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Proceedings of Congress of JASSO
Volume 8, Issue / 1987
English Article Japanese Article
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Send it to the publication of "the eighth Japan Society For the Study of Obesity record" 後藤由夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 1987. |
Diabetes and obesity 後藤由夫1), 及川真一2), 鈴木研一2), 佐久間恵理子2), 佐々木明徳2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 1-7, 1987. |
Eating Behavior in Obesity and Bulimia Harry R. Kissileff Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 15-22, 1987. |
Obese definition 井上修二 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 23-25, 1987. |
Obesity judging from a clinical survey and health examination for adult diseases in the company 片岡邦三, 丸山博, 小山一憲 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 26-27, 1987. |
Diabetes and obesity 土井邦紘, 河原啓 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 28-29, 1987. |
Fatty liver in the obesity 矢島義昭, 及川真一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 30-31, 1987. |
Obesity as the onset risk of the high blood pressure 脇昌子, 洪秀樹, 桝田出, 河口明人, 笠松謙, 南部征喜 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 32-34, 1987. |
Obesity and heart disease 中島忠久, 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 35-36, 1987. |
Change of weight loss and the diet pattern of the pycnic type 佐藤祐造1), 酒井映子2), 熊沢昭子2), 宮尾克3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 40-42, 1987. |
About a predictor of the long-term maintenance and effect of treatment of the weight loss weight in the behavior therapy 足達淑子, 藤井久仁子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 43-45, 1987. |
Attempt of the long-term weight loss maintenance with the diet establishment therapy 坂田利家 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 49-51, 1987. |
Chemical nerve network of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus 遠山正彌, 稲垣忍 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 52-53, 1987. |
Effect at the hypothalamic neuron level of the endogenous eating modulator 福田敦夫, 大村裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 54-56, 1987. |
Eating adjustment by the neuropeptide 白石武昌 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 57-58, 1987. |
About mechanism of the basal lipolysis promotion accompanied with the expansion of proposal - of the hormone sensitivity substrate theory in the fat-splitting response particularly the fat cell capacity - 奥田拓道 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 59-60, 1987. |
Insulin reply imperfection in the human adiposity and the clinical significance 原納優, 柏木厚典 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 61-63, 1987. |
The second seat. Comparison - of the differentiation ability in the serum-free medium of study on increase, differentiation (the second report) - rat adipocyte precursors of Adipocyte Precursors 川本俊治, 酒井尚彦, 毛野義明, 小畠隆司, 藤岡滋典, 山下静也, 徳永勝人, 松沢佑次, 垂井清一郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 66-68, 1987. |
The fourth seat. Fat mobilization ability of the high-fat feed intake rat fat cell 宮田富弘, 荻野浩伸, 奥田拓道 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 71-72, 1987. |
The sixth seat (abstract). About an uptake increase phenomenon of the sugar accompanied with the enlargement of the fat cell which measured it excluding aging effect 江崎治, 坊野尚子, 加賀綾子, 板倉弘重 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 75-75, 1987. |
The seventh seat. Effect to give to a change of cells intercellular fluid pH and an insulin effect of pH 奥田拓道1), 関谷敬三1), 久保周2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 76-78, 1987. |
The eighth seat. Examination about insulin receptor binding and the receptor phosphorylation in the obese mice liver 吉野博子, 高山澄子, 西島幸代, 大河原久子, 平田幸正 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 79-80, 1987. |
The eleventh seat. Effect of the Triiodothyronine administration on rat fat cell oxygen consumption 宮崎滋, 内藤周幸, 於本章, 川杉和夫, 川村光信, 安藤矩子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 85-86, 1987. |
The twelfth seat. Relations with the sterol excretion out of hypercholesterolemia and feces in the gold thioglucose obese mice 山下洵子, 上村美和子, 林伸一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 87-89, 1987. |
The 15th seat. Effect to the muscular tissue carbohydrate metabolism of the high corticosterone blood symptom in the ob/ob mouse 大島喜八, 岡田秀一, 小内亨, 高橋京一, 馬原充彦, 木村正之, 下村洋之助, 森昌朋, 高橋正樹, 佐藤則之, 上原豊, 小林節雄, 小林功 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 94-95, 1987. |
The 16th seat. Examination - in effect - db/db mice of the alimentary fat and adrenalectomy in the genetic obese mice 高橋正樹1),2), 下村洋之助1),2), 大島喜八1),2), 小林功1),2), 小林節雄1),2), G. A. Bray3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 96-97, 1987. |
The 18th seat. Circadian rhythm and dissection with the light and shade period which are found in Zucker rat 深川光司1), 坂田利家1), 藤本一真1), 白石武昌2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 100-101, 1987. |
The 19th seat. About hereditary obese rat intracerebral monoamine metabolism 中井義勝1), 辻井悟1), 深田順一1), 中石滋雄1), 臼井健1), 高本浩子1), 黄俊清1), 塚田俊彦1), 井村裕夫1), 内藤嘉之2), 木下富美子3), 池田衡4), 松尾隆夫4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 102-104, 1987. |
The 21st seat. Effect of fat distribution, cellularity of the experiment obesity rat (VMH rat) and the dietary factor to give sugar, lipid metabolism 毛野義明, 松沢佑次, 徳永勝人, 藤岡滋典, 川本俊治, 小畠隆司, 垂井清一郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 107-108, 1987. |
The 22nd seat (abstract). Experimental study of the healing of wound in the weight loss method by the VLCD (very low calorie diet) law using Zucker rat 高松三郎, 滝口進, 城谷典保, 馬渕原吾, 鈴木忠, 浜野恭一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 109-109, 1987. |
The 23rd seat. Effect to give to the metabolism of culture smooth-muscle cells of the hereditary obese Zucker rat hyperlipemia serum 細川知良1), 西山敬二1), 沼野藤夫1), 田村学造2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 110-112, 1987. |
The 24th seat. Relations with degree of corpulence and the lifestyle diseases of the patients in Kurashiki station square medical office 宇賀治陽一, 重本弘定, 藤田渉, 諸岡透, 小橋年子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 113-115, 1987. |
The 25th seat. Blood lipid level - which we saw from obesity at retirement of a certain government official-related staff and sugar, disorder of lipid metabolism (the second report) - drinking frequency and degree of corpulence 東貴代1), 増井秀子1), 中村恵美子1), 正見秀子1), 鬼原彰2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 116-118, 1987. |
The 29th seat. About a factor having an influence on the local difference of the onset frequency of adipositas children 宮崎静江1), 小原玲子1), 高橋金雄1), 梅園忠2), 篠宮正樹3), 斎藤康3), 吉田尚3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 126-127, 1987. |
The 30th seat. Obesity and sex hormone (the third report) - Fatty Rat and estrogen - 上原豊, 下村洋之助, 高橋正樹, 清水弘行, 佐藤則之, 犬飼敏彦, 大島喜八, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 128-129, 1987. |
The 32nd seat. About the effect that a gynecologic disorder and age give to the weight 高橋健太郎, 草刈万寿夫, 白井孝昭, 吉野和男, 渋川敏彦, 北尾学 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 132-133, 1987. |
The 34th seat. About the effect that the pregnancy, delivery gives to the weight 吉野和男, 高橋健太郎, 西垣新, 荒木芳美, 永田裕子, 渋川敏彦, 北尾学 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 136-137, 1987. |
The 35th seat. Examination of red blood cell Aggregation rate in obese expectant mothers 郡山智1), 春日義生1), 小島雅彦1), 高橋峰夫1), 小林陽一1), 棚橋紀夫2), 竹原祐志3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 138-139, 1987. |
The 37th seat. About cardiovascular system abnormal findings in the pycnic type 赤松曙子1), 高橋宣光1), 井上修二2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 142-143, 1987. |
The 38th seat. Obese effect to give to the onset of the electrocardiogram abnormal 能登谷洋子1), 三輪隆1), 須田成彦1), 佐藤潤一1), 大野敦1), 金沢昭1), 金沢真雄1), 伊藤久雄1), 伊藤健次郎2), 池田純介3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 144-145, 1987. |
The 44th seat. Acetylsalicylate effect to give to the blood oxygenation ability of the lungs under the general anesthesia in patients with obesity 永井博典, 印南比呂志, 大川一美, 高崎正人, 河口太平, 岡田和夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 156-158, 1987. |
The 47th seat. About obesity and the uric acid metabolism in patients with primary gout - primarily examination - from an excretion side 岩谷征子, 御巫清允 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 164-165, 1987. |
The 49th seat. Treatment convalescence and the patients personality of patients with simple obesity 石川洋1), 神崎哲人1), 篠宮正樹1), 白井厚治1), 斎藤康1), 吉田尚1), 大野邦子2), 鈴木啓二2), 児玉和宏3), 佐藤ゆかり3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 168-170, 1987. |
The 53rd seat. Effect on hypothalamus characteristics and high lipid high sugar characteristics obesity rat (the first report) to give to the weight and lipid metabolism of the ambulatory exercise 寺尾保1), 藤瀬武彦1), 中野昭一1), 川島球子2), 白石武昌2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 177-178, 1987. |
The 54th seat. One consideration about the weight loss of the female long-distance runner 石田良恵1), 金久博昭2), 角田直也3), 西山一行3), 川原貴4), 福永哲夫4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 179-180, 1987. |
The 55th seat. Clinical examination of the kinesitherapy in endomorph diabetes 深水真知子1), 小出明子1), 太田瓔子1), 古田千寿1), 古田峯子1), 浜崎修二1), 西涌富子1), 東条周子2), 萩原聡2), 庄司哲雄2), 谷下人氏2), 奥井康行2), 西沢良記2), 森井浩世2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 181-183, 1987. |
The 58th seat. About the effect that eating and weight loss by the exercise give to body constitution, systemic stamina, energy metabolism, blood lipid, liver function, and the like 橋本勲1), 手塚文栄1), 小林修平1), 中村丁次2), 川島由起子2), 草間朋子3), 杉浦紳之3), 岩根久夫4), 下光輝一4), 勝村俊夫4), 牧川優5), 藤沢政美5), 淵上匠子5) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 189-191, 1987. |
The 59th seat. Participation of the lifestyle about the reducing maintenance 太田壽城, 岩塚徹 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 192-193, 1987. |
The 62nd seat. Fatty liver of children with obesity 宮川勉1), 池内優仁1), 井上哲志1), 戒能幸一1), 後藤義則1), 貴田嘉一1), 松田博1), 河野恒文2), 一色清宣3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 197-198, 1987. |
The 63rd seat. About childhood simple obesity and liver function abnormality 田中春樹, 小西和孝, 美濃真 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 199-200, 1987. |
The 64th seat (abstract). Examination of the extensive obese child case who experienced it recently 原光彦, 江尻和夫, 滝川逸朗, 岡田知雄, 大国真彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 201-201, 1987. |
The 65th seat. Obese weight loss plan treatment 乾明夫, 老籾宗忠, 馬場茂明 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 202-203, 1987. |
The 67th seat. Study on γ-GTP in the pycnic type (the second report) 前田純雄, 守田則一, 小川健一, 井上幹夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 206-207, 1987. |
The 68th seat. Examination about the obesity of young people with the fatty liver in our hospital 三浦雅人, 若松秀樹, 川崎啓正, 佐藤喜夫, 小松寛治 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 208-209, 1987. |
The 73rd seat. Does the antidepressant induce eating? 大隈和喜, 藤本一眞, 坂田利家 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 220-221, 1987. |
The 74th seat. Acute chronic effect of Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) giving it to eating behavior and sympathetic nervous activity 荒瀬高一1), H. Shimizu2), N. S. Shargill2), G. A. Bray2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 222-223, 1987. |
The 76th seat. Feeding behavior analysis in the streptozotocin diabetes rat 下村洋之助, 高橋正樹, 清水弘行, 佐藤則之, 上原豊, 犬飼敏彦, 大島喜八, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 227-228, 1987. |
The 77th seat (abstract). Analysis of the eating behavior control with the hypothalamic serotonin 青柳和彦, 大村裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 229-229, 1987. |
The 78th seat. About the eating rhythm of the hypothalamic transection obesity rat 馬原充彦, 大島喜八, 岡田秀一, 小内亨, 高橋京一, 下村洋之助, 森昌朋, 高橋正樹, 佐藤則之, 上原豊, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 230-231, 1987. |
The 80th seat (abstract). Effect of the breeding environment giving it to growth, the body composition of the congenial spirit rat 森将人, 正木久典, 河田てるみ, 鳥居邦夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 235-235, 1987. |
The 81st seat. The pituitary hormone is necessary for the hypothalamic obesity formation; or after - operation examination - of the weight gain in the early days 小内亨, 大島喜八, 岡田秀一, 高橋京一, 馬原充彦, 高橋正樹, 佐藤則之, 上原豊, 下村洋之助, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 236-237, 1987. |
The 82nd seat. The obese onset in the spontaneous diabetes (GK) rat receiving Monosodium glutamate 小高裕之1), 高見健治1), 志野晟生1), 池田衡1), 松尾隆夫1), 鈴木研一2), 後藤由夫2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 238-239, 1987. |
The 83rd seat. Exacerbation due to the obesity of diabetes in the spontaneous diabetes (GK) rat 小高裕之1), 高見健治1), 杉山泰雄1), 志野晟生1), 松尾隆夫1), 鈴木研一2), 後藤由夫2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 240-241, 1987. |
The 84th seat. Effect to give to ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) destruction obesity rat glucose tolerance of catecholamine 斎藤紀文, 佐藤忍, 森隆, 永瀬肇, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 242-243, 1987. |
The 85th seat. Effect of the both eyes extraction to give to a hyperglycemia response by the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) electrical stimulation 藤井隆人1), 井上修二1), 田中克明1), 永瀬肇1), 高邑裕太郎1), 永井克也2), 中川八郎2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 244-245, 1987. |
The 86th seat. Participation of autonomic nerve and the suprachiasmatic nucleus in hyperglycemia response by the electrical stimulation of the dorsum parapeduncular nucleus lateral part 永井克也, 藤原力, 高木俊治, 中川八郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 246-248, 1987. |
The 87th seat. Reflectivity adjustment of vagus nerve pancreatic branches and the liver branch centrifuging sexual activity 新島旭 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 249-250, 1987. |
The 88th seat. Blood sugar, insulin secretion adjustment by the vagus nerve liver branch cutting of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus destruction rat 佐藤忍, 井上修二, 斎藤紀文, 永瀬肇, 田中克明, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 251-252, 1987. |
The 89th seat. Effect of the VIP on insulin secretion of the Zucker obesity rat 増永高晴, 竹田康男, 辰巳靖, 上野敏男, 竹田亮祐 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 253-254, 1987. |
The 90th seat. About the hyperinsulinemia in the hypothalamic transection rat 高橋京一, 大島喜八, 岡田秀一, 小内亨, 馬原充彦, 木村正之, 下村洋之助, 森昌朋, 高橋正樹, 佐藤則之, 上原豊, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 255-256, 1987. |
The 92nd seat (abstract). Effect of the exercise to give to diet-induced body heat production 鈴木正成, 斎藤慎一, 田崎洋佑, 安炳哲 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 259-259, 1987. |
The 93rd seat. Relations with insulin and diet-induced thermogenesis and cold-induced thermogenesis 吉岡敬治1), 吉田俊秀1), 西岡均1), 中埜幸治1), 金綱隆弘1), 近藤元治1), 若林保良2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 260-262, 1987. |
The 96th seat (abstract). Appetite suppressed - accompanied with protein nourishment and appetite regulation - essential amino acids (lysin) lack 鳥居邦夫, 森将人, 河田てるみ Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 267-267, 1987. |
The 97th seat. About a blood level change of feeding deterrent 2-buten-4-olide at fast 根本清次, 西野仁雄, 大村裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 268-269, 1987. |
The 99th seat. The refinement and identification of the appetite suppressed material which intestinal bacterium produces 大久保朋一, 津田とみ, 勝沼恒彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 272-273, 1987. |
The 101st seat. Effect of the AO-128 administration on simple obesity patients 永瀬肇, 田中克明, 斉藤紀文, 佐藤忍, 宍戸敏浩, 田中康夫, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 276-277, 1987. |
The 102nd seat. Inhibitory effect of the α-glucosidase inhibitor for the Zucker obese rat fatty liver development 乾由明1), 河田純男1), 小畠隆司1), 田村信司1), 藤岡滋典1), 徳永勝人1), 南雄三1), 松沢佑次1), 垂井清一郎1), 松尾隆夫2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 278-280, 1987. |
The 104th seat. Obesity and sugar - basic examination (the third report) - 佐藤則之, 下村洋之助, 高橋正樹, 上原豊, 清水弘行, 大島喜八, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 283-284, 1987. |
The 105th seat. About the sweetness palatability of patients with NIDDM about association with the use of - particularly SU agent - 向井田英明, 遠藤稔弥, 関根耕作, 丸浜喜亮 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 285-286, 1987. |
The 106th seat. About the difference that is in sugar metabolism - administration in the maltitol administration form - 上田伸男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 287-288, 1987. |
The 107th seat. Examination about the obese treatment with Anti-overeating Soup 滝口進, 磯部ゆみ子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 289-290, 1987. |
The 111th seat. Childhood seriously ill obese two patients who responded to treatment with Very Low Calorie Diet 花木啓一, 大関武彦, 石谷暢男, 若月弘子, 砂口まゆみ, 妹尾磯範, 白木和夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 296-297, 1987. |
The 112th seat. About a biochemical and endocrinologic effect of the low caloric diet (VLCD) therapy on severe obesity 正木洋治, 谷川敬一郎, 土山真一, 高木千恵子, 宗宮基, 加藤讓 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 298-300, 1987. |
The 113th seat. GRF endurance test before and after the semi-starvation therapy enforcement in the simple pycnic type 田中克明, 井上修二, 永瀬肇, 沼田和司, 中村三郎, 岡崎博, 岡村淳, 杉政龍雄, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 301-302, 1987. |
The 114th seat. Examination of the thyroid hormone treatment for obesity short stature children 石飛和幸1), 舟木宏1), 星野映治1), 堀内正人1), 仲田教子1), 佐々木孝夫1), 原田義道2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 303-304, 1987. |
The 116th seat. Obese outpatient of our hospital 西原修造, 大原昌樹, 福田哲也, 今井正信 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 307-308, 1987. |
The 117th seat. The intercomparison of various normal weight calculating formulas and the validity 村上啓治, 黒潮寛, 山本俊二, 砂川伊弘, 名城一臣, 石川和夫, 比嘉清憲, 三村悟郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 309-310, 1987. |
The 118th seat. Significance of the skinfold thickness measurement in the obese judgment of the childhood 花木啓一, 大関武彦, 石谷暢男, 若月弘子, 砂口まゆみ Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 311-313, 1987. |
The 119th seat. Evaluation of the skinfold thickness with the supersonic wave skinfold thickness meter 和井内英樹1), 馬場良子1), 武井泉1), 丸山博1), 片岡邦三1), 丸山太郎2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 314-315, 1987. |
The 120th seat. Use experience of the supersonic wave skinfold thickness meter 増田章吾, 井垣直哉, 宮田哲, 中道恒雄, 前田裕一郎, 秦文彦, 北村嘉章, 西本茂樹, 松本真一郎, 畑中裕司, 乾明夫, 老籾宗忠, 馬場茂明 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 316-317, 1987. |
The 121st seat. The measurement of the abdominal wall skinfold thickness by the two dimensional echography: Comparison between reproducibility and CT 松本新一1), 船津和宏1), 上田正人2), 稲津東彦2), 山元香代子2), 黒木長充2), 田口利文2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 318-319, 1987. |
The 123rd seat. Examination - by obesity and bone mineral density - Dual photon absorptiometry 萩原聡1), 西沢良記1), 谷下人氏1), 庄司哲雄1), 三木隆己1), 森井浩世1), 越智宏暢2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 322-324, 1987. |
The 125th seat. Comparison of the lipid analyses that we saw than the apo A1/apo B ratio by the degree of corpulence classification 石井美岐代1), 石井義光1), 今井正信2), 西原修造2), 大原昌樹2), 福崎政子3), 福田敦子3), 山岡京子4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 327-329, 1987. |
The 128th seat. Hyperlipidemia is easy to develop in the pycnic type with appointment E2, E4 衛藤雅昭, 渡辺清, 岩島保法, 森川秋月, 長南典秀, 建部高明, 石井兼央 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 335-336, 1987. |
The 129th seat. About Modified LDL in the endogenous hyperinsulinemia (the first report) examination - by the mean electrophoretic degree of - LDL 奥口文宣1), 立谷美和子2), 及川真一3), 豊田隆謙3), 後藤由夫3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 337-338, 1987. |
The 130th seat. Examination of LDL subclass in patients with obesity diabetes 関英政, 沢田哲伸, 丸浜喜亮 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 339-340, 1987. |
The 131st seat. Examination of blood FFA, ketone body in obese patients with NIDDM and patients with non-obesity NIDDM 黒田継久, 高橋和彦, 引地勲, 丸浜喜亮 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 341-342, 1987. |
The 132nd seat. Obese effect to give to a fatty acid in the NIDDM, ketone body metabolism 竹内美紀子, 中井継彦, 玉井利孝, 高井博正, 前田肇, 高橋貞夫, 宮保進 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 343-344, 1987. |
The 133rd seat. Blood ketone body change in patients with obesity diabetes 生方英一, 坂本美一, 根本洋子, 木暮美和子, 荻野良郎, 清水直容 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 345-346, 1987. |
The 134th seat. Change of serum lipid after the local irritation and catecholamine 亀田健治1), 高久武司1), 橋本満義2), 大南宏治2), 奥田拓道2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 347-348, 1987. |
The 135th seat. About relations of blood insulin and the degree of corpulence 鈴木九五1), 井上幹夫1), 魚住浩1), 中村徹郎1), 森本健司1), 黒田吉男2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 349-350, 1987. |
The 136th seat. Analysis (the eleventh report) of the carbohydrate metabolism abnormality to be found in GTG (Gold thioglucose) mouse 岡田秀一1), 石原弘文1), 大島喜八2), 小内亨2), 高橋京一2), 馬原充彦2), 森昌朋2), 下村洋之助2), 小林功2), 小林節雄2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 351-352, 1987. |
The 137th seat. The liver fructose 2 by the glucose load of the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus injury-related obese mice, change of 6 screw phosphoric acid concentration 山本徹1), 幸道直樹1), 衣笠昭彦1), 沢田淳1), 楠智一2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 353-354, 1987. |
The 138th seat. About association with the Rapid Turnover Proteins - obesity in patients with diabetes - 河津捷二1), 渡辺敏郎1), 高橋修樹1), 鈴木将夫1), 根岸清彦1), 石井淳1), 山縣文夫2), 石橋兵衛2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 355-357, 1987. |
The 139th seat. About a change at plasma Sm-C/IGF I level and weight loss in the pycnic type 吉次通泰, 関谷祐之, 庵政志 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 8: 358-359, 1987. |