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The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing

Volume 16, Issue 2 / 2012
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Association between diet self-care behavior and effect factor of the female working person with type II diabetes mellitus
Kuwagi Yumiko *1, 籏持知恵子 *2, *3
The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing 16(2): 117-123, 2012.

Japanese Article Aspect of physical how to catch at diagnosis diabetic nephropathy initial patients
辻口彩乃*1, 稲垣美智子*2, 多崎恵子*2, 藤田結香里*3
The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing 16(2): 125-132, 2012.

Japanese Article Problem of the self-care of the old-old with diabetes to live in the nursing facility which a nurse recognizes
Asao Kei love *1, Kyoko Utsumi *2, Look at the beach; wisdom *3, Great gulf Akemi *4, Yukiko Ono *5, Miwako Noguchi *4
The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing 16(2): 133-141, 2012.

Japanese Article Examination of the diet instruction that patients with type II diabetes mellitus based on the low refuse of control standard demand
Chie Kinoshita
The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing 16(2): 143-153, 2012.

Japanese Article Diabetes image - of patients with diabetes image [the first report] - type II diabetes mellitus of patients with type II diabetes mellitus
Yuki Kamaya *1, Michiko Inagaki *2, 多崎恵子 *2, 田甫久美子 *3
The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing 16(2): 155-162, 2012.

Japanese Article The effort to the diet cure of patients with type 2 diabetes and relations with the associated factor
The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing 16(2): 163-170, 2012.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the interview before practice of the nurse in the outpatient specialized in diabetes
瀬戸奈津子*1, 平野直美*2, 平野美雪*3, 林弥江*3, 古賀久美子*4, 佐藤亜里子*5
The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing 16(2): 171-176, 2012.

Japanese Article From the investigation to need - diabetes nursing authorization nurse and a diabetologist of the standardization of the nursing help for the insulin autoregulation of patients with type I diabetes mellitus―
久保田睦子*1, 河原田まり子*2
The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing 16(2): 177-186, 2012.

Japanese Article Practice - of the care that we applied diabetes care - family life ability assessment scale of elderly people with dementia in the temporary nursing at home in
Katsura, Komatsu *1, Mutsuko Kubota *2, Kawarada Mariko *3
The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing 16(2): 187-192, 2012.

Japanese Article A "diabetes dialysis prevention instruction management charges" evaluation and activity report of the Japanese diabetes education, nursing society to be able to put subsequently
Yuriko Kuroe *1, *2, Kumiko Kuroda *1, *3, Shibayama Oga *1, *4, Job Kazuko *5, *6, Keiko Kazuma *5, *7, Michiko Aoki *5, *8, Natsuko Seto *5, *9, Keiko Nakamura *5, *10, 森加苗愛 *3, *5, Teruko Yoneta *5, *11
The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing 16(2): 193-200, 2012.

Japanese Article Public information Committee activity report mainly on "an event of the 15th anniversary of the diabetes education, nursing society establishment in Japan"
瀬戸奈津子*1,*2, 雨宮久美子*1,*3, 下村裕子*1,*4, 中山法子*1,*5, 福井トシ子*1,*6, 水野美華*1,*7, 和田幹子*1,*8, 西郷和枝*1,*9, 桐生史江*1,*10, 松井美貴*1,*11, 角南ちえ子*1,*12, 廣津真*1,*13
The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing 16(2): 201-209, 2012.

Japanese Article "Identification survey of the priority of the research theme pursued in diabetes education, the nursing region"
正木治恵 *1, *2, Keiko Kazuma *1, *3, Kumiko Kuroda *1, *2, Yasuko Shimizu *1, *4, Natsuko Seto *1, *4, Yuko Ohara *1, *5, Masakazu Nishigaki *1, *6, Yoko Miyatake *1, *7, 森小律恵 *1, *8, Teruko Yoneta *1, *9
The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing 16(2): 210-213, 2012.