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Jichi Medical University journal of nursing

Volume 12, Issue / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Way ... of the problem of analysis - clinical experience ten months of the behavior with night duty duties of the nurse new face and the instruction
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 13-23, 2014.

Japanese Article Report of the health education in the elementary school by the nursing job
手塚園江1), 塚本浩章1), 横山由美2), 田村敦子2), 小西克恵2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 25-31, 2014.

Japanese Article Clinical criterion for the safe belt cancellation that a university hospital nursing job judges
浜端賢次, 宮林幸江, 川上勝, 樋口一江, 石川裕子, 福原江美, 村上江里子, 水野百子, 上野直美, 森田沙織
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 35-35, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the mind map utilization to raise a critical thinking power in the nursing process
里光やよい1), 本田芳香1), 湯山美杉1), 飯塚由美子1), 岩永麻衣子1), 若澤弥生1), 淺田義和2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 36-36, 2014.

Japanese Article Skill up program for decision aiding of the patients treated for a gynecologic cancer
岩永麻衣子, 本田芳香, 小原泉, 飯塚由美子, 竹野井さとみ, 渡辺芳江, 樋山伸子, 手塚芳美, 大貫晃子, 上野充代
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 37-37, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination and practice of the stratagem of task analysis of the resuscitation of neonate practice in the third perinatal medical center and the cooperative promotion on the clinical side education side
柴山真里, 成田伸1), 野々山未希子1), 角川志穂2), 熊谷歩3), 黒尾絢子3), 金田陽子4), 大貫晃子5), 田中純6), 塚田祐子7), 望月明見8), 植木麻美8), 石崎仁子9)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 38-38, 2014.

Japanese Article Investigation about the actual situation and the problem of the nursing action in the remote place medical office
江角伸吾, 春山早苗, 鈴木久美子, 塚本友栄, 島田裕子, 関山友子, 青木さぎ里, 山田明美, 中島とし子, 吉津有子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 39-39, 2014.

Japanese Article Difficulty about the utilization of medical resources on running life while the patients have functional disorder after an operation after cancer of the esophagus surgery and the support
段ノ上秀雄, 樅山定美, 安藤恵, 中村美鈴, 川中子智絵, 小原泉, 村上礼子, 吉田紀子, 関道子, 石岡美登子, 弘田智香, 戸田昌子, 細谷好則
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 40-40, 2014.

Japanese Article Study on nursing support for the ad here Lance improvement of patients with chronic disease childhood for late childhood
大脇淳子1), 浅川幸栄2), 大畑紀恵2), 渡辺芳江2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 41-41, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the support to brothers in the terminal phase of children
横山由美, 小林京子, 斉藤正恵, 黒田光恵, 玉村尚子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 42-42, 2014.

Japanese Article Teaching materials development about the newspaper example to use for nursing process practice
湯山美杉, 本田芳香, 里光やよい, 若澤弥生, 岩永麻衣子, 飯塚由美子, 山本真由美1)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 43-43, 2014.

Japanese Article Significance - of the family class in examination - high risk hospital of the intervention method to the family who had a high-risk pregnant woman
角川志穂, 柴山真里1), 寒河江かよ子2), 佐藤美沙子3), 原啓子4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 44-44, 2014.

Japanese Article Development of the spoon for the feeding preventing an aspiration
川上勝, 宮林幸江, 浜端賢次, 清水みどり, 相賀美幸, 古内三基子, 戸田浩司
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 45-45, 2014.

Japanese Article The actual situation (ten years later investigation) of the mother's milk child care support in Tochigi that we looked at from the mother side and supporter side both sides
熊谷歩1), 成田伸2), 野々山未希子2), 角川志穂3), 柴山真里4), 望月明見5), 植木麻美5)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 46-46, 2014.

Japanese Article For the voice in role - ward sudden change scene of the teacher of nursing in the ICLS course for student nurse -
村上礼子1), 中村美鈴1), 里光やよい1), 川上勝1), 小林京子1), 柴山真里1), 井上和子2), 河野龍太郎3), 鈴木義彦3), 淺田義和3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 47-47, 2014.

Japanese Article Basic study for the present conditions and the post of nursing continuation of this school School of Nursing graduate
浜端賢次, 江角伸吾, 島田裕子, 安藤恵, 柴山真里, 黒尾絢子, 中野杏梨, 北田志郎, 大塚公一郎, 春山早苗, 新海里恵, 渡邊瑠美
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 48-48, 2014.

English Article Review of literature on domestic nursing studies of resilience
Miyo Akutsu, Misuzu Nakamura
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 51-51, 2014.

Japanese Article A tangle and the coping method that the nurse concerned with the hospice care of patients with blood-forming organ tumor has
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 52-52, 2014.

English Article Continued Postpartum Support in Japan for Women who had Gestational Diabetes Mellitus : status and issues as seen in an examination of relevant literature
小林由美, 工藤里香, 植木麻美, 望月明見, 成田伸
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 53-53, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination - of the possibility of real - cooperation of the promotion of the health promotion in the junior high school
手塚園江, 塚本浩章, 横山由美
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 54-54, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the health education in the elementary school by the health profession
塚本浩章, 手塚園江, 横山由美
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 55-55, 2014.

English Article Review of the status of support for women's health problems in incarcerated women in Japan ; Practical report on women's health educational lectures before prison release
望月明見, 成田伸
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 12: 56-56, 2014.