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Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway

Volume 16, Issue 2 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The Great East Japan Earthquake and medical care, health care activity in 4 Miyako-shi, Iwate Taro districts
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 111-118, 2014.

Japanese Article Discussion about the introduction effect of the clinical pass in Korea from literatures
朴珍相1),2), 池田俊也1), 南商尭2), 武藤正樹1)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 119-127, 2014.

Japanese Article Background factors of difficulties in dementia treatment by family physicians
Yumiko Shimomura1), Satoru Oishi2), Takaaki Hirooka2), Megumi Takahashi2), Hitoshi Miyaoka2)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 131-139, 2014.

Japanese Article Standardization and Varian's analysis policy list of the Varian's development factor classification
勝尾信一, 片岡亜季子, 恩地英年, 吹矢三恵子, 中川美絵, 角奈央子, 清水秀美, 坂下香苗
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 143-148, 2014.

Japanese Article Making, correction of the hospitalized care plan including the clinical pass use situation and discharge guidance
石郷真敬, 懸田可奈子, 及川淑子, 佐藤光太朗
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 149-152, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the thighbone neck / trochanter part bone fracture rehabilitation hospitalization pass in our House
相澤淳一1), 宮城佑輔2), 田中伸二2), 越智伸一3), 中山亜里美3), 高橋直子3), 竹田治彦1), 安藤キクエ3)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 153-159, 2014.

Japanese Article It is the additional effect of the nutrition education after diabetes education hospitalization clinical pass end January
時永耕太郎1), 山崎健也1), 田代淳1), 今崎巳陽2), 牛方孝子2), 井上悠季3), 布施望3), 吉岡利男3), 太枝徹1)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 160-163, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the pneumococcal vaccine inoculation with the pneumonia clinical pass
杉野安輝1), 渡邊大祐2), 滝俊一1), 奥村隼也1), 三田亮1), 大田亜希子1), 高木康之1), 岡美穂3), 武田梓3), 小林英見3)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 164-170, 2014.

Japanese Article Practice of the team approach in medical care with the circulatory organ clinical pass
水野篤1), 宮坂萌生2), 中村加奈子2), 尾関理恵3), 岡村大介4), 中附暢子5), 松本明子6), 丹羽公一郎1)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 173-175, 2014.

Japanese Article Participation in team approach in medical care by the medical technologist: Testing explanation
工藤奈美, 多田恵梨子, 芳賀久美, 福士紀行, 佐々木辰也
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 176-178, 2014.

Japanese Article Because we managed the respirator, we were able to be associated with respiratory care
桑原将司1), 石井博2), 荒水裕1), 三木正子1), 浦野妙子3)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 179-182, 2014.

Japanese Article Role of perioperative foreign team approach in medical care and the electronic clinical pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 183-186, 2014.

Japanese Article Promotion of the team approach in medical care with the pass and in-hospital standardization
安東立正, 月田幸枝, 近藤理香, 三枝典子, 笹原啓子, 堀江健夫, 曽田雅之
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 187-190, 2014.

Japanese Article Use of electronic chart system "Fujitsu EGMAIN-GX" in our House and the electronic pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 191-193, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the perioperative oral cavity function management, regional alliances of our House
内山壽夫1), 高坂陽子1), 長岡恵美子1), 田中淳子1), 木村千亜貴1), 難波侑里1), 金子昌則2), 須賀一夫1), 堀江健夫1), 安東立正1)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 194-196, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to medical department dentistry cooperation in the Shikoku cancer center
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 197-200, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the medical department dentistry cooperation of the Iwate Prefectural central part Hospital and district dental association
高橋綾1), 和賀浩幸1), 高橋良明1), 多田建造2), 宮川和亮2), 星野彰3)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 201-203, 2014.

Japanese Article Medical department dentistry cooperation with the local dental association - Cooperation of the Iwate Prefectural Isawa Hospital and Oshu-shi dental association -
郷右近祐司1), 伊藤靖1), 渋谷俊介1), 谷村武宏1), 蛇口真理子2), 北村道彦3), 佐々木勝忠4), 森岡範之4), 朴澤弘康4), 千葉雅之4), 高橋晃彦4), 小熊秀佳4)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 204-207, 2014.

Japanese Article Reporting system with the FAX of a district dental association and the care imitation council
朴澤弘康1), 高橋晃彦1), 吉田克則1), 清水潤2), 佐々木勝忠3), 佐藤勇杉4), 佐々木裕4), 菅原佳裕4), 倉成勝幸4), 郷右近祐司5)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 208-211, 2014.

Japanese Article About the system maintenance in the electronic pass which is necessary for BOM(Basic Outcome Master) use and application
井川澄人1), 河村進2), 舩田千秋2), 松崎勉3), 有本祐子3)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 212-215, 2014.

Japanese Article For medical care of standardization plus α of - care that the grief care is passed―
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(2): 216-219, 2014.