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Jichi Medical University journal of nursing

Volume 13, Issue / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Pay the attention to role behavior - nursing - care cooperation of the post of nursing for the comfortable oral intake by the security of residents with severe eating, dysphagia in one special elderly nursing home; and -
清水みどり1), 吉本照子2), 杉田由加里2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 3-10, 2015.

Japanese Article Hesitation in the process when mother of the seriously disabled child chooses home care
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 11-19, 2015.

Japanese Article The cooperation with examination - medical institution and the school of the way of the child care in the remote place as a focus -
横山由美, 田村敦子1), 小西克恵2), 仙徳明美3), 相場雅代4), 黒田光恵5), 手塚園江6), 佐々木綾香7), 宗像修8), 佐々木祥子9)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 23-23, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the continuing nursing care through the family class for the mother and the child and the family who gave birth in the third medical facilities
角川志穂, 柴山真里, 寒河江かよ子, 佐藤美佐子, 原啓子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 24-24, 2015.

Japanese Article Reflective program about the decision aiding of terminally ill patients with cancer and the family
岩永麻衣子, 本田芳香1), 小原泉2), 飯塚由美子3), 渡辺芳江4), 竹野井さとみ5), 境野博子6)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 25-25, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the training instruction skill that we caught from a viewpoint of the educational approach of the nursing science training
若澤弥生3), 本田芳香1), 里光やよい2), 飯塚由美子3), 湯山美杉3), 岩永麻衣子3), 中塚麻美3), 大貫紀子4), 佐藤里美4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 26-26, 2015.

Japanese Article Role of the public health center community health nurse in the new term present office education to municipalities community health nurse
青木さぎ里1), 春山早苗1), 鈴木久美子1), 塚本友栄1), 島田裕子1), 関山友子1), 江角伸吾1), 金子敬子2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 27-27, 2015.

Japanese Article Development of the spoon for the deglutition usability test
川上勝1), 戸田浩司2), 若林宣江3), 伊藤弘人4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 28-28, 2015.

Japanese Article Substantial study on effect of the safe belt cancellation standard
浜端賢次, 宮林幸江1), 樋口一江2), 石川裕子2), 福原江美2), 増渕美幸2), 水野百子2), 押久保絵美2), 高田沙織2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 29-29, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the educational relation of the nurse who aimed at the relaxation of the functional disorder after the operation of the patients after upper part digestion cancer technique
樅山定美1),*, 中村美鈴1), 安藤恵1), 長谷川直人1), 小原泉1), 村上礼子1), 吉田紀子1), 渡辺芳江2), 半田知子2), 弘田智香2), 相賀美幸2), 安田是和3), 細谷好則3), 倉科憲太郎3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 30-30, 2015.

Japanese Article It is ... for the intentional voice in role - ward sudden change scene of the teacher of nursing in the ICLS course for student nurse
村上礼子1),*, 中村美鈴1), 川上勝1), 関山友子1), 飯塚由美子1), 樅山定美1), 渡邉美智子2), 河野龍太郎3), 鈴木義彦3), 淺田義和3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 31-31, 2015.

Japanese Article Basic study for the way of the after graduation second year training
江角伸吾1), 渡邊紀子2), 菅野一枝3), 関山友子4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 32-32, 2015.

Japanese Article Comparison - before and after the discharge adjustment addition evaluation using evaluation - electronic chart data of the enforcement situation of a discharge, the home care support of hospitalization elderly people in the special functioning hospital
春山早苗, 大柴幸子1), 前原多鶴子2), 戸田昌子3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 33-33, 2015.

Japanese Article The learning situation, learning environment situation investigation of the student
成田伸1), 大塚公一郎1), 中村美鈴1), 横山由美1), 里光やよい2), 鈴木久美子2), 角川志穂2), 塚本友栄2), 浜端賢次2), 田村敦子3), 長谷川直人3), 平尾温司3), 福田順子4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 34-34, 2015.

Japanese Article Holding of development and the workshop of the gestational diabetes medical treatment support nurse midwife upbringing program
成田伸1), 松原まなみ2), 大平光子3), 工藤里香4), 山田加奈子5), 笹野京子6), 松井弘美7), 川口弥恵子8), 小嶋由美9), 立木歌織10)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 37-37, 2015.

Japanese Article Literature review about the shift to the home care of patients with end-stage cancer
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 38-39, 2015.

Japanese Article Literature review about the end-of-life care experience of the nurse concerned with the terminally ill patients
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 13: 40-41, 2015.