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Proceedings of Congress of JASSO
Volume 16, Issue / 1995
English Article Japanese Article
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Prologue to the "The 16th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for the Study of Obesity" 石井淳 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 1995. |
The current situation and the prospects of the adiposity treatment 石井淳 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 1-2, 1995. |
Relations of a momentum and the intake amount of energy necessary for weight loss and the maintenance 太田壽城, 前田清, 岩塚徹 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 3-4, 1995. |
Examination of the mechanism of action of the humoral regulation material of the appetite 藤本一眞 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 5-6, 1995. |
Symposium I: Adipocyte Differentiation and Proliferation <1> Proliferation and Differentiation of Monocytic Mast Adipocytes via Small Adipocytes 杉原甫, 米満伸久, 船津丸貞幸 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 7-8, 1995. |
Symposium I: The regulation of gene expression of the intranuclear receptor subfamily in differentiation and increase <2> fat cell differentiation of the fat cell and the physiological significance 河田照雄1), 水上順子1), 亀井康富2), 杉本悦郎3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 9-10, 1995. |
Symposium I: About expression of VLDL receptor in differentiation and increase <3> 3T3-L1 adipocyte of the fat cell 矢野敏浩 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 11-12, 1995. |
Symposium I: Activated - of the MAP kinase by analysis - norepinephrine of the mechanism of action of the norepinephrine controlling the differentiation of the fat cell and the differentiation increase of increase <4> brown fat cells 志水泰武1), 二上英樹2), 箕越靖彦2), 斉藤昌之2), 嶋津孝2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 13-14, 1995. |
Symposium I: Examination about the effect of the thyroid hormone administration on IGF-1mRNA level in the white adipose tissue of differentiation and increase <5> high fat diet intake obesity rat of the fat cell 川上淑人, 山中佳代, 北濱真司, 深澤信彦, 三浦志朗, 飯高誠, 石井淳, 片山茂裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 15-16, 1995. |
Symposium II: The Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan Society For the Study of Obesity cooperation research "epidemiologic study about the obesity" foreword 池田義雄, 井上修二 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 17-18, 1995. |
Symposium II: The Ministry of Health and Welfare, a change and the current situation of the obese frequency in an A-bomb victim group and the non-A-bomb victim group of Japan Society For the Study of Obesity cooperation research "epidemiologic study about the obesity" <2> Hiroshima-shi 伊藤千賀子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 19-20, 1995. |
Symposium II: Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan Obesity Society joint research study "Epidemiological study on obesity" <4> Trends and current status of obesity based on health checkups in Osaka 佐々木陽 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 21-22, 1995. |
Symposium II: A change and the current situation of the obese frequency based on the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan Society For the Study of Obesity cooperation research "epidemiologic study about the obesity" <5> Hiroshima and the healthy investigation comparison of Hawaii Los Angeles 江草玄士, 山木戸道郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 23-24, 1995. |
Symposium II: The Ministry of Health and Welfare, frequency and diabetes, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia of the adiposity in the Japan Society For the Study of Obesity cooperation research "epidemiologic study about the obesity" <6> epidemiologic survey 辻井悟, 葛谷英嗣, 赤澤好温 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 25-26, 1995. |
Significance of molecular mechanism of Obese gene product (Leptin) and the pathophysiology in the obesity 細田公則, 小川佳宏, 中尾一和 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 27-28, 1995. |
Proposal - of cellular biology - Adipocytokine concept of the offal fat 船橋徹, 下村伊一郎, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 29-29, 1995. |
About the difference of molecular biologic approach - about the fat-splitting particularly the internal organs and subcutaneous fat cells - 奥田拓道, 森本千恵, 辻田隆広 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 30-31, 1995. |
Expression of insulin signal transduction system gene in the OLETF rat 中島理英子, 金永範, 井上貴俊, 徐雷, 斉藤慎一, 徳山薫平, 鈴木正成 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 32-33, 1995. |
Change - of metabolism effect (animal experiment results) - training and the sugar transport bearer of the exercise 池本真二, 板倉弘重, 江崎治 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 34-37, 1995. |
Change and insulin sensitivity - of the body component by metabolic effect (clinical study results) - training of the exercise 山之内国男1), 近田研1), 西川寿彦1), 佐藤祐造2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 38-39, 1995. |
Shift - to the actual situation of inspection - infantile obesity of the Izumiotsu-shi obese child examination 20th year and adult obesity 小谷一晃, AHM Waliul Islam, 西田誠, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 40-41, 1995. |
An Attempt to Determine Infant Obesity from the View of Growth Curves 山崎公恵, 村田光範 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 42-43, 1995. |
About a change of the body composition of the 7-12 years old child and obese screening using the - bioelectrical impedance (BI) method - 佃宗紀1), 花木啓一1), 浦島裕史1), 長石純一1), 大関武彦1), 中島匡博2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 44-45, 1995. |
Standardization by the age of the cycloid type index in 6-15 years old men and women children 川田康介1), 中根貴弥1), 内田則彦1), 林辺英正1), 朝山光太郎1), 中澤眞平1), 林邦彦2), 川崎健吾2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 46-47, 1995. |
Effect of the LT strength kinesitherapy in childhood obesity treatment 冨樫健二1), 伊藤真紀1), 松林由佳1), 征矢英昭1), 増田英成2), 藤沢隆夫2), 神谷齋2), 田中宏暁3), 進藤宗洋3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 48-49, 1995. |
Simultaneous measurement - of residual air and the water weight by attempt - maximal bottom summons of the underwater weight weighting capacity method with a few burdens 文谷知明, 朽木勤 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 50-52, 1995. |
Method - by rating system - CT scanning of body fat and the fat distribution 小谷一晃, 徳永勝人, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 53-54, 1995. |
The measurement second report of fat thickness/pars umbilicalis skinfold thickness ratio (PRFI) between liver - kidney using the sonography: Examination before and after the weight loss 三浦志朗, 根岸清彦, 飯高誠, 高橋慶一, 川上淑人, 石井淳, 片山茂裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 55-57, 1995. |
Impedance method as the index of the offal fat accumulation, significance of the body fat measurement by the near-infrared light 村川祐一1), 森豊1), 横山淳一1), 畑章一1), 加藤秀一1), 横田邦信1), 大野誠*, 池田義雄*, 横瀬琢男2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 58-60, 1995. |
Process of obese folk remedy and appropriate weight loss instruction 大野誠 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 61-62, 1995. |
Obesity and health of the middle and old age woman 森川肇 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 63-64, 1995. |
Super low energy therapy for patients with obesity 宮崎滋 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 65-66, 1995. |
The first seat. About gout, the importance of the diet cure in the hyperuricaemia examination - from the oxypudding metabolism using - alcohol endurance test 岩谷征子, 佐久間良三, 仁科甫啓, 西岡久寿樹 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 67-68, 1995. |
The second seat. The effect that the combination therapy according to the individual gives on simple female obese patients 加藤理津子1), 木下藤寿1), 山口靖子1), 松野宏美1), 田中宏暁1), 進藤宗洋1), 沖嶋今日太2), 八木香里3), 荒木千津3), 谷口哲也3), 松尾尚3), 早渕仁美4), 長修司4), 高原和子5), 佐々木淳5) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 69-70, 1995. |
4th seat. Effect of dietary energy composition on diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT) 鈴木理1), 松尾達博1), 鈴木正成2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 71-72, 1995. |
The fifth seat. The effect that a difference of the nourishment composition in the super low energy diet gives to an obese diet cure Japanese foods 秋山栄一, 三重野優子, 衛藤宏*, 立川真里*, 日高周次*, 伊東祐信*, 桑原寛* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 73-75, 1995. |
7th seat. A case of severe obesity with atrial fibrillation that succeeded in rapid weight loss by ultra-low calorie diet 勝元真規子, 庄司哲雄, 奥野泰久, 西沢良記, 森井浩世 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 76-77, 1995. |
8th seat. Changes in various metabolic indices of carbohydrate-restricted diet - For women without severe obesity - 大林千代美, 斉藤尚美, 八木紫, 金子みね子, 青木千恵, 山下光雄, 勝川史憲, 辻秀一, 大西祥平, 山崎元 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 78-79, 1995. |
The ninth seat. The effect that exercise training gives to the gene expression of the insulin signaling pathway 金永範1), 井上貴俊1), 中島理英子1), 中江邦江1), 徳山薫平1), 鈴木正成1), 田村具博2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 80-81, 1995. |
10th seat. Influence of additional exercise on clinical laboratory test results in cases of aging observation 入江三枝子, 村上文代, 伊藤千賀子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 82-83, 1995. |
11th seat. Effects of long distance and long walk on endocrine and immune systems : Especially on neutrophil bactericidal activity 佐藤則之1), 深津章1), 田中義人1), 大谷健一1), 大原緑1), 根岸真由美1), 清水弘行1), 高橋正樹1), 森昌朋1), 二渡玉江2), 林陸朗2), 下村洋之助2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 84-85, 1995. |
The twelfth seat. About the skeletal effect in the degree of corpulence judgment (at thorax diameter for an index) 小倉浩 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 86-87, 1995. |
The thirteenth seat. Than an aspect of the usefulness as examination - internal organs obese index from an age side of the body-mass index - 網代由美子, 笹井恵子, 大塚有紀, 井川宗彦, 佐藤周三, 仲地紀勝, 鈴木達也, 平井眞明, 渕上正章, 中野博司, 大庭建三, 妻鳥昌平 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 88-89, 1995. |
The 14th seat. The death situation according to the cause of death according to the BMI judging from life insurance 白水知仁 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 90-91, 1995. |
The 15th seat. Relative examination with endomorph and the middle wall breath movement 国友史雄, 多田裕司, 篠崎克己, 三村正裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 92-93, 1995. |
The 16th seat. Evaluation of the exercise physiology by the analysis of expired gas of the obese patients with the stroke hemiplegia 加藤順一, 原泰久, 鳴滝恭也 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 94-95, 1995. |
The 17th seat. One treatment case - VLCD of the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and combined effect - of the tonsillectomy 小川隆一, 大塚誠, 黒川衛, 吉松博信, 坂田利家 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 96-97, 1995. |
The 18th seat. One patient whom it presented abnormal high level of PAI-1 with offal fat accumulation in the severe obesity, and pulmonary thrombosis developed in 宮岡宏治, 下村伊一郎, 船橋徹, 木原進士, 松山晃文, 山下静也, 竹村芳, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 98-99, 1995. |
19th seat. Frequency and origin of obesity in rural areas 児玉多曜, 川村功 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 100-101, 1995. |
The 20th seat. Difference between obese schools 稲石友彦1), 関正己1), 高田和夫1), 岩田豊2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 102-103, 1995. |
The 21st seat. About the obese formation gene of the childhood in consideration of - heredity and environmental factors - 福永泰広1), 高谷竜三1), 山口仁1), 徳田正邦1), 田中春樹1), 小西和孝1), 美濃真1), 小國龍也2), 寺嶋繁典3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 104-105, 1995. |
22nd seat. Personality trends in severely obese children 内野勝1), 石山宏央1), 増田英成2), 神谷齊2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 106-107, 1995. |
The 23rd seat. Need - of the behavioral medicine introduction to learn how there should be childhood obesity treatment from a - failure case 大矢幸弘1), 稲葉春三2), 岡村秀樹2), 横地正裕* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 108-109, 1995. |
The 24th seat. Evaluation - of the development - physique index of the management index in the geriatric-type disease of children prevention 松井育子1), 南部征喜1), 馬場茂明1), 服部進2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 110-111, 1995. |
The 25th seat. Exercise capacity of the obese child who determined it than a childhood ideal weight calculating formula 徳永勝人1), 毛野義明1), 川上房男1), 小谷一晃2), AHM Waliul Islam2), 中村正2), 松沢佑次2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 112-113, 1995. |
26th seat. Evaluation of treatment effect by obese child checklist 内田則彦, 朝山光太郎, 林辺英正, 中根貴弥, 川田康介, 中澤眞平 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 114-115, 1995. |
27th seat. Gender differences in lean body mass change with the development of obesity - Relationship between sex hormone (SHBG) and lean body mass - 小国龍也1), 福永泰広2), 高谷竜三2), 山口仁2), 徳田正邦2), 田中春樹2), 小西和孝2), 美濃真2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 116-117, 1995. |
The 28th seat. It is compared the drawing blood with the early-morning fasting drawing blood in the geriatric-type disease of children examination after a meal 岸恵, 大木由加志, 折茂裕美, 入江学, 山本正生 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 118-119, 1995. |
The 31st seat. Analysis of the plasma neutral fat (TG) response to high fat diet load pattern in the pycnic type 岡田瑞穂, 衛藤雅昭, 斎藤美恵子, 野村雅宏, 岩島保法, 牧野勲 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 120-121, 1995. |
The 32nd seat. Examination about obesity to give to hyperlipidemia and environmental factors 村上文代, 入江三枝子, 伊藤千賀子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 122-123, 1995. |
The 33rd seat. Association between blood lipid and various kinds of obese indexes in women 田港朝彦1), 加藤裕子1), 夏目秀彦1), 伊東武志1), 吉見輝也1), 鎌田隆2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 124-125, 1995. |
The 34th seat. Examination of the case that the eating habits instruction was effective for weight loss in the city officials pycnic type 村上正子1), 保田玲子1), 深谷幸子1), 若杉人美2), 田代一三夫3), 衛藤雅昭4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 126-127, 1995. |
The 36th seat. Obese improvement and lipid improvement and nutrition education in the office medical examination follow-up 山内恵子1), 野沢久美子1), 番郷子1), 柴田喜和美1), 金森笑子2), 西口加代子2), 藤井徹3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 128-129, 1995. |
The 37th seat. About the eating habits after the discharge of the adiposity patients who completed hospitalization weight-loss program 足立和代, 若松裕子, 利根哲子, 田邉美保子, 石橋幸子, 吉松博信*, 大隈和喜*, 坂田利家* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 130-131, 1995. |
The 38th seat. Examination - of the relation as living guidance - medical care team for patients with endomorph fatty liver 中嶋佳子, 飯島敏彦, 坂本静男, 田中洋子* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 132-133, 1995. |
The 39th seat. Attitude survey results to the weight of the periodic health check-up testee 小川健一, 嘉悦智隆, 守田則一, 宗清正紀, 蓑田智憲, 仁位周介, 松村洋, 和田聡, 大山高興, 中本浩史 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 134-135, 1995. |
The 40th seat. Result of "obesity cancellation seminar" which a physician, a dentist, a nourishment expert, exercise leaders cooperated in children with obesity and tried for 2 years 浅井寿1), 馬場礼三1), 長嶋正實1), 岩田豊2), 高田和夫2), 関正巳2), 斎藤滋3), 東松信平4), 栗崎吉博4), 鈴木治夫4), 林清重4), 宮沢洋子5), 松田秀人5), 小倉れい5) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 136-137, 1995. |
The 41st seat. Treatment (usefulness of VLCD as the education for patients) of the obesity NIDDM 池田幸宏 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 138-139, 1995. |
The 43rd seat. Applied - of new attempt - weight loss motivation support software of the obese weight loss therapy 老籾宗忠, 坂井誠, 岩谷逸平, 松岡彰 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 140-141, 1995. |
The 45th seat. Weight control for a pregnant woman particularly the obese pregnant woman 友田昭二, 中村嘉宏, 中村哲生, 荻田幸雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 142-143, 1995. |
The 46th seat. Characteristic of the weight recognition of adolescents women 大島喜八1), 岡田秀一2), 小内亨2), 馬原充彦2), 佐藤稔2), 長嶋一昭2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 144-145, 1995. |
47th seat. Significance of stress management combined therapy for obese diabetic female patients 高倉康人1), 吉田俊秀2), 坂根直樹2), 梅川常和2), 小暮彰典2), 近藤元治2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 146-147, 1995. |
48th seat. Promoting learning and memory of endogenous satiety substance, 2-buten-4-olide and fibroblast growth factor 大村裕, 佐々木和男, 李愛軍 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 148-150, 1995. |
The 49th seat. Effect of the growth hormone giving it to an increase and differentiation of fibroblast-like cell derived from the human internal organs and subcutaneous adipose tissue 伊藤嘉晃, 佐古玉美**, 岡本美香**, 渡邊仁**, 宮下洋, 若林巳代次*, 冨岡玖夫, 白井厚治** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 151-152, 1995. |
The 50th seat. At light exercise load about the fat mobilization effect of the growth hormone (GH) 橋口正一郎, 戸塚光哉, 伊藤嘉晃, 宮下洋, 渡邊仁*, 冨岡玖夫, 白井厚治* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 153-154, 1995. |
The 51st seat. Accumulation of the percent of body fat in elderly people women and the offal fat and carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism and examination of the sex hormone (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate: DHEA-S) 塩田康1), 児玉博行1), 三橋尚志1), 佐藤重人1), 重見博子1), 中村香1), 坂井麻由香1), 岩田譲司1), 亀岡慶一2), 佐々木惠雲2), 馬嶋素子2), 北岡治子2), 大澤仲昭2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 155-156, 1995. |
The 52nd seat. Examination - by the change - DEXA method of the body fat before and after the Graves' disease treatment 深澤信彦, 飯高誠, 川崎聡美, 山中佳代, 北濱眞司, 三浦志朗, 川上淑人, 竹内晃, 板橋明, 片山茂裕, 石井淳 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 157-158, 1995. |
53rd seat. Relationship between body composition, body fat distribution and endocrinological factors in young overweight people - Insulin clearance, IGF-1 - 勝川史憲, 辻秀一, 大西祥平, 山崎元, 和井内英樹, 北村祐子*, 山内晃*, 武井泉*, 竹下栄子**, 小口修司** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 159-160, 1995. |
54th seat. Relationship between physical fitness, endocrinological factors and body composition in young overweight men 勝川史憲, 辻秀一, 大西祥平, 山崎元, 和井内英樹 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 161-162, 1995. |
55th seat. A case of Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome with decreased renal function - Histopathological examination of renal biopsy - 川崎勲, 西沢良記, 塩井淳, 庄司哲雄, 石村栄治, 森井浩世 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 163-164, 1995. |
The 56th seat. Effect of the sex hormone giving it to the body fat distribution of the period of growth 大谷健一1), 清水弘行1), 田中義人1), 深津章1), 根岸真由美1), 佐藤則之1), 高橋正樹1), 森昌朋1), 下村洋之助2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 165-166, 1995. |
The 58th seat. The effect that the menstrual cycle in the young woman gives to rest metabolism and diet-induced body heat production 松尾達博1), 隅田寛1), 坂井真奈美1), 鈴木理1), 神保弘子1), 白石幸雄2), 福岡達仁2), 齋藤慎一3), 鈴木正成3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 167-168, 1995. |
The 59th seat. Study on accumulation in families of the internal organs type obesity 増田美央, 田村憲, 斉藤一郎, 田代淳, 田所直子, 神崎哲人, 村野俊一, 森崎信尋, 齋藤康 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 169-170, 1995. |
The 61st seat. About the association with the study on origin - exercise custom of the offal fat accumulation - 森豊1), 横瀬琢男1), 村川祐一2), 畑章一2), 加藤秀一2), 横田邦信2), 横山淳一2), 阪本要一2), 大野誠*, 池田義雄* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 171-172, 1995. |
The 64th seat. About association with study on origin - smoking of the offal fat accumulation - 森豊1), 横瀬琢男1), 村川祐一2), 畑章一2), 加藤秀一2), 横田邦信2), 横山淳一2), 阪本要一2), 大野誠*, 池田義雄* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 173-174, 1995. |
The 65th seat. The effect that nicotine gives to offal fat accumulation 二渡玉江1), 清水千代子1), 中西陽子1), 下村洋之助1), 佐藤則之2), 清水弘行2), 高橋正樹2), 奈良誠人3), 篠田元扶4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 175-176, 1995. |
The 66th seat. Effect on presence and offal fat accumulation of Thriftyphenotype in patients with Japanese NIDDM 武井泉, 山内晃, 北村祐子, 高山寿美代, 仲本信也, 勝川史憲*, 山崎元*, 猿田享男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 177-178, 1995. |
The 67th seat. Various indexes and lipid of the adiposity style in patients with non-obesity NIDDM, relations with the IRI level 戸塚光哉, 橋口正一郎, 伊藤嘉晃, 宮下洋, 野口雅裕*, 渡邊仁**, 白井厚治** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 179-180, 1995. |
The 69th seat. The effect that high fat diet gives to offal fat accumulation 毛野義明1), 徳永勝人1), 川上房男1), 小谷一晃2), 下村伊一郎2), 松沢佑次2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 181-182, 1995. |
The 70th seat. Weight gain, adiposity during the pregnancy, examination of the water retention 山口陽子, 金倉洋一, 丹羽邦明 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 183-184, 1995. |
The 71st seat. Relations of fat distribution and PAI-1 of the pycnic type 増田美央, 田代淳, 田所直子, 村野俊一, 森崎信尋, 齋藤康 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 185-186, 1995. |
The 73rd seat. Effect of treatment - by seriously ill adiposity and insulin resistance - mazindol 大村昌夫, 伊勢美樹子, 倉本充彦, 飯塚孝, 西川哲男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 187-188, 1995. |
The 75th seat. Glucose tolerance, insulin in obese patients with hypertension, effect of hydrochloric acid manidipine on adrenal androgen 山内晃, 武井泉, 仲本信也, 高山寿美代, 北村祐子, 猿田享男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 189-190, 1995. |
The 76th seat. Examination about the sex differences of the association between insulin resistance state and sex hormone-binding globulin 後藤尚1), 日向豪史1), 小沼富男1), 須田俊宏1), 熊谷秋三2), 佐々木悠3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 191-192, 1995. |
78th seat. Search for Syndrome X risk factors in obese people 嘉悦智隆, 守田則一, 小川健一, 宗清正紀, 蓑田智憲, 仁位周介, 松村洋, 和田聡, 大山高興, 中本浩史 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 193-194, 1995. |
The 79th seat. obese gene expression in the rat fat cell primary culture system 益崎裕章1), 小川佳宏1), 細田公則1), 佐藤哲子1), 重本道香1), 森潔1), 田村尚久1), 西重生1), 吉政康直1), 中尾一和1), 家森幸男2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 195-196, 1995. |
The 81st seat. Biodistribution of the mouse obese gene expression and change of the gene expression in the ob/ob mouse with the week of age 重本道香, 細田公則, 小川佳宏, 益崎裕章, 佐藤哲子, 森潔, 田村尚久, 西重生, 吉政康直, 家森幸男, 中尾一和 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 197-197, 1995. |
The 82nd seat. Obesity, diabetes model, expression of obese gene sthenia accompanied with the obese extension of Wistar fatty rat 益崎裕章1), 細田公則1), 小川佳宏1), 重本道香1), 佐藤哲子1), 森潔1), 田村尚久1), 西重生1), 吉政康直1), 中尾一和1), 家森幸男2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 198-199, 1995. |
The 83rd seat. Human obese cDNA cloning and human ob gene expression 益崎裕章1), 小川佳宏1), 細田公則1), 一瀬直日1), 佐藤哲子1), 岡崎拓1), 森潔1), 田村尚久1), 吉政康直1), 西重生1), 中尾一和1), 家森幸男2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 200-202, 1995. |
The 84th seat. Development of the human obese protein densitometry system by radioimmunoassay 細田公則1), 小川佳宏1), 益崎裕章1), 宮脇尚志1), 重本道香1), 高橋明子1), 家森幸男1), 吉政康直1), 西重生1), 中尾一和1), 道端英雄2), 藤原洋一2), 木曽良明2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 203-204, 1995. |
The 86th seat. About the offal fat-specific PAI-1 gene expression reinforcement at obese formation 宮岡宏治, 下村伊一郎, 船橋徹, 中村正, 山下静也, 竹村芳, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 205-206, 1995. |
The 88th seat. Metabolism properties - of instruction - offal fat of the steatogenesis-related protein gene in the adiposity process 船橋徹1), 下村伊一郎1), 高橋雅彦1), 栗山洋1), 宮岡宏治1), 山下静也1), 中村正1), 竹村芳1), 松沢佑次1), 徳永勝人2), 山本徳男3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 207-208, 1995. |
The 89th seat. Participation - of hyperlipidemia pathogenesis - MTP in the metabolic syndrome model OLETF rat 船橋徹1), 栗山洋1), 下村伊一郎1), 宮岡宏治1), 山下静也1), 竹村芳1), 松沢佑次1), 満志偉2), 中山夏樹2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 209-210, 1995. |
The 90th seat. Change - offal fat of the ob gene expression accompanied with the adiposity, examination - with the subcutaneous fat 船橋徹1), 下村伊一郎1), 高橋雅彦1), 栗山洋1), 宮岡宏治1), 山下静也1), 中村正1), 竹村芳1), 松沢佑次1), 徳永勝人2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 211-212, 1995. |
The 91st seat. Peripheral and central fat resolving power judging from in vivo system 津田薫, 黒川衛, 立川真理, 千葉政一, 吉松博信, 桶田俊光, 坂田利家 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 213-214, 1995. |
The 92nd seat. Examination of the metabolism properties by the rat adipose tissue part 森本千恵, 辻田隆広, 奥田拓道 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 215-216, 1995. |
The 93rd seat. Examination about the effect of the thyroid hormone administration on UCP mRNA level in the brown adipose tissue of the high fat diet intake rat 山中佳代, 川上淑人, 川崎聡美, 北濱真司, 深澤信彦, 三浦志朗, 飯高誠, 石井淳, 片山茂裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 217-218, 1995. |
94th seat. Effect of small dose of Mazindol on obesity treatment 河原玲子1), 吉野正代1), 宮前至博1), 笹本和男1), 長瀬紀子1), 大森安恵1), 雨宮禎子2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 219-220, 1995. |
The 95th seat. Clinical usefulness of mazindol for patients with endomorph diabetes: In particular about a carbohydrate metabolism improvement effect 小暮彰典1), 吉田俊秀2), 坂根直樹2), 梅川常和2), 高倉康人2), 近藤元治2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 221-222, 1995. |
The 96th seat. Long-term observation of blood adipose change in the obese treatment with mazindol 芳野原*,***, 佐藤裕子**, 浦山功*, 鹿住敏**** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 223-225, 1995. |
The 98th seat. An example of the extensive adiposity with the mental deterioration that caused sleepiness by Sanorex remedy 岡嶋泰一郎1), 井上薫1), 高橋朋子1), 樋口和己2), 加藤堅一2), 上村宅司*, 舛重正人*, 白石健二郎* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 226-227, 1995. |
The 99th seat. Change of the fat-free body mass by the weight loss degree in the middle-aged pycnic type 浅野次義1), 白井光治2), 佐々木智啓2), 高橋日出彦3), 本塩彰4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 228-229, 1995. |
The 100th seat. About the antiobese effect and serum hypolipidemic action in the mouse of the cholestenone derivative 鈴木邦夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 230-231, 1995. |
105th seat. Effects of exercise habits only in the past on current test results and lifestyle habits 佐々木温子1), 池田義雄1), 安藤敏子2), 浅井久美子2), 牛込麻子2), 伊沢由紀子2), 三浦順子2), 大森雅久2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 232-233, 1995. |
The 106th seat. The treatment efforts behavior type of the adiposity patients partnership - of the patients in attempt - obesity treatment of becoming it 対馬節子1), 福山和女1), 角雅美2), 東田寿子2), 長谷和正2), 川村光信2), 宮崎滋2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 234-235, 1995. |
107th seat. Examination of Physical Findings and Dietary Habits in Young Women - 1st Report Relationship with BMI - 鈴木玲子1), 山田恒代1), 若林孝雄1), 石川裕子2), 塚越圭子2), 小川万紀子2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 236-237, 1995. |
The 108th seat. About an association between physical examination and examination - second report percent of body fat about the eating habits in young girls - 山田恒代1), 鈴木玲子1), 若林孝雄1), 富岡寿子2), 嶋田雅子2), 小川万紀子2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 238-239, 1995. |
The 109th seat. Change of sugar by the 6-week nourishment and physical activity improvement, lipid metabolism index and the cardiovascular disease risk factor 山田裕一, 井海江利子, 登坂由香 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 240-241, 1995. |
The 110th seat. Examination - from sugar, lipid metabolism index of men and sex hormone properties - psychologic factors 庄野菜穂子1), 桧垣靖樹1), 熊谷秋三2), 花村茂美2), 佐々木悠3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 242-244, 1995. |
111 seat. Examination of changes in body weight and clinical findings of patients undergoing continuous nutrition guidance in the Great Hanshin Earthquake 山本國夫1), 佐伯美枝子1), 柳田三世子1), 上田淳子1), 巽達也1), 徳永勝人2), 毛野義明2), 大木篤2), 川上房男2), 奥野巍一2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 245-246, 1995. |
The 112th seat. Fat mobilization and beta-receptor 奥田拓道, 森本千恵, 辻田隆広 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 247-248, 1995. |
The 113th seat. Confirmation of the expression of β 3 receptor (β3AR) of the human white fat cell and effect of CGP12177A 岩田尚人, 柏木厚典, 吉川隆一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 249-250, 1995. |
The 114th seat. β3-adrenergic receptor mRNA adjustment by the norepinephrine in hereditary obese rat brown fat cells is abnormal 小内亨1), 森昌朋1), 大島喜八2), D.A. York3), G.A. Bray3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 251-252, 1995. |
The 115th seat. Expression with the organ distribution in the mouse and human gallbladder endothelial cells of beta-3 adrenergic receptor 坂根直樹1), 吉田俊秀2), 梅川常和2), 近藤元治2), 河田照雄3), 熊本賢三4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 253-254, 1995. |
The 116th seat. About possibility of Autoregulation of the beta-3 adrenergic receptor from the analysis using - β 3 receptor agonist - 水上順子1), 河田照雄1), 伏木亨1), 坂根直樹2), 梅川常和2), 吉田俊秀2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 255-256, 1995. |
The 117th seat. The glucose transportation promotion effect to skeletal muscle cells by β 3 adrenalin agonist and analysis of the mechanism 谷下彰見, 志水泰武, 箕越靖彦, 嶋津孝 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 257-258, 1995. |
The 118th seat. The chronic administration effect of β 3 agonist CL316, 243 on Yellow KK mouse: Browning of the white adipose tissue 斉藤昌之1), 長瀬逸郎1), 二上英樹1), 吉田俊秀2), 坂根直樹2), 梅川常和2), 河田照雄3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 259-260, 1995. |
The 119th seat. The chronic administration effect of β 3 agonist CL316, 243 on Yellow KK mouse: Expression of UCP in the muscular tissue 長瀬逸郎1), 斉藤昌之1), 二上英樹1), 吉田俊秀2), 坂根直樹2), 梅川常和2), 熊本賢三3), 河田照雄4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 261-262, 1995. |
The 120th seat. The newly antiobesity, antidiabetes mechanism of action of β 3 receptor agonist: Molecular biologic approach about thermogenesis protein (UCP) and GLUT4 吉田俊秀1), 坂根直樹1), 梅川常和1), 近藤元治1), 長瀬逸郎2), 二上秀樹2), 斉藤昌之2), 河田照雄3), 熊本賢三4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 263-264, 1995. |
The 121st seat. About the diabetes onset depressant action of the endomorph diabetes OLETF rat of β 3 receptor agonist 梅川常和1), 吉田俊秀1), 坂根直樹1), 近藤元治1), 長瀬逸郎2), 二上秀樹2), 斎藤昌之2), 河田照雄3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 265-266, 1995. |
The 122nd seat. Effect of β 3 agonist (CL316, 243) chronic administration on dog 佐々木典康1), 長瀬逸郎1), 斉藤昌之1), 内田英二2), 新山雅美2), 吉田俊秀3), 河田照雄4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 267-268, 1995. |
123rd seat. Production and analysis of Neuropeptide Y transgenic mouse 乾明夫, 大北実, 中島理晴, 上野尚彦, 寺西新, 百瀬和浩, 浅川明弘, 春日雅人 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 269-270, 1995. |
The 124th seat. Effect of the dietary fiber intake to give it to a body fat distribution, the glucose tolerance of the OLETF rat 加藤秀一1), 横山淳一1), 畑章一1), 田嶼尚子1), 池田義雄2), 森豊3), 村川祐一3), 西川哲4), 西村正彦4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 271-272, 1995. |
125th seats. Effects of capsaicin on body fat distribution and glucose tolerance in OLETF rats 村川祐一1), 森豊1), 横山淳一2), 畑章一2), 加藤秀一2), 池田義雄* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 273-274, 1995. |
The 126th seat. Effect of Gemfibrozil on serum lipid and blood sugar in the high fat diet load obesity rat 高橋慶一, 井上郁夫, 根岸清彦, 中島孝則*, 菰田二一*, 片山茂裕, 石井淳 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 275-276, 1995. |
The 127th seat. A lipid change of the Bezafibrate in the high fat diet load rat and change of blood alkaline phosphatase isozyme activity 井上郁夫, 高橋慶一, 根岸清彦, 片山茂裕, 石井淳, 中島孝則*, 菰田二一* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 277-278, 1995. |
The 129th seat. Apolipoprotein B, association between fat absorbency with the jejunum found in Zucker hereditary obesity rat and transportation ability sthenia and A-IV high level 深川光司1), 坂田利家1), 藤本一真2), Patrick Tso3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 279-280, 1995. |
The 130th seat. About the possibility that the epidermal growth factor (EGF) of the submandibular gland is involved in obese expression of hereditary obese mice yellow Aу and ob/ob 山下洵子1), 林伸一1), 宮嶋正康2), 平田幸男3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 281-282, 1995. |
The 131st seat. Examination - using cardiac muscle cells function - isolation cardiac muscle cells culture system in Wistar fatty rat 三輸隆1), 久米雅彦1), 高橋友乃1), 須田成彦1), 金澤昭1), 金澤真雄1), 能登谷洋子1), 林徹1), 渡辺圭一2), 林潤一2), 添田仁3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 283-284, 1995. |
The 132nd seat. Molecular biologic consideration about the onset obese after the ovary removal 清水弘行, 大谷健一, 加藤幸雄*, 田中義人, 森昌朋 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 285-286, 1995. |
The 133rd seat. About an effect of arginine - lysin intravenous administration to give it to the function of rat thymus and autonomic nerve influencing spleen 新島旭 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 287-288, 1995. |
The 134th seat. Effect of IGF-1 on offal fat accumulation in the endomorph NIDDM 北村祐子1), 武井泉1), 山内晃1), 勝川史憲*, 高山寿美代1), 仲本信也1), 山崎元*, 猿田享男1), 片岡邦三2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 289-290, 1995. |
The 135th seat. About examination - of various factors to affect the obese weight loss effect of treatment particularly glucose tolerance and age - 稲垣祐子1), 山口政江1), 伊藤恵子1), 植村和正2), 佐藤寿一2), 洪尚樹2), 五島一征2), 井口昭久* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 291-292, 1995. |
The 136th seat. Obesity and PWV in patients with diabetes 諏訪千恵子, 星賢二, 布施純郎, 西川真人, 斎藤宣彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 293-294, 1995. |
The 137th seat. Importance - of setting of the ideal weight judging from examination - diabetes prevention of the risk factor associated with impaired glucose tolerance and slight pycnic type measures 藤田準1), 清野裕1), 津田謹輔2), 木村穣3), 岩崎順治3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 295-296, 1995. |
The 138th seat. Change of a change and the weight, the blood sugar control of the urinary blood C-peptide level in the diabetes inpatient 大野敦1), 赫寛雄1), 旭暢照1), 佐藤知也1), 植木彬夫1), 吉田貴子2), 能登谷洋子3), 林徹3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 297-299, 1995. |
The 139th seat. Obese significance in the screening for diabetes using the blood sugar index 津久井智, 戸井田晋, 奈良誠人, 小林功 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 300-301, 1995. |
The 140th seat. Change of blood sugar control and the weight that we saw from HbA1c of patients with diabetes in New Year holidays 田坂仁正, 大森安恵 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 302-303, 1995. |
The 141st seat. Error factor of the percent of body fat calculation by the underwater weight weighting capacity method 朽木勤1), 文谷知明2), 山岸博之2), 岡崎英規2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 304-305, 1995. |
The 142nd seat. Examination of the gas (SF6) dilution method in the fat mass evaluation 加藤知己1), 豊川裕之2), 高柳満喜子2), 西川浩昭2), 城川美佳2), 松井研一2), 中谷弥栄子2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 306-307, 1995. |
The 143rd seat. Automatic distinction - of slant place exercise and the level ground exercise based on improved - heartbeat response of the energy consumption estimate method using an acceleration sensor 田中宏暁, 加藤哲也, 新原琢也, 進藤宗洋 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 308-309, 1995. |
The 144th seat. Percent of body fat of the women using the DEXA method 40 years or older 植田直樹, 森下忍, 小野村敏信, 北岡治子* Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 310-311, 1995. |
The 145th seat. Comparison between impedance method and body composition - between examination - Japan and the United States by the DEXA method 阪本要一1), 船間敬子1), 池田義雄2), Heymsfield, S.B.3), 大槻尚子4), 西澤美幸4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 312-313, 1995. |
The 146th seat. BMI, percent of body fat and healthy effect 大寄宣子, 吉川博 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 314-315, 1995. |
The 147th seat. About usefulness of the percent of body fat measurement using the impedance method in the geriatric-type disease of children medical examination 原光彦1), 岩田富士彦1), 岡田知雄1), 原田研介1), 梁茂雄2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 316-317, 1995. |
The 148th seat. Characteristic of the Japanese fat distribution index 高原和子1), 森丘1), 松永彰1), 佐々木淳1), 荒川規矩男1), 加藤理津子2), 木下藤寿2), 田中宏暁2), 進藤宗洋2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 318-319, 1995. |
The 149th seat. Change by the age of the fat thickness in front of the peritoneum in the female obese patients 田所直子1), 村野俊一1), 神崎哲人1), 増田美央1), 斉藤一郎1), 森崎信尋1), 齋藤康1), 篠宮正樹2), 羽田有果3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 320-321, 1995. |
150th seat. Relationship between fat thickness (visceral fat mass) on posterior kidney and various test values by abdominal ultrasound - Gender comparison - 赤松曙子1), 高橋宣光1), 井上修二2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 322-323, 1995. |
The 151st seat. Combined effect of an ear needle and mazindol in the obese treatment 首藤誠1), 萬家俊博1), 安藤泰1), 中西和雄1), 鳴岡由美1), 徳岡浩信1), 大塚龍1), 渡辺敏光1), 新井達潤2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 324-325, 1995. |
152th seats. Study on "auricular acupuncture stimulation": Effect on simple obesity model rat 白石武昌1), 尾上球子1), 小島孝昭2), 鮫島恭男2), 影山照雄2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 326-327, 1995. |
The 153rd seat. Evaluation in the observation between long terms (44 weeks) to give it to a weight loss effect of auricle electricity stimulation and the subcutaneous needle stimulation 小島孝昭1), 鮫島恭夫1), 影山照雄1), 白石武昌2), 尾上球子2), 吉松博信3), 坂田利家3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 328-329, 1995. |
154th seat. Changes in Serum Acid Fibroblast Growth Factor and Stimulation of Satiety During Soyamalt G-7 (R) and Soy Milk Consumption 池園悦太郎1), 高橋厳太郎1), 花井一光2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 16: 330-331, 1995. |