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Proceedings of Congress of JASSO
Volume 13, Issue / 1992
English Article Japanese Article
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Send it to the publication of "the thirteenth Japan Society For the Study of Obesity record" 繁田幸男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 1992. |
Adiposity as the risk factor of diabetes 繁田幸男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 1-2, 1992. |
Central eating adjustment by the cytokine 清水弘行, 上原豊, 下村洋之助 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 10-11, 1992. |
About eating regulatory mechanism by the brain bowels peptide particularly neuropeptide Y as the eating facilitatory system and cholecystokinin as the inhibitory system 乾明夫, 春日雅人 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 15-18, 1992. |
The feeding behavior of the lysin inadequate diet rat and role of the serum activin inhibin 花井一光*, 鳥居邦夫**, 森將人**, 大沢一貴***, 村田卓也*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 19-20, 1992. |
Role of the vagus nerve liver branch afferent information to the eating adjustment with protein - amino acid 新島旭 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 21-22, 1992. |
Central serotonin agonist 丸山博, 片岡邦三 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 25-26, 1992. |
Beta-3 adrenergic receptor agonist 吉田俊秀 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 27-29, 1992. |
α-glucosidase inhibitor - AO-128 徳永勝人 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 30-32, 1992. |
α-glucosidase inhibitor - acarbose 景山茂 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 33-34, 1992. |
Diagnosis of the adiposity in diagnosis - childhood of the infantile obesity and significance - 篠宮正樹*, 横手幸太郎*, 神崎哲人*, 齋藤康*, 吉田尚*, 高橋金雄**, 井上直樹**, 梅園忠***, 和頴美和子***, 山田教和*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 40-41, 1992. |
Examination - about the obese index that is useful to predict the complications of complications - obese child of the infantile obesity 林辺英正, 朝山光太郎, 内田則彦, 土橋一重, 中根貴弥, 中澤眞平 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 42-44, 1992. |
Diet cure (led by a hospitalization case) - of treatment - infantile obesity of the infantile obesity 山崎公恵, 村田光範 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 45-46, 1992. |
Treatment (kinesitherapy) - of treatment - obese child of the infantile obesity 千葉宏一*, 山岸稔*, 小松龍史**, 小松啓子*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 47-49, 1992. |
Long term prognosis of the infantile obesity 市川澄子*, 衣笠昭彦*, 馬場絹恵**, 楠智一** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 50-52, 1992. |
Sugar transport in the obesity state 清野裕*, 山本泰三*, 増田一裕*, 池田衡** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 53-54, 1992. |
Insulin acceptor and obesity - insulin resistance and insulin acceptor - 小林正*, 高田康光*, 前川聡** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 55-57, 1992. |
Molecular biologic examination of the steatogenesis-related enzyme 下村伊一郎, 徳永勝人, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 58-60, 1992. |
Metabolic disorders - glucose metabolism and glucose transporter - of the brown fat in the hypothalamic obesity 斉藤昌之, 志水泰武, 二上英樹, 塚崎勝己 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 61-63, 1992. |
Diagnosis of the adiposity judging from degree of corpulence 井上修二, 田中克明 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 67-69, 1992. |
Diagnosis of the adiposity judging from the fat mass (rate) measurement 大野誠, 堂満憲一, 池田義雄, 縣俊彦* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 70-73, 1992. |
Morbid obesity judging from a body fat distribution of the upper body obesity 徳永勝人, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 77-78, 1992. |
The second seat. About effect of the adiposity in obesity, a body fat distribution and the liver on insulin clearance examination - in the - glucose tolerance border type case 後藤尚, 藤田典子, 小沼富男, 武部和夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 82-84, 1992. |
The third seat. Abnormality of secretion of glucagon at the oral glucose load in patients with hyperinsulinemia obesity and the correction 勇聡, 岸川秀樹, 江崎武, 木佐貫浩一, 上原昌哉, 城谷哲也, 榊田典治, 小堀祥三, 竹田晴生, 七里元亮 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 85-87, 1992. |
The fourth seat. Reactivity to intravenous glucagon of catecholamine in the pycnic type 西大條靖子*, 小松良哉*, 鈴木正昭*, 都島基夫*, 松山辰男*, 原納優*, 川村実** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 88-90, 1992. |
The fifth seat. Effect to give to the insulin acceptor of the high insulin concentrations and high glucose density state 居出理恵*, 前川聡*, 卯木智*, 柏木厚典*, 繁田幸男*, 高田康光**, 小林正** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 91-92, 1992. |
The sixth seat. Obese effect to give to insulin sensitivity, use of sugar 平山純二*, 慈幸弘樹*, 五百崎美帆子*, 川口篤則*, 塩谷智美*, 中野好夫**, 三家登喜夫**, 南條輝志男** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 93-94, 1992. |
The seventh seat. Examination of the energy metabolism of the obese patients using Indirect Calorimetry 佐藤啓, 池田佳代子, 池渕元祥, 横田千晶, 広瀬順弥, 影山有恒, 鈴木正昭, 小松良哉, 都島基夫, 松山辰男, 原納優 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 95-97, 1992. |
The eighth seat. Allied - obesity with insulin resistance and the body fat distribution in the glucose tolerance border type men case, examination - in the non-obesity case 後藤尚, 藤田典子, 小沼富男, 武部和夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 98-99, 1992. |
The ninth seat. Clinical picture of Insulin resistance syndrome 横田千晶*, 佐藤啓*, 池渕元祥*, 池田佳代子*, 鈴木正昭*, 都島基夫*, 松山辰男*, 原納優*, 土師一夫** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 100-102, 1992. |
The thirteenth seat. About an association between change over time - of the clinical picture in the infantile obesity particularly insulin and blood pressure - 小谷一晃, 徳永勝人, AHM Waliul Islam, 中村正, 毛野義明, 小畠隆司, 新井武志, 吉田新吾, 西田誠, 下村伊一郎, 山下靜也, 竹村芳, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 108-109, 1992. |
The 15th seat. Diet cure and DAO activity - in clinical patients of blood diamine oxidase activity measurement by the heparin load with usefulness - diabetes and the pycnic type 小島秀人, 日高秀樹, 篠崎一哉, 松村一弘, 小中一典, 尾本由美子, 青木孝彦, 繁田幸男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 113-114, 1992. |
The 17th seat. The actual situation of the going to hospital situation in young obese insulin-independent type diabetes 河原玲子, 雨宮禎子, 吉野正代, 戸谷理英子, 宮前至博, 笹本和男, 大森安恵 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 117-118, 1992. |
The 22nd seat. Electrophysiological study on glucose in rat area postrema-responsive neuron 船橋誠, 足立明 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 127-129, 1992. |
The 23rd seat. An intraoral sense at the eating and intracerebral histamine 藤瀬多佳子*, 吉松博信**, 大原明彦**, 姜正広**, 坂田利家** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 130-131, 1992. |
The 24th seat. Participation of the hypothalamic nerve histamine in the eating depressant action of Aminoglucose 姜正広, 吉松博信, 黒川衛, 玉利裕一, 坂田利家 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 132-133, 1992. |
The 25th seat. Examination in the (2) experimental obese animals where the hypothalamus neuron activity to be involved in eating is modified by auricular electrical stimulation 白石武昌, 川島球子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 134-136, 1992. |
The 26th seat. About the treatments of a study on effect on adiposity of the tension electricity stimulation, the ear needle method and the body needle method 倉林譲, 喜多嶋修也*, 栗本清伸*, 江口晃二**, 志村まゆら***, 松井浩明****, 中務晶弘***** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 137-140, 1992. |
The 27th seat. Examination for the participation of the central nervous system in the appetite decreased of the cachexia-induced tumor model 早田邦康, 宮田道夫, 川上正舒* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 141-142, 1992. |
The 28th seat. Sense information about the food recognition and rat amygdaloid body neuron reply 上野照子*, 西条寿夫*, 福田正治*, 小野武年*, 鳥居邦夫** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 143-145, 1992. |
The 29th seat. A neuron activity and reward acquisition behavior of the monkey septal nucleus 喜多敏明*, 嶋田豊*, 西条寿夫**, 小野武年** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 146-148, 1992. |
The 31st seat. Effect to give to offal fat of high sucrose food and the sex hormone 奈良誠人, 高橋正樹*, 戸井田晋, 深津章*, 佐藤則之*, 清水弘行*, 下村洋之助*, 森昌朋*, 小林功 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 149-150, 1992. |
The 33rd seat. Administration of growth hormone effect on MSG obese mice 山本徹, 松尾敏, 市川澄子, 上嶋泰生, 井上文夫, 衣笠昭彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 154-156, 1992. |
The 34th seat. Presence style of the hormone sensitivity lipase with the fat cell 辻田隆広, 呉耕〓, 富井那年, 二宮裕幸, 奥田拓道 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 157-159, 1992. |
The 35th seat. Effect of the phosphatide giving it to hormone sensitivity lipase activity 奥田拓道, 森本千恵, 辻田隆広 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 160-161, 1992. |
The 36th seat. Examination of TNF α product performance of the hereditary obese mice 山川正, 田中俊一, 石原学, 杉山厚, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎, 木内吉寛*, 磯田扶美子** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 162-163, 1992. |
The 38th seat. From results of - Kawasaki-shi inhabitants medical examination of BMI in the hypertensive and the social factor of relationships - 吉永陽子, 山村行夫, 斎藤宣彦*, 染谷一彦*, 立浪忍**, 矢後長純**, 渡辺嘉彦*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 166-168, 1992. |
The 39th seat. Association between degree of corpulence and blood pressure, biochemical examination of blood 吉川博, 井上怜子, 西内千代子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 169-171, 1992. |
The 40th seat. Relations of obesity and the high blood pressure in the non-drinking middle-age men and women whom we looked after according to the pitch of the serum γ - GTP level 井海江利子, 登坂由香, 山田裕一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 172-173, 1992. |
The 41st seat. Relations - of a figure and the weight, the fat mass by the comparison - silhouetter method in residents and the day care person belonging to the same mentally handicapped people rehabilitation facilities 小野晃 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 174-176, 1992. |
The 42nd seat. Relations of obesity and the clinical test value 西川浩昭, 城川美佳, 中谷弥栄子, 鈴木賢二, 高柳満喜子, 豊川裕之 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 177-179, 1992. |
The 43rd seat. Change of the body fat distribution to be able to put four years after the initial investigation of the 40 years old woman 雨宮禎子, 河原玲子, 吉野正代, 戸谷理英子, 大森安恵 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 180-181, 1992. |
The 44th seat. Examination (the second report) of a very small amount of albuminuria and degree of corpulence in the clinical survey testee 稲村恒明*, 白井友乃*, 藤田穣*, 藤邑雅子*, 佐藤知也*, 三輪隆*, 佐藤潤一*, 金沢昭*, 金沢真雄*, 植木彬夫*, 能登谷洋子*, 伊藤久雄*, 添田仁** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 182-183, 1992. |
The 46th seat. About usefulness of the exercise of pycnic type instruction to give to glucose tolerance, improvement of the motor ability 田中逸*, 柏木厚典*, 朝比奈崇介*, 高木敬文*, 繁田幸男*, 山下義則**, 山中千佳也**, 藤江さゆり**, 城下晶子**, 辻元宏** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 186-188, 1992. |
The 48th seat. Effect on effect - pancreas insulin secretion and hepatic insulin extraction - of the kinesitherapy of the simple pycnic type 浅野喬, 二田哲博, 漢幸太郎, 二宮寛, 山本登士, 奥村恂 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 192-194, 1992. |
The 49th seat. Examination of the effect of sugar disorder of lipid metabolism and the kinesitherapy of the young pycnic type 勝川史憲, 辻秀一, 大西祥平, 山崎元, 西野素子*, 和井内英樹* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 195-197, 1992. |
The 50th seat. Exercise and offal fat in the high sucrose food 深津章*, 高橋正樹*, 田中義人*, 佐藤則之*, 清水弘行*, 下村洋之助*, 森昌朋*, 戸井田晋**, 奈良誠人**, 小林功** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 198-199, 1992. |
The 51st seat. About the eating disorders questionnaire (EDI) questionary survey in the adiposity patients 中井義勝, 伊藤好美, 任和子, 猿田裕子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 200-201, 1992. |
The 53rd seat. Examination about the eating habits to give it to obesity and life activities 村上文代, 入江三枝子, 前田亮, 小川潤一郎, 伊藤千賀子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 204-205, 1992. |
The 54th seat. Psychological trend on a diet by the super low caloric diet in the adiposity patients 衛藤宏, 明比祐子, 伊藤祐信, 桑原寛, 後藤浩*, 秋山栄一** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 206-207, 1992. |
The 55th seat. Timing - of the introduction to raise therapy with VLCD and behavior modification therapy - effect of treatment 大野誠, 小林桂子, 加藤秀一, 片山隆司, 森豊, 横山淳一, 阪本要一, 池田義雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 208-210, 1992. |
The 56th seat. Analysis of degree of corpulence and the consultation motive of our hospital obesity outpatient department testee 和田玲子, 上村伯人* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 211-213, 1992. |
The 58th seat. Usefulness of the body composition evaluation in the infantile obesity 小國龍也*, 福永泰広*, 高谷龍三**, 徳田正邦**, 美濃真**, 田中春樹***, 名嘉山敦子****, 小西和孝**** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 214-216, 1992. |
The 59th seat. Association between skinfold thickness and serum lipid level of the primary schoolchild 高柳満喜子*, 西川浩昭*, 城川美佳*, 中谷弥栄子*, 豊川裕之*, 佐伯圭一郎**, 宇佐見隆廣*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 217-219, 1992. |
The 60th seat. About the actual situation of the childhood obesity in Matsuyama-shi and the prophylaxis system 伊藤卓夫*, 池内優仁*, 後藤義則*, 貴田嘉一*, 松田博*, 正月千歳**, 石井荘子***, 坂本元子*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 220-221, 1992. |
The 61st seat. Examination - in obesity in children and evaluation method - diabetes in children camping participant 佐々木陽, 泉寛治, 久野昭太郎, 奥野巍一, 星充, 一色玄, 河盛隆造 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 222-224, 1992. |
The 62nd seat. Attempt - of the obese child management guidepost making for examination - school nurse about the local difference of the primary schoolchild obese child management 渡辺弘司*1, 荒光義美*1, 保木昌徳*1, 林寺忠*2, 小川誠*3, 池田政憲*4, 岡畠宏易*5, 井上真*6, 楫野恭久*7, 吉田昭*8, 伊藤道夫*8 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 225-226, 1992. |
The 65th seat. Examination of the suitable protein level in childhood obesity treatment by the low energy diet 小松啓子, 小松龍史, 山岸稔 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 230-231, 1992. |
The 66th seat. Nutrition education for obese infants and one - of the effect - Prader we resyndrome 林辰美, 佐々木淳 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 232-233, 1992. |
The 67th seat. Examination about various complications of the obese child in Tokyo, the Setagaya-ku elementary and junior high school 岸恵, 大木由加志, 折茂裕美, 朝倉由美, 入江学, 山本正生 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 234-235, 1992. |
The 68th seat. - close about hypercholesterolemia in the infantile obesity as a result of obese child examination in - Takatsuki-shi for 10 years 福永泰広*, 小國龍也*, 福永泰広**, 難波直樹**, 徳田正邦**, 美濃真**, 難波直樹***, 田中春樹***, 小西和孝**** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 236-238, 1992. |
The 69th seat. About the serum lipid of children with obesity 増田英成, 熱田純, 藤沢隆夫, 神谷齊 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 239-241, 1992. |
The 70th seat. follow up study of the heavy-for-dates (HFD) children born from the diabetes mother 哲翁たまき, 佐中真由実, 嶺井里美, 鈴木奈津子, 森田祐子, 清水明実, 兼松幸子, 大森安恵 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 242-243, 1992. |
The 72nd seat. Usefulness of the body fat calculator by the living body impedance method 阪本要一*, 西澤美幸*, 佐藤富男*, 阪本要一**, 大野誠**, 池田義雄** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 244-246, 1992. |
The 75th seat. Precision of the fat mass that we measured by the DEXA method and clinical significance 新井武志, 徳永勝人, 篠原悦子, AHM Waliul Islam, 山根光量, 小谷一晃, 小畠隆司, 毛野義明, 藤岡滋典, 山下静也, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 253-255, 1992. |
The 76th seat. Examination by the DEXA method of the fat distribution in the female NIDDM 小田辺修一, 山田研太郎, 小山研一, 於保美千代, 稲田千鶴子, 林秀樹, 野中共平 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 256-258, 1992. |
The 78th seat. Quantitative rating system - of obese evaluation - offal fat by the sonography 富沢昌弘, 蔵本裕一, 富沢青子, 小川健一, 東義孝*, 井上幹夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 262-263, 1992. |
The 79th seat. Association of the quantity of internal deep part fat between mismatched degree and ratio between percent of body fat and the BMI 田中茂穂, 戸部秀之, 甲田道子* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 264-265, 1992. |
The 84th seat. In the establishment of influence - diet pattern between the patients in the obese treatment - 寺田憲司, 堤春子*, 横大路亜紀* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 277-279, 1992. |
The 85th seat. Results of the diet advice about the weight control of the housewife 後藤和久子, 梅崎絹恵, 鈴木秋子, 小西すず, 楠智一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 280-282, 1992. |
The 86th seat. Effect of the protein source giving it to heat production (DIT) after the diet 小松龍史*, 松尾まゆみ*, 小松啓子**, 山岸稔*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 283-284, 1992. |
The 87th seat. Examination (the second report) of the body fat decrement measurement with the VLCD therapy using the DEXA method 宮崎滋, 井川茅野, 長谷和正, 川村光信, 安藤矩子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 285-286, 1992. |
The 89th seat. About three indexes of the effect measurement in the weight loss treatment of the extensive pycnic type 高原典子, 小島秀人, 卯木智, 青木孝彦, 前川聡, 日高秀樹, 柏木厚典, 繁田幸男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 289-291, 1992. |
The 90th seat. About the usefulness that we saw than a long-term effect of the super low caloric diet therapy in patients with obesity NIDDM 岡嶋泰一郎, 安部マサ子, 橋本邦彦, 加藤堅一, 那須百合子* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 292-293, 1992. |
The 93rd seat. A depression effect by the weight loss and effect on electrolyte balance 赤坂隆之, 川村実, 笠月瑞子, 中島淳, 小野寺正輝, 藤原拓也, 平盛勝彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 300-301, 1992. |
The 94th seat. A blood pressure descent on a diet by the diet instruction and relations with the serum γ - GTP activity level 中島素子, 井海江利子*, 登坂由香*, 山田裕一* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 302-303, 1992. |
The 95th seat. About a difference with very low calorie diet therapy - amenorrhea group and the non-amenorrhea group for the obese woman - 田中茂樹, 池田智明, 森藤登志子, 池ノ上克, 森憲正 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 304-306, 1992. |
The 96th seat. The weight loss method for the obese origin-related weight bearing joint disease and the remedial significance 土居隆志*, 吉松博信**, 坂田利家** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 307-309, 1992. |
The 97th seat. Aging and the obesity have an influence on the heat production of brown fat cells 山川明彦*, 田中越郎*, 中野昭一*, 白石武昌**, 山村雅一*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 310-311, 1992. |
The 98th seat. Effect of β inhibitor in the heat production of brown fat cells 田中越郎, 山川明彦, 中野昭一*, 白石武昌**, 山村雅一*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 312-313, 1992. |
The 99th seat. The effect that β3-adrenalin agonist gives to sugar transport in the rat periphery tissue 阿部啓之*, 箕越靖彦, 嶋津孝 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 314-316, 1992. |
The 101st seat. Antiobese effect of β 3 selective adrenoceptive agonist CL316, 243 坂根直樹, 吉田俊秀, 梅川常和, 近藤元治 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 320-321, 1992. |
The 102nd seat. Effect on brown fat heat production ability of α beta-blocker arotinolol and the nonspecific propranolol and weight 吉岡敬治*, 吉田俊秀**, 坂根直樹**, 梅川常和**, 近藤元治** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 322-323, 1992. |
The 103rd seat. Mechanism of the increase of the adiposity by the meal history of the high fat diet beyond the generation: Sympathetic active drop of a brown adipose tissue and the pancreas 金永範, 下村吉治, 鈴木正成 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 324-326, 1992. |
The 104th seat. The effect that difference in fatty acid composition in diet fat gives to sympathetic activity and adiposity 松尾達博, 佐藤厚子, 下村吉治, 鈴木正成 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 327-329, 1992. |
The 105th seat. Examination - with effect - subcutaneous fat which high sucrose food and high fat diet give to the catecholamine reactivity of the fat cell and the mesentery fat 小畠隆司, 徳永勝人, 毛野義明, 小谷一晃, 新井武志, 吉田新吾, 西田誠, 下村伊一郎, 山下静也, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 330-331, 1992. |
The 106th seat. Participation of α - in the differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells and the β-PKC (protein kinase C) 上田容生*, 谷口洋*, 春日雅人*, 石田芳彦** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 332-334, 1992. |
The 108th seat. About the difference by the part of the increase effect of proliferative capacity of rat culture preadipocyte and the bFGF 田所直子, 稲寺秀邦, 村野俊一, 斎藤康, 吉田尚 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 335-336, 1992. |
The 109th seat. Effect of the extracellular matrix to give it to the differentiation of the culture white fat cell 米満伸久*, T. Gerheld*, C. Mittermayer*, C. J. Kirkpatrick*, 米満伸久** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 337-338, 1992. |
The 110th seat. Preceding fat cell growth promoting substance to be present in mammal adipose tissue 河田照雄*, 杉本悦郎*, 青木直人** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 339-341, 1992. |
The 111th seat. The ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus destruction causes cell proliferation of the white fat early 木場崇剛, 田中克明, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 342-343, 1992. |
The 112th seat. The histological observation of the aorta lesion in the VMH destruction male GK rat and examination about the proliferative capacity of media smooth-muscle cells 吉田新吾*, 徳永勝人*, 西田誠*, 宮川潤一郎*, 山本浩司*, 中村正*, 松沢佑次*, 森崎信尋**, 斎藤康**, 小高裕之***, 池田衡*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 344-346, 1992. |
The 113th seat. Examination of the cerebral vascular lesion in the VMH destruction GK rat 西田誠*, 徳永勝人*, 宮川潤一郎*, 山本浩司*, 中村正*, 毛野義明*, 吉田新吾*, 藤村晴俊*, 花房俊昭*, 河野典夫*, 松沢佑次*, 山田和雄**, 小高裕之***, 池田衡*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 347-349, 1992. |
The 114th seat. The weight change and gastric mucosa lesion of the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) destruction rat 並木庸浩, 江川正人, 久保井実, 杉山厚, 鵜川邦夫, 斎藤聡, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 350-351, 1992. |
The 116th seat. Change - of the weight by the smoking of basic study - brain ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus destruction obesity rat giving it to obesity of the smoking, gastric-acid secretion ability and the gastric mucosa protective system 並木庸浩, 江川正人, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 354-356, 1992. |
The 117th seat. A physiological function of apoprotein A-IV composed in the small intestine: Eating inhibition after the fat absorption 藤本一眞, 平野正弘, 田中潤一, 坂田祐之, 小山孝則, 岩切龍一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 357-358, 1992. |
The 118th seat. Obesity and lipoZ 下村洋之助*, 高橋正樹*, 佐藤則之*, 清水弘行*, 森昌朋*, 斉藤俊光**, 中島克行**, 足立正一**, 岡野昭*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 359-360, 1992. |
The 122nd seat. Examination of degree of corpulence and the lipid data in patients with diabetes with high Lp (a) 小比賀一子, 大原昌樹, 福田哲也, 広畑衛, 今井正信, 石井美岐代* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 370-371, 1992. |
The 123rd seat. The study on spontaneous diabetes OLETF rat first report with the obesity: About diabetes and the obese condition of a patient 森豊*, 根本昌実*, 加藤秀一*, 横山淳一*, 大野誠*, 阪本要一*, 池田義雄*, 西村正彦** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 372-374, 1992. |
The 124th seat. Insulin by the isolation pancreas perfusion of the OLETF rat, glucagon secretion 金沢真雄, 田中彰彦, 三輪隆, 福田元, 西村晴美, 中村毅, 六本木千尋, 調進一郎, 佐藤潤一, 須田成彦, 能登谷洋子, 伊藤久雄, 米田嘉重郎* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 375-377, 1992. |
The 126th seat. Insulin secretion ability of the VMH destruction rat after the glucose continuous intravenous infusion (1W) 久保井実, 江川正人, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 380-381, 1992. |
The 127th seat. Effect of the glucocorticoid giving it to the insulin secretion of the ob/ob mouse 奥田豊子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 382-383, 1992. |
The 129th seat. Insulin secretion effect of selective β 3 receptor agonist CL316, 243 平岡範也, 吉田俊秀, 近藤元治 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 384-385, 1992. |
The 130th seat. Effect to give to islet cell of new diabetes therapeutic drug CS-045 in the Goldthioglucose obese mice 吉野博子, 荷見澄子, 森田千尋, 佐藤麻子, 苅部幸代, 大森安恵 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 386-387, 1992. |
The 131st seat. Examination of the sensor in the liver in ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) destruction rat and the STZ diabetes rat 斉藤聡, 井上修二, 田中克明, 永瀬肇, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 388-389, 1992. |
The 133rd seat. About the effect in a Wistar rat of the antiobesity material alpha amylase inhibitor and the hereditary obese rat 浅野次義*, 高橋日出彦**, 本塩彰***, 白井光治****, 佐々木智啓**** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 390-391, 1992. |
The 136th seat. Effect of the caloric limit to give to a bioavailability rate of the intake Ca in the rat 正木恭介*, 土居達也*, 弓削聖子*, 鈴木公**, 江澤郁子*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 397-399, 1992. |
The 137th seat. Paradoxical growth hormone secretion at the TRH load in the simple pycnic type 田中克明, 井上修二, 斉藤真理, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 400-400, 1992. |
The 138th seat. Obese family development and sporadicity occurrence (followup): Examination judging from plasma isolation testosterone and cortisol 二宮一見, 向井田英明, 横島孝雄, 高橋ゆかり, 丸浜喜亮 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 401-403, 1992. |
The 139th seat. Association with the sex hormone binding globulin and form, physical strength of men and sugar, lipid metabolism index 熊谷秋三*, 佐々木悠*, 庄野菜穂子**, 森山善彦*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 404-405, 1992. |
The 141st seat. About the compound effect of obesity associated with the hyperuricaemia and other factors 鈴木九五, 宗清正紀, 井上幹夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 408-410, 1992. |
The 142nd seat. Examination of the carbohydrate metabolism of patients with gout in the alcohol endurance test and the oxypudding metabolism 岩谷征子*, 岡崎慶江*, 金豊子**, 西岡久寿樹** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 411-413, 1992. |
The 145th seat. Examination of the autonomic nerve function of the pycnic type by the heartbeat change spectrum 赤松曙子*, 佐藤廣*, 高橋宣光*, 井上修二** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 13: 416-417, 1992. |