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Proceedings of Congress of JASSO

Volume 14, Issue / 1993
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Send it to the publication of "the 14th Japan Society For the Study of Obesity record"
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 1993.

Japanese Article Obesity and arteriosclerosis
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 1-2, 1993.

Japanese Article About onset of hyperinsulinemia mechanism of the hypothalamic transection obesity rat
大島喜八, 岡田秀一, 佐藤稔, 小内亨, 馬原充彦, 長嶋一昭, 森昌朋
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 5-6, 1993.

Japanese Article Fatty acid composition and effect on adiposity - sympathetic nerve activity - of the diet fat
竹内弘幸1), 無類井健夫1), 松尾達博2), 徳山薫平2), 大高真理子2), 鈴木正成2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 7-8, 1993.

Japanese Article Responsive - of the cognitive part and neuron of the lysin intake in appetite decreased mechanism - lysin lack rat at protein and essential amino acids lack
鳥居邦夫1),2), 田渕英一2), 余川隆2), 近藤高史2), 村田拓也2), 森将人2), 小野武年3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 9-14, 1993.

Japanese Article Effect of the neuroimmunology of internal full material 2-buten-4-olide (2-B4O)
大村裕1), 内木充1), 武岡裕一1), 松本逸郎2), 佐々木和男3), 山下博4), 新島旭5)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 15-18, 1993.

Japanese Article Uptake promotion effect of glucose to a skeletal muscle with mazindol
永井克也, 永井信夫, 礒島康史, 伊藤俊治, 奥村宣明, 中川八郎
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 19-21, 1993.

Japanese Article Examination by the observation of the immune electron microscopy due to the antiBrdU antibody about the alimentary system proliferating cells in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus destruction rat
斎藤真理1), 佐藤忍2), 久保井実2), 井上修二2), 市川操3), 澤田元3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 22-23, 1993.

Japanese Article Obesity as the risk of diabetes
柏木厚典, 前川聡, 日高秀樹
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 24-27, 1993.

Japanese Article Obese significance as the risk of hyperlipidemia
村野俊一, 齋藤康
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 28-29, 1993.

Japanese Article High blood pressure, obesity as the risk of the cerebrovascular disease
小沼富男, 後藤尚, 冨山誠彦, 冨山月子, 児玉達彦, 藤田典子, 武部和夫
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 30-33, 1993.

Japanese Article Obesity as the risk of the cardiovascular disease
中村正1), 徳永勝人1), 松沢佑次1), 金井秀行2), 中島忠久2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 34-36, 1993.

Japanese Article Obese prophylactic life medicine
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 37-38, 1993.

Japanese Article Obese prophylactic exercise instruction judging from an exercise effect
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 39-41, 1993.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and treatment strategy of the adiposity
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 42-43, 1993.

Japanese Article Of a diet cure and the behavior modification therapy of the adiposity, actually
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 44-47, 1993.

Japanese Article Medical therapy of the adiposity
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 48-49, 1993.

Japanese Article The second seat. Relations of body composition and the biochemistry parameter by the impedance method
久保敬二, 高科成良
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 53-54, 1993.

Japanese Article The third seat. About usefulness of the body fat measurement by Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis in the obese child outpatient department
市川澄子, 上嶋泰生, 松尾敏, 山中弘文, 木崎善郎, 山本徹, 井上文夫, 衣笠昭彦, 沢田淳
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 55-56, 1993.

Japanese Article The fourth seat. Standard (average) exponential examination of Body Mass Index (BMI) in a female junior high school student, a high school student, the university student
北川俶子, 城戸摂子, 加藤達雄
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 57-59, 1993.

Japanese Article The fifth seat. Association with the everyday life custom that we saw from internal quantity of deep part fat and the subcutaneous fat gross weight and a question paper
田中茂穂1), 戸部秀之1), 甲田道子2), 吉岡一実3), 佐竹隆4)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 60-62, 1993.

Japanese Article The seventh seat. Change (by the supersonic wave B mode method) of the age-related W/H ratio and skinfold thickness of general boys and line thickness
石田良恵1), 浦田郡平2), 鈴木志保子2), 福永哲夫3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 63-65, 1993.

Japanese Article The eighth seat. BMI, skinfold thickness, association between blood lipid, blood pressure and waist/hips ratio
甲田道子1), 武藤芳照1), 宮下充正1), 田中茂穂2), 川久保清3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 66-68, 1993.

Japanese Article The tenth seat. About an association between fat distribution and cortisol in patients with female insulin-independent type diabetes
石田弥, 吉成仁, 二宮一見, 佐々木正孝, 丸浜喜亮
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 71-72, 1993.

Japanese Article The eleventh seat. Significance of the V/S ratio in patients with NIDDM
山内晃1), 武井泉1), 高山寿美代1), 仲本信也1), 神田尚子1), 春日明1), 勝川史憲1), 和井内英樹1), 猿田享男1), 井筒睦2), 平松京一2), 片岡邦三3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 73-74, 1993.

Japanese Article The thirteenth seat. The measurement of the fat/pars umbilicalis subcutaneous fat ratio between liver - kidney using the sonography and relations with glucide and lipid metabolic disorders
三浦志朗, 板橋明, 柴崎智美, 柏原秀行, 高橋修樹, 鈴木将夫, 高橋慶一, 飯高誠, 根岸清彦, 片山茂裕, 石井淳
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 78-80, 1993.

Japanese Article The 14th seat. Attempt of the quantity of offal fat measurement by the abdominal two dimensional echography
赤松曙子1), 福田守人1), 高橋宣光1), 加藤和三1), 井上修二2), 磯山徹3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 81-83, 1993.

Japanese Article The 17th seat. Fat distribution properties judging from an arteriosclerosis factor, insulin level
立川真里, 黒川衛, 玉利裕一, 吉松博信, 坂田利家
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 90-92, 1993.

Japanese Article The 20th seat. Examination - about the clinical picture of patients with old age diabetes having poor control mainly body composition and examination - from the aspect of the lipid metabolism
笹井恵子, 網代由美子, 岡崎恭次, 松浦良樹, 濱崎せり, 廣澤利彦, 佐藤周三, 井川宗彦, 佐藤研之, 村重典昭, 鈴木達也, 平井真明, 春山勝, 中野博司, 渕上正章, 大庭建三, 妻鳥昌平
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 96-98, 1993.

Japanese Article The 21st seat. Relations with urinary C-peptide excretion and percent of body fat in patients with diabetes during medical therapy combination and the BMI
大野敦1), 旭暢照1), 藤邑雅子1), 調進一郎1), 植木彬夫1), 和田幹子2), 藤田穣3), 中村毅3), 田中彰彦3), 金澤昭3), 金澤真雄3), 能登谷洋子3), 伊藤久雄3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 99-100, 1993.

Japanese Article The 23rd seat. Examination - from arteriosclerosis - various parameters in insulin-independent type diabetes
鈴木将夫, 石丸安明, 柴崎智美, 森谷茂樹, 高橋修樹, 高橋慶一, 根岸清彦, 板橋明, 片山茂裕, 石井淳
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 101-102, 1993.

Japanese Article The 24th seat. Effect on diabetic microangiopathy that an obese change gives
佐々木明徳, 小竹英俊, 内藤孝, 佐藤義憲, 及川眞一, 豊田隆謙
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 103-104, 1993.

Japanese Article The 25th seat. Examination of the person with diabetes with the obesity history
布施純郎, 星賢二, 杉山千恵子, 水野究紀, 中島慶子, 太田明雄, 西川真人, 斉藤宣彦, 染谷一彦
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 105-106, 1993.

Japanese Article The 26th seat. Estimate of stigma and the diabetes (NIDDM) onset risk factor according to the glucose tolerance in the inhabitants examination
江口英行, 関川暁, 五十嵐仁子, 阿部隆志, 山谷恵一, 富永真琴, 佐々木英夫
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 107-109, 1993.

Japanese Article The 27th seat. Eating, interleukin-1 β and crosstalk of the hypothalamic nerve histamine which drink water, and give it to temperature
姜正広, 吉松博信, 黒川衛, 玉利裕一, 小川隆一, 立川真理, 坂田利家
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 110-111, 1993.

Japanese Article The 30th seat. Responsive change of the no anesthesia behavior lower rat nuclei of solitary tract taste neuron by the Na lack
中村清実, ラルフ・ノルグレン
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 116-118, 1993.

Japanese Article The 33rd seat. The α-MSH removes eating inhibition by CRF
大原緑1), 根岸真由美1), 清水弘行1), 佐藤則之1), 高橋正樹1), 森昌朋1), 小林功1), 下村洋之助2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 122-123, 1993.

Japanese Article The 35th seat. Aggressive behavior and submandibular gland weight of the obese mice
山下洵子1), 林伸一1), 古川昭栄2), 高田耕司3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 124-126, 1993.

Japanese Article The 37th seat. Apoprotein A-IV and eating behavior, diet, effect to water to drink, a general active mass pattern
岩切龍一1), 藤本一眞1), 坂田泰志1), 森田秀祐1), 小山孝則1), 坂田利家2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 129-130, 1993.

Japanese Article The 39th seat. Examination - from effect - circadian rhythm that long-term high fat diet gives to rat blood insulin concentrations
金永範, 岩下聡, 徳山勲平, 鈴木正成
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 131-132, 1993.

Japanese Article The 40th seat. The effect that meal history of the high carbohydrate meal beyond the generation or the high fat diet gives to adiposity efficiency
長尾恭光, 鈴木正成
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 133-134, 1993.

Japanese Article The 42nd seat. Examination of lipoprotein metabolism and the treatment in the diabetes rat breeding with hypercholesterol bait
吉田宗儀1), 澤純子1), 穂積俊樹2), 鹿住敏2), 末永謙治3), 金子滋夫4), 土井邦絋5)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 135-136, 1993.

Japanese Article The 44th seat. Participation of vitamin A as the transcription factor in the differentiation control of the fat cell and the D receptor
河田照雄1), 亀井康富1), 杉本悦郎1), 加藤茂明2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 137-139, 1993.

Japanese Article The 45th seat. Effect of the substrate giving it to activation of the hormone sensitivity lipase
奥田拓道, 森本千恵, 辻田隆広
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 140-141, 1993.

Japanese Article The 46th seat. Effect at the independent beta-3 adrenergic receptor agonist or nonselective β-blocker combination on humans and rat white fat cell resolving power
中島孝, 吉田俊秀, 近藤元治
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 142-144, 1993.

Japanese Article The 49th seat. The glucose transportation in culture brown fat cells and effect of catecholamine
志水泰武, Danuta Kielar, 升野博志*, 箕越靖彦, 嶋津孝
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 150-151, 1993.

Japanese Article The 50th seat. About a sustained Ca blocker, brown adipose tissue activating action of antiobese effect - MSG obese mice of hydrochloric acid benidipine -
梅川常和1), 吉田俊秀1), 坂根直樹1), 近藤元治1), 若林保良2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 152-154, 1993.

Japanese Article The 51st seat. Effect on brown fat cells calorific value of arotinolol in the obese model rat
田中越郎1), 山川明彦1), 中野昭一1), 白石武昌2), 山村雅一3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 155-156, 1993.

Japanese Article The 52nd seat. BRL 37344, effect of CGP 12177A, ICI 215001 on heat production of brown fat cells
山川明彦, 田中越郎, 中野昭一, 山村雅一*
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 157-158, 1993.

Japanese Article The 53rd seat. Examination - lipoZ, percent of body fat of the university student, Exercise -
中西陽子1), 後閑容子1), 佐々木かほる1), 斉藤基1), 正田美智子1), 下村洋之助1), 斉藤俊光2), 中嶋克行2), 足立正一2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 159-161, 1993.

Japanese Article The 54th seat. Examination - in association between obesity and serum lipid and trend - Kumamoto area inhabitants
佐藤佳宏, 小堀祥三, 加生雅也, 笹原誉之, 矢野敏浩, 勇聡, 岸川秀樹, 榊田典治, 竹田晴生, 七里元亮
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 162-164, 1993.

Japanese Article The 55th seat. Women after the menopause and lipoZ
二渡玉江1), 清水千代子1), 原口知子1), 瀬戸正子1), 下村洋之助1), 佐藤則之2), 清水弘行2), 高橋正樹2), 斉藤俊光3), 中嶋克行3), 足立正一3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 165-166, 1993.

Japanese Article The 56th seat. Apoprotein of the pycnic type, examination about Lp (a)
神谷文雅, 丹村敏則, 林良成, 鈴木敏行, 鈴木貞輔
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 167-169, 1993.

Japanese Article The 57th seat. About effect of apoE phenotype on lipid abnormality of the familial obesity
金子能人, 横島孝雄, 黒田継久, 向井田英明, 二宮一見, 佐々木正孝, 丸浜喜亮
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 170-171, 1993.

Japanese Article The 58th seat. Plasma triglyceride increase effect of appointment E4 in the obesity
衛藤雅昭, 斎藤美恵子, 森川秋月, 岩島保法, 関口雅友, 伊藤博史, 宮本義博, 近藤亜津子, 牧野勲
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 172-175, 1993.

Japanese Article The 59th seat. Association between increase and fat mass - of examination - cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) about the origin of the low HDL cholesteremia onset in the obesity
新井武志, 平野賢一, 山下静也, 山根光量, 篠原悦子, AHMW Islam, 小谷一晃, 木原進士, 酒井尚彦, 中村正, 野崎秀一, 竹村芳, 徳永勝人, 松沢佑次
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 176-179, 1993.

Japanese Article The 60th seat. Obese effect on Cholesteryl ester transfer and HDL conversion system
村上透*,**, G.Gianfranceschi*, G.Franceschini*, 小俣政男**
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 180-181, 1993.

Japanese Article The 61st seat. Association between weight degree, body fat distribution and periphery free fatty acids change
後藤尚, 日向豪史, 小沼富男, 武部和夫
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 182-184, 1993.

Japanese Article The 62nd seat. Comparison - before and after ketones metabolism change - weight loss at a little epinephrine load in the pycnic type
池田喜明, 井口利樹, 今村賢司, 織田美雪, 磯貝庄
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 185-187, 1993.

Japanese Article The 64th seat. Significance of the hyperproinsulinemia in the pycnic type
清水美津夫1), 河津捷二1), 伴野祥一1), 伊藤嘉人1), 石井主税1), 加藤典弘1), 大野富雄1), 村田和彦1), 渡辺康子2), 堀江均2), 畠啓視2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 191-194, 1993.

Japanese Article The 65th seat. Examination about the serum IGF-I in patients with NIDDM
横島孝雄, 澤田哲伸, 黒田継久, 向井田英明, 二宮一見, 佐々木正孝, 丸浜喜亮
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 195-197, 1993.

Japanese Article The 66th seat. One case of the extensive adiposity that occurred taking the opportunity of bilateral ovary removal, estrogen administration
清水千代子1), 二渡玉江1), 原口知子1), 瀬戸正子1), 下村洋之助1), 戸井田晋2), 小林功2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 198-199, 1993.

Japanese Article The 67th seat. Contribution degree of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) as the improvement factor of the lipid metabolism by the physical training of women and the abdominal fat
熊谷秋三1), 佐々木悠1), 菊池和夫2), 森山善彦3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 200-201, 1993.

Japanese Article The 69th seat. A living environment factor and examination about the association with the obese family history to give to obesity
入江三枝子, 村上文代, 佐々木英夫, 伊藤千賀子
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 202-204, 1993.

Japanese Article The 70th seat. The eating habits factor and examination about the association with the obese family history to give to obesity
村上文代, 入江三枝子, 佐々木英夫, 伊藤千賀子
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 205-207, 1993.

Japanese Article The 73rd seat. A weight cycling phenomenon and change of blood pressure and the serum lipid
下方浩史1), 早川式彦1), 松浦正明1), 池内実1), 葛谷文男2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 208-209, 1993.

Japanese Article The 74th seat. Relations with the cardiovascular disease risk factor to be complicated with serum γ - GTP and obesity
井海江利子, 登坂由香, 山田裕一
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 210-212, 1993.

Japanese Article The 77th seat. Coronarography views and risk factor particularly examination - in 386 - coronarography enforcement with the quantity of offal fat of relationships
毛野義明, 柴本茂樹, 作山欽治, 大木篤, 徳永勝人, 奥野巍一
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 216-217, 1993.

Japanese Article The 78th seat. About the psychological characteristic of the late childhood obese child
大森恵栄子*, 笠原尚子*, 大神和広**, 堀尾恵三**, 三瓶タミ子***, 藤沼宏彰****, 根本裕子*****
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 218-219, 1993.

Japanese Article The 79th seat. Examination about the formation factor of the infantile obesity
山崎弘貴, 唐沢賢祐, 渕上達夫, 岡田知雄, 原田研介, 大国真彦
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 220-221, 1993.

Japanese Article The 80th seat. Diabetes -1.5l - PET bottle syndrome of the young pycnic type and neighboring -
星賢二, 太田明雄, 西川真人, 石川雅, 斉藤宣彦, 染谷一彦
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 222-224, 1993.

Japanese Article The 81st seat. Comparison - of children with obesity by Eating Attitudes Test for examination - children about the eating manner in childhood and the puberty and non-obesity
大関武彦, 太田原宏子, 花木啓一, 浦島裕史, 佃宗紀, 白木和夫
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 225-226, 1993.

Japanese Article The 82nd seat. Pathologic significance of the fat-free body mass in the childhood obesity
小國龍也1), 福永泰広1), 小西和孝2), 名嘉山敦子3), 高谷竜三3), 徳田正邦3), 田中春樹3), 美濃真3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 227-228, 1993.

Japanese Article The 83rd seat. Effect of the growth on index to express cycloid type
林辺英正, 朝山光太郎, 内田則彦, 土橋一重, 中澤眞平
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 229-231, 1993.

Japanese Article The 84th seat. Evaluation of the body fat of the children who measured by the living body impedance method
阪本要一1), 池田義雄2), 渥美尚子3), 西澤美幸3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 232-235, 1993.

Japanese Article The 85th seat. Examination about relations of skinfold thickness and the serum lipid in the schoolchild
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 236-238, 1993.

Japanese Article The 86th seat. About a change of the join age of the serum lipid in the same group and obese effect
原光彦1), 岡田知雄1), 原田研介1), 大国真彦1), 天野隆三2), 渡辺守2), 刑部源太朗3), 溝辺孝三3), 保坂伝3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 239-241, 1993.

Japanese Article The 89th seat. The current situation and problems of the male obese child who they received foreign instruction, and reached the age of legal adulthood
梅崎絹恵1), 後藤和久子1), 小西すず1), 楠智一1), 衣笠昭彦2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 242-243, 1993.

Japanese Article The 90th seat. The present situation of the lifestyle diseases risk factor of the child student in Iwate
吉田新二1), 小川英治1), 寺井泰彦1), 立身政信1), 丸浜喜亮1), 森田友明1), 川村幸悦1), 佐々木卓1), 川村和子2), 桜井則彰2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 244-248, 1993.

Japanese Article The 91st seat. About geriatric-type disease of children measures in Iwate
小川英治1), 吉田新二1), 寺井泰彦1), 立身政信1), 丸浜喜亮1), 森田友明1), 川村幸悦1), 佐々木卓1), 佐藤進1), 石川育成1), 川村和子2), 桜井則彰2), 桜井末男2), 加藤十郎2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 249-250, 1993.

Japanese Article The 92nd seat. In the case of weight loss effect - Tokyo K company which saw from offal fat and subcutaneous fat -
今泉哲雄, 塚本宏
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 251-252, 1993.

Japanese Article The 95th seat. About the need of the social education for various kinds of partial diet
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 255-256, 1993.

Japanese Article The 96th seat. Examination of the weight control instruction invalidity case of the housewife
後藤和久子, 梅崎絹恵, 鈴木秋子, 小西すず, 楠智一
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 257-258, 1993.

Japanese Article The 98th seat. About usefulness of the short term hospital admission weight loss therapy using super low caloric diet (VLCD) in the infantile obesity (ten days) comparison - with the - long-term hospitalization therapy (one month)
大木由加志, 岸恵, 折茂裕美, 入江学, 山本正生
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 259-261, 1993.

Japanese Article The 100th seat. 1 case of the VLCD therapy for the adiposity associated with the activity type rheumatoid arthritis
森克仁, 小西俊彰, 庄司繁市, 小山英則, 後藤仁志, 稲葉雅章, 西沢良記, 森井浩世
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 262-263, 1993.

Japanese Article The 102nd seat. Association of a change and the ventricular arrythmia development of blood free fatty acids (FFA) value during the super low calorie therapy (VLCD) enforcement
間宮康喜1), 高井泰彦1), 俵原敬2), 若林康2), 丸山規雄3), 竹内宏一3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 264-266, 1993.

Japanese Article The 104th seat. Change with the liver glutamine synthetase activity of the MSG obese mice and the growth hormone administration
山本徹1), 松尾敏2), 市川澄子2), 井上文夫2), 衣笠昭彦2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 270-271, 1993.

Japanese Article The 105th seat. The manufacture of the new internal organs type obesity model: Mono-Sodium Glutamate (MSG) administration high sucrose food load rat
稲寺秀邦, 村野俊一, 齋藤康, 吉田尚
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 272-274, 1993.

Japanese Article The 106th seat. Study on spontaneous diabetes OLETF rat - third report with the obesity: Comparison - with the Zucker fa/fa rat
森豊1), 横山淳一1), 畑章一1), 加藤秀一1), 村川祐一1), 磯貝行秀1), 池田義雄2), 西村正彦3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 275-279, 1993.

Japanese Article The 108th seat. Study on spontaneous diabetes OLETF rat - fourth report with the obesity: About effect to give to obesity, the glucose tolerance of the biguanide agent -
森豊1), 加藤秀一1), 畑章一1), 村川祐一1), 横山淳一1), 磯貝行秀1), 池田義雄2), 西村正彦3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 282-284, 1993.

Japanese Article The 110th seat. Participation of the offal fat accumulation in the sleep apnoea syndrome onset of the pycnic type
篠原悦子, 木原進士, 中村正, 小谷一晃, AHM Waliul Islam, 西田誠, 新井武志, 小林一史, 竹村芳, 山根光量, 徳永勝人, 山下静也, 松沢佑次
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 285-286, 1993.

Japanese Article The 111th seat. Examination of the local cerebral blood flow in patients with obesity with the sleep apnoea
山根光量1), 木原進士1), 松本悟1), 篠原悦子1), 新井武志1), 小林一史1), 毛受正和1), 中村正1), 山下静也1), 竹村芳1), 徳永勝人1), 松沢佑次1), 善積透2), 山崎紘一2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 287-288, 1993.

Japanese Article The 114th seat. Evaluation of physical fitness by the analysis of expired gas of patients with obesity
加藤順一, 原泰久, 鳴滝恭也
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 292-293, 1993.

Japanese Article The 116th seat. Application to Type II diabetes mellitus treatment of the exercise tolerance test
原泰久, 加藤順一, 鳴滝恭也
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 296-297, 1993.

Japanese Article The 117th seat. Improvement of the adiposity by the slow ambulatory exercise
山内恵子1), 野澤久美子1), 藤井徹2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 298-301, 1993.

Japanese Article The 120th seat. Examination - by the change - DXA method of quantity of fat accompanied with the weight weight loss with a diet cure, the kinesitherapy and the Quantity of fat removal
小山研一, 上戸寛, 小田辺修一, 山田研太郎, 野中共平
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 304-306, 1993.

Japanese Article The 123rd seat. Comparison between disease and eating behavior (4) - pycnic type and dietician -
岩川裕美, 畦西克己, 中島直子, 田村孝志, 福井富穂, 小島秀人*, 柏木厚典*, 繁田幸男*
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 311-313, 1993.

Japanese Article The 125th seat. Attempt of the feeding behavior abnormality extraction of the adiposity patients by the questionnaire
大隈和喜, 大隈まり, 吉松博信, 黒川衛, 坂田利家
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 316-318, 1993.

Japanese Article The 126th seat. Inflection of the egogram in the weight loss instruction
千福恵子1), 榎本哲也1), 松尾孝彦1), 岡崎順子2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 319-321, 1993.

Japanese Article The 131st seat. Use experience of appetite suppressant mazindol (Sanorex (R)) in the adiposity with the mental deterioration
岡嶋泰一郎, 尹浩敏, 加藤堅一
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 330-331, 1993.

Japanese Article The 132nd seat. One case of the Prader-Willi syndrome which accepted eating aberrant behavior and improvement of the carbohydrate metabolism by Mazindol administration
兼松幸子, 河原玲子, 雨宮禎子, 松浦信夫, 大森安恵
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 332-334, 1993.

Japanese Article The 133rd seat. The sugar of the disaccharides hydrolase inhibitor in the hyperinsulinemia and lipid metabolism improvement effect
篠崎一哉, 池淵元祥, 横田千晶, 池田佳代子, 鈴木正昭, 原納優
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 335-337, 1993.

Japanese Article The 134th seat. An antiobese effect of the U.S. embryo extraction lipase inhibitor and effect on serum lipid
浅野次義1), 高橋日出彦2), 本塩彰3), 白井光治4), 佐々木智啓4)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 338-340, 1993.

Japanese Article The 136th seat. Obesity as the risk of the high blood pressure
山本和利, 坂口明, 折笠秀樹, 柳沼淑夫, 金澤康徳
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 341-343, 1993.

Japanese Article The 137th seat. Voltage up reactivity in the obesity case
西大條靖子1), 小松良哉1), 鈴木正昭1), 都島基夫1), 松岡博昭1), 松山辰男1), 原納優1), 尾前照雄1), 川村実2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 344-346, 1993.

Japanese Article The 138th seat. Usefulness of the alcohol endurance test as the early detection of the hyperuricaemia and gout spare group
岩谷征子, 佐久間良三, 仁科甫啓, 西岡久寿樹
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 347-349, 1993.

Japanese Article The 139th seat. Creatinine clearance estimated expression using the square root of the weight
田中彰彦1), 調進一郎1), 新井克典1), 中村毅1), 西村晴美1), 三輪隆1), 佐藤潤一1), 大野敦1), 須田成彦1), 金澤昭1), 金澤真雄1), 能登谷洋子1), 伊藤久雄1), 添田仁2)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 350-351, 1993.

Japanese Article The 141st seat. Effect to give to immunity of the chronic smoking in the obesity
杉山厚1), 田中俊一1), 鵜川邦夫1), 山川正1), 関川憲一郎1), 石原学1), 井上修二1), 磯田扶美子2), 奥田研爾3)
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 352-353, 1993.

Japanese Article The 146th seat. Analytical procedure - by form development - silhouetter of the mentally retarded accompanied with the increase of the height
Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 14: 360-362, 1993.