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Proceedings of Congress of JASSO
Volume 9, Issue / 1988
English Article Japanese Article
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Obesity and diabetic complication 坂本信夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 1-3, 1988. |
Cholesterol Metabolism in Adipose Tissue and Obesity Aubie Angel Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 6-6, 1988. |
Energy intake and obese trend judging from national survey on nutrition 近藤俊之 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 7-9, 1988. |
- correspondence obese for late childhood and subsequent course - 衣笠昭彦1), 沢田淳1), 楠智一2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 13-14, 1988. |
Examination from an obese actual situation - mental health side to be found in a university student and correspondence - 佐藤祐造 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 15-17, 1988. |
Obese - management and problems - to be seen in the company 堀田饒 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 18-20, 1988. |
Obese form and carbohydrate metabolism abnormality 松沢佑次 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 21-23, 1988. |
Cause and effect of obesity and diabetes 井上修二 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 24-25, 1988. |
Approach - from condition of a patient - internal secretion, metabolism of the NIDDM with the obesity 黄堯範, 清野裕 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 26-27, 1988. |
Obesity as the risk factor of diabetic complications 豊田隆謙, 及川眞一, 佐々木明徳 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 28-30, 1988. |
Diabetes and obesity and arteriosclerosis 斎藤康, 石川洋, 稲寺秀邦, 篠宮正樹, 白井厚治, 吉田尚 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 31-32, 1988. |
Characteristic of the hypothalamic transection obesity rat 大島喜八, 小内亨, 小林功, 下村洋之助 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 36-37, 1988. |
Examination - from obesity and brown adipose tissue - various experimental obese animal models 吉田俊秀 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 40-42, 1988. |
Obese development by the continual infusion in the hypothalamus of norepinephrine (NE) 嶋津孝, 斉藤昌之 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 43-44, 1988. |
Glucose tolerance of the marmot (Marmota flaviventris) 徳山薫平1), R. Green2), H. Galantiro2), G. Florant2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 47-49, 1988. |
The second seat. About the weight change before death of 208 certain company employees for 10 years 鈴木九五, 本岡健一, 井上幹夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 52-53, 1988. |
The third seat. Obesity and sugar, disorder of lipid metabolism - third report at retirement of a certain government official-related staff: - with the luxury goods intake concerned 東貴代, 鬼原彰, 秋田治邦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 54-56, 1988. |
The fourth seat. Mainly on an association between diabetes group medical examination results - obesity and impaired glucose tolerance of the student (followup) - 河津捷二1), 渡辺敏郎1), 竹井真一郎1), 井上郁夫1), 鈴木将夫1), 根岸清彦1), 石井淳1), 安藤洋次2), 山縣文夫2), 石橋兵衛2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 57-58, 1988. |
The fifth seat. Examination - from obese - inhabitants examination as the onset risk of the hypercholesterolemia 鞍田三貴1), 成川輝明1), 脇昌子1), 洪秀樹1), 古澤通生2), 西本香代子3), 横井信子3), 南部征喜4) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 59-60, 1988. |
The sixth seat. Menstrual abnormalities and androgens change of obese women 坂田師隣, 宮川勇生, 金子政時, 森憲正 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 61-62, 1988. |
The seventh seat. The effect that obesity and impaired glucose tolerance give to blood lipid of middle-aged women 高科成良, 石橋不可止, 石田和史 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 63-64, 1988. |
The eighth seat. Obesity as the high-risk factor in the NIDDM pregnant woman 清水明実1), 大森安恵1), 佐中真由実1), 木戸口裕1), 平田幸正1), 中林正雄2), 武田佳彦2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 65-66, 1988. |
The ninth seat. About a change of the weight before and after the pregnancy that weight gain during pregnancy gives 吉野和男, 高橋健太郎, 西垣新, 北尾学 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 67-68, 1988. |
The tenth seat. Attempt of VLCD (very low calorie diet) by natural foods for the obese women NIDDM 石橋不可止, 高科成良 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 69-70, 1988. |
The eleventh seat. Examination of the rising endurance test for children with obesity 原光彦, 岡田知雄, 原田研介, 大国真彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 71-72, 1988. |
The twelfth seat. Waist/hips ratio in adipositas children 梅園忠1), 和穎美和子1), 小原玲子2), 宮崎静江2), 高橋金雄2), 篠宮正樹3), 白井厚治3), 斎藤康3), 吉田尚3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 73-75, 1988. |
The thirteenth seat. An example of the Prader-Willi syndrome where the weight diary to graph which made mother fill it out was effective for weight loss maintenance 岡部康文, 北本育子, 植田浩司 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 76-78, 1988. |
The 14th seat. Attempt of the moderately severe energy diet in childhood obesity treatment 小松啓子1), 小松龍史2), 山岸稔3), 野田正紀4), 松尾美恵5), 永田真人5) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 79-81, 1988. |
The 16th seat. Lack of the aggressive behavior of the hereditary obese (ob/ob) mouse and relations of the preputial glands weight 山下洵子1), 林伸一1), 平田幸男2), 宮嶋正康3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 84-86, 1988. |
The 17th seat. One consideration about obesity and the character 岸田範子, 泰磨正, 文谷知明 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 87-89, 1988. |
The 18th seat. Diet taste of patients with obesity diabetes 佐久間惠理子1), 及川眞一1), 豊田隆謙1), 後藤由夫2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 90-91, 1988. |
The 19th seat. Personality trait and therapy program of patients with simple obesity 佐藤ゆかり1), 児玉和宏1), 山内直人1), 佐藤甫夫1), 松森基子2), 石川洋3), 白井厚治3), 斎藤康3), 吉田尚3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 92-93, 1988. |
The 20th seat. Attempt of the consciousness change of patients with simple obesity based on a personality classification, the behavior change 石川洋1), 篠宮正樹1), 白井厚治1), 斎藤康1), 吉田尚1), 佐藤ゆかり2), 児玉和宏2), 大野邦子3), 鈴木啓二3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 94-96, 1988. |
The 21st seat. Examination of fat mass by Dual Photon Absorptiometry in the VLCD therapy, the de-fat mass 小山英則, 西沢良記, 山下直利, 古満豊, 岸本博至, 萩原聡, 庄司哲雄, 谷下人氏, 三木隆巳, 森井浩世 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 97-98, 1988. |
The 22nd seat. About the effect of the weight loss to give to plasma fibronectin concentrations of the pycnic type and blood viscosity 亀山寿子, 井口利樹, 織田美雪, 笠井哲郎, 大島康男, 磯貝庄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 99-100, 1988. |
The 23rd seat. Growth hormone-secreting ability before and after the semi-starvation therapy enforcement of the simple pycnic type 宍戸敏浩, 井上修二, 田中克明, 沼田和司, 田中康夫, 岡崎博, 中村三郎, 鈴木亮一, 岡村淳, 杉政龍雄, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 101-102, 1988. |
The 25th seat. Eating adjustment and the effect main seat with the hypothalamic nerve-related histamine 大隈和喜, 坂田利家, 吉松博信, 深川光司, 藤本一眞 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 105-106, 1988. |
The 27th seat. Smell, taste responsiveness of the rat hypothalamic neuron 中村清実1), 小野武年1), 西条寿夫1), 高島康弘2), 川崎通昭2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 110-113, 1988. |
The 28th seat. Effect to give to eating of the glucocorticoid center administration in the adrenal removal obesity rat 高橋正樹, 深津章, 根岸真由美, 上原豊, 清水弘行, 犬飼俊彦, 下村洋之助, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 114-115, 1988. |
The 29th seat. Insulin of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus destruction rat, vagus nerve afferent in the glucagon secretion and centrifugal fibrous role 永瀬肇, 田中克明, 斉藤紀文, 岡崎博, 中村三郎, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 116-117, 1988. |
The 30th seat. A weight gain effect of Sulpiride: Basic examination 上原豊, 下村洋之助, 高橋正樹, 清水弘行, 根岸真由美, 深津章, 大島喜八, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 118-119, 1988. |
The 32nd seat. Effect to give to a metabolic control autonomic nerve activity of the taste stimulation 新島旭 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 123-124, 1988. |
The 34th seat. Blood sugar rise mechanism by the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus stimulation 藤井隆人1), 井上修二1), 田中克明1), 永瀬肇1), 斎藤真理1), 高邑裕太郎1), 永井克也2), 中川八郎2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 128-130, 1988. |
The 35th seat. Basic examination about the maturity white fat cell proliferative capacity in the heredity obesity rat (Zucker rat) 粂井康孝, 高杉佑一, 並木正義 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 131-132, 1988. |
The 36th seat. The effect that medium chain fatty acid triglyceride (MCT) gives to Cellularity of the adipose tissue 荻野浩伸1), 奥田拓道1), 宮田富弘2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 133-135, 1988. |
The 38th seat. Effect of vitamin D giving it to an increase, the differentiation of the predipocyte 石田芳彦, 加藤順一, 森本康男, 山城有機, 黒田信稔, 原泰久, 石原健造, 江尻一成, 傳秋光, 谷口洋, 馬場茂明 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 138-139, 1988. |
The 39th seat. Examination - of the differentiation ability in the collagen gel cultural method of comparative study - rat adipocyte precursors about cellularity of subcutaneous fat and the mesentery fat 川本俊治, 酒井尚彦, 上山裕也, 毛野義明, 小畠隆司, 藤岡滋典, 山下靜也, 竹村芳, 徳永勝人, 松沢佑次, 垂井清一郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 140-141, 1988. |
The 40th seat. The study on obese origin elucidation in the allogeneic same tribe rat: Resting metabolic rate and brown fat O2 consumption 吉岡敬治1), 吉田俊秀1), 平岡範也1), 近藤元治1), 若林保良2), 西岡均3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 142-143, 1988. |
The 41st seat. About fat-splitting promotion mechanism and the lipase activity in the fat cell 二宮裕幸, 奥田拓道 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 144-145, 1988. |
The 42nd seat. About a difference of the fat resolving power in rat isolation mesentery fat cell, subcutaneous fat cells 毛野義明, 松沢佑次, 徳永勝人, 藤岡滋典, 川本俊治, 小畠隆司, 小谷一晃, 垂井清一郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 146-147, 1988. |
The 43rd seat. Age changes of rat white fat cell membrane adrenalin α 1, α 2 and the beta receptor 小畠隆司1), 松沢佑次1), 徳永勝人1), 藤岡滋典1), 川本俊治1), 毛野義明1), 垂井清一郎1), 渡邊康裕2), 吉田博2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 148-149, 1988. |
The 44th seat. Abnormality of enlargement fat cell β - adrenalin hyposensitivity and the inhibition-related GTP binding protein 柏木厚典, 西尾善彦, 児玉光顕, 櫛田典子, 小川勉, 朝比奈崇介, 池淵元祥, 繁田幸男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 150-151, 1988. |
The 45th seat. Study of the in vivo brown fat energy metabolism by the 31P-NMR spectrum 平岡範也, 吉田俊秀, 吉岡敬治, 西岡均, 近藤元治 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 152-154, 1988. |
The 47th seat. Molecular genetic analysis of the mouse ob gene 佐々木敬1), 根本昌実1), 池田義雄1), 西村正彦2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 158-160, 1988. |
The 48th seat. Yellow mouse and α-MSH 清水弘行1), 下村洋之助1), 小林功1), George A. Bray2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 161-162, 1988. |
The 49th seat. Glucose oxidation ability in the ob/ob mouse thymocyte 細川和広1), 武井泉1), 丸山博1), 片岡邦三1), 米田嘉重郎2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 163-165, 1988. |
The 50th seat. The liver Na+ of the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus injury-related obese mice, K+-ATPase activity 山本徹1), 古川宣明1), 衣笠昭彦1), 沢田淳1), 楠智一2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 166-167, 1988. |
The 52nd seat. Choice of the antihypertensive agent in the obesity high blood pressure 笠川忍, 斎藤宣彦, 太田明雄, 西川真人, 星賢二, 染谷一彦 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 171-172, 1988. |
The 54th seat. Hemorheology abnormality in the smoking pycnic type 渡辺孝之1), 内村功1), 前沢秀憲1), 今中宏一2), 藤田勉3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 175-177, 1988. |
The 57th seat. Experience (the first report) of Minimal modeling 谷口中1), 辻野博之1), 田中喜代次2), 三村寛一3), 片岡喜由4), 奥田拓道5), 大迫文麿6), 中井義勝7), 井村裕夫7), 徳山薫平8) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 182-184, 1988. |
The 58th seat. Examination of the insulin secretion ability before and after the semi-starvation therapy enforcement in the simple pycnic type 沼田和司, 井上修二, 田中克明, 岡崎博, 中村三郎, 永瀬肇, 穴戸敏浩, 鈴木亮一, 岡村淳, 杉政龍雄, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 185-186, 1988. |
The 59th seat. Change of the quantity of insulin secretion in the VMH obesity rat and ppImRNA 黄堯範, 清野裕, 矢野秀樹, 稲垣暢也, 山田祐一郎, 山本泰三, 津田謹輔, 田港朝彦, 井村裕夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 187-188, 1988. |
The 61st seat. Cells intercellular fluid pH and insulin effect 関谷敬三, 奥田拓道 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 191-193, 1988. |
The 62nd seat. Examination - of insulin resistance - insulin receptor kinase activity by the high fat diet 小林正, 渡辺隆夫, 前川聡, 繁田幸男 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 194-195, 1988. |
The 63rd seat. Effect on hypothalamic obesity rat (the second report) to give to the weight and lipid metabolism of the ambulatory exercise 寺尾保1), 藤瀬武彦1), 中野昭一1), 白石武昌2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 196-197, 1988. |
The 64th seat. Role to fulfil for activation of the brown adipose tissue heat production ability by the exercise and the obese reduction 西岡均1), 吉岡敬治2), 吉田俊秀2), 近藤元治2), 若林保良3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 198-200, 1988. |
The 65th seat. Comparison between clinical examination - exercises and walk - of the kinesitherapy in patients with diabetes 東条周子1), 西沢良記1), 山田明子1), 絵本正憲1), 小山英則1), 森田有津子1), 萩原聡1), 中野ひろみ1), 三木隆己1), 森井浩世1), 深水真知子2), 小出明子2), 太田瓔子2), 古田千寿2), 古田峰子2), 伊藤芳子2), 土井義行2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 201-203, 1988. |
The 66th seat. Metabolism endocrine examination before and after the exercise by Haraguchi-style exercises and the treadmill 絵本正憲1), 西沢良記1), 山田明子1), 小山英則1), 中野ひろみ1), 森井浩世1), 深水真知子2), 小出明子2), 太田瓔子2), 古田千寿2), 古田峰子2), 伊藤芳子2), 土井義行2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 204-205, 1988. |
The 67th seat. Effect to give to a weight loss effect and the cardiac activity with the therapy with diet and aerobic exercise on simple obesity 半田耕一1), 藤野正典1), 高田洋一1), 朔啓二郎1), 佐々木淳1), 荒川規矩男1), 田中宏暁2), 進藤宗洋2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 206-207, 1988. |
The 69th seat. Central eating inhibition mechanism of glutaryl -CCK-8 高木晶子1), 高木俊治1), 永井克也1), 中川八郎1), 矢内原昇2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 210-212, 1988. |
The 70th seat. Comparison between hereditary obese lat and effect of appetite suppressed material (FS-T) for the non-obese rat 津田とみ, 大久保朋一, 津田道雄, 山村雅一 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 213-214, 1988. |
The 71st seat. Intracerebral catecholamine metabolism and behavior change after the mazindol chronic administration 大島喜八1), 岡田秀一1), 小内亨1), 馬原充彦1), 下村洋之助1), 小林功1), 小林節雄1), 林哲2), 田所作太郎2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 215-216, 1988. |
The 72nd seat. About obese evaluation - internal fat distribution and metabolic disorders by the sonography - 富沢昌弘1), 蔵本裕一1), 井原裕二1), 井上幹夫1), 古川保宏2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 217-218, 1988. |
The 73rd seat. Sugar, association between fat distribution and disorder of lipid metabolism in the normal weight person 藤岡滋典1), 松沢佑次1), 徳永勝人1), 川本俊治1), 小畠隆司1), 毛野義明1), 小谷一晃1), 垂井清一郎1), 立間治人2), 垣内義亨2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 219-220, 1988. |
The 75th seat. The measurement of the skinfold thickness using the two dimensional echography (B mode) in the obese child and the measurement of the percent of body fat by the heavy water method and examination about the insulin secretion ability 望月信幸, 朝倉由美, 入江学, 幡谷直樹, 角田守, 大木由加志, 細井宏益, 手代木正 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 224-225, 1988. |
The 76th seat. About a difference by the presence or absence of evaluation - sports activity of the skinfold thickness of a high school student, the university student pycnic type - 和井内英樹1), 馬場良子1), 武井泉1), 丸山博1), 片岡邦三1), 西野素子2), 丸山太郎3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 226-228, 1988. |
The 77th seat. Fat distribution (the first report) of women born in 1948 雨宮禎子, 河原玲子, 吉野正代, 古守知典, 平田幸正 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 229-230, 1988. |
The 78th seat. Comparison - with examination - Broca index and the Kaup index of the adiposity case in our hospital 高橋健太郎, 内田昭弘, 吉野和男, 草刈万寿夫, 北尾学 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 231-232, 1988. |
The 80th seat. Ideal weight in consideration of various kinds of complications 徳永勝人, 松沢佑次, 小谷一晃, 藤岡滋典, 川本俊治, 小畠隆司, 毛野義明, 垂井清一郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 236-238, 1988. |
The 81st seat. Hyperlipidemia and obesity of the high school student 宮川勉1), 池内優仁1), 井上哲志1), 戒能幸一1), 貴田嘉一1), 松田博1), 河野恒文2), 熊谷年行3), 美馬安昭3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 239-240, 1988. |
The 82nd seat. Eating adjustment by Fibroblast growth factors and the cytokine 大村裕1), 清水宣明2), 甲斐之尋2), 花井一光3), 木村宏4), 西川克己5) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 241-243, 1988. |
The 83rd seat. Effect for a rat and humans of Deobesitogen including α-amylase inhibitor which we extracted than wheat 川島球子1), 白石武昌1), 本塩彰2), 高橋日出彦2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 244-245, 1988. |
The 84th seat. Effect to give to EGR activity of Optifast 熊谷直和 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 246-247, 1988. |
The 85th seat. About effect to give to gastric emptying time of overeating prevention soup (AOES) and a glucose tolerance test 宮崎滋, 内藤周幸, 渡辺由美子, 於本章, 川杉和夫, 川村光信, 安藤矩子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 248-249, 1988. |
The 87th seat. Effect to give to a characteristic and weight loss of the spontaneous dieting (Restrained Eating) 足達淑子, 藤井久仁子, 柴崎忍 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 252-253, 1988. |
The 88th seat. An effect of the use of super low caloric diet in the group of extensive pycnic type therapy and problems 藤岡滋典1), 松沢佑次1), 徳永勝人1), 川本俊治1), 小畠隆司1), 金井秀行1), 毛野義明1), 小谷一晃1), 垂井清一郎1), 石井和子2), 伏野惇子3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 254-255, 1988. |
The 89th seat. Examination - in attempt - Mazindol, AO128 of the weight maintenance after the weight loss of the seriously ill pycnic type 鈴木裕代, 内藤実, 斉藤紀文, 斉藤真理, 佐藤忍, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 256-257, 1988. |
The 90th seat. Consideration about the obese instruction start age judging from the distribution of the BMI mean according to the generation 佐々木温子, 池田義雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 258-259, 1988. |
The 91st seat. Obese outpatient (the second report) of our hospital 大原昌樹, 西原修造, 福田哲也, 今井正信 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 260-262, 1988. |
The 94th seat. Examination to result of the obese long-term health education in the public health center and the effect by the season of the held time 市川真紀子, 駒沢治美, 浅野みね子, 久保裕子, 長浜栄子, 小林八重子, 五十嵐寅之助, 鎌田優子, 渡辺葉子, 本間光, 野口輝彰 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 267-269, 1988. |
The 96th seat. Effect to give to adipose tissue weight of the sucrose excessive intake in the spontaneous diabetes (GK) rat and diabetes 小高裕之1), 高見健治1), 志野晟生1), 松尾隆夫1), 鈴木研一2), 後藤由夫3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 273-274, 1988. |
The 97th seat. Effect to give to obese rat sugar, lipid metabolism of the restraint stress 斎藤紀文, 佐藤忍, 永瀬肇, 高橋淳子, 内藤実, 鈴木裕代, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 275-276, 1988. |
The 98th seat. Change of the age-related aorta of the Zucker rat and the serum lipid 細川知良1), 西山敬二1), 沼野藤夫1), 久保田美佳2), 横藤田純子2), 田村学造3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 277-279, 1988. |
The 99th seat. Examination - in establishment and the isolation pancreas perfusion system of the Pancreatic Polypeptide-secreting change - specific RIA system in the Zucker obesity rat 小川滋彦, 竹田康男, 増永高晴, 上野敏男, 竹田亮祐 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 280-281, 1988. |
The 100th seat. Central obese prevention effect of Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) in the hereditary obese (Zucker) rat 荒瀬高一1), N. S. Shargill2), G. A. Bray2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 282-283, 1988. |
The 101st seat. CRH concentrations in the Zucker Rat brain 中石滋雄1), 村上典彦1), 富永知子1), 臼井健1), 深田順一1), 中井義勝1), 井村裕夫1), 内藤嘉之2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 284-285, 1988. |
The 102nd seat. Of the rat lateral hypothalamic area neuron membrane slight; amino acid reactivity to give at low doses 田村了以1), 田淵英一1), 周天禄1), 小野武年1), 鳥居邦夫2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 286-287, 1988. |
The 103rd seat. Role of glucagon-like immunoreactivity in the intestinal tract hypertrophy of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus destruction rat 内藤実, 佐藤忍, 古河哲也, 鈴木裕代, 斉藤真理, 斉藤紀文, 井上修二, 高邑裕太郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 288-289, 1988. |
The 104th seat. Model - of the hyperinsulinemia in hyperinsulinemia developmental mechanism - obesity of the hypothalamic obesity rat 佐藤忍, 井上修二 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 290-292, 1988. |
The 105th seat. Obesity and lipid peroxide 久保田美佳1), 横藤田純子1), 細川知良2), 西山敬二2), 沼野藤夫2), 田村学造3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 293-294, 1988. |
The 106th seat. Examination - using localized - HPLC on the lipoprotein of lipid peroxide of patients with obesity diabetes 調進一郎, 植木彬夫, 伊藤久夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 295-296, 1988. |
The 108th seat. About a characteristic of the adipose tissue fatty acid composition in the obesity case without hyperlipidemia 向井田英明, 黒田継久, 遠藤稔弥, 丸浜喜亮 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 299-300, 1988. |
The 110th seat. - dependent at the time of ovary removal obesity and the Pair feeding - weight gain 深津章, 清水弘行, 下村洋之助, 高橋正樹, 上原豊, 大島喜八, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 303-304, 1988. |
The 111th seat. Rat hypothalamic neuron activity and amino acid choice intake behavior 周天祿1), 田渕英一1), 小野武年1), 鳥居邦夫2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 305-306, 1988. |
The 112th seat. Inhibition of the eating problem accomplishment by the monkey hypothalamus stimulation 高木厚司1), 粟生修司1), 大村裕2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 307-309, 1988. |
The 113th seat. Eating and generative mutual adjustment system: Eating inhibition - reproductive behavior facilitatory system of the female colander ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus 粟生修司1), 高木厚司1), 大村裕2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 310-311, 1988. |
The 114th seat. Effect of the glucocorticoid giving it to eating induction of 2-Deoxy-D-glucose 黒川衛1), 荒瀬高一1), 藤本一眞1), 坂田利家1), 田中忠緒2), 奥田潤2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 312-313, 1988. |
The 116th seat. Participation of the adrenal cortical hormone in hyperglycemia response by the electrical stimulation of the dorsum parapeduncular nucleus lateral part 永井克也, 藤原力, 高木俊治, 中川八郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 316-318, 1988. |
The 118th seat. About GH dyschylia in the adiposity comparison - of - clonidine and the load test of arginine 岡嶋泰一郎 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 321-322, 1988. |
The 119th seat. Glucagon-secreting change of patients with obesity with the hyperinsulinemia 浜口隆博, 福島英生, 梶原研一郎, 榊田典治, 山口康平, 七里元亮 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 323-324, 1988. |
The 120th seat. The effect that the high fat diet intake of the mother rat gives to the adiposity of the pup rat and a thyroid function 鈴木正成, 柳田昌彦, 田神一美, 林基元, 下村吉治 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 325-326, 1988. |
The 121st seat. About the difference between degree of corpulence and serum T3 level by - glucose tolerance concerned - 脇昌子1), 洪秀樹1), 南部征喜2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 327-328, 1988. |
The 122nd seat. About obesity and the carbohydrate metabolism disorder in patients with primary gout 岩谷征子1), 松浦尚子1), 作山理子1), 松田祐子1), 渡辺富博1), 西岡久寿樹1), 御巫清允2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 329-330, 1988. |
The 123rd seat. Obese effect to give to diabetic microangiopathy 佐々木明徳1), 佐久間恵理子1), 及川真一1), 豊田隆謙1), 後藤由夫2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 331-332, 1988. |
The 124th seat. Obese effect to give to diabetic renal failure 土井邦紘1), 青山伸郎1), 馬場茂明1), 坂井瑠実2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 333-334, 1988. |
The 126th seat. Low ketonemia of the pycnic type: About the association with factors such as blood carnitine, and the like 黒田継久, 関根耕作, 沢田哲伸, 渡辺恒雄, 丸浜喜亮 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 337-338, 1988. |
The 127th seat. The development of the adipose tissue of the number of the lactation pup in the spontaneous diabetes (GK) rat and effect to give to the hyperglycemia onset 小高裕之1), 松尾隆夫1), 鈴木研一2), 後藤由夫3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 339-340, 1988. |
The 128th seat. Examination of the intravenous glucose tolerance test in simple obesity and insulin-independent type diabetes 高橋忠良1), 武井泉1), 丸山太郎1), 丸山博1), 片岡邦三1), 福沢素子2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 341-342, 1988. |
The 129th seat. Examination about Vitamin D Endocrine System in the obesity of patients with diabetes, the non-obesity 森田有津子1), 西沢良記1), 嶋田裕之1), 東條周子1), 萩原聡1), 西尾正士1), 中塚喜義1), 庄司哲雄1), 中野ひろみ1), 谷下人氏1), 三木隆己1), 森井浩世1), 増田園子2), 小林正2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 343-345, 1988. |
The 130th seat. Obese effect in the exercise of patients with diabetes load thallium scanning 田中彰彦1), 三輪隆1), 大野敦1), 佐藤潤一1), 須田成彦1), 沢近実1), 金沢真雄1), 能登谷洋子1), 伊藤久雄1), 宮下岳夫2), 永井義一2), 添田仁3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 346-347, 1988. |
The 131st seat. In vivo 1H in the experimental obese rat liver and 31P-MRS 林信太, 玉井利孝, 高井博正, 前田肇, 三沢利博, 笈田耕治, 中井継彦, 宮保進 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 348-349, 1988. |
The 132nd seat. Study on treatment of the fatty liver in the obesity 林信太, 玉井利孝, 高井博正, 佐部裕幸, 高橋貞夫, 前田肇, 笈田耕治, 中井継彦, 宮保進 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 350-351, 1988. |
The 133rd seat. Study on γ-GTP in the pycnic type (the third report) 前田純雄, 守田則一, 小川健一, 井上幹夫 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 352-354, 1988. |
The 134th seat. One case of the simple obesity that repeated the sudden weight increase and decrease for number ten years 寺田憲司1), 横大路亜紀2), 堤春子2), 吉岡久2), 衛藤宏3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 355-357, 1988. |
The 137th seat. About a reducing cor sinistrum form to bring in the adiposity, the change of the cor sinistrum function 金井秀行1), 松沢佑次1), 毛野義明1), 永井義幸1), 藤岡滋典1), 徳永勝人1), 垂井清一郎1), 中島忠久2), 石井和子3) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 363-364, 1988. |
The 139th seat. Obese effect to give to coronary arteriosclerosis of the elderly 春山勝1), 中野博司1), 大庭建三1), 妻鳥昌平1), 板垣晃之2), 早川道夫2), 大友英一2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 367-368, 1988. |
The 141st seat. About a nutrient lost by overeating 西牟田守, 児玉直子, 小野桂子 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 371-372, 1988. |
The 142nd seat. One case of the Basedow's disease that presented significant obesity and various symptoms including the retinal degeneration 細島弘行, 宮内英二, 岡田博司, 森本真平 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 373-374, 1988. |
The 143rd seat. An example of the Prader-Willi syndrome which presented LH high level 根岸真由美, 高橋正樹, 清水弘行, 上原豊, 犬飼敏彦, 大島喜八, 下村洋之助, 小林功, 小林節雄 Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 375-376, 1988. |
The 145th seat. Examination about the autonomic nerve function of the pycnic type 伊藤光1), 武井泉1), 西野素子1), 丸山博1), 片岡邦三1), 丸山太郎2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 380-381, 1988. |
The 146th seat. Examination of the sleep apnoea in the obesity 石川勝憲1), 福原弘文1), 広瀬憲文1), 大村一郎1), 野崎公敏2) Proceedings of Congress of JASSO 9: 382-384, 1988. |