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Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

Volume 22, Issue 11 / 1995
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Tomorrow of the supersonic wave medicine
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 22(11): 759-760, 1995.

Japanese Article Preoperative Localization of Abnormal Parathyroid Glands in Primary Hyperparathyroidism by Ultrasonography : An Analysis of False-Positive and False-Negative Cases
Tomomi USHIYAMA1, Yutaka KURITA1, Soichi MUGIYA1, Tomoyuki KANBAYASHI1, Hiroaki MASUDA1, Kazuo SUZUKI1, Kimio FUJITA1, Atsushi TAJIMA2, Kazuki KAWABE2, Yoshio ASO3
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 22(11): 761-767, 1995.

Japanese Article Sonographic Dianosis of Sclerosing Peritonitis
Hirokazu SAIGUSA, Yukio MIYAMOTO, Shinpei TADA
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 22(11): 769-773, 1995.

Japanese Article Age-Dependent Change in Submandibular Echo Level in Children
Michiru NAKAMURA1, Nobuyuki TANIGUCHI1, Yoshio HAYASHI2, Fukiko KAWAI1, Takasuke IRIE1, Kouichi ITOH1
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 22(11): 775-780, 1995.

Japanese Article Clinical Validation of Changes in Left Ventricular Volume Evaluated by an Echocardiographic Acoustic Quantification Method : Comparison With a Cineangiographic Simpson's Rule
Toshikazu YAGI, Jun-ichi YOSHIKAWA, Kiyoshi YOSHIDA, Takeshi HOZUMI, Masahiro SHAKUDO, Takashi AKASAKA, Tsutomu TAKAGI, Jun-ichi KAWAI, Hiroko NOZAWA
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 22(11): 781-785, 1995.

Japanese Article Acoustic Properties of the Normal and Pathologic Myocardium by Scanning Acoustic Microscopy
Yoshifumi SAIJO, Hidehiko SASAKI, Hiroaki OKAWAI, Toru NAGANUMA, Motonao TANAKA
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 22(11): 787-798, 1995.

Japanese Article Echocardiographic Findings of the Aortic Valve in Chronic Aortic Regurgitation with No Specific Etiology
Eiji HIRONAKA1, Shoji KOJIMA2, Minoru HONGO2, Yukio FUKAYA3, Masao TANAKA2, Keiko ISHII1, Morie SEKIGUCHI2
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 22(11): 799-805, 1995.

Japanese Article A Case of Malignant Lymphoma With Giant Metastatic Masses in the Right Ventricle That Disappeared After Chemotherapy
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 22(11): 807-811, 1995.

English Article Rapid Change in the Uterine Cervix During Transvaginal Ultrasonographic Assessment
Tsunetake MIYAMURA, Hideaki MASUZAKI, Tetsushi HAMASAKI, Tadayuki ISHIMARU
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 22(11): 813-816, 1995.