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Proceedings of Congress of JASSO
Volume 12, Issue / 1991
English Article Japanese Article
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Super low caloric diet (VLCD) therapy for severe obesity 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 1-3, 1991. |
An insulin acceptor and obesity 小林正, 前川聡, 巖西真規 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 8-9, 1991. |
Examination - in change - high fat diet-induced obesity of insulin at obesity and the EGF receptor 渡會隆夫, 河盛隆造, 鎌田武信 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 10-11, 1991. |
Role of the sensor in the liver in the VMH obesity rat 田中克明, 永瀬肇, 井上修二 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 12-13, 1991. |
Eating inhibition by Cholecystokinin (CCK): The point of attack and receptor type 白石武昌 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 14-15, 1991. |
Bulimin (PP family peptide) receptor 乾明夫, 春日雅人 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 16-18, 1991. |
Obese risk - internal secretion, metabolic aspects - in the internal medicine 徳永勝人 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 21-22, 1991. |
Aspect - respiratory obese risk - circulatory organ in the internal medicine 宮崎滋 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 23-24, 1991. |
Obese risk in the pediatrics 大国真彦, 原光彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 27-28, 1991. |
About obese risk - gonarthrosis in the orthopedics - 腰野富久, 大木田勝子, 新谷幸義, 吉田元久 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 29-30, 1991. |
Obese risk in the anesthesiology 印南比呂志 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 31-32, 1991. |
Basic treatment - diet cure - of the adiposity 井上修二 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 36-37, 1991. |
Basic treatment - kinesitherapy - of the adiposity 佐藤祐造 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 38-40, 1991. |
Basic treatment - behavior therapy - of the adiposity 坂田利家 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 41-42, 1991. |
Obese frequency and serum lipid abnormality in infants 山崎公恵, 藤田幸子, 村田光範 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 43-44, 1991. |
About the successive change for eight years of the obese child in the Setagaya-ku elementary and junior high school 岸恵, 大木由加志, 折茂裕美, 朝倉由美, 角田守, 山本正生 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 45-46, 1991. |
Comparison between Japanese and figure of European women natal for 1,948 years 雨宮禎子*, 河原玲子*, 柴田尚美*, 吉野正代*, 大森安恵*, J. C. Seidell** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 47-49, 1991. |
Obese family development and sporadicity occurrence: Pathologic comparison by the examination of 119 families 二宮一見, 向井田英明, 丸浜喜亮 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 50-51, 1991. |
Senile obesity and examination - from brain, cardiovascular lesion - autopsy results 大庭建三*, 春山勝*, 中野博司*, 妻鳥昌平*, 板垣晃之**, 大友英一**, 早川道夫*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 52-53, 1991. |
The second seat. Significance of the super low energy diet therapy for patients with NIDDM with the obesity 小泉蜜江*, 鎗田努*, 田代淳**, 武城英明**, 白井厚治**, 齋藤康**, 吉田尚** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 56-58, 1991. |
The third seat. A change and anaerobic threshold (AT) of the metabolism internal secretion reply under VLCD 小島久美子, 長田尚彦, 安島美保, 林道夫, 戸塚康男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 59-61, 1991. |
The fourth seat. Semi-starvation therapy (620kcal) and 3-Methylhistidine for the pycnic type 笠川忍*, 星賢二*, 大槻一博*, 布施純郎*, 中島慶子*, 吉田明浩*, 太田明雄*, 西川真人*, 斎藤宣彦*, 染谷一彦*, 戸田一正** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 62-64, 1991. |
The fifth seat. Effect of the VLCD therapy giving it to APO protein 長谷和正, 宮崎滋, 日原信彦, 神山尚, 柳富子, 本吉慶史, 益子茂, 安藤矩子, 内藤周幸 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 65-66, 1991. |
The sixth seat. Effect to the adiposity with ovulation, menstrual abnormalities of Very low calorie diet 田中茂樹, 池田智明, 池ノ上克, 森憲正 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 67-68, 1991. |
The ninth seat. The effect that weight loss with the VLCD therapy gives to the mental revolution i ability of the obese patients 衛藤宏, 伊東祐信, 後藤浩, 秋山栄一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 73-74, 1991. |
The tenth seat. One case of the Pickwickian syndrome which presented severe bradycardia after weight loss of 50 kg by super low caloric diet (VLCD) 成瀬桂子, 堀田饒, 洪尚樹, 榊原文彦, 中村二郎, 山田博之, 浜田洋司, 小森拓, 森康一, 中島英太郎, 坂本信夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 75-77, 1991. |
The twelfth seat. An example of the super pycnic type rehospitalized with the course of ten years 深津章, 高橋正樹, 根岸真由美, 上原豊, 清水弘行, 下村洋之助, 森昌朋, 小林功 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 81-82, 1991. |
The thirteenth seat. Effect on growth hormone secretion of the simple pycnic type (the second report) of the aging 斎藤真理, 田中克明, 鵜川邦夫, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 83-84, 1991. |
The 14th seat. Examination of the person of obese foreign going to hospital 小比賀一子, 大原昌樹, 福田哲也, 今井正信 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 85-87, 1991. |
The 17th seat. Of the nutrition education for the obese student, actually 山下光雄*, 大西祥平*, 山崎元*, 辻秀一*, 増本項*, 勝川史憲**, 片岡邦三*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 88-90, 1991. |
The 19th seat. The hypothalamus neuron activity to be involved in eating is modified by auricular electrical stimulation 白石武昌, 川島球子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 91-92, 1991. |
The 20th seat. About the afferent input from the stomach to a rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus 上田陽一, 山下博 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 93-94, 1991. |
The 21st seat. Selective amino acid palatability expression and lateral hypothalamic area neuron activity 田淵英一*, 鳥居邦夫*, 近藤高史*, 小野武年** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 95-96, 1991. |
The 22nd seat. Responsiveness to eating behavior of the rat amygdaloid body neuron 西条寿夫*, 上野照子*, 小野武年*, 鳥居邦夫** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 97-99, 1991. |
The 24th seat. Effect to give to food consumption of NPY on VMN destruction rat 田中康夫, 江川正人, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 100-101, 1991. |
The 25th seat. Verapamil attenuates eating inhibitory effect by IL - β 大原緑, 下村洋三助, 田中義人, 加島耕二, 根岸真由美, 上原豊, 佐蒔則之, 清水弘行, 森昌朋, 小林功, 石井秀和 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 102-103, 1991. |
The 26th seat. Participation of the nervous histamine in the rat chewing function 藤瀬多佳子*, 吉松博信**, 大原明彦**, 坂田利家*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 104-105, 1991. |
The 27th seat. Role of the nervous histamine in the delayed eating depressant action of 2-Deoxy-D-glucose 玉利裕一*, 吉松博信*, 大原明彦*, 黒川衛*, 坂田利家** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 106-107, 1991. |
The 28th seat. Eating inhibition by the rat restraint stress and hypothalamic serotonin change 清水宣明*, 中根秀之*, 堀哲郎*, 大村裕** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 108-110, 1991. |
The 29th seat. Specific central and peripheral eating inhibitory effect of the cholecystokinin (CCK 8) derivative 永井克也*, 高木晶子*, 高木俊治*, L. チボー*, 橋田明子*, 中川八郎*, 矢内原昇** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 111-113, 1991. |
The 30th seat. Eating depressant action by the cholecystokinin and medulla oblongata nuclei of solitary tract neuron excitation 鈴木健治, 清水宣明, 段樹民, 堀哲郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 114-115, 1991. |
The 31st seat. Rat lysin choice intake behavior and blood lysin concentrations change 上野照子*, 小野武年*, 田村了以*, 田淵英一**, 鳥居邦夫** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 116-117, 1991. |
The 32nd seat. Interleukin-1β and feeding behavior - periphery administration - 根岸真由美, 下村洋之助, 清水弘行, 佐藤則之, 高橋正樹, 上原豊, 加嶋耕二, 田中義人, 森昌朋, 小林功 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 118-119, 1991. |
The 33rd seat. About mechanism of the weight loss induction by mouse colon cancer Colon26 - first report - 早田邦康*, 宮田道夫*, 川上正舒** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 120-122, 1991. |
The 34th seat. About an effect of rat subcutaneous insulin which and gives it to an increase and the neutral fat accumulation of offal fat cells 田所直子, 稲寺秀邦, 石川洋, 村野俊一, 白井厚治, 斎藤康, 吉田尚 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 123-124, 1991. |
Reduction of insulin-sensitive glucose transporter in white adipose tissue of hypothalamic obese mice Ubiratan F. Machado, Yasutake Shimizu, Masayuki Saito Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 127-129, 1991. |
The 39th seat. About an obese merger in familial combined hyperlipidemia 向井田英明, 高橋ゆかり, 金子能人, 横島孝雄, 関根耕作, 二宮一見, 佐々木正孝, 丸浜喜亮 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 135-136, 1991. |
The 41st seat. Effect of the drinking to give to a test result of the pycnic type 小川健一, 富沢昌弘, 守田則一, 井上幹夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 139-140, 1991. |
The 42nd seat. Senile obesity and blood pressure, serum lipid - non-diabetes, examination - in the non-high blood pressure case 鈴木達也, 大庭建三, 南順文, 春山勝, 平井真明, 中野博司, 渕上正章, 妻鳥昌平 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 141-142, 1991. |
The 43rd seat. Reexamination of the hyperlipidemia diagnosis normal value judging from an arteriosclerosis index 鬼原彰, 秋田治邦, 則武昌之 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 143-144, 1991. |
The 45th seat. Obese classification by LipoZ 下村洋之助*,**, 大原緑*,**, 富岡匡子*,**, 上原豊*,**, 佐藤則之*,**, 清水弘行*,**, 森昌朋*,**, 小林功*,**, 鈴木素子***, 斉藤俊光***, 中島克行***, 足立正一*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 147-148, 1991. |
The 46th seat. About Lipo Z level - sex differences in the pycnic type - 成清匡子*,**, 下村洋之助*,**, 田中義人*,**, 加島耕二*,**, 上原豊*,**, 佐藤則之*,**, 清水弘行*,**, 高橋正樹*,**, 森昌之*,**, 小林功*,**, 鈴木素子***, 斉藤俊光***, 中島克行***, 足立正一*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 149-150, 1991. |
The 47th seat. Characteristic of the lipodysproteinemia in the obesity hyperinsulinemia 横田千晶*, 佐藤啓*, 朝倉由加利*, 鈴木正昭*, 小松良哉*, 都島基夫*, 松山辰男*, 原納優*, 中尾保彦**, 影山有恒** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 151-153, 1991. |
The 48th seat. Specialty in the cancer of the esophagus perioperative respiratory care in patients with obesity 北川雄光, 安藤暢敏, 篠沢洋太郎, 愛甲聡, 森俊雄, 中川基人, 佐藤道夫, 今津嘉宏, 池田佳史, 田村明彦, 落合亮一*, 武田純三**, 勝川史憲**, 北島政樹 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 154-155, 1991. |
The 49th seat. One case obese super highly that pulmonary embolism became the cause of death of the sudden death 小室竜太郎*, 毛受正和*, 小谷一晃*, 毛野義明*, 中村正*, 徳永勝人*, 松沢佑次*, 藤田眞幸**, 松本圭史**, 垂井清一郎*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 156-158, 1991. |
The 52nd seat. Significance of the offal fat accumulation in the ischemic heart disease onset 中村正*, 吉田新吾*, 西田誠*, 小谷一晃*, 毛野義明*, 小畠隆司*, 金井秀行*, 藤岡滋典*, 徳永勝人*, 松沢佑次*, 垂井清一郎** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 161-162, 1991. |
The 53rd seat. A blood pressure descent and serum γ - GTP activity level on a diet by the diet instruction 井海江利子*, 山田裕一*, 中島素子** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 163-164, 1991. |
The 54th seat. Significance of the sphygmogram conduction rate in children with obesity, About serum lipid, association with the hemodynamics 渡辺弘司*, 荒光義美*, 田中丈夫*, 上田晴雄*, 豊岳正彦*, 保木昌徳**, 山東勤弥*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 165-166, 1991. |
The 56th seat. Metabolism properties of the fat cell by the part 奥田拓道, 森本千恵, 辻田隆広 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 167-168, 1991. |
The 57th seat. Effect of IL-6 for the differentiation of the fat cell and the metabolism 小林宏行*, 川上正舒*,**, 小川弘子** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 169-171, 1991. |
The 59th seat. Basic examination of the rat extraction adipose tissue perfusion 清水学, 岡田源義, 丹村敏則, 岩崎雅夫, 木村浩, 武内俊彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 174-175, 1991. |
The 60th seat. Examination - from effect - β adrenergic receptor system of the training of the long-term endurance to give to the internal organs in the high fat diet obesity rat and subcutaneous white fat cell resolving power 安達仁, 大野富雄, 内藤滋人, 羽島幹子, 長谷川昭, 伴野祥一, 河津捷二, 村田和彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 176-178, 1991. |
The 61st seat. About examination of the thermogenin tissue locality for the human autopsy case, the localized possibility in eccrine sweat gland duct epithelial cells 間宮康喜*, 高井泰彦*, 鈴木実**, 広井禎之**, 吉田俊秀***, 河田照雄****, 杉本悦郎**** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 179-180, 1991. |
The 63rd seat. VMH stimulation and synergy with LY255485 to give to use of sugar in the skeletal muscle 嶋津孝, 首藤誠, 箕越靖彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 183-184, 1991. |
The 64th seat. Calorimetry of the brown fat cells in the hypothalamic obesity rat 田中越郎*, 山川明彦*, 中野昭一*, 白石武昌**, 山村雅一*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 185-186, 1991. |
The 67th seat. Examination - by obesity and vital prognosis - proportional-hazards model of the elderly 春山勝, 安室尚樹, 笹井恵子, 平井真明, 中野博司, 渕上正章, 大庭建三, 妻鳥昌平, 板垣晃之*, 早川道夫**, 大友英一* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 189-190, 1991. |
The 68th seat. Associated - with the degree of corpulence that we calculated from - height, the weight about obese frequency not to have an arteriosclerosis risk factor 篠宮正樹*, 白井厚治*, 齋藤康*, 吉田尚*, 高橋金雄**, 沢井明美**, 山田教和** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 191-192, 1991. |
The 69th seat. About the relations of the weight and the cause of death five years before the death in the medical examination 鈴木九五, 本岡健一, 井上幹夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 193-194, 1991. |
The 70th seat. Epidemiological examination about obesity and blood pressure and the glucose tolerance 栗原修一, 河津捷二, 伴野祥一, 清水美津夫, 加藤典弘, 石井主税, 村田和彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 195-196, 1991. |
The 72nd seat. A social factor and relations with the obesity judging from Kawasaki-shi inhabitants examination 吉永陽子*, 山村行夫*, 斎藤宣彦**, 染谷一彦**, 立浪忍***, 矢後長純***, 渡辺嘉彦**** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 197-199, 1991. |
The 73rd seat. Epidemiologic study about the significance of hypertensive onset and serum γ - GTP activity rise due to the obesity 山田裕一, 井海江利子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 200-201, 1991. |
The 79th seat. Reexamination of the hyperinsulinemia in the young pycnic type 河原玲子, 雨宮禎子, 吉野正代, 戸谷理英子, 柴田尚美, 宮前至博, 笹本和男, 大森安恵 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 208-209, 1991. |
The 81st seat. Analysis of the hyperinsulinemia in the simple pycnic type 谷口中*, 石原淳子*, 永田格*, 中井義勝**, 福島光夫**, 川村ひとみ**, 井村裕夫**, 徳山薫平*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 212-214, 1991. |
The 82nd seat. Examination about the metabolism change after a little epinephrine load in the pycnic type with the impaired glucose tolerance 織田美雪, 井口利樹, 大島康男, 竹内昭一, 今村賢司, 池田嘉明, 磯貝庄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 215-217, 1991. |
The 83rd seat. About gout, the hyperuricaemia by the alcohol endurance test, an oxypudding metabolism change of the original uricacidemia and clinical application 岩谷征子*, 岡崎慶江*, 柏崎禎夫*, 仁科甫啓**, 西岡久寿樹*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 218-220, 1991. |
The 85th seat. Blood change of islet cell amyloid protein (IAPP/Amylin) in the pycnic type 慈幸弘樹*, 中野好夫*, 三家登喜夫**, 英肇**, 澳親人**, 南條輝志男** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 221-223, 1991. |
The 86th seat. Examination about the expression of the insulin resistance in the glucose tolerance border type case without the overweight 後藤尚, 小沼富男, 武部和夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 224-225, 1991. |
The 87th seat. Examination of a very small amount of albuminuria and degree of corpulence in the clinical survey testee 稲村恒明*, 川野功雄*, 岡本寿美*, 藤田穣*, 西村晴美*, 田中彰彦*, 調進一郎*, 三輪隆*, 大野敦*, 佐藤潤一*, 金沢真雄*, 植木彬夫*, 能登谷洋子*, 伊藤久雄*, 添田仁** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 226-227, 1991. |
The 88th seat. Effect - of change - fast of blood amino acid and free fatty acids in the pycnic type and the sugar reuptake 高橋正樹, 下村洋之助, 大島喜八, 森昌朋, 小林功*, D. S. Gray**, G. A. Bray**, J. T. Nicoloff** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 228-229, 1991. |
The 89th seat. Association between obesity and blood sugar control, pancreas endocrine function and blood ketone body in the NIDDM 鈴木将夫, 根岸清彦, 高橋慶一, 板橋明, 片山茂裕, 石井淳 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 230-232, 1991. |
The 90th seat. Relations of the abdominal fat and insulin sensitivity in patients with obese women diabetes 久保敬二, 高科成良 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 233-234, 1991. |
The 91st seat. Effect - of HDL - cholesterol - obesity and diabetes in the positive lipemia 鹿住敏*, 堀田一彦*, 前田哲男*, 石田芳彦*, 吉田宗儀*, 芳野原** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 235-237, 1991. |
The 92nd seat. Relations with a quantity of the percent of body fat in patients with diabetes and various clinical data particularly hyperlipidemia 大野敦, 藤田穰, 田中彰彦, 調進一郎, 金澤昭, 植木彬夫, 能登谷洋子, 伊藤久雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 238-240, 1991. |
The 93rd seat. Management of the obese glucose tolerance geek judging from aging observation results of GTT 伊藤千賀子, 小川潤一郎, 高山定松 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 241-242, 1991. |
The 94th seat. Metabolic obese - by the abnormality of new classification - overeating-related obesity and heat production mechanism of the human simple obesity 吉田俊秀, 坂根直樹, 梅川常和, 近藤元治 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 243-245, 1991. |
The 96th seat. Relations with a change of Body Mass Index and the change of serum lipid, blood pressure and Life Style 半田耕一*, 井上忠雄*, 森丘*, 佐々木淳*, 荒川規矩男*, 田中宏暁**, 進藤宗洋** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 250-251, 1991. |
The 98th seat. Continuous study on BMI of medical student six years 革嶋恒徳, 井上恭一, 橋本美智子*, 徳永力雄** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 254-255, 1991. |
The 99th seat. Sex differences, part difference - of degree of corpulence - skinfold thickness in the age-related severeness mentally retarded 小野晃 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 256-258, 1991. |
The 100th seat. Estimate of the subcutaneous fat gross weight and the quantity of internal deep part fat 田中茂穂*, 戸部秀之*, 甲田道子** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 259-260, 1991. |
The 101st seat. - for study - adults of the nomogram for the degree of corpulence (the weight degree) 加藤昌太良 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 261-262, 1991. |
The 102nd seat. Effect of the aging in the offal fat accumulation 小谷一晃, 徳永勝人, 藤岡滋典, 小畠隆司, 毛野義明, 吉田新吾, 西田誠, 下村伊一郎, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 263-265, 1991. |
The 104th seat. Association between lifestyle diseases risk and skinfold thickness in the mountain village area 西川浩昭, 田沼博, 中谷弥栄子, 城川美佳, 高柳満喜子, 豊川裕之 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 269-270, 1991. |
The 105th seat. The change pattern of the abdominal wall fat index (AFI) in an adiposity episode of care and the clinical significance 田所直子, 渡辺聡枝, 小林淳二, 篠宮正樹, 村野俊一, 白井厚治, 斉藤康, 吉田尚 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 271-272, 1991. |
The 107th seat. Distribution of the Japanese skinfold thickness level with the supersonic wave skinfold thickness meter 豊川裕之*, 高柳満喜子*, 城川美佳*, 西川浩昭*, 矢ヶ崎信子**, 佐伯圭一郎*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 276-278, 1991. |
The 108th seat. Evaluation of the body fat by the impedance of living body 阪本要一*, 佐藤富男*, 愛敬光代*, 大野誠**, 池田義雄** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 279-280, 1991. |
The 110th seat. The measurement of the patients with obesity fat mass by the heavy water dilution method 宮沢幸正*, 川村功*, 山崎一馬**, 朱そう杰**, 児玉多曜**, 磯野可一** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 283-284, 1991. |
The 111th seat. Analysis of the degree of corpulence by the double X-rays law 卯木智*, 小林正*, 前川聡*, 今村武史*, 繁田幸男*, 游逸明**, 山本逸男**, 森田陸司** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 285-286, 1991. |
The 115th seat. Effect to give to menstruation of the offal fat and sex hormone 池田智明, 田中茂樹, 野田俊一, 中山郁男, 池ノ上克, 森憲正 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 294-295, 1991. |
The 116th seat. About relations with degree of corpulence in the polycystic ovary syndrome and blood androgen concentrations and SHBG 岡田さおり, 高橋健太郎, 吉野和男, 江田芳美, 北尾学 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 296-297, 1991. |
The 117th seat. About relations of fat distribution and the fatty liver of the obese child examination - of the parameter of - body fat distribution 遠藤洋臣, 植益不二男, 野末富男, 佐孝晶子, 山本勇, 高木康雄, 小林昭夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 298-299, 1991. |
The 118th seat. The examination that assumed an effect, degree of corpulence of the low caloric diet instruction in the outpatient department in the obese child and serum lipid an index 河野斉, 大澤洋子, 本田悳 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 300-301, 1991. |
The 119th seat. About the long term prognosis of the obese child who received foreign instruction 馬場絹恵*, 後藤和久子*, 鈴木秋子*, 小西すず*, 楠智一*, 衣笠昭彦** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 302-304, 1991. |
The 121st seat. Obesity in the diabetes in children and the evaluation method 泉寛治, 久野昭太郎, 奥野巍一, 星充, 一色玄, 河盛隆造, 佐々木陽 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 305-307, 1991. |
The 122nd seat. Examination of the sleep apnoea syndrome in simple obesity children 原光彦, 唐沢賢祐, 能登信孝, 岡田知雄, 原田研介, 大国真彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 308-309, 1991. |
The 123rd seat. Effect of the intake protein mass on desirable weight loss speed that N receipt and disbursement maintenance dosage in childhood obesity treatment was used as an indication of 小松啓子*, 白石美恵*, 小松龍史**, 山岸稔*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 310-311, 1991. |
The 124th seat. Consideration of the ambulant treatment of the childhood obesity 増田英成, 盆野元紀, 藤沢隆夫, 内田幸憲, 神谷齊 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 312-313, 1991. |
The 125th seat. Comparison - with the normal according to skinfold thickness - age according to the height in the childhood 大関武彦, 花木啓一, 本角弘子, 太田原宏子, 白木和夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 314-315, 1991. |
The 127th seat. Treatment long-term sighting in patients with prolonged depression that presented obesity 寺田憲司 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 318-320, 1991. |
The 128th seat. About an effect of the community health instruction for adiposity treatment 柏木厚典*, 田中逸*, 朝比奈崇介*, 阿部奈々美*, 池淵元祥*, 高木敬文*, 繁田幸男*, 辻元宏**, 山下義則**, 山田敏子**, 山中千佳也** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 321-323, 1991. |
The 129th seat. About a depressed mental state to bring about after the obesity surgery 北林香織*, 吾妻ゆかり*, 福留和美*, 児玉和宏*, 佐藤甫夫*, 朱そう杰**, 児玉多曜** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 324-325, 1991. |
The 131st seat. Factor to affect the weight loss effect in the behavior therapy-like nutrition education process for the pycnic type 小松龍史, 藤吉淳子, 黒木絹子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 329-331, 1991. |
The 135th seat. Hereditary microphthalmos rat as the obesity model that the weight does not increase to 永井信夫, 永井克也, 中川八郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 337-338, 1991. |
The 137th seat. About onset of hyperinsulinemia mechanism of the hypothalamic transection rat 佐藤稔, 大島喜八, 岡田秀一, 小内亨, 馬原充彦, 小林功, 森昌朋 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 342-343, 1991. |
The 138th seat. About male and female differences and obese animal in the disorder of lipid metabolism 大島喜八, 馬原充彦, 岡田秀一, 小内亨, 佐藤稔, 森昌明, 小林功 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 344-345, 1991. |
The 140th seat. Examination about the Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) synthesis process in the Yellow mouse 田中義人*, 清水弘行*, 下村洋之助*, 森昌朋*, 田中滋康** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 348-349, 1991. |
The 142nd seat. Effect (examination in the VMH destruction rat) that ovariectomy gives to offal fat accumulation and carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism 毛野義明, 徳永勝人, 藤岡滋典, 金井秀行, 小畠隆司, 小谷一晃, 吉田新吾, 西田誠, 下村伊一郎, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 352-353, 1991. |
The 143rd seat. Hypothalamic histamine malfunction of Zucker Rat (fa/fa) 姜正広*, 待鳥浩信*, 吉松博信*, 坂田利家** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 354-355, 1991. |
The 145th seat. Effect to give to insulin secretion ability by the long-term breeding of the VMH destruction GK male rat and mesentery fat weight 吉田新吾*, 徳永勝人*, 中村正*, 小畠隆司*, 毛野義明*, 小谷一晃*, 西田誠*, 下村伊一郎*, 松沢佑次*, 小高裕之**, 松尾隆夫** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 359-360, 1991. |
The 146th seat. Study on diabetic nephropathy of the VMH destruction GK rat 西田誠*, 徳永勝人*, 毛野義明*, 宮川潤一郎*, 中村正*, 小畠隆司*, 小谷一晃*, 吉田新吾*, 下村伊一郎*, 松沢佑次*, 小高裕之**, 松尾隆夫** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 361-362, 1991. |
The 147th seat. The rat ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus causes hypocalcemia through stomach vagus nerve - gastric-acid secretion facilitatory system at restraint stress 粟生修司, 馬静怡, 西村博行, 堀哲郎, 大村裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 363-364, 1991. |
The 148th seat. glucagon-like immunoreactivity (GLI) high level in the intestinal tract of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus destruction rat 内藤実, 井上修二, 佐藤忍, 古河哲哉, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 365-366, 1991. |
The 149th seat. Portal vein blood change - in examination - nothing anesthesia, the unconstraint of the insulin secretion in the obese rat 鈴木裕代, 井上修二, 宍戸敏浩, 田中俊一, 斉藤紀文, 江川正人, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 367-369, 1991. |
The 150th seat. Obesity and β 3 receptor agonist 吉田俊秀 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 370-372, 1991. |
The 151st seat. Reflectivity adjustment of metabolism by the intestinal tract glucose receptor stimulation and the digestion 新島旭 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 373-374, 1991. |
The 155th seat. Effect for the streptozotocin diabetes rat of the antiobesity material alpha amylase inhibitor 浅野次義*, 高橋日出彦**, 本塩彰***, 白井光治****, 佐々木智啓**** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 382-383, 1991. |
The 157th seat. Mainly on effect on endomorph fatty liver - histologic examination of a diet, the kinesitherapy - 飯島敏彦, 金子和弘, 前廣康平, 南部勝司 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 384-386, 1991. |
The 159th seat. Mechanism of the drug-related liver damage reinforcement in the high fat diet-related obese rat fatty liver 宍戸敏浩*, 田中克明**, 遠藤修**, 井上修二**, 高邑裕太郎** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 389-390, 1991. |
The 160th seat. About the cell growth of the abdominal organ by the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus destruction and the origin 木場崇剛, 田中克明, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 391-393, 1991. |
The 162nd seat. Examination of the hereditary obese rat TNF alpha-producing ability 山川正*, 田中俊一*, 石原学*, 早稲田愛生*, 井上修二*, 高邑裕太郎*, 中島茂**, 磯田扶美子*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 12: 396-397, 1991. |