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Jichi Medical University journal of nursing

Volume 17, Issue / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Literature review about the support for the low income household having infants and the support system
山縣千開1), 春山早苗2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 17: 9-20, 2019.

Japanese Article The decision aiding that a selected act training intern recognizes: Qualitative content analysis
関山友子, 鈴木美津枝, 村上礼子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 17: 21-31, 2019.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the inflection of the e portfolio in the nursing education
八木(佐伯)街子, 鈴木美津枝, 淺田義和, 村上礼子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 17: 33-38, 2019.

Japanese Article About learning of the team approach in medical care of the nurse specific act training
鈴木美津枝, 村上礼子, 八木街子, 中村剛史, 寺山美華, 亀森康子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 17: 41-41, 2019.

Japanese Article Attendance needs investigation in the completion place of incarnation genus institution about the training of the nurse concerned with a specific act
八木街子, 村上礼子, 鈴木美津枝, 渡井恵, 菅野一枝
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 17: 42-42, 2019.

Japanese Article The educational significance that we describe the impression of the class, and student nurse expresses: Consideration from literatures
石井慎一郎, 竹澤将也1), 田村敦子2), 島田裕子3), 清水みどり3), 古島幸江3), 望月明見3), 湯山美杉4), 冨川明子4), 佐藤貴紀4)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 17: 43-43, 2019.

Japanese Article Literature study for the nursing intervention ability improvement of the School of Nursing upper grades life in the transition stage to a nursing specialist job and the new face nurse
湯山美杉, 本田芳香, 福田順子, 関山友子, 亀田美智子, 高久美子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 17: 44-44, 2019.

Japanese Article Construction of the learning environment to promote self-determination type learning of the student nurse: Exploratory study on laboratory room administration
古島幸江, 渡邉賢治, 八木街子, 鹿野浩子, 笠野佳代子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 17: 45-45, 2019.

Japanese Article Study on activity method of the excavation stratagem according to the local characteristic of inhabitants collaborating in the local inclusion care system and the life support coordinator
春山早苗, 塚本友栄1), 浜端賢次2), 関山友子3), 島田裕子4), 青木さぎ里5), 江角伸吾6), 土谷ちひろ7), 横山絢香8), 鳥居みゆき, 朝川美也子, 江連正子9), 鈴井祐孝, 井上永子, 隅谷サヨ子10)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 17: 46-46, 2019.

Japanese Article Making of the skill up program about the mouth care for nursing facility nursing jobs and the eating deglutition
清水みどり, 川上勝, 戸田浩司, 若林宜江
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 17: 47-47, 2019.

Japanese Article 2018 community care practice development business report
柳千秋, 保科典子, 直井智江
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 17: 53-70, 2019.

Japanese Article Association between ethical trouble and human environmental agent for the isolation in the mental hospital
石井慎一郎, 半澤節子, 永井優子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 17: 73-73, 2019.