in the ICU and weight loss by the dieting for respiratory failure 近内弘人1), 佃克則1), 高木厚1), 粟田卓也1), 斎藤公司1), 岩本安彦1), 松田文子1), 葛谷健1), 福田博一2), 大竹一栄2), 窪田達也2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 257-258, 1989. |
The 96th seat. Antagonism of the aspirin for the PaO2 drop at controlled hypotension of patients with obesity 印南比呂志, 高崎正人, 河口太平, 岡田和夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 259-260, 1989. |
The 97th seat. About association with a diagnosis of the polycystic ovarian disease by the transvagina two dimensional echography and the degree of corpulence 吉野和男, 高橋健太郎, 渋川敏彦, 北尾学 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 261-262, 1989. |
The 99th seat. Circadian rhythm of the gonad system hormone in the pycnic type 山本芳麿1), 阪田拓哉1), 杉本勇二1), 松本行雄1), 佐々木孝夫1), 石飛和幸2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 265-266, 1989. |
The 101st seat. Analysis of the glucose tolerance by Minimal model 谷口中1), 永田格1), 福島光夫2), 大江康子2), 中井義勝2), 井村裕夫2), 大迫文麿3), 奥田拓道4), 徳山薫平5) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 269-271, 1989. |
The 102nd seat. Hyperinsulinemia - in analysis - pycnic type by Minimal model 福島光夫1), 中井義勝1), 大江康子1), 井村裕夫1), 谷口中2), 永田格2), 徳山薫平3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 272-273, 1989. |
The 103rd seat. Effect of the aging to give to growth hormone secretion of the simple pycnic type 白木淳子, 井上修二, 田中克明, 斉藤真理, 永瀬肇, 岡村淳, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 274-275, 1989. |
The 104th seat. Correction - of blood sugar control and the abnormality of secretion of glucagon at arginine IV infusion endurance test by glucagon-secreting change (the third report) - artificial endocrine pancreas of patients with obesity with the hyperinsulinemia 浜口隆博, 福島英生, 梶原研一郎, 榊田典治, 山口康平, 七里元亮 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 276-277, 1989. |
The 106th seat. Examination of the metabolism change at a little epinephrine load in the pycnic type 織田美雪, 井口利樹, 今村賢司, 亀山寿子, 比嘉真理子, 磯貝庄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 280-281, 1989. |
The 107th seat. About the effect that examination - obesity of uric acid by the alcohol load and the antecedent metabolism and the hyperuricaemia give - 岩谷征子1), 山中寿1), 作山理子1), 松浦尚子1), 西岡久寿樹1), 渡辺富博2), 御巫清允2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 282-284, 1989. |
The 108th seat. Examination - by - Thermography with quantity of heat production and the weight loss effect in the pycnic type concerned 毛野義明, 松沢佑次, 徳永勝人, 藤岡滋典, 小畠隆司, 小谷一晃, 吉田新吾, 下村伊一郎, 垂井清一郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 285-286, 1989. |
The 109th seat. About a diabetes family history and the history maximal degree of corpulence in the glucose tolerance geek 佐々木温子1), 松島雅人2), 大野誠2), 池田義雄2), 縣俊彦3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 287-288, 1989. |
The 110th seat. Dietary survey of patients with endomorph diabetes 木戸幸一, 丸山博, 小山一憲, 伊東克彦, 和井内英樹, 武井泉, 片岡邦三, 猿田享男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 289-290, 1989. |
The 112th seat. About the composition of fasting plasma free fatty acids in diabetes obesity and the non-diabetes obesity 黒田継久, 佐々木正孝, 二宮一見, 丸浜喜亮 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 294-295, 1989. |
The 113th seat. Effect of the (walk) exercise of the long-term endurance to give to fat-splitting of secretion speed of the endogenous neutral fat in the hypothalamic obesity rat and adipose tissue 寺尾保1), 藤瀬武彦1), 中野昭一1), 白石武昌2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 296-297, 1989. |
The 114th seat. A drop of a gold sulfuration glucose instruction and the aggressive behavior of the diet instruction obese mice and relations of the tissue weight of submandibular gland and preputial glands 山下洵子1), 林伸一1), 宮嶋正康2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 298-299, 1989. |
The 115th seat. About rat food-related smell palatability 田渕英一1), 小野武年1), 田村了以1), 小林恒之1), 高島靖弘2), 川崎通昭2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 300-301, 1989. |
The 116th seat. Effect to give to glucide and lipid metabolism of urinary lipotropic material (FMS) at fast 大沢功1), 坂本信夫1), 奥山牧夫2), 山田博之3), 松前裕己3), 佐野隆之3), 佐藤祐造4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 302-303, 1989. |
The 118th seat. About male and female differences and hypothalamic obesity rat in the obese formation 大島喜八1), 岡田秀一1), 小内亨1), 馬原充彦1), 佐藤稔1), 下村洋之助1), 森昌朋1), 小林節雄1), 小林功2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 306-307, 1989. |
The 119th seat. Effect to give to carbohydrate metabolism of the VMH destruction in the GK male rat and fat distribution 小谷一晃1), 松沢佑次1), 徳永勝人1), 藤岡滋典1), 毛野義明1), 小畠隆司1), 下村伊一郎1), 垂井清一郎1), 小高裕之2), 松尾隆夫2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 308-309, 1989. |
The 120th seat. Effect to MSG obese mice of heat production ability activation drug BRL 26830A 釜鳴孝吉, 吉田俊秀, 吉岡敬治, 平岡範也, 西岡均, 近藤元治 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 310-311, 1989. |
The 121st seat. An antiobese effect of new β-adrenoceptor agonist BRL 26830A and an antidiabetes effect: Examination using the endomorph diabetes mouse (Yellow KK mouse) 吉田俊秀1), 吉岡敬治1), 平岡範也1), 釜鳴孝吉1), 西岡均1), 長谷川剛二1), 畑雅之1), 中埜幸治1), 近藤元治1), 中村義雄2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 312-314, 1989. |
The 122nd seat. Ornamentation of the eating behavior by the opioid 白石武昌 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 315-317, 1989. |
The 123rd seat. Examination of the effect to give to eating of the Interleukin-1β intraventricular administration and hypothalamic catecholamine 上原豊1), 清水弘行1), 高橋正樹1), 高橋敏1), 深津章1), 根岸真由美1), 犬飼敏彦1), 下村洋之助1), 小林節雄1), 小林功2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 318-319, 1989. |
The 124th seat. Interleukin-1β and feeding behavior - periphery administration - 根岸真由美, 下村洋之助, 高橋正樹, 清水弘行, 上原豊, 深津章, 高橋敏, 犬飼敏彦, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 320-321, 1989. |
The 125th seat. Lateral hypothalamic area serotonin-releasing effect of Mazindol and analysis - with eating inhibition - intracerebral microdialysis 清水宣明, 武幸子, 片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 10: 322-324, 1989. |