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The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine

Volume 26, Issue 9 / 1989
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The Evaluation of Split Renal Function in the Experimentally Induced Transient Renal Vein Obstruction
Teruhiko TAKAYAMA*, Tamio ABURANO**, Takatoshi MlCHIGISHI**, Noriyuki SYUKE**, Seigo KINUYA**, Mikito SETO**, Norihisa TONAMI**, Kinichi HISADA**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1121-1126, 1989.

Japanese Article Evaluation of Serum Pepsinogen I and II of Patients with Gastric Cancer
Yoshiko KIMURA, Takashi FUJII, Ken HAMAMOTO, Naoko MIYAGAWA, Kohji TSUDA, Shuji TANADA, Atsushi IIO
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1127-1133, 1989.

Japanese Article Clinical Evaluation of I-131 Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) Imaging in Suspected Neuroblastoma
Shinji IWASHITA*, Masayuki NAKAJO*, Yoshiaki NAKABEPPU*, Tomoaki TANOUE*, Ryuji YONEKURA*, Masato TAGUCHI*, Kunisada SHIMABUKURO*, Shinji SHINOHARA*, Hiromichi SAKATA**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1135-1147, 1989.

Japanese Article Assessment of Myocardial Necrosis by 111In-Antimyosin F ab Scintigraphy
Tsunehiko NISHIMURA*, Isao MITANI*, Hisashi OKA*, Kohei HAYASHIDA*, Toshiisa UEHARA*, Shinichiro KUMITA*, Hiromi OKIZUKA*, Hidetoshi YAMAGAMI*, Makoto HAYASHI*, Kazuo HAZE**, Kichio KAWASE**, Tetsuya SUMIYOSHI**, Seiki NAGATA**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1149-1159, 1989.

Japanese Article Assessment of Split Renal Function before and after Angioplasty or Bypass Grafting in the Patients with Renovascular Hypertension
Tamio ABURANO, Teruhiko TAKAYAMA, Kenichi NAKAJIMA, Mikito SETO, Norihisa TONAMI, Kinichi HISADA
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1161-1167, 1989.

Japanese Article Detection of Coronary Artery Disease by Exercise Radionuclide Ventriculography : Using Sector Analysis
Yasuchika TAKEISHI*, Ichiro TONOOKA*, Mitsuhiko MEGURO*, Hikaru HOSHI*, Yoshiko YAMAGUCHI*, Ikuto MASAKANE*, Kai TSUIKI*, Shoji YASUI*, Akio KOMATANI*, Kazuei TAKAHASHI***
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1169-1176, 1989.

Japanese Article N-Isopropyl I-123 p-Iodoamphetamine (IMP) Brain SPECT in Alzheimer's Disease
Toshimitsu MOMOSE, Junichi NlSHIKAWA, Noboru KOSAKA, Tohru OHTAKE, Toshiaki WATANABE, Kohki YOSHIKAWA, Masahiro IIO
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1177-1192, 1989.

Japanese Article Usefulness of Radioisotope (RI) Deconvolution Analysis with Tc-99m-DTPA in Transplanted Kidney
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1193-1197, 1989.

Japanese Article Clinical Trial of 111In-Antimyosin Antibody Imaging : (3) Comparison with 99mTc-Pyrophosphate Imaging
Nagara TAMAKI*, Takehiko YAMADA**, Akira MATSUMORI**, Toru FUJITA*, Hiroshi OHTANI*, Yuji WATANABE*, Yoshiharu YONEKURA*, Keigo ENDO*, Junji KONISHI*, Chuichi KAWAI**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1199-1205, 1989.

Japanese Article A Case of Mixed Mullerian Tumor, Usefulness of 67Ga-Citrate Scintigraphy
Yutaka OZAKI*, Ken AMEMIYA*, Noboru SHINDO*, Akihiro SHIRAKATA*, Fumihiko TAMAMOTO*, Yukiharu SUMI*, Hitoshi KATAYAMA**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1207-1212, 1989.

Japanese Article Bone Scintigraphy in Evaluation of the Effect of Renal Transplantation in the Patients with Renal Osteodystrophy
Kazuhiko SETO
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1213-1216, 1989.

Japanese Article Basic examination Fundamental Evaluation of an IRMA Assay Kit for Pepsinogen I and II of the pepsinogen I, II pair kit by the IRMA method
木村良子*, 阿多まり子*, 宮川直子*, 藤井崇*, 棚田修二*, 飯尾篤*, 濱本研*
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1217-1221, 1989.

Japanese Article Limit Limitation of Dual Energy Acquisition Using 201Tl and 123I of 2 nuclides simultaneous collection by 201Tl and 123I
中嶋憲一*, 滝淳一*, 分校久志*, 清水賢巳**, 松成一朗*, 久田欣一*
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1223-1226, 1989.

Japanese Article 1. About usefulness of 2 nuclides simultaneous ECT about the image of 99mTc-PYP heart pool
馬本郁男*, 首藤達哉*, 岩波充*, 辻光*, 北村誠*, 岡嶋泰*, 宮尾賢爾*, 松原欣也**, 杉原洋樹**, 村田稔***, 小寺秀幸***
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1229-1229, 1989.

Japanese Article 2. Examination about 3-D surface display of the heart pool multi-gate SPECT
尾上公一*, 立花敬三*, 石村順治*, 前田善裕*, 成田裕亮*, 福地稔*, 栗原英之**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1229-1229, 1989.

Japanese Article 4. Comparison of an atrial systole index and the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure change in the left ventricular volume curve
中川達哉*, 杉原洋樹*, 志賀浩治*, 窪田靖志*, 片平敏雄*, 勝目紘*, 中川雅夫*, 稲垣末次**, 落合正和**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1230-1230, 1989.

Japanese Article 5. Analysis of the bloodstream in the left atria using the MRI
中森久人*, 下條途夫*, 津田信幸*, 小糸仁史*, 栗本透*, 稲田満夫*, 加藤勤**, 田中敬正**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1230-1230, 1989.

Japanese Article 6. Examination - in patients with association between autonomic nervous system dysfunction and left ventricular dilatation functional disorder - diabetes
谷明博*, 石田良雄*, 両角隆一*, 山崎義光*, 北畠顕*, 鎌田武信*, 木村和文**, 小塚隆弘***, 山本浩二****
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1231-1231, 1989.

Japanese Article 7. Cardiac activity monitoring by a scintillation camera and the portable RI cardiac activity device combination
汲田伸一郎, 西村恒彦, 林田孝平, 植原敏勇, 起塚裕美, 千葉博, 三谷勇雄
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1231-1231, 1989.

Japanese Article 8. Lower limbs RI vein angio and examination - in pulmonary embolism and right heart function - pacemaker shrubbery case
松村憲太郎*, 灰山徹**, 長谷川章**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1232-1232, 1989.

Japanese Article 9. Evaluation of the exercise performance of the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
両角隆一*, 石田良雄*, 谷明博*, 北畠顕*, 鎌田武信*, 木村和文**, 小塚隆弘***, 山本浩二****
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1232-1232, 1989.

Japanese Article 10. An example of the ventricular central part hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with the apex cardiac aneurysm that nuclear medicine diagnosis was effective
片平敏雄, 杉原洋樹, 中村隆志, 窪田靖志, 稲垣末次, 中川達哉, 志賀浩志, 東秋弘, 川田公一, 松原欣也, 北村浩一, 古川啓三, 朝山純, 勝目紘, 中川雅夫
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1233-1233, 1989.

Japanese Article 11. Examination of the Exercise/Reinjection myocardium SPECT for the ischemic heart disease
板金広*, 秋岡要*, 飯田秀隆*, 田原旭*, 戸田為久*, 安田光隆*, 寺柿政和*, 奥久雄*, 竹内一秀*, 武田忠直*, 大村昌弘**, 下西祥裕**, 越智宏暢**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1233-1233, 1989.

Japanese Article 12. Examination of silent myocardial ischemia in the old myocardial infarction
板野緑子*, 成瀬均*, 川本日出雄*, 山本寿郎*, 福武尚重*, 森田雅人*, 大柳光正*, 岩崎忠昭*, 福地稔**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1234-1234, 1989.

Japanese Article 13. Evaluation by the exercise load myocardium scintigraphy of the thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction
大西卓也*, 馬淵順久*, 浜田辰巳*, 松本富美子*, 小野幸彦*, 大草昭彦*, 播野賀子*, 藤井広一*, 吉岡寛康*, 熊野町子*, 石田修*, 清水稔**, 石川欽司**, 香取瞭**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1234-1234, 1989.

Japanese Article 14. Analysis of diffuse rapid washout rate in the exercise load myocardium scintigraphy
山上英利, 西村恒彦, 林田孝平, 植原敏勇, 三谷勇雄, 汲田伸一郎, 起塚裕美
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1234-1235, 1989.

Japanese Article 15. Attempt of a little supplementation in the 201Tl myocardium shinty
大谷弘*, 玉木長良*, Ishtiaque H. Mohiuddin*, 米倉義晴*, 小西淳二*, 小野晋司**, 野原隆司**, 神原啓文**, 河合忠一**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1235-1235, 1989.

Japanese Article 16. Usefulness and problems of hyperventilation load myocardium shinty ECT in the crown spastic angina
島正巳*, 首藤達哉*, 岩波充*, 馬本郁男*, 辻光*, 北村誠*, 岡嶋泰*, 宮尾賢爾*, 小寺秀幸**, 村田稔**, 松原欣也***, 杉原洋樹***
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1235-1236, 1989.

Japanese Article 17. Evaluation of the PTCA restenosis by the exercise load myocardium scintigraphy
柴信行*, 西村恒彦*, 植原敏勇*, 林田孝平*, 三谷勇雄*, 起塚裕美*, 汲田伸一郎*, 住吉徹哉**, 河口正雄**, 土師一夫**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1236-1236, 1989.

Japanese Article 18. Examination - of effect - Nuclear medicine of the use of internal thoracic artery coronary artery bypass
森田隆一*, 河内寛治*, 飯岡壮吾*, 小林博徳*, 西井勤*, 関寿夫*, 川田哲嗣*, 水口一三*, 吉田佳嗣*, 亀田陽一*, 北村惣一郎*, 居出弘一**, 西峯潔**, 大石元**, 打田日出夫**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1236-1237, 1989.

Japanese Article 19. Application and evaluation of the 201Tl scintigraphy as the PGE1 effect of treatment judgment method for Buerger disease
河中正裕, 石村順治, 末廣美津子, 立花敬三, 福地稔
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1237-1237, 1989.

Japanese Article 20. IMP-SPECT evidence of transient global amnesia symptom
三重野正之*, 橋川一雄*, 上原章*, 柏木徹*, 小塚隆弘*, 木村和文**, 松本昌泰***, 鎌田武信***, 田辺敬貴****, 西村健****
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1237-1237, 1989.

Japanese Article 21. Image of Tc99m HMPAO of the cerebrovascular disorder case by the high efficiency 4-head SPECT
橋川一雄*, 三重野正之*, 上原章*, 柏木徹*, 小塚隆弘*, 木村和文**, 松本昌泰***, 鎌田武信***
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1238-1238, 1989.

Japanese Article 22. Examination of the I-123 IMP SPECT of patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disorder with the lesion obstructive to a carotid internal artery and middle cerebral artery
森脇博, 松下幸司, 井坂吉成, 滝沢哲, 芦田敬一, 今泉昌利
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1238-1238, 1989.

Japanese Article 23. An example of the multiple cerebral infarction that was available for the identification of the embolus source by 111In - platelet scintigraphy
井坂吉成*, 今泉昌利*, 中川秀光**, 中島伸**, 木村恵春**, 中島義和**, 木村和文***
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1239-1239, 1989.

Japanese Article 24. About a pattern classification of the thallium scintigram for malignant thyroid neoplasms
澤久*, 中西勝己*, 西多俊幸*, 岡村光英*, 波多信*, 福田照男*, 小田淳郎*, 浜田國雄*, 越智宏暢*, 小野山靖人*, 前川仁**, 加藤保之**, 藤本泰久**, 須賀野誠治**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1239-1239, 1989.

Japanese Article 25. One case that jugular vein was depicted in Tl-201 scintigraphy after the thyroid cancer surgery
中野俊一, 長谷川義尚, 井深啓次郎, 橋詰輝巳, 野口敦司
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1240-1240, 1989.

Japanese Article 26. The measurement of the bone mineral density before and after PTX in the hyperparathyroidism
岡村光英*, 小泉義子*, 福田照男*, 小田淳郎*, 小堺和久*, 池田穂積*, 越智宏暢*, 小野山靖人*, 萩原聡**, 森井浩世**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1240-1240, 1989.

Japanese Article 27. One case of the malignant phaeochromocytoma treated effectively with RI treatment with 131I-MIBG
岡沢秀彦*, 遠藤啓吾*, 佐賀恒夫*, 小西淳二*, 阿部光幸*, 河合忠一**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1241-1241, 1989.

Japanese Article 28. An example of the bronchial carotenoid that 123I-IMP was useful
西澤貞彦*, 左野明*, 村上昌雄*, 大竹正一郎*, 藤原一央*, 三木幸雄*, 川上光一*, 桑田陽一郎*, 高田育子*, 三村文利*, 正田智也*, 小山雅司*, 黒田康正*, 比嘉敏明**, 高橋豊**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1241-1241, 1989.

Japanese Article 29. Comparison - with diachronic examination - clinical course of the 67Ga scintigraphy of the summer type hypersensitivity pneumonitis and BAL
今井照彦*, 永野徳忠*, 吉本正伸*, 尾辻秀章*, 西村幸洋*, 玉田俊明*, 吉村均*, 大石元*, 打田日出夫*, 堅田均**, 渡辺裕之**, 鴻池義純**, 水本保子**, 福岡和也**, 藤村昌史**, 長澄人**, 阿児博文**, 春日宏友**, 西川潔**, 成田亘啓**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1242-1242, 1989.

Japanese Article 30. About the change of the examination - ventilation, bloodstream ratio of the respiratory function after the ethanol inhalation -
阿児博文*, 春日宏友*, 森川暁*, 渡辺裕之*, 龍神良忠*, 伊藤新作*, 成田亘啓*, 今井照彦**, 西峯潔**, 永野徳忠**, 吉本正伸**, 吉村均**, 大石元**, 打田日出夫**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1242-1242, 1989.

Japanese Article 31. The lungs, comparison of the pulmonary scintigraphy and 123I-IMP lungs image by 99mTc-DTPA in mediastinal tumor
丸田力*, 末松徹*, 楢林勇*, 高田佳木*, 大林加代子*, 水谷正弘*, 柳瀬正和*, 藤木清*, 加堂哲治**, 山本裕之**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1243-1243, 1989.

Japanese Article 32. Examination of the portal vein blood distribution in the liver by the 99mTcO4- transrectal portal vein scintigraphy
池岡直子*, 門奈丈之*, 塩見進**, 黒木哲夫**, 植田正**, 小林絢三**, 下西祥裕***, 池田穂積***, 越智宏暢***, 小野山靖人***
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1243-1243, 1989.

Japanese Article 33. Examination of transrectal portal vein Scintigraphy which we considered for primary distribution of Tracer and route depiction
近藤嘉光*, 駒木拓行*, 小出泰志*, 永島裕之*, 高橋豊**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1243-1244, 1989.

Japanese Article 34. Portal vein scintigraphy with the 123I-IMP intraduodenal administration
柏木徹*, 三重野正之*, 橋川一雄*, 上原章*, 小塚隆弘*, 木村和文**, 佐藤信紘***, 鎌田武信***, 東正祥****, 満谷夏樹****, 小泉岳夫****
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1244-1244, 1989.

Japanese Article 35. Examination of the effect on liver circulation of various drugs by Radionuclide angiography
塩見進*, 黒木哲夫*, 植田正*, 小林絢三*, 池岡直子**, 門奈丈之**, 下西祥裕***, 池田穂積***, 越智宏暢***, 小野山靖人***
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1244-1244, 1989.

Japanese Article 36. Kinetic analysis of the hepatobiliary imaging agent in the hepatocellular carcinoma
長谷川義尚, 野口敦司, 橋詰輝巳, 井深啓次郎
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1244-1245, 1989.

Japanese Article 37. Comparison - of the sustained intraarterial injection and pulse continuation intraarterial injection for examination - liver cancer of the change in the anticancer agent liver by Tc-99m Pertechnetate
阪口浩, 西村幸洋, 吉村均, 岩田和朗, 玉田俊明, 佐藤典子, 西峯潔, 今井照彦, 永野徳忠, 渡辺雅史, 吉岡哲也, 大石元, 打田日出夫
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1245-1245, 1989.

Japanese Article 38. 3 cases that 99mTc- human serum albumin was useful for a diagnosis of the protein losing gastroenteropathy
上甲剛*, 三重野正之*, 橋川一雄*, 上原章*, 柏木徹*, 小塚隆弘*, 木村和文**, 佐野哲也***, 田尻仁***, 野瀬宰***
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1245-1245, 1989.

Japanese Article 39. Examination about the homogeneous revision in the Tl-201 SPECT
木谷仁昭*, 立花敬三*, 河中正裕*, 浜田一男*, 末廣美津子*, 福地稔*, 栗原英之**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1246-1246, 1989.

Japanese Article 41. A change of the space resolving power of the gamma camera and relations of the image quality
池田穂積*, 岸本健治*, 下西祥裕*, 大村昌弘*, 小堺和久*, 浜田國雄*, 越智宏暢**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1246-1247, 1989.

Japanese Article 42. Use experience of 123I-OIH particularly comparison with 99mTc-DTPA in the drug-related renal failure
石田泰之*, 白坂今日子**, 松井律夫***, 金川公夫***, 青木理***, 平田みどり***, 山崎克人***, 井上善夫***, 河野通雄***
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1247-1247, 1989.

Japanese Article 43. Examination about the effect of usefulness of the platelet scintigraphy in the abdominal aortic aneurysm and the anti-platelet agent
恵谷秀紀*, 多賀谷昌史*, 奥直彦*, 金奉賀*, 中真砂士*, 木下直和*, 額田忠篤*, 松岡利幸*, 宇治茂*, 鷲谷文男*, 前田宏明**, 北川一夫**, 木村和文**, 井坂吉成***
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1247-1247, 1989.

Japanese Article 44. Applied - to systemic evaluation - myelodysplastic syndrome of the hematopoietic efficacy from Ferrokinetics and marrow Scintigraphy
高橋豊, 大野陽一郎, 石原明, 駒木拓行, 近藤嘉光, 小出泰志, 永島裕之
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1247-1248, 1989.

Japanese Article 45. Underlying and clinical examination about the IRMA method for the prolactin measurement using the monoclonal antibody
村上稔, 河中正裕, 福田容子, 末廣美津子, 西川彰治, 福地稔
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1248-1248, 1989.

Japanese Article 46. LH using the monoclonal antibody for the β-subunit, underlying and clinical examination about the IRMA method for the FSH measurement
濱政明宏, 村上稔, 河中正裕, 尾森春艶, 樽岡陽子, 福地稔
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1248-1249, 1989.

Japanese Article 47. One case that was able to make niveau diagnosis of Rhabdomyolysis by 99mTc-HMDP scintigram
沢田尚久*, 岡室周英*, 志賀浩治*, 坂井龍太*, 辻康裕*, 高橋徹*, 国重宏*, 堀英美**, 八木勝己**, 田中庸千**, 高木研二**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1249-1249, 1989.

Japanese Article 48. Three cases of the bone malignant lymphoma
木田和夫*, 豊島正実*, 波多信*, 小田淳郎*, 福田照男*, 越智宏暢*, 小野山靖人*, 松田昌宏**, 高見勝次**, 石田俊武**, 酒井健雄***, 石川博道***, 奥野宏直***, 日高忠治****, 松本茂一****, 中井俊夫****
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1249-1249, 1989.

Japanese Article 49. Mainly on metastases to bone - nuclear medicine diagnosis of the hepatocellular carcinoma -
中西佳子, 河相吉, 永田憲司, 黒川弘晶, 播磨敬三, 田中敬正
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1250-1250, 1989.

Japanese Article 50. Examination of the fatigue fracture by the bone scintigraphy
日野恵*, 伊藤秀臣*, 山口晴司*, 才木康彦*, 柴田洋子*, 大谷雅美*, 宇井一世*, 木村裕子*, 池窪勝治*, 田村清**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1250-1250, 1989.

Japanese Article 51. Examination by Dual photon absorptiometry of the bone change in the hepatocirrhosis
塩見進*, 黒木哲夫*, 植田正*, 小林絢三*, 池岡直子**, 門奈丈之**, 萩原聡***, 西澤良記***, 森井浩世***, 越智宏暢****, 小野山靖人****
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1250-1251, 1989.

Japanese Article 52. About the bone-salt fixed-quantity using the DPA device
大谷雅美*, 伊藤秀臣*, 山口晴司*, 才木康彦*, 柴田洋子*, 宇井一世*, 日野恵*, 池窪勝治*, 長谷川良一**, 田村清**
The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine 26(9): 1251-1251, 1989.