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Medical Education (Japan)

Volume 43, Issue 4 / 2012
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Discussion "learning theory to support medical education"
椎橋実智男*1, 福島統*2, 錦織宏*3, 西城卓也*4
Medical Education (Japan) 43(4): 283-289, 2012.

Japanese Article It is constructionism from action-first principle
Medical Education (Japan) 43(4): 290-291, 2012.

Japanese Article A legitimate peripheral participation theory and cognitive apprenticeship
Takuya Saijo
Medical Education (Japan) 43(4): 292-293, 2012.

Japanese Article About socially distributed cognition
Medical Education (Japan) 43(4): 294-295, 2012.

Japanese Article Portfolio and outcome / competency base type education Explanation:
Medical Education (Japan) 43(4): 296-298, 2012.

Japanese Article The medical education of a student with a severe hearing impairment
Kazushi TAODA*1, Teruyo KITAHARA*1, Hiroshi MATSUURA*2
Medical Education (Japan) 43(4): 299-307, 2012.

Japanese Article Effects of participation in medical support teams for areas devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake on learning attitudes and future careers of medical students
Masao TABATA*1,2, Yutaka KAGAYA*1, Yasutake MONMA*1, Masamichi MIZUMA*1, Ayane MATSUDA*1, Seiichi ISHI*3, Jun-ichi KAMEOKA*3, Hiroshi KANATSUKA*3, Nobuo YAEGASHI*1,4
Medical Education (Japan) 43(4): 309-314, 2012.

Japanese Article The division of labor by sex among Japanese physicians
Kosuke YASUKAWA*1, Kyoko NOMURA*2
Medical Education (Japan) 43(4): 315-319, 2012.

Japanese Article Cerebral angiography simulation hands on - using trial -VIST-C of the simulation education in the Fujita Health University School of Medicine
Keiko Irie
Medical Education (Japan) 43(4): 320-321, 2012.

Japanese Article Construction of the aspiration training system of the sputum for a staff of old age assistance institution, housekeepers
Jin Hirakawa still, Kazumasa Uemura
Medical Education (Japan) 43(4): 322-322, 2012.

Japanese Article The 44th medical education seminar and workshop in Fukushima
Kazunobu Ishikawa *1, Upper part of a river Chihiro *2
Medical Education (Japan) 43(4): 323-324, 2012.

Japanese Article Do you go on a voyage without having a chart?
Medical Education (Japan) 43(4): 326-327, 2012.

Japanese Article We ask Mr. memory Motokazu Hori of the days of creation of origin - Tsukuba University of the new medical education (the third)
Medical Education (Japan) 43(4): 329-333, 2012.