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Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway

Volume 10, Issue 4 / 2008
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article About DPC and corporate strategy of hospital management - this hospital -
原澤茂 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 277-277, 2008.

Japanese Article Because we do not collapse medical care
Hideki Komatsu 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 281-281, 2008.

Japanese Article "Life brighten Japanese hospitalist - now, and what should the eggplant -?" <Essence of team medical care what medical>
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 281-281, 2008.

Japanese Article Specialty of the nurse in the clinical path
Toshiko Ibe 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 285-285, 2008.

Japanese Article Step-up from how to write clinical article, an announcement manuscript to article writing
Taku Fukaya 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 285-285, 2008.

Japanese Article Trend of cancer measures of our country
Mitsuya Maeda 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 286-286, 2008.

Japanese Article A clinical path and education
Hidehisa Soejima 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 286-286, 2008.

Japanese Article Patients state ecad pass (PCAPS) standard contents maintenance and implementation system development
Current Satoko 1, Yoshinori Iizuka 1, Masahiko Munechika 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 287-287, 2008.

Japanese Article One or - that what changed with clinical path and medical quality management - pass, and what did not change
Hidehisa Soejima 1, Koichi Kawabuchi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 291-291, 2008.

Japanese Article The effect of the second use database of the S1-1 electron pass and improvement of the medical quality by Quality indicator
Shimada former 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 292-292, 2008.

Japanese Article Action - of this hospital using quality management - pass and DPC of the S1-2 medical care
Takahiro Takemura 1, Orii treetop 1, 登内盛治 1, 務台弘美 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 292-292, 2008.

Japanese Article Medical quality management by the cooperation of S1-3 process approach and the outcome approach
Mt. Yasushi Okamoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 293-293, 2008.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the TQM in S1-4 senior Popes
Yoshihiro Wakazono 1, Yukako Ozawa 1, Etsuko Tominaga 1, Yoshinori Kuroda 1, Yoichi Nakai 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 293-293, 2008.

Japanese Article The thing which did not change that S1-5 clinical path changed it
Kyoji Sawamura 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 294-294, 2008.

Japanese Article Does trial - clinical path of "the medical visualization" using S1-6 DPC-related data contribute to improvement of the medical quality?
Koichi Kawabuchi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 294-294, 2008.

Japanese Article Present conditions of the regional alliances pass and disease control in problem - area and action - to quality improvement
Toshiro Ikeya 1, Hiroshi Takagi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 295-295, 2008.

Japanese Article Use and problems of the S2-1 stroke regional alliances net pass
Osamu Narumi 1, Bird bridge Koichi 1, Ryu Fukumitsu 1, Shigeru Takasaki straight 1, Yoshitaka Kurosaki 1, 定政信猛 1, Yoshida sum way 1, 沈正樹 1, 山形専 1, Toshiyuki Fujikawa 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 296-296, 2008.

Japanese Article From the situation of the present conditions and the problem rehabilitation of the S2-2 stroke regional alliances pass mainly on - convalescence, maintenance phase -
Tetsuya Tsuji 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 296-296, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the regional alliances clinical path for the S2-3 circulatory disease
Inanimate object Ryoji 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 297-297, 2008.

Japanese Article Asthmatic attack management - in S2-4 emergency care and regional alliances pass - emergency visit
Takeo Horie 1, 矢冨正清 1, Katsuaki Endo 1, 滝瀬淳 1, Rice Masashi Sawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 297-297, 2008.

Japanese Article Cancer practice and regional alliances
Shingo Okada 1, 河村進 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 298-298, 2008.

Japanese Article We examine lung cancer disease in the S3-1 University of Tokushima Hospital and are surveyed the present conditions and the future of the cooperation clinical path
Hiroaki Toba 1, Kazuya Kondo 1, Hiromitsu Takizawa 1, 監崎孝一郎 1, Skilled miner Shoji 1, 丹黒章 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 299-299, 2008.

Japanese Article Gastrointestinal carcinoma practice and regional alliances in the S3-2 this hospital
里井壯平 1, 宮崎浩彰 2, Hideyoshi Toyokawa 1, Yasuaki Yanamoto 1, 道浦拓 1, Kentaro Inoue 1, 北村臣 3, Yoichi Matsui 1, Kyoji Nakane 1, 權雅憲 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 299-299, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the specialist in cooperation visit in the S3-3 cancer practice
Michiyo Yamada 1, Mayumi Imanaka 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 300-300, 2008.

Japanese Article Stomach colorectal cancer postoperative regional alliances clinical path according to the anticancer drug administration pattern that we made in cooperation with S3-4 hometown Medical Association
Atsushi Nagashima 1, Tomohisa Egawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 300-300, 2008.

Japanese Article Examine cancer disease in S3-5 Nagasaki-shi; an action of the cooperation
1 full of gray mustaches, Tsuyoshi Noda Minoru 2, Taku Fujii 3, Masahiro Deguchi 4, 影浦博信 5, Masakazu Yasunaka 6
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 301-301, 2008.

Japanese Article Is not it pass without a variance: What is changing in the variance analysis
勝尾信一1, 佐々木由美子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 302-302, 2008.

Japanese Article How turn PDCA cycle S4-1; is discussion from algorithm use after inside the hospital technique at nausea onset
Eisaku Harada 1, Mutsumi Mukai 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 303-303, 2008.

Japanese Article Efficiency of the Varian's data count using the S4-2 Excel template
Teruko Watanabe 1, Yukiko Honda 1, Midori Tachibana 1, Reiko Takahashi 1, Yukiko Kanauchi 1, Ayumi Nakajima 1, Keiko Koyano 1, Satoshi Inoue 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 303-303, 2008.

Japanese Article For the transition from a Varian's analysis - paper operational over view pass of the S4-3 cesarean section clinical path to the computerization pass according to the phase -
Kosuke Kobayashi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 304-304, 2008.

Japanese Article About an effect by a Varian's analysis and the improvement of the S4-4 block calendar type clinical path of "the echo lower liver biopsy + interferon therapy for chronic hepatitis C"
Now neutralization ear 1, Toshiho Nishita 1, Yasuko Yamane 1, Yoshiko Shimomura 1, Noriko Yanagawa 1, Yuko Miyachi 1, 杉本直俊 1, Kentaro Kishi 1, Kenichi Kakimoto 1, Kiyohiko Higashiyama 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 304-304, 2008.

Japanese Article Having been able to be improved by an S4-5 Varian's analysis
Blowgun dart Mieko 1, Katsuo Shinichi 1, Two Yukiyo Hayashi 1, Shunsuke Kitade 1, Kenichi Iida 1, Mie Nakagawa 1, Akiko Kataoka 1, Watanabe window or 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 305-305, 2008.

Japanese Article Can cover "cancer practice and every clinical path" - cancer practice with a pass; -?
Toshiro Konishi 1, 2, Ryosuke Tanaka 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 309-309, 2008.

Japanese Article Cancer practice and clinical path in the P1-1 Kurume University Hospital
Hiromasa Fujita 1, Junko Noda 2, Hiroko Miura 3, Kurume University clinical path committee
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 310-310, 2008.

Japanese Article P1-2 Creation and operation of the clinical path that takes into account the differences in the patient background High-Volume Cancer Center and Community Hospital: Aiming to eliminate cancer-care disparities of cancer
長谷川慎一1, 野間大督1, 吉田達也1, 大佛智彦1, 米山克也1, 笠原彰夫1, 山本裕司1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 310-310, 2008.

Japanese Article Result and problem of the multicenter benchmark aiming at the standardization of the P1-3 urology department cancer surgery pass
Hiroshi Nagae 1, Ryosuke Tanaka 2, Hidehisa Soejima 2, Yoshimitsu Sumiyoshi 2, Bridge root Katsuyoshi 2, Akihiro Ito 2, Kennichi Tobisu 3, Garden river 3 required, Yasunori Nishio 4, Yoshida officer and man 5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 311-311, 2008.

Japanese Article Problems of the clinical path as the P1-4 cancer pharmacotherapy process management tool
Gamo Makio 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 311-311, 2008.

Japanese Article We effectively utilize it with the examination of the disincentive of the clinical path spread in the P1-5 chemotherapy
Hiromi Mori 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 312-312, 2008.

Japanese Article The merits and demerits of an electronic chart, the electronic pass
Tadashi Shiratori sect 1, Shigeru Yoshida 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 313-313, 2008.

Japanese Article An electronic chart in the P2-1 this hospital and "an electric paper pass"
Shigemi Morishita 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 314-314, 2008.

Japanese Article Straying of this hospital pass activity with the P2-2 electronic chart induction
Yasuo Noguchi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 314-314, 2008.

Japanese Article About the use of the P2-3 electron clinical path
Sugita Nobuko 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 315-315, 2008.

Japanese Article In the case of Asahi center hospital, an enemy - yesterday is today's friend light and the shadow of the P2-4 electronic chart, electronic pass; or -
Takashi Matsunaga 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 315-315, 2008.

Japanese Article From P2-5 "merits and demerits - point of an electronic chart, the electronic pass" to the line from - line to an aspect -
Shigeo Kunii 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 316-316, 2008.

Japanese Article DPC and the clinical path where we want to put this
Hisakuni Yasuda 1, Eiji Yamanaka 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 317-317, 2008.

Japanese Article DPC to think about from a prolonged case for the length of stay of the P3-1 2 institution
Masashi Inoue 1, Corner Kenichi 1, Masayuki Ataka 1, Ashida Keigo 1, Masahide Ikeguchi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 318-318, 2008.

Japanese Article We do not make a clinical path support P3-2 DPC, and both should supplement the characteristics!
Mt. Yasushi Okamoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 318-318, 2008.

Japanese Article Of P3-3 DPC and the clinical path effectively utilizing it grinds a hospital attractively
中村廣繁 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 319-319, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the cataract surgery clinical path under the P3-4 DPC environment
Toshiya Ikeda 1, Takaaki Shimizu 2, Hidetoshi Nishio 2, Mia Kobayashi 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 319-319, 2008.

Japanese Article For the collaboration of P3-5 DPC and the pass
Shigeyuki Tamura 1, Toshifumi Ito 2, Keiko Kushita 3, Megumi Kitani 3, Mitsuko Obata 3, Mika Uno 4, Akira Soejima celebration 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 320-320, 2008.

Japanese Article Systems construction to cancer chemotherapy standardization
Tadao Inoue 1, 2, Kazuhisa Matsunami 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 323-323, 2008.

Japanese Article Can the pharmacist contribute to standardization promotion of the cancer chemotherapy in W1-1 team approach in medical care?
Hiroki Miyata 1, Momose future 1, Shiro Katayama 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 324-324, 2008.

Japanese Article Action to the setup of the W1-2 outpatient department chemotherapy room and in-hospital cancer chemotherapy standardization by the chemotherapy regimen induction
Satoshi Hirai 1, Yukiko Takashima 2, Mieko Kishi 3, 荻野英朗 4, Hideki Miyazawa 5, Takashi Yoshida 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 324-324, 2008.

Japanese Article Systematization of the chemotherapy in the W1-3 electronic chart hospital
Shohei Iijima 1, Kenji Kato 1, Eiji Kurokawa 1, 山口充洋 2, Relation orders Kimiko 2, Yuko Nakatani 2, Nobuteru Yoshikawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 325-325, 2008.

Japanese Article "It is the way it goes from various aspects" and reviews W1-4 cancer chemotherapy clinical path
Kumi Nakamura 1, Ogre Toshihide Kubo 1, Kazuyoshi Nakano 1, Masato Nakamura 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 325-325, 2008.

Japanese Article - to look back through current problem - cancer chemotherapy pass consisting of W1-5 digestive organ, liver disease center establishment in the fifth year
乙守篤 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 326-326, 2008.

Japanese Article Problem in the W1-6 outpatient department chemotherapy room construction
Yasuko Muraki 1, 御子柴路朗 2, Minoru Nakane 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 326-326, 2008.

Japanese Article Duties allotment and job area expansion of the healthcare worker
Hiroshi Sato 1, Koji Tachikawa 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 327-327, 2008.

Japanese Article Of the redistribution of duties improvement and the job area allotment by W2-1 electronic chart induction and the team approach in medical care promotion, actually
Shohei Iijima 1, Eiji Kurokawa 1, Nobuteru Yoshikawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 328-328, 2008.

Japanese Article Role of the nurse assigned to the W2-2 discharge adjustment section
岩瀬嘉壽子 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 328-328, 2008.

Japanese Article W2-3 Activities eliminate cancer-care disparities and cancer nursing professional nurse of cancer care
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 329-329, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial - of the duties burden on pass reduction of a physician, the nurse by the clinical path management in the W2-4 electronic chart system and the operation - practice information management person and medical information engineer
北村臣 1, Kumiko Ishihara 1, 里井壯平 2, 宮崎浩彰 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 329-329, 2008.

Japanese Article About the cooperation of an obstetrician and the nurse midwife aiming at securing of safety and comfort about W2-5 pregnancy, the delivery
Xinye Yuko 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 330-330, 2008.

Japanese Article Duties allotment and job area expansion - of future image - hospital pharmacist of the W2-6 pharmacist
Atsushi Miyamoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 330-330, 2008.

Japanese Article Question of the clinical path not to listen to now
Naoto Endo 1, Funasaki Shunichi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 331-331, 2008.

Japanese Article A design and inspection of the W3-1 clinical path
Toshie Harada 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 332-332, 2008.

Japanese Article It is the clinical path committee secretariat by the pharmacy the contribution of W3-2 paramedics
Manabu Onoda time 1, Hiroshi Sato 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 332-332, 2008.

Japanese Article W3-3 outcome setting and assessment
Love Mayumi Sawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 333-333, 2008.

Japanese Article Of the W3-4 benchmarking, actually
Ando Rissho 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 333-333, 2008.

Japanese Article We think about a necessary degree of the nursing
Chiba Harumi 1, Watanabe 1,000 up world 2, 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 334-334, 2008.

Japanese Article The degree evaluation that nursing using W4-1 electronic chart system needs
Keiko Kasai 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 335-335, 2008.

Japanese Article Course of action ... induction of the W4-2 clinical record hospital and operational ...
Takako Shoji 1, Kazuko Suzuki 1, Weel ground truth 1, Miho Mitsutsuka 1, Ito May 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 335-335, 2008.

Japanese Article Can read it from the data of the W4-3 nursing necessary degree
Kumiko Yoshikawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 336-336, 2008.

Japanese Article Inflection to nursing management of the W4-4 nursing necessary degree
Kiyoko Matsumoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 336-336, 2008.

Japanese Article A clinical path and medical record
Kozo Takase 1, Seizo Matsuzaki 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 337-337, 2008.

Japanese Article Medical record of the W5-1 physician
Kozo Takase 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 338-338, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the W5-2 nurse's record
It is Tomoko 1 in Izu
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 338-338, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the examination of coronary arteriography pass of W5-3 block calendar, the algorithmic pattern and future problem
Yoichi Oe 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 339-339, 2008.

Japanese Article About the communalization of the nutritional management record in the W5-4 Yokosuka City municipal hospital
Yoshiko Higuchi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 339-339, 2008.

Japanese Article Construction of the regional alliances meeting
Takeo Horie 1, Yumiko Shimomura 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 340-340, 2008.

Japanese Article Strategy of the regional alliances system construction success in the W6-2 Kitakawachi, Osaka sphere
Tsutomu Nitta 1, Michio Mita 1, Hiroyuki Muta 1, Eiji Yamanaka 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 341-341, 2008.

Japanese Article Approach ... from the administration of construction - Shinkawa regional alliances critical path of the general cooperation pass in the W6-3 area
Hiroshi Oe 1, Koichi Imada 2, Satoshi Shimakura 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 341-342, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the general many disease cooperation pass in the area by W6-4 "Gifu area Medical Association cooperation pass mechanism"
Takeshi Takahashi 1, Hiroshi Hirose 2, Saori Minagawa 3, 越出祥子 1, Yukiko Nagaya 4, 小林成禎 4, Masahiro Kawaguchi 5, Tadashi Shiratori sect 2, Kazuhisa Matsunami 5, Eiichi Tomita 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 342-342, 2008.

Japanese Article National pass Committee meeting
Eiji Yamanaka 1, Funada Chiaki 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 345-345, 2008.

Japanese Article How to write article seminar
Kozo Takase 1, Mia Kobayashi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 346-346, 2008.

Japanese Article About an action of the regional alliances clinical path use that exhibited D01 management target value
Kazue Okumura 1, Kiyoshi Kittaka 1, Satoru Sueoka picture 1, Hiroko Hanaoka 1, Rie Fujiyama 1, Mihoko Fujisaka 1, Toshiharu Kawamoto 2, Mayumi Niina 3, 中島寿久 4, Hosokawa A 5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 349-349, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the asthmatic regional alliances pass induction to assume D02 asthma control test (ACT) an index
杉野安輝 1, Akiko Ota 1, Makoto Kato chapter 1, Yasuyuki Takagi 1, Fumiko Yagi 1, Michiko Fujii 2, Mitsuko Tsukamoto 3, Naruse Miyuki 3, Previous 1,000 up world 3, Miyuki Suzuki 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 349-349, 2008.

Japanese Article Induction and effect of the D03 asthma bronchial attack emergency visit pass
Kazue Fujii 1, Yuko Kajiyama 1, 松相眞澄 1, Takeo Horie 2, 滝瀬淳 2, Minoru Nakano 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 350-350, 2008.

Japanese Article Realization of a cycloid type pass and the skill mixture not to leave all that COPD early detection and a carcinogenic risk were considered the COPD regional alliances clinical path by the D04 Soka Yashio regional alliances respiratory apparatus meeting for the study
New Tomomi 1, New Kenichi 2, Yutaka Takagi 3, One Wada Toshio 4, 長尾光修 4, Inase Naohiko 5, Yasuyuki Yoshizawa 5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 350-350, 2008.

Japanese Article Inflection of LINQ as the common assessment tool in the D05 COPD regional medicine cooperation pass
Nakagawa beauty line 1, Rika Arai 1, Mayumi Suzuki 1, Yoshie Miyamae 2, Chiyoko Ooya 2, Takeo Horie 3, 滝瀬淳 3, Satoko Yamaji 4, Satsuki Tanahashi 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 351-351, 2008.

Japanese Article Role of the temporary nursing at home in the D06 COPD breathing rehabilitation regional alliances pass
Satoko Yamaji 1, Satsuki Tanahashi 1, Shin Hasegawa 2, Nakagawa beauty line 3, Takeo Horie 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 351-351, 2008.

Japanese Article About the induction of the D07 sleep apnoea syndrome outpatient department follow-up regional alliances clinical path
Toshiyuki Doi 1, Upper ability Yuki 1, Yasushi Uryu chapter 1, Tono River beginning 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 352-352, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the D08 gastric cancer regional alliances pass making
弥政晋輔 1, Naoki Sawasaki 1, Higashijima reason Ichiro 1, Hideaki Goto 1, Oki peace of mind 1, Hiroyuki Watanabe 1, Masahiro Tanaka 1, 高木健裕 1, 松田眞佐男 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 352-352, 2008.

Japanese Article Regional alliances of the gastric cancer surgery in the D09 this hospital
Jiro Nakamura 1, Akemi Yamada 2, Naomi Yoda 2, Yumiko Sasaki 2, Risa Koide 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 353-353, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial to regional alliances of the cancer practice in the D10 this hospital
Yuki Hirose 1, Green bamboo Toshiji 1, Hidenori Fujii 1, Takashi Hirai 1, Kazuto Komatsu 1, Kenji Tsukahara 1, Masato Noguchi 1, 青柳芳重 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 353-353, 2008.

Japanese Article Action of the D11 regional alliances pass
Makiko Fujita 1, Chiemi Aoto 1, Hiromi Watanabe 1, 1000, Seki dawn 1, Yumiko Aoto 1, Itamochi Miyuki 1, Toshiro Wakatsuki 1, Masataka Takebayashi 1, Tanida law of nature 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 354-354, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the regional alliances gastric fistula pass induction in the D12 this hospital
Koyama incense 1, Shigiyo Sugawara 1, Takashi Nakamura 1, Tatsuya Nakamura 1, Sakawa Miyuki 1, Tomoe Hayasaka 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 354-354, 2008.

Japanese Article Introduce action - PEG patients support system of the D13 PEG regional alliances clinical path; and -
Mizuho Kozai 1, Miyanaga charming voice child 1, Mariko Ishitobi 1, Yuki Hotta 2, Rikuo Kitaoka 2, 2 which is related to Fujisaki, Hiroaki Tanaka 3, Takashi Fukuda 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 355-355, 2008.

Japanese Article D14 diabetes practice cooperation clinical path (after diabetes education hospitalization six months)
星乃明彦 1, Yasuto Matsuo 1, Toru Kanemitsu two 2, Taiji Kimura 3, 直海晶二郎 4, Rokutanda study 5, Boundary Kenji 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 355-355, 2008.

Japanese Article About diabetes regional alliances in the D15 Isesaki Municipal Hospital
Kenichi Otani 1, Yasuhiro Hosoi 1, Hisakuni Yasuda 2, Yasushi Arai way 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 356-356, 2008.

Japanese Article About regional alliances outpatient department nutrition education system in the D16 this hospital and the present conditions and the problem of the diabetes regional alliances clinical path
Yoshiko Higuchi 1, Tomomi Wada 1, Takeuchi Tamao 1, Tomoko Hirota 2, Goto beauty Keiko 3, Akira Kubo 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 356-356, 2008.

Japanese Article Making and induction of the regional alliances pass in the D17 chronic kidney disease (CKD) practice
Takahiro Okai 1, Kunio Kondo 2, Yoshio Beppu 3, Keiko Tsunoda 4, Koji Sasaki 5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 357-357, 2008.

Japanese Article Dialysis disease management pass making for the purpose of D18 regional alliances
Yutaka Yoshida 1, Jiro Machida 1, Kenji Machida 1, Toshie Shimazaki 1, Hidehisa Soejima 2, Saeko Tajiri 3, 嶋田英敬 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 357-357, 2008.

Japanese Article Long-term indwelling catheter management pass making for the blood purification in the D19 dialytic therapy and use by the area
Takashi Noguchi 1, Pine Takao 1 Kim, Yuki Miyauchi 1, Hiroyuki Sakurai 1, Takashi Uchino 1, 東仲宣 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 358-358, 2008.

Japanese Article The relation of the pharmacist in the D20 regional alliances pass and future action
Onishi 1 to rise, Toshiko Furukawa 1, Miyuki Suzuki 1, Hideko Noto 1, Harumi Nagasaka 1, Hiroki Arakawa 1, Previous 1,000 up world 2, 東禎二 1, Satake chapter 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 358-358, 2008.

Japanese Article Change to generic medicine by the D21 DPC induction
Kyoko Wada 1, 100 sea Yuji 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 359-359, 2008.

Japanese Article Induction of the clinical path in the drug control instruction for the D22 cataract surgery patients
泰地淳夫 1, Yutaka Hirata 1, Yamada はるひ 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 359-359, 2008.

Japanese Article Use action - recognition FIM using the D23 oral medicine self-care instruction pass for a judgment of the self-care advisability; and -
Mariko Kato 1, Maki Saito 1, Ozaki village Asami 1, Morita note Yoshiko 2, Masahiro Kawaguchi 3, Kazuhisa Matsunami 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 360-360, 2008.

Japanese Article For the construction of the D24 NST outpatient department system
Setsuko Ueda 1, Sumiyo Hayashi 1, Inazaki water Nako 1, Middle Mariko 2, Unoike Junko 2, Ikuyo Inouchi 2, 天野良亮 3, Toru Inoue 3, Masakazu Ohira 3, Kayoko Ishikawa 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 360-360, 2008.

Japanese Article D25 Patient state adaptive gavage clinical path introduction of advantage in life-saving emergency center was conscious of "capacity, concentration, nature"
鈴木香里1, 織田順1, 内田康太郎1, 行岡哲男1, 井口亜紀1, 品川秋野1, 川原千香子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 361-361, 2008.

Japanese Article Use of the deglutition training clinical path for the D26 stroke acute phase patients
Naoko Nishizawa 1, Kanako Miyamoto 1, Tando Tomoko 1, Mika Kawajiri 1, Masuko Harumi 1, Itaru Sonoda 1, Yukihiro Michiwaki 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 361-361, 2008.

Japanese Article E01 The medical record and turned into electronic cardex, to realize the patient state adaptive path
姫野信吉1, 野中礼子1, 馬場崎元子1, 赤川精彦1, 末次康平1, 築島知佐子1, 姫野秀崇1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 362-362, 2008.

Japanese Article Construction of the electronic clinical path that utilized the order history of the E02 order entry system
Middle country Hideaki 1, Masafumi Kondo 2, Haruko Iwata 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 362-362, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis using E03 Data Warehouse (DWH)
Masahiro Hosomi 1, Katsuji Tatsuya 1, Tomoe Sasada 1, Tsunada Ryoichi 1, Jo field Takao 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 363-363, 2008.

Japanese Article Problems and measures - tertiary report of the electronic pass by the system made in E04 Company N outcome master making and nursing master addition registration -:
Chiemi Hashimoto 1, Yumiko Okubo 1, Tomoko Hara 1, Yukiko Hama 1, Hiroko Yamashita 1, Yuji Yoshino 1, Minoru Kubo 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 363-363, 2008.

Japanese Article Problems in E05 electronic chart pass and the master management
Ritsuko Ono 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 364-364, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the patients state ecad pass (PCAPS) implementation in the E06 electronic chart
Jun Narita 1, Current Satoko 2, Yoshinori Iizuka 2, Masahiko Munechika 3, Kiyoshi Igawa person 4, Akio Horimoto 5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 364-364, 2008.

Japanese Article Use it for merits and demerits - vaginal birth of the E07 electronic pass; and -
Shimada existence Ikuko 1, Akiko Fukuda 1, Ayako Miura 1, Intellect picture child 1 in the front, Ikue Takeshige 1, Kayo Ota 1, Mika Murakami 2, Yuka Sugiyama 3, Yasushi Mizutani 3, Nobuo Akamatsu 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 365-365, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination about the incident report that an E08 pass and an electronic pass are related to
宮崎浩彰 1, 和西晃寛 2, Kumiko Ishihara 2, 北村臣 2, Mikiko Hirota 2, Yasusuke Nishimura 2, 里井壯平 3, Toshinari Nakano 2, Hideharu Kanzaki 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 365-365, 2008.

Japanese Article Action of the electronic clinical path induction with the electronic chart system made in E09 NEC Corporation
Sincerity 1 in Takeyuki, Sate Tatsuo 2, 大沼扶久子 3, Hideo Oshima 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 366-366, 2008.

Japanese Article From use - electronic induction of the clinical path in E10 this hospital dentistry, oral surgery after one year -
Chie Nakajo 1, Side Yasuo Hayashi 1, Hideki Sato 1, Junko Nozaki 1, Masami Takai 1, Kazuo Usuda 1, Hideki Miyazawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 366-366, 2008.

Japanese Article Transition from the paper clinical path that we looked at from E11 physician to the electronic clinical path
Kazuhiro Yoshida 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 367-367, 2008.

Japanese Article About the induction of examination - electronic pass of the E12 femoral neck fracture (trochanter part fracture) pass
Mutsumi Miyazaki 1, Kunihiro Hirose 1, Naoko Takahashi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 367-367, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial that we shift to a DPC-adaptive electronic pass in E13 cataract clinical path
Miura body Nako 1, Yohei Nomoto 2, Aiko Akazawa 1, Junichi Iwai 3, Time Yasuo 4, Takashi Matsunaga 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 368-368, 2008.

Japanese Article Induction of the E14 prostate biopsy electron pass
Sachiko Kawashima 1, Kyoko Iida 1, Kimiko Maruyama 1, Kiyoko Tachikawa 1, 蓮見勝 1, Nobuaki Shimizu 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 368-368, 2008.

Japanese Article Induction and the present conditions of the E15 electron pass
Nami Ohori 1, Mieko Takahashi 1, Terue Sato 1, Sate Tatsuo 2, 柴伸昌 2, Shuichi 2 who congratulates it in winter
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 369-369, 2008.

Japanese Article Role of the medical cooperation center in induction and the use of the E16 regional alliances pass
Hiroshi Sakuma religion 1, Hiratsuka lattice 1, Mika Usui 1, 大志田功太 1, Minoru Endo 1, Shigiyo Sugawara 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 369-369, 2008.

Japanese Article E17 Attempt of Perinatal regional alliances path to achieve support for the uninterrupted mother and child
今村麻依子1, 山中孝子1, 柏原宏美2, 岸美代子1, 楯岡倫佳1, 齊藤伸子1, 高橋孝子1, 桃田早苗3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 370-370, 2008.

Japanese Article It is the present conditions by becoming it a foreign pregnant woman medical examination pass in the E18 this hospital and the obstetrics and gynecology department collection
Keiko Horaguchi 1, Tsuyoshi Ohara 2, Kumiko Sasaki 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 370-370, 2008.

Japanese Article A construction and effect of the nutrition education in the E19 regional medicine cooperation
Midori Irie 1, Shigeru Tanaka way 2, Hosoda High School 3, Machiko Ukai 1, Kanako Saito 1, Masaru Suzuki Mina 1, Hiroko Osanai 1, Mana Otsuka 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 371-371, 2008.

Japanese Article It is the maximal tool that E20 clinical path prevents local medical collapse
Rice field Shono 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 371-371, 2008.

Japanese Article Factor of the postoperative hospitalization prolongation in the E21 laparotomy colectomy pass
Mida Seiji 1, Aya Akiyoshi 1, Akemi Matsushita 1, Rumiko Misumi 1, Naomi Fujii 1, Harumi Hotta 1, Keiichiro Kanemitsu 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 372-372, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis in the E22 colorectal cancer surgery clinical path
Yuichiro Miki 1, Masakazu Ikenaga 1, Yutaka Goto sincerity 1, 高田晃宏 1, Mami Yamada 1, 辻江正徳 1, Crossroads relation Toshimasa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 372-372, 2008.

Japanese Article We analyze Varian's of the operation clinical path after E23 stomach
高田晃宏 1, Yutaka Goto sincerity 1, Yuichiro Miki 1, Mami Yamada 1, Plum A rare 2, 前田梨佐 2, Mika Eguchi 2, 辻江正徳 1, Masakazu Ikenaga 1, Crossroads relation Toshimasa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 373-373, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination of the esophagus postoperative clinical path in the E24 this hospital
Yutaka Goto sincerity 1, 高田晃宏 1, Yuichiro Miki 1, Mami Yamada 1, 辻江正徳 1, Masakazu Ikenaga 1, Yukinori Kurokawa 1, 平尾素宏 1, Kazumasa Fujitani 1, Crossroads relation Toshimasa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 373-373, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis - for E25 laparoscope lower cholecystectomy clinical path - hospitalization and postoperative complications
Ryuji Hirai 1, Naomi Miyake 2, Gen Sato incense 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 374-374, 2008.

Japanese Article About a problem future from making, the use of examination - electronic pass of the E26 breast cancer surgery pass
Kunihiro Hirose 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 374-374, 2008.

Japanese Article Emergency surgery-response illness disease cooperation pass in the E27 cardiovascular surgery region
Takahiro Takemura 1, Kazuaki Shiratori 1, 濱元拓 1, Akemi Yamada 2, Naomi Yoda 2, Yoko Ide 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 375-375, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the E28 breast cancer postoperative regional alliances pass
1, Ayahiro, Ikeda, Ando Rissho 2, Toshiro Ikeya 2, Takeshi Takeo 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 375-375, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the E29 prostate cancer regional alliances clinical path (PSA cooperation pass) making
龍治修 1, 2, 2, Yani to congratulate, Tsunetada Yazaki 2, Wild Ryuichi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 376-376, 2008.

Japanese Article Problem to the regional alliances critical path establishment of 5 biggest cancer pursued in the E30 cancer practice cooperation base Hospital
Valley water Masato 1, 河村進 1, Funada Chiaki 1, Kazue Miyauchi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 376-376, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the regional alliances clinical path (CP) making for the purpose of interferon (IFN) treatment, the follow-up of the E31 virus-related chronic hepatitis
Toshifumi Ito 1, Megumi Kitani 2, Keiko Kushita 2, Mitsuko Obata 2, Zen Ito group 1, Shigeyuki Tamura 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 377-377, 2008.

Japanese Article About making of the E32 hepatic disorder regional alliances pass and operational - interferon therapy regional alliances pass -
荻野英朗 1, Satoshi Hirai 1, 野田八嗣 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 377-377, 2008.

Japanese Article For the hepatitis C regional medicine cooperation pass brochure which we can share in E33 area
Akiko Arai 1, Naoko Uchida 1, Previous 1,000 up world 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 378-378, 2008.

Japanese Article It is ... through action ... cataract pass trial manufacture to regional alliances pass making in the E34 day return surgery center
Chie Shinpo 1, Kaoru Masuda 1, Fumiko Yokota 1, 龍治修 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 378-378, 2008.

Japanese Article Action to foreign transition of the mFOLFOX6 therapy using the E35 clinical path
Ayumi Kobayashi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 379-379, 2008.

Japanese Article Anticancer drug chemotherapy using the clinical path in the E36 area low-volume hospital
Tamotsu Ishiguro direct 1, Machiko Konno 2, 松井伯之 2, Kazuko Ogasawara 3, Yoshiko Chiba 3, Numakura one 4, Tetsuya Ishida 4, It is still 5 one in the rice, Takeshi Murata 5, Chihiro Iwata 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 379-379, 2008.

Japanese Article You make E37 "mFOLFOX6 outpatient department chemotherapy area unification clinical path", and use it
Akiko Yamaguchi 1, Nobuo Komatsu 1, Mitsuko Kobayashi 2, Yoshinori Miyata 3, 清水文彰 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 380-380, 2008.

Japanese Article From a process with one step - cancer chemotherapy pass revision to outcome-oriented pass induction by the revision of the E38 schedule management type pass
Hiroshi Ishii 1, Takashige Asakawa 2, Misuzu Takahashi 3, 二宮鯉江子 3, Yuko Fujii 4, Yoshiko Kimura 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 380-380, 2008.

Japanese Article E39 cancer chemotherapy Committee setting and clinical path
Shigemi Morishita 1, Flat cause Yoshihide 2, Sickle Yutaka Tani sentence 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 381-381, 2008.

Japanese Article Treatment - pass making process ... of the first line of the E40 non-small cell lung cancer
Hamada good luck 1, Tetsu Araumi 2, Furrow river Yoshihiko 2, Naoyuki Nogami 2, Atsuko Ogino 2, Arika Kato 2, Yoko Kikuchi 1, Muramoto law of nature beauty 1, Yuki Takechi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 381-381, 2008.

Japanese Article Clinical path revision of the BEP therapy for the E41 testicular cancer
Megumi Seike 1, Shizuko Miyazaki 1, Kayoko Yoshimoto 1, Yumiko Shimada 1, Masami Kochi 1, Bridge root Katsuyoshi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 382-382, 2008.

Japanese Article Action to E42 cancer chemotherapy clinical path making support
Hirata Kiwako 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 382-382, 2008.

Japanese Article Construction of the E43 cancer chemotherapy system
Liquor mouth Hiromitsu 1, Masahiro Shimizu 1, Yoko Ueda 1, Mieko Kishi 1, Paulownia well Miyuki 1, Keizo Ono 1, Masami Arakawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 383-383, 2008.

Japanese Article Action of the new making of the examination of F01 cardiac catheterization pass
Naoko Kajiura 1, Mieko Yasue 1, Morita note Yoshiko 2, Masahiro Kawaguchi 3, Kazuhisa Matsunami 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 384-384, 2008.

Japanese Article The induction of the F02 acute coronary syndrome clinical path and the effect
Shinya Fujii 1, Megumi Daimatsu 1, Sachiko Wako 1, Kan Fujimori one 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 384-384, 2008.

Japanese Article Making and Varian's investigation of the F03 implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation technique pass
Arbor wish 1, Tamiko Kuroki 1, Yoshiko Yokota 1, Toshihiro Honda 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 385-385, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the use in the making of the F04 cardiac catheter test daily pass and future problem
Turf tail Hideko 1, Four Osamu Machida 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 385-385, 2008.

Japanese Article Problems when we conduct a coronary spasm drug challenge test in F05 comprehensive medical care
Yuka Yamanaka 1, Nobuhisa Obuchi 2, Osamu Yanase 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 386-386, 2008.

Japanese Article Transduce the present conditions of the circulatory organ pass in the F06 this hospital and the emergency visit unit pass for problems - chest pain, myocardial infarction suspicion patients; and -
Miyuki Kashiwazaki 1, Miho Sagawa 1, Satomi Muroi 1, Yuko Takase 1, Takashi Uchiyama 2, Yoji Harada 2, Tsuyoshi Nakamura 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 386-386, 2008.

Japanese Article Analysis - of the hemorrhagic gastroduodenal ulcer pass in - this hospital to get over by the examination of the F07 minimum and minimum dieting
Sugiyama 1000th 1, Mayu Miyakawa 2, Emi Nagatomo 2, Noriko Miwa 2, Akemi Tamura 3, Yoshimi Morizaki 3, Masahiro Kawaguchi 1, Kazuhisa Matsunami 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 387-387, 2008.

Japanese Article Conduct the review of the colonoscope clinical path for the F08 patients
New Tai beauty 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 387-387, 2008.

Japanese Article Critical path of the F09 aseptic meningitis
眞野智生 1, Interval elegant 1, Keizo Yasui 1, Yasuhiro Hasegawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 388-388, 2008.

Japanese Article Clinical path making and induction of the F10 peripheral blood stem cell transplantation
Kyoko Iida 1, Masami Yoshida 1, Naoya Murata 1, Hiroyuki Irisawa 1, Kayoko Murayama 1, Tadahiko Igarashi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 388-388, 2008.

Japanese Article The induction of the F11 identification medical examination close inspection hospitalization clinical path and the significance
Katsuya Maruyama 1, Vinegar Yaho husband 1, 安部美輝 1, 元廣将之 1, Kato Shuji 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 389-389, 2008.

Japanese Article Make F12 diabetes glycemic control pass
Yuka Tanaka 1, Mika Yoshizawa 1, Yumiko Hagiwara 1, Chieko Fujita 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 389-389, 2008.

Japanese Article Make F13 preoperative glycemic control pass; and change ... of the treatment manner of the patients after ... clinical path making
Ikue Kogure 1, Ikuko Fukazawa 1, Yasuko Kurita 1, Emiko Nakano 1, Yasuhiro Hosoi 1, Kenichi Otani 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 390-390, 2008.

Japanese Article For improvement of F14 dialysis induction instruction
Joji Masuda 1, Hiromi Oki 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 390-390, 2008.

Japanese Article Peritoneal dialysis (APD) induction pass automatic in 7 nights when we served as F15 troubleshooting for eight days
Susumu Toda 1, Platform Atsushi Hara 1, Kumiko Goto 2, Connection 2 which flows down, Kyoko Abe 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 391-391, 2008.

Japanese Article Revision of the colonoscopic examination clinical path that paid its attention to patient compliance instruction during an F16 fast
Michiko Kawano 1, Sakabara Chiharu 1, Nobutaka Yukari 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 391-391, 2008.

Japanese Article About an action to quality improvement by the TQM activity in the F17 Jotouchuuou Hospital
Hiroaki Tanaka 1, Mizuho Kozai 2, 2 which is related to Fujisaki, Noriko Takahashi 2, 濱本貴惠 2, Keiko Yamazaki 3, Takashi Fukuda 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 392-392, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome clinical path making that made much of F18 medical care security
Hideki Oguchi 1, Yaguchi quiet 1, Atsuko Kinoshita 1, Ikuko Hasegawa 1, Shinya Sakano 1, Ryu Sekiya Ichiro 1, Tanaka sum east 1, Tsunako Harada 1, Yasuyuki Kishigami 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 392-392, 2008.

Japanese Article Effect of the cancer chemotherapy clinical path that we made from the viewpoint of F19 accident prevention
Arashidani Chiharu 1, Inoue Mitsue 1, Yoshiyuki Hayashi 1, Kazuko Wakita 1, 佐藤仁俊 1, Hajime Hikino 1, 北角泰人 1, Kenji Takubo 1, Michio Tai 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 393-393, 2008.

Japanese Article Result of the time-out induction that used F20 clinical path and future problem
Emiko Miura 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 393-393, 2008.

Japanese Article Invention of the diet offer in the F21 day return surgery pass
Field Akiko 1, Keiji Shinoki 1, Masako Furusato 2, Mika Hoshikawa 2, Mina Fukuma 2, Eiji Kurokawa 3, Shohei Iijima 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 394-394, 2008.

Japanese Article Relation of the dietitian to F22 deformity of jaw surgery pass
Hagiwara Izumi 1, 1, Shimizu 1, 八木正聡 1, Mayuko Kawasaki 1, Ai Usui 1, Tomoko Shinohara 1, Naoko Washimi 1, Naomi Yoda 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 394-394, 2008.

Japanese Article You stand, and put up education hospitalization pass - renal failure support team of F23 renal failure conservation period
Ayako Atsumi 1, Katsunori Miyachi 1, 藤原謙太 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 395-395, 2008.

Japanese Article For standardization of the access control with the in-hospital cooperation pass of the F24 hemodialysis patient
Time book benevolence 1, Aya Hakozaki 1, Koji Sasaki 2, Hiroshi Nishi line 1, 1, Ujiie fathom 1, Single island Yumiko 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 395-395, 2008.

Japanese Article F25 Consideration of risk prediction factors in long-term type vascular catheter path creation
仲広志1, 寺島茂1, 今井厚1, 柴原宏1, 藤田哲夫1, 高野靖悟1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 396-396, 2008.

Japanese Article - to think from the role of the F26 cardiopulmonary arrest patients-adaptive ER pass - nurse
Ikue Fujieda 1, Mayuko Okawa 1, Etsuhiko Saeki 1, Chikako Kawahara 1, Yutaka Harada 2, Kotaro Uchida 3, Oda order 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 396-396, 2008.

Japanese Article Making of the acute myocardial infarction clinical path being aware of F27 inside the hospital cooperation
Yukie Shima 1, Tomoko Akama 1, Misako Yoshizawa 2, Keita Kuwahara 3, 久保井光悦 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 397-397, 2008.

Japanese Article Discharge support pass of the F28 gastrostomy patients
Sanae Tanaka 1, 1, Kyoshi, Ueno, Field going child 1, Yasuko Kameyama 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 397-397, 2008.

Japanese Article It is the staff questionary survey in six years after F29 clinical path induction
Chiyoko Ishihara 1, Kimie Hirabayashi 1, Ikuyo Hitosugi 1, Mayumi Matsushima 1, Yukiko Kogo 1, Harumi Kuwata 1, Koinuma green 1, Mayumi Fujiwara 1, Keiko Sato 1, 園田昌毅 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 398-398, 2008.

Japanese Article New option of the health care services that health insurance pharmacy can offer to the F30 outpatient department palliative care patients
Former Sunao Hori beauty 1, Yukiko Mizukami 1, Takashi Izumo 1, Saburo Adachi 1, Tatsuya Morita 2, Hiroshi Nagae 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 398-398, 2008.

Japanese Article Role - plus the ankle of development - regional medicine cooperation room of the regional alliances network in the F31 stroke cooperation pass
Kazuo Suga 1, Takeshi Asakura 2, Makiguchi green 3, Masae Nakai 4, Mariko Tanaka 5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 399-399, 2008.

Japanese Article Regional alliances that we go over the area across F32 prefecture, the making of the stroke regional alliances pass in Suwa and operational initiation
滝沢壮臣 1, Yukihiro Kamijo 1, Takeshi Hattori 1, Yukihiro Shimojima 1, Yoshio Shimojima 1, Orii treetop 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 399-399, 2008.

Japanese Article About the induction of the stroke regional alliances pass in the F33 Kawaguchi, Saitama district and the operational situation from the situation of - acute phase hospital -
Kikuo Suda 1, Toshiyuki Nakayama 1, Hideyuki Mitsuoka 1, Sumio Ishimaru 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 400-400, 2008.

Japanese Article For use and the colonization of the F34 stroke regional alliances pass from the situation of - MSW -
Junko Takeuchi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 400-400, 2008.

Japanese Article A suffering and strategy of the secretariat Hospital with the F35 stroke regional alliances pass operation
Akira Yamazaki 1, Seki Kenkyu era 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 401-401, 2008.

Japanese Article Use of the regional alliances pass using the Internet in F36 Kagawa
Shunichiro Fujimoto 1, Yukari Kajino 2, Tatara Kiyomi 3, Yumi Hirai 4, Takahiro Ohira 5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 401-401, 2008.

Japanese Article Utilization - as the tool to solve a problem in the F37 stroke regional alliances pass - cooperation
Shunichiro Fujimoto 1, Yumi Hirai 2, Tatara Shoji 3, Takahiro Ohira 3, Tatara Kiyomi 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 402-402, 2008.

Japanese Article Action - in the meeting of making of the F38 stroke regional alliances critical path and operational - Maebashi Japan Red Cross stroke medical care cooperation
Takeshi Asakura 1, Kazuo Suga 2, Masae Nakai 3, Makiguchi green 4, Mariko Tanaka 5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 402-402, 2008.

Japanese Article Action ... for operational ... inside the hospital unification of the F39 stroke regional alliances pass
Kumiko Sema 1, Makiguchi green 1, Michiko Sakaguchi 1, 淺川紗羅 1, Yukie Katagiri 1, Takeshi Asakura 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 403-403, 2008.

Japanese Article Make the stroke pass for the patients to deepen the understanding of F40 regional alliances
Chie Kato 1, Hitomi Hamada 1, Akiyoshi Tamura 1, Waterfall Eriko Shima 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 403-403, 2008.

Japanese Article Integration to the stroke regional alliances pass of the group practice system with the F41 family doctor
Yoji Komatsu 1, Hiroshi Yamaguchi 1, 石黒眞吾 1, Star Tomoya 1, Kumiko Kaizuka 1, Yuko Miyamoto 1, Masami Inamura 1, Kazue Ichinose 1, Now high Haruo 2, 成島淨 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 404-404, 2008.

Japanese Article Action using the unidirectional type regional medicine cooperation pass in the F42 Gifu area
Masahiro Kawaguchi 1, Kazuhisa Matsunami 1, Hiroshi Hirose 2, Takeshi Takahashi 3, Tadashi Shiratori sect 4, 小林成禎 5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 404-404, 2008.

Japanese Article F43 Introduction of Kochi Prefecture Hata region "stroke disease medical cooperation path"
西村裕之1, 中川真実1, 寺田恵美1, 加用樹里1, 吉本瞳1, 松岡真弓1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 405-405, 2008.

Japanese Article Use experience of the F44 Hata, Kochi area "stroke regional alliances pass" -1 year
Kayo Juri 1, Hiroyuki Nishimura 1, Mami Nakagawa 1, Emi Terada 1, Masashi Shimizu 1, Hitomi Yoshimoto 1, Mayumi Matsuoka 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 405-405, 2008.

Japanese Article The induction of the F45 stroke regional alliances pass and future problem
Takashi Ohashi 1, 薄直宏 2, Book wisteria moisture 3, Rope Masayuki Shima 3, 長井浜江 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 406-406, 2008.

Japanese Article It is a problem on doing it for making, the luck in the whole secondary care area F46 stroke cooperation pass
Kiyoshi Takahashi 1, Toshie Hiura 1, Key book Yuki 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 406-406, 2008.

Japanese Article Making of the F47 stroke regional alliances pass activities of daily living list
淺川紗羅 1, Michiko Sakaguchi 1, Makiguchi green 1, Kumiko Sema 1, Yukie Katagiri 1, Mai Machida 1, Takeshi Asakura 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 407-407, 2008.

Japanese Article Gastroenteritis pass making of children based on the data analysis of the F48 past
Mina Kameda 1, Ayako Saito 1, Hiromi Sugiura 1, 設楽利二 1, 佐藤吉壮 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 407-407, 2008.

Japanese Article Try the making of the critical path of the F49 children inguinal hernia radical operation
Keiko Takenaka 1, Iwamoto Kotobuki Tsu child 1, Eiko Kawata 1, 奈良啓悟 1, Shinsuke Hata 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 408-408, 2008.

Japanese Article All-in-one pass ... which does not set planned course after development - hospitalization of the pediatric infectious disease pass focusing on the style unionization between the F50 pass
Kenji Kishimoto 1, Kenji Yoshida 1, Masahiro Tsuji 1, Hisashi Haruta sum 1, Yu Isazaki Noriko 2, Naomi Adachi 2, Reiko Miura 2, Yukiyo Watanabe 2, Noriko Okamoto 2, Taeko Kawata 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 408-408, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial (summary radical of a Chinese character) of the neonatal all cases pass management using the F51 neonatal state ecad pass system
Osamu Otsu 1, Tomoko Kawamura 1, 渕向透 1, Kikuko Niinuma 2, Yoko Konno 2, Reiko Ochiai 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 409-409, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial (enforcement radical of a Chinese character) of the neonatal all cases pass management using the F52 neonatal state ecad pass system
Kikuko Niinuma 1, Yoko Konno 1, Reiko Ochiai 1, Osamu Otsu 2, Tomoko Kawamura 2, 渕向透 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 409-409, 2008.

Japanese Article Even F53 pediatrics was possible; is problems and measures of the computerization of the clinical path in the electronic pediatrics of the pass
Tomoko Hara 1, Minoru Kubo 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 410-410, 2008.

Japanese Article A Varian's analysis and problems of the clinical path in the F54 pediatrics
Masumi Murase 1, Keiko Watanuki 1, Kernel Noriko God 1, Machida cord rare voice 1, Fumiyo Nakanishi 1, Itabashi Akie 1, Mitsuyoshi Irisawa 1, Descent from a mountain Shinya 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 410-410, 2008.

Japanese Article For the children pass which F55 children can be interested in
Tomoko Miyamoto 1, Hiromi Fujiwara 1, Unoike Junko 2, Ikuyo Inouchi 2, Kanako Ito 3, 3, Shiki, Kobayashi
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 411-411, 2008.

Japanese Article It is ... as a result of questionary survey to examination - mother of the clinical path for the patients about the breast milk with children who underwent F56 cleft lip repair method more
Nana Hayashi 1, Kazuko Sakaguchi 1, Miho Nakagawa 1, Keiko Yamamoto 1, Tomomi Takahashi 1, Chiharu Kawauchi 1, Happy longevity Sachiko 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 411-411, 2008.

Japanese Article Clinical path use ... pass ... which passes loosely in the G01 area low-volume hospital
Tamotsu Ishiguro direct 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 412-412, 2008.

Japanese Article It is action ... of our department in the ... pylorus side gastrectomy about the revision of the clinical path in the G02 low-volume hospital
Hiroyasu Sakuraba 1, Rikuro Matsumoto 1, Jun Suzuki 1, Hiroshi Oguro 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 412-412, 2008.

Japanese Article Action ... in the cooperation with stroke regional alliances network - maintenance phase in the G03 Bingo area
Kumiko Tahara 1, Yuko Kawajiri 1, Yuko Hara 1 that it is the way it goes, Miki Takemori 1, Japanese nutmeg actuality village 1, Left side capital 2, Hideko Yagyu 3, Yasumasa Ota 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 413-413, 2008.

Japanese Article Use of the stroke clinical path in the G04 this hospital
wisteria Morikichi picture 1, Masahiro Sasaki 2, Hikage summer true 1, Yumiko Yamaguchi 1, Yuko Takeda 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 413-413, 2008.

Japanese Article The change of the spinal compression fracture pass in the G05 this hospital
岡本真紀乃 1, 石坂眞二 1, Hiromi Ikeda 1, Satomi Takakuwa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 414-414, 2008.

Japanese Article Action to the information communalization of the pressure sore measures that utilized patients with G06 pressure sore clinical path and a pressure sore system of administration
Sugimoto Harumi 1, Naoko Murakami 1, Yuriko Imoto 1, Eight stone Mihoko 1, 河村進 2, Kataoka eyes 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 414-414, 2008.

Japanese Article Collaboration with G07 pass Committee and other committees, posts
Katsuo Shinichi 1, Blowgun dart Mieko 1, Two Yukiyo Hayashi 1, Shunsuke Kitade 1, Watanabe window or 1, Kenichi Iida 1, Akiko Kataoka 1, Mie Nakagawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 415-415, 2008.

Japanese Article G08 clinical path promotion activity and problems from motivation to quality improvement
Noboru Saito 1, Osao Kubo 1, Masahide Murasugi 1, Junnosuke Miura 1, Narita Italy period 1, Yumiko Yokoyama 1, Yuko Higuchi 1, Mitsuyo Yamanaka 1, Yumiko Shimomura 1, Captured go stone Naoko 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 415-415, 2008.

Japanese Article About the activity of the G09 clinical path committee from experience of - this hospital -
Kiyomi Matsumiya 1, Small Kiyoshi Muta 1, Takahiro Ochi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 416-416, 2008.

Japanese Article Action ... of action ... nursing department clinical path committee to G10 inside the hospital clinical path promotion
Hisako Nakajima 1, Takako Yamanaka 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 416-416, 2008.

Japanese Article Role of the nurse clinical path additional post in the G11 Shikoku cancer center
Nanako Noda 1, 河村進 1, Kazue Miyauchi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 417-417, 2008.

Japanese Article The role of support system to G12 pass nursing sectional meeting member
Time Yasuo 1, Yukiyo Tada 1, Akemi Fukumori 1, Hatsuko Ishige 1, Kosuke Kobayashi 1, Takashi Matsunaga 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 417-417, 2008.

Japanese Article From the questionary survey to the patients, the family about the G13 hospitalized care plan
Yoko Oshino 1, Masayoshi Abe 1, Tondo Makiko 1, Ayako Oshino 1, Emiko Ito 1, Chizuko Umezu 1, 舩山恵美子 1, Miyuki Konno 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 418-418, 2008.

Japanese Article The effect that the difference in G14 operative method gives to ADL course for the acute phase of the artificial head replacement patients
Wakita Yuya 1, Koji Yamada 1, Small Mita Saki 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 418-418, 2008.

Japanese Article Effect - by clinical path - standing position training manual induction of the proximal G15 thighbone fracture surgery
Naomi Akiyama 1, Tomoko Taniguchi 1, Yoshiko Kimura 1, Miyako Yano 1, Yuko Fujii 2, Hiroshi Ishii 3, Masao Yamauchi 4, 明比統裕 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 419-419, 2008.

Japanese Article About discharge ADL of patients with femoral neck fracture that became the G16 home discharge
Yuko Nogi 1, Yosuke Oishi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 419-419, 2008.

Japanese Article The tendency that we saw from a Varian's analysis by the rehabilitation in the G17 this hospital femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass patients
Jiro Kawasaki 1, Okuzato Satoko 1, Kazuyoshi Asami 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 420-420, 2008.

Japanese Article The effect that ADL ability before G18 injury, a dementia level give for locomotiveness at a discharge
Satoshi Narita 1, Makoto Aoyama 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 420-420, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor to influence for the hospitalization of the G19 total knee replacement postoperative patient
Now shop Masami 1, Masakae Castle Ichiro 1, Daisuke Sakata 1, Toshio Azuma 1, Satoru Takahashi trunk 2, 中根惟武 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 421-421, 2008.

Japanese Article About a G20 total knee prosthesis plasty cooperation pass
Tomomi Ishikawa 1, Naoya Makiyama 2, Emi Komiyama 1, Mitsuru Nakamura 1, Shunsuke Okada 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 421-421, 2008.

Japanese Article G21 Physical therapy approach to variance of total knee arthroplasty two weeks clinical path: The effect in the introduction, "rehabilitation at home."
竹本民樹1, 松岡尚1, 西田有紀1, 杉原正1, 喜登良亨1, 櫻井美喜子1, 山本健史1, 西村真人1, 下村裕1, 濱口建紀2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 422-422, 2008.

Japanese Article Making and exhibition of G22 standard lymphedema treatment pass and the lymphedema treatment cooperation pass
河村進 1, Takashi Yokoyama 1, 1 which is related to Onishi, Kumi Nishioka 1, Kayoko Sato 2, Minako Ogata 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 422-422, 2008.

Japanese Article Utility of the acute myocardial infarction heart rehabilitation pass to hospital profit in G23 early discharge and DPC
Forest possible intellect 1, Masutani former circle 1, Masaki Miyamoto 3, Takashi Doi 1, 中聡夫 1, Kenichi Fujii 1, Daizo Kawasaki 2, Takahiro Okumura 2, Tooru Masuyama 2, Mitsumasa Oyanagi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 423-423, 2008.

Japanese Article Rehabilitation (through a clinical path) before and after the G24 lobectomy
Yoshibumi Sato 1, Ryosuke Sasaki 1, Noriko Nakayama 1, Yuko Izumida 1, Miki Yamazaki 1, Kentaro Akimoto 1, Yoshiaki Narita 2, Hiroaki Kato 2, Yohei Hashimoto 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 423-423, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions in G25 Videofluorography (V.F.), the deglutition endoscopy (VE) pass and future problem
Yuko Itagaki 1, Naomi Tazawa 2, Abe cocoon lake 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 424-424, 2008.

Japanese Article Hospital transfer, discharge criteria of rehabilitation patients in the G26 this hospital
Hiroshi Minesaki 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 424-424, 2008.

Japanese Article The esophageal cancer perioperative clinical path that used G27 clinic process chart together
Takuya Saito 1, Ito will hilum 1, Pier Shunzo Oka 1, Koko Fukui 1, Mitsudomi Tetsuya 1, Masayuki Shinoda 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 425-425, 2008.

Japanese Article The change according to the time of the outcome achievement quotient after the G28 pancreaticoduodenectomy clinical path induction
Takeshi Yamaki 1, 里井壯平 1, Yasuaki Yanamoto 1, Hideyoshi Toyokawa 1, 由井倫太郎 1, 道浦拓 1, Kentaro Inoue 1, 宮崎浩彰 2, 北村臣 3, 權雅憲 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 425-425, 2008.

Japanese Article Clinical effect by the G29 body of pancreas cauda resection clinical path induction
由井倫太郎 1, 里井壯平 1, Hideyoshi Toyokawa 1, Yasuaki Yanamoto 1, 道浦拓 1, Kentaro Inoue 1, 宮崎浩彰 2, 北村臣 3, 權雅憲 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 426-426, 2008.

Japanese Article Action to digestive system disease contents making using G30 patients state ecad pass (PCAP)
Shinichi Yoshioka 1, Masahiko Munechika 2, Current Satoko 3, Yoshinori Iizuka 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 426-426, 2008.

Japanese Article Making of the common clinical path as the G31 breast cancer practice standardization tool
Blue matter Kenjiro 1, 河村進 1, Shigemitsu Takashima 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 427-427, 2008.

Japanese Article An effect and Varian's analysis of the pass induction in the G32 rectal cancer pass
Kie Yoshida 1, Small Shiyo Yamada 2, Haga beauty rouge child 1, Tazuko Kikuchi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 427-427, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the stoma pass making in the G33 DPC Hospital
Tomomi Inoue 1, Michiyo Yamada 1, Chie Nomura 1, Yoshihiro Sakashita 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 428-428, 2008.

Japanese Article An analysis and revision of the G34 step-type stoma management pass
Masami Araki 1, Tsutomu Sato 2, Naoto Yamamoto 2, Yuko Yokoyama 1, Naoko Mizuochi 1, Reiko Yoshida 1, Shizuka Matsumoto Kei 1, Hiroko Osato 1, Tomoko Ogawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 428-428, 2008.

Japanese Article Suggestion from the benchmark of the G35 cancer surgery pass to a cooperation pass to see
Funada Chiaki 1, 河村進 1, Satoshi Kurita 2, Yoshiro Kubo 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 429-429, 2008.

Japanese Article About an effect with the induction of the G36 bowel obstruction pass
Hiroyasu Sakuraba 1, Rikuro Matsumoto 1, Jun Suzuki 1, Hiroshi Oguro 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 429-429, 2008.

Japanese Article Present conditions analysis of the colorectal cancer postoperative care using DPC-F files of the G37 VHJ group 13 institution
Yutaka Takahashi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 430-430, 2008.

Japanese Article Action of the G38 excision of a lobe of lung inside the hospital cooperation pass making
Yumiko Abe 1, Bellflower Hatsue 1, Mika Gyotoku 1, Satoru Shiono will 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 430-430, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination ... of the preoperative instruction that we see it, and Varian's analysis - effect in the lower lobectomy (following VATS) is like G39 mirror
Asami Horiuchi 1, Mitsuko Nakamura 1, Inaba eyes 1, Naoko Iwamura 1, Nakamura Izumi 1, Kaoru Koba 1, Reiko Nakagawa 1, Shoichi Yoshioka 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 431-431, 2008.

Japanese Article Utilization and evaluation of the G40 2 days and 1 night inguinal hernia pass
Kumi Ito 1, Yoko Chiba 1, Kawakita sand Keiko 1, Spring water size 1, Toshibumi Murai 1, Masayuki Miyauchi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 431-431, 2008.

Japanese Article Analysis - spinal anesthesia and local anesthesia - of the inguinal hernia pass of G41 two kinds
Ai Watanabe 1, Fumiko Iguchi 1, Takayo Abe 1, Ryohei Fujita 2, Masayo Ikemoto 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 432-432, 2008.

Japanese Article Foreign pass for the purpose of the G42 chronic liver disease management
Hiromi Yamanaka 1, Yasuo Matsuda 1, Nobuyoshi Murao 1, 古仲敦 1, Hideyo Yamamoto 1, Mutsuko Mine 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 432-432, 2008.

Japanese Article About a trial of the pass revision by the inspection facing in front of G43, the early shower bath for the abdominal operation wound
Eri Takagi 1, Yuko Sakai 1, Atsuko Sakata 1, Tomoko Kashida 1, Michiko Yamashita 1, 原拓央 2, Yutaka Nozawa 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 433-433, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the improvement of the G44 lumbar vertebrae surgery clinical path
Misako Suzuki 1, Kanisawa spring 1, Satomi Sakurada 1, Miyuki Ito 1, Naoteru Ishigaki 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 433-433, 2008.

Japanese Article Making of the G45 cervical vertebrae rear decompression pass
Kazuyuki Katagiri 1, Kanako Kogure 1, Keiko Tamaru 1, Aki Kogure 1, Totsuka Hiroe 1, Tomie Fukuda 1, 中島飛志 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 434-434, 2008.

Japanese Article Try the revision of the clinical path in all G46 total hip replacement; and from the viewpoint of a person of - allocation and the new adopter -
Middle Mariko 1, Mayumi Shimizu 1, Mayumi Katsuta 1, Akiko Yamauchi 1, Yumiko Sasaki 1, Ikuyo Inouchi 2, Satoshi Iwaki enthusiast 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 434-434, 2008.

Japanese Article Action of the femoral neck fracture acute care pass improvement on the basis of G47 home rehabilitation
Rina Yanagihara 1, Kimiko Watanabe 1, Kimiyo Shimizu 1, Morita note Yoshiko 2, Masahiro Kawaguchi 3, Kazuhisa Matsunami 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 435-435, 2008.

Japanese Article It is Varian's analysis every ... operative method, pass making ... about the pass according to the operative method of the artificial head replacement for the G48 femoral neck fracture
Arrow Noriko Haneda 1, 1 which is related to a valley, Eriko Sueyoshi 1, Tomoyo Kizaki 1, Migita green 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 435-435, 2008.

Japanese Article Procedure, treatment outcome of the prosthesis (hip joint) replacement by the G49 front approach
安樂喜久 1, Yosuke Kawatani 1, Country Katsuhiko Take 1, Yasujiro Tsutsumi 1, Annaka teachings of Buddha 1, Minoru Hayashida 1, Odagiri intolerant tree 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 436-436, 2008.

Japanese Article Making and operational - that we made use of the merit of clinical path - electronic chart aiming at application rate improvement in the G50 plastic surgery region
Jun Ukai 1, Mt. Yasushi Okamoto 1, 河之口大輔 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 436-436, 2008.

Japanese Article Action as the H01 medical business section for effective clinical path use
Takemitsu Yamanaka 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 437-437, 2008.

Japanese Article Recognition degree investigation of DPC&CP of the staff of H02 this hospital
Atsuko Morimoto 1, Toshio Murai 2, Yuri Yoshizaki 3, Rika Koga 4, Yukie Saito 4, Worth Tomoko Sana 4, Masanari Nomoto 4, Slope Munehisa 5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 437-437, 2008.

Japanese Article Action - to an analysis, the examination of the pass existing as H03 clinical path committee toward role -DPC induction of the medical business section
Junichi Iwai 1, Mieko Ito 1, Kimiyo Teramura 1, Katsuji Kato 1, 柏木嶺 1, Kosuke Kobayashi 1, Takashi Matsunaga 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 438-438, 2008.

Japanese Article A step to the rebuilding of the electronic daily pass system with the H04 DPC induction and evaluation after the induction
Takeshi Ikeda person 1, Description of Kaneko University 1, Morita heart 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 438-438, 2008.

Japanese Article Introduction of the original cost accounting system with the H05 Hospital business analysis under development
Tomoaki Ohashi 1, Shunichiro Fujimoto 1, Hideo Aizawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 439-439, 2008.

Japanese Article An act analysis and cost accounting in foreign ... thoracoscope lower lobectomy clinical path of H06 lung cancer
Shiho Fukushima 1, Tazaki age daylight 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 439-439, 2008.

Japanese Article DPC-adaptive endoscopic polyp of colon resection with the H07 daily pass system
Sano village truth 1, Tatsuo Shimizu 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 440-440, 2008.

Japanese Article About the fee-for-service of the H08 DPC correspondence primary lung cancer surgery clinical path
Masahiko Takahashi 1, Kenji Takahashi 1, Yuji Kimura 1, Keiko Kitamura 2, Plum will good 2, Miyuki Hagimoto 2, Huashan Miwako 2, Asami Tojima 2, Yukiko Maeda 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 440-440, 2008.

Japanese Article The change of the spinal operations operative method by H09 clinical path and DPC
吉田裕俊 1, Koichi Sato 1, Tsuyoshi Ota 1, Shigeto Ehata 1, Shinichi Sasaki 1, Masashi Tomizawa 1, Yoshihiko Matsuyama 1, Hiroyuki Ogawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 441-441, 2008.

Japanese Article Comparison of treatment for the disease of a cataract, the lens of the national hospital mechanism 19 institution using the H10 DPC inclusion payment system and the medical cost
Toshiharu Kawamoto 1, Michiko Tominaga 1, Yasuhiro Kawamoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 441-441, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the CABG clinical path in the H11 DPC Hospital
Mia Kobayashi 1, Toshiya Ikeda 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 442-442, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the revision of the large intestine ESD clinical path after the H12 DPC induction
Aya Sawai 1, Kinichi Hotta 1, Yumiko Kobayashi 1, Naomi Yoda 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 442-442, 2008.

Japanese Article Revision - material cost of the clinical path of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy for the H13 DPC induction, comparison - of personnel expenses
Tomomi Miura 1, Nozomi Okuma 1, Tomomi Noguchi 1, Chiemi Miki 1, 越湖進 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 443-443, 2008.

Japanese Article It is ... about an economical evaluation of Varian's analysis - postoperative infection of the H14 colectomy clinical path
串山恵里奈 1, Tazaki age daylight 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 443-443, 2008.

Japanese Article Comparison between the institutions of DPC data in the H15 inguinal hernia surgery
村守隆史 1, Masahiro Kamino 1, Toru Kamata 1, Katsuhiro Yoshimoto 1, Shigeya Yamazaki 1, Asako Maeta 1, 岡知恵 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 444-444, 2008.

Japanese Article Evaluation about making and the application of the H16 aspiration pneumonia clinical path
Tetsuya Takei 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 444-444, 2008.

Japanese Article Medical cost analysis of the H17 total hip replacement pass
Wakako Shoji 1, Jin Ishikawa 1, Jun Sagae 1, Tomoko Misawa 1, Shiho Ishiyama beauty 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 445-445, 2008.

Japanese Article An analysis and clinical path of postoperative complications according to the H18 DPC classification
Nobuko Yamazaki 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 445-445, 2008.

Japanese Article Improvement of the chemotherapy pass for the DPC system with the H19 business analysis system
Takuya Muraoka 1, Suzuki maiden Imperial princess 1, Shin Tanaka Ichiro 1, Mao Kuroki 1, History of Satoshi Nishida 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 446-446, 2008.

Japanese Article Patients questionary survey of the H20 hospitalization extraction of impacted wisdom teeth clinical path
長内司 1, Toshimi Kitazawa 1, Kiyomi Wakayama 1, Toshiko Mizuno 1, 鍋島弘允 2, Norio Kuroyanagi 3, Hideo Fukano 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 446-446, 2008.

Japanese Article We evaluate a clinical path by the patients questionary survey after the discharge of the H21 this hospital hospitalization extraction of impacted wisdom teeth clinical path
Toshimi Kitazawa 1, 長内司 1, Yasuko Hachisuka 1, Toshiko Mizuno 1, 鍋島弘允 2, Eri Izuhara 3, Norio Kuroyanagi 3, Hideo Fukano 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 447-447, 2008.

Japanese Article Outcome evaluation of H22 groin, the femoral hernia pass
Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi 1, Harumi Watanabe 1, Blowgun dart Mieko 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 447-447, 2008.

Japanese Article An outcome evaluation and Varian's analysis of the H23 spinal compression fracture pass
Kaori Igarashi 1, Katsuo Shinichi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 448-448, 2008.

Japanese Article After H24 percutaneous coronary intervention, it is a review of examination and the outcome of the hemostasis effect of the angioseal
Yoko Yamamoto 1, Akiko Sakano 1, Mayumi Matsuzaka 1, Miwako Mizuno 1, High middle Yuko 1, Ayumi Tsuboi 1, Ayumu Terada 1, North Hiroyuki 2, 現田聡 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 448-448, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination of the utility of the H25 psychiatry discharge clinical path
田野将尊 1, Kanmi Motoi 1, Boundary Shigeo 3, Yukiko Yoshida 1, Yuri Ono 1, Kanako Endo 1, Koichiro Sato 1, Masami Sato 1, Hiroyuki Kobayashi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 449-449, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the early discharge in the H26 total prostatectomy
Kenji Kawamura 1, Takeo Ishii 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 449-449, 2008.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the respiratory surgery dep practice by the analysis of the H27 unit type pass
Ito will hilum 1, Asaka Nakamichi 2, Chizuru Kimura 2, Megumi Yokoyama 2, 宇佐美範恭 3, Yokoi incense flat 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 450-450, 2008.

Japanese Article A Varian's analysis and revision of the H28 endoscopic gastric mucosa lower layer decollement (ESD) pass
Nakata Miyuki 1, Kinuyo Yamashita 1, Kimiko Maruhashi 1, Chieko Matsumoto 1, Eri Miyamoto 1, Fumiko Yamauchi 1, Great Hiromi Sakama 1, Masayoshi Uehara 1, Shuji Tada 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 450-450, 2008.

Japanese Article Actions from a Varian's analysis of the H29 transcatheter arterial embolization therapy (TAE) pass to improvement
Keiko Yamamoto 1, Kazue Takamoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 451-451, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the R-CHOP therapy clinical path for the H30 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
くけ valley Kazuhide 1, Isao Yoshida 2, Masami Kochi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 451-451, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the H31 lung cancer resection clinical path
Ai Suzuki 1, Ayumi Fukao 1, Takashi Iwata 2, Sayoko Kurahashi 1, Green Akiko 1, Naoko Tsuda 1, Hideaki Tamaki 1, Mitsuko Goto 1, Keisuke Mizuta 3, Tadashi Shiratori sect 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 452-452, 2008.

Japanese Article An evaluation and Varian's analysis after the H32 malignancy lobectomy clinical path revision
Misa Nishida 1, Michiko Mori 1, Naomi Yamamoto 1, Yuka Yamamoto 1, Regular river flower beauty 1, Shin Hamaguchi original 2, Hisao Kawada 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 452-452, 2008.

Japanese Article The Varian's analysis of the H33 PEG pass and revision of the pass
Masae Yamazaki 1, Harumi Saito 1, Rika Kondo 1, Ito seven Nako 1, Ryo Suzuki Shigeko 1, Toshihiko Sagawa 1, Ando Rissho 1, Toshiro Ikeya 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 453-453, 2008.

Japanese Article Perform a Varian's assay of the pass of H34 HOLEP
Kaori Murakoshi 1, Other position Naoko 1, Shino Moriwaki 1, Virtue flat Rie 1, Kimiko Matsuda 1, Mie Yasui 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 453-453, 2008.

Japanese Article Standardization of the H35 Varian's analysis technique
High sect Shinji 1, 川野洋眞 1, Yasuyuki Araki 1, Okumura Shuichiro 1, Kotsuma Yukio 1, Hidehisa Soejima 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 454-454, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the clinical path in the H36 day return surgery
Mika Hoshikawa 1, Sugimoto thread beauty 1, Mina Fukuma 1, Field Akiko 1, West Yasuo 1, Eiji Kurokawa 1, Shohei Iijima 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 454-454, 2008.

Japanese Article Action - to Varian's evaluation - postoperative visit enhancement of the H37 operation region clinical path
Takaai Miki 1, Kuniko Sakamoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 455-455, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the H38 DPC correspondence primary lung cancer surgery clinical path
Yuji Kimura 1, Masahiko Takahashi 1, Kenji Takahashi 1, Keiko Kitamura 2, Plum will good 2, Miyuki Hagimoto 2, Huashan Miwako 2, Asami Tojima 2, Yukiko Maeda 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 455-455, 2008.

Japanese Article About Varian's analysis of the obstetrics and gynecology department of H39 four years
Rice field Shono 1, 川口稚恵 1, Seiya Sato 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 456-456, 2008.

Japanese Article It is ... from H40 DPC data and Varian's collection of system - utilization whom we linked to after one year
Keiko Kushita 1, Mitsuko Obata 1, Megumi Kitani 1, Toshifumi Ito 1, Shigeyuki Tamura 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 456-456, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the Varian's count in the H41 electron pass
Kumiko Sato 1, Megumi Suzuki 1, Teru Nakamura flag 1, Akemi Ito 1, Yoshiji Kato 1, Yumi Watanabe 1, Zenichiro Watanabe 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 457-457, 2008.

Japanese Article Induction of the electronic pass in the H42 Kyushu University Hospital
Akemi Sugimoto 1, 鴨打正浩 1, Koichiro Matsumoto 1, Naoki Nakajima 1, Junko Nakahara 1, 畑迫美葉香 1, West horse green 1, Yoshihiko Maehara 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 457-457, 2008.

Japanese Article Process of the pass nurse's record computerization at the H43 electron pass induction and future problem
浦中幸子 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 458-458, 2008.

Japanese Article Action after the H44 Tachikawa aspect each other Hospital clinical path electronic chart induction
Misako Nakamura 1, Hideyuki Karasawa 1, Emiko Nishitani 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 458-458, 2008.

Japanese Article Introduce H45 electronic pass, and examine the consistency with - standard nursing care plan; and -
Unoike Junko 1, Hideko Kochi 1, Ikuyo Inouchi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 459-459, 2008.

Japanese Article H46 It is involved in activities "electronic pass system introduction" of clinical path dedicated department
横山由美子1, 久保長生1, 齋藤登1, 村杉雅秀1, 三浦順之助1, 成田伊紀1, 樋口由布子1, 山中満代1, 下村裕見子1, 上石直子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 459-459, 2008.

Japanese Article About the problems of the H47 electron clinical path through - abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery clinical path -
安良岡幸子 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 460-460, 2008.

Japanese Article Action to the computerization of H48 cardiac catheter test, the percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty pass
Tomoko Kitada 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 460-460, 2008.

Japanese Article Even if the H49 electronic chart is not a pass, are you standardized?
Satoru Ishibashi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 461-461, 2008.

Japanese Article Use and result of the electronic unit pass in the H50 lung cancer chemotherapy
Makoto Kato chapter 1, Akiko Ota 1, Yasuyuki Takagi 1, Fumiko Yagi 1, 杉野安輝 1, Michiko Fujii 2, Masumi Sano 3, Mitsuko Tsukamoto 3, 3, Kyoshi, Iwahara, Jin Fukuda charges 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 461-461, 2008.

Japanese Article Stroke electronic chart pass practice system system (Hi TOSPTAR & 3TOP system) in conjunction with an H51 stroke prehospital scale
Yasuhiro Ito 1, Yutaka Tsuji length 1, Junichiro Suzuki 1, Taku Nishida 1, Takeshi Yasuda 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 462-462, 2008.

Japanese Article Induction experience of the electronic chart interlocking movement type block calendar clinical path that faced the coronary intervention initiation of the H52 newcomer
Morii success 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 462-462, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the acute myocardial infarction pass making after the H53 electronic chart induction
Oak shallows one tract 1, Aya Yoshioka 2, Open way Kyoko 3, Hisako Nakajima 3, Tomoichi Kashiyama 1, Hiroshi Matsuo 1, Ueda veneration 1, Kiyomi Matsumiya 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 463-463, 2008.

Japanese Article H54 electronic pass use and approval Committee
Hirokazu Matsubara 1, Yoshiyuki Kobayashi 1, Ayumi Shibano 1, Junko Okada 1, Tsutomu Oshima 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 463-463, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial to the electronic pass which is user-oriented in the low-volume hospital out of making ... of the examination of H55 day return cardiac catheterization all-in-one clinical path
Satoru Kawasaki 1, Natsuko Kitai 2, Chisato Matsunaga 2, Ayako Harada 3, Takayuki Harada 4, Hitsuishi Hidenobu 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 464-464, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the electronic clinical path making of H56 pneumococcal pneumonia
Yasushi Uryu chapter 1, 古仲敦 2, Mutsuko Mine 3, Takashi Sakai 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 464-464, 2008.

English Article H57 Development of Clinical Pathway using Clinical Pathway Assistant program
A-Mi Shin1, Hyo-Chan Jeon1, Hee-Joon Park2, Yoon-Nyun Kim2, Won-Hyun Cho3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 465-465, 2008.

Japanese Article An outcome evaluation and Varian's analysis of the I01 internal shunt ostomy pass
Emi Shiraishi 1, Hiroko Wada 1, Makoto Shouji branch 1, Naoko Yaegashi 1, Yoshiko Ishida 1, Katsura Iesaki I 1, Kawai Koshin 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 466-466, 2008.

Japanese Article Analyze Varian's in the I02 cervical vertebrae front fixation clinical path
Megumi Suzuki 1, Kumiko Sato 1, Teru Nakamura flag 1, Akemi Ito 1, Yoshiji Kato 1, Yumi Watanabe 1, Zenichiro Watanabe 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 466-466, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the lumber vertebrae herniated disk enucleation clinical path in the I03 this hospital
Kiyotaka Ogasawara 1, Takayama wise man's way 1, Yukiko Ohba 1, Junko Matsumori 1, Kasukawa Yuji 2, Yoichi Shimada 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 467-467, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the terGon nail technique critical path for the I04 thighbone neck outside fracture
Moat Megumi 1, Katsuo Shinichi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 467-467, 2008.

Japanese Article About a Varian's analysis of the I05 transurethral bladder tumor resection (TUR-Bt) pass
Tae Oga 1, Noriko Okazaki 1, Rika Yoshiyama 1, 佐々岡響子 1, Eiko Mita 1, Bank arch view 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 468-468, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the herpes zoster pass which continued being used after I06 physician change
Akiko Kataoka 1, Hideki Ido 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 468-468, 2008.

Japanese Article A Varian's analysis and evaluation (laparoscopic cholecystectomy) one-year after I07 clinical path induction
1,000 side Yukie 1, Takashi Kobayashi 1, Satoru Hatakeyama 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 469-469, 2008.

Japanese Article Making - of examination - laparotomy cholecystectomy transition clinical path of the I08 laparoscope lower cholecystectomy clinical path deviation case
Natsuko Maeda 1, Ai Takahashi 1, Kumiko Horikawa 1, Tokuko Abe 1, Mihoko Maruta 1, Toru Yoshida 1, Satoru Kawano 1, Yasushi Takano I 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 469-469, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis in the I09 laparoscope adjuvant lower large intestine resection
Saori Nishina 1, 根岸勝 1, Rie Nishitani 1, Kaori Koyama 1, Kumiko Hattori 1, Yoko Ogawa 1, Megumi Koitabashi 1, Seiko Morita 1, Hirayama success 1, Yasuo Hosonai 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 470-470, 2008.

Japanese Article Evaluation ... of SSI and the ileus symptom by Varian's analysis - block calendar record of the I10 laparotomy colon clinical path
Akemi Matsushita 1, Aya Akiyoshi 1, Rumiko Misumi 1, Naomi Fujii 1, Harumi Hotta 1, Mida Seiji 1, Keiichiro Kanemitsu 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 470-470, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the I11 colectomy clinical path
Yuko Yokoyama 1, Tsutomu Sato 2, Naoto Yamamoto 2, Masami Araki 1, Naoko Mizuochi 1, Reiko Yoshida 1, Shizuka Matsumoto Kei 1, Hiroko Osato 1, Tomoko Ogawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 471-471, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the I12 simple hysterectomy clinical path
Waterfall Machiko 1, Akemi Yokoyama 1, Mineko Miwa 1, Ayumi Fukao 1, Sayoko Kurahashi 1, Mitsuko Goto 1, Kenji Niwa 2, Keisuke Mizuta 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 471-471, 2008.

Japanese Article Relations with I13 early postoperative period shower bath induction and the Varian's
Plum A rare 1, Natsuko Yamaoka 1, 前田梨佐 1, Mika Eguchi 1, Junko Mori 1, Mayuko Nakamura 1, Kazue Tasaka 1, Mami Yamada 1, 高田晃宏 1, Crossroads relation Toshimasa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 472-472, 2008.

Japanese Article Utility of the I14 femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass
Masanori Taketomi 1, Hiroyuki Takeda 1, Yukiko Iwai 2, Kubuki Atsuko 2, 岡田知央 2, Setsuko Takezawa 2, Ryohei Fujita 3, Yumiko Nakakura 3, Takashi Toga cloth 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 472-472, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the I15 femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass
Hana Aida net 1, Sea Kumiko 1, Takaya book child 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 473-473, 2008.

Japanese Article From the situation of the Varian's analysis - acute phase Hospital in I16 femoral neck fracture regional alliances path -
Chinatsu Sato 1, Satoko Miyake 1, Naoko Nakamura 1, Kensaku Shimazu 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 473-473, 2008.

Japanese Article Investigation about the home return of the I17 femoral neck fracture regional alliances clinical path
Junko Tanemura 1, Lobe rules of daily manners 1, Akiko Yamashina 1, Yosuke Oishi 1, Yuichi Ikeda 1, Yumiko Onishi 1, Persimmon Hideyo Nogami 1, Kisaka Setsuko 1, Junko Yamano 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 474-474, 2008.

Japanese Article As I18 thighbone regional alliances pass - regional alliances room MSW
Yoko Kitatani 1, Keiko Okawa 1, Fujii Yoshinori 1, Kazuhiro Yoshida 2, Norikazu Nishide 2, Shigeaki Wakita 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 474-474, 2008.

Japanese Article I19 Construction of orthopedic regional cooperation network "Saga ホネット" and the current situation
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 475-475, 2008.

Japanese Article About the present conditions and problems in the interhospital introduction of IT of the I20 regional alliances pass
Shuichi Yoshida 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 475-475, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problems of the I21 femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass
Yukinobu Nishii 1, Kiyoto Kinugasa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 476-476, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the I22 femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass
Aki Kogure 1, Totsuka Hiroe 1, Keiko Tamaru 1, Kazuyuki Katagiri 1, Kanako Kogure 1, Tomie Fukuda 1, Kazuyoshi Asami 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 476-476, 2008.

Japanese Article Role of the meeting for the study after the I23 femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass use
Totsuka Hiroe 1, Aki Kogure 1, Junko Kato 1, Keiko Tamaru 1, Kazuyuki Katagiri 1, Jiro Kawasaki 5, Daisuke Suzuki 4, Kazuo Suga 3, Tomie Fukuda 1, Kazuyoshi Asami 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 477-477, 2008.

Japanese Article Report of the patients with I24 femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass satisfaction investigation
Kazuhiro Yoshida 1, Norikazu Nishide 1, Shigeaki Wakita 1, Keiko Okawa 2, Ei Yoshikawa person 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 477-477, 2008.

Japanese Article Taking advantage of the induction of the stroke cooperation pass for revision - Saga of the I25 femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass -
Kaebuchi Kosuke 1, Yasuo Noguchi 2, Koike is together; 3, Koga eyes 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 478-478, 2008.

Japanese Article About the case that it was not for pass adaptation with a proximal I26 thighbone (neck and trochanter part) fracture postoperative regional alliances pass for - acute phase in the case of a general hospital -
Hiroko Miyazaki 1, Hiroaki Hara 1, Asako Ikemoto 1, Takashi Nonaka University 1, 岡島規至 1, 2, Kyoshi, Okuda, Yukiko Yasuda 3, Kayoko Goto 3, Tomohiro Okumura University 4, Yutaka Fujita 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 478-478, 2008.

Japanese Article Treatment outcome of patients with femoral neck fracture using the I27 cooperation pass
Junji Ito 1, Mamoru Akita 1, Kishidani Masaki 1, Tetsuya Iwasaki 1, It is still 1 Komatsu, 桑田法朗 1, Mariko Ichinose 1, Inaniwa Chieko 1, Akemi Toyoshima 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 479-479, 2008.

Japanese Article It is invention ... in ... area low-volume hospital about pass induction in the examination for I28 short term hospital admission
Harumi Yamazaki 1, Tamotsu Ishiguro direct 2, Naoko Tamura 1, 澤本房子 1, Chihiro Iwata 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 479-479, 2008.

Japanese Article Making and use of the foreign asthmatic pass for the purpose of the improvement of the effect of treatment by the I29 asthma education
Yamamoto Setsuko 1, Kumiko Yuguchi 1, Hirokazu Toba 1, 山口統彦 1, Yuriko Nishikawa 1, 虫明佐百合 1, Arabian bird Miyako 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 480-480, 2008.

Japanese Article I30 Incorporate the attempt - step-by-step intake training method to step UP aspiration pneumonia path in the empiric treatment -
北村希1, 土井万里子1, 大野藍1, 中村充代1, 畠中章五2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 480-480, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the I31 enteral nutrient infusion clinical path making
Kazumasa Hamada 1, Miho Abe 2, Ruriko Someya 2, Go Hayashi 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 481-481, 2008.

Japanese Article Make a clinical path of I32 eating, dysphagia
Eriko Uehara 1, Shizuko Miyazaki 1, Murder Yamawaki; 1, Eiji Yamanaka 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 481-481, 2008.

Japanese Article I33 at-home clinical path making, afferent action and problem
Mai Matsumura 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 482-482, 2008.

Japanese Article For I34 high quality terminal care
Harumi Ogawa 1, Makiko Fujita 1, Hiromi Watanabe 1, Chiemi Aoto 1, Itamochi Miyuki 1, Toshiro Wakatsuki 1, Tanida law of nature 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 482-482, 2008.

Japanese Article It is making ... with a nurse-led pass in response to the needs of making ... patients of the I35 discharge guidance clinical path
Yoko Nagaoka 1, Chieko Fujita 1, Clinical path committee 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 483-483, 2008.

Japanese Article Clinical path ... to use in the induction - plural diagnosis and treatment department of the I36 operating room leadership clinical path
Junichi Haruna 1, Eriko Oshita 2, Hiroshi Ohara 3, Edamitsu Naomi 4, 松成泰典 1, 西村暢征 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 483-483, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the maxillary tumor pass in the I37 our department
Yukio Hasegawa 1, Noriaki Aoki 1, Yoichi Oe 1, Kazuhiro Fukuda 1, Junko Hosono 1, Pond Hideyuki 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 484-484, 2008.

Japanese Article Introduce a rehabilitation pass for clinical path - outpatient department of the I38 fracture of the distal radius bone fusion; and -
Yuko Fujii 1, Masao Yamauchi 2, Koji Mizuguchi 3, 明比統裕 2, Naomi Akiyama 4, Arch mountain Toshio 4, 松岡紋加 4, Tomoko Taniguchi 4, Yoshiko Kimura 4, Hiroshi Ishii 5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 484-484, 2008.

Japanese Article Clinical path of the arms conduction anesthesia surgery that incorporated I39 postoperative pain management
Arch mountain Toshio 1, 松岡紋加 1, Yoshiko Kimura 1, Miyako Yano 1, Yuko Fujii 2, Hiroshi Ishii 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 485-485, 2008.

Japanese Article I40 Improvement of metal removal path according to another anesthesia
谷口由佳1, 佐藤奈緒美1, 穂高律子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 485-485, 2008.

Japanese Article Stocktaking of the postoperative course for the clinical path induction for the patients undergoing I41 aorta stent graft implantation
Kazuyo Ikemoto 1, Mariko Hori 1, Kyoko Ideno 1, Masako Shimizu 1, Naoko Adachi 1, Gnosis Nao 1, Sayaka Shimizu 1, Look at the bell; Yuki 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 486-486, 2008.

Japanese Article It is ... for the continuing nursing care of induction - outpatient department and the ward of the preoperative orientation by the I42 outpatient department temporary transfer nurse
Erika Oketani 1, Ayumi Yamaga 1, Yumiko Koitabashi 1, Yaeko Kikuchi 1, Hiroko Shiotani 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 486-486, 2008.

Japanese Article Development and examination of the evaluation method of the pass committee which made full use of J01 MECE
Yuko Higuchi 1, 2, 小西央郎 3, Iwata eyes 4, Yasuko Muraki 6, Masao Ozawa 5, Ryo Uchiyama incense 6, Sincerity wisteria Ryoko 6
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 487-487, 2008.

Japanese Article Follow-up hospitalization clinical path afferent present conditions and effect in the J02 this hospital emergency visit
角春賢 1, Rice field Shono 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 487-487, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the J03 vaginal birth unit pass
Ayako Miura 1, Akiko Fukuda 1, Shimada existence Ikuko 1, Intellect picture child 1 in the front, Ikue Takeshige 1, Kayo Ota 1, Yutaka Hayata 2, Hiroyuki Kuramoto 2, Akitsugu Odaka 3, Nobuo Akamatsu 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 488-488, 2008.

Japanese Article Making of the J04 eclampsia management clinical path
Atsuko Kinoshita 1, Yaguchi quiet 1, Ikuko Hasegawa 1, Shinya Sakano 1, Ryu Sekiya Ichiro 1, Tanaka sum east 1, Tsunako Harada 1, Yasuyuki Kishigami 1, Yasuhiro Ito 2, Hideki Oguchi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 488-488, 2008.

Japanese Article Making of the J05 dizziness step-up type block calendar pass
Nozaki wisdom 1, Yuko Hasegawa 1, Yoko Nagaoka 1, Yasuko Kanai 1, Saeko Nakamura 1, Suguru Iida group 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 489-489, 2008.

Japanese Article J06 Study of the usefulness of the clinical path using a long-term type vascular catheter at the time of dialysis patients vascular access dysfunction
角野奈美1, 斉藤由紀子1, 須田春香1, 森田美恵子1, 福本リツ1, 藤田哲夫3, 鈴木香子1, 柴原宏2, 高野靖悟4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 489-489, 2008.

Japanese Article You make it, and introduce an examination for J07 birth the sun and the moon hospitalization pass
Tomomi Fuketa 1, Yamamoto tomorrow incense 1, Prince Hirai 1, Sakae, Hiroko Miyamoto 1, Noriyuki Osawa 1, Yamada people 1, Hiroshi Setoyama 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 490-490, 2008.

Japanese Article Efficiency of duties by the J08 neonates clinical path use
Kazumi Arai 1, Hiromi Makino 1, Misuzu Kubo 1, Shinko circle incense 1, Misae Nishina 1, Michiko 1 in the cloth
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 490-490, 2008.

Japanese Article Use experience of a cerebral angiography pass and the neurovascular intervention pass in the J09 this hospital
Osawa eyes 1, Yasuhisa Yamauchi 1, Morita note Yoshiko 2, 80 river ambitious enterprise 3, History of origin of Sawada 3, Tomohiko Iwai 3, Masahiro Kawaguchi 3, Kazuhisa Matsunami 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 491-491, 2008.

Japanese Article To revision - outcome-oriented pass of the J10 colectomy pass -
Keiko Doi 1, Yumi Suzuki 1, Shunsuke Shibata 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 491-491, 2008.

Japanese Article About unionization of the nursing by the use of J11 TAE pass, a change of the efficiency
Sawako Fujiwara 1, Megumi Kitani 1, Astringent juice lower garden 1, Nao Koga 1, Yuko Kawauchi 1, 姜綾子 1, Shigeyuki Tamura 1, Toshifumi Ito 1, Keiko Kushita 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 492-492, 2008.

Japanese Article Efficiency of the nurse's record before and after the J12 all-in-one pass induction
土手絢加 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 492-492, 2008.

Japanese Article It is ... for the electronic expansion of evaluation - operating room clinical path after all J13 total hip replacement electronic clinical path use
Naomi Ichioka 1, Tsuyako Nishinaka 1, 松田典恵 1, Kengo Nishioka 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 493-493, 2008.

Japanese Article It is ... for standardization of making - early diagnosis and the care of the record paper of patients with stomachache in the J14 emergency visit
Yuka Hanada 1, Makiko Kawahata 1, 柴尾嘉洋 1, Kayo Yoshinaga 1, Rumi Hamaguchi 1, 西村摩里子 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 493-493, 2008.

Japanese Article You make a clinical path for the general anesthesia of the J15 operating room, and use it
Mieko Inomata 1, Kazuo Tenma 1, Yoshiko Matsumura 1, Takako Sato 1, Kyoko Yuri 1, Hiroyuki Mimori 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 494-494, 2008.

Japanese Article We think about perioperative nursing through the review of the J16 perioperative record
Friend Shigeki 1, Akiko Nagashima 1, Naruto Emi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 494-494, 2008.

Japanese Article Action for pass promotion in the J17 endoscope room
Miyako Miura 1, Yasuyo Ishizaki 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 495-495, 2008.

Japanese Article Effect on database contents by the J18 clinical path adaptation
Tomoko Hasegawa 1, Ai Ota 1, Teruko Ota 1, Yukiko Ito 1, Kumiko Tanno 1, Kudo Miyuki 1, Masami Namioka 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 495-495, 2008.

Japanese Article With the revision of the cataract surgery clinical path in the J19 operating room, actually
Misa Shimizu 1, Fukiko Ono 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 496-496, 2008.

Japanese Article J20 Effect of visualization of isolation and medical care of the cases problems with medical care flow described style was referred to as unit "Decision, act, evaluation"
織田順1, 鈴木香里1, 東一成1, 内田康太郎1, 関知子1, 高江洲義和1, 本間宙1, 行岡哲男1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 496-496, 2008.

Japanese Article Comparison between nursing term and to be used in J21 pneumonia clinical path nursing intervention term standard master
岡峯栄子 1, Toshiya Ikeda 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 497-497, 2008.

Japanese Article Discussion of the nurse's record with the induction of the J22 cancer chemotherapy critical path
Akemi Yoshida 1, Hideyo Yamamoto 1, Michiko Kinoshita 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 497-497, 2008.

Japanese Article Education instruction necessary for the right pass use that we were able to see from a J23 Varian's analysis
Aya Kubota 1, Tomonori Chino child 1, Yuko Higuchi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 498-498, 2008.

Japanese Article J24 computerization clinical path and nurse's record
Mami Morizaki 1, Yoshiko Yokota 2, Harumi Hotta 2, Eri Miyashita 1, Kazuyo Tanikawa 2, Yumiko Michibata 2, Hidehisa Soejima 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 498-498, 2008.

Japanese Article Inspection of labor saving, the simplification of the nurse's record input in the electronic chart that assumed J25 clinical path an axis
Chizuru Kikukawa 1, 弥武美紀子 1, Junko Ukai 1, Yoko Yamamoto 1, Takako Ito 1, Emiko Yokoyama 1, Masami Murai 1, Shizue Tanaka 1, Tomoe Sasada 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 499-499, 2008.

Japanese Article How does Dr. J26 young person evaluate a clinical path?
Origin of Shibata Expo 1, Kinuyo Yamada 1, 松田眞佐男 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 499-499, 2008.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the operation training using the manual of the electronic chart that assumed the clinical path to J27 new hire an axis
Yoko Yamamoto 1, 弥武美紀子 1, Junko Ukai 1, Chizuru Kikukawa 1, Takako Ito 1, Emiko Yokoyama 1, Masami Murai 1, Shizue Tanaka 1, Tomoe Sasada 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 500-500, 2008.

Japanese Article Problem for the J28 outcome-oriented electronic clinical path promotion
Takayama wise man's way 1, Mikiko Nishida 2, Yuko Kamata 2, Tomokazu Sasaki 2, Yuka Hatakeyama 2, Takahashi piece Yoshiko 2, Yukimi Sato 1, Satoru Motoyama 1, Yoichi Shimada 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 500-500, 2008.

Japanese Article Problem to clinical path use after the J29 electronic chart induction
Chizuru Yoshimoto 1, Unoike Junko 1, Middle Mariko 1, Ikuyo Inouchi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 501-501, 2008.

Japanese Article Take in a pass working for J30 new face education (the second report)
Yuko Komatsu 1, Kazuo Tenma 1, Yoshiko Matsumura 1, Kyoko Yuri 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 501-501, 2008.

Japanese Article Pass education from the J31 pass promotion committee to the staff
Miyuki Konno 1, Iwaki Sanki child 1, Takako Watanabe 1, 飛塚里香 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 502-502, 2008.

Japanese Article We investigate the way of the educational support of the pass meeting from J32 pass meeting questionnaire results
Iwaki Sanki child 1, Mayumi Watanabe 1, Kimiko Sato 1, Miyuki Konno 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 502-502, 2008.

Japanese Article About the way of the J33 pass meeting from questionnaire results:
Orii treetop 1, 滝沢壮臣 1, One of the subjects in the classical examination system for the government service in old-time China Akihiro 1, Sumi Uchiyama 1, Akiko Koike 1, Saku Asaka 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 503-503, 2008.

Japanese Article Effect of the J34 inside the hospital clinical path meeting
Chifeng Miyuki 1, Yanagisaki Akemi 1, Kumiko Kawamoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 503-503, 2008.

Japanese Article From a situation of joint pass meeting holding - secretariat with the J35 neighborhood competition hospital ...
Key book Yuki 1, Satoru Kubota beauty 1, Kiyoshi Takahashi 1, Yukihiro Kubo 1, Tail Tomomi ear 1, Shin Hamaguchi original 2, Four country Hisayuki 2, Kazuyo Matsumoto 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 504-504, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problems of the clinical path spread activity in the J36 this hospital
Ritsuko Hirahara 1, Yoshihiro Matsumoto 1, Miki Maruyama 1, 北島佳央理 1, Tail nose Masahiro 1, 仲寛 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 504-504, 2008.

Japanese Article Consideration to J37 Varian's sheet utilization
Rie Yamaga 1, Junko Tomidokoro 1, Shiro Ikeda 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 505-505, 2008.

Japanese Article Problem of the nursing department committee that we support the Varian's analysis every the J38 workplace
North moat Masayo 1, Junko Nakamura 1, Ritsuko Yamazaki 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 505-505, 2008.

Japanese Article Action to the discharge adjustment pass which fixed its eyes on the life after the discharge with the J39 patients, a family
Mitsuko Okamoto 1, Shiho Morimoto 1, Maeda distinguished bravery 1, Satoru Kubota beauty 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 506-506, 2008.

Japanese Article It is ... for improvement of pass making ... patients satisfaction for the patients in the J40 patients glance
Width mouth Yoshie 1, Tasuku Masunaga wisdom 1, Atsuko Noji 1, Yoshiro Kasahara 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 506-506, 2008.

Japanese Article Induction of the P101 stroke regional alliances pass
Hamasaki law of nature 1, Shiho Sugao 2, Shinge Sachiko 2, Kaori Yamamoto 3, Middle Akira Hara virtue 1, Ryo Onoe 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 509-509, 2008.

Japanese Article Cerebrovascular disorder clinical path making to promote P102 regional alliances
Yuki Sakai 1, Shizuko Sato 1, Masahisa Sato 1, Yuko Hirose 1, Sogawa Masakazu 1, Chishima Junko 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 509-509, 2008.

Japanese Article Induction and problems of the P103 cerebral infarction regional alliances clinical path
Mika Sato 1, Mariko Chiba 1, Toshiro Suzuki 1, Mariko Kawamura 1, Rie Suzuki 1, Michihiko Kitamura 1, Noboru Matsumoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 510-510, 2008.

Japanese Article Stroke regional alliances pass of the P104 Akita north
wisteria Morikichi picture 1, Masahiro Sasaki 2, Hikage summer true 1, Yumiko Yamaguchi 1, Yuko Takeda 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 510-510, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial to a stroke regional alliances pass in the P105 Agakita, Niigata area
Tomoki Watanabe 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 511-511, 2008.

Japanese Article Connection type cooperation pass - to connect P106 femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass - existing pass
Junji Ito 1, Masahiko Tanno 1, Kazuko Nagamura 1, Tsubo Kenji 1, Masatomo Soma 1, Yusuke Yokota 1, Chizuko Takahashi 1, Kazuo Ito 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 511-511, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination of the regional alliances pass of the proximal thighbone fracture in the P107 this hospital
Hatsumi Masuoka 1, Butterbur Chizuko 1, Seki Bansei 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 512-512, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions and Varian's analysis of the P108 femoral neck fracture cooperation clinical path
Akiko Sasaki 1, Kaiyama moisture 1, Akira Sato Tarou 1, Sayo Kikuchi 1, Toshiro Suzuki 1, Akiko Okuyama 1, Noriko Iwabuchi 1, Michihiko Kitamura 1, Noboru Matsumoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 512-512, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial ... of regional alliances - regional alliances outpatient department clinical path in the P109 osteoporosis management
Osawa Minoru 1, Masayuki Sota 2, Noriko Tsukagoshi 2, Kiyohiko Yamada 2, Kazuo Suga 3, Hideaki Hori 2, Masashi Inazawa 3, Toshiro Ikeya 4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 513-513, 2008.

Japanese Article Questionary survey about the patients of cooperation medicine acceptance in the cancer cooperation pass business of the P110 cancer base Hospital
Kiyohiko Higashiyama 1, Kenichi Kakimoto 1, Yuko Miyachi 1, Masumi Iwai 2, Yuko Morishita 2, Kaoru Fujii 2, Masahiro 2 in the ship
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 513-513, 2008.

Japanese Article Action to the illness medicine cooperation in the P111 gastric cancer chemotherapy S1/CDDP pass
Naoko Tachibana 1, Yuko Tsuruoka 1, Chiho Osono 1, Yutaka Nagakura oneself 1, Kayo Nakayama 2, Takashi Goto 3, Shoji Taniguchi 3, Shigeru Kadota straight 4, Takashi Shimizu 5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 514-514, 2008.

Japanese Article Making of the P112 PEG regional alliances pass
Ito seven Nako 1, Yukiko Harashima 1, Keiko Sasahara 1, Iwata Kaoru 1, Toshiyuki Tanaka 1, Tetsushi Ogawa 1, Ando Rissho 1, Toshiro Ikeya 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 514-514, 2008.

Japanese Article Course of the P113 gastrostomy regional alliances pass sheet making
Akiko Okuyama 1, Naoko Takahashi 1, Prince Futai Valley friend 1, Gamo Makio 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 515-515, 2008.

Japanese Article Action of the P114 diabetes regional alliances clinical path
Kazue Ishizawa 1, Naomi Murakami 1, Osamu Nagasaki ability 1, Rika Naruse 1, 勝盛弘三 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 515-515, 2008.

Japanese Article From the situation of the activity peg intron rebbe Thor combination therapy hospital pharmacist for the P115 regional alliances pass use
Toshiko Furukawa 1, Flat sum tax collection system Sachiko 1, Onishi 1 to rise, 東禎二 1, Satake chapter 1, Satomi Yoshimura 2, Yoshio Miyake 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 516-516, 2008.

Japanese Article Regional alliances pass of the P116 outpatient department radiotherapy
Jahana Masanobu 1, Ability valley Masafumi 1, Moat Ikuko 1, 飴谷資樹 1, Kamiya green 1, Pilgrimage of shrines Mika 1, Hiroko Owaki 1, Minako Fujiwara 2, Megumi Kajitani 2, Yukie Adachi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 516-516, 2008.

Japanese Article Make the clinical path for the individual for the periodical planned hospitalization of the chronic maintenance hemodialysis patient visiting a hospital for treatment from P117 health center for the elderly
Ryoichi Shiozawa 1, Naoki Tachibana 1, Yutaka Kasahara 1, Mami Koyama 2, Mitsuko Igarashi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 517-517, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination of the clinical path in the P118 maintenance dialysis
Hiroshi Koyama 1, Yuriko Hashimoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 517-517, 2008.

Japanese Article Introduce P119 maintenance patient on dialysis complications pass
松木理浩 1, Kazue Komura 1, 高柳佳忠 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 518-518, 2008.

Japanese Article Making of the pregnant woman medical examination clinical path using P120 practice guidelines
Yaguchi quiet 1, Atsuko Kinoshita 1, Ikuko Hasegawa 1, Shinya Sakano 1, Ryu Sekiya Ichiro 1, Tanaka sum east 1, Tsunako Harada 1, Yasuyuki Kishigami 1, Hideki Oguchi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 518-518, 2008.

Japanese Article Discussion of maternity ward duties before and after the P121 pass induction
Shizuka Kasai 1, Shoko Naito 1, Mayumi Kikuchi 1, Setsuko Sato 1, Eijiro Hayata 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 519-519, 2008.

Japanese Article Action to `psychological care pass' in the P122 NICU
Michiko Hayashi 1, Mizuno wish 1, Taeko Muto 1, Mayumi Nakajima 1, Mariko Sasaki 1, Yumiko Sato 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 519-519, 2008.

Japanese Article About the effect of the clinical path in the P123 this hospital examination - of the clinical path for - general anesthesia
Mayumi Yashima 1, Aki Narita 1, Star Erika 1, Megumi Takahashi 1, 川村八恵 1, Joji Takada 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 520-520, 2008.

Japanese Article Introduce P124 local anesthesia cataract surgery pass
Kakuda wing 1, Now river Masanori 1, Yuko Iwasaki 1, Manami Masuyama 1, Noriko Saegusa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 520-520, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial - in induction - psychiatric hospitals of the pass for elderly people who are not particular about P125 name of disease
Shingo Yokota 1, Kazumi Hamada 1, wisteria Yoshiaki Ichiro 1, Mt. Tomoe Ritsuko 1, Tetsu Ueda 1, Kenji Kuroda 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 521-521, 2008.

Japanese Article Process of the P126 R-CHOP pass making and modification for the DPC induction
Kyouden Katsunori 1, Chiharu Ota 2, Emi Ishikura 2, Aya Sawada 2, Myouen Chiaki 2, Asami Fujita 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 521-521, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination of the P127 gastric cancer clinical path
Akiko Anbo 1, Misawa beauty true 1, Susumu Oishi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 522-522, 2008.

Japanese Article The cancer palliation clinical path that adopted the P128 self-management
Kanako Hattori 1, 壹岐瑞穂 1, Keiko Taguchi 1, 神谷紀輝 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 522-522, 2008.

Japanese Article Process to P129 acute ischemic stroke pass making
Yuko Mori 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 523-523, 2008.

Japanese Article The attitude survey of the staff after the P130 cardiac catheter test (CAG) clinical path induction and future problem
Root tail Yuko 1, Storehouse volost window or 1, Kentaro Suzuki 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 523-523, 2008.

Japanese Article Self-administration clinical path making for patients with P131 adults growth hormone hyposecretion
Natsuko Takahashi 1, Naoko Takamoto 1, Mutsuko Ohashi 1, Yasuko Nishida 1, Kayoko Miyake 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 524-524, 2008.

Japanese Article Induction of the conization clinical path with the P132 electronic chart induction
Teruko Hirukawa 1, Misa Sakamoto 1, Ayako Takei 1, Minako Nomura 1, Noriko Takahashi 1, It is still Kimie Hara 1, Mitsue Sudo 1, 鏡一成 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 524-524, 2008.

Japanese Article Action ... toward 100% of transition - availability from a P133 pass to an electronic pass
Chieko Wada 1, Hiroko Fukushi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 525-525, 2008.

Japanese Article Electronic pass transition evaluation and problem in P134 neck, a waist, the bone center
Hotta officer and man 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 525-525, 2008.

Japanese Article An action and problem to P135 clinical path computerization
Fumiko Sugawara 1, Yosuke Oishi 1, Takako Watanabe 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 526-526, 2008.

Japanese Article It is an advantage and a problem at electronic chart pass transition from a P136 clinical record
Junko Tachikawa 1, Sachio Oshima 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 526-526, 2008.

Japanese Article Clinical path of P137 this hospital oral surgery
Noriko Nakatani 1, Shinya Yura 1, 飛口淳子 1, Inazumi Keiko 1, Kato Takumi 1, Muraki power 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 527-527, 2008.

Japanese Article Intervention ... to reach grasp - aim amount of energy of the caloric intake amount of energy after the P138 gastric cancer surgery
Asako Iwagami 1, New Miki Mori 1, Liquor Akira Tokumitsu 1, Masayo Iida 1, Michiyo Nishino 1, Noriko Matsui 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 527-527, 2008.

Japanese Article It is ... through present conditions and problems - laparoscope lower cholecystectomy pass of the P139 electron pass
Seiko Baba 1, Rumi Egawa 1, Kimiko Mori 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 528-528, 2008.

Japanese Article Having learned from the P140 electron clinical path
Hitomi Iwata 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 528-528, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination of the comprehensive medical care using P141 benchmarking data
Masato Tanabe 1, Masahiro Hashimoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 529-529, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the clinical path corresponding to the P142 DPC superior 100 classification
Shizume Miyoko 1, 中牧郁子 1, Naoki Ikegami 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 529-529, 2008.

Japanese Article Cerebral infarction clinical path making and economic effect corresponding to the P143 DPC system
Way Takumi Kawauchi 1, Yukari Hayashi 1, Kenji Higo 1, Shunichi Yokoyama 1, Kazuhiro Kusumoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 530-530, 2008.

Japanese Article Compare a kit preparation and the vial preparation in attitude survey - equivalence antibiotics in drug costs in the P144 DPC era
Tail nose Masahiro 1, Ritsuko Hirahara 2, Music village Yumi 2, 新村杏莉 2, Katsufumi Okamoto 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 530-530, 2008.

Japanese Article Inspection and correspondence of the examination for RI for the purpose of P145 DPC measures (rest Tc cardiac muscle scintigraphy)
Tetsuya Sashihara 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 531-531, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the cardiac catheter test pass in P146 eligibility criteria, the exclusion criteria making
冨樫識成 1, Nana Saito 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 531-531, 2008.

Japanese Article Action - to explanation rate up of the pass for problem - patients after the P147 electron pass induction
Hamano Miyuki 1, Mayumi Hashimoto 1, Yasuko Hayashi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 532-532, 2008.

Japanese Article Try the making of study on nurse education (the first report) - nursing procedure evaluation table in the P148 circulatory organ special hospital; and -
Naomi Makino 1, Akiko Fujimura 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 532-532, 2008.

Japanese Article Focus on education to nurse study on nurse education (the second report) - graduate in the P149 circulatory organ special hospital; and -
Akiko Fujimura 1, Naomi Makino 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 533-533, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial of the pass making group work in the staff class for all P150 types of job
Yasushi Nakamura 1, Satoshi Nakamura 1, Yukiko Higuchi 1, Toshihide Tajima 1, Kabeya Yusuke 1, 堀充美 1, Miyo Kikuchi 1, Aki Yamada 1, Italy Fujita Tsu beauty 1, Katsura Yuri Sawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 533-533, 2008.

Japanese Article The thing which the P151 patients buy on the pass for the patients
前田司紗 1, Senju Asai 1, Yoshiyuki Sakai 1, Incense 1 in the big river, Chizuru Yoshimoto 1, Yoko Hanabusa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 534-534, 2008.

Japanese Article Inflection of the discharge brochure in the P152 rotator cuff of shoulder tear clinical path
Masayuki Inoue 1, Ayano Tateishi 1, 7, Matsunaga branch 1, Cheap Luo Yuki 1, 高野靖悟 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 534-534, 2008.

Japanese Article Transition from the P153 stroke clinical path to an intravascular operation pass
wisteria Morikichi picture 1, Masahiro Sasaki 2, Hikage summer true 1, Yumiko Yamaguchi 1, Yuko Takeda 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 535-535, 2008.

Japanese Article Comparison between TUEB and judging from P154 DPC TUR-P
Hisashi Otsuki picture 1, Tomoko Ogawa 1, Aogaki coincense 1, Fumiyo Motosawa 1, Hideyuki Sato 1, Yukari Kakinuma 1, Michiko Yamane 1, Toshiyuki Nakamura 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 535-535, 2008.

Japanese Article Through the relation to the patients undergoing action - total prostatectomy of the nursing intervention corresponding to shortening for P155 preoperative hospitalization
Kumiko Inoue 1, Mitsuko Saeki 1, Rumi Ono 1, Ai Hashida 1, Natsumi Nagai 1, Tomoyuki Kubo 1, Inner very much; consider; 1, Masami Kochi 1, Bridge root Katsuyoshi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 536-536, 2008.

Japanese Article Transurethral ureterolithotripsy (TUL) clinical path use experience in the P156 this hospital
Hiroshi Masuda 1, Yoshie Ushiki 2, Nami Kanamori 2, 2, Asuka, Chiba, Tetsuo Sekihara 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 536-536, 2008.

Japanese Article We look at the rotator cuff of shoulder tear mirror by the revision to the clinical path according to the P157 tear size and are standardized the lower surgical therapy
Masazumi Hirata 1, Masao Kurokawa 1, Toshiyuki Fujii 1, Hiroki Noguchi 2, Mami Ueda 2, Keiko Akiyama 2, Yasuo Irie 3, Tomoyo Hirabayashi 3, Daisaku Matsuda 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 537-537, 2008.

Japanese Article Colectomy in the P158 this hospital, examination about the problems of the proctectomy clinical path
Masahisa Otsuka 1, Shinichi Yoshioka 1, Ebisui power 1, Takayoshi Fujimoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 537-537, 2008.

Japanese Article About a clinical path meeting of the P201 this hospital and the role of the pharmacist
Hiroki Iwane 1, Yuki Mikami 1, Ito greens wave 1, 日置三紀 1, Ayako Kondo 1, Ayumu Nozaki 1, Yukiko Ito 1, Yuka Kobayashi 1, Toshiko Aramiya 1, Hirokazu Nakanishi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 538-538, 2008.

Japanese Article Evaluation for the knee, Varian's analysis of the total hip replacement arthroplasty who went from the situation of the P202 pharmacist
Atsuko Togashi 1, 庄司知摩 1, Yuri Seino 1, Miho Watanabe 2, Yukimasa Higano 3, It is still 4 Shun Tanaka
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 538-538, 2008.

Japanese Article Evaluation after the P203 lung cancer treatment molecular target drug Gefitinib pass induction
Kuniko Nozaki 1, Kimiyo Fujita 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 539-539, 2008.

Japanese Article Revision to the outcome-oriented pass of the P204 breast cancer AC therapy clinical path
Mika Sasaki 1, Naomi Asano 1, Mukai Chie 1, Light wisteria Akane 1, Ayumi Kanetani 1, Yumiko Fujiwara 1, Midori Tachibana village 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 539-539, 2008.

Japanese Article One or - that the change, the passes from comparison -H2RA before and after the revision of the P205 endoscopic stratum submucosum decollement pass to PPI were improved
Aiko Yamashita 1, Tadahiro Tanaka 1, Masayoshi Uehara 2, 飛野幸子 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 540-540, 2008.

Japanese Article Clinical path making and Varian's analysis of P206 endoscopic gastric mucosa lower layer decollement (ESD)
Yu Shinmura rare 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 540-540, 2008.

Japanese Article Apply risk factor analysis - knee, hip joint replacement pass of nausea, vomiting by the PCA in the P207 vein; and -
Tamae Nagata 1, Takami Inoue 1, Yumi Kamiyama 1, Watanabe Rieko 1, Koizumi husband Yoshiko 1, Door chestnut Hiroko 1, Tetsuya Iijima 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 541-541, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the P208 gastrectomy clinical path
Ayako Takasawa 1, Hideko Naito 1, Chishima Junko 1, Nobuyuki Musha 1, Sogawa Masakazu 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 541-541, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis in the P209 laparotomy large intestine resection pass
Shiho Sakai 1, Arai Mizuki 1, Tanahashi beautiful writing 1, Takao Okano 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 542-542, 2008.

Japanese Article P210 TPA clinical path Varian's analysis
Sawa Tanioka 1, Tail Tomomi ear 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 542-542, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the P211 isolation clinical path
Takayuki Shibuya 1, 新甫知恵 1, 行俊可愛 1, Megumi Takahashi 2, Hideo Miyachi 3, Willow fragrance 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 543-543, 2008.

Japanese Article Perform an effective - Varian's assay of the P212 rotavirus infection critical path; and -
松島泰恵 1, 康井洋介 1, Masako Togashi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 543-543, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the P213 early or threatened labour pass (we turn it up a week a pattern)
Yukari Sato 1, Naoko Oizumi 1, Ayumi Ota 1, Stone mouth Miho 1, Isao Hasegawa 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 544-544, 2008.

Japanese Article It is ... for improvement of ... rate of use up and the further quality using the clinical path of the P214 prostate biopsy
Seiji Yamaji 1, Hideo Ikeda 1, Hiroaki Kurie 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 544-544, 2008.

Japanese Article M-VAC chemotherapy pass - Varian's analysis for the P215 urothelial carcinoma and future problem -
Akemi Mori 1, Kazumi Nakamura 1, Takako Yonezawa 1, Akiko Motoyama 1, Yukiko Hitomi 1, Junko Ota 1, Shohei Kawaguchi 2, Kobori good friend 2, Takao Nakajima 2, Masaki Shimamura 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 545-545, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the P216 extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy clinical path
Comb edge love 1, Yoko Kosuge 1, Shigeru Matsumoto non-1, Junko Yajima 1, Masako Shimizu 1, Kazunari Oki 2, Koichi Suzuki 2, Yutaka Kubota 2, 松尾康滋 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 545-545, 2008.

Japanese Article Change ... judging from result - evaluation input results of the P217 clinical path use promotion action
Mihoko Yamazaki 1, Mitsuyo Kuwahara 1, Yasushi Nagase 1, Kenji Nishida 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 546-546, 2008.

Japanese Article The P218 thing which was seen from a Varian's analysis "Varian's was what" cesarean section pass
Shizuko Kawajiri 1, Shinobu Abe 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 546-546, 2008.

Japanese Article Comparison ... of the Varian development situation after future problem - enlightenment activity that we saw from Varian's analysis in the P219 first aid lifesaving center outpatient department
Sayo Midorikawa 1, Yukie Asanuma 1, Yumiko Ishii 1, Akira Mori 1, Kumiko Ito 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 547-547, 2008.

Japanese Article Action of the Varian's analysis in the P220 this hospital
Tail Tomomi ear 1, Kiyoshi Takahashi 1, Satoru Kubota beauty 1, Key book Yuki 1, Yukinobu Nishii 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 547-547, 2008.

Japanese Article A P221 Varian's analysis and revision of the clinical path
Yumiko Nemoto 1, 伊東周太 1, 永元春代 1, Mariko Okamoto 1, Kyoko Kamata 1, Kyoko Iguchi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 548-548, 2008.

Japanese Article Induction of the outcome evaluation system as the P222 critical path analysis tool
Yumi Hirai 1, Shunichiro Fujimoto 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 548-548, 2008.

Japanese Article A review of the outcome of the P223 valve replacement clinical path and revision to an electronic pass
Yasushi Ota period 1, Mari Azuma 1, Sakiko Yonehara 1, Unoike Junko 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 549-549, 2008.

Japanese Article Participation in planning of the medical technologist in the P224 diabetes education hospitalization pass
Yosuke Kitatsume 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 549-549, 2008.

Japanese Article To conduct delirium risk assessment in P225 coronary artery bypass grafting clinical path; action ... of ... ward, ICU cooperation
Shino Yokomizo 1, Runa Ezaki 1, Toyomi Kakiuchi 2, Mie Takeuchi 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 550-550, 2008.

Japanese Article Approach ... from making - clinical path committee and heart rehabilitation Committee of the interphyletic heart rehabilitation pass from an acute phase pass in the P226 acute coronary syndrome
Junko Murayama 1, Kan Fujimori one 1, Shinya Fujii 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 550-550, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination of the orthopedics ward use by the P227 clinical path
Kaori Ihara 1, Akiko Ogura 1, Yoshie Nishimura 1, Masazumi Hirata 2, Toshiyuki Fujii 2, Masao Kurokawa 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 551-551, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problems of the TQM meeting in the P228 Kurobe Municipal Hospital
One island Shima child 1, Yoshiko Sasaki 1, Yoshiko Tanaka 1, Yoshiko Ota 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 551-551, 2008.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the clinical path by the P229 questionary survey
Akihiro Naoko 1, Chika Hamanaka 1, Keiko Kato 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 552-552, 2008.

Japanese Article About the change of the clinical path meeting in the P230 this hospital
Tomohiro Imura 1, Koji Isazaki 1, Anyoji Ikuyo 1, Manami Nasu 1, Mariko Hori 1, Kyoko Nonomura 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 552-552, 2008.

Japanese Article For a construction of the in-hospital evidence for the field where activity - evidence of the evidence sectional meeting in the P231 this hospital is poor -
Masaki Sano 1, Eiko Takada 1, Etsuko Tanaka 1, Misaki Tsubota 1, 西村仁余 1, Side 1,000 づる 1, Nobuko Yagyu 1, Hiroko Saito 1, Kojiro Takashima 1, Turn degree Yukihiro 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 553-553, 2008.

Japanese Article It is examined the clinical path deviation case after coronary bypass operation in the P232 this hospital
Junichi Matsumoto 1, Satoko Ohashi 1, Masaru Ito 1, Katsuya Izawa 1, Ayako Nakano 1, Masashi Akita 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 553-553, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's examination of the lumbar spinal canal stenosis surgery case in the P233 this hospital
Shinya Ota 1, Kenji Shinpo 1, Hiroshi Shimizu 1, Chen sect elegant 1, Masazumi Hirata 2, Toshiyuki Fujii 2, Masao Kurokawa 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 554-554, 2008.

Japanese Article P234 lumber vertebrae herniated disk enucleation clinical path revision
Kenji Shinpo 1, Shinya Ota 1, Hiroshi Shimizu 1, Chen sect elegant 1, Masazumi Hirata 2, Toshiyuki Fujii 2, Masao Kurokawa 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 554-554, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the P235 pneumonia clinical path
Izumi Asami 1, Great Aiko Minato 1, Junichi Narita 1, Chishima Junko 1, Sogawa Masakazu 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 555-555, 2008.

Japanese Article P236 Evaluation after Calsed therapy path introduced in lung cancer
高木純恵1, 神保栄子1, 加藤早苗1, 邉田愛子1, 羽切慎太郎1, 高野靖悟1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 555-555, 2008.

Japanese Article Making, revision of the P237 tuberculosis pass, Varian's analysis
Toshiro Suzuki 1, Kyoko Takahashi 1, Masaru Takahashi child 1, Michihiko Kitamura 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 556-556, 2008.

Japanese Article Consider discharge support from clinical path making - 1 example of the P238 NIPPV induction patients; and ...
Sayoko Nomura 1, Hiroko Takeda 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 556-556, 2008.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the P239 cardiac catheter test clinical path, revision
Tomomi Watanabe 1, Sogawa Masakazu 2, Chishima Junko 1, Mariko Saito 1, Sakai Katsuyuki 3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 557-557, 2008.

Japanese Article Action to ABL clinical path revision that we consider P240 DPC
Naoko Yamauchi 1, Hiroki Shimizu 2, Natsumi Kagawa 1, Kaori Saruwatari 1, Six great field Fumie 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 557-557, 2008.

Japanese Article It is ... using utilization ... acute drug intoxication pass of the clinical path in the P241 critical care center
Megumi Matsuda 1, Mihoko Yamazaki 1, Mitsuyo Kuwahara 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 558-558, 2008.

Japanese Article The action that adopted individual guidance on a short term hospital admission pass for P242 diabetes seven days
Yukiko Tsuchida 1, Okegawa Emiko 1, Toshiko Kurosawa 1, Kumiko Akiyama 1, Junnosuke Miura 2, Tomoko Nakagami 2, Sugano Hiroko 2, Akiko Ishii 2, Yasuhiko Iwamoto 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 558-558, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination of the problems of the clinical path in the P243 internal medicine
Masao Yoshioka 1, Toshiyuki Takagi 1, Middle tower dragon light 1, Itoshima Tatsuya 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 559-559, 2008.

Japanese Article Make P244 growth hormone secretion stimulation test clinical path
Saori Otake 1, Two ways Yoshiyuki 1, Eriko Makabe 1, Rie Narita 1, Higuchi eyes 1, History of Yokota line 1, Hirakida Miho 1, 高野靖悟 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 559-559, 2008.

Japanese Article P245 Efforts towards the preoperative preparation for children
小林百恵1, 小豆久美1, 長谷川薫1, 寺島喜代子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 560-560, 2008.

Japanese Article Do the making of the P246 "pediatric by night temporary hospitalization clinical path"
Hiromi Kanai 1, Shinji Kobayashi 1, Mitsuko Kobayashi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 560-560, 2008.

Japanese Article P247 Created incorporating the preparation of the "children tonsillectomy coloring path"
高根瞳1, 折野佳子1, 丸岡ゆり1, 岩久明日香1, 山元ふみ子1, 駒田一朗1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 561-561, 2008.

Japanese Article Trial - mother infection and neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia - of the clinical path making for P248 maternity ward management neonates
Naoki Shimamura 1, Maiko Kobayashi 2, Rika Suzuki 2, Sakai good luck 2, Norihiko Azuma 1, Usui tree law of nature 1, Makiko Aihara 1, Shoichi Oyama 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 561-561, 2008.

Japanese Article Making of the P249 shoulder arthroscopic surgery pass
Masae Takeyama 1, Kazuhiko Yamauchi 1, Katsuo Shinichi 2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 562-562, 2008.

Japanese Article Results after the P250 revised pass use and future problem
Kaori Nagai 1, Asami Okuma 1, Chikako Sato 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 562-562, 2008.

Japanese Article It is made the pass just after open heart surgery for the purpose of the P251 duties improvement
Yawara Hayashi 1, Sakae, Noriko Sakai 1, Arrow form wisdom 1, Naomi Makino 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 563-563, 2008.

Japanese Article The improvement of review and record of the P252 femoral neck fracture postoperative pass for becoming it
Middle crane Nao 1, Seiji Yamaji 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 563-563, 2008.

Japanese Article P253 transfusion, antibiotics, IVH observation pass
Yoko Ito 1, Great living Kuniko 1, Akemi Adachi 1, Misato Iwasa 1, Kazuhisa Matsunami 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 564-564, 2008.

Japanese Article About making, the use of the overnight hospitalization clinical path in the P254 this hospital
Treasure fortune Hanae child 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 564-564, 2008.

Japanese Article Action of the nurse's record helping the continuing nursing care in the operating room for the P255 electronic chart induction
Michiko Kinoshita 1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 10(4): 565-565, 2008.