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Proceedings of Congress of JASSO
Volume 6, Issue / 1985
English Article Japanese Article
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Hazards of Regional Obesities Per Bjorntorp Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 1-3, 1985. |
We think about Japanese obesity 平田幸正 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 4-6, 1985. |
Schoolchild obese measures 楠智一, 衣笠昭彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 7-9, 1985. |
Diet cure 片岡邦三 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 10-12, 1985. |
Obese medical therapy 宮崎滋, 内藤周幸 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 13-14, 1985. |
Psychotherapy 坂田利家 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 15-19, 1985. |
Obese surgical therapy 川村功, 磯野可一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 20-22, 1985. |
Effect comparison - of the super low energy diet of -2 kinds of super low energy diet cures of the seriously ill adiposity 井上修二, 佐藤忍 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 27-28, 1985. |
Comparison - of the effect -1,200 - 600kcal, 420kcal of the semi-starvation therapy in the obese treatment and 240kcal food 石川勝憲1), 小松良哉1), 栗生明1), 中隆1), 岡田真理子1), 大村素子1), 立山義朗1), 森本忠雄1), 大村一郎1), 徳永勝人2), 藤岡滋典2), 松沢佑次2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 29-32, 1985. |
About problems of the semi-starvation therapy 神崎哲人, 石川洋, 篠宮正樹, 白井厚治, 斎藤康, 吉田尚 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 33-35, 1985. |
About a weight loss effect and nitrogenous equilibrium by VLCD 大野誠, 塚原暁, 横山淳一, 池田義雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 39-42, 1985. |
Low energy diet of the infantile obesity and the problems 村田光範 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 43-44, 1985. |
The first seat. Attempt - of the multivariate analysis of obese measures - workplace examination data in the job area health care 守田則一, 塩飽徳行, 井上幹夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 45-47, 1985. |
The second seat. From an increase pattern of qualitative classification - height and weight of the obese child - 渡辺雅子, 清水寛子, 山崎公恵, 村田光範 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 48-49, 1985. |
The third seat. Examination - of factors affecting - normal weight calculation about normal weight judging from a serum triglyceride level (the second report) 鈴木九五1), 井上幹夫1), 宗清正紀1), 菱山博文2), 藤江吉郎2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 50-52, 1985. |
The fifth seat. About normal weight list according to the height and obese initial level 塚本宏, 田村誠 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 56-58, 1985. |
The seventh seat. Diagnostic method of the offal fat increase type obesity 松沢佑次1), 木原進士1), 上山祐也1), 金井秀行1), 松原謙二1), 小畠隆司1), 川本俊治1), 中村正1), 野崎秀一1), 藤岡滋典1), 中島忠久1), 亀田芳1), 徳永勝人1), 垂井清一郎1), 石川勝憲2), 首藤弘史3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 62-64, 1985. |
The ninth seat. Estimate of the percent of body fat using the supersonic wave skinfold thickness meter 石田良恵, 角田直也, 金久博昭, 近藤正勝, 福永哲夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 68-70, 1985. |
The tenth seat. Steatogenesis in the human adipose tissue: Cells capacity, effect by the age 谷口中1), 河野剛1), 井村裕夫1), 斎藤隆雄2), 奥田拓道2), 大迫文麿3), 永田格4), 片岡喜由5) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 71-74, 1985. |
The eleventh seat. Blood ketone body of the obesity diabetes pregnant woman whom we cared for in low energy diet 清水明実1), 大森安恵1), 佐中真由実1), 東桂子1), 秋久理眞1), 小浜智子1), 井関恵子1), 本田正志1), 平田幸正1), 山田多佳子2), 仁志田博司2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 75-77, 1985. |
The 14th seat. Weight loss effect by the eating habits instruction for the purpose of the improvement of the eating behavior 中村丁次, 細谷憲政 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 84-86, 1985. |
The 15th seat. Examination - in effect (the third report) - primary culture hepatocytes giving it to lipid metabolism of calcitonin 奥井康行, 行岡和彦, 宋景富, 稲葉雅章, 三木隆己, 西沢良記, 森井浩世 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 87-89, 1985. |
The 16th seat (abstract). Effect of the semi-starvation therapy giving it to the weight of the pycnic type and internal secretion, metabolism 深沢英雄, 角田博信, 木村雅夫, 鬼頭柳三, 中村二郎, 榊原文彦, 松前裕己, 堀田饒, 坂本信夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 90-90, 1985. |
The 17th seat. About blood thyroid hormone change with the Modifast treatment of the intractable adiposity patients 栗並茂1), 梶原敬三1), 上田正人1), 近藤重信1), 野中共平1), 福島泰英2), 木下昭2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 91-93, 1985. |
The 20th seat. Reducing attempt - by obese treatment with Very-Low-Calorie Diets - Optifast 青森和俊1), 石川勝憲2), 森本忠雄2), 栗生明2), 中隆2), 岡田真理子2), 小松良哉2), 立山義朗2), 大村素子2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 100-102, 1985. |
The 21st seat. Ambulant treatment of the intractable extensive pycnic type by VLCD 大野誠, 塚原暁, 横山淳一, 池田義雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 103-106, 1985. |
The 22nd seat. Histories of treatment of patients with obesity by the low energy diet 清田敬1), 福島英生1), 山口康平1), 中村敷久1), 鵜沢春生1), 川上郁子2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 107-109, 1985. |
The 23rd seat (abstract). About insulin secretion ability of the infantile obesity with the glucose intolerance 田苗綾子, 橋本伸子, 香川二郎, 花木啓一, 日比逸郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 110-110, 1985. |
The 24th seat. Clinical statistical study on heredity of the simple obesity 三村悟郎, 陣内冨男, 梶原敬三 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 111-112, 1985. |
The 27th seat. 3 cases of the hypothalamic obesity which a diagnosis established by CT scanning 菅野洋1), 久間祥多1), 篠永正道1), 桑原武夫1), 井上修二2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 119-121, 1985. |
The 28th seat. Examination such as the feeding behavior, and the like in the Prader-Willi syndrome which presented severe Pickwickian Syndrome 花木啓一, 大関武彦, 若月弘子, 石谷暢男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 122-124, 1985. |
The 29th seat. One case of Multiple lipomatosis who had the cirrhosis 長谷川彰彦, 稲葉宗通, 高橋修樹, 根岸清彦, 鈴木将夫, 片山茂裕, 河津捷二, 若林孝雄, 石井淳 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 125-127, 1985. |
The 30th seat (abstract). About glucose tolerance of the Prader-Willi syndrome 香川二郎, 田苗綾子, 花木啓一, 橋本伸子, 日比逸郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 128-128, 1985. |
The 31st seat. Secondary obesity: An example of the Morgan's syndrome 小内亨, 岡田秀一, 増田淳, 田中哲治, 西岡正夫, 大島喜八, 森昌朋, 諏訪邦彦, 下村洋之助, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 129-131, 1985. |
The 32nd seat. Examination of the instruction method for infantile obesity improvement 桑森式子, 阪口美幸 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 132-135, 1985. |
The 33rd seat. About control and the activity program of experience (1) - diet of the obese child camping - 吉田弘道1), 巷野悟郎1), 井口由子1), 近藤洋子1), 石島央子1), 平岩香1), 長谷川康子1), 羽崎泰男1), 神谷明宏1), 宗像桃子1), 植地正文2), 村田光範3), 山崎公恵3), 清水寛子3), 渡辺雅子3), 坂本元子4), 小林幸子4), 石井荘子4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 136-138, 1985. |
The 35th seat. Behavior record analysis - of experience (2) - obese child of the obese child camping 近藤洋子1), 巷野悟郎1), 井口由子1), 吉田弘道1), 石島央子1), 平岩香1), 長谷川康子1), 羽崎泰男1), 神谷明宏1), 宗像桃子1), 植地正文2), 村田光範3), 山崎公恵3), 清水寛子3), 渡辺雅子3), 坂本元子4), 石井荘子4), 小林幸子4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 142-143, 1985. |
The 36th seat. Obesity and serum lipid of the schoolchild and blood pressure - Shinjocho Study - 山本章1), 横山信治1), 山村卓1), 堀部博1), 青木伸雄1), 笠置文善1), 沢田誠二2), 松沢佑次3), 亀田芳3), 藤岡滋典3), 鵜山光仁4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 144-146, 1985. |
The 37th seat. Examination of the electrocardiogram of the obese child and the chest X-ray 南部光彦1), 大嶋勇成1), 垣内敏孝1), 早川泰1), 伊藤忠1), 芳野妙子2), 横山達郎3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 147-149, 1985. |
The 38th seat. About abnormality of the insulin acceptor-producing ability in the infantile obesity 根本博文, 山崎公恵, 村田光範 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 150-151, 1985. |
The 39th seat. About obesity - of the university student particularly character, the eating habits and an autonomic nerve function, and the like - 畑中裕司, 秦文彦, 前田裕一郎, 北村嘉章, 西本茂樹, 松本真一郎, 乾明夫, 河原啓, 佐伯進, 老籾宗忠, 馬場茂明 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 152-154, 1985. |
The 41st seat. Living guidance and lipid change of the pycnic type 佐久間恵理子1), 及川眞一1), 後藤由夫1), 今泉倫子2), 寺木郁子2), 渡辺知子2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 158-160, 1985. |
The 45th seat. Follow-up (forecast) of the obesity case with Hyperinsulinism for 10 years 丸浜喜亮, 関英政, 二宮一見, 遠藤稔弥, 向井田英明 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 169-171, 1985. |
The 46th seat. Examination of plasma glucagon concentrations in the pycnic type 渡辺桂子, 井口利樹, 竹内昭一, 石井眞理子, 住野泰清, 古河一男, 磯貝庄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 172-174, 1985. |
The 47th seat. Glucose intolerance in the obesity and examination of the disorder of lipid metabolism 田中明, 中條ゆえ子, 内村功, 前沢秀憲 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 175-177, 1985. |
The 48th seat. Obese effect on diabetic vascular disorder 後藤千秋, 及川眞一, 後藤由夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 178-181, 1985. |
The 50th seat. Tendency to diet of patients with obesity diabetes 土屋信昭1), 高橋広1), 臼井昭子1), 河原玲子2), 平田幸正2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 185-187, 1985. |
The 51st seat. Clinical usefulness of the low energy diet which we saw from blood lipid and apoprotein 原納優, 小島秀人, 西尾善, 小杉圭右, 柏木厚典, 繁田幸男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 188-190, 1985. |
The 52nd seat (abstract). Effect of appetite suppressant Mazindol on obesity of the Prader-Willi syndrome children patient 貴田嘉一, 後藤義則, 戒能幸一, 松田博 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 191-191, 1985. |
The 53rd seat. Long-term effect to give to adenohypophysial hormone of mazindol in the simple obesity 中園誠, 町田光司, 入江達朗, 武部和夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 192-193, 1985. |
The 54th seat. Use experience of melinamide for the adiposity 森島昭 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 194-195, 1985. |
The 55th seat. About eating behavior for the 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2DG) load in the adiposity and relations of the stigma 中井義勝, 辻井悟, 黄俊清, 高橋英雄, 臼井健, 井村裕夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 196-197, 1985. |
The 57th seat. About an antifat blood effect of the fructo-oligosaccharide 寺本民生1), 小西智子2), 栄田利章3), 日高秀昌3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 201-203, 1985. |
The 59th seat. The effect that an exercise load stop gives to cellularity of the rat adipose tissue 上田伸男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 207-209, 1985. |
The 60th seat. The effect that exercise and diet control give to body composition 福永哲夫, 石田良恵 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 210-211, 1985. |
The 61st seat. About effect on nourishment, kinesitherapy - for the obese child particularly lipid metabolism - 小松啓子1), 梶原康巨1), 白川嘉継1), 山岸稔1), 野田正紀2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 212-214, 1985. |
The 64th seat. About the humoral immunocompetence that saw from study (the second report) - chief ingredient analysis of the exercise of obese schoolchild effect to give to immunocompetence - 守田則一1), 坂口二夫1), 井上幹夫1), 進藤宗洋2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 221-223, 1985. |
Report on 1000 Cases of Gastric Bypass Roux-en-Y from the Lesser Curvature Clmente F. Oga, Jose C. Torres Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 224-224, 1985. |
The 66th seat. The preoperation complications of the stomach shrinkage surgery patients and the ups and downs 土屋広明, 川村功, 山崎一馬, 朱そう杰, 碓井貞仁, 坂本昭雄, 徳元伸行, 豊泉惣一郎, 磯野可一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 225-227, 1985. |
The 67th seat. GRF endurance test in the simple pycnic type 田中克明1), 井上修二1), 中村三郎1), 岡崎博1), 斉藤紀文1), 森隆1), 大川伸一1), 岡村淳1), 杉政龍雄1), 高邑裕太郎1), 井上和子2), 入江實2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 228-229, 1985. |
The 68th seat (abstract). Clinical significance of the T3 in the obesity 洪秀樹, 藤井繁樹, 西大條靖子, 都島基夫, 南部征喜 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 230-230, 1985. |
The 69th seat. Study on reaction-type of LH-RH test and association with the obesity 高橋健太郎, 吉野和男, 渋川敏彦, 白井孝昭, 西垣新, 荒木芳美, 北尾学 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 231-232, 1985. |
The 70th seat. Relations with degree of corpulence and the ovulation failure in patients with infertility 吉野和男, 高橋健太郎, 渋川敏彦, 白井孝昭, 西垣新, 荒木芳美, 北尾学 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 233-234, 1985. |
The 71st seat. Liver function abnormality in the infantile obesity 梅園忠1), 田村邦弘2), 高橋金雄2), 篠宮正樹3), 神崎哲人3), 白井厚治3), 斎藤康3), 吉田尚3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 235-236, 1985. |
The 72nd seat. About the relations of fatty liver and metabolic disorders detected by a clinical survey 矢島章子1), 望月和子1), 奈良和子1), 松本泰二2), 禹博司2), 河原玲子3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 237-239, 1985. |
The 73rd seat. About liver function abnormality to be found in juvenile-onset diabetes 三谷直子, 河原玲子, 笠原督, 平田幸正 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 240-241, 1985. |
The 75th seat. Effect of the diet cure in patients with primary gout 岩谷征子, 大和田ゆかり, 御座清允 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 245-247, 1985. |
The 79th seat. Follow-up after the obese treatment 川田順子1), 森野真由美1), 井上八重子1), 福川美和子1), 斉藤容子1), 香川芳子1), 柴田博2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 255-257, 1985. |
The 82nd seat. Low energy diet - intake energy 1,000 - 1,200kcal - that filled up nutritional requirement except the energy a day 児玉直子1), 小野桂子1), 西牟田守1), 日達やよい2), 米原洋子3), 鈴木一正4), 鈴木和枝4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 263-266, 1985. |
The 83rd seat. Learning of the low energy diet that we turn on diet in the hospital 田中志保子, 別当憲子, 岩田久子, 池田正毅 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 267-268, 1985. |
The 84th seat. Of the low energy diet treatment in the obesity, actually 島雄満子, 武田倬, 川上あきこ Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 269-271, 1985. |
The 86th seat. Examination of the myocardium lipoprotein lipase activity of the high fat diet obesity rat 山岡広紀1), 磯貝行秀1), 望月正武2), 村上安子3), 村勢敏郎4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 275-277, 1985. |
The 89th seat. About the obese onset, an association between effect on oxygen consumption and adaptive expression of the adrenergic agonist of the adipose tissue 宮崎滋, 内藤周幸, 伊藤博夫, 川村光信, 林洋, 安藤矩子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 283-285, 1985. |
The 90th seat. Hyperglycemia by the electrical stimulation of the dorsum parapeduncular nucleus (PBD) lateral part 稲生英俊1), 永井克也1), 中川八郎1), 山野真利子2), 稲垣忍2), 遠山正弥2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 286-288, 1985. |
The 92nd seat. Effect of the high sucrose food on hypothalamic obesity rat and streptozotocin diabetes rat 佐藤忍, 斉藤紀文, 藤井隆人, 江川正人, 岡村淳, 杉政龍雄, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 292-293, 1985. |
The 93rd seat. Study on fatty liver formation mechanism of the VMH obesity rat 村上透, 奥淳治, 平野正憲, 杉本恒明 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 294-295, 1985. |
The 94th seat. Morphologic observation - of liver of the hypothalamic obesity rat and serum lipid metabolism - liver VLDL 乾由明1), 南雄三1), 松沢佑次1), 徳永勝人1), 藤岡滋典1), 野崎秀一1), 河野典夫1), 垂井清一郎1), 西川正博2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 296-298, 1985. |
The 95th seat. Blood neutral fat-secreting speed by the acute ethanol load of the hypothalamic obesity rat fatty liver 大川伸一, 田中克明, 星野真人, 佐藤忍, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 299-300, 1985. |
The 96th seat. The liver neutral fat synthetic pathway enzyme change in the VMH obesity rat 岩崎雅夫1), 安藤操1), 岡田源義1), 伊藤龍雄1), 武内俊彦1), 木村浩2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 301-302, 1985. |
The 97th seat. Role of hypothalamic - sympathetic nervous system for the lipid metabolism of the brown adipose tissue 箕越靖彦, 斉藤昌之, 嶋津孝 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 303-305, 1985. |
The 101st seat. Effect (about glucose intake ability in the insulin non-irritation) - of analysis (the fourth report) - suprarenalectomy of the insulin resistance in the Gold thioglucose obese mice 岡田秀一, 大島喜八, 小内亨, 小林健夫, 佐藤則之, 清水弘行, 丸田栄, 森昌朋, 下村洋之助, 小林功, 小村節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 314-315, 1985. |
The 102nd seat. Liver damage in the experimental obesity rat 林信太, 玉井利孝, 高井博正, 藤原隆一, 久津見恭典, 佐部裕幸, 高橋貞夫, 中井継彦, 宮保進 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 316-318, 1985. |
The 103rd seat (abstract). About the development of brain development - cerebrum nerve cells projection of the hypothalamic obesity mouse - 西村理, 越智雅晴, 吉岡博, 楠智一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 319-319, 1985. |
The 104th seat. Effect for the guinea pig ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus neuron of the short chain organic acid (2-DTA, 3-DPA, 3-HBA) 南武嗣, 鍋倉淳一, 清水宣明, 福田敦夫, 大村裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 320-322, 1985. |
The 105th seat. A monkey amygdaloid body neuron activity during operant eating behavior and glucose, sensitivity for morphine 中野保彦, 大村裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 323-325, 1985. |
The 106th seat. Response of rat nuclei of solitary tract and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus to hypothalamic electrical stimulation 西村博行, 甲斐之尋, 清水宣明, 大村裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 326-328, 1985. |
The 107th seat. An amygdaloid body neuron activity and eating behavior 西条寿夫, 小野武年 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 329-332, 1985. |
The 108th seat. Reply to duodenal extension of the lateral hypothalamic area neuron 太田篤胤, 白石武昌 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 333-335, 1985. |
The 109th seat. Effect on hypothalamus-related gastric-acid secretion and neuron activity of the internal eating modulator 川島球子, 白石武昌 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 336-338, 1985. |
The 110th seat. Feeding deterrent (FS-T) and effect of obese therapeutic agent Mazindol that we extracted from the feces for the hereditary and experimental obese rat 津田とみ1), 勝沼恒彦1), 川島球子2), 白石武昌2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 339-340, 1985. |
The 112th seat. Effect of endogenous organic acid 2-deoxytetronate, 3-deoxypentonate for the rat ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus neuron 清水宣明, 大村裕, 南武嗣 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 343-345, 1985. |
The 113th seat. Release change of the stomach VIP in the hypothalamic obesity rat 島崎英樹, 増永高晴, 大石誠, 辰己靖, 松田博人, 小林武嗣, 上野敏男, 竹田亮祐 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 346-348, 1985. |
The 114th seat. About an appetite suppressed effect of CRF 宇佐美勝1), 清野裕1), 田港朝彦1), 井村裕夫1), 大野蘭子2), 池田正毅2), 松倉茂3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 349-351, 1985. |
The 116th seat. Fixed-quantity of the blood level of endogenous appetite regulation material 2-DTA and 3-DPA 根本清次1), 山本智矢1), 藤田一郎1), 清水宣明2), 大村裕2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 354-356, 1985. |
The 117th seat. Vagal electrophysiological study to influence rat pancreas 新島旭, 大平博久 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 357-358, 1985. |
The 119th seat. Participation - of insulin chronic administration obese rat condition of a patient (the fourth report) - adrenal gland 小林建夫, 下村洋之助, 清水弘行, 佐藤則之, 丸田栄, 大島喜八, 森昌朋, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 362-363, 1985. |
The 120th seat. Analysis of the insulin hyposensitivity in the obesity 奥田拓道, 中川誉子, 辻田隆広, 宮田富弘 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 364-365, 1985. |
The 121st seat. Effect of the long-term exercise of genetic hyperglycemia animal hepatocytes load to give to insulin combination 沢近実1), 福元良英1), 金沢真雄1), 伊能高明1), 能登谷洋子1), 伊藤久雄1), 米田嘉重郎2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 366-367, 1985. |
The 122nd seat. Thyroid hormone and obesity (the second report) - basic examination - 佐藤則之, 下村洋之助, 清水弘行, 小林建夫, 丸田栄, 大島喜八, 森昌朋, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 368-370, 1985. |
The 123rd seat. Effect to give to eating behavior of Calcitonin and Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide 山本秀樹1), 森本茂人1), 福尾恵介1), 広中隆志1), 土屋寛泰1), 高栄男1), 大西利夫1), 熊原雄一1), 永井克也2), 中川八郎2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 371-373, 1985. |
The 124th seat. Effect - of obesity and sex hormone (the second report) - estrogen 下村洋之助1), 清水弘行1), 佐藤則之1), 小林建夫1), 丸田栄1), 大島喜八1), 森昌朋1), 小林功1), 小林節雄1), 林哲2), 田所作太郎2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 374-376, 1985. |
The 125th seat. The condition of a patient in the ovary removal obesity rat: Feeding behavior analysis 清水弘行1), 下村洋之助1), 佐藤則之1), 小林建夫1), 小林功1), 大島喜八1), 森昌朋1), 小林節雄1), 丸田栄1), 栗原久2), 田所作太郎2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 377-378, 1985. |
The 126th seat. The condition of a patient of the ovary removal rat under the physical limitation 清水弘行, 下村洋之助, 佐藤則之, 小林建夫, 丸田栄, 大島喜八, 森昌朋, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 379-380, 1985. |
The 127th seat. Biochemical examination of the brown adipose tissue function in the rat obese after the oophorectomy 若林保良1), 吉田俊秀2), 西岡均2), 吉岡敬治2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 381-383, 1985. |
The 128th seat. Effect of estrogen on medial amygdaloid nucleus 鍋倉淳一, 南武嗣, 福田敦夫, 大村裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 384-385, 1985. |
The 129th seat. About establishment and protein degradation rate of study - long time line perfusion law of the skeletal muscle protein metabolism in the db/db mouse (the first report) - 大島喜八, 岡田秀一, 小内亨, 小林健夫, 佐藤則之, 清水弘行, 丸田栄, 森昌朋, 下村洋之助, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 386-388, 1985. |
The 130th seat. Are the T-lymphocytes necessary for cachectin production by the macrophage? 川上正舒1), 小川弘子1), 柴田整一1), 村勢敏郎2), 大沢仲昭2), 高久史麿2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 6: 389-391, 1985. |