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Jichi Medical University journal of nursing

Volume 19, Issue / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Expectation for Activities of Nurses Completing the Specified Medical Act Training in rural and remote clinics
Reiko Murakami1), Sanae Haruyama1), Shingo Esumi1), Kazuhiko Kotani2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 19: 3-12, 2021.

Japanese Article Practice for Home-visiting Nurses to Resume Oral Intake in Patients with Gastrostomy
Mikiko Furuuch1), Reiko Murakami2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 19: 13-23, 2021.

Japanese Article Nursing Care to Support the Individuality of Patients with Hematopoietic Tumors at the End of Life
Ogushi Mirai, Kohara Izumi
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 19: 25-36, 2021.

Japanese Article Characteristics of elders with dementia discharged from acute care hospitals to home
佐藤享子1), 川上勝2), 菅野妃穂子1), 山崎大輔1), 加藤徹1), 浜端賢次2), 上野まり2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 19: 37-44, 2021.

Japanese Article Basic study on engagement in the learning of the student nurse
石井慎一郎, 江田千絵, 田村敦子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 19: 47-47, 2021.

Japanese Article Study on activity method of the excavation stratagem according to the local characteristic of inhabitants collaborating in the local inclusion care system and the life support coordinator
島田裕子1), 春山早苗2), 塚本友栄3), 青木さぎ里4), 江角伸吾5), 横山絢香6), 朝川美也子7), 江連正子8), 小林祐樹9), 小林藍10), 小林正則11), 桑島謙司12), 鈴井祐孝13), 井上永子13), 隅谷サヨ子13), 黒須重光13), 黒川一巳13), 菅井貞雄13)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 19: 48-48, 2021.

Japanese Article After the operation cyclopedic examination - of the constructive concept of development - model of the nursing intervention model to patients with acute phase
長谷川直人, 古島幸江, 村上礼子, 佐藤幹代, 佐々木彩加, 渡邉賢治, 谷島晴香, 福田怜加, 筒井咲頼, 古内三基子, 小林真穂, 福田佳代子, 野口康子, 西川泉, 宿村香織, 軽部真粧美
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 19: 49-49, 2021.

Japanese Article Support to a nurse having the children who are younger than a primary schoolchild (0 years old - 12 years old)
小西克恵, 横山由美, 飯島早絵, 大海佳子, 神田貴代
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 19: 50-50, 2021.

Japanese Article Secession - from experience-based - central veins and tube feeding of children before coming to be able to ingest the solid body
飯島早絵, 横山由美, 大海佳子, 川上直子, 佐々木綾香
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 19: 51-51, 2021.

Japanese Article The problem in the transition stage to the home care of patients with end-stage gynecologic cancer with the fecundity and the support
石井容子, 野沢博子, 岩永麻衣子, 皆川麗沙, 本田芳香, 湯山美杉
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 19: 52-52, 2021.

Japanese Article Investigation about the actual situation and the problem of the nursing action in the remote place medical office
青木さぎ里, 春山早苗, 塚本友栄, 島田裕子, 江角伸吾, 横山絢香, 山田明美, 高瀬佳子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 19: 53-53, 2021.

Japanese Article 2020 community care practice development business report
柳千秋, 保科典子, 直井智江
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 19: 57-75, 2021.