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Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway

Volume 18, Issue 1 / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The evaluation of clinical pathway for pulmonary thromboembolism and deep vein thrombosis
Satoru Niwa, Susumu Fujino, Kensuke Fujioka, Tomohito Mabuchi, Yoshihiro Noji, Masato Yamaguchi, Takahiko Aoyama
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 18(1): 5-9, 2016.

Japanese Article Background factors of issues affecting provision of dementia care as perceived by community support personnel
Yumiko Shimomura1), Satoru Oishi2), Takaaki Hirooka2), Megumi Takahashi2), Hitoshi Miyaoka2)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 18(1): 10-18, 2016.

Japanese Article An evaluation and problem of the ante partum process pass operation in the general perinatal mother and the child center
斎藤りさ1), 船倉翠2)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 18(1): 21-25, 2016.

Japanese Article It is extracted the problems toward the system in the making next term of the pass for diabetes education two weeks
渡部陽子1), 下石沙織1), 岡本敬子1), 和田裕子1), 江尻加奈子1), 稲田律子1), 井内郁代2)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 18(1): 26-30, 2016.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem one year after the prostate cancer regional alliances pass operation start
福田亜紀子1), 古川正隆2)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 18(1): 31-36, 2016.

Japanese Article Study on antibacterial prophylaxis with the percutaneous catheter ablation pass
岸川礼子1), 室高広1), 岡田みずほ2), 松本武浩2), 佐々木均1), 北原隆志1)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 18(1): 37-41, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the evaluation list for the patients to use in diabetes education hospitalization clinical path
時永耕太郎1), 山崎健也1), 田代淳1), 太枝徹1), 今崎巳陽2), 牛方孝子2)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 18(1): 42-45, 2016.

Japanese Article Study of the automatic conversion to sentence expression for Braille for patients with visual disturbances
高岡裕1), 関口篤史1), 関口紗代2), 梅田由紀恵1), 前田英一1), 池上峰子2), 松浦正子2), 菅野亜紀1)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 18(1): 46-49, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the getting up time of the general-purpose type cerebral infarction acute phase clinical path
坂本太朗1), 小林香穂2), 安永雅年1), 松本雄3), 中山貴博4)
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 18(1): 50-54, 2016.

Japanese Article We will push forward process of in-hospital pass activity - pass activity steadily steadily by a team! -
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 18(1): 57-61, 2016.

Japanese Article PDCA cycle - of construction - cooperation pass of the new cooperation by the analysis of the regional alliances pass
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 18(1): 62-66, 2016.

Japanese Article Mainly on a guarantee of quality and the inflection as problem and problems - chart of the electronic pass -
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 18(1): 67-71, 2016.

Japanese Article Regional alliances pass and IT - many types of job collaboration and Net4U -
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 18(1): 72-76, 2016.

Japanese Article From present conditions and problem - 15th (2015) questionnaire results of the spread, the system of the clinical path -
Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway 18(1): 79-88, 2016.