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Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway

Volume 1, Issue 1 / 1999
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Reach greetings Japan clinical path association start
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 1(1): 1-1, 1999.

Japanese Article Collection of Japanese clinical path association establishment memory lecture lectures
立川, 岩崎榮, 末舛惠一, 須古博信, 郡司篤晃, 山嵜絆, 高瀬浩造, 井上忠夫, 松崎政三, 阿部俊子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 1(1): 5-47, 1999.