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Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

Volume 17, Issue 6 / 1990
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Definition and Prospect of Ultrasonics in Medicine
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 577-585, 1990.

Japanese Article Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization: Analysis of Myocardial Tissue Texture in Cardiomyopathy and Myocardial Diseases
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 586-597, 1990.

Japanese Article Evaluation of Myocardial Viability in Old Myocardial Infarction ―Analysis of Coronary Flow Velocity Detected by Doppler Catheter―
Yasuhiko MATSUURA, Tohru HAYASHI, Toshikazu MORIOKA, Wakatomi CHIN, Toshinao KURIHARA, Masato ASAO, Masakatsu FUKUSHIMA
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 598-604, 1990.

Japanese Article Left Ventricular Filling Dynamics During Atrial Contraction in Dilated Cardiomyopathy ―Assessment by Angiotensin II loading Echocardiography―
Yoshio TAKEUCHI, Yoshiyuki YOKOTA, Takashi MIKI, Yasuhiro TSUMURA, Makoto NAKATANI, Hiroshi UENO, Hideki NOMURA, Seiichirou USUKI, Ryuichi EMOTO, Hisashi FUKUZAKI
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 605-611, 1990.

Japanese Article Ultrasonically Guided Needle Aspiration in Diagnosis of Subpleural Nodule of Mycobacteriosis
Kenichi OBATA, Jun UEKI, Takashi DAMBARA, Miyoji AIBA, Kaoru YAMAGUCHI, Yosiyuki DOI, Sigeru TAMAKI, Shiro KIRA
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 612-616, 1990.

Japanese Article Ultrasonographic Examination of Cervical Esophagus from Skin Surface Part 2. Physiological Changes in the Wall and Lumen after Pharyngolaryngeal Movement
Minhua CHEN
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 617-625, 1990.

Japanese Article Characteristic Ultrasonogram in the Liver of Nonocclusive Mesenteric Ischemia
Yoshinobu YASUDA, Kazutaka SENOH, Toru INOUE, Michiyuki TERAKADO1), Tomio ARAI2), Koh SUGIYAMA3), Hiroyuki HANAI4), Eizo KANEKO4)
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 626-632, 1990.

Japanese Article Echogenicity Change of Hepatic Cavernous Hemangioma Including "Disappearing Sign" in Routine Ultrasonography
Kiyoshi CHOJI, Minhua CHEN, Shin'ichi MATSUOKA, Hajime OGAWA, Kozo KUBO, Takashi HASEGAWA, Yukihiko SATO, Goro IRIE, Kensei SATO
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 633-638, 1990.

Japanese Article Evaluation of Ultrasonic Mass Screening for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Shuichi MIHARA
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 639-647, 1990.

Japanese Article Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Anomalous Union of the Pancreatico-Biliary Ductal System
Masaaki ENDOH, Michihiro SUGAI, Ryukichi HADA, Hidetoshi SUZUKI, Hirofumi MUNAKATA, Mutsuo SASAKI, Takeaki KURITA*, Shigeaki INOUE**, Yuzuru SUGIYAMA, Mitsuru KONN, Keichi ONO
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 648-658, 1990.

Japanese Article The Effect of Nitoroglycerin on Portal Blood Flow as Measured by Ultrasonography in 10 Patients with Portal Hypertension
Hitoshi TAKAGI, Takashi KUMADA*, Satoshi NAKANO*, Isao KANAMORI, Tokuji KIMURA, Hiroshi YOSHIDA
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 659-666, 1990.

Japanese Article The Use of the Depth of the Amniotic Cavity Measured by Ultrasound for Fetal Screening
Tsunetake MIYAMURA, Hideaki MASUZAKI, Tooru YAMABE
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 667-671, 1990.

Japanese Article 2-D Doppler Echographic Measurement of the Renal Segmental and Interlobar Arteries in Renal Lesions: Correlation between the Renal Blood Flow Velocity and the Creatinine Clearance
Daisuke TOTSUKA, Shousuke BOKU, Tetsuzo SUGISAKI, Kazuyoshi KUBOTA*, Akihiro KAWAUCHI*, Kentarou KAMIYA*
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 672-679, 1990.

Japanese Article Incorrect Diagnosis in the Application of a Fuzzy Inference for Ultrasonic Examination of Thyroid Nodules
Makoto KATAGIRI, Seizaburou ARITA, Masahiro FUKUBAYASHI, Yasuhiko YAMANE, Tanekazu HARADA
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 680-688, 1990.

Japanese Article The Influence of Neck Position on the Measured Values of Prethyroid Thickness, Thyroid Thickness and Thyroid Echo Level
Takeaki KURITA, Masaaki ENDOH*, Ryukichi HADA*, Satoru KATOH
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 689-695, 1990.

Japanese Article A Case of Cor Triatriatum in an Adult: Detection of Inflow Signals Passing from Accessory Chamber into Left Atrium Using Color Doppler Echocardiogaraphy
Makoto SAITOH, Hiroshi KOTAKE, Jun-ichi HASEGAWA, Jun-ichi YAMASAKI, Hiroyuki MIYAKODA, Hiroto MASHIBA, Iwao TANIGUCHI*, Sei-ichiro SASAKI, Toru MORI*
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 696-702, 1990.

Japanese Article Two Cases of Complete Transposition of the Great Arteries with Straddling Mitral Valve ―Two-Dimensional and Doppler Echocardiographic Findings before and after Jatene's Operation―
Kazuhiro MORI, Tsuguaki DOHI, Masahiro KAMADA, Hiroko YAMAMOTO*, Minoru UEDA***
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 17(6): 703-709, 1990.