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Medical Education (Japan)

Volume 47, Issue suppl / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Greetings of the 48th Japan Society for Medical Education meeting holding
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 補2-補2, 2016.

Japanese Article About upbringing of mind of the-based study and medical people in Osaka Medical College
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 2-3, 2016.

English Article Preserve the good : maintaining quality at a time of growth in medical school numbers
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 4-5, 2016.

English Article Medical teaching : a complex world of opportunity
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 6-7, 2016.

English Article Educating medical students on clinical communication in Korea : different communication culture from western societies
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 8-9, 2016.

Japanese Article It is demanded from ... medicine educator returning to the origin
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 10-11, 2016.

Japanese Article Evaluation of effectively utilizing it and the general clinical practice power of the education resource
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 12-13, 2016.

Japanese Article We learn from Dr. Osler again
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 14-15, 2016.

Japanese Article S1 (abstract). It is ... medical education evaluation, trend and problem ... of the matriculant selection reform for the new student selection to meet global standards
平形道人, 瀬尾宏美
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 16-16, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-01. The new student selection judging from the medical education evaluation based on the international standard
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 16-16, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-02. Problem of the newly test plan judging from National Center Test for University Admissions
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 17-17, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-03. Ability for solution to the problem in the entrance examination: Report of Kochi University KMSAT
大塚智子1, 倉本秋2, 武内世生3, 高田淳4, 瀬尾宏美3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 17-17, 2016.

Japanese Article S2 (abstract). Does the professionalism education advance in our country?
後藤英司, 大生定義
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 18-18, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-01. Outcome of the professionalism education
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 18-18, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-02. Viewpoint for professionalism education
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 19-19, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-03. The reason why "hippocratic oath" comes nicely and reason not to come nicely
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 19-19, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-04. Biological sociological examination about the professionalism (basic sense of values as the physician) of the medicine
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 20-20, 2016.

Japanese Article S3 (abstract). Why did I aim at the specialist in study; inspection ... of a ... Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology GP program and other approaches
鯉淵典之, 柳澤輝行
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 21-21, 2016.

Japanese Article S3-01. The inspection of the MD-PhD course in Japan and the future prospects
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 21-21, 2016.

Japanese Article S3-02. For true MD-PhD researcher
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 22-22, 2016.

Japanese Article S3-03. ART program as the place of the study mind cultivation
藤村篤史1, 富澤一仁1, 松井秀樹2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 22-22, 2016.

Japanese Article S3-04. Gunma University experiences "before graduation, after graduation consistency MD-PhD course"
澤田悠輔1, 平井宏和1, 鯉淵典之2, 石崎泰樹3, 和泉孝志4, 峯岸敬5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 23-23, 2016.

Japanese Article S4 (abstract). The way of the autonomy demanded from the medical education association
大生定義, 野村英樹
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 24-24, 2016.

Japanese Article S4-01. From the viewpoint of specialist job and autonomy - specialist job ethic
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 24-24, 2016.

Japanese Article S4-02. Significance of the autonomy of a lawyer and the broadcast company
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 25-25, 2016.

Japanese Article S4-03. Always measures of scrubbed finish and the improvement of problems
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 25-25, 2016.

Japanese Article S5 (abstract). Attempt of a certain characteristic education of a behavioral science, the social science in the faculty of medicine
和泉俊一郎, 星野晋
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 26-26, 2016.

Japanese Article S5-01. Form of sociology education in medical school - Aiming to break away from the so-called "Pankyo" subject -
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 26-26, 2016.

Japanese Article S5-02. Medical law - aim as the social science education in the faculty of medicine and real -
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 27-27, 2016.

Japanese Article S5-03. Practice of social science, a behavioral science and the psychosomatic medicine in the Kagoshima University medical education curriculum
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 27-27, 2016.

Japanese Article S6 (abstract). About the reference standard plan of the medical field
白鳥敬子, 奈良信雄
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 28-28, 2016.

Japanese Article S6-01. Process of the reference standard making in the Science Council of Japan
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 28-28, 2016.

Japanese Article S6-02. We think about a reference standard from the evaluation standard according to the field of WFME conformity medical education
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 29-29, 2016.

Japanese Article S6-03. Reference standard (plan) of the medical field
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 29-29, 2016.

Japanese Article S7 (abstract). We think about improvement, the prospects of the quality of the local base type medical education
前田隆浩, 松井俊和
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 30-30, 2016.

Japanese Article S7-01. Component of the local base type medical education
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 30-30, 2016.

Japanese Article S7-02. About the current situation of the community medical care education based on a national survey of Japan
井口清太郎1,2, 阿波谷敏英2, 井上和男2, 大脇哲洋2, 岡山雅信2, 梶井英治2, 竹内啓祐2, 谷憲治2, 長谷川仁志2, 前田隆浩2, 三瀬順一2, 村上啓雄2, 山本和利2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 31-31, 2016.

Japanese Article S7-03. Topics of local base type medical education - these days and Japanese future ...
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 31-31, 2016.

Japanese Article S7-04. Challenge of the community medical care education
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 32-32, 2016.

Japanese Article S8 (abstract). - yesterday, today, tomorrow - to think about common use study OSCE10 age
田邊政裕, 神代龍吉
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 33-33, 2016.

Japanese Article S8-01. Problems and measures of the common use study medicine system OSCE
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 33-33, 2016.

Japanese Article S8-02. From a start of the common use study medicine system OSCE to the present
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 34-34, 2016.

Japanese Article S8-03. Upbringing of the higher quality communicative competence
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 34-34, 2016.

Japanese Article S8-04. From the situation of current situation evaluation - student, university
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 35-35, 2016.

Japanese Article S8-05. From the common use study OSCE to PCC-OSCE
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 35-35, 2016.

Japanese Article S9 (abstract). To improve the clinical competence of the medical student
廣橋一裕, 藤崎和彦
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 36-36, 2016.

Japanese Article S9-01. Trend about the simulated patient (SP) training and SP activity of Japan
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 36-36, 2016.

Japanese Article S9-02. Invention of the improvement in clinical competence of the medical student utilizing the simulation center
首藤太一1,2, 栩野吉弘1,2, 奥幸子2, 岡田明子2, 竹重友美2, 藤田奈緒美2, 小林正宜1, 衣畑成紀1, 豊田宏光2, 鎌田紀子1, 森村美奈1, 竹本恭彦1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 37-37, 2016.

Japanese Article S9-03. We bring up a good physician in medical student cymling pick (clinical Olympics)
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 37-37, 2016.

Japanese Article S9-04. Close to simulation for the improvement in clinical competence of the medical student as a result of possibility and problem - whole country 9 University faculty of medicine combination investigation of educating you
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 38-38, 2016.

Japanese Article S10 (abstract). About the carrier formation of the female medical researcher
津田喬子, 鈴木利哉
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 39-39, 2016.

Japanese Article S10-01. Application to a researcher of the woman doctor career education learning target
木下牧子1, 小林志津子2, 清水貴子3, 石黒直子4, 榊原秀也5, 江頭正人6, 守屋利佳7
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 39-39, 2016.

Japanese Article S10-02. Questionnaire results to investigate needs of the support of the university hospital clinician
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 40-40, 2016.

Japanese Article S10-03. The carrier formation judging from a viewpoint of the medical education
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 40-40, 2016.

Japanese Article S10-04. Expectation to a mission of Japanese medical research and development mechanism (AMED) and a female medical researcher
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 41-41, 2016.

Japanese Article S11 (abstract). What is a thing expected of the medical education association with a new specialty?
小西靖彦, 中川晋
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 42-42, 2016.

English Article S11-1. Specialist Training in Canada - moving from the current to the future
Farhan Bhanji
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 42-42, 2016.

Japanese Article S11-2. Summary of the new specialty
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 43-43, 2016.

Japanese Article S11-3. The role that the prospects and an academic conference of the surgeon education in the new specialty should fulfil
倉島庸1,2, 溝田知子2, サシーム パウデル2, 渡邊祐介2, 村上壮一1,2, 平野聡2, 大滝純司1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 43-43, 2016.

Japanese Article S11-4. Attending physician training FD under the new specialty and the problem
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 44-44, 2016.

Japanese Article S12 (abstract). At graduation and the current situation of the resident OSCE and future view
植村和正, 清水貴子
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 45-45, 2016.

Japanese Article S12-01. Resident OSCE for all the prefecture residents
高橋弘明1, 田村幸恵2, 及川由美子2, 宗像秀樹3, 郷右近祐司4, 谷田達男5, 田村乾一6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 45-45, 2016.

Japanese Article S12-02. Efforts of the resident OSCE
青松棟吉1, 石原慎2, 植村和正3, 久留宮隆4, 小西靖彦5, 清水貴子6, 高田清式7, 高橋弘明8, 寺嶋吉保9
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article S12-03. Study OSCE enforcement plan after the before graduation bedside teaching for common use
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article S13 (abstract). To observe "importance of the government college cooperation in the medical education" - laws and ordinances, and to bring up the physician who can utilize medical resources and resources effectively; -
西山利正, 丸山浩
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 47-47, 2016.

Japanese Article S13-01. Towards the environment where a woman doctor can play an active part
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 47-47, 2016.

Japanese Article S13-02. From the situation of university in the medical education and administrative cooperation - local government -
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 48-48, 2016.

Japanese Article S13-03. The medical education be made for the right understanding of the medical service under health insurance
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 48-48, 2016.

Japanese Article S13-04. The current situation and problem of the physician clinical practice system
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 49-49, 2016.

Japanese Article S14 (abstract). Originality of university in global standards of the medical education
鈴木利哉, 林道廣
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 50-50, 2016.

Japanese Article S14-01. The evaluation standard according to the field of medical education of WFME seeks the originality of university
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 50-50, 2016.

Japanese Article S14-02. Of the outcome base type medical education, actually
田邊政裕1, 朝比奈真由美2,3, 伊藤彰一2,3, 山内和代2, ダニエル サルチェイド2, 伊丹謙太郎3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 51-51, 2016.

Japanese Article S14-03. Originality of university to see in evaluation standard according to the field of medical education and core Cali
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 51-51, 2016.

Japanese Article S14-04. Originality of university in global standards of the medical education
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 52-52, 2016.

Japanese Article S15 (abstract). What is cooperation competency to expect in medical education?
春田淳志, 山岸紀子
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 53-53, 2016.

Japanese Article S15-01. Development of the multi-type of job cooperation competency in Japan
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 53-53, 2016.

Japanese Article S15-02. - From the situation of the dental education -
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 54-54, 2016.

Japanese Article S15-03. Pharmacist education and the multi-type of job cooperation competency
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 54-54, 2016.

Japanese Article S15-04. The training by the multi-type of job participation in the Suwa center Hospital
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 55-55, 2016.

Japanese Article S15-05. The social welfare education that we introduced common competency for the multi-type of job cooperation into
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 55-55, 2016.

Japanese Article S15-06. The multi-type of job cooperation education in the occupational therapist training course
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 56-56, 2016.

Japanese Article PD1 (abstract). About the acceptance of the medical student with a disorder
羽野卓三, 寺崎文生
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 57-57, 2016.

Japanese Article PD1-01. Problems over the education of the medical student with a disorder
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 57-57, 2016.

Japanese Article PD1-02. About a medical student and a healthcare worker with visual disturbances - current situation and problem -
生駒芳久1,2, 守田稔2, 大里晃弘2, 村瀬樹太郎2, 下川保夫2, 正岡哲2, 藤原義朗2, 川上真弓2, 吉金英二2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 58-58, 2016.

Japanese Article PD1-03. Experience of the medical education to an extensive hearing loss student
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 58-58, 2016.

Japanese Article PD1-04. To four extremities about clinical skill training in this school for the medical student with the disorder and an evaluation (OSCE)
寺崎文生, 林道廣, 中野隆史, 河田了
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 59-59, 2016.

Japanese Article PD2 (abstract). Can the learning target of the professionalism run lengthwise through medical education?
伴信太郎, 後藤英司
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 60-60, 2016.

Japanese Article PD2-01. From the situation of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology about before graduation medical education
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 60-60, 2016.

Japanese Article PD2-02. The examination situation of the professionalism-related arrival target in the physician clinical practice
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 61-61, 2016.

Japanese Article PD2-03. New specialty aiming at improvement of the quality of the specialist
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 61-61, 2016.

Japanese Article PD2-04. Professionalism and Japan Medical Association lifetime education system of the physician
日本医師会 生涯教育担当理事
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 62-62, 2016.

Japanese Article PD3 (abstract). With the appropriate relations of medical education and the for-profit company?
大生定義, 宮田靖志
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 63-63, 2016.

Japanese Article PD3-01. Benefit reciprocity in the medical education: What is a problem?
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 63-63, 2016.

Japanese Article PD3-02. Logical consistency in a for-profit company and relations of the medical education
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 64-64, 2016.

Japanese Article PD3-03. Support by the for-profit company in the 47th Japan Society for Medical Education Niigata Games
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 64-64, 2016.

Japanese Article PD3-04. Approach of the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association to secure the transparency with medical personnel
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 65-65, 2016.

Japanese Article PD4 (abstract). Public research meeting - quantitative study, qualitative study, action research to plan a medical education study
伊藤俊之, 大滝純司
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 66-66, 2016.

Japanese Article PD4-01. From the question by the educational practice to a study theme
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 66-66, 2016.

Japanese Article PD4-02. Research design by the quantitative approach
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article PD4-03. Research design by the qualitative approach
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article PD4-04. Research design by the action research
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 68-68, 2016.

Japanese Article PD4-05. WEB questionnaire for the participant of the medical education study technique workshop
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 68-68, 2016.

Japanese Article LS-1. Importance of the oral treatment in the medicine
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 69-69, 2016.

Japanese Article LS-2. Medical education for "infection practice"
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 70-70, 2016.

Japanese Article LS-3. "People whom a working person does not work for in Chinese medicine? Bodily sensation talk of "- former surgeon and coming Chinese medicine -
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 71-71, 2016.

Japanese Article LS-4. Progress and education system of the digestive organ endoscope
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 72-72, 2016.

Japanese Article LS-5. "Recent RA practice"
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 73-73, 2016.

Japanese Article LS-6-01. Development of the abdominal touch simulator
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 74-74, 2016.

Japanese Article LS-6-02. Practical training by heart disease medical examination simulator "Ichiro II"
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 75-75, 2016.

Japanese Article ES-1. Specialist in study course - of new challenge - Hyogo College of Medicine to the specialist in study training
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 76-76, 2016.

Japanese Article ES-2. Approach - of way of thinking and problems - Aichi Medical University in the development of the electronic medical chart system for the student
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 77-77, 2016.

English Article ITNS-1A-1. Life assets : power of self and learning outcomes in medical students
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 78-78, 2016.

English Article ITNS-1A-2. Novel materials and strategies for advanced medical English learning derived using computational linguistics
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 78-78, 2016.

English Article ITNS-1A-4. Analysis research in medical students : Vachira Phuket Medical Education Center
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 79-79, 2016.

English Article ITNS-1A-5. Individual feedback after interim formative test : How it should be important for the improvement? Experience From MD314, The 3rd Year Medical Students from Thammasat University
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 79-79, 2016.

English Article ITNS-1A-3. Implementation and evaluation of the first year experience course for medical students
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 80-80, 2016.

English Article ITNS-1A-6. Preparing undergraduate medical students for an academic career in medicine - the role of peer-teaching in the German medical curriculum
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 80-80, 2016.

English Article ITNS-1A-7. Does Moodle Tests Completion Predict Final Exam Scores? Experience from Thammasat University
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 81-81, 2016.

English Article ITNS-1B-1. Insights from Novice Facilitators of Reflective Learning for Medical Students : Implications for Faculty Development
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 82-82, 2016.

English Article ITNS-1B-2. The challenges of medical students in their first times in primary care outpatient clinics : A qualitative analysis of 4th year medical students' reflective log books
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 82-82, 2016.

English Article ITNS-1B-3. A proposal for genetic testing education for medical technologists and other health professionals in Japan
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 83-83, 2016.

English Article ITNS-1B-4. Teaching and learning health inequalities and social disparities : literature review
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 83-83, 2016.

English Article ITNS-1B-5. An active learning programme designed for first-year Japanese medical students to discuss health care issues in English
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 84-84, 2016.

English Article ITNS-1B-6. National strategies to sustain the results of health-professions education quality improvement program in meeting the global standard of medical education
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 84-84, 2016.

English Article ITNS-1B-7. You can have it both ways : a novel method for developing clinical skills and knowledge using English
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 85-85, 2016.

English Article ITNS-2A-1. Thai SSM in Vachiraphuket Hospital
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 86-86, 2016.

English Article ITNS-2A-2. Two-way communication : weak point of medical students in communication skill
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 86-86, 2016.

English Article ITNS-2A-3. Evaluating a Family and Community Medicine program : Vachira Phuket Medical Education Center, Thailand.
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 87-87, 2016.

English Article ITNS-2A-4. How do the medical students coping with sues' patient and family?
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 87-87, 2016.

English Article ITNS-2A-5. Survey on clinical skills competency training complementary scheme for overseas medical students in China
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 88-88, 2016.

English Article ITNS-2A-6. The best bedside teaching method for 6th year medical students in Thailand
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 88-88, 2016.

English Article ITNS-2A-7. Evaluating student performance of a traditional versus a flipped methodology in search of ways to meet global accreditation standards
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 89-89, 2016.

English Article ITNS-2B-1. Challenging a Creative Thinking in Medical Students to get more Solutions for chest tube displacement
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 90-90, 2016.

English Article ITNS-2B-2. Developing clinical empathy in undergraduate students through simulation
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 90-90, 2016.

English Article ITNS-2B-3. Central venous access training simulator that enable dilator or catheter insertion
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 91-91, 2016.

English Article ITNS-2B-4. Shifting to Online Survey for Fifth-year Medical Students
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 91-91, 2016.

English Article ITNS-2B-5. Significance of Basic Airway Management Simulation Training for Medical Students
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 92-92, 2016.

English Article ITNS-2B-6. Undergraduate Medical Imaging Education : Results of Worldwide Survey
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 92-92, 2016.

English Article ITNS-2B-7. The positive attitude of communication skill is relate to good learning outcome in medical student
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 93-93, 2016.

English Article ITNS-3A-1. Are CPIRD doctor remained in rural after AEC?
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 94-94, 2016.

English Article ITNS-3A-2. Sexual harassment management in recent established CPIRD doctors.
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 94-94, 2016.

English Article ITNS-3A-3. Non-rational drug use in medical students : Vachirpahuket medical education center.
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 95-95, 2016.

English Article ITNS-3A-4. An assessment of why anatomical pathology residents are a minority group in Thailand
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 95-95, 2016.

English Article ITNS-3A-5. Mentoring in Orthopaedic Surgery Residency
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 96-96, 2016.

English Article ITNS-3A-6. X-ray Film interpretation ability before and after night shift of the surgical intern.
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 96-96, 2016.

English Article ITNS-3A-7. Learning Style Preferences among medical undergraduates and postgraduates in Chachoengsao, Thailand
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 97-97, 2016.

English Article ITNS-3B-1. Ability of residents to continue training programs is associated with burnout and recovery
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 98-98, 2016.

English Article ITNS-3B-2. The Society of Medical Education for the Next Generation : 2016 Update
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 98-98, 2016.

English Article ITNS-3B-3. A qualitative analysis of an interview with a resident, who has a high score on the Jefferson Scale of Empathy (JSE)
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 99-99, 2016.

English Article ITNS-3B-4. Comparison of emergency physician and anesthesiologist attitudes toward difficult airway management : a questionnaire survey following a simulation-based training course
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 99-99, 2016.

English Article ITNS-3B-5. International live web-based case conferences to overcome epidemiological shortage in postgraduate infectious diseases fellowship in Japan
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 100-100, 2016.

English Article ITNS-3B-6. Transforming clinical teacher's self-efficacy, teaching behavior and beliefs : An investigation of long-term impact of the observational learning with guided reflections
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 100-100, 2016.

English Article ITNS-3B-7. Intern in medicine ward were importance for medical students' skill in new medical education center.
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 101-101, 2016.

Japanese Article O-1-01. Introduction and experience of the education using a laparoscopic training box in the medical education training and the laparoscopic simulator
小谷泰史, 鈴木彩子, 藤島理沙, 宮川知保, 青木稚人, 葉宜慧, 村上幸祐, 高矢寿光, 島岡昌生, 中井英勝, 飛梅孝子, 辻勲, 万代昌紀
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 104-104, 2016.

Japanese Article O-1-02. Development of the nasogastric tube insertion simulation program to be useful for clinical practice
加治建1, 川野孝文1, 大西峻1, 山田耕嗣1, 中目和彦1, 向井基1, 家入里志1, 山田和歌1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 104-104, 2016.

Japanese Article O-1-03. Development of the pig gastrointestinal tract anastomosis model with the new fixative
斎藤拓朗1, 添田暢俊1, 押部郁朗1, 根本鉄太郎1, 小林英司2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 104-104, 2016.

Japanese Article O-1-04. About introduction and an effect of the gastrointestinal endoscopic simulation training in the before graduation clinic
鎌田紀子1,3, 竹重友美2, 奥幸子2, 山上博一3, 藤原靖弘3, 首藤太一1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 105-105, 2016.

Japanese Article O-1-05. Usability test of the high-performance patients simulator for the noninvasive intermittent positive pressure ventilation
明穂一広1, 狩野賢二2, 大和田芽衣子2, 佐藤直2, 熊倉俊一3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 105-105, 2016.

Japanese Article O-1-06. Development of the abdominal touch simulator
荒井孝子1, 松浦明美1, 栗田康生2, 堀江義則2, 天野隆弘2, 大原隆之3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 105-105, 2016.

Japanese Article O-2-01. Learning status of students obtained from a questionnaire survey conducted in medical act
田島克巳, 佐藤洋一, 伊藤智範, 相澤純
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 106-106, 2016.

Japanese Article O-2-02. Attempt of the practice participation type training in the digestive organ surgery
村上壮一1,2, 倉島庸1, 平野聡1, 七戸俊明1, 岡村圭祐1, 土川貴裕1, 中村透1, 田本英司1, 海老原裕磨1, 野路武寛1, 浅野賢道1, 中西喜嗣1, 田中公貴1, 川瀬寛1, 三井潤1, サシーム パウデル1, 溝田知子1, 大滝純司2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 106-106, 2016.

Japanese Article O-2-03. Introduction first report of the learning support program for clinical teachers in the medical person training education
大崎千恵子1,2, 福地本晴美1,4, 松木恵里1,5, 上田邦枝1, 大屋晴子1, 榎田めぐみ1, 鈴木久義3, 下司映一6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 106-106, 2016.

Japanese Article O-2-04. Attempt of the "problem free choice type" bedside teaching
河村宜克, 藤田基, 小田泰崇, 金田浩太郎, 宮内崇, 中原貴志, 鶴田良介
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 107-107, 2016.

Japanese Article O-2-05. Examination of Clark ship introduction common throughout the department of internal medicine and the evaluation
村崎かがり1, 山中寿2, 新田孝作1, 久保田翼1, 大久保由美子1, 吉岡俊正3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 107-107, 2016.

Japanese Article O-2-06. Introduction of the "ideal physician image" for the improvement of practice participation type bedside teaching group work
常川勝彦, 岸美紀子, 菊地麻美, 鎌田英男, 峯岸敬
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 107-107, 2016.

Japanese Article O-3-01. Do local doctor shortage and unevenly distributed increase the course regulation by the faculty of medicine area frame entrance examination?
賀來敦1, 中瀬克己2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 108-108, 2016.

Japanese Article O-3-02. The national examination pass rate of the local person from frame and scholarship recipient is high: Interim report of the national cohort study
松本正俊1,6, 竹内啓祐1,6, 井上和男2,6, 大脇哲洋3,6, 井口清太郎4,6, 前田隆浩5,6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 108-108, 2016.

Japanese Article O-3-03. Evaluation of the new student for the new student selection of this school
岸太一1, 土井範子1, 佐藤二美1, 高松研2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 108-108, 2016.

Japanese Article O-3-04. Examination of the correlation of medical scientific live each study results in University of Toyama
石木学1, 白木公康2, 三原弘1, 廣川慎一郎3, 関根道和1, 北島勲1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 109-109, 2016.

Japanese Article O-3-05. The current situation analysis 1 of the faculty of medicine bachelor admission studies system of Japan "which of the specialist in study do want to bring up with a clinician? "
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 109-109, 2016.

English Article O-3-06. Okayama University Medical School : A pioneer in International Baccalaureate Admissions
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 109-109, 2016.

Japanese Article O-4-01. Intervention study about the simulation education for the Okayama University Hospital medical department clinical resident
山本晃2, 村上拓1,2, 小比賀美香子2, 三好智子3, 万代康弘3, 伊野英男3, 片岡仁美4, 大塚文男2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 110-110, 2016.

Japanese Article O-4-02. The use of the medical simulator in the self-learning of the student nurse and examination of the use promotion method
沼野井翔太1, 八木(佐伯)街子1, 廣江貴則2, 熊谷奈穂1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 110-110, 2016.

Japanese Article O-4-03. Effect of the practice simulation education using the multi-viewpoint video shoot
兼松孝好1, 林紘太郎1, 荒川和幸1, 赤津裕康2, 正木克由規3, 大原弘隆1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 110-110, 2016.

Japanese Article O-4-04. Effect of the class correspondence at food allergy emergency for the staff of a school, and the like
荒田悠太郎1, 鈴木千鶴2, 門馬靖武3, 三浦克志4, 加賀谷豊5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 111-111, 2016.

Japanese Article O-4-05. About an education effect of the lumbar puncture simulation training that several clinical departments cooperate and are carried out
豊田宏光1,3, 竹重友美2, 奥幸子2, 甲斐沼成1, 幕内安弥子1, 並川浩己1, 福本一夫1, 小林正宜1, 衣畑成紀1, 鎌田紀子1, 栩野吉弘1, 森村美奈1, 竹本恭彦1, 中村博亮3, 首藤太一1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 111-111, 2016.

Japanese Article O-5-01. Efforts in inclusion consent form, the individual consent form operation in our hospital
小山政史1, 池澤敏幸1, 間嶋満2, 持田智2, 荒木信夫2, 土田哲也2, 別所正美2, 小山勇1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 112-112, 2016.

Japanese Article O-5-02. Evaluation - as vaccine vaccination - bedside teaching program by 5 annual SD
大塚勇輝1, 山根正修2, 日高啓介1, 飯田淳義3, 万代康弘3, 三好智子3, 松川昭博2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 112-112, 2016.

Japanese Article O-5-03. The initiative promotion by the Jichi Medical University-free course student doctor system and cultivation of the international field
松山泰1, 岡崎仁昭1, 苅尾七臣2, 野田泰子3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 112-112, 2016.

Japanese Article O-5-04. Use - Moodle of the IT in a bedside teaching and self-learning - using the format
木下洋, 友田幸一, 野村昌作, 菅谷泰行, 松田公志, 福永幹彦
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 113-113, 2016.

Japanese Article O-5-05. Invention to realize a practice participation type bedside teaching in the Siwash where the neighborhood has few cooperation hospitals
多田剛, 森淳一郎, 清水郁男, 黒川由美, 森田洋, 中澤勇一
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 113-113, 2016.

Japanese Article O-5-06. Attempt of the e- portfolio introduction in the bedside teaching
岡崎史子1, 小松一祐1, 関正康2, 櫻井結華1, 石橋由朗3, 川村哲也4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 113-113, 2016.

Japanese Article O-6-01. Development of e-learning teaching materials - SafetyPlus(R) - for the medical safety education
鈴木義彦1, 淺田義和2, 河野龍太郎1, 瀬川玲子3,4, 長谷川剛5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 114-114, 2016.

Japanese Article O-6-02. ... new medical community design architectural technique ... which thinks about the carrier pass in the medical management course
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 114-114, 2016.

Japanese Article O-6-03. Grasp of the ability development about the medical security of the medical student and examination of the effective systematic curriculum
伊藤彰一1,2,3, 相馬孝博3, 朝比奈真由美1,2, 山内かづ代1,2, 生坂政臣2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 114-114, 2016.

Japanese Article O-6-04. Extraction ... of the case that received search - emergency visit of the feedback method to ER attending staff again, and became the hospitalization
露木幹人, 中島紳史, 小寺雅也, 馬渕まりえ, 村上央, 前田憲幸, 野々山義仁, 柴田元博, 中村佳弘, 曽我和宏
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 115-115, 2016.

Japanese Article O-6-05. Examination of the incident accident example associated with the resident instruction
石川雅彦, 斉藤奈緒美
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 115-115, 2016.

Japanese Article O-6-06. Continuous patients safety education of the before graduation aiming at the competency acquirement of the Shows how level
高田真二1,2,5, 秋山暢1, 金子一郎1,3, 中木敏夫1,4, 坂本哲也3,5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 115-115, 2016.

Japanese Article O-7-01. Enforcement of the first annual hospital experience-based training by the department cooperation
田中一正1, 小倉浩1, 前田昌子1, 倉田知光1, 柏木美づ貴2, 小野沢国男2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 116-116, 2016.

Japanese Article O-7-02. The introduction to symptomatology class in first graders gives the motivation which is effective for the field of basic medicine learning
岡田英理子1, 井津井康浩2, 工藤敏文2, 中川美奈3, 山口久美子3, 高田和生3, 角勇樹4, 金子英司5, 高橋誠2, 田中雄二郎6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 116-116, 2016.

Japanese Article O-7-03. Attempt of the English medical history scenario making to a medical course second grader
八尋英二1,2, 森原大輔1, 鬼塚咲子1, 竹井亜理1, 石山由樹1, 圓矢智子1, 瓜生恵美子1, 出石宗仁2, 安元佐和1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 116-116, 2016.

Japanese Article O-7-04. We thought, and how did the teacher engaged in an early medical experience-based curriculum for many years come out how?
田口智博1, 愛知千明2, 石谷健人2, 大原昂洋2, 西村花奈2, 山添紗希2, 高橋隆粋3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 117-117, 2016.

Japanese Article O-7-05. Significance of the vital sign measurement in the for the first time annual education
加藤仁1, 森茂久1, 辻義隆1, 石橋敬一郎1, 大西京子1, 川村勇樹1, 柴崎智美2, 有田和恵1, 山田素子1, 荒木信夫1, 土田哲也1, 別所正美1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 117-117, 2016.

Japanese Article O-8-01. Examination by a stethoscope practice by examination by a stethoscope training and the ward professor rounds using the breath sounds simulator of the medical course fifth grader
栩野吉弘1,2, 吉本直樹3, 山本典雄3, 奥幸子2, 岡田明子2, 竹重友美2, 藤田奈緒美2, 佐々木由美子4, 平田一人3, 首藤太一1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 118-118, 2016.

Japanese Article O-8-02. Attempt of the non-expert skill practice for the student nurse
石浦夕奈1, 石丸章宏1, 安田幸雄1,2, 高村昭輝1,2, 堀有行2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 118-118, 2016.

Japanese Article O-8-03. Attempt of the suction maneuver training to the medical course fifth grader whom a nurse performed in
竹重友美1, 栩野吉弘1,2, 奥幸子1, 岡田明子1, 藤田奈緒美1, 首藤太一1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 118-118, 2016.

Japanese Article O-8-04. Efforts of the medical simulation education course carried out before a bedside teaching
万代康弘1, 山根正修2, 飯田淳義1, 三好智子1, 松川昭博2, 谷本光音1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 119-119, 2016.

Japanese Article O-8-05. Simulation training for nurses working in the intermediate and mountainous area
溝尾妙子1, 万代康弘2, 山本智恵子3, 杉本幸枝3, 土井英子3, 栗本一美3, 吉田美穂3, 山本裕子3, 中山亜弓3, 金山時恵3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 119-119, 2016.

Japanese Article O-8-06. Introduction of the perioperative crisis management seminar of the House of multi-type of job, delicate health participation utilizing the simulation
三原良介1, 駒澤伸泰1, 藤原俊介1, 西原功2, 田中源重3, 赤塚正文4, 趙崇至5, 南敏明1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 119-119, 2016.

Japanese Article O-8-07. Held experience (the second report) of the physician experience seminar for primary schoolchildren utilizing the simulation
服部一生1, 駒澤伸泰2,3, 森山幸子3, 花岡伸治4, 田中慶太郎5, 藤原淳2, 大地史広1,2, 文元聡志4, 南敏明2, 林道廣3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 120-120, 2016.

Japanese Article O-9-01. Recognition for the practice participation type bedside teaching of the teacher judging from physician's performance standard questionary survey
田島克巳, 佐藤洋一, 伊藤智範, 相澤純
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 121-121, 2016.

Japanese Article O-9-02. The effect that self-learning gives in a bedside teaching (Bedside Learning)
森原大輔1,2, 八尋英二1, 出石宗仁2, 鬼塚咲子1, 竹井亜理1, 石山由樹1, 圓矢智子1, 瓜生恵美子1, 安元佐和1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 121-121, 2016.

Japanese Article O-9-03. Examination of the acquisition rate of the inclusion agreement in the bedside teaching
大槻眞嗣1,2, 大宮直木2, 西部暁美3, 石原慎2, 吉川哲史2, 堀口明彦2, 長崎弘4, 松井俊和5, 岩田仲生6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 121-121, 2016.

Japanese Article O-9-04. Introduction of mini-CEX in the practice participation type bedside teaching: Rebuilding of large number of concrete achievement, evaluation inventory
杉本誠一郎1, 大谷真二2, 山根正修3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 122-122, 2016.

Japanese Article O-9-05. What does the student learn in a bedside teaching; analysis ... using ... text mining
久保田翼1,2,3, 大久保由美子2, 村崎かがり2, 新田孝作2, 吉岡俊正1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 122-122, 2016.

Japanese Article O-9-06. Attitude survey of the remote island duty utilizing the text mining
小屋松淳1, 佐藤晋平2, 山梨啓友1, 門田耕一郎2, 村瀬邦彦3, 大園惠幸4, 青柳潔5, 前田隆浩1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 122-122, 2016.

Japanese Article O-9-07. Regulations factor of satisfaction and the study Osamu arrival degree of the student in the practice participation type bedside teaching
赤池雅史1, 三笠洋明2, 西村明儒3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 123-123, 2016.

Japanese Article O-10-01. Self-assessment and the colleague evaluation are useful for the instruction of the student
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 124-124, 2016.

Japanese Article O-10-02. Individual learning support in the student consultation and construction process of the learning support system
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 124-124, 2016.

Japanese Article O-10-03. How to work on medical students to studies that results were excellent was various
高橋誠1,3,4, 平澤桃子2, 井津井康浩3, 工藤敏文3, 岡田英理子4, 田中雄二郎1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 124-124, 2016.

Japanese Article O-10-04. Significance of the grade vertical section group class teacher system
中川美奈1,2, 田中雄二郎3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 125-125, 2016.

Japanese Article O-10-05. Learning environment investigation by the student using DREEM (Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure)
泉美貴1, ラウル ブルーヘルマンス1, 河上恵2, 菰田孝行2, 荒井貞夫1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 125-125, 2016.

Japanese Article O-10-06. 5 annual reports of the resident mentor system in the Nagasaki University Hospital
松島加代子, 渡邊毅, 古賀智裕, 小畑陽子, 宮本俊之, 長谷敦子, 浜田久之
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 125-125, 2016.

Japanese Article O-10-07. About acceptance and the support of the student with the disorder in the single department medical college
村田英之, 友田幸一
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 126-126, 2016.

Japanese Article O-11-01. So that a student asks a question of white-hot conference; development - of - new bedside teaching support tool
村上壮一1,2, 倉島庸2, 遠藤晃3, 沼田光哉3, 伊藤豊3, サシーム パウデル2, 溝田知子2, 小華和柾志1, 川畑秀伸1, 七戸俊明2, 平野聡2, 大滝純司1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 127-127, 2016.

Japanese Article O-11-02. The inversion class can become the stratagem of the active learning in the medical person education (the second report) or
西屋克己, 住谷和則, 岡田宏基
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 127-127, 2016.

Japanese Article O-11-03. It is tried the Active learning introduction in a clinical lecture
黒川哲司1, 木村浩彦2, 田中雅人2, 上坂秀樹3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 127-127, 2016.

Japanese Article O-11-04. Experimental attempt aiming at the active learning in the lecture hall
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 128-128, 2016.

Japanese Article O-12-01. Attempt of the student BLS class by "roof tile method" introduction [the last report]
山門一平, 大久保朋一, 辻千鶴子, 木ノ上高章, 浦野哲哉, 竹腰進, 和泉俊一郎, 今井裕, 津田道雄
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 129-129, 2016.

Japanese Article O-12-02. Practice ... of the community medical care in attempt - foreign countries of the BLS class for citizens in Shanghai, China
松本裕子1, 後藤由美子2, 山口緑2, 勝又景子3, 宮地悦子3, 内山健太郎4, 友成雅敏5, 高次寛治6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 129-129, 2016.

Japanese Article O-12-03. The DVD making for G2015 conformity first aid lifesaving courses performed in by PWW and the effect
飯塚成志1, 増田和彦2, 志水貴之2, 笹野寛3, 藤原かをる4, 清水真名美4, 塚本直哉4, 加藤紀子4, 寺澤涼子4, 荻野朋子5, 吉田洋6, 川村理絵6, 村上円6, 河村英徳7, 金子洋8, 山本敏博8, 吉原信吾8, 稲波泰介9, 竹内昭憲2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 129-129, 2016.

Japanese Article O-12-04. Introduction of the simulation training of the emergency practice in emergency course bedside teaching (BSL) of the faculty of medicine fifth grader
増田和彦1,2, 飯塚成志3, 笹野寛1,7, 山岸庸太1, 三浦敏靖1, 谷内仁4, 安藤雅樹5, 大野貴之8, 竹内昭憲2, 松嶋麻子1,7, 服部友紀1,7, 祖父江和哉6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 130-130, 2016.

Japanese Article O-12-05. Hold "ER duty seminar" for resident, medical students
小林正宜, 衣畑成紀, 甲斐沼成, 梅田桜子, 幕内安弥子, 並川浩己, 福本一夫, 豊田宏光, 鎌田紀子, 栩野吉弘, 森村美奈, 竹本恭彦, 首藤太一
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 130-130, 2016.

Japanese Article O-12-06. Practice and report of the new resident education using the demystification game method
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 130-130, 2016.

Japanese Article O-13-03. The change of the use of Moodle in Jichi Medical University and future problem
淺田義和, 三重野牧子, 武藤弘行, 浜本敏郎
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 131-131, 2016.

Japanese Article O-13-01. Development of the ICT tool supporting a chest image diagnosis public class
田中雅人1,3, 伊藤春海1, 上坂秀樹2, 安達登志樹2, 木村浩彦3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 131-131, 2016.

Japanese Article O-13-02. Systematization of the normal chest X-rays interpretation of radiogram education
田中雅人1,3, 伊藤春海1, 上坂秀樹2, 安達登志樹2, 藤本真一2, 黒川哲司4, 犬伏正幸5, 豊岡麻理子3, 坂井豊彦3, 木村浩彦3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 131-131, 2016.

Japanese Article O-13-04. About the preparations for lessons confirmation test, current situation of the review test in the lecture using LMS after - introduction one year -
山本貴嗣, 豊田彰史, 秋山暢, 矢口義久, 相磯光彦, 時崎暢, 菊地弘敏, 笹森幸文, 三浦文彦, 高田真二, 金子一郎, 豊田圭子, 斧康雄, 中木敏夫, 川杉和夫, 滝川一
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 132-132, 2016.

Japanese Article O-13-05. The training of the dentist who can cope with the needs of the super-aged society
片岡竜太1, 美島健二1, 佐藤裕二1, 弘中祥司1, 城茂治2, 近藤尚知2, 越野寿3, 豊下祥史3, 今福輪太郎4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 132-132, 2016.

Japanese Article O-13-06. Construction and practice of the new class to utilize a human communication robot, and to think about problem solution, and the like to medical care, care
坂田信裕, 山下真幸, 坂東宏和, 上西秀和
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 132-132, 2016.

Japanese Article O-14-01. Operation (the second report) of the evaluation of the student that Ann is professional
錦織宏1, 藤原広臨2, 小西靖彦1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 133-133, 2016.

Japanese Article O-14-02. Before graduation education and carrier environment bring up the professionalism of the dental hygienist
長谷由紀子1, 大林泰二2, 竹本俊伸3, 小川哲次4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 133-133, 2016.

Japanese Article O-14-03. For the professionalism of our country past when "medicine is symbolized by benevolent act"
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 133-133, 2016.

Japanese Article O-14-04. Report about the clinical diagnosis reasoning test behavior that put it, and seemed to be against professionalism
伊藤彰洋1,2, 川原千香子3, 今井裕一2, 福沢嘉孝4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 134-134, 2016.

Japanese Article O-14-05. Behavior goal setting by the first annual specialist job cooperation education to lead to professionalism cultivation and evaluation of, running
山本武志1,2, 亀田優美2,3, 佐藤利夫2, 白鳥正典2, 相馬仁2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 134-134, 2016.

Japanese Article O-14-06. With the behavior that is not good for a medical educator: Investigation about the definition from literatures
川上ちひろ, 西城卓也, 鈴木康之, 藤崎和彦
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 134-134, 2016.

Japanese Article O-15-01. Ten years of the acupuncture needle moxibustion lecture to a medical student of the Kobe University faculty of medicine
高岡裕1, 大田美香1, 菅野亜紀1, 西尾久英2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 135-135, 2016.

Japanese Article O-15-02. Examination of resident needs for the Chinese medicine education in the Nagasaki University Hospital
松島加代子1, 渡邊毅1, 古賀智裕1, 小畑陽子1, 増崎雅子2, 川口哲3, 宮本俊之1, 長谷敦子1, 浜田久之1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 135-135, 2016.

Japanese Article O-15-03. 2 northeastern university hospitals, intention investigation for the Chinese medicine education of the initial resident in 2 clinical practice-designated hospitals
高山真1, 小林誠一2, 石橋悟2, 齊藤奈津美1, 沼田健裕1, 菊地章子1, 石川敬一3, 大澤稔1, 有田龍太郎1, 田中淳一5, 黒田仁5, 阿部倫明5, 田畑雅央4, 佐藤慎哉6, 石井正1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 135-135, 2016.

Japanese Article O-15-04. Evaluation of the learner using the abdominal model expressing examination of abdomen views of the Keishibukuryogan as Tokishakuyakusan
矢久保修嗣1, 上田ゆき子1, 相馬正義1, 藤田之彦2, 山中一文3, 中山隆3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 136-136, 2016.

Japanese Article O-15-05. Proposal to the Chinese medicine education based on the student questionnaire
日高啓介1, 松川昭博2, 大塚勇輝1, 飯田淳義3, 万代康弘3, 三好智子3, 山根正修2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 136-136, 2016.

Japanese Article O-16-01. What is sought by a simulation education leader?
大内元1, 赤嶺陽子2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 137-137, 2016.

Japanese Article O-16-02. Effect of the workshop for a manager and a specialist of the simulation center
三好智子, 万代康弘, 伊野英男, 谷本光音
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 137-137, 2016.

Japanese Article O-16-03. Can Xerte become the teaching aid of the anesthesiological medical student simulation training?
狩谷伸享, 大村昭宗, 宮脇弘樹, 佐野優佳, 奥谷博愛, 橋本和磨, 金子隆彦, 二木美由希, 多田羅恒雄, 廣瀬宗孝
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 137-137, 2016.

Japanese Article O-16-04. Attempt of the educational program (cerebrovascular regional version) that adopted the simulation practice for the new face nurse of the IVR center
祇園由美1,2,3, 山田隆子2, 沼本千誉1, 東本さなえ1, 竹中稚子1, 山口貴子3, 万代康弘3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 138-138, 2016.

Japanese Article O-16-05. It is ... for the spread of simulation medical education in activity - area of the northeastern simulation medical education workshop
加賀谷豊1, 石川和信2, 長谷川仁志3, 前田邦彦4, 菅原亜紀子2, 小林元2, 諸井陽子2, 荒田悠太郎5, 金塚完6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 138-138, 2016.

Japanese Article O-16-06. Improvement of the quality of Certified Simulation Healthcare Educator qualification and the Nagano emergency pediatric service simulation educational program
赤嶺陽子1,2, JANNET LEE-JAYARAM2, 竹前敦子1, 宮澤美雪1, 佐藤千鶴1, BENJAMIN W BERG2, 大内元3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 138-138, 2016.

Japanese Article O-17-01. Development of the ACLS learning application
宗像源之, 斎藤拓朗, 鈴木啓二
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 139-139, 2016.

Japanese Article O-17-02. Examination - of use situation - introduction early days of the electronic logbook which we introduced in the bedside teaching evaluation in earnest
永田康浩1, 西野文子1,2, 牟田久美子1,3, 松坂雄亮1, 相良郁子1, 濱口由子1, 石居公之1, 久芳さやか1, 安武亨4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 139-139, 2016.

Japanese Article O-17-03. Tablet terminal iPad distribution and digitization of the education and researches system
門川俊明, 平形道人
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 139-139, 2016.

Japanese Article O-17-04. Attempt of the check list making for medical people for use of social media
諸井陽子, 小林元, 菅原亜紀子, 石川和信
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 140-140, 2016.

Japanese Article O-17-05. Realization of the learner control in the e-learning teaching materials: Basic design of the teaching materials
松下毅彦, 粟井和夫
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 140-140, 2016.

Japanese Article O-17-06. Realization of the learner control in the e-learning teaching materials: Making of the teaching materials
松下毅彦, 粟井和夫
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 140-140, 2016.

Japanese Article O-18-01. Self-care to a medical student, attempt of the stress management education
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 141-141, 2016.

Japanese Article O-18-02. Comparison between difference - faculty of medicine first grader and sixth grader ... of the recognition between the school year about the occupation identity
川邊哲也1, 羽野卓三1, 鹿村眞理子2, 岩原昭彦2, 武用百子2, 水越正人2, 山口雅子2, 志波充2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 141-141, 2016.

Japanese Article O-18-03. Attempt of the multifaceted evaluation of the initial clinical resident by patients, a volunteer, the ambulancecrew
熊坂一成1, 黒沢祥浩2, 姜昌林3, 伊藤広子4, 徳永英吉5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 141-141, 2016.

Japanese Article O-18-04. A women's higher education in the medical education: About the school song as the symbol of the originality
内野三菜子1, 大島康子2, 田中薫3, 鳩貝亜紀4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 142-142, 2016.

Japanese Article O-18-05. With the medical professionalism educational program "good physician:" Small group learning before the bedside teaching start
平形道人, 門川俊明, 鈴木秀和, 中島理加, ジェームズ トーマス, 向井邦晃
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 142-142, 2016.

Japanese Article O-19-01. Does ability for clinical reasoning improve in a bedside teaching; examination in e-learning
藤代健太郎1, 並木温2, 土井範子1, 廣井直樹1, 佐藤二美1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 143-143, 2016.

Japanese Article O-19-02. Education support in the University of Toyama medical education center, efforts of the application of ICT
三原弘, 石木学, 関根道和, 廣川慎一郎, 北島勲
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 143-143, 2016.

Japanese Article O-19-03. A department of radiology 100 selections casebook: For the purpose of a medical education material for students of e-learning
豊岡麻理子, 坂井豊彦, 田中雅人, 木村浩彦
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 143-143, 2016.

Japanese Article O-19-04. An education support effect by the e- portfolio introduction using the cloud type free software and examination about the use continuity
鋪野紀好1, 大平善之1, 野田和敬1, 廣田悠祐1, 池上亜希子1, 梶原秀喜1, 近藤健1, 鈴木慎吾1, 上原孝紀1, 伊藤彰一2, 生坂政臣1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 144-144, 2016.

Japanese Article O-19-05. Development of the e portfolio system promoting learning and self-assessment in the outcome base type education
村永文学, 田川まさみ
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 144-144, 2016.

Japanese Article O-19-06. Inflection method in the bedside teaching of education tool - e portfolio raising a student
油川ひとみ1, ラウール ブルーヘルマンス2, 泉美貴1,2, 松村一3, 三島史朗4, 吉村真奈5, 野平知良6, 山科章1,7
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 144-144, 2016.

Japanese Article O-20-01. Development (the second report) of the subject "physics of the human body" for medical system
木下順二1, 小林義彦2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 145-145, 2016.

Japanese Article O-20-02. Efforts to the quality guarantee of the student by the chemical education in the medical system technical school
神崎秀嗣1,2, 鴻上啓次朗1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 145-145, 2016.

Japanese Article O-20-03. Inflection (the first report) as the self-study teaching materials of the polyopia point multi-layer 3D Internal examination on autopsy picture during the anatomy training period
山口久美子1, 秋田恵一2, 柴田俊一3, 須永昌代4, 木下淳博4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 145-145, 2016.

Japanese Article O-20-04. Result of the supplementary lessons lecture in Toho University 1 annual study Osamu support subjects
岡田弥生1, 廣井直樹1, 平敬宏2, 小林正明1, 岸太一1, 佐藤二美1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 146-146, 2016.

Japanese Article O-20-05. Result of the supplementary lessons lecture in Toho University 2 annual study Osamu support subjects
岡田弥生1, 廣井直樹1, 平敬宏2, 小林正明1, 岸太一1, 佐藤二美1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 146-146, 2016.

Japanese Article O-20-06. The effect that a demonstration and the discussion of basic medicine training data give to learning
日台智明, 國分眞一朗
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 146-146, 2016.

Japanese Article O-20-07. Efforts of the contribution to society program "junior high student future medical dream school"
大野章, 岡田弥生, 高松研, 佐藤二美
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 147-147, 2016.

Japanese Article O-21-01. Promotion of the sympathy of the student by measure CARE measure of new attempt - sympathy in the ambulatory care interview training
高橋徳幸1, 青松棟吉2, 伴信太郎3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 148-148, 2016.

Japanese Article O-21-02. Characteristic of the self-assessment of the medical student in the medical interview training with the simulated patient
菅原亜紀子, 本谷亮, 小林元, 諸井陽子, 石川和信
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 148-148, 2016.

Japanese Article O-21-03. The effective instruction method for the non-fixed form development student in the medical interview training
宮崎彩子1, 藤崎和彦2, 樫田美雄3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 148-148, 2016.

Japanese Article O-21-04. Approach of the medical interview education improvement by the simulated patient participation type education
長宗雅美1, 吾妻雅彦1, 岩田貴2, 三笠洋明3, 西村明儒4, 赤池雅史1,5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 149-149, 2016.

Japanese Article O-21-05. Attempt of the standard simulated patient training that paid its attention to the categorization of the question in the medical interview
佐貫久美子1,2, 澤田亮1, 中島平3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 149-149, 2016.

Japanese Article O-21-06. Close to an interview skill utilizing the foreign security police in university as a result of current situation of educating you and future possibility - whole country questionary survey
芦田ルリ1, クリスティーン倉本2, 大滝純司3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 149-149, 2016.

Japanese Article O-21-07. Development of the education course of the telephone report in the clinical settings for initial clinical residents
阿武茉利1, 小西恵理2, 大居慎治2, 鈴木康之3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 150-150, 2016.

Japanese Article O-21-08. Realization of the active presentation learning based on the concept of the playful learning
西迫尚1,2, 國島広之1,2, 土田知也1,2, 小野嘉文1,2, 山崎行敬1,2, 酒井翼1,2, 高畑丞1,2, 廣瀬雅宣1,2, 照屋陽子1,2, 黒須絵莉1,2, 中川禎介2, 荻原卓2, 内藤純行2, 鳥飼圭人2, 松田隆秀2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 150-150, 2016.

Japanese Article O-22-01. Through remote island medical office search - Okinawa of the learning of the medical student in the training Prefectural remote island medical office training for a short term
太田龍一1, 神山佳之2, 牧志朋幸3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 151-151, 2016.

Japanese Article O-22-02. Practice of the practice participation type community medical care training to grind being at home with outpatient department if essential
井津井康浩1, 岡田英理子2, 村川美也子2, 工藤敏文1, 高橋誠1,3, 田中雄二郎3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 151-151, 2016.

Japanese Article O-22-03. Enforcement of the first annual at-home visit training by the department cooperation
田中一正1, 大幡久之1, 刑部慶太郎1, 吉川祐介1, 前田昌子1, 小倉浩1, 稲垣昌博1, 堀川浩之1, 倉田知光1, 亀井大輔2, 大林真幸2, 木内祐二2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 151-151, 2016.

Japanese Article O-22-04. Attitude survey about the at-home visit of the pharmacist in the medical system undergraduate
宮田康好1, 松尾朋博1, 浅井昭宏1, 手嶋無限2,3, 酒井英樹1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 152-152, 2016.

Japanese Article O-22-05. Consciousness change ... of the medical student by expectation and the community medical care lecture to securing of remote place physician business ... study fund loaner who continues increasing of Mie
野田真理子1, 古里綾佳1, 古田範子1, 小林正司1, 加藤和浩1, 松田克彦1, 佐々木孝治1, 堀浩樹2, 奥野正孝1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 152-152, 2016.

Japanese Article O-22-06. Questionnaire findings - followup - about the current situation of the national community medical care educational program
片岡義裕1, 前野哲博1,2, 阿波谷敏英2, 井口清太郎2, 井上和男2, 大脇哲洋2, 岡山雅信2, 梶井英治2, 竹内啓祐2, 谷憲治2, 長谷川仁志2, 前田隆浩2, 村上啓雄2, 山本和利2, 三瀬順一2, 神田健史2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 152-152, 2016.

Japanese Article O-23-01. The clinical reasoning education: Think before the arrival of the ambulance; is the initial resident education in the emergency course using the two dimensions differentiation seat
望月礼子1,2, 鈴川正之2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 153-153, 2016.

Japanese Article O-23-02. The association of a native place prefecture and the after graduation course of the medical student: Analysis for graduate data 18 years of Gifu University
恒川幸司, 鈴木康之
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 153-153, 2016.

Japanese Article O-23-03. Importance and problem of the interview examination in the resident selection employment examination
城之園学, 本村和久, 尾原晴雄, 根井雄一郎, 金城紀与史
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 153-153, 2016.

Japanese Article O-23-04. Change of the choice training in the after graduation clinical practice of Toho University
吉原彩, 廣井直樹, 並木温
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 154-154, 2016.

Japanese Article O-23-05. Problems of the feed-back system for the initial clinical resident
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 154-154, 2016.

Japanese Article O-23-06. Change of the recognition for the training environment of 2 annual residents and the latter term training
佐土原道人1,4, 田村幸大2,4, 今西康次3,4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 154-154, 2016.

Japanese Article O-23-07. The current situation and problem in instruction and the support of the initial clinical resident with a hearing loss
三澤美和1, 白川努2, 児玉憲一2, 中村誠昌2, 楠井隆3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 155-155, 2016.

Japanese Article O-24-01. Examination of the usefulness of the problem base type tutorial which a simulated patient participated in
中田亜希子1, 岡田弥生2, 吉原彩3, 並木温1,3, 廣井直樹2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 156-156, 2016.

Japanese Article O-24-02. It is a followup about the change of knowledge and the manner about the mild medical care of faculty of medicine student
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 156-156, 2016.

Japanese Article O-24-03. With invention of "half inversion class" in the periodical study session, actually
別府正志, 金子英司
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 156-156, 2016.

Japanese Article O-24-04. Practice of the inversion class in the anatomy education
一條裕之, 川口将史, 竹内勇一, 中村友也
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 157-157, 2016.

Japanese Article O-24-05. Clinical problem discovery solution ability of the lower grades medical student
大久保由美子1, 新田孝作2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 157-157, 2016.

Japanese Article O-24-06. About the multi-type of job cooperation education by the CASP workshop and the before graduation EBM learning of the medical system student
高垣伸匡1, 福岡敏雄2, 伊藤栄次3, 上田昌宏4, 豊山美琴4, 大引真理恵5, 片山皓太6, 酒井麻衣7, 清水忠8, 田内義彦9, 竹内雅代10, 田丸蓉子10, 中西弘和11, 花井翔悟12, 水野成人13
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 157-157, 2016.

Japanese Article O-25-01. Efforts of the student participation type conflict management education
廣井直樹1,2, 成田康弘2, 大坪利恵2, 松本幸則2, 仮屋昌美2, 吉原彩1, 鈴木広子2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 158-158, 2016.

Japanese Article O-25-02. "How do you tell the communication readiness of the physician to patients?:" Exploratory study by the interview
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 158-158, 2016.

Japanese Article O-25-03. Effect on English medical care interview skill in the English outside study high score person
山内かづ代1, エリック ジェーゴ2, ダニエル サルチェード1, 伊藤彰一1, 朝比奈真由美1, 白澤浩3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 158-158, 2016.

Japanese Article O-25-04. Conversation analysis of "the closed question" (Closed Question) in the SP participation type training
高橋洋一, 中野俊也
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 159-159, 2016.

Japanese Article O-25-05. In an examination scientific live medical interview class about a simulated patient participation in planning effect
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 159-159, 2016.

Japanese Article O-25-06. Tendency of the communication of the medical student in the simulated patient participation type medical care interview for the purpose of the condition explanation
小田康友1, 福森則男2, 木本晶子1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 159-159, 2016.

Japanese Article O-25-07. Consideration about self-assessment, the problem in recognition for the communication of the Kitasato University faculty of medicine fourth grader and the medical interview training
千葉宏毅1, 青木節子2, 齋藤正範3, 守屋利佳1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 160-160, 2016.

Japanese Article O-25-08. Conceptual structure of the sympathy of communications skill education and the medical student
孫大輔1, 石川ひろの2, 清水郁夫3, 青松棟吉4, レピンク ジミー5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 160-160, 2016.

Japanese Article O-26-01. Practice participation type pediatric foreign training of the medical student
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 161-161, 2016.

Japanese Article O-26-02. Descriptive study on change of the intention that a local frame student is going to settle in the physician shortage area
片岡義裕1, 高屋敷明由美1, 佐藤幹也2,3, 前野哲博1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 161-161, 2016.

Japanese Article O-26-03. About usefulness of the community medical care training to be carried out in the lower grades than the questionary survey for - bedside teaching students -
松坂雄亮1, 濱口由子1, 西野文子1, 相良郁子1, 牟田久美子1, 石居公之1, 久芳さやか1, 安武亨2, 前田隆浩3, 永田康浩1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 161-161, 2016.

Japanese Article O-26-04. The search of inspection and the problem of the significance of the elderly people home visit training by the medical system student: Approach using the mixed organon
小嶋雅代1, 浅井大策2, 石川大貴2, 木村侑樹2, 早野順一郎1, AMEC 研究グループ2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 162-162, 2016.

Japanese Article O-26-05. The self-assessment of the student of the general clinical department before graduation clinical Clark ship: About the relations with the duty training and training place
若林崇雄1,6, 相馬仁2,6, 山本武志2,6, 山本和利3,6, 三浦哲嗣4,6, 舛森直哉5,6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 162-162, 2016.

Japanese Article O-26-06. Association between experience and thought to community medical care after the graduation in the community medical care bedside teaching
岡山雅信1,2, 竹島太郎2, 森田喜紀2, 中村剛史2, 梶井英治2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 162-162, 2016.

Japanese Article O-26-07. Thought about the future request for course of the national area frame studies sixth grader and the local frame
高屋敷明由美1, 片岡義裕1, 佐藤幹也2,3, 前野哲博1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 163-163, 2016.

Japanese Article O-27-01. Problem of our hospital which auditee did a clinical practice evaluation, and became clear
池邉孝1, 八木匠1, 仲川浩一郎1, 木下千富1, 松本英樹1, 浅沼晴雄1, 原田詳子1, 中野由紀子1, 村上依公子1, 廣橋一裕1, 田中宏1, 首藤太一2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 164-164, 2016.

Japanese Article O-27-02. The current situation of the endoscopic surgery on-campus technical authorized system in the Jikei University School of Medicine
石橋由朗, 森川利昭, 矢永勝彦
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 164-164, 2016.

Japanese Article O-27-03. The agreement formation of the medical education competency of the young attending physician by the Modified Delphi method
橋本忠幸1,2,3, 菊川誠4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 164-164, 2016.

Japanese Article O-27-05. Problem of our hospital which we saw in the auditee of the clinical practice evaluation
池邉孝1, 仲川浩一郎1, 木下千富1, 松本英樹1, 浅沼晴雄1, 原田祥子1, 中野由紀子1, 村上依公子1, 福本一夫1,2, 廣橋一裕1, 田中宏1, 首藤太一2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 165-165, 2016.

Japanese Article O-27-06. About the labor situation, the instruction situation of the attending physician and all-burnt (burnout)
伊藤慎1, 河村由吏可2, 高屋敷明由美3, 前野貴美3, 瀬尾恵美子4, 前野哲博3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 165-165, 2016.

Japanese Article O-27-07. Factor associated with the all-burnt (burnout) of the attending physician
河村由吏可1, 高屋敷明由美2, 伊藤慎3, 前野貴美2, 瀬尾恵美子4, 前野哲博2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 165-165, 2016.

Japanese Article O-27-04. Cooperation construction by significance and the hospital visit of the community medical care training
高橋弘明, 水堀路子, 木村尚人, 佐々島朋美, 臼田昌広, 佐熊勉, 望月泉
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 166-166, 2016.

Japanese Article O-28-01. Attempt of the training instruction to the fourth grader by the faculty of medicine sixth grader
衣畑成紀, 甲斐沼成, 幕内安弥子, 並川浩己, 福本一夫, 小林正宜, 豊田宏光, 鎌田紀子, 栩野吉弘, 森村美奈, 竹本恭彦, 首藤太一
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 167-167, 2016.

Japanese Article O-28-02. Construction of the objective evaluation system of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation technique using Kinect
佐藤直1, 岡本覚2, 岩敷弘基2, 大和田芽衣子1, 狩野賢二1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 167-167, 2016.

Japanese Article O-28-03. Attempt of the heart auscultation education by the cardiac murmur gradual increase addition gradual decrease disappearance method
信岡祐彦1, 瀧宮顕彦1, 望月篤2, 伊野美幸2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 167-167, 2016.

Japanese Article O-28-04. Medical management studies education using the case method
島久美子1, 佐藤乃理子1, 渋谷明隆1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 168-168, 2016.

Japanese Article O-28-05. Trial of the new education system ("a house system") by several grade students
工藤敏文1, 村川美也子1, 岡田英理子1, 井津井康浩1, 高橋誠1, 田中雄二郎1, 高田和生2, 三宅智3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 168-168, 2016.

Japanese Article O-28-06. About the overseas university agreement conclusion situation for student interchange
馬場幸子1, 森正樹1,2, 森井英一3, 磯博康4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 168-168, 2016.

Japanese Article O-29-01. Career education for Work Life Balance of the medical student
竹宮孝子1, 川上万留実1, 前知子2, 前昌宏3, 蓮沼直子4, 木村友美5, 岡田みどり6, 斎藤加代子7
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 169-169, 2016.

Japanese Article O-29-02. Work-life balance survey in medical students - An Effect of mothers -
竹宮孝子1, 川上万留実1, 蓮沼直子2, 伊東昌子3, 山本明美4, 岡田みどり5, 斎藤加代6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 169-169, 2016.

Japanese Article O-29-03. Instructional activity to the medical student by the Kumamoto medical care person carrier support "meeting of the clover"
後藤理英子1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 池田学2, 河野文夫3, 中本弘作4, 小山耕太5, 田宮貞宏5, 天野冨紀子7, 谷口純一1, 松井邦彦6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 169-169, 2016.

Japanese Article O-29-04. Attempt of the group of medical course fifth graders lecture about the gender equality for students
守屋普久子1, 神代龍吉2, 岡松由記3, 松尾規和4, 安陪等思5, 鹿毛政義6, 矢野博久1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 170-170, 2016.

Japanese Article O-29-05. Reproduction - of identity formation - gender stereotype of the woman doctor in Japan
松井智子1, 佐藤元紀2, 加藤容子3, 錦織宏4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 170-170, 2016.

Japanese Article O-30-01. Education effect of the workshop of the medical summary in course 1 annual education subject "introduction to clinical medicine"
加藤博之1, 松谷秀哉1, 小林只2, 大沢弘2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 171-171, 2016.

Japanese Article O-30-02. Education of the resilience to the medical student using the royal road boys' comic
今村弥生1, 野尻英一2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 171-171, 2016.

Japanese Article O-30-03. An example of the class when we utilized "the talk of patients" that we could watch with a picture as the teaching materials
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 171-171, 2016.

Japanese Article O-30-04. Enforcement example of the first annual choice class to learn "education technique"
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 172-172, 2016.

Japanese Article O-30-05. We study the Hisasaka part sheep "second best" euthanasia in a class to think about
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 172-172, 2016.

Japanese Article O-30-06. Learning time for Toho University next life in the first year of the faculty of medicine and one-year change of the learning will
中田亜希子1, 廣井直樹2, 並木温1,3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 172-172, 2016.

Japanese Article O-30-07. The effect that a science choice at examination of faculty of medicine student gives for organism learning after the entrance to school
山崎尚1,2, 平井秀一1, 羽野卓三2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 173-173, 2016.

Japanese Article O-31-01. Association between after graduation 3 annual specialized clinical department choice and skillfulness by the before graduation operation under laparoscopy simulation learning
小林元1, 菅原亜紀子1, 諸井陽子1, 本谷亮1, 齋藤拓朗2, 石川和信1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 174-174, 2016.

Japanese Article O-31-02. Prospective study about the effect that a medical system workshop gives to a participant and the staff
村上拓1,2, 山本晃2, 小比賀美香子2, 三好智子3, 万代康弘3, 伊野英男3, 片岡仁美4, 大塚文男2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 174-174, 2016.

Japanese Article O-31-03. Analysis about the validity of the evaluation by OSTE for the attending physician in the attending physician class
古賀智裕, 浜田久之, 小畑陽子, 松島加代子, 長谷敦子, 神白麻衣子, 宮本俊之, 渡邊毅
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 174-174, 2016.

Japanese Article O-31-04. The current situation and problem about the training contents of the clinical practice attending physician training class
冨田泰彦, 矢島知治, 赤木美智男
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 175-175, 2016.

Japanese Article O-31-05. Result of construction and the operation of the local inclusion care training program to learn medical care cooperation through care insurance chief physician opinion book making
平井愛山1, 関口哲夫2, 勅使河原正敏3, 小林進4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 175-175, 2016.

Japanese Article O-31-06. Making of the comprehensive medical care specialist first aid course training program on the basis of the emergency practice results of the emergency person in charge Hospital in Chichibu area
平井愛山1, 勅使河原正敏2, 花輪峰夫3, 若山昌彦4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 175-175, 2016.

Japanese Article O-31-07. Reconsideration ... from the viewpoint of practice information sharing by importance ... multicenter multi-type of job of the list of problems in practice mention
渡邉直1,2,3,4, 尾関理恵2, 神宮寺秀幸3, 河村綾子4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 176-176, 2016.

Japanese Article O-32-01. Introduction of the PBL tutorial in the faculty of medicine early years next
佐藤利夫1, 山本武志2, 白鳥正典1, 相馬仁1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 177-177, 2016.

Japanese Article O-32-02. Attempt of the symptomatology practice by the student-led large classroom TBL method
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 177-177, 2016.

Japanese Article O-32-03. In TBL using moodle and the tablet type terminal human, is a financial burden
今西宏安1,2, 成瀬均1,2, 高橋敬子2,4, 鈴木敬一郎2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 177-177, 2016.

Japanese Article O-32-04. An example report: TBL class (the second report) using a tablet type terminal
三木洋一郎1, 高橋一郎2, 徳森謙二3, 北川周子4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 178-178, 2016.

Japanese Article O-32-05. Does blend type PBL contribute to the independent learning posture of the medical student?
清水郁夫1,4, 中澤英之2, 佐藤吉彦3, KONINGS KAREN4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 178-178, 2016.

Japanese Article O-32-06. Fujita-type PBL utilizing the ICT
若月徹, 皿井正義, 堀場文彰, 飯塚成志, 菊川薫, 三重野ゆうき, 田中郁子, 外山宏, 松井俊和, 鈴木茂孝, 大槻眞嗣
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 178-178, 2016.

Japanese Article O-32-07. Significance of PBL utilizing the anatomy training
一條裕之, 川口将史, 竹内勇一, 中村友也
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 179-179, 2016.

Japanese Article O-33-01. What Datong Hospital worked on as postgraduate education hospital
服部良信, 水野美穂子, 小鹿幸生, 野々垣浩二, 藤中健二, 本田真子, 小谷勝祥
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 180-180, 2016.

Japanese Article O-33-02. Way - patients of the informed consent judging from clinical practice demand anything from a physician; or -
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 180-180, 2016.

Japanese Article O-33-03. What is the work of the after graduation clinical practice center? - From a point of view of industry, the organization psychology -
江村正, 吉田和代, 山下秀一
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 180-180, 2016.

Japanese Article O-33-04. Problems of the cancer practice education for the initial resident judging from the actual situation of the emergency visit
長谷川頌, 内野三菜子, 村岡亮
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 181-181, 2016.

Japanese Article O-34-01. Result in the community medical care training of the multicenter participation type and experience ... of problems - Nagasaki north community medical care education consortium three years of the prefecture
中桶了太1,2,3, 山下匠子2, 度島容子1, 押淵徹3, 調漸1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 182-182, 2016.

Japanese Article O-34-02. - student to know adds a difference of the acquisition by the difference of the internship of the treatment at home; and -
山根由起子1, 滋賀健介2, 入江仁2, 神野君夫3, 土井正樹4, 渡辺康介5, 山脇正永1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 182-182, 2016.

Japanese Article O-34-03. The resident education that made the most of local resources
佐藤勝1, 鈴木忠広3, 土井浩二2, 溝尾妙子2, 金森達也2, 片岡仁美1, 岩瀬敏秀1, 川畑智子1, 勅使川原早苗1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 182-182, 2016.

Japanese Article O-34-04. A questionnaire survey in Ehime revealed the residents' preferences for community medicine
池田祐一1, 高橋敏明1, 高田清式1, 小林直人2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 183-183, 2016.

Japanese Article O-34-05. Problem of the cardiovascular system physical assessment education in the clinical practice
大和田めいこ, 佐藤直, 狩野賢二
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 183-183, 2016.

Japanese Article O-34-06. The local base type emergency care education which the resident judging from the comment of the attending physician evaluation questionnaire buys
長谷敦子1, 小畑陽子2, 松島加代子2, 花井寿々子1, 浜田久之2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 183-183, 2016.

Japanese Article O-34-07. Do you bring up an excellent initial resident properly? Examination of the resident evaluation in our hospital
本村和久, 城之園学
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 184-184, 2016.

Japanese Article O-34-08. Difference between basic type postgraduate education hospital and recognition of the cooperation type training institution for the community medical care training in the initial clinical practice
田中淳一, 沼田健裕, 黒田仁, 阿部倫明, 高山真, 石井正
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 184-184, 2016.

Japanese Article O-35-01. Consciousness of the medical system student for the multi-type of job cooperation education using the remote education tool
高橋良子1, 小山由美2, 上原任3, 春木しのぶ4, 大島弘子4, 押味貴之1, 金田隆5, 鈴木孝2, 金子利雄2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 185-185, 2016.

Japanese Article O-35-02. Specialist job cooperation education (Clinical IPE) in the bedside teaching
朝比奈真由美1, 大塚真理子2, 黒河内仙奈2, 眞島朋子2, 関根祐子3, 伊藤彰一4, 酒井郁子2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 185-185, 2016.

Japanese Article O-35-03. Further becoming the dental hygienist of the managerial class from ametropia to the regular staff in a dental college hospital, and having changed
板家朗, 鬼塚千絵, 永松浩, 木尾哲朗
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 185-185, 2016.

Japanese Article O-35-04. Collaboration of the medical person and anthropologist in the case conference
飯田淳子1, 宮地純一郎2, 松井善典2, 錦織麻紀子3, 島薗洋介4, 錦織宏5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 186-186, 2016.

Japanese Article O-35-05. Significance of the emergency treatment and medical education workshop to a housekeeper
齊藤正樹1,6, 七戸キヨ子2, 米谷ゆかり3, 矢坂正弘4, 岡田靖4, 下濱俊5, 高橋弘毅1,6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 186-186, 2016.

Japanese Article O-36-01. We learn by the SP participation as a friend and the citizen: New pupil orientation TBL second report
藤倉輝道1, 松本尚2, 三宅弘一3, 樫村正美4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 187-187, 2016.

Japanese Article O-36-02. Efforts of the simulated patient participation type headache practice simulation in the bedside teaching
中野俊也, 高橋洋一
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 187-187, 2016.

Japanese Article O-36-03. Examination of the simulation effect to give seriousness in the pediatric medical interview training in 4 annual of the simulated patient (SP) participation
阿曽亮子1, 桑原健太郎2, 前田美穂2, 金原和也3, 伊東泰夫3, 井上千鹿子1, 竹下俊行1, 藤倉輝道1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 187-187, 2016.

Japanese Article O-36-04. The development of the simulated patient performance evaluation vote: Inspection of the validity
阿部恵子1, 半谷眞七子2, 後藤道子3, 安井浩樹4, 藤崎和彦5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 188-188, 2016.

Japanese Article O-36-05. How does the "pathognomy" for the simulated patient lecture influence learning and the performance of the scenario? (the second report)
澤山芳枝1, 孫大輔1, 金子英司2, 北村聖1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 188-188, 2016.

Japanese Article O-36-06. The SP training (the second report) by the glance of the OSCE generation
幕内安弥子1, 森村美奈1, 梅田桜子1, 甲斐沼成1, 福本一夫1, 並川浩己1, 小林正宜1, 衣畑成紀1, 豊田宏光1, 鎌田紀子1, 栩野吉弘1, 竹本恭彦1, 鹿島知可子2, 廣橋一裕3, 首藤太一1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 188-188, 2016.

Japanese Article O-36-07. About the effect that the age of the simulated patient gives to a student in the case of elderly people medical care interview and cognitive function test training
金子英司1, 別府正志1, 阿部庸子2, 下門顕太郎2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 189-189, 2016.

Japanese Article O-36-08. To the OSCE of the student nurse about the simulated patient training for participation
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 189-189, 2016.

Japanese Article O-37-01. Men and women physician carrier support needs questionnaire results in the Nagoya Univ. medicine faculty of medicine hospital and the Tokai district
向田美保, 前田啓子, 赤根亜希子, 内海史, 後藤真紀, 島田聡子, 関谷徳子, 高橋徳幸, 冨田ゆうか, 新美薫, 坂東泰子, 平松真理子, 福島曜, 村松友佳子, 安田あゆ子, 脇田祐実, 寺崎浩子, 植村和正
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 190-190, 2016.

Japanese Article O-37-02. Investigation about the difference between academic carrier men and women in the Medical educational institution
須崎康恵1, 水野文子1, 岡本希1, 車谷典男1, 藤本眞一2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 190-190, 2016.

Japanese Article O-37-03. Development and inspection of the labor quality of life measure of the female medical person
武冨貴久子1, 伊藤陽一1, 徳永えり子3, 平野裕子5, 藤野ユリ子4, 樗木晶子2, 大滝純司1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 190-190, 2016.

Japanese Article O-37-04. About the men and women role awareness of the workplace in the medical doctor in hospital
有馬牧子, 井関祥子, 平井伸英, 宮崎泰成
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 191-191, 2016.

Japanese Article O-37-05. Women in surgery participation report
蓮沼直子1, 冨澤康子2, 佐藤和奏1, 新保麻衣3, 南園佐知子4, ドナルド ウッド3, 長谷川仁志3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 191-191, 2016.

Japanese Article O-37-06. The effect that child care gives in the carrier of the specialist in female basic medicine study
山崎由花1,2, 宇賀貴紀3, 丸井英二4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 191-191, 2016.

Japanese Article O-38-01. It is tried the practice in NBM class in the physical therapy education
沖田一彦1, 平岡一志2, 田中聡1, 星野晋3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 192-192, 2016.

Japanese Article O-38-02. Attempt of the educational program development about the discharge summary making
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 192-192, 2016.

Japanese Article O-38-03. Change - from the principle of description - cultural evolution of the reflection about the scientific international exchange of the field of medical education to cultural relativism
宮地純一郎1,2, 錦織宏1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 192-192, 2016.

Japanese Article O-38-04. Significance of the tutor training in the before graduation roof tile type education
野村理1,2, 大西弘高3, 加藤博之1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 193-193, 2016.

Japanese Article O-38-05. Directionality of the qualification education in the junior college [the second report]
黒野伸子1, 河合晋1, 大友達也2, 村田幸則3, 山崎将生3, 早田真樹4, 家村美咲4, 家村理咲4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 193-193, 2016.

Japanese Article O-38-06. Evaluation of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation program for non-healthcare settings based on Instructional design
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 193-193, 2016.

Japanese Article O-38-07. Attitude change for dementia of the local inhabitants by the world cafe which featured the theme of dementia and the medical social worker
孫大輔1, 富田さつき2, 密山要用1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 194-194, 2016.

Japanese Article O-39-01. Attempt of problem solution type FD in the Tohoku University health subject for the past 7 years
亀岡淳一1, 吉沢豊子2, 塩飽仁2, 清水律子2, 岩崎京子1, 大槻真哉1, 石井誠一1, 加賀谷豊1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 195-195, 2016.

Japanese Article O-39-02. Seminar by the hospital Uchida type of job about the response to critical bleeding
趙崇至1, 北埜学1, 塩見真由美1, 楠大弘1, 清水祥子1, 大野富美1, 駒澤伸泰2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 195-195, 2016.

Japanese Article O-39-03. Hold "type physician, the nurse joint advanced life support (ICLS) training shockingly" (the second report)
平田真由美1, 藤原弘美1, 栩野吉弘2,3, 奥幸子3, 竹重友美3, 岡田明子3, 藤田奈緒美3, 首藤太一2,3, 松本美知子1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 195-195, 2016.

Japanese Article O-39-04. Educational program aiming at the reinforcement of "assembly II" teamwork and regional alliances
市野直浩1, 前野芳正2, 村田幸則1, 南一幸1, 堀場文彰1, 大田真由美3, 松井俊和2,4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 196-196, 2016.

Japanese Article O-39-05. We correspond to medical system department middle and high schools school year and are tried the type of job cooperation PBL tutorial class
岩田貴1, 赤池雅史2, 吾妻雅彦2, 長宗雅美2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 196-196, 2016.

Japanese Article O-39-06. Attempt of the multi-type of job cooperation education "team approach in medical care literacy" by the medicine teeth medicine 3 undergraduate
相澤文恵1, 平林香織1, 木村祐輔2, 佐藤洋一3,4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 196-196, 2016.

Japanese Article O-39-07. Viewpoint-related reflection as the medical educator in multi-type of job FD
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 197-197, 2016.

Japanese Article O-40-01. Attempt of the outcome base type curriculum making in "a workshop for the clinical practice attending physician training"
小林正宜, 竹本恭彦, 甲斐沼成, 梅田桜子, 幕内安弥子, 並川浩己, 福本一夫, 衣畑成紀, 豊田宏光, 鎌田紀子, 栩野吉弘, 森村美奈, 首藤太一
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 198-198, 2016.

Japanese Article O-40-03. What do they hope for to a new specialty?
小畑陽子, 浜田久之, 古賀智裕, 渡邊毅, 松島加代子, 宮本俊之, 長谷敦子
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 198-198, 2016.

Japanese Article O-40-04. Attitude survey of the medical student for the new specialty
桑原蓮, 奥野衆史, 山田潤一, 山田淳史, 安部遥香, 河野絵理子
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 199-199, 2016.

Japanese Article O-40-05. The efforts which raises a comprehensive medical care specialist with the whole area of the Chichibu area: Mainly on a social position design
勅使河原正敏1, 花輪峰夫2, 若山昌彦3, 山田昌樹4, 関口哲夫5, 南須原宏城7, 平井愛山6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 199-199, 2016.

Japanese Article O-40-06. The education behavior of the clinical practice attending physician class student attending a lecture and change of the recognition
小西恵理1, 神山浩2, 西屋克己3, 西城卓也4, 鈴木康之4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 199-199, 2016.

Japanese Article O-40-07. Effect on surgery medical care of the settings education judging from a national survey
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 200-200, 2016.

Japanese Article O-41-01. The current situation of the Yamaguchi University OSCE and future problem
白澤文吾1, 大津山賢一郎1, 桂春作1, 西本新1, 藤宮龍也2, 瀬川誠3, 松井邦彦4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 201-201, 2016.

Japanese Article O-41-02. User evaluation by the reviewer of the OSCE enforcement support system using a tablet terminal
早坂明哲1,2, 井上千鹿子1, 伊藤保彦2, 竹下俊行1, 藤倉輝道1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 201-201, 2016.

Japanese Article O-41-03. Initial evaluation at new problem introduction in the common use study medicine system OSCE
森本剛, 仁田善雄, 大西弘高, 片桐瑞希, 北村聖, 大滝純司, 吉田素文, 齋藤宣彦
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 201-201, 2016.

Japanese Article O-41-04. New inflection method of Procedures CONSULT for the OSCE
福井隆彦1, 加藤智大2, 福沢嘉孝3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 202-202, 2016.

Japanese Article O-41-05. The study for ten years of the common use study medicine system OSCE:
仁田善雄, 森本剛, 大西弘高, 片桐瑞希, 北村聖, 大滝純司, 吉田素文, 齋藤宣彦, 医学系OSCE 合同委員会
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 202-202, 2016.

Japanese Article O-42-01. Professor rounds by English and an effect and problem of the conference
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 203-203, 2016.

Japanese Article O-42-02. An American physician and difference of the English medical care interview technology by the Japanese medical student that a student analyzed in 2 annual
高橋良子, エリック ハジメ ジェーゴ, 押味貴之
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 203-203, 2016.

English Article O-42-03. When should Medical Schools start Medical Interviewing in English?
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 203-203, 2016.

Japanese Article O-42-04. Attempt of the English medical care interview technology rating system development
押味貴之, エリック ハジメ ジェーゴ, 高橋良子
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 204-204, 2016.

Japanese Article O-42-05. E learning teaching materials development for dispatch type English education
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 204-204, 2016.

Japanese Article O-42-06. Effective inflection of medical English e-learning
鈴木光代, 遠藤美香
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 204-204, 2016.

Japanese Article O-42-07. We evaluate it one by one in medical English education based on the interpreter approach and the class by the student
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 205-205, 2016.

Japanese Article O-42-08. Preliminary study about the "cultures" of the medical student in the overseas bedside teaching adjustment process
今福輪太郎1, 西城卓也1, 早川佳穂1, 阪下和美2, 鈴木康之1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 205-205, 2016.

Japanese Article O-43-06. Does the foreign student education postpone patients hospitalization time? ... single institution case-control study ...
阪上順一1,2, 十亀義生1,2, 楳村敦詩1,2, 鎌田和浩1,2, 内山和彦1,2, 岡山哲也1,2, 谷口隆介2, 田中武兵2, 坂井亮介2, 白波瀬真子2, 浅野麻衣2, 小泉崇2, 上山知己2, 白山武司2, 水谷信介2, 入江仁2, 滋賀健介2, 松原慎1, 山脇正永2, 伊藤義人1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 206-206, 2016.

Japanese Article O-43-01. Association between anatomy training report and results 1
岸太一1, 廣井直樹1, 吉原彩1, 中田亜希子2, 佐藤二美1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 206-206, 2016.

Japanese Article O-43-02. Association between anatomy training report and results 2
吉原彩1, 廣井直樹1, 岸太一1, 中田亜希子2, 佐藤二美1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 206-206, 2016.

Japanese Article O-43-03. Comparison about the handling of inappropriate problem method in the polymelia choice-style study
荒関かやの, 椎橋実智男, 大西京子, 齋藤恵, 辻美隆, 岡田浩一, 茅野秀一, 持田智, 土田哲也
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 207-207, 2016.

Japanese Article O-43-04. The application results of the ADDIE model in the clinical studies educational program that reflected clinical settings and compatible inspection
大城絢子, 池原由美, 植田真一郎
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 207-207, 2016.

Japanese Article O-43-05. Development of the clinical attending physician evaluation list for Japan
菊川誠1, E. STALMEIJER RENEE2, 大久保智哉3, 武冨貴久子4, 江村正5, 宮田靖志6, 吉田素文1, J. J. A. SCHERPBIER ALBERT2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 207-207, 2016.

Japanese Article O-43-07. Examination of the standard linkage validity of the medical record peer review system as the outcome evaluation
亀岡淳一1, 大久保智哉2, 菊川誠3, 岩崎淳也1, 佐藤佐織1, 石井誠一1, 加賀谷豊1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 208-208, 2016.

Japanese Article O-44-01. Long-term effect in the medical course graduate of the last grade specialist job cooperation student teaching
吉橋洋子1, 山口久美子1,2, 中川美奈1,2, 川上千春3, 高田和生1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 209-209, 2016.

Japanese Article O-44-02. Effect on activity will of the student of the local thought type education using the team base type learning
宮本美穂1, 大槻眞嗣2, 世古留美1, 中村小百合1, 矢野裕章1, 村田幸則1, 佐藤労2, 後藤和恵2, 飯塚成志2, 堀場文彰2, 鴨下淳一2, 若月徹2, 鈴木茂孝2, 松井俊和2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 209-209, 2016.

Japanese Article O-44-03. Effect (2014, 2015 comparison) that "class for diabetics IPE" gives to the understanding to the ability of the student for teamwork and the oneself and others type of job
末松三奈1, 阿部恵子2, 肥田武4, 安井浩樹1, 半谷眞七子4, 亀井浩行4, 會田信子5, 植村和正3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 209-209, 2016.

Japanese Article O-44-04. Exploratory study on construction of the multi-type of job cooperation in the local inclusion care
川畑秀伸1, 浅川朋宏2, 木佐健悟1, 寺下美貴2, 村上学3, 大滝純司1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 210-210, 2016.

Japanese Article O-44-05. About the effect on coOsamu class - that aimed at medical system and the multi-type of job cooperation education for the pro-welfare student particularly medicine department student -
永田康浩1, 松坂雄亮1, 牟田久美子1, 相良郁子1, 濱口由子1, 石居公之1, 久芳さやか1, 門田耕一郎2, 磯ふみ子4, 井口茂4, 奥村あすか5, 吉田麻衣5, 宮野澄男5, 潮谷有二6, 安武亨3, 前田隆浩2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 210-210, 2016.

Japanese Article O-44-06. Effect of the harmful effect education that the faculty of medicine student and a pharmacy school student learn together
岡田みどり1, 大久保由美子2, 木下順二3, 齋藤加代子4, 木村利美5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 210-210, 2016.

Japanese Article O-44-07. Attempt of the effect 3 subject cooperation learning of the active learning learning
田中晶子1,2,3, 志水宏行2, 中村大介3, 大滝周1, 三橋幸聖2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 211-211, 2016.

Japanese Article O-45-01. Attempt of the jump OSCE for the purpose of the improvement in clinical competence of the resident 1 annual in the Nagasaki University Hospital
渡邊毅1,2,3, 小畑陽子1, 松島加代子1, 古賀智裕1, 柴田英貴2, 高山隼人2, 浜田久之1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 212-212, 2016.

Japanese Article O-45-02. Introduction of "the midterm examination OSCE" aiming at the prospective evaluation of the practice participation type bedside teaching
清水郁夫, 黒川由美, 森淳一郎, 森田洋, 中澤勇一, 多田剛
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 212-212, 2016.

Japanese Article O-45-03. Attempt of the clean operation, patients security evaluation with the scenario which assumed the surgery room in the OSCE at the bedside teaching end
大谷真二1, 杉本誠一郎2, 万代康弘3, 豊岡伸一2, 大藤剛宏1, 三好新一郎2, 山根正修3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 212-212, 2016.

Japanese Article O-45-04. Examination of the OSCE end-point before graduation in this school
鈴木昌1, 門川俊明2, 平形道人2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 213-213, 2016.

Japanese Article O-45-05. An evaluation method in the OSCE where extensive validity is pursued in: Power of the evaluation by the decision by majority between reviewers
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 213-213, 2016.

Japanese Article O-45-06. Can you predict the results of the physician national examination of the student individual from results of the common use study CBT?
柏木孝仁1, 安達洋祐1, 北川周子1,2, 神代龍吉1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 213-213, 2016.

Japanese Article O-45-07. About the estrangement in the palliative care domain of a medical education model core curriculum and the physician national examination questions standard
丹波嘉一郎, 瀧澤裕, 清水敦
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 214-214, 2016.

Japanese Article O-46-01. Questionary survey about the content that a Hokkaido University faculty of medicine medicine science student expects from overseas training (clinical a study) by studying abroad for exchange
村上学1, 井口香織1, 川畑秀伸2, 小華和柾志2, 大滝純司2, 吉岡充弘1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 215-215, 2016.

Japanese Article O-46-02. Student satisfaction investigation by the graduation questionnaire in the Kobe University faculty of medicine medicine department
河野誠司1,2, 苅田典生2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 215-215, 2016.

Japanese Article O-46-03. Than questionary survey at desired motive - entrance to school and two years promotion to the Niigata University faculty of medicine -
伊藤正洋1, 澁谷雅子1, 遠藤直人2, 佐藤昇2, 土田正則2, 牛木辰男2, 鈴木利哉1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 215-215, 2016.

Japanese Article O-46-04. Attempt of the clinical medicine TBL3 year
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 216-216, 2016.

Japanese Article O-46-05. The education of the electrocardiogram maneuver and study OSCE in the acquirement for common use and effect of the "learning, end-point" revision
辻美隆, 荒関かやの, 大西京子, 斉藤恵, 椎橋実智男, 加藤仁, 石橋敬一郎, 森茂久, 間嶋満, 土田哲也
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 216-216, 2016.

Japanese Article O-46-06. Curriculum making of the vaccination practice course by the medical student
山根正修1, 松川昭博1, 万代康弘2, 飯田淳義2, 三好智子2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 216-216, 2016.

Japanese Article O-46-07. It is efforts of the improvement utilizing FD (Faculty Development) for a curriculum problem for the international certification evaluation
三好雅之, 中野俊也, 高橋洋一, 角南直美, 海藤俊行
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 217-217, 2016.

Japanese Article O-46-08. Efforts of individual FD for all clinical system classrooms in school
山根正修, 松川昭博
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 217-217, 2016.

Japanese Article P-1-01. Examination about significance and the invention to be given digestive organ endoscope simulation education in the lower grades as Early Exposure
飯田洋1,2, 稲生優海2,3, 野中敬3, 秋山浩利4, 稲森正彦1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 220-220, 2016.

Japanese Article P-1-02. Attempt of the medical examination simulation education using the cordless handset for the remote examination by a stethoscope and the evaluation
栗田康生1,2, 小町美由紀1, 小堀浩幸1, 荒井孝子2, 天野隆弘1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 220-220, 2016.

Japanese Article P-1-03. Development of the sedation training course (SED practice seminar) for the multi-type of job, the multi-clinical department and examination of the learning target
駒澤伸泰1, 安宅一晃2, 羽場政方3, 趙崇至4, 藤原俊介1, 南敏明1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 220-220, 2016.

Japanese Article P-1-04. Development of the advanced life support training with the PBLD pattern that we specialized for the perioperative period
藤原俊介1, 駒澤伸泰1, 羽場政法2, 上嶋浩順3, 趙崇至4, 南敏明1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 221-221, 2016.

Japanese Article P-1-05. Basic Medicine Learning training using the airway control simulation
藤原淳, 駒澤伸泰, 宮崎有, 三原良介, 城戸晴規, 南敏明
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 221-221, 2016.

Japanese Article P-1-06. Conduct an introduction to medical interview in "an introduction to medical technology to learn in simulation" in a choice class
土井範子1, 佐藤二美1, 端詰勝敬2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 222-222, 2016.

Japanese Article P-1-07. Efforts of the teaching materials development and the price reduction of the moulage (special make) for the simulator
井上千鹿子, 早坂明哲, 藤倉輝道
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 222-222, 2016.

Japanese Article P-1-08. BLS practice (the fourth report) for the faculty of medicine first grader who assumed a medical student fifth grader an instructor
川村勇樹1, 辻美隆1, 高平修二2, 岸田全人2, 有田和恵1, 大西京子1, 山田泰子1, 森茂久1, 間嶋満1, 荒木信夫1, 土田哲也1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 222-222, 2016.

Japanese Article P-1-09. Use experience of the evaluation type surgical suture simulator
井上健太郎, 道浦拓, 尾崎岳, 向出裕美, 三木博和, 權雅憲
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 223-223, 2016.

Japanese Article P-1-10. Of the medical student in the simulation education of the examination of venous sampling that adopted role playing learn
門馬靖武1,2, 石井誠一3, 荒田悠太郎4, 松田綾音4, 千葉宏毅5, 加賀谷豊3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 223-223, 2016.

Japanese Article P-2-01. Focus on effect - anxiety to student nurse in 3 annual of the practice before nursing science training for the acute phase by the senior student nurse participation type; and -
野口佳美, 酒井知恵子, 西尾育子, 谷村千華
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 224-224, 2016.

Japanese Article P-2-02. Class development of Team-Based Learning (TBL, team base type learning) and the evaluation
菰田孝行1, 阿部幸恵2, 荒井貞夫1,3, BREUGELMANS RAOUL3, 泉美貴3,4, 大滝純司3,5, 山科章4,6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 224-224, 2016.

Japanese Article P-2-03. Comparison of the correct answer rate of the heartbeat hearing by the difference in practice method in the nursing continuing education workshop
末次典恵1, 吉田和代2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 224-224, 2016.

Japanese Article P-2-04. The response of the student improves for the better dramatically when we adopt active learning in a class
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 225-225, 2016.

Japanese Article P-2-05. Evaluation of the effect that a station change of the PCC OSCE is caused by
石川鎮清, 江口和男, 松山泰, 岡崎仁昭
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 225-225, 2016.

Japanese Article P-2-06. From the comparison of the evaluation by an impression and the teacher of examination - SP about "sympathy" in the medical scientific live medical interview training -
原田芳巳1, 平山陽示1, 井村博美1, 大滝純司1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 226-226, 2016.

Japanese Article P-2-07. Efforts of the learning support utilizing the LTD
小松まゆみ, 井上智美, 松本君恵, 若尾ふさ
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 226-226, 2016.

Japanese Article P-2-08. An evaluation and learning promotion of the learner in the team base type learning
藤田博一1, 関安孝2, 野田智洋1, 山下竜右1, 北村聡子3, 高田淳1, 瀬尾宏美3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 226-226, 2016.

Japanese Article P-2-09. Operation and effect of the all the members announcement type poster session
米岡裕美1, 有田和恵1, 柴崎智美2, 森茂久1, 荒木隆一郎2, 大西京子1, 加藤仁1, 川村勇樹1, 佐藤真喜子2, 山田泰子1, 村越隆之1, 荒木信夫1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 227-227, 2016.

Japanese Article P-2-10. Results and evaluation of the Rubric evaluation that we introduced into the study that was a graduate of the pharmacy school for 2 years
安原智久, 串畑太郎, 曽根知道
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 227-227, 2016.

Japanese Article P-3-01. Usefulness of the "talk of patients" in a medical student, the student nurse education of the lower grades video
青木昭子1, 泉美貴2, ラウル ブルーヘルマンス2, 瀬戸山陽子3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 228-228, 2016.

Japanese Article P-3-02. Change - of the consciousness for attempt (the second report) - community medical care of the local elderly people interchange training in the medical course first grader
大坪芳美1, 小田康友2, 酒見隆信3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 228-228, 2016.

Japanese Article P-3-03. Evaluation seventh report of the nursing service experience-based training in the Saitama Medical University faculty of medicine
森茂久1, 有田和恵1, 大西京子1, 柴崎智美2, 荒木隆一郎2, 川村勇樹1, 加藤仁1, 山田泰子1, 間嶋満1, 荒木信夫1, 土田哲也1, 別所正美1, 鈴木美香3, 齋藤栄子3, 藤山トキ3, 武藤光代3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 228-228, 2016.

Japanese Article P-3-04. Fact-finding of the specialties choice of the young pharmacist after the specialties early on-site training enforcement
北原隆志, 能勢誠一, 安藝敬生, 稲岡奈津子, 岸川礼子, 山下祐未, 一瀬菜摘, 佐々木均
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 229-229, 2016.

Japanese Article P-3-05. The BLS class that the department teacher who is different in the first annual experience training that the department in the medicine system university is combined, and is conducted performs
堀川浩之1, 弓桁亮介1, 山内里紗1, 前田宜包2, 萱沼実3, 平井康昭1, 倉田知光1, 田中一正1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 229-229, 2016.

Japanese Article P-4-01. The effect that for the first time annual boarding education gives to the results of the study
長谷川真紀子, 田中一正, 堀川浩之, 稲垣昌博, 本多英彦, 天野弘美, 吉川裕介, 倉田知光
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 230-230, 2016.

Japanese Article P-4-02. Introduction effect to the early years time education of the entrance to school staying training in St. Marianna University School of Medicine
望月篤1, 信岡祐彦2, 山口晶子1, 東郷建1, 松本伸行1, 藤谷博人3, 伊野美幸1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 230-230, 2016.

Japanese Article P-4-03. Practice of TBL in the physics for medical students
関安孝1, 藤田博一2, 山下竜右2, 北川周子3, 三木洋一郎4, 瀬尾宏美5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 230-230, 2016.

Japanese Article P-4-04. Balance of expertise and the English operation skill in medical English
藤森千尋, 渡辺修一, 永島雅文, 村越隆之, 中平健佑, 川村勇樹, 齋藤恵, 新津守
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 231-231, 2016.

Japanese Article P-4-05. Efforts of the medical course student exchange business as the international cooperation in Mie University
堀和一郎1,2, 堀浩樹3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 231-231, 2016.

Japanese Article P-5-01. Making of the interview vote to push forward student support effectively
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 232-232, 2016.

Japanese Article P-5-02. Than an individual interview by Dr. thing - early days training education exclusive duty that an initial resident has trouble with ...
在間梓, 真庭謙昌, 河野誠司, 苅田典生
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 232-232, 2016.

Japanese Article P-5-03. About the relation with the daily residents using the psychology questionnaire
藤原広臨1,3, 錦織宏2, 小西靖彦2, 伊藤和史1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 232-232, 2016.

Japanese Article P-5-04. About the consultation to the mental and physical disorder and medical institution in the university student: Report about the early support to mental disorder
松下正輝1, 足立浩祥2,3, 壁下康信2,3, 古川昇1, 谷口純一4, 後藤理英子4, 小山耕太5, 松井邦彦5, 安東由喜雄6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 233-233, 2016.

Japanese Article P-5-05. Efforts of the mental support to a medical student
澁谷雅子1,2,3, 伊藤正洋1, 渡部雄一郎2, 遠藤直人3, 佐藤昇3, 土田正則3, 牛木辰男3, 鈴木利哉1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 233-233, 2016.

Japanese Article P-5-06. Attempt of the initial education in the National Defence Medical College medicine graduate course
島崎英幸1, 小林靖2, 四ノ宮成祥3, 山田憲彦4, 妻鳥元太郎5, 櫻井裕6, 齋藤大蔵7, 宮平靖8, 西田育弘9, 徳野慎一10
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 234-234, 2016.

Japanese Article P-5-07. Change of the consciousness about the human relations of the student in the behavioral science basics practice
礪波健一1, 中村千賀子2, 山田梓1, 梅森幸1, 則武加奈子1, 岩城麻衣子1, 須永昌代3, 秀島雅之1, 小田茂1, 新田浩2, 木下淳博3, 荒木孝二4, 俣木志朗2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 234-234, 2016.

Japanese Article P-5-08. Compare three years from the study on notebook making method -1 annual of the student nurse; and -
内田貴峰1, 荒木隆一郎2, 吉新典子1, 佐藤菜穂美1, 宮崎素子1, 堀順子3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 234-234, 2016.

Japanese Article P-5-09. Academic Motivation and ability of the medical system student (medicine, nursing science, pharmacy) for teamwork
加藤暉康1, 阿部恵子2, 末松三奈1, 肥田武1, 安井浩樹1, 植村和正3, CESAR ORSINI4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 235-235, 2016.

Japanese Article P-5-10. For development to basic study on analysis - student support of the results of the medical course -
前川伸晃1,4, 安倍博2,3, 坂井豊彦3, 池田敦4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 235-235, 2016.

Japanese Article P-6-01. The effectiveness of the communication teaching materials which we made based on analysis of the dental health guidance
島津篤1, 山代絵未2, 阿部彩加2, 杉山勝1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 236-236, 2016.

Japanese Article P-6-02. Analysis of the post-questionnaire in the SP participation type communication training
有田和恵1, 森茂久1, 有田彰2, 大西京子1, 柴崎智美3, 加藤仁1, 森口武史1, 川村勇樹1, 米岡裕美1, 荒木隆一郎3, 間嶋満1, 荒木信夫1, 別所正美1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 236-236, 2016.

Japanese Article P-6-03. About the language information that a student judged to be effective for a diagnosis of acute pericoronitis of wisdom tooth by study Osamu
鬼塚千絵1, 永松浩1, 杉本明子2, 宮本郁也3, 板家朗1, 吉岡泉3, 木尾哲朗1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 236-236, 2016.

Japanese Article P-6-04. Structure of the learning of a pharmacy student playing the part of patients in the role playing training
村岡千種, 野呂瀬崇彦
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 237-237, 2016.

Japanese Article P-6-05. The ability factor which a medical interpreter wears
服部しのぶ1, 菅沼太陽2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 237-237, 2016.

Japanese Article P-7-01. Attempt of the heredity education in the hospital gene clinical department attached to the Tokai University faculty of medicine
大貫優子1,2, 高橋千果2,3, 森屋宏美2,4, 横山寛子2,4, 溝口満子2, 和泉俊一郎2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 238-238, 2016.

Japanese Article P-7-02. Questionary survey about way "of the basic medicine education of" future
岸美紀子, 井内康輝, 坂井健雄, 高桑雄一, 堤寛, 柳澤輝行, 鯉淵典之, 渋谷和子, 中島昭, 熊ノ郷淳
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 238-238, 2016.

Japanese Article P-7-03. Examination of the factor to influence improvement in quality of the physiology training using the e-learning system
中平健祐1, 椎橋実智男2, 菅理江3, 渡辺修一3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 238-238, 2016.

Japanese Article P-7-04. Examination about the effect of the prior learning by the PBL tutorial on understanding of training contents
越野一朗1,2, 田中正太郎1, 新敷信人1, 布村渉1, 萬野純恵1, 中村裕子2, 佐藤梓2, 岡谷理恵子2, 岡田みどり2, 高桑雄一1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 239-239, 2016.

Japanese Article P-7-05. Postgraduate education by the study simulation using a database and pass way analysis
柄谷和宏1, 安倍博2,4, 定清直1,3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 239-239, 2016.

Japanese Article P-8-01. The current situation of a lecture, the bedside teaching in the mild medical study, before graduation education
中村陽一1,2, 高宮有介1,3, 斎藤真理1,4, 黒子幸一1, 白土辰子1, 大嶋健三郎1,5, 伊藤優子1,6, 三宅智1,7
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 240-240, 2016.

Japanese Article P-8-02. The clinical reasoning practice education introduction in the bedside teaching run-up was effective
角勇樹1,2, 工藤敏文2, 村川美也子2, 岡田英理子2, 井津井康浩2, 高橋誠2, 中川美奈3, 高田和生3, 田中雄二郎2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 240-240, 2016.

Japanese Article P-8-03. 2015 pharmacy common use test OSCE report
橋詰勉1,2, 入江徹美1,3, 木内祐二1,4, 野田幸裕1,5, 岡村昇1,6, 木津純子1,7, 宮崎智1,8, 山元弘1,9
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 240-240, 2016.

Japanese Article P-8-04. 2015 pharmacy common use test CBT report
石川さと子1,2, 奥直人1,3, 中村明弘1,4, 増野匡彦1,2, 伊藤喬1,4, 宮崎智1,5, 伊藤智夫1,6, 前田定秋1,7, 山口政俊1,8, 出口芳春1,9, 石塚忠男1,10, 三田智文1,11, 飯島史朗1,12, 松野純男1,13, 山元弘1,14
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 241-241, 2016.

Japanese Article P-8-05. Suggestion for ability evaluations according to the domain of the CBT
柴崎智美, 大野洋一, 荒木隆一郎, 佐藤真喜子, 椎橋実智男, 持田智, 土田哲也, 別所正美
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 241-241, 2016.

Japanese Article P-9-01. About the medical scientific raw desirable clothes in the bedside teaching
古川昇1, 松下正輝1, 中川富紀子1, 谷口純一2, 後藤理英子2, 小山耕太3, 松井邦彦3, 西村泰治4, 安東由喜雄5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 242-242, 2016.

Japanese Article P-9-02. Incident accident example in the bedside teaching of the student
南園佐知子1, 長谷川仁志2, 井上裕司1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 242-242, 2016.

Japanese Article P-9-03. Efforts toward the participation type bedside teaching in the medical course 2006 student clinical Clark ship
横井信哉1, 二階哲朗1, 森英明1, 日下あかり1, 本岡明浩1, 橋本龍也1, 大和田芽衣子2, 狩野賢二2, 齊藤洋司1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 242-242, 2016.

Japanese Article P-9-04. From the analysis of data of the effect -3 year of the bedside teaching evaluation using the end-point which made from the investigation to a student -
鈴木智1, 山田泰子1, 佐藤義文1, 高橋美穂1, 吉田幸生2, 大西京子1, 齋藤恵1, 荒関かやの1, 辻美隆1, 間嶋満1, 森茂久1, 椎橋実智男2, 荒木信夫1, 土田哲也1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 243-243, 2016.

Japanese Article P-9-05. The form of bedside teaching in the future: Case study in Hawaii
徳増一樹1, 尾原晴雄2, 金城紀与史2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 243-243, 2016.

Japanese Article P-10-01. Remote island dentistry training is the effect that we gave subsequently of the student
大戸敬之1,3, 岩下洋一朗2, 中山歩1, 松本祐子1, 吉田礼子1, 田口則宏1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 244-244, 2016.

Japanese Article P-10-02. Introduction to the community medical care education of the healthy lecture targeted for medical student-centered local inhabitants and the effect
長谷川貴也1, 八幡晋輔2, 見坂恒明2, 河野誠司3, 岡山雅信1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 244-244, 2016.

Japanese Article P-10-03. Trial of the training environment maintenance about early clinical experience-based training and the community medical care training in the non-member
谷口純一1, 松井邦彦2, 小山耕太2, 後藤理英子1, 田宮貞宏2, 古川昇3, 松下正輝3, 香田将英2, 西村泰治4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 244-244, 2016.

Japanese Article P-10-04. Human care experience-based training for cooperation power upbringing of the medical student in the seriously disabled child institution
佐藤真喜子1, 柴崎智美1, 荒木隆一郎1, 森茂久1, 有田和恵1, 大西京子1, 鈴木郁子2, 土田哲也1, 別所正美1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 245-245, 2016.

Japanese Article P-10-05. Attempt (the second report) of the community medical care training in a remote place, the remote island
黒沢祥浩, 姜昌林, 熊坂一成, 伊藤広子, 玉木菜津美, 徳永英吉
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 245-245, 2016.

Japanese Article P-10-06. Association between evaluation and request, and the like for course of the community medical care training of the medical student
谷口栄作, 吉岡みち子, 中畑典子, 日高美佐恵, 佐野千晶
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 246-246, 2016.

Japanese Article P-10-07. Educational effect of early exposure including dialect investigation on medical students
根路銘安仁, 大脇哲洋, 網谷真埋恵, 指宿りえ, 嶽崎俊郎
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 246-246, 2016.

Japanese Article P-10-08. Sex differences of the effect on consciousness of the student whom the community medical care experience-based training gives it to
岩瀬敏秀1, 小川弘子2, 佐藤勝2, 片岡仁美2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 246-246, 2016.

Japanese Article P-10-09. Simulation of disaster relief: active learning on roles of rescuers and sufferers
武田多一1, 永石妙美2, 大野直子3, 武田裕子4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 247-247, 2016.

Japanese Article P-10-10. What kind of learning does it produce by introducing e portfolio into community medical care experience-based training?
井上和興, 朴大昊, 北浦剛, 松澤和彦, 浜田紀宏, 谷口晋一
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 247-247, 2016.

Japanese Article P-11-01. Deepening - of the formation and the learning of thought - identity to the SP activity of the new face simulated patient
早川佳穂, 川上ちひろ, 今福輪太郎, 恒川幸司, 藤崎和彦
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 248-248, 2016.

Japanese Article P-11-02. Educator for the relations of "a simulated patient" and "the standard simulated patient", recognition of the simulated patient
野呂瀬崇彦1, 後藤惠子2, 有田悦子3, 井手口直子4, 大谷尚5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 248-248, 2016.

Japanese Article P-11-03. Attempt - to widen possibility of the medical interview laboratory - SP participation type medical interview education
後藤道子1,2,3, 森洋平2, 竹村洋典3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 248-248, 2016.

Japanese Article P-11-04. Compare learning effect - roof tile type education by the difference in education method, the SP participation type education; and -
谷村千華1, 野口佳美1, 西尾育子1, 大庭桂子1, 三好雅之2, 高橋洋一2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 249-249, 2016.

Japanese Article P-11-05. Effect of the simulated patient (SP) participation type practice for the purpose of the improvement of learning will and the self-efficacy of the student
谷村千華1, 西尾育子1, 野口佳美1, 大庭桂子1, 高橋洋一2, 三好雅之2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 249-249, 2016.

Japanese Article P-12-01. It is ... for a connection to attempt ... smooth initial clinical practice of the active problem research in the anesthesiology choice bedside teaching
駒澤伸泰, 三原良介, 藤原俊介, 宮崎有, 藤原淳, 南敏明
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 250-250, 2016.

Japanese Article P-12-02. A learning effect of the interactive conference with the TV meeting system and examination of the usefulness
見坂恒明1, 岡山雅信2, 八幡晋輔1, 在間梓3, 金澤健司4, 河野誠司5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 250-250, 2016.

Japanese Article P-12-03. Characteristic grasp (1) of the portfolio description document using the technique of the text mining
小倉浩1, 天野弘美1, 刑部慶太郎1, 片岡竜太2, 鈴木久義3, 今福輪太郎4, 榎田めぐみ3, 木内祐二5, 田中一正1, 倉田知光1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 250-250, 2016.

Japanese Article P-12-04. Characteristic grasp (2) of the portfolio description document using the technique of the text mining
天野弘美1, 小倉浩1, 刑部慶太郎1, 片岡竜太2, 田中一正1, 倉田知光1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 251-251, 2016.

Japanese Article P-12-05. Attempt of the electronic portfolio systems construction to support a bedside teaching in Kyoto University
谷昇子1, 宮地由佳1, 柴原真知子1, 錦織宏1, 梶田将司2, 小西靖彦1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 251-251, 2016.

Japanese Article P-13-01. The role of the person in charge of clinical practice desk work: Duties and recognition investigation about the posture
青野真弓1, 鈴木康之2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 252-252, 2016.

Japanese Article P-13-02. Kaizen of the EBM learning society for the initial resident
山崎めぐみ1,2, 本間陽一郎1,2, 堀博志1,2, 渥美生弘2,3, 渡邊卓哉1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 252-252, 2016.

Japanese Article P-13-03. About the usefulness of the MKSAP (Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program) study session for initial residents
伊藤公人, 服部良信, 水野美穂子, 小鹿幸生, 西尾昌之, 野々垣浩二, 印牧直人, 土師陽一郎, 小谷勝祥, 吉川公章
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 252-252, 2016.

Japanese Article P-13-04. The communal attempt that took in the world cafe in the attending physician training class
前野哲博1,2, 鈴木英雄2, 瀬尾恵美子1, 小川良子1, 沼尻晴子1, 前野貴美2, 高屋敷明由美2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 253-253, 2016.

Japanese Article P-13-05. "We touched the macroorgan" or are introduced Macroscopic CPC in ... Mito cooperation hospital
河合瞳1, 高屋敷典生2, 野口雅之1, 小林裕幸2, 渡邊重行2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 253-253, 2016.

Japanese Article P-13-06. Presentation skill phase each other evaluation by the microteaching in the attending physician class
滋賀健介, 入江仁, 十亀義生, 松田剛, 山脇正永
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 254-254, 2016.

Japanese Article P-13-07. The current situation and problem of the team building process after the new accession person training by the multi-type of job
松本喜代子1, 伊野美幸1, 信岡祐彦1, 横山美恵子2, 坂上逸孝2, 近藤昭子2, 望月篤1, 長谷川隆雄2, 大泉京子1, 森尾裕志2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 254-254, 2016.

Japanese Article P-13-08. A bedside teaching period and surgery results in the teaching hospital
石河隆敏, 宇宿功市郎, 馬場秀夫, 向山政志
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 254-254, 2016.

Japanese Article P-13-09. Examination in an arrival degree and the satisfaction investigation of the department of radiology initial training completion person
玉置幸久1, 吉田理佳2, 桑島成子3, 楫靖3, 吉廻毅2, 北垣一2, 稗田洋子1, 猪俣泰典1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 255-255, 2016.

Japanese Article P-13-10. About the cumulative fatigue sign of the resident
吉田和代, 江村正
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 255-255, 2016.

Japanese Article P-14-01. Attempt of the lube Rick making for heredity counseling role playing evaluations
三宅秀彦1,2, 山田重人1, 浦尾充子2, 小杉眞司1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 256-256, 2016.

Japanese Article P-14-02. WBA introduction in the general hospital pediatrics
津村由紀1,2, 安藏慎1, 森和広1, 楢林敦1, 後藤正之1, 荒木耕生1, 志村和浩1, 本田尭1, 江原和美1, 及川裕之1, 長田枝利香1, 三谷麻里絵2, 鳥居健一2, 番場正博1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 256-256, 2016.

Japanese Article P-14-03. Instructional activity for researcher upbringing in Aichi Medical University
室谷健太1, 堀田和男1,3, 永田大介1,5, 光武紀子1,3, 橋本幾江1,4, 岡本里美1, 小林直美1,3, 平野正美1,4, 小野内美樹1,3, 辻川宏美1, 中戸千聡1,2, 岩本慈能2, 松浦克彦3, 三嶋秀行1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 256-256, 2016.

Japanese Article P-14-04. Efforts ... in the education - Tohoku University Hospital clinical studies promotion center about the clinical studies for the medical student
清水恵, 奈良正之, 伊藤貴子, 中川敦寛, 高橋史朗, 池田浩治, 石井智徳, 後藤昌史, 外越康之, 山口拓洋, 渡部洋, 冨永悌二, 下川宏明
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 257-257, 2016.

Japanese Article P-14-05. Examination about grasp of the continuing education situation of the physical therapy studies specialty graduate and the support with university
朝倉智之, 臼田滋, 坂本雅昭, 山路雄彦, 中澤理恵, 久留利菜菜
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 257-257, 2016.

Japanese Article P-15-01. Specialist job cooperation education - conveyance law - that we aimed at the emergency disaster prevention, Disaster Prevention
若月徹1, 菅沼由唯2, 前野芳正3, 松井俊和4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 258-258, 2016.

Japanese Article P-15-02. Enforcement experience of the multi-type of job cooperation simulation medical education with the multi-institution
相澤純1, 田島克己1, 伊藤智範1, 佐藤洋一1, 遠藤良仁2, 三浦奈津子2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 258-258, 2016.

Japanese Article P-15-03. Attempt - University of Fukui community improvement consortium ... of the healthy town planning practice training by department crossing, the wide sense multi-type of job cooperation
井階友貴1, 武藤理1, 林寛之2, 寺澤秀一3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 258-258, 2016.

Japanese Article P-15-04. Attempt (the second report) of the case base type multi-type of job cooperation education (joint workshop)
佐藤洋一, 田島克巳, 相澤純, 伊藤智範, 佐藤和朗, 駒野宏人, 小笠原邦昭, 相澤文恵
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 259-259, 2016.

Japanese Article P-15-05. Had what kind of experience successful process ... of the medicine, nursing science joint IPE lecture, and achieved it how; or ...
森洋平1, 田口智博1, 後藤道子2, 種田ゆかり3, 福録恵子3, 今井奈妙3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 259-259, 2016.

Japanese Article P-15-07. It is reset the before graduation specialist job cooperation education arrival aim based on the disincentive investigation of the specialist job cooperation in Japan
市川理子1, 中川美奈1,2, 山口久美子1,2, 川上千春3, 高田和生1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 260-260, 2016.

Japanese Article P-15-08. Effect of before graduation and IPE by the present office education on recognition of the experienced nurse about multi-type of job cooperation practice (IPW)
藤後秀輔1, 榎田めぐみ2, 安部聡子2, 鈴木久義3, 下司映一1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 260-260, 2016.

Japanese Article P-15-09. Qualitative search of the education effect of other types of job cooperation education tool iPED
肥田武1, 安井浩樹1, 阿部恵子2, 日紫喜光良3, 野呂瀬崇彦4, 櫻井しのぶ5, 植村和正6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 261-261, 2016.

Japanese Article P-15-10. From qualitative examination by competency - portfolio of the multi-type of job cooperation education and the participant observation -
榎田めぐみ1, 鈴木久義2, 今福輪太郎3, 小倉浩4, 刑部慶太郎4, 木内祐二5, 下司映一1, 片岡竜太6
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 261-261, 2016.

Japanese Article P-16-01. Questionnaire findings about the telemedicine practitioner training
鈴木亮二1, 長谷川高志1,3, 酒巻哲夫2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 262-262, 2016.

Japanese Article P-16-02. Questionary survey - based on examination - qualitative study of the health profession education judging from the workplace adaptation
矢澤浩成1, 米澤久幸1, 宮本靖義1, 武田明2, 福田信吾2, 藤部百代3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 262-262, 2016.

Japanese Article P-16-03. Construction and examination of the e-learning system for clinical engineer national examinations
武田明, 吉田拓矢, 小嶋和恵, 福田信吾, 児玉泰, 当間健夫
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 262-262, 2016.

Japanese Article P-16-04. Preliminary examination about the result of the social skill and preparations for lessons of the student in the team base type learning
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 263-263, 2016.

Japanese Article P-16-05. What kind of influence did the medical pedagogy program of Kyoto University have on a clinical on-site attending physician?
及川沙耶佳1, 谷昇子1, 柴原真知子1, 宮地由佳1, 茂木恒俊1, 加藤浩晃1,2, 廣江貴則1,3, 宮地純一郎1,4, 錦織宏1, 小西靖彦1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 263-263, 2016.

Japanese Article P-16-06. About the effect that a general bedside teaching gives in charm on work called the physical therapist
中川和昌, 高橋裕子
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 264-264, 2016.

Japanese Article P-16-07. Relations with entrance examination results and 2 annual academic achievements in the faculty of medicine medicine department current student
齊藤昌久1, 大黒恵理子1,2, 小野富三人1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 264-264, 2016.

Japanese Article P-16-08. Examination about the association of the self-driven teachability and learning effect after PBL for medical course fourth graders
坂本麻衣子1, 福森則男2, 植田美穂1, 木本晶子1, 小田康友1
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 264-264, 2016.

Japanese Article P-16-09. The effect that the sleep of the clinical engineering student gives to a bedside teaching
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 265-265, 2016.

Japanese Article P-16-10. Education effect of IPE (Interprofessional Education) using Active Learning
阿部幸恵1, BREUGELMANS RAOUL2, 井上みち子3, 別生伸太郎3, 濱田真向3, 明神哲也5, 岡谷恵子4, 泉美貴2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 265-265, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-1-01. Possibility of the number of the specialist in study applicants increase that the academic conference participation after the medical student results in
杉本祥拓1, 榎本裕一1, 西原輝1, 徳山喜心1, 森田俊哉1, 山下遼1, 大磯義一郎2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 268-268, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-1-02. What will the happiness of the woman doctor be?
片岡茉莉子1, 鈴木七生1, 井本麻美子1, 長島智春1, 菊池栄作1, 斉藤詩帆1, 斉藤優衣1, 伊藤葉月1, 前田都秋1, 亀岡弥生2,4, 大谷晃司2, 蓮沼直子3, 小宮ひろみ4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 268-268, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-1-03. All school years investigation about the prevalence of the premenstrual syndrome in the female medical student
清水優梨子1, 横田仁子2, 上田嘉代子3, 野原理子4, 檜垣祐子3, 加茂登志子3, 内田啓子2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 268-268, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-1-04. Fact-finding -2006 year of the knowledge about the reproductive health & rights of the female medical student, comparison - of the 2015 investigation
末田有加1, 横田仁子2, 上田嘉代子3, 野原理子4, 檜垣祐子3, 加茂登志子3, 内田啓子2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 269-269, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-1-05. How does the medical student draw a physician image? Exploratory study ... of the effect that ... medical education, the student life gives
丹羽みちる1, 横地泰徳1, 大久保嘉哉1, 大西拓海1, 矢野博久1, 恒川幸司2, 西城卓也2, 今福輪太郎2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 269-269, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-2-01. Recognition of the medical professionalism in the lower grades next
田中秀典1, 西屋克己2, 住谷和則2, 岡田宏基2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 270-270, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-2-02. Is the satisfaction of the medical student for the medical education related to learning will?
田尻巧1, 鈴木匠1, 井上知紀1, 立道理乃1, 瀬尾宏美2, 藤田博一3, 高田淳3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 270-270, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-2-03. Inhibitory effect of the inappropriate contribution by the actual situation of the contribution contents of faculty of medicine student in SNS and the educational intervention
徳山喜心1, 森田俊哉1, 山下遼1, 大野航1, 大磯義一郎2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 270-270, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-2-04. Effect of the student life of the medical student and club activities to give career path
三木佳菜恵1, 杭ノ瀬慶彦1, 西屋克己2, 住谷和則2, 岡田宏基2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 271-271, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-2-05. The seating order and student life
佐柳和博1, 谷崎卓実1, 冨安柚乃1, 住元遥香1, 坂本譲1, 小路優輝1, 高木健太1, 田中智大1, 冨田怜子1, 吉留寛人1, 森松嘉孝2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 271-271, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-3-01. Investigation about consciousness for the community medical care of the University of the Ryukyus area frame student and the anxiety to the future
兼元萌実, 新崎綾
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 272-272, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-3-02. Possibility - of the "community medical care experience-based training in Kamikawa-cho, Kanzaki-gun, Hyogo for a high school student and a medical student" - high school, university, local collaboration type community medical care education
荘子万能1, 打村昌一2, 中山一郎3, 鈴木富雄4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 272-272, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-3-03. Enforcement report of "the practice type seminar by the student to learn about an area"
泉原康平1, 渡部寛史1, 北川征児2, 川部有里奈3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 272-272, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-3-04. The training and lifetime education of the physician in the remote island
川越亮承1, 春田淳志2, 高屋敷明由美3, 前野哲博3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 273-273, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-3-05. Consciousness, manner - cross-sectional study of the medical student about a healthy difference and the social factor
吉田昂平1, 武藤優樹1, 池井優香1, 武田裕子2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 273-273, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-4-01. The effect that a medical maneuver by the instruction of medical college student for women, a resuscitation experience give the physical science course of female junior and senior high school students, medical system career choice
上村真央1, 宇賀美杉1, 稲垣彩音1, 矢野由香子1, 柳田かおり1, 中尾千恵1, 岡田みどり2, 矢口有乃3, 齋藤加代子4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 274-274, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-4-02. About practice of Photovoice for the victim of the Great East Japan Earthquake
守屋伶香フローラ1, 田中奏多1, 町田萌子1, 及川孔1, 柳澤貴裕2, 米倉一磨3, 関根英治4, 大谷晃司5
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 274-274, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-4-03. The effect that medical interview OSCE (Japanese, English) gives in the learning awareness of the student the clinical reasoning in the next for one year
櫻井惇晶1, 蓮沼直子2, 南園佐知子3, ウッドD.4, 長谷川仁志4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 274-274, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-4-04. The medical education of the healthy difference era: Proposal from the student based on the on-site training in the area
武藤優樹1, 吉田昂平1, 池井優香1, 武田裕子2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 275-275, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-5-01. Evaluation of the bedside teaching judging from patients questionnaire
難波満理奈1, 川野香1, 山根正修2, 飯田淳義3, 万代康弘3, 三好智子3, 片岡仁美3, 松川昭博2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 276-276, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-5-02. Required skills / behavior for clinical clerkship : students' opinion, doctors' opinion
川野香1, 難波満理奈1, 山根正修2, 飯田淳義3, 万代康弘3, 三好智子3, 片岡仁美3, 松川昭博2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 276-276, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-5-03. Is the clinical reasoning study session of the student plan effective? Examination of the mistake point of the participant by the questionary survey
渡部遥1, 宮植和希1, 田中いつみ1, 村田夕紀1, 高田清式2, 小林直人3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 276-276, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-5-04. Extraction by the content analysis of the evaluation standard that the learner in the 6-year pharmacy education finds
林奈央, 岩田加奈, 串畑太郎, 安原智久, 曽根知道
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 277-277, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-6-01. Injury practice workshop in front of the hospital for medical system students by the student circle
熊谷壇1, 村元亜也子1, 野崎華加1, 肥沼誠三1, 市川椋1, 酒井爽子1, 川岸久太郎2, 清水郁夫3, 今村浩4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 278-278, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-6-02. Summary of the AED setting situation and the BLS education situation in the elementary and junior high school of Ishikawa
藤村周平1, 斎藤愛美1, 梁祐輔1, 伊藤さより1, 丸山香李1, 石浦夕奈2, 高村昭輝3, 堀有行3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 278-278, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-6-03. Hold the pediatric basic life support (PBLS) class for the protector of infants
古川良樹1, 栩野吉弘2,3, 山本亜弥佳1, 嶋田有里1, 奥幸子2, 竹重友美2, 首藤太一2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 278-278, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-6-04. "EMAGURO training" at the Fukushima Disaster Medical Seminar for comprehension of the EMERGO
嶋貫佳奈子1, 小早川義貴2, 田治明宏3, 大谷晃司4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 279-279, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-6-05. A plan performs and "meet the fifth year from the Great East Japan Earthquake" future directional - to aim of disaster medical care system circle Fukushima WILL; and -
齋藤優衣1, 四宮翼1, 関根萌1, 志賀麻寿美1, 西山沙織1, 末永佳奈子1, 石井三千花1, 大谷晃司2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 279-279, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-6-06. To have more people know the radiation; experience - by the display of - school festival
池田ゆき1, 旗野将貴1, 奥村一輝1, 石綿翔1, 藤巻光1, 伊藤百花1, 村澤朋世1, 末永佳奈子1, 福地雄仁1, 伊藤愛1, 熊谷敦史2, 大谷晃司3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 279-279, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-7-01. "The medical student physiology quiz meeting" that "an Okayama medical student association" hosted is effective as education technique of the new basic medicine
大塚勇輝1, 高橋賢2
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 280-280, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-7-02. "Examination of the learning effect in the student-based simulation workshop
佐藤佑太1, 本間侑1, 中川翔太1, 市川美智華2, 外村和也3, 五十嵐寛3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 280-280, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-7-03. The activity report of the student-led medical communication circle and the prospects of this year
水谷肇1, 西本凪里1, 三澤宣彦1, 山里一志1, 井坂武史2, 幕内安弥子3, 森村美奈3, 首藤太一3, 津村圭4
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 280-280, 2016.

Japanese Article SP-7-04. Administration of the student-led faculty of medicine opening campus
西由紘1, 望月篤2, 山下真珠1, 薬師川陽一1, 山下麻由1, 杉山瑠菜1, 信岡祐彦3
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 281-281, 2016.

English Article SP-7-05. How a Medical English learning group managed by students can contribute to medical English education
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 281-281, 2016.

English Article SP-7-06. Joining the English PBL group as a Pre-clinical Second Year Medical Student
Medical Education (Japan) 47(suppl): 281-281, 2016.