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Jichi Medical University journal of nursing

Volume 20, Issue / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Association between job strain and pregnancy outcomes in working pregnant women
Rie Takashima1), Yasuka Nakamura2), Fumi Atogami3), Yoko Takeishi2), Toyoko Yoshizawa2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 3-16, 2022.

Japanese Article Literature review about a problem and the measures of the inhabitants by the population decline in the health care activity in the municipalities
太田あゆ美1), 春山早苗2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 17-24, 2022.

Japanese Article Examination of the child care support in the emergency pediatric service outpatient department
小西克恵, 横山由美
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 25-32, 2022.

Japanese Article - to bring you up while feeling lack at process - normal of the relation of mother for the medical treatment behavior of the children who underwent a live donor liver transplant
飯島早絵, 横山由美
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 33-41, 2022.

Japanese Article Nursing practices to promote self-care in patients with gynecologic cancer-related lymphedema
Ayako Fukuda1), Izumi Kohara2)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 43-55, 2022.

Japanese Article Study on activity method of the excavation stratagem according to the local characteristic of inhabitants collaborating in the local inclusion care system and the life support coordinator
島田裕子1), 春山早苗2), 塚本友栄3), 青木さぎ里4), 江角伸吾5), 朝川美也子6), 江連正子7), 若林佑樹8), 小林藍9), 小林正則10), 桑島謙司11), 鈴井祐孝12), 井上永子12), 隅谷サヨ子12), 黒須重光12), 黒川一巳12), 菅井貞雄12)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 59-60, 2022.

Japanese Article Examination of the training education stratagem to promote ICT use and application based on the actual situation of the learning activity using the web search of the go to the actual place training student
古島幸江, 長谷川直人, 村上礼子, 佐藤幹代, 佐々木彩加, 渡邉賢治, 小川晴香, 二川洋美, 藤井柚香, 島田綾香, 柴田真奈美, 菅原加代, 神山恵李花, 助川淳美, 只隈美帆, 山口彩乃, 中野喜子, 山形裕香, 小川一美, 村山理恵, 滝田和久, 齋藤知佳, 星ひかる
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 61-61, 2022.

Japanese Article After the operation clarification - of extraction and the concept framework of development - core concept of the nursing intervention model to patients with acute phase
長谷川直人, 古島幸江, 村上礼子, 佐藤幹代, 佐々木彩加, 渡邉賢治, 小川晴香, 福田怜加, 筒井咲頼, 古内三基子, 小林真穂, 福田佳代子, 野口康子, 宿村香織, 工藤理恵, 遠藤香奈
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 62-62, 2022.

Japanese Article Basic study on engagement in the learning of the student nurse
石井慎一郎, 江田千絵, 田村敦子
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 63-63, 2022.

Japanese Article The current situation and problem of the nursing practice preparation for acceptance in the temporary nursing at home station in Tochigi
小此木百合香, 上野まり1), 浜端賢次2), 川上勝3), 酒井千裕4), 鮎澤みどり5), 黒崎雅子6)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 64-64, 2022.

Japanese Article The current situation and problem of the support to the women who had a diagnosis of gestational diabetes after the application expansion to the after giving birth of "at-home gestational diabetes instruction management charges"
成田伸1), 佐藤ひさ代2), 出井陽子3), 松原まなみ4), 坂梨薫5), 山田加奈子6), 森重圭子7), 千葉貴子8)
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 65-65, 2022.

Japanese Article Basic study for the care prophylactic program development of the foreigner utilized the community residing in Japan
江角伸吾, 大塚公一郎, 町田真由美, 伊藤沙保理
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 66-66, 2022.

Japanese Article Trend of the study on education for patients for total ischemic interval shortening of the acute coronary syndrome
甲賀優貴, 小原泉, 里光やよい, 内堀真弓, 湯山美杉, 石井容子, 井上育子, 神山淳子, 高瀬裕美
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 67-67, 2022.

Japanese Article Literature examination about the efforts for the improvement in current situation of the communicative competence of the nursing system student and ability
井上育子, 小原泉, 里光やよい, 内堀真弓, 湯山美杉, 石井容子, 甲賀優貴, 福田順子, 弘田智香
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 68-68, 2022.

Japanese Article 2021 community care practice development business report
柳千秋, 保科典子, 直井智江
Jichi Medical University journal of nursing 20: 71-86, 2022.