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Jichi Medical University journal of nursing

Volume 15, Issue / 2017
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Educational support of nurses that guides gastric cancer patients' coping for postoperative dysfunction at first outpatient care
Naoto Hasegawa1), Sadami Momiyama2), Mariko Nakano1), Masashi Sasaki3), Noriko Yoshida4), Sachie Furushima1), Ayaka Sasaki1), Misuzu Nakamura1), Mikiyo Sato1), Reiko Murakami5), Miyuki Aiga6), Naomi Miyata6), Yoshie Watanabe6), Tomoko Handa6), Chika Hirota6), Kentaro Kurashina7), Yoshinori Hosoya7), Naohiro Sata7)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 3-15, 2017.

Japanese Article From analysis of the learning of evaluation - basics of instruction training II of the teacher of nursing who utilized ICT in the training instruction of the common subject of the nurse specific act training -
鈴木美津枝1), 村上礼子1)2), 八木(佐伯)街子1)2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 17-25, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the education effect to result in upbringing of the nursing-like observation viewpoint that utilized a simulated patient
湯山美杉1), 本田芳香1), 小原泉1), 里光やよい1), 福田順子1), 飯塚由美子1), 岡野朋子1), 野沢博子2), 亀田美智子3), 高久美子4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 29-29, 2017.

Japanese Article Vertical section investigation about the relation with emotion intelligence and others of the student nurse
石井慎一郎, 路川達阿起, 松島久美子, 玉生浩子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 30-30, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the educational effect by the relation of the clinical leader in the nursing practice in the study
中野真理子, 中村美鈴, 佐藤幹代, 長谷川直人, 佐々木雅史, 佐々木彩加, 古島幸江, 宮田直美, 相賀美幸, 小畑美加子, 渡辺道子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 31-31, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the appliance for the mouth care by the rapid prototyping
川上勝1)*, 清水みどり1), 岡野朋子1), 戸田浩司2), 塚本浩章2), 若林宣江3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 32-32, 2017.

Japanese Article Experience to lead to improvement of the nursing intervention ability of the community health nurse for small municipalities new appointment period
青木さぎ里1), 春山早苗1), 鈴木久美子1), 塚本友栄1), 島田裕子1), 関山友子1), 江角伸吾1), 金子敬子2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 33-33, 2017.

Japanese Article Study on application to the manufacture of the plastic strike Mick specimen using the pig abdominopelvic cavity internal organs and the specific act training
平尾温司1), 川上勝2), 福田順子1), 田村敦子1), 黒川真輔3), 田口深雪4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 34-34, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the standardization of the decision aiding skill up program of the patients and the family treated for a gynecologic cancer
飯塚由美子1), 本田芳香2), 小原泉2), 岡野朋子3), 渡辺芳江4), 樋口一江5), 小室るみ6), 渡辺道子7), 中山章子8), 田村恵理子8), 竹野井さとみ9)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 35-35, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the career development of the generalist nurse of the hospital attached to the university
福田順子1), 本田芳香2), 小原泉2), 里光やよい3), 朝野晴美4), 渡辺芳江5), 上野久子6), 大柴幸子6), 大海佳子6), 小松崎香7), 渡井恵7), 弘田智香7), 渡邉美智子7)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 36-36, 2017.

Japanese Article Systems construction to follow up an adolescent outpatient from puberty of children medical center and the transplant surgery
田村敦子, 横山由美, 朝野春美, 大海桂子, 小谷妙子, 大畑紀惠, 黒田光恵, 尾沼恵梨香, 水田耕一
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 37-37, 2017.

Japanese Article Basics document collection tool development for excellent nursing specialist job upbringing and correspondence as the nursing specialist job to the elderly people society
小原泉1, 中村美鈴1,*, 永井優子1,*, 成田伸1,*, 春山早苗1,*, 半澤節子1,*, 宮林幸江1,*, 北田志郎1,**, 青木さぎ里1,***, 江角伸吾1,***, 佐々木彩加1,***, Chencho Dorjee2,*, Neyzang Wangro2,****
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 38-38, 2017.

Japanese Article Self-assessment of the nurse who is active in the area that participated in the assessment practice using the simulated patient
里光やよい1), 本田芳香2), 浜端賢次2), 清水みどり2), 湯山美杉2), 岡野朋子2), 大澤弘子3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 39-39, 2017.

English Article Socio-Environmental and Behavioral Risk Factors Associated with Obesity in the Capital (Honiara), the Solomon Islands ; Case-Control Study
Chihiro Tsuchiya1), Samo Tagini2), Donald Cafa3), Minato Nakazawa4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 43-43, 2017.

Japanese Article Trend of the nursing research of "difficult feeling and coping of the floor nurse for the pain of patients with end-stage juvenile cancer"
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 15: 44-44, 2017.