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Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

Volume 8, Issue 1 / 1981
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Acute cholecystitis
Iizuka Masuo, Nobuyoshi Kimura
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 8(1): 1-1, 1981.

Japanese Article Echogram of the traumatic false pancreatic cyst
Hideo Mitsuhashi, Kazuo Amo
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 8(1): 2-2, 1981.

Japanese Article Two-dimensional Echocardiographic Findings of Mitral Regurgitation due to Rupture of Chordae Tendineae (Comparison with Mitral Regurgitation due to Prolongation of Chordae Tendineae)
FURUKAWA Shigeharu, NAKAMURA Kazuhiko, OKUMIYA Kazuya, TABUCHI Hiromi, SANADA Junichi, MINAMI Yukihiro, MIYAHARA Kenkichi, HASHIMOTO Shuji
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 8(1): 3-9, 1981.

Japanese Article Ultrasonic Appearance of Pneumobilia and Intrahepatic Stone by Linear Electronic Scan
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 8(1): 11-18, 1981.

Japanese Article The Treatment of Hepatic Abscess, Caused by Biliary Tract Diseases, with Ultrasonically Guided Drainage
RYU Munemasa, UEMATSU Sadao, WATANABE Yoshiji, FURUKAWA Takao, KIKUCHI Toshiyuki, OZAKI Masahiko, SATO Hiroshi
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 8(1): 19-25, 1981.

Japanese Article Ultrasonographic evaluation of retroperitoneal and mesenteric lymphnode enlargement in lymphosarcoma
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 8(1): 27-34, 1981.

Japanese Article Development of a Prototype Mobile Unit for the Mass Screening of Prostatic Diseases
OHE Hiroshi*1, INABA Tadashi*1, WATANABE Hiroki*1, SAITOH Masahito*1, TANAKA Shigeki*1, ITAKURA Yasuhiro*1, DATE Seiki*1, KANEKO Yasuo*2
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 8(1): 35-38, 1981.

Japanese Article The Recent Development of the Ultrasonic Diagnostic Equipment
ITO Kenichi
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 8(1): 39-50, 1981.