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Jichi Medical University journal of nursing

Volume 11, Issue / 2013
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The Nursing Practice for The Family Who Decided DNAR (Do Not Attempt Resuscitation) IN-HOSPITAL of The Emergency Nurse
Masako Yajima1), Misuzu Nakamura2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 5-13, 2013.

Japanese Article Literature examination about the present conditions and the problem of the health care of the convict pregnant woman in the United States
望月明見1), 成田伸2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 15-25, 2013.

Japanese Article Based on the follow-up of the workshop participant a go to the actual place training instruction workshop for actual situation of the training leader after completing it and future problem - past for 7 years -
村上礼子1), 角川志穂1), 塚原節子2), 大脇淳子1), 清水みどり1), 熊谷祐子2), 小谷妙子3), 天谷恵美子3), 井上佐代子3), 相場雅代3), 井上和子3), 加藤君子3), 手塚芳美3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 27-33, 2013.

Japanese Article Subjective achievement degree of practice contents and the arrival target which we experienced after accession of the new face community health nurse in cities, towns and villages a year
関山友子1), 青木さぎ里1), 千葉理恵1), 島田裕子1), 塚本友栄1), 鈴木久美子1), 春山早苗1), 塩ノ谷朱美2), 金子敬子3), 臼井雅子4), 臼井優子5), 市川定子6)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 35-43, 2013.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the resuscitation of neonate in the A Hospital and problem toward the future
石崎仁子1), 望月明見1), 黒尾絢子2), 柴山真里2), 成田伸2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 45-54, 2013.

Japanese Article Suggestion for problem in the outpatient department nursing intervention which a nurse working in the outpatient department of the university hospital recognizes and the outpatient department establishment specialized in nursing
村上礼子1), 松浦利江子2), 中村美鈴1), 小原泉1), 川名子智絵3), 北村露輝4), 段ノ上秀雄1), 朝野春美3), 福嶋安子3), 渡辺芳江3), 水戸美津子4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 55-64, 2013.

Japanese Article One discussion - that we paid our attention to a factor to continue present conditions investigation - nursing Jichi Medical School School of Nursing graduate's post
浜端賢次1), 江角伸吾1), 島田裕子1), 安藤恵1), 黒尾絢子1), 柴山真里1), 北田志郎1), 大塚公一郎1), 春山早苗1), 新海里恵2), 渡邊瑠美2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 65-73, 2013.

Japanese Article Of Sexual Health Care System in Finland, actually
工藤里香1),2), 成田伸3), 野々山未希子3), 鈴木幸子4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 75-82, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination - of the education effect on basic study - nurse midwife for the development of the family class program
角川志穂1), 佐藤美沙子2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 85-85, 2013.

Japanese Article Subjective achievement degree of the arrival target of community health nurse activity and the new face community health nurse whom administrative community health nurse experienced in the new term of office
関山友子1), 春山早苗1), 鈴木久美子1), 塚本友栄1), 島田裕子1), 青木さぎ里1), 金子敬子2), 臼井雅子3), 臼井優子4), 市川定子5)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 86-86, 2013.

Japanese Article The study on comeback to normal life of the mental patient including mentally disordered offenders: From fact-finding of the temporary nursing at home in Tochigi
宮城純子1), 板橋直人1), 清水みどり1), 半澤節子1), 岡由弘2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 87-87, 2013.

Japanese Article It is a study on difficulty and coping with the functional disorder after the operation in the cancer of the esophagus single life patients
荒木智絵1), 中村美鈴1), 小原泉1), 村上礼子1), 松浦利江子1), 北村露輝1), 段ノ上秀雄1), 関道子2), 戸田昌子2), 弘田智香2), 石岡美登子2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 88-88, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the mind map utilization method to raise the intellectual power in the nursing
高山詩穂1), 本田芳香1), 塚原節子1), 里光やよい1), 宇城令1), 熊谷祐子1), 滝恵津1), 湯山美杉1), 福田順子2), 大澤弘子2), 淺田義和3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 89-89, 2013.

Japanese Article Problem - that we are found by making of system - others type of job for the foreign establishment specialized in the nursing in the hospital attached to Jichi Medical School
村上礼子1), 松浦利江子1), 中村美鈴1), 小原泉1), 北村露輝1), 段ノ上秀雄1), 荒木智絵1), 朝野春美2), 関道子2), 渡辺芳江2), 前原多鶴子3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 90-90, 2013.

Japanese Article Tacit knowledge of the transfer activity technology from the bed which the nurse of the neurology ward wins to a wheelchair
滝恵津1), 本田芳香1), 塚原節子1), 里光やよい1), 宇城令1), 熊谷祐子1), 高山詩穂1), 湯山美杉1), 樋口一江2), 鈴木志2), 大澤かおる3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 91-91, 2013.

Japanese Article Study on decision aiding of the patients participating in a gynecologic cancer clinical trial
小原泉1), 本田芳香1), 竹野井さとみ2), 渡辺芳江3), 手塚芳美2), 大貫晃子4), 上野充代3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 92-92, 2013.

Japanese Article Pay the attention to - work engagement and the emotional labor of the nurse, association with the health-related quality of life about the effect that feelings to show to recognition and the patients with work of the person of psychiatric nursing job give to mind and body; and -
板橋直人1), 宮城純子1), 小池純子1), 半澤節子1), 永井優子1), 海発規夫2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 93-93, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the support to brothers in the terminal phase of children
横山由美, 斉藤正恵, 黒田光恵, 小林京子, 玉村尚子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 94-94, 2013.

Japanese Article Inspection - of the technique that is not made analysis - language of the bed bath technology which the experience-rich nurse receives
熊谷祐子, 本田芳香, 宇城令, 高山詩穂, 滝恵津
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 95-95, 2013.

Japanese Article Nursing basic education and examination of the wearing type joint contracture experience simulator to use in postgraduate education
宇城令1), 川上勝1), 高山詩穂1), 淺田義和3), 鈴木義彦3), 寺山美華2), 野沢博子2), 井上和子2), 河野龍太郎3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 96-96, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination and practice of the stratagem of task analysis of the resuscitation of neonate in the third perinatal medical center and the cooperative promotion on the clinical side and education side
谷田部仁子1), 成田伸1), 野々山未希子1), 望月明見1), 金田陽子2), 大貫晃子3), 田中純3), 塚田祐子3), 竹田まゆ美4), 能登桃子4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 97-97, 2013.

Japanese Article Study on education effect of the ICLS course program for student nurse
川上勝1), 中村美鈴1), 里光やよい1), 村上礼子1), 熊谷祐子1), 小林京子1), 荒木智絵1), 滝恵津1), 井上和子2), 小谷妙子2), 河野龍太郎3), 淺田義和3), 鈴木義彦3), 早瀬行治4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 98-98, 2013.

Japanese Article Problem of the professor method of the group learning in the nursing process practice
小原泉, 村上礼子, 吉田紀子, 段ノ上秀雄, 樅山定美, 安藤恵, 中村美鈴
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 101-101, 2013.

English Article The state and the nursing support of the postoperative dysfunction of gastric cancer patient in the northern part of China
Gao XiaoLin
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 102-103, 2013.

Japanese Article Literature review about the preoperative relation by the nurse to relieve postoperative pain
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 104-105, 2013.

Japanese Article Literature review about the treatment decision at the patients family absence in the critical care domain
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 11: 106-106, 2013.