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Jichi Medical University journal of nursing

Volume 18, Issue / 2020
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Clinical intellect in the nurse extensive practice education
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 3-9, 2020.

Japanese Article Examination of educational strategies to promotion of team medical care - From the learning and practical use of Specified Nursing Training Basic Practicum II -
Mitsue Suzuki1,2), Tomoko sekiyama2), Machiko Saeki Yagi1,2), Reiko Murakami1,2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 11-25, 2020.

Japanese Article Efforts of the research activities that clinical nurse collaborated with teacher of nursing
佐々木彩加1), 谷島晴香1), 長谷川直人1), 小林真穂2), 福田怜加2), 村上礼子1), 佐藤幹代1), 古島幸江1), 渡邉賢治1), 荒井泉2), 古内三基子2), 軽部真粧美2), 福田佳代子2), 筒井咲頼2), 宿村香織2), 野口康子2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 27-34, 2020.

Japanese Article The course of setting and the tissue change of the collaborative research theme in the nursing system school subject
長谷川直人1), 佐藤幹代1), 古島幸江1), 村上礼子1), 渡邉賢治1), 佐々木彩加1), 谷島晴香1), 中野真理子1)2), 藤巻郁朗1)3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 35-42, 2020.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the nurse remote place dispatch support that the Nursing Department of the university hospital conducts
河野邉香1), 亀田美智子1), 工藤清子1), 境野博子1), 藤田美喜1), 宮沢玲子1), 岡田裕美2), 島田裕子3), 里光やよい3)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 43-50, 2020.

Japanese Article Recognition of the nursing manager for the discharge support workshop person of completion utilization as a conjugation and the human resources who occurred after taking lectures
塚本友栄1), 河野順子2), 齋藤由利子3), 宮崎照子2), 人見優子4), 赤羽由妙5), 谷田部佳代弥6), 王麗華7), 野澤寿美子8), 鱒渕清子8), 馬込公子9)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 51-56, 2020.

Japanese Article Study on activity method of the excavation stratagem according to the local characteristic of inhabitants collaborating in the local inclusion care system and the life support coordinator
土谷ちひろ, 朝川美也子, 江連正子, 斎藤慶士郎, 鈴井祐孝, 井上永子, 隅谷サヨ子, 黒須重光, 春山早苗, 塚本友栄, 島田裕子, 青木さぎ里, 江角伸吾, 横山絢香
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 59-59, 2020.

Japanese Article Basic study for the rebuilding of the assistant industry-university co-operation education in the first degree by the collaboration with the clinical settings and educational institution
二宮美由紀, 成田伸, 野々山未希子, 角川志穂, 望月明見, 北守美佳, 田中純, 塚田祐子, 佐藤ひさ代
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 60-60, 2020.

Japanese Article Construction - of the nursing intervention (self-government) model confluent in a viewpoint of development - clinical practice and the education of the nursing intervention model to the perioperative patients
長谷川直人, 古島幸江, 村上礼子, 佐藤幹代, 佐々木彩加, 渡邉賢治, 谷島晴香, 小林真穂, 福田怜加, 筒井咲頼, 古内三基子, 軽部真粧美, 福田佳代子, 野口康子, 樫山美奈子, 荒井泉, 宿村香織
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 61-61, 2020.

Japanese Article What kind of educational significance does the impression of the class have? Consideration from overseas literature
石井慎一郎, 江田千絵, 竹澤将也, 田村敦子, 冨川明子, 白濱雅子, 路川達阿起
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 62-62, 2020.

Japanese Article The problem in the transition stage to the home care of patients with end-stage gynecologic cancer with the fecundity and the support
石井容子, 野沢博子, 岩永麻衣子, 皆川麗沙, 本田芳香, 湯山美杉
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 63-63, 2020.

Japanese Article Investigation about the actual situation and the problem of the nursing action in the remote place medical office
青木さぎ里, 春山早苗, 塚本友栄, 島田裕子, 江角伸吾, 土谷ちひろ, 横山絢香, 山田明美, 高瀬佳子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 64-64, 2020.

Japanese Article Investigation about the actual situation and support needs of the child care of the working together couple
角川志穂, 小嶋由美, 佐藤美佐子, 藤川智子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 65-65, 2020.

Japanese Article Construction of the learning environment to promote self-determination type learning of the student nurse
渡邉賢治, 石井慎一郎, 江角伸吾, 鹿野浩子, 古島幸江, 望月明見, 八木街子, 笠野佳代子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 66-66, 2020.

Japanese Article 2019 community care practice development business report
柳千秋, 保科典子, 直井智江
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 18: 69-86, 2020.