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Proceedings of Congress of JASSO
Volume 7, Issue / 1986
English Article Japanese Article
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Send it to the publication of "the seventh Japan Society For the Study of Obesity record" 馬場茂明 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 1986. |
Adverse Effect of Obesity on Health and Longevity Theodore B. Van Itallie Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 1-6, 1986. |
Taste and eating 足立明 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 7-8, 1986. |
Insulin and eating, obesity 井上修二, 佐藤忍 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 9-10, 1986. |
Overeating and energy balance 斉藤昌之, 箕越靖彦, 嶋津孝 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 11-12, 1986. |
Eating rhythm and obesity 永井克也 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 13-15, 1986. |
Comparison - of eating abnormality and internal secretion metabolism - VMH rat and the PVN rat in the experiment obesity animal 徳永勝人, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 16-17, 1986. |
Chemical factor of the eating adjustment 片渕俊彦, 根本清次, 大村裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 18-20, 1986. |
New normal weight calculation simple calculating formula devised than a concept of the biological standard physique in humans 村上啓治, 三村悟郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 21-22, 1986. |
Japan-U.S. obesity judging from mortality 塚本宏 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 23-25, 1986. |
Municipal epidemiological examination - Tokyo certain person of the schoolchild obesity; and comparison - in the private junior high school 河原玲子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 28-29, 1986. |
About study - about the obesity of the university student particularly character, the eating habits - 畑中裕司, 老籾宗忠 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 30-31, 1986. |
Results - of - Prospective Follow-up Study with degree of corpulence and the vital prognosis of patients with diabetes concerned 三原俊彦, 大橋博, 平田幸正 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 33-34, 1986. |
Clinical picture of acute myocardial infarction who had the obesity 井尻昌生, 石川眞一郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 38-41, 1986. |
About the effect that senile obesity gives to an arteriosclerotic disease 板垣晃之, 大庭健三 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 42-43, 1986. |
The first seat. Reexamination of the normal weight 吉江康正*, 永井隆*, 小林節雄*, 下村洋之助**, 小林功**, 冨沢貴*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 46-47, 1986. |
The second seat. On the basis of intercomparison - skinfold thickness assay of the obese judgment method; and - 三浦次郎*, 渡部宗宏*, 鈴木政登** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 48-49, 1986. |
The third seat. Skinfold thickness in a human trunk, the four extremities of Japanese men and women 矢ヶ崎信子*, 豊川裕之**, 佐伯圭一郎**, 渡慶次重美*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 50-51, 1986. |
The fourth seat. Body fat estimate-style precision in the weight loss evaluation 佐伯圭一郎*, 豊川裕之*, 矢ヶ崎信子** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 52-53, 1986. |
The fifth seat. About the infant figure of children with obesity and the general schoolchild attempt - of the criteria setting of - infants obesity 衣笠昭彦*, 山本徹*, 寺田直人*, 幸道直樹*, 古川宣明*, 沢田淳*, 楠智一**, 清沢伸幸*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 54-55, 1986. |
The sixth seat. Comparison between examination - pluralistic assay and degree of corpulence - of the skinfold thickness measurement in the obesity of the childhood 花木啓一, 大関武彦, 石谷暢男, 若月弘子, 白木和夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 56-58, 1986. |
The eighth seat. About the serum apoprotein level of the non-obese schoolchild student 森島昭 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 61-62, 1986. |
The eleventh seat. Character characteristic of the obese child judging from Y-G personality test 若松順子*, 山根久美**, 芳野妙子**, 南部光彦*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 67-68, 1986. |
The twelfth seat. Characteristic analysis of the pycnic type by the inventory survey method 豊川裕之*, 柳井晴夫**, 田中穂積***, 今野則男*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 69-71, 1986. |
The thirteenth seat. About physical strength of the pycnic type, the eating habits awareness and malaise 文谷知明, 大木和子, 岸田範子, 栗原和美, 泰磨正 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 72-74, 1986. |
The 14th seat. About obese risk and patients with examination - Type II diabetes mellitus about the specificity - 望月正武, 谷口正幸, 石木基夫, 多田紀夫, 永野允 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 75-76, 1986. |
The 15th seat. About medical risk and weight loss of the adiposity in children 山崎公恵, 数間雅子, 清水寛子, 村田光範 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 77-78, 1986. |
The 18th seat. Arteriosclerosis and eating habits - in patients with primary gout primarily about aorta pulse wave velocity - 岩谷征子, 渡辺富博, 御座清允 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 82-83, 1986. |
The 20th seat. Examination - by sugar, lipid metabolism and obese risk - clinical survey in the fatty liver 矢島章子*, 望月和子*, 河原玲子** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 86-87, 1986. |
The 22nd seat. Examination about the autonomic nerve function of the pycnic type 勝川史憲, 馬場良子, 西野素子, 武井泉, 丸山博, 片岡邦三 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 91-92, 1986. |
The 24th seat (abstract). From multivariate analysis of condition of a patient analysis - diabetes inhabitants examination of the fatty liver in the impaired glucose tolerance of obesity, the non-pycnic type - 織辺敏也*, 河原啓*, 尹聖哲*, 青山伸郎*, 中田邦也*, 田中力*, 森田須美香*, 吉田泰昭*, 谷口洋*, 土井邦紘*, 馬場茂明*, 清水昌好**, 小橋吉明***, 金子滋夫**** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 94-94, 1986. |
The 25th seat. About the abnormality of diet contents and hyperlipidemia of the recent obese child and the liver function test 古川宣明*, 衣笠昭彦*, 山本徹*, 寺田直人*, 幸道直樹*, 沢田淳*, 楠智一** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 95-96, 1986. |
The 27th seat. Central mechanism of the optic taste-related recognition of food, the non-food of the monkey 西条寿夫, 中村清実, 小野武年 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 100-102, 1986. |
The 28th seat. Reply properties of the rat lateral hypothalamic area food identification neuron 中村清実, 小野武年, 西条寿夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 103-105, 1986. |
The 29th seat. Effect to give to blood sugar regulation of the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus electrical stimulation 藤井隆人*, 田中克明*, 江川正人*, 井上修二*, 高邑裕太郎*, 永井克也**, 中川八郎** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 106-108, 1986. |
The 30th seat. About a regulatory mechanism of the sympathetic nervous activity by the eating participation - of - ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus and insulin 西岡均, 吉田俊秀, 吉岡敬治, 金鋼隆弘, 近藤元治 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 109-110, 1986. |
The 31st seat. Response of the rat dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus neuron to noradrenaline and nuclei of solitary tract stimulation 福田敦夫, 鍋倉淳一, 南武嗣, 伊藤千登世, 大村裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 111-112, 1986. |
The 32nd seat (abstract). Analysis - by the change - in vivo voltammetry method of the restraint stress lower rat hypothalamus serotonin 青柳和彦, 大村裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 113-113, 1986. |
The 33rd seat. Hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) destruction obesity rat and Norepinephrine turnover 吉岡敬治*, 吉田俊秀*, 西岡均*, G.A.Bray** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 114-115, 1986. |
The 34th seat. Role of the norepinephrine for the eating behavior expression by the lateral hypothalamic area stimulation 白石武昌 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 116-117, 1986. |
The 35th seat (abstract). Effect of estrogen on medial amygdaloid nucleus and ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus neuron 鍋倉淳一, 南武嗣, 大村裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 118-118, 1986. |
The 37th seat. Eating inhibition with the rat medial basal hypothalamus (VMH) administration of glutaryl - CCK-8 永井克也*, 高木晶子*, 高木俊治*, 中川八郎*, 矢内原昇** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 121-122, 1986. |
The 38th seat (abstract). About effect on rat brain opioid receptor of fast and the high fat diet 辻井悟, 中井義勝, 深田順一, 臼井健, 高橋英雄, 中石滋雄, 黄俊清, 井村裕夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 123-123, 1986. |
The 39th seat. Effect with eating behavior - of the dog particularly the peptide intraventricular administration 坂谷則彰, 乾明夫, 井上徹, 大家学, 森岡秀記, 馬場茂明 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 124-125, 1986. |
The 41st seat (abstract). Eating depressant action of the endogenous organic acid derivative Plata-Salaman, C.R., 大村裕, 清水宣明 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 129-129, 1986. |
The 43rd seat. Role of the alpha receptor in the fat-splitting of the hypothalamic obesity rat 斎藤紀文, 永瀬肇, 佐藤忍, 大川伸一, 岡村淳, 杉政龍雄, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 133-134, 1986. |
The 44th seat (abstract). Obesity, a quantitative change and the active expression of sugar transport body by the aging 江崎治, 松本明世, 加賀綾子, 一之瀬幸男, 板倉弘重 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 135-135, 1986. |
The 45th seat. About aging obesity rat isolation fat cell membrane β - adrenergic receptor and the dysfunction 柏木厚典, 西尾善彦, 櫛田典子, 紀田康雄, 小川勉, 繁田幸男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 136-138, 1986. |
The 47th seat. Effect of the human TNF for fat-splitting (lipolysis) in the fat cell 川上正舒*, 小川弘子*, 柴田整一*, 村勢敏郎**, 高久史麿** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 141-142, 1986. |
The 48th seat. Effect of the adrenergic agonist on oxygen consumption of the rat free fat cell and fat-splitting 宮崎滋, 内藤周幸, 伊藤博夫, 川村光信, 林洋, 安藤矩子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 143-145, 1986. |
The 49th seat (abstract). Obese epidemiology in the Kyushu Kurume district 上田正人*, 熊谷尚子*, 林秀樹*, 林田佳子*, 野中共平*, 相良嘉典**, 津末美知子**, 鷺山千枝子**, 松本初子** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 146-146, 1986. |
The 50th seat. About fact-finding of the adiposity in women under Kyoto 中井義勝, 深田順一, 高橋英雄, 黄俊清, 辻井悟, 臼井健, 中石滋雄, 井村裕夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 147-148, 1986. |
The 52nd seat. Body composition of the sumo sumo wrestler 近藤正勝*, 堀内岩雄*1, 金久博昭*2, 山本恵三*3, 池川繁樹*4, 松尾彰文*5, 福永哲夫*5 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 151-152, 1986. |
The 53rd seat (abstract). A Tongan obesity establishment process and the characteristic 鈴木正成*, 斉藤慎一*, 飯野四郎**, 日高宏**, 足立巳幸***, 小池五郎*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 153-153, 1986. |
The 55th seat. Investigation and measures - of 25 years in trend - Shinjocho of the infantile obesity 山本章*, 山村卓*, 堀部博*, 石川勝憲**, 鵜山光仁***, 松沢佑次****, 徳永勝人****, 藤岡滋典****, 沢田誠二***** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 155-156, 1986. |
The 56th seat. About contribution to adult obesity of the infantile obesity 篠宮正樹*, 斎藤康*, 吉田尚*, 梅園忠**, 和頴美和子*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 157-158, 1986. |
The 57th seat. A risk of the young pycnic type and the chase examination 引地勲, 丸浜喜亮 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 159-160, 1986. |
The 59th seat. Obesity and sugar, disorder of lipid metabolism at retirement of a certain government official-related staff 東貴代*, 増井秀子*, 中村恵美子*, 成田博子*, 正見秀子*, 鬼原彰** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 164-166, 1986. |
The 60th seat. Prophylaxis - epidemiological clinical examination - of health care and the lifestyle diseases onset of the company judging from degree of corpulence 堀田饒*, 角田博信*, 深沢英雄*, 坂本信夫*, 入谷辰男**, 伊藤英夫**, 杉浦康夫**, 森章吾** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 167-169, 1986. |
The 61st seat. After a meal in examination - obese children of the urine sugar screening - 若宮英司, 小国龍也, 小西和孝, 美濃真 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 170-172, 1986. |
The 62nd seat. The carbohydrate metabolism abnormality in the obese child and plasma lipid, lipoprotein, apoprotein metabolic disorders 中井継彦, 玉井利孝, 高井博正, 藤原隆一, 宮保進 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 173-175, 1986. |
The 66th seat. After the meal of new α-glucosidase inhibitor, AO-128 and effect on insulin secretion 松沢佑次*, 徳永勝人*, 藤岡滋典*, 亀田芳*, 中島忠久*, 山下静也*, 焦昇*, 上山裕也*, 木原進士*, 垂井清一郎*, 首藤弘史** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 181-183, 1986. |
The 67th seat. Significance - blood insulin of the weight weight loss in the hypertensive treatment, consideration - from the change of T3 concentrations 脇昌子*, 洪秀樹*, 松下正幸*, 藤井繁樹*, 高木洋*, 桝田出*, 河口明人*, 都島基夫*, 南部征喜*, 中野忠男**, 古沢通生**, 成川輝明** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 184-185, 1986. |
The 68th seat. About a change of nourishment, kinesitherapy - serum appointment for the obese child, lipoprotein A-I, A-II, B, C-II, C-III and E - 小松啓子*, 梶原康巨*, 白川嘉継*, 山岸稔*, 野田正紀** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 186-187, 1986. |
The 70th seat. Examination of the exercise prescription for the pycnic type 冨田直明, 渡辺孟 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 190-191, 1986. |
The 71st seat. Applied - of obesity and measures - behavior therapy to be found for youth 佐藤祐造*, 伊藤章*, 戸田安士*, 加藤雄一*, 近藤孝晴*, 押田芳治*, 島岡清*, 渡辺俊彦**, 宮尾克*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 192-194, 1986. |
The 73rd seat. There is it before and after examination - of the energy metabolism change of patients with severe obesity particularly stomach shrinkage surgery; and - 土屋広明, 川村功, 山崎一馬, 朱琮杰, 豊泉惣一郎, 坂本昭雄, 碓井貞仁, 磯野可一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 197-198, 1986. |
The 74th seat. Significance in the obese treatment of the weight diary which assumed circadian rhythm an index 藤本一眞, 坂田利家, 衛藤宏, 深川光司, 倉田一夫, 大隈和喜 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 199-201, 1986. |
The 75th seat. Effect of the high fructose food on hypothalamic obesity rat and streptozotocin diabetes rat 佐藤忍, 井上修二, 斎藤紀文, 永瀬肇, 佐々木賢二, 岡村淳, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 202-203, 1986. |
The 76th seat. Weight loss effect of the low energy diet on high fat diet-related obese rat 藤井康弘, 正木恭介, 吉満斉 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 204-205, 1986. |
The 77th seat. Effect of the phosphatidylcholine on experimental obese rat disorder of lipid metabolism and fatty liver 林信太, 玉井利孝, 高井博正, 高橋貞夫, 佐部裕幸, 藤原隆一, 久津見恭典, 中井継彦, 宮保進 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 206-207, 1986. |
The 78th seat. Effect of Dextran Sulfate in the lipid metabolism of the hypothalamic obesity rat 永瀬肇, 大川伸一, 藤井隆人, 田中克明, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 208-209, 1986. |
The 79th seat. Antiobesity of small intestine disaccharides hydrolase inhibitor AO-128 and antidiabetes effect 志村佳子, 小高裕之, 池田衡, 松尾隆夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 210-211, 1986. |
The 80th seat. Relations with the intraabdominal offal fat and metabolic disorders in the obese animal 小畠隆司, 松沢佑次, 徳永勝人, 藤岡滋典, 川本俊治, 乾由明, 垂井清一郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 212-213, 1986. |
The 81st seat. The weight inhibitory effect to give to Fatty rat of "Daisaikoto" 小林功, 下村洋之助, 佐藤則之, 高橋正樹, 清水弘行, 上原豊, 小内亨, 正田純史, 大島喜八, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 214-215, 1986. |
The 82nd seat. Effect of the alimentary fat and adrenalectomy in the genetic obese mice 高橋正樹*, 下村洋之助*, 大島喜八*, 小林功*, 小林節雄*, G.A. Bray** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 216-217, 1986. |
The 86th seat. Long-term weight loss effect after the VLCD enforcement 大野誠, 田中直子, 荒井慶子, 塚原暁, 横山淳一, 池田義雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 224-226, 1986. |
The 87th seat. Effect and adaptation - of correction - foreign management and hospitalization management obese highly by the super low caloric diet 中村二郎, 堀田饒, 角田博信, 深沢英雄, 洪尚樹, 榊原文彦, 鬼頭柳三, 松前裕己, 坂本信夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 227-229, 1986. |
The 88th seat. Change of the thyroid hormone in the semi-starvation therapy (240kcal/ day and 420kcal/ day) 栗並茂*, 林秀樹*, 林田佳子*, 熊谷尚子*, 山口彰*, 内山伸二*, 梶原敬三*, 野中共平*, 福島泰英**, 近藤重信** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 230-231, 1986. |
The 89th seat. A weight loss effect in the long-term diet cure including semi-starvation therapy and endocrinologic examination 西川真人, 星賢二, 渡辺高典, 石川雅, 米倉譲二, 野沢保興, 佐野隆志, 染谷一彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 232-233, 1986. |
The 93rd seat. Effect of the quantity of the diet of precedence several weeks and the quality on specific dynamic effect 山下洵子, 上村美和子, 林伸一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 241-242, 1986. |
The 94th seat. Experience of the obese child health class 太田百合子*, 近藤洋子*, 吉田弘道*, 巷野悟郎*, 秋元宏之*, 村田光範**, 坂本元子*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 243-244, 1986. |
The 95th seat. Effect of the exercise on weight loss of the obese adult by the diet offer method judging from physical strength 山本久徳*, 青木純一郎*, 堀田昇*, 石川俊次**, 田中穂積***, 斎藤容子*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 245-247, 1986. |
The 96th seat. About serum lipid, liver function, a change of the body fat that diet advice and weight loss of the pycnic type by the exercise based on a diet offer method give 森野真由美*, 斉藤容子*, 楠原令子*, 木村信子*, 香川芳子*, 石川俊次**, 豊川裕之***, 佐伯圭一郎***, 青木純一郎****, 田中穂積***** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 248-250, 1986. |
The 98th seat. Show significant weight gain; one case of the hypothalamic obesity with Poikilothermia 清水弘行, 下村洋之助, 高橋正樹, 上原豊, 佐藤則之, 岡田秀一, 高橋京一, 大島喜八, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 253-254, 1986. |
The 99th seat. Endocrinologic examination of the Prader-Willi syndrome 南部光彦*, 伊藤忠*, 山根久美**, 芳野妙子**, 西元勝子**, 長谷川知子***, 藤田弘子**** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 255-257, 1986. |
The 100th seat. An example of the adiposity that showed a response to TRH of the anorexia nervosa resemblance 高橋京一, 大島喜八, 岡田秀一, 小内亨, 馬原充彦, 上原豊, 佐藤則之, 高橋正樹, 森昌朋, 下村洋之助, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 258-259, 1986. |
The 101st seat. Study on increase differentiation - first report of Preadipocyte: Mesentery fat and pannicular comparison - 川本俊治, 小畠隆司, 藤岡滋典, 山下静也, 徳永勝人, 松沢佑次, 垂井清一郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 260-261, 1986. |
The 104th seat. About the dedifferentiation of rat mature fat cells 関谷敬三, 奥田拓道 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 266-267, 1986. |
The 105th seat. Normalcy, obesity, comparison of the lipoprotein in the diabetes animal 中條やえ子*, 田中明*, 司馬清麿*, 高木優美子*, 若林哲雄*, 内村功*, 飯島俊樹*, 細川知良*, 沼野藤夫*, 前沢秀憲*, 岡崎三代**, 原一郎*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 268-269, 1986. |
The 106th seat (abstract). From association with effect - to give VLDL metabolism of the hyperinsulinemia it particularly the alimentary sugar - 岩谷逸平*, 岩井正秀*, 笠間敏雄*, 芳野原*, 馬場茂明*, 鹿住敏** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 270-270, 1986. |
The 107th seat. Obesity and revolving protein metabolism: Triglyceride-secreting speed of the Monosodium glutamate administration obesity rat 中井継彦, 林信太, 高井博正, 高橋貞夫, 佐部裕幸, 前田肇, 玉井利孝, 宮保進 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 271-273, 1986. |
The 108th seat. About a lipidolytic effect of the catecholamine repetitive stimulation with the infusion system 石川雅, 星賢二, 野沢保興, 太田康晴, 西川真人, 渡辺高典, 根岸代, 水野幸一, 太田明雄, 笠川忍, 佐野隆志, 染谷一彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 274-276, 1986. |
The 109th seat. Analysis of the carbohydrate metabolism abnormality to be found in GTG (Gold thioglucose) mouse: About the sixth report - glucose membrane transport ability disorder - 岡田秀一*, 石原弘文*, 中野稔**, 大島喜八***, 高橋京一***, 正田純史***, 上原豊***, 小内亨***, 佐藤則之***, 森昌朋***, 下村洋之助***, 小林功***, 小林節雄*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 277-278, 1986. |
The 110th seat. Characteristic of the protein metabolism in the obese animal 小内亨, 大島喜八, 岡田秀一, 高橋京一, 馬原充彦, 上原豊, 佐藤則之, 高橋正樹, 森昌朋, 下村洋之助, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 279-280, 1986. |
The 111th seat. Disappearance of the diet pattern accompanied with the degree of corpulence increase to be found in Zucker rat 深川光司*, 吉松博信*, 藤本一真*, 坂田利家*, 白石武昌** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 281-283, 1986. |
The 112th seat. Feeding behavior analysis of Fatty rat 上原豊*, 下村洋之助*, 清水弘行*, 佐藤則之*, 小内亨*, 正田純史*, 大島喜八*, 小林功*, 小林節雄*, 林哲**, 田所作太郎** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 284-285, 1986. |
The 114th seat. About an appetite suppressed effect of CRF effect - of - suprarenalectomy 宇佐美勝*, 清野裕*, 田港朝彦*, 井村裕夫*, 大野雅史**, 池田正毅** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 288-289, 1986. |
The 115th seat. Quantity of condition of a patient (the fourth report) - active movement - of the ovary removal obesity rat 下村洋之助*, 佐藤則之*, 上原豊*, 岡田秀一*, 高橋正樹*, 高橋京一*, 大島喜八*, 小林功*, 小林節雄*, 林哲**, 田所作太郎** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 290-291, 1986. |
The 117th seat. Hepatic regeneration ability of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus destruction rat 田中克明, 井上修二, 大川伸一, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 294-295, 1986. |
The 118th seat. The liver fructose 2 of the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus injury-related obese mice, 6 screw phosphoric acid concentration 山本徹*, 寺田直人*, 幸道直樹*, 古川宣明*, 衣笠昭彦*, 沢田淳*, 楠智一** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 296-297, 1986. |
The 119th seat. Acute carbon tetrachloride administration experiment for the experiment obese rat fatty liver 大川伸一, 田中克明, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 298-299, 1986. |
The 120th seat. Examination - of the mechanism of action in effect (the fourth report) - hepatocytes giving it to lipid metabolism of calcitonin 奥井康行, 奥野仙二, 行岡和彦, 宋景富, 稲葉雅章, 三木隆巳, 西沢良記, 森井浩世 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 300-302, 1986. |
The 121st seat. About steatogenesis ability in the hypothalamic obesity rat hepatocellular primary culture 西沢良記, 奥井康行, 奥野仙二, 宋景富, 行岡和彦, 今泉尚志, 稲葉雅章, 三木隆巳, 森井浩世 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 303-305, 1986. |
The 122nd seat. Fat-splitting in the human adipose tissue: PTH, effect by glucose 谷口中*, 河野剛*, 井村裕夫*, 大迫文麿**, 永田格***, 片岡喜由****, 奥田拓道***** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 306-307, 1986. |
The 123rd seat. Examination about the gut flora in the hypothalamic obesity rat 今泉尚志*, 西沢良記*, 森井浩世*, 矢野郁也**, 河合康雄*** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 308-309, 1986. |
The 125th seat. Digestion absorbency of the gold thioglucose (GTG) inductivity obese mice 宮田富弘, 奥田拓道 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 312-313, 1986. |
The 126th seat. Study on rice porridge-formed arteriosclerosis degree and obesity, hyperinsulinemia in insulin moderate degree reaction-type diabetes 都島基夫, 高木洋, 桝田出, 河口明人, 松下正幸, 脇昌子, 藤井繁樹, 洪秀樹, 西大條靖子, 南部征喜 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 314-316, 1986. |
The 127th seat. Examination of plasma glucagon concentrations in the pycnic type with the impaired glucose tolerance 井口利樹, 渡辺桂子, 竹内昭一, 石井真理子, 管野茂男, 磯貝庄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 317-318, 1986. |
The 128th seat. Examination about elderly impaired glucose tolerance from the aspect of the obese gene 大庭建三*, 大崎良一郎*, 春山勝*, 中野博司*, 渕上正章*, 妻鳥昌平*, 盤若博司*, 板垣晃之** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 319-320, 1986. |
The 129th seat. Obese examination in 10-19-year-old insulin-independent type diabetes 河原玲子, 岩崎直子, 吉野正代, 雨宮禎子, 古守知典, 平田幸正 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 321-322, 1986. |
The 130th seat. Obese significance to occupy in the untreated glycosuria condition of a patient 奥野巍一, 大木篤, 多胡基, 川上房男, 福田熙, 柏原赳, 柴本茂樹, 山崎達枝 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 323-324, 1986. |
The 132nd seat. About improvement by significance and the weight loss to the diabetes onset, extension of the insulin hyposensitivity in the obesity 原納優*, 小島秀人**, 青木孝彦**, 小杉圭右**, 柏木厚典**, 繁田幸男** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 327-328, 1986. |
The 135th seat. The reinforcement of the pulmonary shunt rate by Hypocapnia in patients with obesity 印南比呂志, 大川一美, 永井博典, 河口太平, 岡田和夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 334-335, 1986. |
The 138th seat. Pathogenesis of the hypercholesterolemia judging from VLDL lipid composition by the intake energy 松下正幸*, 南部征喜*, 洪秀樹*, 脇昌子*, 中野忠男**, 古沢通生**, 成川輝明** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 341-342, 1986. |
The 139th seat. About gender gap of the effect to give to an obese serum triglyceride level and the uric acid level 鈴木九五*, 井上幹夫*, 宗清正紀*, 菱山博文**, 藤江吉郎** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 343-344, 1986. |
The 140th seat. Plasma amino acid in the pycnic type 吉次通泰, 関谷祐之, 庵政志 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 345-346, 1986. |
The 141st seat. Effect on depot fat of animal fat level 加賀綾子, 松本明世, 江崎治, 一之瀬幸男, 松井永一, 板倉弘重 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 347-349, 1986. |
The 142nd seat. About the significance of the brown adipose tissue as the human obese origin 吉田俊秀, 西岡均, 吉岡敬治, 中村義雄, 金綱隆弘, 近藤元治 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 350-351, 1986. |
The 143rd seat. Study on degree of corpulence of the polycystic ovary syndrome and LH-RH test 吉野和男, 内田昭弘, 草刈万寿夫, 高橋健太郎, 北尾学 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 352-353, 1986. |
The 145th seat. Hemorheology abnormality in the pycnic type 内村功*, 高木優美子*, 渡辺孝之*, 中條やえ子*, 若林哲雄*, 田中明*, 前沢秀憲*, 比田勝一彦** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 356-357, 1986. |
The 146th seat. Manufacture of the new endomorph diabetes model mouse 森裕, 北川良裕, 狩野康之, 繁田浩史, 中井雅彦, 梶山静夫, 西岡均, 吉田俊秀, 中埜幸治, 金綱隆弘, 近藤元治 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 358-359, 1986. |
The 147th seat. The refinement and physiological function of appetite suppressed material (FS-T) which intestinal bacterium produces 津田とみ, 大久保朋一, 勝沼恒彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 360-361, 1986. |
The 148th seat. Obesity and sugar (the first report) - basic examination - 佐藤則之*, 下村洋之助*, 高橋正樹*, 清水弘行*, 上原豊*, 岡田秀一*, 小内亨*, 大島喜八*, 小林功*, 小林節雄*, 林哲**, 田所作太郎** Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 362-363, 1986. |
The 149th seat. Stimulation effect of VMH giving it to the bloodstream of the brown adipose tissue 嶋津孝, 岩井将 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 364-365, 1986. |
The 150th seat. Sympathetic effect for the steatogenesis of the brown adipose tissue 箕越靖彦, 斉藤昌之, 嶋津孝 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 7: 366-367, 1986. |