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Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

Volume 6, Issue 4 / 1979
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Peripheral Contrast Echocardiography in the ventricle by septal defect left → right shunt of detection
正路浩二郎, 佐々木昭
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 6(4): 243-243, 1979.

Japanese Article An oculus normalis image and eyes image by the eyeball blow
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 6(4): 244-244, 1979.

Japanese Article An Image Processing for Reduction of Artifacts Cased by Sidelobes
YUTA Shinichi*1, KOREHISA Mitsuo*3, SHIBUYA Noboru*2, ITO Kenichi*2, YOKOI Hiromu*4
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 6(4): 245-250, 1979.

Japanese Article Estimation of the Flow Pattern and Velocity in the Main Pulmonary Artery Studied by Simultaneous Cross-sectional and M-mode Echocardiography Combined with Contrast Technique
KOIZUMI Katsumi*, UMEDA Toru*, MACHII Kiyoshi*, TODA Eiichi**, IDA Yoshihiro**
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 6(4): 251-260, 1979.

Japanese Article The Echocardiographic Findings in Uhl's Anomaly
WAKAMATSU Toshiro, NAKAMURA Nobuhisa, HAGIWARA Hiroshi, MUTA Yoshio, UZAWA Haruo
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 6(4): 261-268, 1979.

Japanese Article Doppler application
Shuku Nakayama
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 6(4): 269-274, 1979.

Japanese Article It is ME crisis not a microelectronic equipment
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 6(4): 292-294, 1979.