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Jichi Medical University journal of nursing

Volume 14, Issue / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The Past, the Present, and the Future of Medical Informatics
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 3-10, 2016.

Japanese Article A Concept Analysis of Self-Regulation to Promote the Societal Life of Workers with Type 2 Diabetes
Hasegawa Naoto1), Muraoka Koko2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 11-23, 2016.

Japanese Article Factors Related to the "Sense of Fulfillment of Student Life" of University Nursing Students
Naoto Hasegawa1), Atsuko Tamura1), Kumiko Suzuki1), Koichiro Otsuka1)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 25-35, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the associated factor of the benefit finding for people with a mental disorder to live in an area
千葉理恵, 永井優子, 岩沢秀治, 鈴木恵子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 39-39, 2016.

Japanese Article Focus on present office education for the new term in role recognition - small scale municipalities of the administrative occupation in the administrative viewpoint in the community health nurse present office education; and ...
青木さぎ里, 春山早苗, 鈴木久美子, 塚本友栄, 島田裕子, 関山友子, 江角伸吾, 金子敬子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 40-40, 2016.

Japanese Article Development of the wearing type food tool for the aspiration prevention
川上勝1), 戸田浩司2), 塚本浩章2), 若林宣江3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 41-41, 2016.

Japanese Article Try an offer of the child care support information with examination - DVD of the nursing support not to isolate mother having infants in an area; and -
角川志穂, 篠原有美子, 寒河江かよ子, 原啓子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 42-42, 2016.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the decision aiding skill up program of the patients and the family treated for a gynecologic cancer
飯塚由美子1), 本田芳香2), 小原泉2), 中塚麻美3), 渡辺芳江4), 小室るみ5), 竹野井さとみ6), 渡辺道子7), 樋山伸子8), 岩永麻衣子9)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 43-43, 2016.

Japanese Article A Study on Effectiveness of Learning by Introducing Simulated Patient to Acquire Interpersonal Relation Skill
湯山美杉1), 本田芳香2), 小原泉2), 里光やよい2), 福田順子2), 飯塚由美子2), 中塚麻美2), 浜端賢次2), 野沢博子3), 亀田美智子4), 高久美子5), 安藤恵6)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 44-44, 2016.

Japanese Article After upper gastrointestinal tract cancer technique after the operation for the patients extraction - of the element of a change of the coping behavior by the continuation support of examination - nurse of the coping promotion program of the functional disorder and the educational relation
長谷川直人1), 中村美鈴2), 佐藤幹代2), 村上礼子2), 中野真理子2), 佐々木雅史2), 水口恵美子2), 渡辺芳江3), 半田知子3), 宮田直美3), 相賀美幸3), 弘田智香3), 佐田尚宏4), 細谷好則4), 倉科憲太郎4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 45-45, 2016.

Japanese Article Study on guidelines on safe belt cancellation standard making
浜端賢次1), 宮林幸江2), 簗瀬順子3), 石川裕子4), 福原江美5), 増渕美幸5), 水野百子5), 押久保絵美5), 高田沙織5), 安藤恵6)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article Cooperation with a remote place medical office and the school about maintenance, the increase of the health of the children in the remote place
横山由美, 田村敦子, 小西克恵, 相場雅代, 黒田光恵, 佐々木綾香, 宗像修, 辻本健, 佐々木祥子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 47-47, 2016.

Japanese Article Study on feelings and reflection of the nursing job
石井慎一郎, 松島久美子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 48-48, 2016.

Japanese Article Construction of the nursing outpatient department to support the transition stage of the adolescent patients visiting a hospital for treatment in the transplant outpatient department
田村敦子, 横山由美, 小西克恵, 仙徳明美, 朝野春美, 大海佳子, 前原多鶴子, 大畑紀恵
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 49-49, 2016.

Japanese Article Development of the bladder fistula catheter exchange simulator using the plastic strike Mick specimen
平尾温司1), 川上勝2), 福田順子1), 田村敦子1), 黒川真輔3), 田口深雪4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 50-50, 2016.

English Article Studies in Japanese Grief, Religion and Disaster (1) : Literature Review
上野千鶴子, 宮林幸江
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 53-53, 2016.

Japanese Article Effect of the manual lymph drainage on cancer treatment association lymphedema
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 14: 54-55, 2016.