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Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway

Volume 16, Issue 4 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Innovation medical with a clinical pass!
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 367-367, 2014.

Japanese Article Heart and heart ... which were connected by 15 years - pass which we walked with a pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 371-371, 2014.

Japanese Article Practice - of sleep apneusis - SAS spreading out
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 375-375, 2014.

Japanese Article The view of the world of the pass in foreign countries and the tide
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 375-375, 2014.

Japanese Article The history of the pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 376-376, 2014.

Japanese Article Education seminar
岡本泰岳, 北村道彦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 379-379, 2014.

Japanese Article Significance of the ES-1 pass medical care and in-hospital education
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 380-380, 2014.

Japanese Article Basic - outcome and standardization - of the ES-2 clinical pass making
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 380-380, 2014.

Japanese Article ES-3 outcome-oriented pass and record
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 381-381, 2014.

Japanese Article A review and pass meeting of the ES-4 clinical pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 381-381, 2014.

Japanese Article How to write article seminar
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 386-386, 2014.

Japanese Article BOM seminar
副島秀久, 中島直樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 389-389, 2014.

Japanese Article About how to use BOM depending on a clinical pass level
中熊英貴, 森崎真美, 小妻幸男, 堀田春美, 町田二郎, 副島秀久
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 390-390, 2014.

Japanese Article The regional alliances pass which we looked at from the patients
石田陽一, 三原美雪1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 393-393, 2014.

Japanese Article Regional alliances clinical pass as the tool supporting the treatment continuation of the S1-basis patients
下村裕見子1, 大石智2, 宮岡等2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 394-394, 2014.

Japanese Article Does the recycling cancer cooperation pass of the S1-1 two chief physician system help the patients?
田中良典1, 遠坂顕2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 394-394, 2014.

Japanese Article After the cancer regional alliances pass - colon cancer technique which examined from the S1-2 patients than a cooperation pass -
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 395-395, 2014.

Japanese Article With the pass for the patients in the S1-3 stroke regional alliances pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 395-395, 2014.

Japanese Article The circulatory organ regional alliances pass which thought about a merit of the S1-4 patients
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 396-396, 2014.

Japanese Article An effect and problems of the S1-5 CKD regional alliances pass
中田美智代, 斉藤梨恵子, 松木理浩, 浦田千賀子, 谷山眞理子, 大田聡, 石田陽一
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 396-396, 2014.

Japanese Article Relation as the secretariat in the S1-6 "my healthy notebook" making
遠藤貴恵1, 小野寺亜衣1, 高橋厚子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 397-397, 2014.

Japanese Article The regional alliances pass which supports the life of the S1-7 patients
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 397-397, 2014.

Japanese Article The standardization situation of term unification and the vendor for electronic clinical pass construction
白鳥義宗, 若宮俊司1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 398-398, 2014.

Japanese Article About standardization and the exchange agreement of a term, the function of the S2-basis electronic clinical pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 399-399, 2014.

Japanese Article Pass activity in inside the hospital, the area
林浩嗣, 福野直孝1, 小林美津子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 400-400, 2014.

Japanese Article The S3-basis Let's spread it together Let's evolve it together Pass activity
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 401-401, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass in the S3-1 Iwate Prefectural hospital
赤坂俊樹1, 佐藤光太朗2, 菊地修平1, 鈴木善明1, 遠藤秀彦3, 北村道彦4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 401-401, 2014.

Japanese Article Effect of the clinical pass improvement seminar at the S3-2 fee-for-service revision
渡部義和, 田島敦志, 落合新二, 戸崎義之, 佐藤基樹
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 402-402, 2014.

Japanese Article Trial of the computerization of the S3-3 Fukui unification acute myocardial infarction anginal heart failure pass
藤野晋1, 水野清雄2, 大里和雄2, 宇隨弘泰3, 竹森一司4, 吉田博之5, 佐竹一夫6, 音羽勘一7, 正村克彦8, 山村遼9
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 402-402, 2014.

Japanese Article Conduct the satisfaction investigation of the patients, the nurse by the use of S3-4 critical path
小川夏子, 丸本千鶴, 曽根美佐子, 中垣内美紀, 上野治美, 内藤直央
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 403-403, 2014.

Japanese Article Action ... second report ... of the perioperative oral cavity function management regional alliances pass of the S3-5 our hospital
内山壽夫1, 五味暁憲1, 高坂陽子1, 長岡恵美子1, 田中淳子1, 木村千亜貴1, 難波侑里1, 江原愛莉1, 須賀一夫1, 安東立正1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 403-403, 2014.

Japanese Article With the team approach in medical care by the many types of job
佐藤博, 島倉聡1, 宮崎美子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 404-404, 2014.

Japanese Article Team approach in medical care by the S4-basis many types of job
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 405-405, 2014.

Japanese Article Trial to hospitalization shortening of patients with old heart failure by the S4-1 many types of job intervention
中根英策1, 重田由美2, 阿賀千香子3, 山田信子4, 作井大介5, 田中希1, 桂木優子2, 上坂健太5, 前田奈補子6, 猪子森明1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 405-405, 2014.

Japanese Article Outcome evaluation ... by action ... many types of job of the S4-2 diabetes education hospitalization pass
大坪恵子1, 重盛紀子1, 前田雅人2, 三瀬かおり2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 406-406, 2014.

Japanese Article SP therapy pass to suggest from S4-3 pharmacist
菅谷敏和1, 品村直哉1, 菱木賢治1, 岩井淳一2, 中村朗3, 松永高志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 406-406, 2014.

Japanese Article Team approach in medical care - digestive organ surgery preparations pass - to begin after S4-4 surgery examination
坂元一郎1, 加藤志保子2, 岡本有紀子2, 高柳由美子2, 村上廣野1, 饗場正明1, 大谷敏幸3, 小川哲史1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 407-407, 2014.

Japanese Article Introduce rehabilitation plan into an S4-5 THA electronic clinical pass
桐山伸也1, 前田雅人2, 伊賀真美1, 古田裕之1, 田口哲也1, 井口華菜1, 荒木歩美1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 407-407, 2014.

Japanese Article The establishment and many types of job cooperation of the S4-6 patients support center
池井肇, 中島浩美, 依田尚美, 野水伸也, 西澤延宏
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 408-408, 2014.

Japanese Article With the making of rule for many types of job cooperation necessary for S4-7 area inclusion care
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 408-408, 2014.

Japanese Article Many types of job cooperation with the health enhancement institution beyond the fence of the S4-8 medical institution
中村立一1, 松儀怜2, 勝木保夫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 409-409, 2014.

Japanese Article New role and change, idea of the clinical pass
今田光一, 山中英治1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 410-410, 2014.

Japanese Article New role and future image of the S5-basis clinical pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 411-411, 2014.

Japanese Article The clinical pass utilization to S5-1 randomized parallel comparison between groups study is useful
宮川明祐1, 佐久間幸枝2, 江ケ崎敏子3, 岩井淳一4, 坂井厚夫5, 年光康雄4, 中村恵美子3, 志村謙次1, 松永高志4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 411-411, 2014.

Japanese Article The thing which lost it that we obtained it with S5-2 electron pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 412-412, 2014.

Japanese Article The electronic clinical pass system of the S5-3 our hospital zeroes the pass non-adaptation patients
加治正知, 池田信一, 瀬戸弘
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 412-412, 2014.

Japanese Article NET EXCEPTION Err: Could not connect to host
田村茂行1, 竹野淳1, 谷口博一1, 下川福子2, 池上英文2, 副島彰典3, 山根一浩3, 高木保子4, 末岡マキ子4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 413-413, 2014.

Japanese Article Design to S5-5 palliative care (cooperation) pass
高田学, 大道雅英, 横川史穂子, 富岡菊子, 田中拓美, 花岡ゆり枝, 永井香奈子, 徳竹加代子, 中村光男, 宗像康博
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 413-413, 2014.

Japanese Article "A local network type pass" for local conclusion type medical care having high quality of S5-6
松本武浩, 岡田みずほ, 廣瀬弥幸, 本多正幸
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 414-414, 2014.

Japanese Article Mouth care to push forward by a team
小西敏郎, 縄稚久美子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 415-415, 2014.

Japanese Article About construction of the present conditions and the team approach in medical care of the mouth care in S6-basis hospital dentistry
坂本春生, 唐木田一成, 内藤博之
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 416-416, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the mouth care of the S6-1 Nagano Municipal Hospital
酒井洋徳1, 宮沢浩恵1, 弓田美里1, 高田学2, 徳竹加代子3, 永井香奈子3, 下条円華3, 藤本登志子3, 丸田崇紘4, 池田也秀5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 416-416, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... from the situation of mouth care - dental hygienist wrestling by S6-2 medical department dentistry cooperation
赤坂幾子1, 畠山良彦2, 高橋良明3, 曽根克明1, 星野彰1, 北村道彦4, 遠藤秀彦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 417-417, 2014.

Japanese Article The situation and problems of the perioperative oral cavity function managed care cooperation in the S6-3 our hospital
志村真理子, 赤羽敦也, 勝俣良美, 山城正司
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 417-417, 2014.

Japanese Article The stomatitis prevention of the cancer chemotherapy with the S6-4 team approach in medical care
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 418-418, 2014.

Japanese Article An effect and problem of the specialized mouth care that we incorporated in S6-5 clinical pass
町田純一郎1, 錦織真希1, 村山睦2, 岡本泰岳3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 418-418, 2014.

Japanese Article The mouth care that effectively utilized medical resources of the S6-6 area
米永一理1, 善積威1, 冨浦一行1, 加藤樹哉1, 嶋川久美子1, 及川春江1, 黒田雅仁2, 丹野弘晃1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 419-419, 2014.

Japanese Article About the regional alliances with the outside Parliament institution in the S6-7 perioperative oral cavity function management case
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 419-419, 2014.

Japanese Article Mouth care based on mouth care needs and the evidence of patients with S6-8 stroke
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 420-420, 2014.

Japanese Article In-hospital clinical pass for the patients
久保実, 依田尚美1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 421-421, 2014.

Japanese Article Clinical pass for the S7-basis patients
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 422-422, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the pass for the patients to break off "a gap" with S7-1 medical care person and patients
清水純子1, 坂田博史2, 酒井邦浩3, 梅村泰子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 422-422, 2014.

Japanese Article Improvement of the communication with the pass to fill in with the S7-2 patients, a family
今西由羽1, 山脇あやめ1, 山中英治2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 423-423, 2014.

Japanese Article Improvement of the patients satisfaction by the review of the pass for the S7-3 lower digestive tract endoscopy patients
紺野由布子, 鈴木久美子, 菊池智子, 佐々木健治
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 423-423, 2014.

Japanese Article Because children can be hospitalized making and effect ... of the pass for S7-4 children in peace; ...
笠原綾乃1, 上谷道子1, 安部良子1, 緒方清子1, 小池隆志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 424-424, 2014.

Japanese Article Total support pass in the surgery of the S7-5 gonarthrosis
中村立一1, 松儀怜2, 澤田優3, 松山渚4, 勝木保夫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 424-424, 2014.

Japanese Article Motion of pass load enforcement for the patients by the S7-6 rehabilitation department
三岡相至1, 西村俊二2, 土山高明3, 大野篤行3, 朝倉靖3, 与芝真彰4, 吉田生馬5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 425-425, 2014.

Japanese Article For pass education - right knowledge and the succession of the understanding to join together tomorrow -
齋藤登, 中麻里子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 429-429, 2014.

Japanese Article Making, use and problem of the P1-1 clinical pass self learning tool beginner's class, intermediate
小林三枝子, 佐久間幸枝, 佐藤文美, 岩田佳之, 林典行, 小泉正幸, 永井優美, 年光康雄, 松永高志
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 430-430, 2014.

Japanese Article Action ... of educational support - additional post nurse for P1-2 pass making, the use
齊藤絹子, 近藤理香, 吉野礼子, 月田幸枝, 三枝典子, 笹原啓子, 曽田雅之, 堀江健夫, 安東立正
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 430-430, 2014.

Japanese Article The evolution of the P1-3 pass and activity of pass Committee
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 431-431, 2014.

Japanese Article Effect ... of action ... inside the hospital pass knowledge general election to all P1-4 type of job participation type pass meeting
大内邦枝, 山本健詞, 坂本晴美, 牛島美幸, 西村真世, 須田真子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 431-431, 2014.

Japanese Article - to look back on education of the P1-5 pass, education - pass guide lecture 24 times with the pass
二林幸代1, 恩地英年1, 吹矢三恵子1, 中川美絵1, 片岡亜季子1, 角奈央子1, 清水秀美1, 坂下香苗1, 渡邉まどか2, 勝尾信一2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 432-432, 2014.

Japanese Article Feedback of the clinical pass analysis
岡本泰岳, 嶋田元1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 433-433, 2014.

Japanese Article It is the examination about the urination disorder after the urethral catheters withdrawal after P2-1 technique
小田切範晃, 山田豊, 平野龍亮, 吉福清二郎, 三澤賢治, 笹原孝太郎, 岸本浩史, 三島修, 田内克典
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 434-434, 2014.

Japanese Article For the future prospects of the P2-2 acute myocardial infarction regional alliances pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 434-434, 2014.

Japanese Article About P2-3 clinical pass and disease severity, the relations of the medical nursing necessary degree AB item
町田二郎1, 安楽喜久2, 右田みどり2, 中熊英貴3, 森崎真美3, 小妻幸男3, 副島秀久3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 435-435, 2014.

Japanese Article Construction of the approval system for the purpose of maintenance and the improvement of the quality of the P2-4 pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 435-435, 2014.

Japanese Article Establishment of the feedback by the pass analysis using the P2-5 Varian's analysis list
岩井淳一, 平野亜純, 伊藤亜紀子, 加瀬裕子, 松永高志
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 436-436, 2014.

Japanese Article Improvement and limit of the Varian's analysis in a Varian's analysis paper clinical record stopping by according to a Varian's collection method, the electronic chart
吹矢三恵子, 町田二郎1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 437-437, 2014.

Japanese Article Varian's collection using the P3-1 our hospital Varian's index and analytical trial
林宏1, 山本美千代2, 文山まつ子2, 瀬川正孝2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 438-438, 2014.

Japanese Article Of the outcome setting for P3-2 Varian's analysis to become fun wrestle
伊藤志門, 安藤萌名美, 古城敦子, 橋本知紀, 中野正樹, 法水信治, 平山治雄
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 438-438, 2014.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis to P3-3 this, Varian's analysis in the future
吹矢三恵子, 恩地英年, 中川美絵, 清水秀美, 坂下香苗, 勝尾信一
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 439-439, 2014.

Japanese Article A characteristic and problem of the Varian's analysis in the P3-4 electron pass
若田好史1, 中島直樹1, 中熊英貴2, 小妻幸男2, 町田二郎2, 副島秀久2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 439-439, 2014.

Japanese Article An outcome evaluation and Varian's analysis of the regional alliances pass
重田由美, 下村裕見子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 440-440, 2014.

Japanese Article Outcome evaluation, Varian's analysis of the P4-1 femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass
伊藤淳二1, 丹野雅彦2, 横田祐介2, 富田卓2, 岸谷正樹2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 441-441, 2014.

Japanese Article Problem based on Varian's analysis of the P4-2 prostate cancer regional alliances pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 441-441, 2014.

Japanese Article Local conclusion type regional alliances pass of a stroke and dementia of the P4-3 Medical Association perfection leadership
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 442-442, 2014.

Japanese Article Data analysis of the stroke regional alliances pass which aimed at the P4-4 disease control
丸谷宏1, 佐藤和彦2, 武田憲夫3, 茂木紹良4, 鈴木哲5, 三原一郎6
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 442-442, 2014.

Japanese Article Development of a diabetes regional alliances pass and the disease control map through the P4-5 medical care ICT
村尾孝児, 井町仁美
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 443-443, 2014.

Japanese Article Role of the nurse in making, the use of the clinical pass
小林美亜, 松宮清美1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 444-444, 2014.

Japanese Article Role of the nurse to conduct P5-1 effect-like self-care instruction
榎本洋子1, 丸尾良浩2, 松井克之2, 小池由香里2, 間瀬瞳1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 445-445, 2014.

Japanese Article Role of the nurse in the P5-2 pass PDCA cycle
三浦春枝, 今野律子, 石橋悟
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 445-445, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the clinical pass understanding of the P5-3 our hospital and future problem
佐藤恵, 佐藤奈緒, 前本篤男
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 446-446, 2014.

Japanese Article Core activity and role of the nurse with the P5-4 clinical pass Committee new system
磯貝咲子, 武田峰子, 杉山明子, 篠塚里恵, 山下明日香, 石山由貴, 粟谷佳代, 天野充敏, 川尻尚子, 松井淳一
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 446-446, 2014.

Japanese Article Relation of the nurse to the many types of job cooperation that P5-5 is smooth
高橋奈美, 阿部広美
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 447-447, 2014.

Japanese Article Setting ... of the role - pass manager of the nurse in the P5-6 electron pass promotion
重盛紀子1, 大坪恵子1, 前田雅人2, 大宮公治2, 三瀬かおり2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 447-447, 2014.

Japanese Article Trace of P5-7 pass additional post nurse six years
近藤理香, 齊藤絹子, 吉野礼子, 月田幸枝, 三枝典子, 笹原啓子, 曽田雅之, 堀江健夫, 安東立正
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 448-448, 2014.

Japanese Article Introduction of IT of the clinical pass for the patients and the medical person
村木泰子1, 白鳥義宗2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 449-449, 2014.

Japanese Article ... after all great as for introduction of IT - inexperienced person of the P6-1 clinical pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 450-450, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... through distance - electronic chart replacement to P6-2 electron pass operation
前田雅人, 重盛紀子, 大宮公治, 三瀬かおり
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 450-450, 2014.

Japanese Article Is P6-3 clinical pass introduction of IT customization or non-customization?
年光康雄1, 松永高志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 451-451, 2014.

Japanese Article P6-4 The thing that is necessary for the introduction of IT of the clinical pass - From the situation in charge of the system -
中島典昭1, 下元憲明2, 杉本健樹3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 451-451, 2014.

Japanese Article A pass committee says what he/she wants to say
勝尾信一, 鳴尾健1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 455-455, 2014.

Japanese Article The summary
勝尾信一, 副島秀久1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 459-459, 2014.

Japanese Article We announce the scientific study furtherance result
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 463-463, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination about the development of the scientific study furtherance -1 necrosis of the jaw bone treatment standardization pass and the effect
河村進1, 石川徹2, 舩田千秋3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 464-464, 2014.

Japanese Article Design of the standard data model of the scientific study furtherance -2 clinical pass (practice business processes)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 464-464, 2014.

Japanese Article The historic change on the article about the definition of the scientific study furtherance -3 clinical pass and the future
白鳥義宗1, 久保田聰美2, 小林美亜3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 465-465, 2014.

Japanese Article Fact-finding after the proximal scientific study furtherance -4 thighbone bone fracture regional alliances clinical pass adaptation
渡邉大樹1, 山本智章2, 青木可奈3, 佐藤伸一4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 465-465, 2014.

Japanese Article The making of the B-01 long-term urethra indwelling catheter withdrawal pass and the effect
青木芳隆1, 三谷陽香2, 水野孝映2, 内方ゆかり2, 木村知行3, 横山修1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 469-469, 2014.

Japanese Article Computerization with the outside link of the B-02 neonatal state ecad pass system
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 469-469, 2014.

Japanese Article We confront basics charges such as B-03 short stay surgery with a clinical pass
杉山明子, 磯貝咲子, 篠塚里恵, 山下明日香, 粟谷佳代, 天野允敏, 川尻尚子, 貝田将郷, 佐藤道夫, 松井淳一
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 469-469, 2014.

Japanese Article The B-04 palliative care can become the pass (settled for patients outcome intention)
會津恵司1, 森本優子1, 長島渉2, 鈴木大吾3, 崎山奈津子1, 鈴木利恵1, 山添智4, 後藤慎一4, 佐々木洋光2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 469-469, 2014.

Japanese Article Let's make B-05 stroke community medical care cooperation a nucleus of the local medical care cooperation, disease control
古口徳雄1, 近藤国嗣2, 藤田伸輔3, 松岡かおり4, 田畑陽一郎4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 470-470, 2014.

Japanese Article Across the B-06 standardization, we practice medical care of the individualization using an electronic pass again
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 470-470, 2014.

Japanese Article Electronic pass without physician instructions for the clinical department which is not active in B-07 pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 470-470, 2014.

Japanese Article Investigation of problems to improve D-01 BKP, a Teriparatide regional alliances pass
宮崎木の実1, 小谷俊明2, 西村美矩1, 秋山広美3, 伊藤恵美子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 470-470, 2014.

Japanese Article It is revision, the use of an ICU and the rehabilitation pass after D-02 acute myocardial infarction
安村大拙1, 渡名喜拓也1, 川端晋也1, 佐和田茂1, 旭朝弘2, 田端一彦2, 外間浩3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 471-471, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the pass Committee activity for the D-03 Hospital unification
中村浩彰, 櫃石秀信, 上西美和, 葉田真美子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 471-471, 2014.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the regional alliances pass use after after D-04 prostate cancer technique and the radiotherapy
竹澤豊, 中山紘史, 村松和道, 牧野武朗, 悦永徹, 斎藤佳隆, 小林幹男
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 471-471, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to the metrics making of D-05 regional alliances pass (disease control) duties
木佐貫篤1, 下村裕見子3, 重田由美4, 樋口由布子5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 471-471, 2014.

Japanese Article It is revised the follow-up hospitalization pass after G-01 large intestine EMR
井上聡, 渡辺輝子, 金長ゆかり, 樫尾恵子, 喜多哲史, 小谷野圭子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 472-472, 2014.

Japanese Article An evaluation and revision of the surgery pass of the G-02 breast preservation + sentinel lymph node biopsy
杉本健樹1, 小川真帆1, 沖豊和1, 下元憲明2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 472-472, 2014.

Japanese Article G-03 heart failure clinical pass analysis and revision
東健作1, 東真梨奈2, 薗田正浩1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 472-472, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis according to the initial choice antibiotics of the G-04 pneumonia pass
秋山紗知, 神楽岡治彦, 比留間恵, 宮原江梨子, 出浦沙知子, 長谷川誠
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 472-472, 2014.

Japanese Article feedback does G-05 DPC data and revises the pass of short stay surgery basics charges
丸山常彦1, 川野裕一2, 新嶋健太2, 酒向晃弘1, 上田和光1, 奥村稔1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 473-473, 2014.

Japanese Article Brushing up and education effect of the pass that we maintain G-06 exhibition pass study meeting
小野律子, 西村智子, 松代直樹, 山本傑
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 473-473, 2014.

Japanese Article 1-PA-01. About the present conditions of stroke regional alliances of the Katori Kaisou area
秋慶一, 高山美津子, 嶋田優美, 林進也, 松永高志, 大屋滋
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 477-477, 2014.

Japanese Article Use and review of the 1-PA-02 stroke regional alliances pass
佐々木綾子, 早川幸子, 後藤純美, 佐藤加代
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 477-477, 2014.

Japanese Article Action in the 1-PA-03 stroke regional alliances pass revision
深井恵美, 大竹弘哲, 田中真理子, 水野剛, 大崎仁, 棚橋由佳, 関口綾華, 朝倉健
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 477-477, 2014.

Japanese Article It is examined the evaluation onset one year in the 1-PA-04 stroke regional alliances pass use later
田原久美子1, 田中里佳1, 羽田江里1, 藤岡やよい1, 木村祐三子1, 川崎綾乃1, 大木修平1, 中川陽子2, 大田泰正3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 477-477, 2014.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the quality of the 1-PA-05 Hata, Kochi area stroke regional alliances clinical pass
加用樹里1, 西村裕之2, 稲田美巴1, 景平清恵1, 公文亮太3, 西村さやか4, 松岡真弓5, 並川正和6
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 478-478, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the 1-PA-06 Barthel Index evaluation method unification
新田俊介, 茂木紹良
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 478-478, 2014.

Japanese Article About making, the use of the 1-PA-07 "my healthy notebook"
渡部美穂, 丸谷宏, 伊藤愛, 矢内田紀, 石井真由美
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 478-478, 2014.

Japanese Article Making and use of the drug sheet in the 1-PA-08 stroke regional alliances clinical pass
高麗貴史1, 芹澤いづみ1, 丸岡博信1, 中野恭子1, 須賀一夫2, 小林敦1, 前島和俊1, 朝倉健3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 478-478, 2014.

Japanese Article Effect of body function, the deglutition function on 1-PA-09 at-home return
福間順子1, 小林健斗2, 立花淳二3, 色川智彦4, 福田達也5, 菅原妙子6, 佐藤誠7, 深井孝志8, 鈴木邦彦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 479-479, 2014.

Japanese Article Recovery properties according to the 1-PA-10 stroke form classification
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 479-479, 2014.

Japanese Article A fact and problem of the dementia community medical care that 1-PA-11 health insurance pharmacy pharmacist recognizes
下村裕見子1, 大石智2, 廣岡孝陽2, 高橋恵2, 宮岡等2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 479-479, 2014.

Japanese Article Interim report of the 1-PA-12 5 size cancer cooperation pass
丸田崇紘, 高田学, 池田也秀, 徳竹加代子, 永井香奈子, 下条円華
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 479-479, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem one year after the 1-PA-13 prostate cancer regional alliances pass use start
福田亜紀子, 吉田昭子, 平田美智子, 緒方信子, 丸田大, 平島定, 古川正隆
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 480-480, 2014.

Japanese Article About the consultation situation after the 1-PA-14 urology department regional alliances pass application
小林美保1, 古賀実2, 福田尚子3, 菊池惠子3, 西川知子4, 多田典子4, 北口佳代4, 山本恵4, 佐々木美幸1, 菅尾英木2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 480-480, 2014.

Japanese Article Operational evaluation and attitude survey in the 1-PA-15 colon cancer regional alliances pass
大家愛佐子1, 大磯清仁2, 加藤裕子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 480-480, 2014.

Japanese Article 1-PA-16. Efforts of the Okinawa at-home palliative care regional alliances pass "てぃーあんだ" making
高江洲アヤ子1, 高江洲和代1, 西村智江1, 宮城愛子2, 足立源樹1, 宮里浩1, 喜納美津男3, 笹良剛史4, 増田昌人5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 480-480, 2014.

Japanese Article Medical department dentistry cooperation with a basic hospital without 1-PA-17 Hospital dentistry and the local dental association
米永一理1, 冨浦一行1, 善積威1, 石橋和也1, 及川春江1, 大木はるみ1, 黒田雅仁2, 丹野弘晃1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 481-481, 2014.

Japanese Article 1-PA-18 Efforts of the medical department dentistry cooperation in the Kochi Prefectural Hata Kenmin Hospital
増山恵実1, 西村裕之2, 上岡教人3, 桑原由美1, 森律子1, 大家千晶1, 濱田貴子1, 間俊男4, 西村さやか4, 井上那奈5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 481-481, 2014.

Japanese Article Problems in the use of the 1-PA-19 perioperative oral cavity function management regional alliances pass
梅本通代1, 宇野喜代美1, 加藤裕子2, 森本一美3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 481-481, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the 1-PA-20 peritoneoscope lower endometrial cancer surgery pass
山崎美香, 古坊夏美, 原さつき, 坂口節子, 平吹信弥, 佐々木博正
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 481-481, 2014.

Japanese Article The pass revision that was carried out from Varian's analysis of the 1-PA-21 peritoneoscope lower uterine myoma pass
藤倉裕子, 竹内永江, 矢部愛子, 田村教江, 曽田雅之
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 482-482, 2014.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the sharp pain control in the 1-PA-22 obstetrics and gynecology department open surgery
井上由美子1, 石田幸恵1, 平川しのぶ1, 清水江里子1, 川上富美1, 迫川ちよの1, 大塚孝子1, 水谷美貴2, 高野靖悟2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 482-482, 2014.

Japanese Article Revision of the 1-PA-24 planned cesarean operation pass
阿部真幸, 田中文子, 押谷真代, 牧明日可, 押目奈々, 飯守美和, 土井沙紀, 瀬山亜樹, 西山千尋
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 482-482, 2014.

Japanese Article We heparinize it in preoperation in the 1-PA-25 obstetrics and gynecology department surgery
園田正樹, 比嘉則子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 483-483, 2014.

Japanese Article Holding of the pass learning meeting for the 1-PA-26 pass revision
下条円華, 高田学, 宮澤陽子, 中野順子, 池田也秀
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 483-483, 2014.

Japanese Article The future problem that we were able to see from Varian's analysis of the 1-PA-27 obstetrics and gynecology department surgery pass
伊藤洋子, 小笠原郁子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 483-483, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions in the electronic pass introduction of the 1-PA-28 our hospital obstetrics domain and future problem
俊彩, 野間愛子, 繁田朋佳, 酒匂英子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 483-483, 2014.

Japanese Article Kinesitherapy introduction to 1-PA-29 early or threatened labour pass
鈴木麻衣加, 和城光庸, 塩原美和, 鶴田雄士
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 484-484, 2014.

Japanese Article 1-PA-30 pregnant woman choice type semi-open system pass
山崎洋, 杉本裕子, 飯田登美子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 484-484, 2014.

Japanese Article Make 1-PA-31 da Vinci total prostatectomy pass
中嶋孝夫1, 門本卓1, 坂本次郎1, 重原一慶1, 宮城徹1, 山崎智香2, 古坊夏美2, 山崎美香2, 坂口節子2, 北小百合2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 484-484, 2014.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the 1-PA-32 urology department robot support peritoneoscope lower prostatectomy
石橋紀一, 佐藤裕太, 平山千歳, 島敬之, 加瀬敏江
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 484-484, 2014.

Japanese Article The operational situation in our hospital of the high dose rate implant therapy therapy for the 1-PA-33 prostate cancer
中野元1, 早川清美1, 藤内靖喜2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 485-485, 2014.

Japanese Article Improvement of kidney, the adrenal tumor pass corresponding to the diversification of the 1-PA-34 technique
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 485-485, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... for change of the 1-PA-35 TUL pass and operational ... patients center pass
公田有美, 横山道子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 485-485, 2014.

Japanese Article Activity report for the 1-PB-01 outpatient department pass spread
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 485-485, 2014.

Japanese Article About 1-PB-02 skin biopsy outpatient department pass making
小泉はるか, 中村順子, 竹田美香, 小野律子, 西村智子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 486-486, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the pass for the enforcement of the testing that is safe in cooperation with 1-PB-03 other posts
小野田千秋, 平山茂子, 川原順子, 君澤妙子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 486-486, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the 1-PB-04 preserved blood-style self-blood drawing blood clinical pass
工藤奈美1, 小穴夏子1, 及川正1, 高橋奈美2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 486-486, 2014.

Japanese Article The clinical pass revision that utilized PDCA for the puncture department bleeding after 1-PB-05 katheter
北林浩1, 春日麻希2, 伊東菜緒2, 原希3, 三木千鶴4, 栗山佑季2, 田畑希2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 486-486, 2014.

Japanese Article The Varian's analysis of the 1-PB-06 cardiac catheterization pass and future problem
今村朋子, 河北里美
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 487-487, 2014.

Japanese Article Inspection of time shortening by the 1-PB-07 acute coronary syndrome emergency catheter import pass introduction
丸田智実, 宮原史子, 宮崎拓, 大迫恵, 林田美香, 齋藤裕
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 487-487, 2014.

Japanese Article About making and the use of the 1-PB-08 AMI (IABP utilization time) pass
桐林伸幸1, 菅原重生1, 新田智美2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 487-487, 2014.

Japanese Article Usefulness in acute myocardial infarction of the 1-PB-09 step-up method clinical pass
中村雅司1, 星本貴植1, 槙垰賢政1, 松本尚也1, 松本麻衣2, 長岡麻由3, 松崎景子4, 齋藤裕5, 勝田洋輔5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 487-487, 2014.

Japanese Article Making and use of the 1-PB-10 heart failure clinical pass
秦美香子1, 永野麻美1, 奥田益美2, 元水幸子3, 藤原香3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 488-488, 2014.

Japanese Article Conduct pass revision for the rehabilitation improvement of in the heart failure pass 1-PB-11 our hospital
大城戸麻美1, 杉谷英太郎1, 東利雄1, 齊藤圭子2, 原田栄作3, 水野雄二3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 488-488, 2014.

Japanese Article It is compared the diabetes education hospitalization pass for 1-PB-12 8 days and 7 nights and two weeks
大泉陽香, 多勢智子, 佐藤徳, 川合陽子, 佐藤朋美, 長谷川伸子, 原田真紀子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 488-488, 2014.

Japanese Article Review of the 1-PB-13 diabetes education hospitalization clinical pass
菅野瑞穂, 鈴木淳子, 今野康枝, 山科光弘
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 488-488, 2014.

Japanese Article The review of the 1-PB-14 diabetes education hospitalization pass and the future prospects
菅野美保, 上岡香奈, 佐藤麻由子, 冨永幸恵, 鈴木和子, 渡辺崇, 善積信介, 平井敏
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 489-489, 2014.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the check list for the patients to use with 1-PB-15 diabetes education hospitalization pass
時永耕太郎1, 山崎健也1, 田代淳1, 太枝徹1, 今崎巳陽2, 牛方孝子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 489-489, 2014.

Japanese Article It is extracted problems for a system in the making next term of the pass for 1-PB-16 diabetes education two weeks
渡部陽子1, 下石沙織1, 岡本敬子1, 和田裕子1, 江尻加奈子1, 稲田律子1, 井内郁代2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 489-489, 2014.

Japanese Article Making, use of the 1-PB-17 R-CHOP therapy pass
鎌田奈々, 片山愛梨
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 489-489, 2014.

Japanese Article The use situation of the 1-PB-18 circulatory organ close inspection pass and the problem that we were able to see
田村和典, 柴森勇気, 比留間恵, 八重樫香織, 諸喜田純子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 490-490, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the critical path that we worked on in 1-PB-19 disease control
井口尚子, 真鍋新三郎, 井手千鶴, 上村奈央, 古庄清子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 490-490, 2014.

Japanese Article We work on the practice of the 1-PB-20 home oxygen therapy introduction pass
田中善子1, 村上伸介2, 寒佳子3, 佛願彰太郎1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 490-490, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... from the viewpoint of making and introduction - outpatient department nurse of the 1-PC-01 digestive organ surgery preparations pass
岡本有紀子, 高柳由美子, 村上廣野, 坂元一郎, 小川哲史
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 490-490, 2014.

Japanese Article From a viewpoint of evaluation - floor nurse after the 1-PC-02 digestive organ surgery preparations pass introduction -
村上廣野, 高柳由美子, 岡本有紀子, 一場恵, 大内悦子, 山本京子, 加藤木玉江, 坂元一郎, 饗場正明, 小川哲史
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 491-491, 2014.

Japanese Article Relation of preoperation preparations pass introduction and the pharmacist in the 1-PC-03 our hospital digestive organ surgery
井戸彩恵子, 藤咲美輝, 坂元一郎, 大谷敏幸, 小川哲史, 糸井重勝
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 491-491, 2014.

Japanese Article Surgery orientation to begin with the 1-PC-04 outpatient department
細野美穂子, 吉原幸, 會津恵司
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 491-491, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis of the thoracoscopic pulmonary malignant tumor surgery pass judging from the information that the 1-PC-05 patients wanted to know
三輪ゆかり1, 林容子1, 猪原昭彦2, 上田奈津美2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 491-491, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the cooperation clinical pass between outpatient department, the ward of the 1-PC-06 construction of artificial anus patients
佐藤祐基, 田中久美子, 菊地香織
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 492-492, 2014.

Japanese Article Action ... after introduction - electronic chart introduction of the 1-PC-07 ESD preoperation conference
堀田恵利1, 岡山裕子1, 古川晴美1, 梅田裕巳1, 工藤宴子1, 西野あさ子1, 中田弘子1, 小林則子1, 住吉徹哉2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 492-492, 2014.

Japanese Article Outcome and the pass revision that we reconsidered from a viewpoint of the 1-PC-08 child care
上谷道子1, 安部良子1, 笠原綾乃1, 緒方清子1, 小池隆志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 492-492, 2014.

Japanese Article The 1-PC-09 nursing outcome-oriented general-purpose pass promotes efficiency of the work of the nurse
森藤美代1, 加治正知2, 森口和代1, 貴島真奈美1, 窪田聡美1, 郷田昌子1, 野崎純子1, 前田恭子1, 山野ゆかり1, 瀬戸弘2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 492-492, 2014.

Japanese Article Than examination - central veins port custody pass of the nurse's record in the 1-PC-10 electron pass ...
村井一輝1, 福嶋敬子1, 山口真澄1, 佐藤好1, 戸崎加奈江1, 清水淳市2, 佐藤洋造3, 岩田広治4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 493-493, 2014.

Japanese Article It is a trial of becoming it nursing standing order making and a pass in the 1-PC-11 general anesthesia lower transplantation of the cornea
椿山由香, 大井久美, 古野艶子, 友永あず沙, 宮田成美, 橋田知未, 片桐幸子, 川口サツミ, 岡田みずほ, 江藤栄子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 493-493, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the electronic pass revision based on 1-PC-12 nursing intervention standard
佐々木薫, 田中久美子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 493-493, 2014.

Japanese Article The pass revision that paid its attention to 1-PC-13 care plan
藤本隆一, 河村進, 清水弥生, 舩田千秋, 砂野由紀
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 493-493, 2014.

Japanese Article Incorporate 1-PC-14 disease severity, medical care, nursing necessary degree order in a pass
池田也秀, 高田学, 中澤公一, 中村光男, 下条円華
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 494-494, 2014.

Japanese Article Comparison of the grounds record about the nursing necessary degree before and after the 1-PC-15 cardiac catheter pass revision
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 494-494, 2014.

Japanese Article Is the individuation of patients found in the nurse's record of the 1-PC-16 pass?
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 494-494, 2014.

Japanese Article The action that utilized the clinical pass in the 1-PC-17 emergency visit for education
田島英史1, 日下喜久江1, 年光康雄2, 松永高志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 494-494, 2014.

Japanese Article Support of the appropriate understanding of the clinical pass of the nurse of the early period of 1-PC-18 carrier
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 495-495, 2014.

Japanese Article Adequacy of the image that 1-PC-19 nurse has towards Varian's
神山智子, 村上成明
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 495-495, 2014.

Japanese Article Introduction and effect of the 1-PC-20 nursing care pass
清水弥生, 舩田千秋, 砂野由紀, 村上直子, 河村進
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 495-495, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to 1-PC-21 nursing care clinical option pass making
羽入田亜紀子, 鴨井祐子, 相馬厚, 松村享子, 淨念まよ, 佐藤桃子, 八木典子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 495-495, 2014.

Japanese Article Relation for the independence support by the 1-PC-22 patients participation type conference introduction
安田直生, 河津和樹, 藤原美里
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 496-496, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to hospital the third floor east ward pass rate of use improvement attached to 1-PC-23 Miyazaki University
井手貴也, 久保田智美, 奥村智子, 山崎友義, 荒木賢二
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 496-496, 2014.

Japanese Article A consciousness change and Varian's of the nurse after the 1-PC-24 haemodialysis transition stage pass change
太田代美樹1, 小長谷実保1, 岩井美由希1, 大川あさ子1, 年光康雄2, 松永高志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 496-496, 2014.

Japanese Article Approach to the pass revision using the 1-PD-01 DPC data analysis system
大礒清仁1, 梶川泰2, 加藤裕子3, 中川真嘉1, 荒武学1, 井上聡1, 大家愛佐子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 496-496, 2014.

Japanese Article ERCP clinical pass analysis report using the 1-PD-02 DPC benchmark system
濱田知美, 瀬戸口久美子, 川添泰臣
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 497-497, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the clinical pass using 1-PD-03 DPC analysis system "EVE"
大六野由樹, 田代優菜, 福留亮, 長野真二郎, 原田尚毅
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 497-497, 2014.

Japanese Article Review of the bladder malignant tumor surgery (TUR-BT) pass using 1-PD-04 DPC data
薄根詩葉利1, 中村聡2, 長田浩彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 497-497, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the pass setting days of the 1-PD-05 dizziness pass
野津由美子, 奥田益美, 近藤智
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 497-497, 2014.

Japanese Article Effect investigation of the heart failure pass using 1-PD-06 DPC data
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 498-498, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the economical effect by the 1-PD-07 mediastinum tumor resection pass introduction
管さやか1, 劉利奈1, 加藤由美1, 中村優香理1, 和久田直希1, 岡田みずほ1, 松本武浩2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 498-498, 2014.

Japanese Article Effect of the pass review based on the analysis of 1-PD-08 DPC data
高木悦子1, 中井澄枝1, 山口明美1, 相馬厚1, 相原薫2, 代田祥一2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 498-498, 2014.

Japanese Article Role (the second report) of the medical affairs section in 1-PD-09 clinical pass Committee
伊藤亜紀子1, 岩井淳一2, 加瀬裕子2, 松永高志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 498-498, 2014.

Japanese Article 1-PD-10 clinical pass and practice density
青木哲也, 印南憲一, 黒田史博
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 499-499, 2014.

Japanese Article Making and use of the clinical pass making, revision flow to suggest from the 1-PD-11 medical affairs section
佐々木俊浩, 渡邊一
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 499-499, 2014.

Japanese Article Relation of the exclusive duty office work in the 1-PD-12 area clinical pass development training room
砂野由紀, 舩田千秋, 清水弥生, 山田純子, 河村進
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 499-499, 2014.

Japanese Article Suggestion of the new pass making based on the DPC data analysis that we saw from the 1-PD-13 office work section
北崎大輔, 弘田雅美, 久保田宜克, 小野寺光春, 岡田雅仁, 井出ひとみ
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 499-499, 2014.

Japanese Article Adequacy of the detailed unknown name of disease at the DPC registration using 1-PD-14 clinical pass
川子佳奈夢, 鈴木斎王, 山崎友義, 小川弘子, 迫田佳奈
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 500-500, 2014.

Japanese Article Practice information management person about 1-PD-15 clinical pass making
櫻井健史, 須田茂男, 細井泰子, 依田尚美, 池井肇
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 500-500, 2014.

Japanese Article Relation of the practice information management section with 1-PD-16 Door-to-balloon time shortening and the PCI pass
箱山めぐみ, 猿谷貞之, 須田茂男, 細井泰子, 依田尚美, 池井肇
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 500-500, 2014.

Japanese Article The activity contents of the counselee pass carried out with the 1-PD-17 patients and future problem
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 500-500, 2014.

Japanese Article Than trial - questionary survey that showed the rough estimate of 1-PD-18 hospital charges on the pass for the patients ...
松原寛和, 佐々木萌, 吉原紘行, 浅野智子, 小島龍司, 小川紫野, 松本洋介, 河口哲, 井口純子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 501-501, 2014.

Japanese Article The pass for the patients with 1-PD-19 visual disturbances: Construction and use of the dental practice reporting system
菅野亜紀1, 財間達也2, 村上旬平2, 三浦研爾1, 高岡裕1, 森崎市治郎2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 501-501, 2014.

Japanese Article Action ... to clinical pass - standardization for the 1-PD-20 hepatectomy patients
二階堂あゆみ1, 渡邊美樹1, 佐藤浩一2, 見城明3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 501-501, 2014.

Japanese Article Thought for the clinical pass utilization actual situation and disease of VATS of patients with 1-PD-21 lung cancer
瀬川希美, 藤田依里, 阿曽直美, 塗師谷悠希
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 501-501, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to the making of the clinical pass for the patients who served as 1-PD-22 hospitalized care plan
高原佳那1, 永井優美1, 川村友香1, 林恭子1, 赤澤愛子2, 年光康雄2, 岩井淳一2, 松永高志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 502-502, 2014.

Japanese Article Pass making for the 1-PE-01 alcoholism rehabilitation program
射場亜希子1, 葛山秀則1, 置塩紀章1, 田中大輔2, 大西智美1, 飯田哲二1, 森本真司1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 502-502, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to the improvement in the 1-PE-02 chronic subdural haematoma 7th pass
長谷川睦, 渡辺善一郎, 中村輝旗, 中山友美, 渡邊郁美
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 502-502, 2014.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the postoperative pain in the 1-PE-03 children palatine tonsil enucleation
駒田一朗1, 高根瞳2, 窄中輝美2, 人見幸恵2, 畑中英子3, 戸澤梓4, 舟橋祐紀5, 野洲原厚志6, 福山喜代子2, 赤尾順子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 502-502, 2014.

Japanese Article We look at the mirror which revised 1-PE-04 and are tested the lower nose paranasal operations clinical pass
山本幸江, 田中智子, 滝雪歩, 菅生志保, 尾崎仁美, 百田美織
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 503-503, 2014.

Japanese Article The example that quantity of duties greatly decreased by the improvement of the 1-PE-05 ophthalmology pass, and a feeling of burden improved
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 503-503, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the index to be required for 1-PE-06 effect-like specialized oral management
錦織真希1, 町田純一郎1, 阿部友亮1, 毎熊彩季1, 鎌田郁花1, 山本圭一2, 川端厚3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 503-503, 2014.

Japanese Article The examination of the incident example associated with the 1-PE-07 clinical pass and future problem
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 503-503, 2014.

Japanese Article Action for the clinical pass spread in the 1-PE-08 neurosurgery ward
河塚裕子1, 井上美奈1, 松本淳子1, 雪松美奈代1, 長浦千賀1, 西村英祥2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 504-504, 2014.

Japanese Article Action - of activity report - clinical pass group of 1-PE-09 nursing standing order Committee
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 504-504, 2014.

Japanese Article In-hospital education by the E-learning for the purpose of the acquisition of the basic knowledge of the 1-PE-10 pass
中村由美子1, 佐藤耕一郎1, 熊谷恵理1, 藤原直人1, 廣沼めぐみ1, 小野寺真理1, 小原美智子1, 加藤博孝1, 松永高志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 504-504, 2014.

Japanese Article About in-hospital education about the basic knowledge of the pass which utilized 1-PE-11 E- learning
佐藤耕一郎1, 加藤博孝1, 小野寺真理2, 廣沼めぐみ2, 小原美智子2, 中村由美子3, 藤原直人3, 氏家基元3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 504-504, 2014.

Japanese Article An effect and analysis of the enlightenment activity of the pass by 1-PE-12 inside the hospital pass Committee
米山紀夫, 瀬田裕子, 青木絵梨, 小山潤子, 野本薫, 北原富美子, 井出ひとみ, 岡田雅仁
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 505-505, 2014.

Japanese Article Effect of the "pass making meeting" holding for 1-PE-13 pass creator upbringing
千葉友紀, 高橋奈美
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 505-505, 2014.

Japanese Article Challenge 1 ... which makes a dish simmered in ... potato pass thinking about 1-PE-14 pass education workshop, and is new
森敦子, 長塚真紀子, 阿部恵里, 饗場智, 飛塚里香, 高橋美佐子, 間中英夫
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 505-505, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to the knowledge improvement for the 1-PE-15 outcome pass evaluation
平松直子, 日向綾香, 伊藤由佳里, 伊賀祐子, 南條幸美
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 505-505, 2014.

Japanese Article Importance of the outcome evaluation that we were able to see in 1-PE-16 Varian's analysis society
佐藤美季, 中里由香里, 田村彩夏, 黒岩隼, 富田俊, 佐藤弘晃, 安東立正
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 506-506, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the clinical pass Committee activity in the 1-PE-17 our hospital
脇園由貴子, 関戸哲利, 岡本康, 竹内康晴, 遠藤敏子, 曽布川香, 小野真由美, 関好秀, 向後弘明, 大場薫
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 506-506, 2014.

Japanese Article Distance and questionnaire results ... until 1-PE-18 first pass meet - holding
菊池美保子1, 大山貴之2, 小川夏子3, 村越直人4, 松永高志5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 506-506, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... from trial - questionnaire results to 1-PE-19 clinical pass meet success
竹中恵子, 新田早織, 川角朝美, 栗原結香, 関本員裕
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 506-506, 2014.

Japanese Article Review of the pass meeting in the 1-PE-20 our hospital
桐渕恵, 森下聡美, 山賀理恵, 細渕節子, 池田士郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 507-507, 2014.

Japanese Article The 1-PE-21 clinical pass meet that we aimed at "the patients and the pass which was kind to hospital management"
後山文子, 山本靖子, 谷口悦子, 中西寛子, 小西康信, 坂井信幸
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 507-507, 2014.

Japanese Article Challenge 2 ... which is new mind of ... hospitality to think about 1-PE-22 exhibition pass meeting
二瓶富士子, 大石倫子, 莅戸佳子, 梅津千津子, 鈴木恵美子, 飛塚里香, 高橋美佐子, 間中英夫
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 507-507, 2014.

Japanese Article Invention about the pass study meeting of the 1-PE-23 our hospital
金長ゆかり1, 井上聡2, 渡辺輝子2, 小谷野圭子2, 青柳京子2, 木暮友美2, 橋本瑠美2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 507-507, 2014.

Japanese Article What kind of influence does the 1-PE-24 clinical pass meeting have on pass making?
鮫島正俊, 木村孝, 西村美佐, 平岡健児, 平田正純
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 508-508, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the subarachnoid hemorrhage clinical pass that paid its attention to 1-PF-01 nourishment management
森久恵, 高橋淳, 本郷卓, 桧泰子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 508-508, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the nutrition education introduction in the 1-PF-02 cardiac catheterization pass
大坂泰子, 木川田佳代, 佐々木恵駒, 小野田千秋, 加茂博美
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 508-508, 2014.

Japanese Article About the nutrition education enforcement situation in the 1-PF-03 clinical pass
大久保祐子, 加藤みえ子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 508-508, 2014.

Japanese Article Review of the clinical pass for the use of 1-PF-04 special diet expansion
浦上泰子, 小寺由美, 新田和美, 佐々木千佳, 中村麻衣子, 徳山麻里, 野内優子, 長浦翔, 松本孝子, 藤井幸枝
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 509-509, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to the term unification of the diet item of the clinical pass in the 1-PF-05 our hospital
宮島功1, 鍵本由紀2, 尾知美穂2, 西井幸信2, 宮澤靖1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 509-509, 2014.

Japanese Article Activity of our hospital clinical pass Committee until 1-PF-06 electron pass introduction
溝田園子, 須賀正和, 柚木茂, 高岡恵, 竹内利恵
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 509-509, 2014.

Japanese Article Problems to an electronic pass shift with the 1-PF-07 electronic chart introduction
櫻庭弘康, 間山明美, 船木久美, 佐藤晴美, 辻富美子, 福士英子, 黒滝幸代, 小田桐千秋, 山口多香子, 黒田令子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 509-509, 2014.

Japanese Article About electronic pass introduction in the 1-PF-08 our hospital
黒田令子, 櫻庭弘康, 阿部正彦, 高橋新一, 福士英子, 辻富美子, 船木久美, 佐藤晴美, 間山明美, 山口多香子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 510-510, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the physician office work work assistant in the 1-PF-09 electron pass introduction
宇佐美深雪1, 川上諒人2, 今尾裕子3, 坂口友和3, 川口雅裕1, 松波和寿1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 510-510, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to cardiac catheterization clinical pass computerization in our 1-PF-10 ward
斉藤節子, 松尾弥枝, 長谷川信, 川島卓, 杉本厚子, 本多理恵, 樫沢鈴子, 林幸恵
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 510-510, 2014.

Japanese Article Problem ... to action ... computerization to a clinical pass in the 1-PF-11 our hospital
丸尾原義, 西崎朗, 大下ひろみ
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 510-510, 2014.

Japanese Article For electronic clinical pass introduction situation "paper pass zero" of the 1-PF-12 our hospital
垂佐登子1, 加治正知2, 池田寿美1, 前田知保1, 妙円園和代1, 瀬戸弘2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 511-511, 2014.

Japanese Article 1-PF-13 electron pass introduces BOM into outcome with becoming it and
山口多香子1, 黒田令子2, 櫻庭弘康2, 福士英子3, 辻富美子3, 大坂雄二4, 小田桐千秋4, 黒滝幸代1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 511-511, 2014.

Japanese Article Improvement of the critical path that utilized 1-PF-14 BOM
松下君代, 漆戸直子, 川西幸子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 511-511, 2014.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the pass improvement that paid its attention to a classification, pain control and self-care out of 1-PF-15 BOM
漆戸直子, 松下君代
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 511-511, 2014.

Japanese Article Master making and review of the pass by the 1-PF-16 electronic chart system shift
山口紀代佳, 吉原依里, 小野田一枝, 中山百合子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 512-512, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to the master making of the 1-PF-17 nursing task
小川弘子1, 奥村智子1, 山埼友義2, 鈴木宗王2, 荒木賢二2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 512-512, 2014.

Japanese Article Trial of circulatory organ medical service and the intensive care unit cooperation by the 1-PF-18 process pass introduction
三浦敏恵1, 福井美絵1, 竹中由美子1, 武森紗也1, 内城順子2, 福岡理恵2, 石神賢一3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 512-512, 2014.

Japanese Article Introduction of the pass electronic for the 1-PF-19 cancer of the esophagus perioperative period
植村則久1, 小川倫世2, 村井一輝2, 安部哲也1, 川合亮佑1, 篠田雅幸1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 512-512, 2014.

Japanese Article Operational report myocardial infarction of the patients state ecad pass in the 1-PF-20 critical care center
廣瀬貴大, 谷畠進太郎, 中嶋都代
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 513-513, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the proximal thighbone bone fracture pass which adopted 1-PG-01 motion, a cognitive usability test
目良紳介1, 髭内紀幸2, 中村宅雄2, 澤田篤史2, 山上眞知子3, 鈴木桂子3, 笠井一憲4, 東紗貴5, 本間久嗣6
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 513-513, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the clinical pass in the 1-PG-02 articular head prosthesis implantation
森田智子, 駒井宏美, 大野隆一郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 513-513, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the outcome evaluation in the case using the 1-PG-03 femoral neck fracture pass
戸田一潔1, 田島理1, 仲泉舞2, 本田大吾3, 土井智文4, 山下宮子2, 川添千愛2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 513-513, 2014.

Japanese Article The Varian's analysis of the 1-PG-04 thighbone neck, trochanter part bone fracture pass and future problem
金井信善1, 古川智恵1, 臼田喜美子1, 山本美千代1, 瀬川正孝2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 514-514, 2014.

Japanese Article After 1-PG-05 femoral neck fracture surgery about the validity of the differentiation pass of the patients
秋山茂雄1, 相川律子1, 井上左央里1, 佐藤妙子1, 粕谷博幸1, 奥秋拓未1, 宮本哲2, 佐々木伸2, 小杉雅英2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 514-514, 2014.

Japanese Article For the satisfaction that is higher than revision - of passing it a 1-PG-06 thighbone trochanter part bone fracture -
川添泰臣1, 永吉隆作1, 濱田知美2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 514-514, 2014.

Japanese Article Clinical pass making of the 1-PG-07 compression fracture conservative therapy
川添千愛, 仲泉舞, 村上未紗, 山下宮子, 戸田一潔
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 514-514, 2014.

Japanese Article Spinal compression fracture conservative treatment by 1-PG-08 orthopedics, general medicine, many types of job cooperation pass
小林直子1, 荒幡昌久1, 長谷川真之2, 苅田充明2, 小林歩4, 南眞司3, 清水幸裕3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 515-515, 2014.

Japanese Article Algetic Varian's analysis in the 1-PG-09 bone fragile-related vertebral body bone fracture clinical pass
中川梓1, 森崎崇文2, 今屋将美1, 中山善晴3, 清田克彦3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 515-515, 2014.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the 1-PG-10 cervical vertebrae vertebral arch plastic surgery clinical pass
染矢朋子, 加藤和子, 堤奈緒子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 515-515, 2014.

Japanese Article The operational results based on Varian's analysis of the 1-PG-11 cervical spine vertebral arch plastic surgery pass
仲田紀彦1, 侭田敏且1, 早坂豪1, 栗本久嗣1, 井上純羽2, 宮崎華子2, 熊谷幸恵2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 515-515, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the Varian's of the 1-PG-12 endoscope lower lumbar herniated disk enucleation pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 516-516, 2014.

Japanese Article We look at the 1-PG-13 lumbar vertebrae endoscope and investigate Varian's of the surgery clinical pass
三澤弘道, 堤本高宏, 由井睦樹, 古作英実, 大場悠己, 鎌仲貴之, 太田浩史
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 516-516, 2014.

Japanese Article Revision of the 2 days and 1 night myelography pass for burden on 1-PG-14 patients reduction
増田千春, 鈴木久美子, 長谷川恵子, 八木澤美代子, 石川里香子, 伊藤淳二
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 516-516, 2014.

Japanese Article Revision from 1-PG-15 2 days and 1 night myelography pass to a one-day pass
伊藤淳二, 増田千春, 鈴木久美子, 長谷川恵子, 八木澤美代子, 石川黒香子, 塩崎崇, 岸谷正樹, 吉川圭, 武田温
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 516-516, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of one crutch walking acquisition time in the 1-PG-16 total knee replacement pass
桑原萌1, 恒松剛士1, 牛島武1, 米村美樹1, 今屋将美1, 東利雄1, 清田克彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 517-517, 2014.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the 1-PG-17 artificial knee joint replacement clinical pass
井上香菜, 多田春菜, 今井夏見, 石田美枝, 白木由美子, 古川清美, 大塚孝子, 藤井淳平, 斉藤裕, 高野靖悟
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 517-517, 2014.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the 1-PG-18 total knee replacement pass
小松明夫, 岡上裕介, 石井初恵, 森下大輔, 西川愛美
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 517-517, 2014.

Japanese Article It is an inhibitor of the discharge clinical pass achievement after 1-PG-19 total knee replacement technique for five days
町田理恵子, 妹尾賢和, 宮内秀徳, 伊藤美雪, 金山竜沢, 東秀隆, 蟹沢泉
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 517-517, 2014.

Japanese Article Clinical pass present conditions report of the 1-PG-20 one side total knee prosthesis single condyle replacement
國井美聡, 長岡美紀子, 志斉淳子, 清野聖実, 長岡由佳, 木村夏実
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 518-518, 2014.

Japanese Article Do the contents of the 1-PG-21 THA clinical pass influence a hip joint function after an operation?
中山敏也1, 徳永邦彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 518-518, 2014.

Japanese Article Total hip replacement clinical pass revision along the needs of the 1-PG-22 patients
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 518-518, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the clinical pass without 1-PG-23 ankle bone fracture postoperative load restrictions
山内正雄, 明比統裕, 渡部俊郎, 工藤和美, 明比統裕, 水間恒, 松井瑞恵, 西尾祐二, 白形陽生, 石丸泰光
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 518-518, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the discharge clinical pass early after 1-PG-24 rotator cuff of shoulder tear technique
馬上泰次郎1, 美馬沙織1, 木村孝1, 入江保雄1, 清水啓史1, 平田正純1, 黒川正夫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 519-519, 2014.

Japanese Article We look at the 1-PG-25 mirror and report an action with the revision of the lower rotator cuff surgical repair (ARCR) pass
寺岡莉沙1, 森安隆宗1, 小西あけみ2, 中村立一3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 519-519, 2014.

Japanese Article It is featured the patients after heart blood vessel technique judging from 1-PH-01 Varian's analysis
矢野諭美1, 大田綾香1, 平田愛1, 大坪由紀子1, 橋本みや子1, 吉見幸子1, 小野典子1, 尾池文隆2, 荒家大輔3, 松田茂裕3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 519-519, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the clinical pass introduction in the 1-PH-02 transcatheter aortic valve replacement
大島愛子1, 三橋弘嗣2, 河田萌生1, 熊澤佐友里1, 上村陽子1, 小池沙織1, 西山沙希1, 阿部恒平3, 岡村大介4, 鈴木千晴1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 519-519, 2014.

Japanese Article Review on the basis of the statistical evaluation for 1-PH-03 valve replacement, the valvoplasty pass
荒木里菜1, 中島静香1, 久米悠太2, 齋藤博之2, 勝呂美那1, 平居えり1, 岩崎祐志1, 栗原美夏1, 八木優子1, 矢代恭子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 520-520, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to puncture department bleeding Varian's of the 1-PH-04 pulmonary vein isolation technique
清水幸子, 平田かなえ, 藤井真也, 佐川奏恵, 若生祥子, 里見彩花, 庄司香奈, 庄司尚子, 林崎紫織, 三上麻美
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 520-520, 2014.

Japanese Article A present conditions evaluation and problem extraction of the 1-PH-05 our hospital coronary bypass surgery clinical pass
松石雄二朗1, 伊藤丈二2, 森田敦子1, 脇阪美帆1, 市瀬雄一3, 斎藤瑛梨香3, 阿部恒平3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 520-520, 2014.

Japanese Article Introduction of the heart rehabilitation contents in the 1-PH-06 cardiovascular surgery pass
野村恭佑, 野辺めぐみ, 吉本千鶴, 中麻里子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 520-520, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the pass deviation factor in the 1-PH-07 feeling great vessels post-operative rehabilitation
宮崎晋宏1, 岡村大介1, 小林令奈1, 加藤菜々実1, 黒田栄史1, 阿部恒平2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 521-521, 2014.

Japanese Article It is improved the pass to the heart rehabilitation deconditioning prevention after 1-PH-08 emergency PCI technique
杉本綾子1, 水口多佳子1, 吉田瑞葵1, 増山英子1, 平瀬美香子1, 川岸孝美1, 油谷伊佐央2, 永田義毅2, 臼田和生2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 521-521, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the going to hospital feeling rehabilitation pass to start from the 1-PH-09 outpatient department [the first report]
本間豪1, 大沼健1, 冨樫明菜2, 齋藤美保2, 佐々木愛李3, 桐林伸幸4, 菅原重生4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 521-521, 2014.

Japanese Article 1-PH-10 Making of the going to hospital feeling rehabilitation pass to start from the outpatient department [the second report]
冨樫明菜1, 齋藤美保1, 本間豪2, 大沼健2, 菅原重生3, 桐林伸幸3, 佐々木愛李4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 521-521, 2014.

Japanese Article Rehabilitation pass after the endoscopic lower rear vertebral pulp enucleation of the 1-PH-11 lumbar herniated disk
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 522-522, 2014.

Japanese Article It is examined the hospitalization after 1-PH-12 total hip replacement technique
村瀬崇宏1, 西川みなみ1, 日比野圭祐1, 川口雅裕2, 松波和寿2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 522-522, 2014.

Japanese Article Use and inspection of the 1-PH-13 perioperative rehabilitation clinical pass
山下裕1, 會津恵司2, 大口真由3, 北村健人1, 京地拓也1, 弓納持里奈1, 山口竜三2, 古田美保2, 笹本彰紀2, 金井道夫2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 522-522, 2014.

Japanese Article Action aiming at 1-PH-14 ward pass and an interlocking movement of the rehabilitation
杉浦宏和1, 小山昭人1, 山本さつき2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 522-522, 2014.

Japanese Article The 1-PH-15 electronic clinical pass introduction shortens time to rehabilitation intervention
東條裕介1, 加治正知2, 小山ゆき子1, 上村亘1, 水溜幸一1, 野田辰彦1, 川崎真理子1, 瀬戸弘2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 523-523, 2014.

Japanese Article A change and proximal thighbone bone fracture clinical pass of the 1-PH-16 sickbed regime
小菅秀子1, 梅澤沙織1, 村上奈都子1, 菊池峰子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 523-523, 2014.

Japanese Article It is effect on locomotiveness after the operation of the lesser trochanter bone fracture merger in the 1-PH-17 thighbone trochanter part bone fracture
山崎彰久1, 青山誠1, 大野和則2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 523-523, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the at-home return rate by the difference in technique in the proximal 1-PH-18 our hospital thighbone bone fracture
田口隆宏, 尾形竜也, 脇田重明
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 523-523, 2014.

Japanese Article Outcome prediction of the femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass use person using the 1-PH-19 FIM
佐藤浩通1, 野本聡2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 524-524, 2014.

Japanese Article Trend ... of the 1-PH-20 Quanzhou thighbone regional alliances pass - cooperation hospital in these 3 years
河村彩乃1, 脇田重明2, 尾形竜也2, 大川恵子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 524-524, 2014.

Japanese Article The change of pulmonary embolism, the deep vein thrombosis pass in the 1-PI-01 our hospital and the evaluation
丹羽智, 藤野晋, 山口正人, 野路善博, 馬渕智仁, 藤岡研佐, 青山隆彦
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 524-524, 2014.

Japanese Article The DVT measures using the colon cancer clinical pass in 1-PI-02 our(DM) department and the effect
中村慶史1, 廣瀬淳史1, 伏田幸夫1, 太田哲生1, 松村緑2, 長野有希2, 鶴原友輔2, 三浦優花2, 山岡紳介3, 林哲郎4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 524-524, 2014.

Japanese Article Correspondence ... to present situation ... most high-risk group of the perioperative venous thrombosis prevention in the 1-PI-03 our hospital
堀込実岐1, 小木曽由香2, 池井肇1, 白鳥一明3, 遠藤秀紀3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 525-525, 2014.

Japanese Article Clinical pass improvement for the purpose of hospitalization shortening of 1-PI-04 respiratory organs surgical patients
石田将和1, 中村彰太2, 加藤毅人2, 逵中悠季1, 佐伯純1, 足立なぎさ1, 横井香平2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 525-525, 2014.

Japanese Article It is action ... of ... surgery ward for standardization of the 1-PI-05 medical care
三枝享, 越水美菜, 梶原貴子, 志村ひろみ, 羽田真朗
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 525-525, 2014.

Japanese Article Activity as the team approach in medical care based on the 1-PI-06 percutaneous peripheral vessels plastic surgery pass
西野百恵, 作井未来
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 525-525, 2014.

Japanese Article New electronic pass making and use of the 1-PI-07 acute aortic dissection Stanford type B
柳井佳子, 緒方佐智子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 526-526, 2014.

Japanese Article To 1-PI-08 abdominal aortic aneurysm artificial blood vessel replacement pass version up wrestle
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 526-526, 2014.

Japanese Article About the application standard of the clinical pass in the 1-PI-09 thoracotomy / pneumoscope lower pneumonectomy
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 526-526, 2014.

Japanese Article About clinical pass use of the bubonocele in the 1-PI-10 our hospital
渡辺菜央, 植木秀功, 中平啓子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 526-526, 2014.

Japanese Article Validity of the clinical pass forced to revision by by 1-PI-11 fee-for-service revision
村越直人1, 駒田共章2, 杉本浩一1, 宮崎香織1, 原健1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 527-527, 2014.

Japanese Article About Varian's analysis of the 1-PI-12 ERCP pass
石黒康浩1, 瀬ノ尾敬済2, 竹井亜利沙2, 高橋和子2, 高橋とも子2, 松本秀子2, 大塚孝子2, 荒木正雄1, 高野靖悟1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 527-527, 2014.

Japanese Article It is surveyed Varian's analysis and the future for becoming it 1-PI-13 ERCP electron pass flexible
加藤英子1, 山本隆一2, 原田佳奈1, 和田春菜1, 山口愛美1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 527-527, 2014.

Japanese Article About Varian's analysis of the 1-PI-14 our hospital ERCP clinical pass
小原美智子, 小野寺真理, 廣沼めぐみ, 中村由美子, 佐藤耕一郎, 加藤博孝
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 527-527, 2014.

Japanese Article Review through the Varian's analysis of the 1-PI-15 gastric fistula pass
今尾裕子1, 大野智子1, 宇佐美深雪2, 全秀嶺2, 川口雅裕2, 松波和寿2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 528-528, 2014.

Japanese Article Revision of the gastrostomosis pass by the 1-PI-16 inside the hospital cooperation
小南麻美1, 小南麻美1, 土田直美1, 鶴巻玲子1, 小向里江子1, 吉田尚美2, 橋爪英二3, 藤川悠子3, 菅原重生4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 528-528, 2014.

Japanese Article Make a 1-PI-17 colonoscopic examination clinical pass
須永智江, 須田旬子, 橋本春美, 田部井康浩, 加藤寿英, 桐山真典, 内藤浩
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 528-528, 2014.

Japanese Article It is examined the adaptation expansion to a course other than 1-PI-18 our(DM) department ileus pass
佐藤敏, 石山聡治, 吾妻祐哉, 飯塚彬光, 中川暢彦, 長谷川裕高, 本田倫代, 森俊明, 横井一樹, 鈴木祐一
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 528-528, 2014.

Japanese Article Problems ... of ... this time when we got it from Varian's analysis of the 1-PI-19 ileus pass
浅田美代子, 赤塩比呂子, 岡嵜直子, 須田かお里, 平方光子, 倉林誠, 棚橋美文
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 529-529, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis of two phases of ileus passes which aimed at 100% of 1-PI-20 successful execution rates
住倉智恵1, 大津優香1, 小山田美穂1, 河田ゆり子1, 松本秀子1, 大塚孝子1, 藤平大介2, 保刈岳雄2, 高野靖悟2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 529-529, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination and problem of the follow-up pass in the 1-PI-21 surgery ward
藤原理佐, 千葉恵美, 上野瞳, 下斗米省哉
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 529-529, 2014.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis in the 1-PI-22 upper gastrointestinal bleeding pass
高濱岐江, 丸橋貴美子, 北尾美沙, 乙益真理, 木庭薫
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 529-529, 2014.

Japanese Article It is a prostatic complete removal technique pass using recovery reinforcement protocol (ERAS) after 1-PI-23 technique
古平喜一郎1, 花島文成1, 安水洋太1, 鈴木賢次郎1, 城武卓1, 小山政史1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 530-530, 2014.

Japanese Article Introduction of the preoperation oral rehydration therapy with the 1-PI-24 clinical pass
谷口絢子, 横井繁周, 戸川保, 隨原さとえ, 岡本美佳, 森北裕美子, 越後朋彦
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 530-530, 2014.

Japanese Article Instruction to patient ... for analysis and the operation of 1-PI-25 perioperative large intestine excision pass making - current pass
橋本美穂1, 田中美香1, 三隅留美子1, 古木アケミ1, 庄野文子1, 中村唯1, 小川克大1, 高森啓史1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 530-530, 2014.

Japanese Article The 1-PI-26 technique gastrectomy pass which drinks water on the day on oral supplementary water, the operation next day, and starts it
菅原祐美, 海野賢司, 千葉光子, 高橋美穂, 小山田尚
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 530-530, 2014.

Japanese Article We revise it at the oral intake time of the 1-PI-27 peritoneoscope lower total gastrectomy pass
矢口健太1, 海藤章郎2, 中原理恵3, 松下尚之2, 小林美奈子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 531-531, 2014.

Japanese Article Impact of subject of 1-PJ-01 "basics charges 3 such as short stay surgery" having been extended
渡邊純二1, 金城昌明2, 舘孝子3, 杉田優里華3, 山中真人3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 531-531, 2014.

Japanese Article Actions to a clinical pass corresponding to basics charges 3 such as 1-PJ-02 short stay surgery
小林崇広, 荒木亮介, 岸本恵司, 土田宏昭
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 531-531, 2014.

Japanese Article Pass revision corresponding to basics charges 3 such as 1-PJ-03 short stay surgery
舩野正吾, 柴野賢, 川瀬朋乃, 谷口孝江, 糟谷恵子, 佐々木裕一郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 531-531, 2014.

Japanese Article Inspection of the prostate biopsy pass with the basics charges 3 calculation such as 1-PJ-04 short stay surgery
千明賛子1, 篠田一樹1, 杉本厚子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 532-532, 2014.

Japanese Article 1-PJ-05 inguinal hernia clinical pass Varian's analysis
大西ゆかり1, 八木健2, 小松由佳3, 尾知美穂3, 濱田亜矢子3, 鍵本由紀3, 西井幸信3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 532-532, 2014.

Japanese Article Cost appraisal of the varicose veins of lower extremities surgery 2 days and 1 night hospitalization pass in the 1-PJ-06 DPC Hospital
小西康信1, 宮本征弥2, 山本靖子3, 中西寛子4, 小山忠明1, 坂井信幸5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 532-532, 2014.

Japanese Article Varicose veins of lower extremities surgery pass revision with the 1-PJ-07 2014 fee-for-service revision
渡辺輝子, 井上聡, 河原真理, 青柳京子, 金長ゆかり, 浦山望, 樫尾恵子, 小谷野圭子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 532-532, 2014.

Japanese Article Introduction experience of the 1-PJ-08 day return varicose veins of lower extremities stripping clinical pass
高志賢太郎, 上杉英之, 平山統一
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 533-533, 2014.

Japanese Article Short stay electronic clinical pass making of the 1-PJ-09 crystalline lens reconstruction
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 533-533, 2014.

Japanese Article Additional making ... for 1-PJ-10 cataract surgery pass - 2 days and 1 night
柿森幸恵1, 中谷潤2, 下谷栄司2, 和田愛子1, 西平貴代佳1, 新谷ひとみ1, 小林隆幸3, 永澤昌4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 533-533, 2014.

Japanese Article Revise it on a hospitalization pass on the 1-PJ-11 cataract surgery (crystalline lens reconstruction) day
本藤照美, 正村睦子, 田中瑞宝, 高橋廣成, 島田悠
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 533-533, 2014.

Japanese Article About a pass clinical after gastric cancer technique in the 1-PJ-12 Matsuyama Municipal Hospital
柚木茂, 関谷渚, 河田直海, 上平裕樹, 溝田園子, 隅田美里, 梅川由紀
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 534-534, 2014.

Japanese Article Revision of the 1-PJ-13 pylorus side gastrectomy pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 534-534, 2014.

Japanese Article About the revision of the 1-PJ-14 peritoneoscope lower gastrectomy clinical pass
稲垣絢子1, 辰見香奈1, 浦依吏佳1, 高長雅美1, 加治正英2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 534-534, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... for a perioperative pass wrestling by 1-PJ-15 peritoneoscope lower gastrectomy pass revision - team
藤田文子, 五十嵐久美, 中村有紀子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 534-534, 2014.

Japanese Article About preoperation risk assessment and days of hospitalization of the 1-PJ-16 our hospital stomach malignant tumor surgery
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 535-535, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the 1-PJ-17 cancer of the esophagus surgery gullet rebuilding pass
磯川日出美1, 太田幸代1, 早津直1, 都築美穂1, 岡嶋彩乃1, 柚原真紀子1, 山内理恵1, 丹羽由紀子2, 岩田直樹2, 小池聖彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 535-535, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the 1-PJ-18 cancer of the esophagus surgery small intestine rebuilding pass
早津直1, 太田幸代1, 磯川日出美1, 都築美穂1, 岡嶋彩乃1, 柚原真紀子1, 山内理恵1, 丹羽由紀子2, 大屋久晴2, 小池聖彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 535-535, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the pharmacist in the 1-PJ-19 cancer of the esophagus chemoradiotherapy pass making
品川理加1, 丸岡博信1, 須藤弥生1, 近藤理香2, 吉野礼子2, 斉藤春美2, 佐藤弘晃3, 安東立正3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 535-535, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the primary reconstructive pass with the 1-PJ-20 mammectomy tissue dilator
吉原依里, 渡邉美和, 山口紀代佳, 中山百合子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 536-536, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the new outcome by the Varian's analysis of the 1-PJ-21 mammectomy pass
大年有香, 良元和久, 森本康江, 柘植範子, 島田英介, 鈴木康之
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 536-536, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the reconstruction of the breast pass by the autologous organization which aimed at the improvement of 1-PJ-22 discharge guidance
森影由美恵, 津田佳奈, 藤田明子, 田村有希乃, 井内郁代
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 536-536, 2014.

Japanese Article The flexible of the 1-PJ-23 large intestine surgery clinical pass analyzes Varian's for becoming it
原田佳奈, 岡村薫, 山口愛美, 和田春菜, 沖田典子, 小林弘典, 宮本勝也
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 536-536, 2014.

Japanese Article For the introduction of the large intestine surgery flexible pass in the 1-PJ-24 our hospital
小林弘典, 宮本勝也
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 537-537, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the Varian's in the planned laparoscopic cholecystectomy pass of the 1-PJ-25 our hospital
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 537-537, 2014.

Japanese Article Perioperative risk in the pancreaticoduodenectomy of the elderly people who saw it from 1-PJ-26 pass
岡田恭穂1, 元井冬彦1, 水間正道1, 中川圭2, 林洋毅1, 深瀬耕二1, 森川孝則1, 吉田寛1, 片寄友2, 海野倫明1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 537-537, 2014.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the 1-PJ-27 TAE pass
半田さやか, 内田桂子, 藤田奈穂, 松本華奈, 鵜池純子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 537-537, 2014.

Japanese Article From 2-PA-01 Shonai southern part acute myocardial infarction pass setup after one year
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 541-541, 2014.

Japanese Article Work on the revision of the pass for the 2-PA-02 myocardial infarction regional alliances pass patients
西野瑞代, 久保洋子, 新里拓郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 541-541, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis for the operational grasp of the 2-PA-03 PCI regional alliances pass and the future action
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 541-541, 2014.

Japanese Article The diabetes regional alliances pass practice contents second of the 2-PA-04 Isesaki Municipal Hospital
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 541-541, 2014.

Japanese Article Discussion of the effectiveness of the regional alliances pass using the 2-PA-05 diabetes cooperation notebook
畑崎聖弘1, 渡邉裕尭1, 清水彩洋子1, 藤田洋平1, 藤木典隆1, 田鍋浩美3, 奥野優恵2, 宇山美妃2, 小山郁子2, 馬屋原豊1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 542-542, 2014.

Japanese Article Total support after our hospital discharge in patients with 2-PA-06 gonarthrosis
鈴木勝也, 谷口侑花, 北川敦子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 542-542, 2014.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the pass including the health enhancement institution for the person with 2-PA-07 gonarthrosis
松儀怜1, 中井詔子1, 喜田恵2, 中村立一3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 542-542, 2014.

Japanese Article The action that used the website to patients family with the uneasiness of the 2-PA-08 hospital transfer
橋本裕明, 佐藤真千子, 加納千華, 竹田いずみ, 東原恵利, 田辺弘子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 542-542, 2014.

Japanese Article A fact and problem of the dementia community medical care that the 2-PA-09 area staff recognizes
下村裕見子1, 大石智2, 廣岡孝陽2, 高橋恵2, 宮岡等2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 543-543, 2014.

Japanese Article New making of the 2 days and 1 night follow-up hospitalization pass in patients in 2-PA-10 emergent admission
中谷潤1, 下谷栄司1, 片岡光子1, 和田愛子2, 新谷ひとみ2, 永澤昌3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 543-543, 2014.

Japanese Article Computerization of the 2-PA-11 follow-up hospitalization pass
青木誠礼, 竹内英輝
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 543-543, 2014.

Japanese Article The use situation and problem of the 2-PA-12 anaphylaxis pass
渡辺悦子1, 新井美香1, 高寺由美子1, 中野実2, 藤塚健次2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 543-543, 2014.

Japanese Article Action for the electronic introduction of the 2-PA-13 operating room general anesthesia pass
山崎雅恵1, 片貝奈緒美1, 増山愛美1, 吉野礼子1, 近藤理香1, 三枝典子1, 丸岡博信2, 安東立正3, 伊佐之孝4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 544-544, 2014.

Japanese Article It is tested the postoperative complications by the change after 2-PA-14 lumber anesthesia technique at rest time
金子美穂1, 大道友美1, 木谷公亮2, 前川謙悟3, 大嶋秀一4, 岩村つゆ子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 544-544, 2014.

Japanese Article About a change of the wearing time in the 2-PA-15 respirator secession unit pass
管田塁1, 荒木康幸1, 上杉英之2, 西上和宏2, 小妻幸男3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 544-544, 2014.

Japanese Article We manage 2-PA-16 anti-disaster measures manual with a pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 544-544, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the 2-PB-01 pneumonia pilot pass
平野友恵1, 早崎会里果1, 山本ひとみ1, 下條隆2, 森秀法3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 545-545, 2014.

Japanese Article The results of the making of the pass for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) where 2-PB-02 was admitted to and the short-term use
山崎善隆1, 菅原まり子1, 塩原美和2, 成田敬一2, 中島恵利子2, 鶴田雄士3, 田中健二4, 藤原祝子5, 荒井園子5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 545-545, 2014.

Japanese Article Standardization of the pass antimicrobial based on the 2-PB-03 pneumonia clinical pass use analysis
杉野安輝1, 滝俊一1, 奥村隼也1, 三田亮1, 大田亜希子1, 高木康之1, 加藤早紀2, 柴田悦子3, 中林敏4, 岡本泰岳4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 545-545, 2014.

Japanese Article Make an aspiration pneumonia pass aiming at a discharge in 2-PB-04 early stage
渡邊佳央里, 福田ひろみ, 島津弘美, 田中さとみ, 丹羽好子, 増田篤紀, 都竹晃文, 大野裕之, 奥田英隆, 吉田理江
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 545-545, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the aspiration pneumonia pass based on the comparison between 2-PB-05 charge clinical departments
的野可奈, 伊東啓行, 小山徹也, 森園周祐, 長崎洋司, 佐々木ひとみ, 岡原和人, 真島加奈
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 546-546, 2014.

Japanese Article Use experience of the aspiration pneumonia clinical pass that we made in 2-PB-06 our hospital
増田篤紀1, 都竹晃文1, 村上杏理1, 傍島卓也1, 松野祥彦1, 浅野文祐1, 渡邉佳央里2, 大野裕之3, 奥田英隆4, 伊藤理恵子5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 546-546, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to aspiration pneumonia pass computerization that we cooperate with the 2-PB-07 many types of job
高田左代美, 真治知美
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 546-546, 2014.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the aspiration pneumonia pass of the 2-PB-08 our hospital
高木誠, 河野麻美, 一門和哉, 町田二郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 546-546, 2014.

Japanese Article The tuberculosis pass use situation after the 2-PB-09 correction and future problem
宮澤ともよ1, 山田千恵子1, 塩原美和1, 宮島寛幸2, 石沢豪3, 山崎善隆4, 和城光庸5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 547-547, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the pass use in the 2-PC-01 digestive organ medical service and future problem
猪股光穗, 仙石清美, 梅川孝子, 深澤麻未, 太田美紀恵
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 547-547, 2014.

Japanese Article Nursing Varian's analysis - system analysis - of the 2-PC-02 S-1/CDDP therapy
喜田宏章, 平井貴子, 白石梨紗, 兵頭美来
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 547-547, 2014.

Japanese Article Problem - after the action - Varian's analysis of the 2-PC-03 pass working group
菊池智皓, 羽藤慎二, 小畠誉也, 舩井歩惟, 田中敦子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 547-547, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... about the way of the instruction to patient of heart failure pass revision - nurse of the 2-PC-04 our hospital
齊藤圭子1, 岩永薫1, 川俣里美1, 大城戸麻美2, 原田栄作3, 水野雄二3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 548-548, 2014.

Japanese Article Inspection of the informed consent in the slight brain refrigeration of the 2-PC-05 our hospital
小野寺真理, 小原美智子, 廣沼めぐみ, 中村由美子, 中村紳, 片山貴昌, 佐藤耕一郎, 加藤博孝
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 548-548, 2014.

Japanese Article Focus on examination - instruction to patient of the 2-PC-06 breast cancer surgery clinical pass; and -
大村由紀子, 横山知子, 廣渡真紀, 今田由美子, 平石絵里子, 古賀美砂紀
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 548-548, 2014.

Japanese Article Pass revision (to patients-centered pass) of all artificial knee joint replacement for patients with 2-PC-07 rheumatism
朝倉由記1, 小林信子1, 坂元実菜1, 河村直美1, 辻村ヒロミ1, 中麻里子2, 井内郁代2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 548-548, 2014.

Japanese Article Fact-finding about the own urine study after the 2-PC-08 diffuse panhysterectomy
本村彩香1, 楠本知行2, 大久保彩恵1, 清水美恵1, 香山裕子1, 平松絵美1, 中山元乃1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 549-549, 2014.

Japanese Article If urination during the 2-PC-09 epidural anaesthesia insertion is in a state, we examine it at urethral catheters withdrawal time
鹿野聖也, 川口智子, 安竹夏未, 大端孝
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 549-549, 2014.

Japanese Article Revise it for merit of the 2-PC-10 prostate biopsy pass and future problem - 2 days and 1 night; and ...
柿沼由香里, 中村敏之, 青木純子, 瀧澤幸子, 江泉友里子, 平田由貴子, 今井浩貴, 金子真綾
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 549-549, 2014.

Japanese Article Adopt the allied record in the operation of the endoscopic treatment on 2-PC-11 clinical pass
小谷内春美, 白崎恵子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 549-549, 2014.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the hospitalization nursing service by the 2-PC-12 children domain pass adaptation rate increase
高橋まり子, 下川原裕見子, 吉川朗, 菊池久美子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 550-550, 2014.

Japanese Article For the operating room nursing record that we can share by the 2-PC-13 many types of job
中島和香子, 岸良子, 市島哲, 中村立一
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 550-550, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the pass introduction in the 2-PD-01 pediatrics
長永京子, 塩谷英子, 西山敦史
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 550-550, 2014.

Japanese Article Action for the 2-PD-02 childhood illness pass adaptation rate improvement
下川原裕見子, 吉川朗, 菊池久美子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 550-550, 2014.

Japanese Article Making and use of the 2-PD-03 nursery clinical pass
原祥子, 木谷貴子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 551-551, 2014.

Japanese Article Trial of the phase-in for the 2-PD-04 neonates respiratory disorder clinical pass making
小池隆志, 兵頭裕美, 坂間隆, 中江聡子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 551-551, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the 2-PD-05 neonates hypothermia therapy pass
山野順子1, 中村雅子1, 山田陽子1, 久保田真通2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 551-551, 2014.

Japanese Article Pediatric pneumonia, making of the bronchitis pass that set the days according to 2-PD-06 underlying disease, a cause
千賀達子, 高橋弘剛, 松島文江, 高木奈津江, 玉川美貴
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 551-551, 2014.

Japanese Article Pediatric pneumonia, evaluation of the bronchitis pass that set the days according to 2-PD-07 underlying disease, a cause
松島文江, 高木奈津江, 玉川美貴, 千賀達子, 高橋弘剛
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 552-552, 2014.

Japanese Article Revision of the pass which adopted the viewpoint of the 2-PD-08 Kawasaki's disease clinical pass nursing
藤村菜奈1, 山下優美子1, 北口秀美1, 原知子1, 松田敏恵1, 堀田成紀2, 久保実2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 552-552, 2014.

Japanese Article Review of the 2-PD-09 Kawasaki's disease gamma globulin treatment pass
老月代志江, 東由香里, 橋本郁夫, 瀬川正孝
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 552-552, 2014.

Japanese Article Work on the revision of the 2-PD-10 lower respiratory tract infection pass; is ... for shortening of ... hospitalization
林亜希子, 小畠紗織, 竹中恵子, 小田忍, 森山光, 関本員裕, 池田政憲
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 552-552, 2014.

Japanese Article The 2-PD-11 child surgery day return surgery clinical pass present conditions and future problem
酒井晴夏1, 長曽佳代子1, 松村智子1, 新出博子1, 原知子1, 松田敏恵1, 下竹孝志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 553-553, 2014.

Japanese Article Trial of the evaluation of the multidirectional quality of the 2-PD-12 pediatrics pass
村上直子1, 神田祐子1, 昆野理恵子2, 三浦翔子2, 大津修2, 渕向透2, 中野亜希子3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 553-553, 2014.

Japanese Article Problem of critical path promotion Committee of the 2-PE-01 our hospital
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 553-553, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the activity by the 2-PE-02 pass person in charge
小原美和1, 井上アスカ2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 553-553, 2014.

Japanese Article Activation, promotion of the pass activity using the technique of the 2-PE-03 facilitation
下條隆1, 永田裕子2, 野村小夜子2, 小嵜まゆみ2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 554-554, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to the activity promotion of the clinical pass sectional meeting member in the 2-PE-04 A Hospital
矢野智美, 倉迫千春
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 554-554, 2014.

Japanese Article Action for a member of 2-PE-05 pass team to show a role as a link nurse
永井香奈子, 徳竹加代子, 下条円華, 横川史穂子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 554-554, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to a clinical pass in the 2-PE-06 clinical Banking Inspection Department
原薗真由美1, 村中利也1, 水元英子2, 野口智弘3, 中目康彦3, 昇卓夫3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 554-554, 2014.

Japanese Article About the activity of the cost team in 2-PE-07 pass Committee
藤本和子, 葉田真美子, 政木陽子, 坂本鈴子, 嵯峨真奈美, 多月絵美子, 中谷修平, 西田知佐紀
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 555-555, 2014.

Japanese Article Clinical pass operational inspection, action of the examination in the 2-PE-08 A Hospital
山本さつき, 僧都ひさ
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 555-555, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of our hospital clinical pass Committee for the 2-PE-09 pass application rate improvement
沢居亮太1, 吉田周平2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 555-555, 2014.

Japanese Article We work on a clinical pass promotion committee meeting for the 2-PE-10 pass adaptation rate improvement
吉川朗, 相馬淳, 菊池久美子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 555-555, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... for the rise in number of action ... making increase of the 2-PE-11 pass camp, adaptation rate
廣沼めぐみ, 浅沼由子, 小野寺真理, 小原美智子, 中村由美子, 佐藤耕一郎, 加藤博孝
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 556-556, 2014.

Japanese Article Activity of the support team for the proximal 2-PE-12 thighbone bone fracture pass revision
板倉有希子1, 樋口小真紀1, 藤井隆嘉2, 小橋文亜紀3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 556-556, 2014.

Japanese Article About clinical pass revision duties of our hospital of the 2-PE-13 this year
武田梨里1, 吉岡慎一1, 田村真理子2, 金谷美恵子2, 熊谷はじめ2, 乾由明1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 556-556, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to outcome-oriented promotion by the 2-PF-01 DWH pass record count tool utilization
岡本佳昭, 村山博和, 宮崎恵子, 柳沢由香里, 福永由枝子, 原幸久
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 556-556, 2014.

Japanese Article The clinical pass revision that utilized 2-PF-02 enforcement data
浅田美和, 内山真木子, 高井今日子, 井上貴久美, 嶋田元, 中島秀樹, 森下公輔
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 557-557, 2014.

Japanese Article Action to the pass revision using the 2-PF-03 pass statistics function
佐藤香織, 大沢宏至, 井出ひとみ
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 557-557, 2014.

Japanese Article The present situation of the electronic pass system for 2-PF-04 outcome evaluation, Varian's analyses
松崎勉, 田山麻衣, 池田智子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 557-557, 2014.

Japanese Article Data inspection and the problem that utilized the pass statistics function in the 2-PF-05 Varian's analysis
伊藤稔子1, 岩下明子1, 藤田由加里1, 水田啓介2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 557-557, 2014.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis system NECV in the 2-PF-06 electronic clinical pass
小妻幸男1, 中熊英貴1, 森崎真美1, 堀田春美2, 町田二郎3, 副島秀久1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 558-558, 2014.

Japanese Article Action aiming at 2-PF-07 certain Varian's count
上田将志, 古川智宏, 入江克実, 日高孝治
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 558-558, 2014.

Japanese Article Promotion of the computerization of the 2-PF-08 clinical pass
織邊智香子, 藤田直己
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 558-558, 2014.

Japanese Article About an action for the 2-PF-09 electron pass utilization
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 558-558, 2014.

Japanese Article Problem of the electronic chart pass revision with the 2-PF-10 generic medicine change
佐々木芳枝, 菅谷敏和, 岩井淳一, 年光康雄, 松永高志
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 559-559, 2014.

Japanese Article Development of the intellectual clinical pass system judging the 2-PF-11 patients situation
廣田健一1, 北守一隆2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 559-559, 2014.

Japanese Article Drafting of the clinical pass data shift policy with the 2-PF-12 electronic chart update
染谷裕1, 佐々木啓充1, 櫻田靖之1, 福田民江1, 久宿喜市1, 稲田正己1, 堂野恵三1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 559-559, 2014.

Japanese Article Pass computerization at 2-PF-13 "Benda change + system update": Reality, the present conditions and problem
高岡裕1, 松本将典2, 香川泰俊2, 関口紗代2, 清水由欣子2, 池上峰子2, 石坂雅志2, 四宮弘隆2, 西岡達也2, 丹生健一2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 559-559, 2014.

Japanese Article Introduction, making of the proximal 2-PG-01 thighbone bone fracture regional alliances pass
田村千幸, 振角和利, 細見篤史, 近藤美加, 井口綾子, 中川裕美子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 560-560, 2014.

Japanese Article Using 2-PG-02 femoral neck fracture inside the hospital cooperation pass
岩崎智美1, 西川瑛子1, 前田利子1, 脇田重明2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 560-560, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination about the osteoporotic treatment with proximal 2-PG-03 thighbone bone fracture regional alliances pass
伊藤博紀1, 佐藤毅1, 久保田均1, 安藤滋1, 岩本陽輔1, 高橋幸2, 高山勝子2, 小川菜穂子2, 荒木誠2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 560-560, 2014.

Japanese Article Varian's analysis of the femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass of the 2-PG-04 Murayama, Yamagata district
遠藤武秀1, 石井政次2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 560-560, 2014.

Japanese Article Comparison of the operational situation of the 2-PG-05 femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass
侭田敏且1, 飯島卓夫2, 徳山周2, 伊藤直美3, 水野清4, 柳田千尋5, 園田恭子5
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 561-561, 2014.

Japanese Article It is regional alliances pass analysis third report after proximal thighbone bone fracture technique in 2-PG-06 Minamisho
茂木紹良1, 佐藤智1, 岡部昌也2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 561-561, 2014.

Japanese Article It is regional alliances pass fourth report after proximal thighbone bone fracture technique in 2-PG-07 Minamisho
佐藤智, 茂木紹良
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 561-561, 2014.

Japanese Article It is regional alliances pass analysis fifth report after proximal thighbone bone fracture technique in 2-PG-08 Minamisho
茂木紹良1, 佐藤智1, 岡部昌也2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 561-561, 2014.

Japanese Article Comparison of proximal 2-PG-09 thighbone bone fracture inside the hospital pass and the regional alliances pass
堀本かよ1, 松下千浪1, 田附秀子1, 木村孝2, 平田正純3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 562-562, 2014.

Japanese Article A cause search of the 2-PG-10 femoral neck fracture regional alliances pass increase out of the adaptation and future problem
内海政紀, 氏家和枝, 畠山恵子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 562-562, 2014.

Japanese Article The questionnaire results in the 2-PG-11 femoral neck fracture regional alliances hospital and future problem
椿井誠, 宮市功典, 森本健, 中野勉, 岡田矩行, 佐々木麻紀
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 562-562, 2014.

Japanese Article Problems osteoporosis treatment and the contrafissura onset of the proximal 2-PG-12 thighbone bone fracture cooperation pass
上田康博1, 三崎智範1, 林雅之1, 石黒基1, 中西宏之1, 上野琢郎1, 村田淳2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 562-562, 2014.

Japanese Article After 2-PG-13 BKP/ Teriparatide regional alliances pass introduction, did the cooperation with the medical office strengthen it?
濱野恭佳, 宮崎木の実, 小谷俊明, 神谷朱美, 吉沢周子, 西村美矩, 伊藤恵美子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 563-563, 2014.

Japanese Article Making of the follow-up pass after the 2-PH-01 fall fall
荒井麻紀, 宮崎ゆか, 戸谷佳美, 塩原美和, 和城光庸
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 563-563, 2014.

Japanese Article Relation ... as making - physician of the 2-PH-02 slight illness cerebral infarction pass
大谷敏幸, 長島春香, 宮下美紀, 寺山梢恵, 小林里沙, 田中佑佳, 坂元一郎, 小川哲史, 栗原秀行
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 563-563, 2014.

Japanese Article Relation ... as making - nurse of the 2-PH-03 slight illness cerebral infarction pass
寺山梢恵, 宮下美紀, 長島春香, 高橋悦子, 小林里沙, 田中佑佳, 清水弘子, 大谷敏幸, 坂元一郎, 小川哲史
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 563-563, 2014.

Japanese Article Relation of the drug department in the 2-PH-04 slight illness cerebral infarction pass making
田中佑佳, 櫻井史子, 寺山梢恵, 長島春香, 宮下美紀, 小林里沙, 大谷敏幸, 坂元一郎, 小川哲史, 糸井重勝
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 564-564, 2014.

Japanese Article Relation ... of making - MSW of the 2-PH-05 slight illness cerebral infarction pass
小林里沙, 田中佑佳, 寺山梢恵, 長島春香, 大谷敏幸, 篠原純史, 坂元一郎, 小川哲史, 栗原秀行
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 564-564, 2014.

Japanese Article Make a mild cerebral infarction pass comprised of 4 steps according to the 2-PH-6 stage
老沼明日美, 冨保和宏, 佐藤郁美, 大栗初江
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 564-564, 2014.

Japanese Article Inflection of the analysis of the 2-PH-07 brain embolism pass and the selective pass
林啓吾, 比留間惠, 日橋映子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 564-564, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the getting up time of the pass clinical for 2-PH-08 frequent use type cerebral infarction acute phase
坂本太朗1, 安永雅年1, 松本雄2, 中山貴博3, 猪股由美子4, 白石佳苗4
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 565-565, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis of the 2-PH-09 cerebral infarction slight illness inside the hospital pass (for the lacunar atheromatous clot-related cerebral infarction)
畠野綾1, 崎田綾美1, 藤崎香織1, 瀧山絢子1, 井手智子1, 養田尚美1, 中島隆宏2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 565-565, 2014.

Japanese Article 2-PH-10 t-PA therapy clinical pass making
後藤幸仁1, 伊藤宏樹2, 岩田智樹3, 鈴木好子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 565-565, 2014.

Japanese Article Revision of clinical treatment with cerebral infarction t-PA for 2-PH-11 acute phase, passing it
高芝潤1, 吉川大祐1, 明神麻衣1, 川渕正敬1, 前田秀博1, 國澤雅裕1, 尾知美穂2, 高橋潔3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 565-565, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the acute phase heat generation as the outcome evaluation of 2-PH-12 stroke clinical pass
太田原康成, 伊藤博紀
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 566-566, 2014.

Japanese Article Objective evaluation of the 2-PH-13 chestnut tical indicator
松本晃太郎, 加島史, 米原敏郎, 町田二郎, 森崎真美, 中熊英貴
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 566-566, 2014.

Japanese Article Electronic clinical pass of the 90 days setting in the 2-PH-14 our hospital convalescent rehabilitation ward
中村元和1, 加治正知2, 築地幹子1, 塩盛圭子1, 溝下晴美1, 瀬戸弘2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 566-566, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the pharmacist for the purpose of the adequacy of the 2-PI-01 perioperative use antimicrobial
濱津佑太, 内田正志, 山本学, 藤島薫
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 566-566, 2014.

Japanese Article Adequacy of the prophylactic antimicrobial in the 2-PI-02 lower digestive tract perioperative period
白土枝里子1, 大野真孝1, 土井本和久1, 坂井良美1, 前原大輔1, 大谷美奈子1, 垣尾尚美1, 岸本靜佳1, 衣笠章一2, 松本敏明1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 567-567, 2014.

Japanese Article Proper use promotion of the perioperative antimicrobial in the 2-PI-03 bladder complete removal surgery
土井本和久, 前原大輔, 坂井良美, 馬場奈津美, 山田よう子, 大谷美奈子, 大野真孝, 垣尾尚美, 岸本靜佳, 松本敏明
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 567-567, 2014.

Japanese Article Study on antibacterial prophylaxis with the 2-PI-04 transdermal catheter ablation pass
岸川礼子1, 室高広1, 中川博雄1, 今村政信1, 岡田みずほ2, 松本武浩2, 泉川公一3, 前村浩二4, 北原隆志1, 佐々木均1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 567-567, 2014.

Japanese Article For pass use in 2-PI-05 clozapine introduction pass - psychiatry -
刀祢優1, 押田恵1, 若狭宏昭1, 島田真弓1, 木戸奈諸美1, 鷹合美紀1, 明円美幸1, 青木稲子1, 池野二三子1, 岡浦真心子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 567-567, 2014.

Japanese Article Be associated with the proper use pass making of 2-PI-06 lamotrigine tablets
岩田佳之1, 佐々木芳枝1, 菅谷敏和1, 菱木賢治1, 松永高志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 568-568, 2014.

Japanese Article Development of the clinical pass to be rapid and safe, and to introduce 2-PI-07 tolvaptan
中山聡子1, 岡田朋子1, 磯部有希2, 河西宏3, 小栗光俊3, 神谷春雄3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 568-568, 2014.

Japanese Article AntiEGFR antibody medicine clinical pass making in the 2-PI-08 our hospital
鈴木大介, 大山英明, 小林伸三, 石山聡治
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 568-568, 2014.

Japanese Article About making and the use of the 2-PJ-01 chemotherapy clinical pass
良元和久, 森本康江, 村松由貴子, 勝又祐子, 阿部一仁, 島田英介, 鈴木康之
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 568-568, 2014.

Japanese Article The FEC pass which minimized 2-PJ-02 side effect
大津優香1, 住倉智恵1, 小山田美穂1, 河田ゆり子1, 松本秀子1, 大塚孝子1, 藤平大介2, 保刈岳雄2, 高野靖悟2
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 569-569, 2014.

Japanese Article Invention and effect of the 2-PJ-03 oxycodone introduction pass making
中村真佐子1, 加藤真由美2, 山本直美1, 小田道夫3, 山中英治3
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 569-569, 2014.

Japanese Article Relation ... of 2-PJ-04 cancer chemotherapy hospitalization initial instruction - pharmacist
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 569-569, 2014.

Japanese Article Clinical pass (from hospitalization to the outpatient department) of the molecular target treatment for the 2-PJ-05 lung cancer
青山由紀子1, 中原理恵2, 荒川雄一朗3, 松本幸絵1, 小林美奈子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 569-569, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of problems and the remedy after the 2-PJ-06 chemotherapy adverse event check list use
北市瑞恵, 能戸郁子, 橋本憩, 山本梨奈, 米陀理絵子, 井野明子
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 570-570, 2014.

Japanese Article Action of the chemotherapy pass revision that established an important point for the 2-PJ-07 adverse event management
金野恵理子1, 山崎智司2, 樋口由布子1, 田中和美1, 横山由美子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 16(4): 570-570, 2014.