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Medical Education (Japan)

Volume 48, Issue suppl / 2017
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article About mind and community medical care contribution of the-based study of Sapporo Medical University
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 2-2, 2017.

English Article 1 Embedding community education in medical student training : the King's College London experience
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 4-4, 2017.

English Article 2 Interprofessional education for collaborative practice : involving learners, professionals, patients and communities.
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 6-6, 2017.

Japanese Article Suzuki coupling and medicine
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 8-8, 2017.

English Article Educational strategies to enhance professionalism in medical trainees in Korea
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 10-10, 2017.

Japanese Article Introduction of the practice case of the S1 (abstract) active learning
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 12-12, 2017.

Japanese Article Paradigm shift of the S1-01 active learning and view on view on education, learning
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 12-12, 2017.

Japanese Article Practice of PBL, TBL, CBL in S1-02 Saga University and the result
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 13-13, 2017.

Japanese Article Introduction of the cooperation learning being aware of an LTD base type class to S1-03 faculty of medicine histology training and the effect
太田啓介1, 金澤知之進1, 力丸由起子1, 平嶋伸悟1, 安永悟2, 中村桂一郎1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 13-13, 2017.

Japanese Article Practice case of the S1-04 simulation education
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 14-14, 2017.

Japanese Article Enriched case-based integration presents S1-05 active learning: Invention to join together soon after the entrance to school seamlessly widely for six years
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 14-14, 2017.

Japanese Article Of the radiation risk science education in the S2 (abstract) medical education is essential
松田尚樹, 安武亨
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 15-15, 2017.

Japanese Article S2-01 Revision of medical education model core curriculum and education of radiation health risk sciences.
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 15-15, 2017.

Japanese Article Risk communication of the radiation as the S2-02 subject
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 16-16, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the new radiation hazard medical care education in the S2-03 faculty of medicine education
大津留晶1, 緑川早苗1, 熊谷敦史1, 長谷川有史2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 16-16, 2017.

Japanese Article A way to S3 (abstract) medical education article announcement: From a study plan to an official journal of a scientific society contribution
大滝純司, 武田裕子
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 18-18, 2017.

Japanese Article Having learned in S3-01 editing Committee
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 18-18, 2017.

Japanese Article It is ... from a writing experience of five of secret - us to push forward S3-02 medical education study
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 19-19, 2017.

Japanese Article We support S3-03 article writing: From the situation of the adviser
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 19-19, 2017.

Japanese Article Five point that a person of S3-04 review selects "adoption" as
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 20-20, 2017.

Japanese Article The future of the S4 (abstract) area frame
藤本眞一, 前田隆浩
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 21-21, 2017.

Japanese Article Approach to a local frame system in S4-01 Kagoshima
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 21-21, 2017.

Japanese Article The essence of the S4-02 faculty of medicine entrance into a school of higher grade fever and the political implication
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 22-22, 2017.

Japanese Article From the situation of the S4-03 administration
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 22-22, 2017.

Japanese Article About the actual situation and the remedy of the S4-04 area frame system
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 23-23, 2017.

Japanese Article Integration of running of the behavioral science education to elaborate a plan from behavioral medicine approach to S5 (abstract) clinical medicine
吉内一浩, 田中豪一
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 24-24, 2017.

Japanese Article Behavioral medicine to release clinical medicine from spellbinding of the S5-01 mind-body dualism, and to enable scientific approach
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 24-24, 2017.

Japanese Article Systematic education of behavioral medicine, the behavioral science that featured the theme of S5-02 psychooncology
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 25-25, 2017.

Japanese Article Importance of the behavioral medicine approach in S5-03 life-style related diseases treatment
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 25-25, 2017.

English Article S6 Present situation & future plan of medical education using by simulation in Japan
Taichi Shuto, Satoshi Takeda
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 26-26, 2017.

Japanese Article Consideration from S6-01 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology trust business "research about simulation education, the training in domestic and foreign medical system departments"
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 26-26, 2017.

Japanese Article Inflection of the simulation education in S6-02 before graduation, the after graduation consistent education
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 27-27, 2017.

Japanese Article Of the administration of the S6-03 skills laboratory, actually
栩野吉弘1,2, 奥幸子2, 岡田明子2, 竹重友美2, 藤田奈緒美2, 首藤太一1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 27-27, 2017.

Japanese Article Simulation base type education and the leader training aiming at S6-04 competency acquisition
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 28-28, 2017.

Japanese Article The personnel training in the S7 (abstract) area inclusion care times: The present conditions and problem of the specialist job cooperation education
春田淳志, 杉村政樹
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 29-29, 2017.

Japanese Article For high medical care person upbringing of local epidemiologic studies - research mind in connection with S7-01 University -
笹川裕1, 小海康夫2, 村松博士3, 高橋文彦4, 坂牧純夫5, 加茂憲一6
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 29-29, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions and efforts of the many types of job cooperation in the S7-02 Northern Hokkaido remote island area
杉村政樹, 山本武志, 鵜飼渉, 白鳥正典, 相馬仁
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 30-30, 2017.

Japanese Article With the cooperation that the health visitor of the S7-03 small town works on
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 30-30, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the many types of job cooperation in the S7-04 Otaru area and the future prospects
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 31-31, 2017.

Japanese Article Cooperation ... of coping - before graduation, the after graduation to the behavior that S8 (abstract) Ann is professional
宮田靖志, 和泉俊一郎
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 32-32, 2017.

Japanese Article In the case of evaluation of the behavior that S8-01 Ann is professional and education - before graduation education for it
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 32-32, 2017.

Japanese Article May the deliberation by the S8-02 Medical Ethics Council secure the professionalism of a physician, the dentist?
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 33-33, 2017.

Japanese Article It is insight from the remedial education training of the physician after S8-03 administrative deposition
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 33-33, 2017.

Japanese Article From the knowledge of the recovery study from S8-04 correctional education and dependence
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 34-34, 2017.

Japanese Article Stratagem and evaluation of the S9 (abstract) area participation type medical education
井口清太郎, 山本和利
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 35-35, 2017.

Japanese Article About the change and local participation type medical education of the S9-01 community medical care education
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 35-35, 2017.

Japanese Article Community medical care education in S9-02 Sapporo Medical University "local inclusion type practice participation bedside teaching"
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 36-36, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the community medical care education of S9-03 Gifu University
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 36-36, 2017.

Japanese Article An evaluation of the S9-04 community medical care education: From the experience as the teacher in a non-member and the study
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 37-37, 2017.

Japanese Article About the evaluation of the accomplishment degree in the each stage of the S10 (abstract) medical education
田中雄二郎, 野村英樹
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 38-38, 2017.

Japanese Article How do you evaluate clinical competence demanded at S10-01 faculty of medicine graduation?
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 38-38, 2017.

Japanese Article S10-02 professionalism and clinical practice arrival target
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 39-39, 2017.

Japanese Article Medical education from S10-03 before graduation to a specialist
山下英俊1, 嘉山孝正1, 新井一3, 吉村博邦2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 39-39, 2017.

Japanese Article S10-04 sociomedical system specialty and competency
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 40-40, 2017.

Japanese Article Future image of the accomplishment degree evaluation in quality guarantee of the S10-05 before graduation education and the Japan Medical Association lifetime education that we linked to
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 40-40, 2017.

Japanese Article To observe importance 2 - laws and ordinances of the government college cooperation in the EF (abstract) medical education, and to bring up the physician who can utilize medical resources and resources effectively; -
丸山浩, 上田英一郎
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 41-41, 2017.

Japanese Article Career path of the technical officer with medicine system from a viewpoint of the EF-01 medical education
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 41-41, 2017.

Japanese Article EF-02 physician clinical practice system and local inclusion care
河本慶子1, 古川真一2, 小谷剛3, 大澤英司2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 42-42, 2017.

Japanese Article The advice of the medical tissue management personnel training of the EF-03 clinical type
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 42-42, 2017.

Japanese Article Former Cali of EF-04 Osaka Medical College newly about an ethic, morality, professionalism education in Cali
中野隆史1, 林道廣2, 寺崎文生2, 河田了2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 43-43, 2017.

Japanese Article From significance and the role of the way - Osaka Medical College area comprehensive medical care science college course financially maintained by private donations of the university faculty of medicine college course financially maintained by private donations by the EF-05 local government
鈴木富雄, 三澤美和, 島田史生
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 43-43, 2017.

Japanese Article Insurance medical system and government college cooperation in the EF-06 medical education
上田英一郎, 矢木亮吉
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 44-44, 2017.

Japanese Article Are the three major studies (high-stakes examinations) in the WS (abstract) medical education good as it is? ... present conditions and problem ...
平形道人, 田川まさみ
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 45-45, 2017.

Japanese Article What is found for the new student selection of the W-01 faculty of medicine?
平形道人1, 柴原真知子2, 井上浩義3, 浦野哲哉4, 藤本眞一5, 森茂久6, 瀬尾宏美7
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 45-45, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of a standard group change and the results list revision in the W-02 common use study medicine system CBT
仁田善雄, 齋藤宣彦, 江藤一洋, 島谷一芳, 石田達樹
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 46-46, 2017.

Japanese Article It is broken the position of the university for the national examination that is better than W-03
神代龍吉1, 平形道人2, 田川まさみ3, 学習者評価委員会4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 46-46, 2017.

Japanese Article Practical use - by regenerative therapy - physician-led trial of LS-1 cerebral infarction and the spinal cord injury
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 47-47, 2017.

Japanese Article The education system for LS-2 security, reliable laparoscopic surgery
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 48-48, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the abdominal touch simulator which can evaluate LS-3-01 learning level
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 49-49, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of Ichiro II-A in the LS-3-02 medicine department before graduation education
石橋豊1, 狩野賢二2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 49-49, 2017.

Japanese Article We investigate a factor of the cognitive psychology of the LS-4 diagnosis error
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 50-50, 2017.

Japanese Article Inflection of the 3D heart model in settings of the LS-5 medical care education
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 51-51, 2017.

Japanese Article Difficulty of the acquirement of the LS-6 Sino-Japanese traditional medicine and difficulty of the education
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 52-52, 2017.

Japanese Article The problem that was left unfinished for hypertensive practice of LS-7 Japan
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 53-53, 2017.

Japanese Article Physician-patient relation and education in the LS-8 diabetes medical care and choice of the medical treatment
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 54-54, 2017.

English Article ITNS-A-1 Direct laryngoscope training is important for videolaryngoscope skill acquisition by medical students : a simulation-based randomized trial
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 55-55, 2017.

English Article ITNS-A-2 Improving team resuscitation and patient care with Interprofessional Training in Emergency Resuscitation with Simulation (InTERSim)
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 55-55, 2017.

English Article ITNS-A-3 Developing a Simulation-based Advanced Life Support (ALS) Module in the Emergency Medicine Curriculum through an Outcome-Based Framework - Spiral Curriculum with Annual Exit Outcome toward the Final Assessment of Competency -
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 56-56, 2017.

English Article ITNS-A-4 Factor affecting Faculty Members' Attitudes toward Interprofessional Education and Their Perception toward Interprofessional Healthcare Collaboration, a Mixed Methods Study
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 56-56, 2017.

English Article ITNS-A-5 Assessment of teamwork in interprofessional education
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 57-57, 2017.

English Article ITNS-A-6 Social Work of Inter professional Devotion (SOLID) : The collaboration of medical and health students in implementing inter professional education for community in Indonesia
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 57-57, 2017.

English Article ITNS-A-7 Identifying obstacles, implementation strategies, and attitude of health profession educators toward interprofessional practice from 13 institutions across Indonesia - A mixed method result
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 58-58, 2017.

English Article ITNS-A-8 Interprofessional Education and Factors That Enhance The Program Effectiveness : A Systematic Narrative Review
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 58-58, 2017.

English Article ITNS-B-1 Factors Influencing Preclinical Medical Students of Thammasat University's Decisions on Attending Live Lectures
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 59-59, 2017.

English Article ITNS-B-2 Demographic Data of Preclinical Medical Students in Live-Lecture Attendance, Experienced from Thammasat University
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 59-59, 2017.

English Article ITNS-B-3 The difference of depression among medical students between two types of training program.
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 60-60, 2017.

English Article ITNS-B-4 Don't Let Your Fire Go Out ; lnitial Report of a Cross-Sectional Study into Resident Burnout and lts Factors in a Japanese University Hospital
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 60-60, 2017.

English Article ITNS-B-5 There were different associated attitudinal factors that influenced burnout syndrome among different years of medical students at Thammasat University
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 61-61, 2017.

English Article ITNS-B-6 Prevalence and associated factors of burnout syndrome in preclinical medical students, Thammasat University
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 61-61, 2017.

English Article ITNS-B-7 Demographic data affecting on burnout syndrome, experienced from medical students in Thammasat University
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 62-62, 2017.

English Article ITNS-B-8 Stress level and management of medical students in new Thailand medical school
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 62-62, 2017.

English Article ITNS-C-1 Factors influencing application to medical schools in Japan : High school guidance counselors' perception of the issue
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 63-63, 2017.

English Article ITNS-C-2 Professionalism Education Course at Okayama University Medical School
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 63-63, 2017.

English Article ITNS-C-3 Students' Attitude in Applying Preclinical Knowledge for Academic Performance versus Practical Purpose
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 64-64, 2017.

English Article ITNS-C-4 Adaptation and basic medical science achievement of the second preclinical year medical students in semester 2015 of Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 64-64, 2017.

English Article ITNS-C-5 Physiology Educator accreditation and education programs organized by Physiological Society of Japan
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 65-65, 2017.

English Article ITNS-C-6 Interactive faculty development workshop for interactive lecturing : participants' reaction
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 65-65, 2017.

English Article ITNS-C-7 The Curriculum Surveys for Systems-based Practice among Preclinical and Clinical Medical Students
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 66-66, 2017.

English Article ITNS-C-8 Does the national standard meet the criteria as a proper guidance for curriculum development ? A document analysis of Indonesian Dentistry Competence Standards
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 66-66, 2017.

English Article ITNS-C-9 How we improved learners' motivation during a "blended" team-based learning
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 67-67, 2017.

English Article ITNS-D-1 The impact of the characteristics of interpreters on the care satisfaction of foreign patients
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 68-68, 2017.

English Article ITNS-D-2 Patient-centeredness expressed by students and by doctors during history taking : a comparative corpus study
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 68-68, 2017.

English Article ITNS-D-3 Can watching videos of doctor-patient encounters improve Japanese medical students' confidence and proficiency when taking medical histories in English?
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 69-69, 2017.

English Article ITNS-D-4 Research into Student's Understanding Level of the Medical Interview Trainings in English
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 69-69, 2017.

English Article ITNS-D-5 A literature review of the use of moodle in medical education : review of abstracts from PubMed
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 70-70, 2017.

English Article ITNS-D-6 Enhancing Peer-Assessment in Blended E-Learning
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 70-70, 2017.

English Article ITNS-E-1 lnternational initiatives for creating a modifiable overseas elective handbook as a helpful resource for medical schools
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 71-71, 2017.

English Article ITNS-E-2 Mid- to long-term impact of overseas elective programs on Japanese medical graduates : a mixed methods study
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 71-71, 2017.

English Article ITNS-E-3 Extern Medical Students' Research in Vachira Phuket Medical Education Center, Thailand
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 72-72, 2017.

English Article ITNS-E-4 Introducing an International Perspective in Medical Education : The First Report from an Innovative Medical School where One in Seven Students Are International Students
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 72-72, 2017.

English Article ITNS-E-5 Recent transformation of the curriculum at Harvard Medical School - Pathways for customized learning
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 73-73, 2017.

English Article ITNS-E-6 Advantage and Limitation of Medical Doctor Traning in Vietnam
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 73-73, 2017.

English Article ITNS-E-7 Comparative study of satisfaction in faculty development series workshop at Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 74-74, 2017.

English Article ITNS-E-8 Actual status of training skill application among former trainees, who attended TOT workshop organized by JICA Project during the period 2010-2013
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 74-74, 2017.

English Article ITNS-F-1 The applicability of Experiential learning theory to complex work-based learning situations
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 75-75, 2017.

English Article ITNS-F-2 Can feedback ratio of case report from medical student, lead to more efficient learning?
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 75-75, 2017.

English Article ITNS-F-3 Japanese medical students' learning experience : practicing medical English with case presentation and role-play
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 76-76, 2017.

English Article ITNS-F-4 Electrocardiography interpretation : a comparison between peer-assisted learning and self-study in medical students
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 76-76, 2017.

English Article ITNS-F-5 Subclavian artery and vein differentiation methods using ultrasound imaging among medical students
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 77-77, 2017.

English Article ITNS-F-6 The opinion of 4th-year medical students on the differrent bandaging techniques of transtibial amputees stumps in mahasarakham hospital.
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 77-77, 2017.

English Article ITNS-G-1 Cross-validation of a Learning Climate instrument in a non-Western Clinical Environment
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 78-78, 2017.

English Article ITNS-G-2 Understanding the response process of residents evaluating clinical teachers - influences of instrument and national culture
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 78-78, 2017.

English Article ITNS-G-3 A Report of Applied Behavioral Study to Medical Education between a Doctor and Patient
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 79-79, 2017.

English Article ITNS-G-4 Assessment as learning : using CRQ in quiz competition to improve intern's learning in medical record conference
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 79-79, 2017.

English Article ITNS-G-5 Graduated general practitioners' feedback regarding their ENT curriculum
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 80-80, 2017.

English Article ITNS-G-6 How Indoor light effect to the medical student learning and perception?
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 80-80, 2017.

Japanese Article Problem of the first annual biology education in the O-1-01 faculty of medicine
鈴木健史1, 三瀬敬治2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 82-82, 2017.

English Article O-1-02 Increasing rate of International Baccalaureate Admissions into Okayama University Medical School
SABINA MAHMOOD1, 佐竹恭介1, 田原誠1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 82-82, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the usefulness of MMI judging from results after the O-1-03 entrance to school
岸太一1,2, 廣井直樹1, 佐藤二美1, 高松研2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 82-82, 2017.

Japanese Article Of the OSCE reexamination evaluation using the O-2-01 movable monitor camera recording system, actually
寺崎文生1, 林道廣1, 中野隆史1, 梶本宜永1, 宗宮浩一2, 岩橋朗3, 宮崎彩子4, 河田了1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 83-83, 2017.

Japanese Article We estimate a true score in the OSCE where validity and reliability of the O-2-02 altitude are pursued in: Bias revision that we use the interrater agreement degree
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 83-83, 2017.

Japanese Article The interim report of the O-2-03 simulated patient (SP) performance national survey: Factor to affect the performance and the feedback
阿部恵子1, 半谷眞七子2, 後藤道子3, 藤崎和彦4, 寺田八重子1, 三浦昌子1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 83-83, 2017.

Japanese Article In O-2-04 common use study medicine system OSCE, in the case of the examination for one's OSCE, the student who experienced a physical examination simulated patient in the lower grades becomes advantageous
森本剛1,2, 仁田善雄1, 片桐瑞希1, 大滝純司1,3, 齋藤宣彦1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 84-84, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the early clinical medicine education that a student is independent and keeps study in O-3-01 1 annual
廣井直樹1,2, 吉原彩1,3, 中田亜希子2, 岡田弥生1, 土井範子1, 小林正明1, 佐藤二美1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 85-85, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem (the second report) of the elderly people institution experience-based training as the early experience-based training for the O-3-02 medicine department first grader
西本新1,2, 久永拓郎1,2, 桂春作1,2, 藤宮龍也2, 白澤文吾1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 85-85, 2017.

Japanese Article Surgical procedure Hands on Training before the bedside teaching start in the O-3-03 University of Tsukuba kidney urinary organ surgery
木村友和1, 池田篤史1, 石塚竜太郎1, 和久夏衣1, 神鳥周也1, 小島崇宏1, 常樂晃1, 河合弘二1,2, 宮崎淳2, 西山博之1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 85-85, 2017.

Japanese Article Improvement and problem by the post-test introduction of the introduction to O-3-04 symptomatology lecture
岡田英理子1, 高橋誠1,2, 井津井康浩2, 中川美奈3, 山口久美子3, 金子英司3, 角勇樹4, 田中雄二郎1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 86-86, 2017.

Japanese Article Development and operation of the marking system for the study OSCE reviewer using O-4-01 FileMaker and iPad for common use
平野隆則, 川邊哲也, 羽野卓三, 村田顕也
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 87-87, 2017.

Japanese Article Good use of feedback paper to convey feedback to become the learning of the O-4-02 learner
伊東こずえ, 菊川誠, 新納宏昭
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 87-87, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the erroneous answer contents classification of the beginner in the O-4-03 standard simulated patient training
佐貫久美子1,2, 澤田亮1, 中島平3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 87-87, 2017.

Japanese Article We examine validity of the OSCE evaluation standard revision with the revision of O-4-04 revival guidelines
山畑佳篤1, 太田凡1, 武部弘太郎1, 渡邉慎1, 山脇正永2, 入江仁2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 88-88, 2017.

Japanese Article Difference of the specialist job identity formation between O-5-01 faculty of medicine and health School of Nursing
川邊哲也1, 村田顕也1, 羽野卓三1, 鹿村眞理子2, 岩根直美2, 武用百子2, 水越正人2, 山口雅子2, 志波充2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 89-89, 2017.

Japanese Article Investigation - multicenter randomized cross-over study - about Empathy of the physician after O-5-02 night duty or the duty
溝辺倫子1, 山上浩2, 伊藤史生3, 小山泰明4, 八幡えり佳5, 志賀隆6
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 89-89, 2017.

Japanese Article Experience of the workshop about the benefit reciprocity for O-5-03 initial clinical residents
雨田立憲1, 松井邦彦2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 89-89, 2017.

Japanese Article Approach of the professionalism education in the O-5-04 Okayama University faculty of medicine
片岡仁美1, 小比賀美香子2, 勅使川原早苗1, 川畑智子1, 佐藤明香2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 90-90, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt (the second report) of the authority of O-6-01 surgery clinical Clark ship introduction
工藤敏文1, 北畑富貴子1, 岡田英理子1, 井津井康浩1, 高橋誠1, 田中雄二郎1, 高田和生2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 91-91, 2017.

Japanese Article - to train clinical competence in attempt - main constituent-like behavior modification of the bedside teaching learning effect improvement by the O-6-02 coaching
横尾英孝1, 伊藤彰一1,2, 朝比奈真由美1,2, 生坂政臣1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 91-91, 2017.

Japanese Article To achieve the sense of accomplishment of the before graduation bedside teaching in the O-6-03 area core hospital
塩田星児1, 堀之内登1, 高倉健1, 宮崎英士2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 91-91, 2017.

Japanese Article How did the interest to the clinical course of the medical student change in approximately an O-6-04 participation type bedside teaching?
竹重友美1, 栩野吉弘1,2, 奥幸子1, 藤田奈緒美1, 首藤太一1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 92-92, 2017.

Japanese Article Feedback of the Instructional design of the obstetric critical bleeding training scenario course using the O-7-01 chi-square level
狩谷伸享1, 平山亜矢子2, 金子隆彦1, 奥谷博愛1, 大村昭宗3, 辻彩乃4, 中本志郎1, 廣瀬宗孝1, 太城力良5
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 93-93, 2017.

Japanese Article Comparison between attitude survey - municipal hospital and university hospital - about the communication with the attending physician of the O-7-02 initial resident
溝辺倫子1, 小林肇7, 山上浩2, 下澤信彦3, 植地貴弘4, 鋪野紀好5, 梶原秀喜6, 志賀隆8
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 93-93, 2017.

Japanese Article The study that examined the cosensitivity in the O-7-03 bedside teaching
中村祐三, 橋本和明, 竹内武昭, 天野雄一, 端詰勝敬
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 93-93, 2017.

Japanese Article Introduction of the coaching in the O-7-04 surgery bedside teaching
斎藤拓朗, 添田暢俊, 樋口光徳, 押部郁朗, 渡部晶之, 根本鉄太郎
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 94-94, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the seamless cellular biology training with the anatomy pathology using O-8-01 simulation center
武内恒成1, 松下夏樹1, 川原千香子2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 95-95, 2017.

Japanese Article Enforcement experience - by the - physiology system class to reconsider Active learning, TBL, PBL by the basic medicine education specialized in O-8-02
山崎将生1,2, 西村宗修2, 平岩徹也2, 村田幸則3, 黒野伸子4, 今田英己5
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 95-95, 2017.

Japanese Article The development of the method of education for O-8-03 academic question power improvement: Examination of the reliability of the question evaluation table
亀岡淳一1, 堀井明2, 虫明元3, 清水律子4, 石井誠一5, 加賀谷豊5
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 95-95, 2017.

Japanese Article The attempt that active learning of the O-8-04 "humans biology" increases the learning of the medical course new pupil out of the class in becoming it
多田剛1, 黒川由美1, 加藤善子2, 李敏2, 古里由香里2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 96-96, 2017.

English Article O-9-01 Medical trainees' approaches to learning medicine, their learning outcome and clinical performance
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 97-97, 2017.

English Article O-9-02 Contextual professional challenges promote or hinder self-regulated learning : a qualitative study contrasting rural physicians with undergraduates in Japan
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 97-97, 2017.

English Article O-9-03 Deliberate practice in learning clinical reasoning.
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 97-97, 2017.

English Article O-9-04 Followership in Resuscitation Team - Forgotten Key to Leadership : Qualitative Cross - Cultural Study
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 98-98, 2017.

English Article O-9-05 The effect of workplace assessment on learning in the operating room in anaesthesia residency : A qualitative inquiry
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 98-98, 2017.

Japanese Article Invention of the participation type Chinese medicine training in O-10-01 Tohoku University and evaluation by the questionnaire
高山真, 沼田健裕, 菊地章子, 金子聡一郎, 有田龍太郎, 大澤稔, 神谷哲治, 齊藤奈津美, 池野由佳, 西川仁, 小島三千代, 石井正
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 99-99, 2017.

Japanese Article With the scenery that nurse new face becoming the O-10-02 adjustment disorder sees
川上ちひろ, 西城卓也, 鈴木康之, 藤崎和彦
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 99-99, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts to a graduate record examination in the O-10-03 this school
久永拓郎1, 西本新1, 桂春作1, 白澤文吾1, 藤宮龍也2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 99-99, 2017.

Japanese Article Viewpoint of the patients and the medical student for the medical education outcome in the O-10-04 our country
孫大輔1, 本間三恵子2, ピカリング ジョイス3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 100-100, 2017.

Japanese Article Analysis of the article about the faculty of medicine entrance examination published in the O-10-05 one weekly
大滝純司1, 柴原真知子2, 柿本明日香3, 武冨貴久子1, 渡邊洋子4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 100-100, 2017.

Japanese Article The surgery simulation education being aware of O-11-01 three dimensions can make a student participate in laparoscopic surgery as a member of the team safely
近藤喜太, 藤原俊義
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 101-101, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of bedside teaching choice of the O-11-02 medical student and relative - seamless IR with the course of the clinical practice
恒川幸司1,2, 鈴木康之1, 村上啓雄3, 清水雅仁4, 塩入俊樹2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 101-101, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect to give a learning effect and the student of the O-11-03 area inclusion care bedside teaching
西野文子1,2, 松坂雄亮1, 野口郁惠1, 久芳さやか1, 前田隆浩3, 安武亨4, 永田康浩1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 101-101, 2017.

Japanese Article About training contents, a local characteristic to promote the basic comprehensive medical care ability of the O-11-04 student effectively
若林崇雄1,6, 山本武志2, 相馬仁3,6, 山本和利4,6, 舛森直哉5,6
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 102-102, 2017.

Japanese Article Response of the first annual medical student who attended the clinical maneuver education using the O-12-01 simulator
川邊哲也, 村田顕也, 羽野卓三
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 103-103, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of the education using the video laryngoscope on few healthcare workers of the opportunity of the O-12-02 endotracheal intubation
廣江貴則1, 鹿瀬陽一2, 照井貴子2, 石垣昌志2, 青木友里2, 鈴木菜穂2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 103-103, 2017.

Japanese Article The comparison that passes about incisor pressure, tongue pressure at the O-12-03 endotracheal intubation for initial clinical practice one year
竹内慎哉1,2, 志賀隆7, 小山泰明3, 中西泰造4, 本間洋輔2, 森田浩史5, 後藤匡啓6
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 103-103, 2017.

Japanese Article Results and instruction method evaluation of hand washing ten years for the surgery to perform just before O-12-04 bedside teaching
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 104-104, 2017.

Japanese Article Curriculum inspection using the self-assessment of the student by Rubric measuring arrival to O-13-01 Diploma policy
安原智久, 栗尾和佐子, 串畑太郎, 曽根知道
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 105-105, 2017.

Japanese Article It is the relation of the course after O-13-02 bedside teaching Ro Tate department and graduation: Than the questionnaire to Tohoku University graduate for the past 35 years
亀岡淳一1, 岩崎淳也2, 内海衣恵1, 石井直人3, 石井誠一2, 加賀谷豊2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 105-105, 2017.

Japanese Article Report about the physician's performance which a medical student experienced in a bedside teaching in O-13-03 Saga University 5 annual
小田康友, 福森則男, 木本晶子, 植田美穂
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 105-105, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the bedside teaching instruction being aware of the thought process of the O-13-04 physician
河村宜克, 小田泰崇, 鶴田良介
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 106-106, 2017.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the operation under laparoscopy simulator learning of the O-14-01 medical student
小林元1,2, 菅原亜紀子2, 諸井陽子2, 石川和信1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 107-107, 2017.

Japanese Article The O-14-02 integrity predicts an effect of the endoscopic surgery simulator training of the faculty of medicine student
服部稔1,2, 惠木浩之2, 澤田紘幸2, 向井正一朗2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 107-107, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the education effect in the clinical reasoning using the O-14-03 virtual simulation software
大和田芽衣子1, 和足孝之2, 二階哲朗3, 狩野賢二4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 107-107, 2017.

Japanese Article Inflection of the simulation medical care education in the medical support of O-14-04 developing countries
山畑佳篤1,3,4, 橋井康二2,3,4, 太田凡1,3,4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 108-108, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the incident accident example associated with the communication of the O-15-01 resident
石川雅彦, 斉藤奈緒美
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 109-109, 2017.

Japanese Article ... new medical community design architectural technique ... which thinks about a carrier pass in the O-15-02 medical care safety education
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 109-109, 2017.

Japanese Article For Value Based Practice practice to raise medical quality improvement education patients satisfaction using the O-15-03 medical care talks impeller training
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 109-109, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination - second report - of grasp of the ability development about the medical security of the O-15-04 medical student and the effective systematic curriculum
伊藤彰一1,2,3, 相馬孝博3, 朝比奈真由美1,2, 山内かづ代1,2,4, 生坂政臣2,5
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 110-110, 2017.

Japanese Article About the stress factor of the O-16-01 clinical practice attending physician
堀田晶子1, 木村光利2, 孫大輔3, 江頭正人2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 111-111, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the reliability for the diagnosis reasoning ability evaluation method (VSOP model) that O-16-02 is new
竹内慎哉1,2, 大西弘高2, 青松棟吉3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 111-111, 2017.

Japanese Article The effect that simulation type orientation gives one year later on new resident in O-16-03 Iwate
坂本和太1, 高橋宗康2, 米田真也3, 石木愛子4, 大澤純子5, 坂下修5, 谷田達男6, 高橋弘明6, 野原勝7, 田村乾一6
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 111-111, 2017.

Japanese Article Features and problem of this school clinical practice program that O-16-04 learning environment evaluation list (PHEEM) determined
井津井康浩1, 北畑富貴子1, 岡田英理子1,2, 工藤敏文1, 高橋誠1,2, 田中雄二郎2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 112-112, 2017.

Japanese Article Learning saying that a resident is the community medical care training, and there is significance in the early period of O-17-01 after graduation
野村馨1, 大久保由美子2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 113-113, 2017.

Japanese Article Discussion based presentation in the training local for O-17-02 faculty of medicine one year
安井清孝, 色摩弥生
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 113-113, 2017.

Japanese Article The efforts of the community diagnosis workshop and the effect on O-17-03 medical student
鈴木翼1, 馬場晃弘2, 小泉健3, 井口清太郎3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 113-113, 2017.

Japanese Article Possibility and the associated factor that O-17-04 area frame medical student thinks about the return of the scholarship
片岡義裕, 高屋敷明由美, 前野哲博
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 114-114, 2017.

Japanese Article Class to teach a basic concept of the O-18-02 palliative care and a clinical image
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 115-115, 2017.

Japanese Article Learning effect of development - simulator inflection of O-18-03 simulated patient participation type clinical reasoning PBL
岡田弥生1, 中田亜希子2, 並木温1,2, 廣井直樹1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 115-115, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination by the multivariate analysis of posture and the learning result to O-18-04 team base type learning (TBL)
永田実沙, 安原智久, 串畑太郎, 曽根智道
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 116-116, 2017.

Japanese Article Study support aiming at the academic carrier improvement of the O-19-01 woman doctor
須崎康恵1, 車谷典男1, 藤本眞一2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 117-117, 2017.

Japanese Article Importance and problem of the child care support in the medical institution of O-19-02 Kumamoto
後藤理英子1, 田中顕道2, 中村孝典2, 香田将英2, 楯直晃2, 前田幸佑2, 高柳宏史2, 小山耕太2, 田宮貞宏2, 古賀義規1, 佐土原道人2, 谷口純一1, 松井邦彦2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 117-117, 2017.

Japanese Article About the leadership improvement support project of the female researcher in the O-19-03 medical care system university
有馬牧子1, 井関祥子1, 平澤恵理2, 服部俊治3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 117-117, 2017.

Japanese Article Step of the tenth anniversary of O-19-04 Okayama University medical care person career center
川畑智子1, 片岡仁美2, 勅使川原早苗2, 岩瀬敏秀2, 佐藤勝2, 和田淳2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 118-118, 2017.

Japanese Article When is the O-20-01 many types of job cooperation education necessary? It is ... from the many types of job cooperation intentionalness investigation for ... faculty of medicine student
松坂雄亮1, 西野文子1, 野口郁恵1, 久芳さやか1, 安武亨2, 前田隆浩3, 永田康浩1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 119-119, 2017.

Japanese Article National survey about the before graduation specialist job cooperation education in the O-20-02 faculty of medicine medicine department
前野貴美1, 高屋敷明由美1, 吉本尚1, 春田淳志2, 後藤亮平1, 前野哲博1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 119-119, 2017.

Japanese Article Upbringing ... of the human resources who are useful by O-20-03 area base type specialist job cooperation education - area inclusion care system
柴崎智美1, 米岡裕美1, 本橋千恵美1, 高橋幸子1, 亀井美登里1, 土田哲也1, 森茂久1, 椎橋実智男1, 別所正美1, 田口孝行2, 新井利民2, 萱場一則2, 細谷治3, 勝木祐二4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 119-119, 2017.

Japanese Article O-20-04 Difference in consciousness of medical and welfare students by using the method of text mining.
清浦海里1, 小屋松淳2, 野原夏樹2, 山梨啓友2, 近藤英明1, 川尻真也1, 村瀬邦彦3, 永田康浩4, 前田隆浩1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 120-120, 2017.

Japanese Article O-21-01 Development of a Teaming-Process Performance Assessment Tool (TEAM - P2016v Rubric) for Undergraduates
會田信子1, 松井瞳1, 加藤善子2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 121-121, 2017.

Japanese Article New form 1 of narrow justification - behavioral science, social science education of the behavioral science in the medical education of O-21-02 Japan
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 121-121, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the curriculum enforcement before O-21-03 effect-like bedside teaching
石木学, 三原弘, 関根道和, 廣川慎一郎, 山田徹, 田村賢一郎, 北島勲
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 121-121, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the learning environment investigation of the faculty of medicine student using the O-21-04 DREEM questionnaire
中川美奈1, 山口久美子1, 高田和生1, 北川昌伸2, 田中雄二郎3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 122-122, 2017.

Japanese Article O-22-01 Difference in consciousness of the different department students by using method of text mining.
小屋松淳1, 野原夏樹1, 清浦海里2, 山梨啓友1, 近藤英明2, 川尻真也2, 村瀬邦彦3, 永田康浩4, 前田隆浩1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 123-123, 2017.

Japanese Article Does the medical experience-based training in the stricken area of the O-22-02 Great East Japan Earthquake affect the learning manner and the course of the medical student?
田畑雅央1,2, 荒田悠太郎3, 菅野武3, 井本博文3, 石井正4, 加賀谷豊5
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 123-123, 2017.

Japanese Article Progress report of the visit to Great East Japan Earthquake stricken area training of the O-22-03 Tohoku University faculty of medicine medicine department 1 annual, Comparison with Miyagi course and the Namie course
阿部倫明1, 田中淳一1, 菊地章子1, 沼田健裕1, 黒田仁1, 高山真1, 石井誠一1,2, 加賀谷豊1,2, 石井正1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 123-123, 2017.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the short stay type community medical care training in the O-22-04 Sapporo Medical University faculty of medicine medicine department 3 annual
山本武志1, 相馬仁2, 白鳥正典2, 杉村正樹2, 鵜飼渉2, 亀田優美2, 伊東竜哉2, 堀尾嘉幸3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 124-124, 2017.

Japanese Article Practice and evaluation of the inversion class in the O-23-01 anatomy education
一條裕之, 中村友也, 竹内勇一, 川口将史
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 125-125, 2017.

Japanese Article The comparison of the colleague rating system in O-23-02 TBL and relations with the self-assessment
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 125-125, 2017.

Japanese Article Inspection of the PBL tutorial tenth year of O-23-03 Nihon University
神山浩1,2, 藤田之彦1,2, 岩崎賢一2, 亀井聡2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 125-125, 2017.

Japanese Article Importance of the contribution to O-23-04 group learning. The first TBL introduction experience in this school
野原淳, 玉井利克, 八木邦公
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 126-126, 2017.

Japanese Article What do O-24-01 they find to a new specialty? The second report
小畑陽子, 浜田久之, 梅田雅孝, 松島加代子, 長谷敦子
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 127-127, 2017.

Japanese Article Inspection - fourth report of the development of the O-24-02 medical team coaching program and the effect
田口智博1, 加藤沙彩2, 佐藤友紀2, 中野恵里2, 森純直2, 彼末吉世子2, 藤井健人2, 大原昂洋2, 西村花奈2, 市川周平3, 竹村洋典4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 127-127, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of an activity of Clinical Nurse Educator putting a pivot leg for the clinical practice in the O-24-03 basics, continuing education support and the effect
島田伊津子, 金子あや, 中村加奈子, 池田葉子, 加藤恵子
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 127-127, 2017.

Japanese Article It is ... to the participation in planning to attitude survey ... new specialty discussion about the medical scientist image a physician aiming at O-24-04
小番健矢, 西村悠介, 窪田由和子
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 128-128, 2017.

Japanese Article A problem and measures of the many types of job team formation judging from the present conditions of O-25-01 E-MAT (getting up support team)
原田真二1, 飯田祥2, 黒田智也2, 土屋研人2, 曷川元2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 129-129, 2017.

Japanese Article It is reset a disincentive investigation and the before graduation specialist job cooperation education arrival aim of the specialist job cooperation in the single institution of O-25-02 Japan
市川理子1, 中川美奈1, 山口久美子1, 吉橋洋子1, 鶴田潤1, 川上千春2, 高田和生1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 129-129, 2017.

Japanese Article How does O-25-03 physician, the nurse recognize the role of the health medical social worker? - Comparison - of the role recognition of a physician, the nurse
春田淳志1,2, 吉見憲二3, 吉田和枝4, 後藤道子4, 大石愛5, 吉本尚6
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 129-129, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination - of the curriculum evaluation by practice - student of specialist job cooperation, the medical safety education in the O-25-04 medical care person training department
辻美隆1,2, 是村利幸1, 佐久間肇1, 茅野秀一1,2, 田邊一郎1, 西岡亮治1, 加藤木利行1, 大野良三1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 130-130, 2017.

Japanese Article The ... area correlative study where the course regulation by the P-1-01 faculty of medicine area frame entrance examination has nothing to do with local doctor shortage, unevenly distributed
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 132-132, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the validity of P-1-02 MMI
岸太一1,2, 廣井直樹1, 佐藤二美1, 高松研2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 132-132, 2017.

Japanese Article After graduation follow-up of the new student by P-1-03 manner, the custom domain evaluation
大塚智子1, 武内世生2, 高田淳3, 瀬尾宏美2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 132-132, 2017.

Japanese Article P-1-04 Experience-Based Learning Using Urine Test to Understand Renal Function for First-Year Students
横山徹1, 菅原俊継2, 相川武司1, 渡邉翔太郎1, 清水久恵2, 山下政司2, 三浦寛子1, 黒田聡1, 木村主幸2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 133-133, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the early experience-based training in the P-1-05 new establishment medical college
住友和弘1,2, 大野勲1, 室谷嘉一2, 大原貴裕1, 宮澤イザベル1, 柴田近2, 佐藤滋1, 古川勝敏1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 133-133, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect that a simulation experience in the earlier period of P-1-06 medicine department 1 annual gives in learning will
又吉哲太郎, 阿部幸恵, 原永賀子, 大城真須美
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 133-133, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of the first annual elderly people at-home visit training in the university student of specialist in P-1-07 line
大幡久之1,2,3, 田中一正1, 小倉浩1, 刑部慶太郎1, 吉川裕介1, 稲垣昌博1, 平井康昭1, 天野弘美1, 倉田知光1, 亀井大輔2, 大林真幸2, 木内祐二2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 134-134, 2017.

Japanese Article Student evaluation in the BLS training of the first annual experience-based training in the university of specialist in P-1-08 line for 9 years
堀川浩之1, 弓桁亮介1, 山内里紗1, 萱沼実1,2, 前田宜包1,3, 倉田知光1, 田中一正1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 134-134, 2017.

Japanese Article Evaluation eighth report of the nursing service experience-based training in the P-1-09 Saitama Medical University faculty of medicine
森茂久1, 大西京子1, 有田和恵1, 柴崎智美2, 杉山智江1, 加藤仁1, 山田泰子1, 川村勇樹1, 荒木隆一郎2, 石橋敬一郎1, 土田哲也1, 別所正美1, 鈴木美香3, 齋藤栄子3, 戸川修子3, 武藤光代3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 134-134, 2017.

Japanese Article We estimate "rearranging and the expression of the thought" for the P-2-01 faculty of medicine student as a practice report of teaching it
野尻英一1, 高瀬堅吉1, 淺田義和2, 今村弥生3, 立石尚之4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 135-135, 2017.

Japanese Article The effect that P-2-02 medical care mediation education gives in physician specialist job awareness
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 135-135, 2017.

Japanese Article The first annual choice class to learn "education technique" through P-2-03 simulated class
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 135-135, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect (the second report) of the all the members announcement type poster session in the P-2-04 first grader "clinical guide" training summary class
米岡裕美1, 森茂久1, 柴崎智美2, 有田和恵1, 大西京子1, 杉山智江1, 土田哲也1, 村越隆之1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 136-136, 2017.

Japanese Article One consideration about the Japanese power of P-2-05 faculty of medicine student
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 136-136, 2017.

Japanese Article About practice of the class reform based on the viewpoint of the P-2-06 student and the result
三笠洋明, 赤池雅史, 西村明儒
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 136-136, 2017.

Japanese Article Problems in the P-2-07 faculty of medicine first grader clinical guide "vital sign" training
石橋敬一郎, 大西京子, 山田泰子, 川村勇樹, 加藤仁, 辻美隆, 森茂久, 土田哲也
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 137-137, 2017.

Japanese Article P-2-08 Assessing the annual data of TOEIC-IP placement test scores and effects in English education
高橋留美1, 高橋寛1, 大野真機1, 遠藤雪枝1, 吉川裕介2, 近藤雅人1, 天野弘美1, 田中一正1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 137-137, 2017.

Japanese Article The trend by the science system subject basics scholastic ability investigation to perform next in the P-2-09 early years for 8 years and examination of the usefulness
萩原康夫, 本多英彦, 山本雅人, 剣持幸代, 小林広和, 松永雅美, 長谷川真紀子, 稲垣昌博, 田中一正
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 137-137, 2017.

Japanese Article What is the physics that is necessary for P-3-01 medical student?
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 138-138, 2017.

Japanese Article The education example that we applied the talk database of patients in P-3-02 D pecks Japan in as the teaching materials
射場典子1, 森田夏実1, 青木昭子2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 138-138, 2017.

Japanese Article It is ... for conversion of the cognitive science of effect - learning of the one-to-one instruction that we applied P-3-03 ICT in
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 138-138, 2017.

English Article P-3-04 Empathy and willingness to communicate : A case study for Interprofessional Education
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 139-139, 2017.

Japanese Article Questionary survey about medical English efforts in P-3-05 Hokkaido University and the motivation for the English learning of the student
小野澤真弘, 武冨貴久子, 稲場直子, 藤岡容一朗, 川久保和道, 折茂達也, 金野陽輔, 坊垣暁之, 伊藤智城, 本間理央, 北市雄士, 村上壮一, 村上学, 川畑秀伸, 小華和柾志, 大滝純司
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 139-139, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the medical English education by the P-3-06 great reference book for study addition type Hawaii language study training program
亀谷美恵1, 阿部幸一郎1, 野中泉2, 廣井直樹2, 矢部久美子4, 林宏幸1, 小林恵一1, 町淳二3, 川田浩志1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 139-139, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect inspection of English education EMP specialized in P-3-07 medicine and future problem
青木洋介1, 斉藤中哉2, 小田康友3, 福森則夫4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 140-140, 2017.

Japanese Article ESP curriculum in connection with P-3-08 length and breadth
藤森千尋, 渡辺修一, 永島雅文, 村越隆之, 齋藤恵, Chad Godfrey, 新津守
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 140-140, 2017.

Japanese Article Upbringing of the basic skills as the medical specialist job through the learning support to a child, a student of the P-4-01 foreign country family register
鏡裕行1, 塩竈和也2, 服部しのぶ2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 141-141, 2017.

Japanese Article The learning experience of the first grader by the continuous interchange with P-4-02 elderly people: From the viewpoint of communication education
今福輪太郎, 恒川幸司, 川上ちひろ, 西城卓也, 早川佳穂, 丹羽雅之, 鈴木康之, 藤崎和彦
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 141-141, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTIR) training for the P-4-03 team approach in medical care practice
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 141-141, 2017.

Japanese Article Inflection of the drama workshop in the P-4-04 medical care system before graduation education
岡崎研太郎1, 蓮行2, 高橋徳幸1, 末松三奈1, 肥田武3, 阿部恵子4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 142-142, 2017.

Japanese Article The elderly people home visit training by the P-4-05 medical care system student: Search of inspection and the problem of the significance in the second year
小嶋雅代1,2,3, 明石惠子2,4, 赤津裕康2,3, 浅井清文2,3, 大原弘隆2,3, 川出義浩2,5, 木村和哲2,3,5, 酒々井眞澄2,3, 鈴木匡2,5, 坡下真大2,5, 村上里奈2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 142-142, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the question design for intelligence start in the P-4-06 synthesis clinical department medical examination scene
阿部哲也, 大石直子, 福永幹彦
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 142-142, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the communicative competence by the P-4-07 playback theater (impromptu reproduction drama) workshop
石井誠一1,2, 加賀谷豊1, 虫明美喜2, 虫明元3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 143-143, 2017.

Japanese Article From the inventory survey to examination - simulated patient about "sympathy" in the P-4-08 medical scientific live medical interview training -
原田芳巳1, 平山陽示1, 和久田佳奈1, 井村博美1, 大滝純司1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 143-143, 2017.

Japanese Article Does the P-4-09 volunteer participation have influence that it is good for communication education in 1 annual?
岡田弥生1, 岸太一1, 中田亜希子2, 廣井直樹1, 佐藤二美1, 端詰勝敬3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 143-143, 2017.

Japanese Article The type of the patients of the PGA introduction transition period to a P-5-01 rheumatism remission standard
中村里香1, 肥田武1, 小嶋雅代2, 末松三奈1, 大浦智子3, 安井浩樹1, 高橋徳幸1, 阿部恵子4, 岡崎研太郎1, 植村和正5
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 144-144, 2017.

Japanese Article Behavioral science in the P-5-02 Aichi Medical University early years next
宮本淳, 武内恒成, 松下夏樹
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 144-144, 2017.

Japanese Article From the attitude survey results of the student before Preparatory state - bedside teaching of the medical student about the P-5-03 convalescence notice -
山木照子1, 辻喜久1, 服部哲久1, 植村和正2, 伊藤俊之1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 144-144, 2017.

Japanese Article The thing which the behavioral science that we introduced next for P-5-04 medicine department one year brought
三好智子1, 山根正修2, 飯田淳義1, 万代康弘1, 小比賀美香子3, 片岡仁美3, 那須保友1, 松川昭博2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 145-145, 2017.

English Article P-5-05 Reflection in medical education : Teaching clinical communication to Japanese students
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 145-145, 2017.

Japanese Article Significance of the many types of job experience-based training just before the P-5-06 bedside teaching
高村昭輝, 堀有行
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 145-145, 2017.

Japanese Article The identity formation as the P-5-07 pediatrician: Through the qualitative analysis of the tangle
笹月桃子1, 加部一彦3, 酒井康成2, 木澤義之4, 奈良間美保5, 戸田尚子2, 吉良龍太郎6, 板井孝壱郎7, 高田英俊2, 原寿郎6, 大賀正一2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 146-146, 2017.

Japanese Article Self-care to a P-5-08 medical student, attempt of the stress management education
高宮有介1, 土屋静馬2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 146-146, 2017.

Japanese Article Is P-5-09 a right shift from "Informed Consent to Shared Decision Making?" - Concept rearranging for medical education
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 146-146, 2017.

Japanese Article From spare investigation - Japan to the resilience education model construction which came from the self-view of the P-6-01 Japanese, interview results in Canada
土屋静馬1,2, 高宮有介3, リンダ スネル4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 147-147, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the multifaceted evaluation for the initial clinical resident by the P-6-02 ambulancecrew and attending physicians
熊坂一成1, 黒沢祥浩2, 伊藤広子3, 徳永英吉4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 147-147, 2017.

Japanese Article About the three major uneasiness of P-6-04 vs. the person support job beginner
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 148-148, 2017.

Japanese Article How should there be the correspondence for the medical student that P-6-05 Ann is professional?
谷口純一1, 古川昇3, 松下正輝3, 後藤理英子1, 小山耕太2, 田宮貞宏2, 高柳宏史2, 前田幸佑2, 香田将英2, 松井邦彦2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 148-148, 2017.

Japanese Article Medical professionalism education in the P-6-06 Tokyo Medical University medicine department
青木昭子1, 瀬戸山陽子2, ブルーヘルマンス R3, 山崎由花3, 阿部幸恵5, 山科章4, 泉美貴3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 148-148, 2017.

Japanese Article Ideal medical person image of professionalism education and the dentistry life of the P-6-07 Kagoshima University school of dentistry
大戸敬之1, 古川周平1, 岩下洋一朗2, 中山歩1, 作田哲也1, 松本祐子1, 吉田礼子1, 田口則宏1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 149-149, 2017.

Japanese Article Attitude toward answer act and them of the lecture in the P-6-08 medicine science life
松下正輝1, 古川昇1, 谷口純一2, 松井邦彦2, 安東由喜雄3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 149-149, 2017.

Japanese Article 1, examination of the relations with the pass of self-assessment and the physician national examination of ethics in 2 annual of the P-6-09 medical student
西山緑1,2, 橋本充代1, 稲葉未知世2, 田所望1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 149-149, 2017.

Japanese Article With the mentoring system that the resident demands in the early period of P-7-01?
杉本由香, 八鍬ゆう子, 伊藤貴康, 大西悠紀, 内藤陽平, 山本憲彦, 須藤啓広
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 150-150, 2017.

Japanese Article About an effect of the mentor placement in the P-7-02 independence learning room
柏木孝仁, 安達洋祐, 神代龍吉
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 150-150, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the choice of the present situation and the mentor of the P-7-03 Nagasaki University Hospital resident mentor system
松島加代子1, 小畑陽子1, 梅田雅孝1, 古賀智裕1, 渡邊毅2, 池田喬也1, 柴田英貴2, 宮本俊之1, 高山隼人2, 長谷敦子1, 浜田久之1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 150-150, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the education effect of the physical examination that used bedside teaching together with P-7-04 small lecture
中野弘康1,3, 西迫尚1,2, 廣瀬雅宣1,2, 土田知也1,2, 奥瀬千晃1,3, 鈴木通博1,3, 伊東文生3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 151-151, 2017.

Japanese Article Making of the returning to school support program for people of P-7-05 temporary absence from school
池田行宏1, 窪田愛恵2, 平出敦3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 151-151, 2017.

Japanese Article Association between P-7-06 medical scientific raw sleep, circadian rhythm properties, mental health and academic achievement
前川伸晃1, 安倍博2,3, 坂井豊彦3, 栗田智未4, 高橋哲也4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 151-151, 2017.

Japanese Article An approach of the coaching training to make use of in P-7-07 medical education and change of the skill self-assessment
佐藤明香1,2, 鈴鴨よしみ1, 加賀谷豊3, 出江紳一1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 152-152, 2017.

Japanese Article An evaluation and examination of the first annual boarding education judging from P-7-08 student satisfaction
本多英彦, 山内里紗, 吉川裕介, 前田昌子, 萩原康夫, 高橋寛, 堀川浩之, 倉田知光, 田中一正, 長谷川真紀子
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 152-152, 2017.

Japanese Article Association between sleep and physical condition of the faculty of medicine student during P-7-09 systematic anatomy training period
森美穂子1, 嵯峨堅2, 松本悠貴1, 森松嘉孝1, 山木宏一2, 石竹達也1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 152-152, 2017.

Japanese Article The effect that a feeling and social support having difficulty with P-8-01 study give for mental health and an academic achievement: Cross sectional study for medical system university students
西郷達雄1,2, 田山淳3, 小川さやか1,3, 武岡敦之1, 林田雅希1, 調漸1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 153-153, 2017.

Japanese Article Small group learning of the psychiatry domain for the P-8-02 initial resident
藤原広臨1,3, 伊藤和史1, 小西靖彦2, 肥田侯矢1, 村井俊哉3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 153-153, 2017.

Japanese Article It is analyzed the questionnaire (school edition) after P-8-03 common use study medicine system OSCE enforcement of the past eight years
仁田善雄, 森本剛, 片桐瑞希, 大滝純次, 齋藤宣彦, 医学系OSCE合同委員会
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 153-153, 2017.

Japanese Article Study on evaluation list revision of the medical interview problem of the P-8-04 common use study medicine system OSCE
仁田善雄, 森本剛, 片桐瑞希, 三瀬順一, 守屋利佳, 岡田宏基, 石川ひろの, 岸美紀子, 大滝純司, 齋藤宣彦
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 154-154, 2017.

Japanese Article Architectural usefulness of the OSCE evaluation environment using the P-8-05 own work application
服部哲久, 辻喜久, 山木照子, 伊藤俊之
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 154-154, 2017.

Japanese Article P-8-06 2016 pharmacy study report for common use
石川さと子1,2, 伊藤智夫1,3, 中村明弘1,4, 増野匡彦1,2, 伊藤喬1,4, 橋詰勉1,5, 宮崎智1,6, 前田定秋1,7, 山口政俊1,8, 出口芳春1,9, 石塚忠男1,10, 三田智文1,11, 入江徹美1,10, 野田幸裕1,12, 飯島史朗1,13, 松野純男1,14, 奥直人1,15
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 154-154, 2017.

Japanese Article P-8-07 The Simulation Based Assessment for Student's Outcome of Emergency Medicine in Post BSL-OSCE
金子一郎1, 竹内保男1, 秋山暢2,4, 高田真二3,4, 田中篤2,4, 山本貴嗣2,4, 坂本哲也1, 中木敏夫4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 155-155, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions about the medical education participation in planning of the citizen in P-8-08 Japan
藤倉輝道, 井上千鹿子, 早坂明哲
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 155-155, 2017.

Japanese Article P-9-01 medical care law education reconsideration - behavioral science, new form 2 of the social science education
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 156-156, 2017.

Japanese Article Cultural anthropology education - behavioral science, new form 3 of the social science education through the P-9-02 clinical case conference
飯田淳子1, 宮地純一郎2, 島薗洋介3, 錦織宏4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 156-156, 2017.

Japanese Article New form 4 of person and social scientist medical in P-9-03 BeSST Japan and civic tripartite - behavioral science, social science education to beat it, and to aim at the relations
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 156-156, 2017.

Japanese Article Past step of the P-9-04 medical education student society and the future prospects
河野和馬1, 川口満理奈2, 大塚勇輝1, 今村竜太1, 中村薫1, 山根正修3, 松川昭博3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 157-157, 2017.

Japanese Article Questionary survey to the student who visited P-9-05 Hokkaido University as an exchange student, and received a bedside teaching
村上学1, 田中由加利1,2, 川畑秀伸2, 小華和柾志2, 大滝純司2, 吉岡充弘1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 157-157, 2017.

Japanese Article Preparations for Niigata University faculty of medicine improvement report for the evaluation official from the evaluation trial according to the field of P-9-06 medical education
鈴木利哉1,2, 澁谷雅子1, 伊藤正洋1, 赤石隆夫1, 中村和利2, 佐藤昇2, 土田正則2, 西條康夫2, 染矢俊幸2, 味岡洋一2, 牛木辰男2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 157-157, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the lecture unit for clinical medicine introduction in the P-9-07 faculty of medicine second grade
三井良之1, 上硲俊法2, 平野豊3, 宇井俊貴4, 松本悠佑5, 平出敦6
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 158-158, 2017.

Japanese Article Curriculum map making of the P-9-08 this school faculty of medicine
大槻眞嗣, 長崎弘, 久米祐介, 飯塚成志, 後藤和恵, 石原慎, 中島昭, 山本正樹, 岩田仲生
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 158-158, 2017.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the clinical reasoning unit in the P-9-09 Saitama Medical University faculty of medicine
森茂久, 斎藤恵, 柴崎智美, 中平健佑, 加藤仁, 山崎芳仁, 向田寿光, 森口武史, 高野和敬, 永島雅文, 渡辺修一, 土田哲也, 別所正美
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 158-158, 2017.

Japanese Article Bedside teaching program in the overseas institution in P-10-01 Keio University
門川俊明, トーマス ジェームス, 平形道人
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 159-159, 2017.

Japanese Article P-10-02 Development of Bed Side-Learning Management System (BS-LMS) for clinical clerkship
坂井豊彦1, 安倍博1, 木村浩彦2, 田中雅人3, 内木宏延4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 159-159, 2017.

Japanese Article P-10-03 Development of Bed-Side Learning Management System, concerning system cooperation
田中雅人1,3, 坂井豊彦2,3, 安倍博2, 豊岡麻理子3, 木村浩彦3, 飯塚裕美子4, 廣田龍彰4, 大垣内多徳5, 山下芳範5, 内木宏延6
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 159-159, 2017.

Japanese Article Physician's performance standard list gene penetrance to a teacher judging from the physician's performance experience investigation to P-10-04 student
田島克巳, 佐藤洋一, 伊藤智範, 相澤純
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 160-160, 2017.

Japanese Article The P-10-05 student doctor learns professionalism through a place of the individual agreement acquisition of the bedside teaching
高田真二1,5, 秋山暢2,5, 金子一郎3,5, 笹森幸文4,5
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 160-160, 2017.

Japanese Article Bedside teaching education project POCCE using the handbook which P-10-06 student makes
日高啓介1, 大塚勇輝1, 飯田淳義3, 万代康弘3, 三好智子3, 山根正修2, 松川昭博2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 160-160, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the bedside teaching reform in the P-10-07 University of the Ryukyus faculty of medicine and the effect
名嘉地めぐみ1, 大屋祐輔2, 小宮一郎3, 屋良さとみ1, 高山千利1,2, 山本秀幸1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 161-161, 2017.

Japanese Article About a new method of education of the REM sleep in P-10-08 bedside teaching (BSL)
野村敦彦, 篠邉龍二郎, 加藤ちひろ, 有田亜紀, 今井正人, 佐藤雅子, 小西倫之, 真野まみこ, 堀礼子, 塩見利明
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 161-161, 2017.

Japanese Article The faculty of medicine before graduation education in the P-10-09 university hospital outbuilding: A present conditions evaluation and the prospects to the future
菊池史郎1, 守屋利桂1, 早川和重2, 福田倫也3, 坂東由紀4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 161-161, 2017.

Japanese Article P-11-01 surgical common Clark ship introduction and the evaluation
村崎かがり1, 山中寿2, 吉岡俊正3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 162-162, 2017.

Japanese Article Result and problem after the long-term participation type clinical Clark ship introduction in P-11-02 University of Tsukuba
鈴木英雄, 前野哲博, 前野貴美, 高屋敷明由美, 速水恵子, 内藤隆宏, 田中誠, 桝正幸
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 162-162, 2017.

Japanese Article P-11-03 Trial of hands-on clinical clerkship with wearable device in the emergency medicine
牛越博昭1,2, 名知祥1, 岡田英志1, 中野通代1, 吉田隆浩1,2, 熊田恵介1, 豊田泉1, 清水雅仁2, 小倉真治1, 湊口信也3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 162-162, 2017.

Japanese Article Promoting the conference participation in the P-11-04 clinical Clark ship from question power training
辻川知之, 杉本俊郎, 大西正人, 五月女隆男, 前野恭宏, 伊藤明彦, 和田広
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 163-163, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the foreign bedside teaching which adopted P-11-05 outcome base type learning
豊田宏光, 栩野吉弘, 幕内安弥子, 並川浩己, 小林正宜, 衣畑成紀, 鎌田紀子, 森村美奈, 竹本恭彦, 首藤太一
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 163-163, 2017.

Japanese Article The effect that P-11-06 area participation type training gives for selection of clinical practice institution of the student
森淳一郎, 清水郁夫, 黒川由美, 増田雄一, 多田剛
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 163-163, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the international exchange charge personnel specialist placement about the P-11-07 education
中曽根瑞乃1, 名嘉地めぐみ2, 屋良さとみ2, 武村克哉1, 新崎章1, 高山千利2, 山本秀幸2, 大屋祐輔2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 164-164, 2017.

Japanese Article Than the questionnaire findings for association between attractive feeling and bedside teaching experience - trainee to P-11-08 physical therapy -
中村崇秀1, 日高正巳2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 164-164, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the anesthesiology bedside teaching aiming at P-11-09 outcome base type education
横井信哉, 二階哲朗, 森英明, 日下あかり, 本岡明浩, 山本花子, 片山望, 榊原賢司, 橋本龍也, 齊藤洋司
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 164-164, 2017.

Japanese Article Lube Rick making of the family practice / synthesis clinical department clinical Clark ship for P-12-01 area base type medical education
近藤諭1, 竹村洋典2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 165-165, 2017.

Japanese Article Consideration of the refinement of BSL by an evaluation and the investigation to the P-12-02 clinical department
鈴木智1, 山田泰子1, 佐藤義文1, 高橋美穂1, 吉田幸生2, 大西京子1, 齋藤恵1, 荒関かやの1, 辻美隆1, 間嶋満1, 森茂久1, 椎橋実智男2, 土田哲也1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 165-165, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the bedside teaching in the P-12-03 University of Tsukuba kidney urinary organ surgery
木村友和1, 池田篤史1, 石塚竜太郎1, 和久夏衣1, 神鳥周也1, 小島崇宏1, 常樂晃1, 河合弘二1, 宮崎淳2, 西山博之1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 165-165, 2017.

Japanese Article Development and evaluation of the emergency pediatric service primary care program for P-12-04 medical students
茂木恒俊1, 錦織宏2, 八角高裕3, 西小森隆太3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 166-166, 2017.

Japanese Article About the medical interview effect with P-12-05 school of dentistry resident and the simulated patient
神永教子, 神永貞信, 田澤靖子, 村上宗隆
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 166-166, 2017.

Japanese Article Significance of the gesture in the P-12-06 SP participation type medical care interview training
高橋洋一, 中野俊也
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 166-166, 2017.

Japanese Article Thought - to proficiency - a variety of growth process and activities of the P-12-07 new face simulated patient to investigate becoming it
早川佳穂1, 川上ちひろ1, 今福輪太郎1, 恒川幸司1, 鈴木一吉1,2, 藤崎和彦1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 167-167, 2017.

Japanese Article Medical education from the drug comparison with P-12-08 foreign countries
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 167-167, 2017.

Japanese Article Medical safety education to P-12-09 initial resident
道下恭子, 山本真, 足立敦子
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 167-167, 2017.

Japanese Article The one instance case that P-13-01 section outside event led to the active learning of a student, the teacher
浜田紀宏, 朴大昊, 岡田健作, 松澤和彦, 井上和興, 谷口晋一
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 168-168, 2017.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the community medical care cooperation judging from P-13-02 community medical care training affiliated hospital and the local inclusion care center
伊藤智範1, 田島克巳2, 相澤純2, 佐藤洋一2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 168-168, 2017.

Japanese Article About the main point, a problem of result and the administration in the clinical Clark ship at the P-13-03 medical office
藤谷直明1,2, 宮崎美樹1, 宮崎英士2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 168-168, 2017.

Japanese Article Questionary survey for the Ehime University medical student who made P-13-04 matching
池田祐一, 高橋敏明, 高田清式
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 169-169, 2017.

Japanese Article Construction and the development course of the comprehensive medical care study session "Osaka right in the middle" where a medical student, residents of the P-13-05 whole country gather
笹本浩平1, 清田敦子2, 山本晴香3, 山本隆盛4, 杉本崇行5, 小黒亮輔6
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 169-169, 2017.

Japanese Article Report of the summer community medical care training carried out in P-13-06 Kumamoto study fund loan students at a Kumamoto earthquake stricken area
高柳宏史1, 前田幸佑1, 小山耕太1, 佐土原道人1, 後藤理英子2, 谷口純一2, 松井邦彦1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 169-169, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of P-13-07 discharge support and the student education for the many types of job cooperation
福村忍, 相馬仁, 山本和利, 舛森直哉
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 170-170, 2017.

Japanese Article Cohort study about the remote place duty hope of the P-13-08 medical student
速水恵子, 高屋敷明由美, 前野貴美, 鈴木英雄, 内藤隆宏, 前野哲博, 田中誠, 桝正幸
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 170-170, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problems of the seriously ill mind and body disorder medical care education in the P-13-09 faculty of medicine: Comparison of the questionnaire findings
西村悟子1,2, 山本崇裕1,2, 三浦清邦3, 松葉佐正4, 長谷川桜子5, 夏目淳6, 深尾敏幸2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 170-170, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of the leadership training for medical personnel who put P-13-10 camp and SNS together
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 171-171, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of the seminar that we gave priority to the needs of the student over on medical student using P-14-01 scholarship system
米田真也1, 高橋宗康2, 坂本和太3, 石木愛子4, 北村道彦5, 野原勝6
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 172-172, 2017.

Japanese Article What kind of learning does the e portfolio in the P-14-02 community medical care experience-based training produce for a university teacher?
井上和興, 朴大昊, 松澤和彦, 浜田紀宏, 谷口晋一
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 172-172, 2017.

Japanese Article How does the medical student experience portfolio making and swing return marks in the P-14-03 community medical care training?
藤原和成1, 高橋賢史2, 藤原悠子1, 足立祐貴2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 172-172, 2017.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the training in the area for the medical student before the P-14-04 bedside teaching
佐藤真喜子, 柴崎智美, 荒木隆一郎, 大野洋一, 太田晶子, 本橋千恵美, 宮崎孝, 高橋幸子, 諏訪絵美, 冨永信子, 亀井美登里
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 173-173, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the local experience-based training to learn all human medical care based for P-14-05 empirical learning cycle
網谷真理恵1, 野村弥加2, 三谷京香2, 曽原純2, 下敷領一平1, 水間喜美子1, 根路銘安仁1, 指宿りえ1, 嶽崎俊郎1, 大脇哲洋1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 173-173, 2017.

Japanese Article If make that remained in the impression in P-14-06 community medical care training most an illustration; "Significant Event Illustration"
桐ケ谷大淳, 松田俊太郎, 早川学, 吉村学
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 173-173, 2017.

Japanese Article From the viewpoint of education - premeditated behavior theory to bring up a physician treating a person with impaired development of P-14-07 mind and body impartially -
長谷川桜子1, 三浦清邦2,3, 熊谷享子4, 夏目淳3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 174-174, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of the P-14-08 area participation type medical education
住友和弘1, 長内忍2, 早坂太希2, 長谷部直幸2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 174-174, 2017.

Japanese Article How does the P-14-09 community medical care training contribute to breeding of the professionalism?
田中淳一, 沼田健裕, 黒田仁, 阿部倫明, 高山真, 石井正
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 174-174, 2017.

Japanese Article Introduction of a distant place, the remote island community medical care training in the P-14-10 city type acute phase hospital
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 175-175, 2017.

Japanese Article About the effect of the foreign training program in the P-15-01 physician clinical practice arrival accomplishment (the third report)
梅田雅孝1, 小畑陽子1, 古賀智裕1, 渡邊毅2, 松島加代子1, 池田喬哉1, 柴田英貴2, 宮本俊之1, 長谷敦子1, 高山隼人2, 浜田久之1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 176-176, 2017.

Japanese Article Long-term effect ... of change (H22 - H28) - before graduation community medical care training of the interest to the community medical care that P-15-02 resident holds
中桶了太1,3, 浜田久之2, 度島容子1, 山下匠子1, 押淵徹3, 調漸1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 176-176, 2017.

Japanese Article Do you bring up a resident from P-15-03 resident adoption to a latter term resident properly? Examination of the resident evaluation in our hospital
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 176-176, 2017.

Japanese Article After graduation medical care in remote area training education to learn from P-15-04 Australia: Attempt of "general final rehearsal"
齋藤学1,2, 武田裕子1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 177-177, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of medical education FD for the P-15-05 area
万代康弘1, 三好智子1, 飯田淳義1, 須野学1, 吉田登志子1, 山根正修2, 伊野英男3, 片岡仁美4, 那須保友1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 177-177, 2017.

Japanese Article Development and evaluation (the general remarks) of the curriculum of "the ability to take care of an area, community" in the P-15-06 family practice straight internship
岡田唯男, 岩間秀幸, 粕谷奈美
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 177-177, 2017.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the at-home team approach in medical care student teaching leader training workshop using the P-15-07 example examination
田中佐知子, 佐野敦彦, 平岡千英, 半田智子, 山崎敦代, 倉田なおみ, 亀井大輔, 福村基徳, 小川路代, 篠原久仁子, 佐口健一, 加藤裕久, 中村明弘
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 178-178, 2017.

Japanese Article Development and analysis of Script Concordance Test (SCT) evaluating the type of job understanding in the place of the P-15-08 area inclusion care
春田淳志1,2, 山本由布1,2, 後藤亮平3, 前野貴美3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 178-178, 2017.

Japanese Article Development and evaluation (detailed exposition) of the curriculum of "the ability to take care of an area, community" in the P-15-09 family practice straight internship
岩間秀幸1, 久保田希1, 藤本晴枝2, 岡田唯男1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 178-178, 2017.

Japanese Article Mutual evaluations of a resident and the attending physician in the P-15-10 treatment at home training
山根由起子1, 松田剛2, 神野君夫3, 土井正樹4, 渡辺康介5, 山脇正永1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 179-179, 2017.

Japanese Article Student BLS training (attempt of the new evaluation) by P-16-01 "roof tile method"
山門一平1, 梶原景正1, 野田敏司1, 木ノ上高章2, 古屋博行2, 浦野哲哉1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 180-180, 2017.

Japanese Article About the holding of the kids seminar using the new simulation center of the P-16-02 Nagasaki University Hospital
渡邊毅1,2,3, 高山隼人1, 柴田英貴1, 田下博1, 浜田久之2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 180-180, 2017.

Japanese Article The attempt that introduced an inversion class into P-16-03 pediatrics simulation training
岡田満1,2, 南方俊祐1, 井上智弘3, 竹村司1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 180-180, 2017.

Japanese Article Introduction of the emergency pediatric service rial simulation program in the P-16-04 clinical Clark ship
大野直幹, 赤池洋人, 尾内一信
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 181-181, 2017.

Japanese Article Education effect of the remote simulation in the P-16-05 student training
狩野賢二, 佐藤直, 大和田芽衣子
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 181-181, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the P-16-06 thyroid gland palpation simulator
荒井孝子1, 松浦明美1, 高見博2, 栗田康生3, 大原隆之4, 天野隆弘3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 181-181, 2017.

Japanese Article Further improvement and development of the P-16-07 abdominal touch simulator
荒井孝子1, 松浦明美1, 堀江義則2, 栗田康生2,3, 大原隆之4, 天野隆弘2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 182-182, 2017.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the heart auscultation training using the simulator for P-16-08 medicine department first graders
加賀谷豊1,2,3, 田畑雅央2, 荒田悠太郎3, 石井誠一1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 182-182, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of P-16-09 endoscope, the endotracheal intubation simulator robot
中野俊也1, 清水昌樹3, 松岡正晃3, 三好雅之1, 高橋洋一1, 角南なおみ1, 檜山康明3, 中村廣繁2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 182-182, 2017.

Japanese Article Held report of "the ER experience-based simulation" in the P-16-10 clinical Clark ship
小林正宜1, 栩野吉弘1,2, 竹重友美2, 奥幸子2, 幕内安弥子1, 福本一夫1, 並川浩己1, 衣畑成紀1, 豊田宏光1, 鎌田紀子1, 森村美奈1, 竹本恭彦1, 首藤太一1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 183-183, 2017.

Japanese Article About introduction and an effect of the problem solving type learning in the P-17-01 abdomen supersonic wave training
元山宏行1, 奥幸子2, 竹重友美2, 藤田奈緒美2, 岡田明子2, 栩野吉弘2,3, 菊川佳菜子1, 湯川芳美1, 打田佐和子1, 河田則文1, 首藤太一2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 184-184, 2017.

Japanese Article Trial of remote simulation (tele-simulation) in the P-17-02 medical education
二階哲朗1,2,3, 大和田芽衣子2, 狩野賢二2, 本岡明浩1, 森英明1, 日下あかり1, 藤原辰也1, 野村岳志3, 平野章二4, 齊藤洋司1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 184-184, 2017.

Japanese Article About introduction of the simulated training of endoscopy and the examination in the P-17-03 practice participation type bedside teaching for abdominal echography and the effect
相磯光彦, 山本貴嗣, 菊地弘敏, 高森頼雪, 秋山暢, 喜多宏人, 田中篤, 滝川一
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 184-184, 2017.

Japanese Article Basic life support (BLS) class to the hospital personnel by the student who saw it from the viewpoint of P-17-04 many types of job cooperation education
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 185-185, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the moulage (special make) for the simulation education with the P-17-05 transcription seal
井上千鹿子, 早坂明哲, 藤倉輝道
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 185-185, 2017.

Japanese Article Introduction experience of the training using the simulator about the medical emergency disease correspondence in the P-17-06 bedside teaching
山本貴嗣1,5, 阿部浩一郎1, 菊地弘敏1,5, 相磯光彦1,5, 竹内保男2,5, 金子一郎2,5, 笹森幸文3,5, 高田真二4,5, 秋山暢1,5, 滝川一1,5
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 185-185, 2017.

Japanese Article The medical student surgery Olympics to be useful for the P-17-07 surgery before graduation education improvement in Russia
伊藤正洋1, 鈴木利哉1, 澁谷雅子1, 山川詩保子2, Razvina Olga2, 日比野浩3, 土田正則3, 佐藤昇3, 牛木辰男3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 186-186, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the maneuver evaluation using the machine learning in the P-17-08 simulation medical education
石井裕之1,2,3, 椎名恵2, 高西淳夫1, 渋沢良太3, 片山保3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 186-186, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the P-17-09 simulation center duties management system
佐藤直, 狩野賢二
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 186-186, 2017.

Japanese Article P-17-10 system-like maneuver simulation learning method, effect by the true clinical practice of Seven Step Simulation
橋本忠幸1,2,3, 小杉俊介2, 小田浩之2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 187-187, 2017.

Japanese Article The effect that P-18-01 simulation education gives in accuracy of the hemodynamometry of the medical student
山崎由花1, 阿部幸恵2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 188-188, 2017.

Japanese Article Put P-18-02; the administration situation from rope clinical simulation center establishment of 5 years
又吉哲太郎1, 阿部幸恵1, 原永賀子1, 知名智子1, 大城真須美1, 板橋綾香1, 佐藤直1, 尾原晴雄2, 北原佑介3, 新崎章1, 垣花学1, 齋藤誠一1, 大屋祐輔1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 188-188, 2017.

Japanese Article Before graduation simulation education in the P-18-03 child abuse
赤池洋人1,2, 大野直幹1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 188-188, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect - learning result that took in a picture for the practice program using the P-18-04 example scenario and program evaluation -
森本美智子1, 山田隆子1, 三好智子2, 山口貴子2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 189-189, 2017.

Japanese Article The inflection situation to be able to put inside and outside the study of the rental of P-18-05 simulation laboratory apparatus
阿曽亮子1, 山本剛2, 井上千鹿子1, 藤倉輝道1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 189-189, 2017.

Japanese Article The medical examination simulation education that used heart work together with P-18-06 Harvey(TM) and examination of the evaluation method
栗田康生, 五十嵐真里, 松田有子, 天野隆弘
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 189-189, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problems of the correspondence to the food allergy in the P-18-07 educational front: The second report
荒田悠太郎1, 鈴木千鶴2, 三浦克志3, 加賀谷豊4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 190-190, 2017.

Japanese Article Development and evaluation (the first report) of P-18-08 surgery system first aid, the primary care program
松原知康1, 茂木恒俊2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 190-190, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination for the education effect evaluation of the para-electronic chart in the P-18-09 outpatient department role playing
岡澤成祐1, 勢藤善大1, 平井孝弘1, 木戸敏喜1, 田中宏明1, 下川一生1, 徳井宏太郎1, 高千紘1, 神原健太1, 猪又峰彦1, 今西信悟1, 山田徹1,2, 林龍二1,3, 松井祥子1,4, 東祥嗣5, 山本善裕5, 戸邉一之1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 190-190, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of introduction and the usefulness of the medical education training using the P-18-10 virtual reality simulator
小谷泰史, 鈴木彩子, 山本貴子, 藤島理沙, 宮川知保, 青木稚人, 重田護, 葉宜慧, 村上幸祐, 貫戸明子, 高矢寿光, 島岡昌生, 中井英勝, 飛梅孝子, 辻勲, 松村謙臣
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 191-191, 2017.

Japanese Article Introduction of the mobile simulation in faculty of medicine FD which featured the theme of P-19-01 outcome base type medical education
竹内保男1, 金子一郎1,2, 秋山暢2, 高田真二2, 笹森幸文2, 豊田彰史2, 相磯光彦2, 時崎暢2, 三浦文彦2, 山本貴嗣2, 原眞純2, 南谷幹史2, 笹島ゆう子2, 川杉和夫2, 中木敏夫2, 滝川一2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 192-192, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the learning effect between the students by the P-19-02 roof tile method
本間侑1, 有久亘1, 桑原正汰1, 市川美智華2, 外村和也3, 五十嵐寛3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 192-192, 2017.

Japanese Article BLS practice (the fifth report) for the faculty of medicine first grader who assumed P-19-03 medical student fifth grader an instructor
川村勇樹1, 辻美隆1, 高平修二2, 岸田全人2, 安斎勝人3, 作山洋貴2, 有田和恵1, 大西京子1, 佐藤義文1, 山田泰子1, 森茂久1, 土田哲也1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 192-192, 2017.

Japanese Article Impression of the student for the clinical reasoning practice by P-19-04 E-learning
藤代健太郎1,2, 松崎淳人2, 廣井直樹1, 佐藤二美1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 193-193, 2017.

Japanese Article The need of the wearing type simulator in the P-19-05 intradermal injection maneuver education
土井範子1, 藤代健太郎1, 岸太一1, 吉原彩2, 薬師寺史厚2, 和田はるみ2, 廣井直樹1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 193-193, 2017.

Japanese Article Simulation education being aware of the vertical connection that we practiced in P-19-06 Iwate
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 193-193, 2017.

Japanese Article The simulation education that P-19-07 makes a failure experienced intentionally
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 194-194, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the education method to promote the logical thinking using the disease type simulator with the P-19-08 3D printer
加治建1, 山田和歌2, 山田耕嗣1, 大西峻1, 桝屋隆太1, 町頭成郎1, 川野孝文1, 中目和彦1, 向井基1, 家入里志1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 194-194, 2017.

Japanese Article Element of the P-19-09 simulation center administration
万代康弘, 飯田淳義, 三好智子, 須野学, 吉田登志子, 那須保友
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 194-194, 2017.

Japanese Article The EBM education outcome measurement for the initial resident who can put P-20-01 postgraduate education hospital
本間陽一郎1,2, 齊藤一仁2, 堀博志1,2, 渥美生弘1,3, 渡邊卓哉2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 195-195, 2017.

Japanese Article P-20-02 OSCE for the postgraduate clinical training doctors in Kojunkai Daido hospital
服部良信, 水野美穂子, 小鹿幸生, 野々垣浩二, 小谷勝祥, 藤中憲二
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 195-195, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of Time-dependent Problem List for the purpose of the ability for patients grasp improvement of the P-20-03 initial resident
後藤秀彰1, 在間梓2, 坂井里奈1, 須藤洋崇1, 今村善宣1, 垣内誠司1, 河野誠司2, 南博信1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 195-195, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem about the training contents of the P-20-04 clinical practice attending physician training class
冨田泰彦1,2, 矢島知治1,2, 赤木美智男1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 196-196, 2017.

Japanese Article Is "presentation at the meeting" significant for P-20-05 initial clinical resident?
須郷広之, 宮野省三, 渡野邉郁雄, 町田理夫, 北畠俊顕, 李慶文, 児島邦明
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 196-196, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the resident seminar at the hospital attached to the P-20-06 Oita University faculty of medicine
山本恭子1,2, 宇都宮理恵2, 堀之内登2, 塩田星児2, 宮崎英士2, 中川幹子1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 196-196, 2017.

Japanese Article It is ... for the resident ability evaluation of practical skill evaluation tabulation workshop - practice settings in P-20-07 practice settings
高橋弘明1, 赤坂威一郎1, 田村乾一2, 宗像秀樹3, 谷田達男4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 197-197, 2017.

Japanese Article The effect inspection that simulation type orientation to P-20-08 new resident gives for a personnel exchange and education of the social courtesy
石木愛子1, 高橋宗康2, 坂本和太3, 米田真也4, 田村幸恵5, 宗像秀樹6, 谷田達男6, 高橋弘明6, 田村乾一6, 野原勝7
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 197-197, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the usefulness of the Difficult Patient-adaptive training using the P-20-09 simulated patient
鋪野紀好1,3, 伊藤彰一2,3, 野田和敬1,3, 朝比奈真由美2,3, 大平善之1,4, 生坂政臣1,3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 197-197, 2017.

Japanese Article For the P-21-01 Okayama University Hospital initial resident "is consensual"; about a diachronic investigation using the score
小比賀美香子1,2, 片岡仁美2, 三好智子2, 小川弘子2, 野間和広2, 佐藤明香2, 宇賀麻由2, 大塚文男1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 198-198, 2017.

Japanese Article Expect it of satisfaction and a leader of the postgraduate training by the physician within P-21-02 clinical practice ten years
高橋敏明, 池田祐一, 高田清式
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 198-198, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of the artificial respiration management seminar using the P-21-03 pig extraction lungs
北原佑介1,2, 岩永航1,2, 高田忠明3, 八木正晴1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 198-198, 2017.

Japanese Article Use experience to Workplace-based Assessment and the Feedback practice in - attending physician class where "the video product for the attending physician looked" at P-21-04
吉田和代1, 江村正1, 小松弘幸2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 199-199, 2017.

Japanese Article About the general medicine training of the specialist according to the young organ in the P-21-05 University affiliated hospital
土田知也, 西迫尚, 廣瀬雅宣, 高畑丞, 横川雅敏, 井上陽子, 黒須絵莉, 家研也, 奥瀬千晃, 松田隆秀
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 199-199, 2017.

Japanese Article Evaluation using the education environmental evaluation for the P-21-06 initial clinical practice Ro Tate department
石橋悟, 金田巖, 阿部雅昭, 大向紀江
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 199-199, 2017.

Japanese Article Enforcement of the clinical on-site instruction method seminar for the P-21-07 initial clinical resident
石原慎, 成瀬寛之, 岩田充永, 加藤義章, 金子祥子, 古庄公美子
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 200-200, 2017.

Japanese Article The role that P-21-08 visit practice serves as in medical education
長野宏昭1, 尾原晴雄1, 武村克哉2, 北原祐介3, 中曽根瑞乃2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 200-200, 2017.

Japanese Article It is examination about the intermediate feedback to a resident in - first aid training with thought in P-21-09 letter
神野敦1,2, 北原佑介3, 尾原晴雄4, 武村克哉5, 高良剛ロベルト2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 200-200, 2017.

Japanese Article Respiratory organs of the P-22-01 United States, attempt of the respirator seminar for 2 annual residents by the intensive care specialist
佐土原道人1,2,3,4,5, 田村幸大2,3, 今西康次2,4, ラマー カナン5
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 201-201, 2017.

Japanese Article Present conditions and problem 2 of the team building process after the person of P-22-02 many types of job Shinnyu job training
大泉京子, 伊野美幸, 信岡祐彦, 望月篤, 近藤昭子, 横山美恵子
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 201-201, 2017.

Japanese Article Is the education workshop holding for the P-22-03 clinical practice office work person in charge effective?
小松弘幸1, 安倍弘生1, 中島孝治1, 長野健彦1, 舩元太郎1, 鷹取あき1, 吉田和代2, 江村正2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 201-201, 2017.

Japanese Article First year evaluation of the Health Care Assistant system that we introduced into a master student (antemortem inspection studies specialty) as P-22-04 after graduation clinic
角勇樹1, 加藤優子2, 萩原三千男3, 東田修二3, 窪田哲朗2, 戸塚実4, 田中雄二郎5
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 202-202, 2017.

Japanese Article Growth process of the training dentist in settings of the P-22-05 practice
板家朗1, 鬼塚千絵1, 永松浩1, 今福輪太郎2, 木尾哲朗1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 202-202, 2017.

Japanese Article The establishment and continuation of the workshop for clinical residents by the clinical resident in the P-22-06 North Kyoto area
堀田祐馬1,2, 上田朋宏1, 伊藤義人3, 森洋一1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 202-202, 2017.

Japanese Article Workshop "clinical practice roof tile private supplementary school KYOTO" for clinical residents to instruct by P-22-07 roof tile method
武部弘太郎1,2, 上田朋宏1, 小山弘1, 山畑佳篤2, 太田凡2, 森洋一1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 203-203, 2017.

Japanese Article Point of view - of reflection - leadership and the conflict management of the visit to medical student Hospital project who collaborated with P-22-08 resident
綿貫聡1, 小藤知輝1, 岩立拓子2, 濱本優3,4, 田宗秀隆4, 九鬼隆家1, 大野明子5, 江夏一彰6, 芝祐信7, 石戸富久代8, 内田亜由子8
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 203-203, 2017.

Japanese Article Joint medical examination education and the effect on P-22-09 resident
村山知生1, 武村克哉2, 尾原晴雄3, 北原佑介4, 入江聰五郎6, 中曽根瑞乃2, 大屋祐輔2, 長野宏昭3, 神野敦3, 仲村義一5, 玉城佑一郎2, 槇田徹2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 203-203, 2017.

English Article P-23-01 The Impact of Project Based Learning on Students' Academic Achievement of a Co-medical Course
RYUICHI FUJISAKI1, 高柳妙子2, 槇村浩一2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 204-204, 2017.

Japanese Article Association between P-23-02 TBL evaluation and character trait
飯田忠行1, 三木洋一郎2, 北川周子3, 江崎誠治4, 淳嗣細川1, 川原田淳1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 204-204, 2017.

Japanese Article Characteristic of self-understanding and the member of society basic skills as the specialist job using the P-23-03 faculty of medicine, School of Nursing joint example learning
川原千香子1, 神谷美帆2, 橋本亜弓2, 八島妙子2, 室谷健太3, 北川好郎4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 204-204, 2017.

Japanese Article Using a case study sheet of analysis - Jonsen of the P-23-04 faculty of medicine, School of Nursing student joint example learning
川原千香子1, 神谷美帆2, 橋本亜弓2, 八島妙子2, 室谷健太3, 北川好郎4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 205-205, 2017.

Japanese Article Practice of the class "self-leadership type learning" as the P-23-05 early years next education
渡邊洋子1, 藤本眞一2, 柴原真知子3, 大滝純司4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 205-205, 2017.

Japanese Article Practice of PBL as part of the P-23-06 surgery education
肥田侯矢1,2, 藤原広臨2, 伊藤和史2,3, 小西靖彦3, 橋本恭一1, 戸田孝祐1, 稲本将1, 多代尚広1, 吉冨摩美1, 河田健二1, 坂井義治1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 205-205, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the infection class that we applied technique of the P-23-07 active learning in
近藤猛1, 安藤友一2, 佐藤元紀2, 佐藤寿一2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 206-206, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the PBL introduction in the bedside teaching for the P-23-08 PBL abecedarian
川久保和道1,2, 村上壮一1, 北市雄士1, 小野澤真弘1, 坊垣暁之1, 金野陽輔1, 折茂達也1, 藤岡容一郎1, 稲葉直子1, 本間理央1, 武冨貴久子1, 桂田武彦2, 森川賢一2, 工藤俊彦2, 中積宏之2, 小華和柾志1, 川畑秀伸1, 坂本直哉2, 大滝純司1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 206-206, 2017.

Japanese Article CPC training using the P-23-09 virtual slide
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 206-206, 2017.

Japanese Article Active learning in the P-23-10 digestive organ surgery bedside teaching
村上壮一1,2, 大滝純司1, 倉島庸2, 斎藤崇宏2, 川村武史2, 京極典憲2, 齋藤博紀2, 田中公貴2, 中西喜嗣2, 浅野賢道2, 野路武寛2, 海老原裕磨2, 中村透2, 土川貴裕2, 岡村圭祐2, 七戸俊明2, 平野聡2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 207-207, 2017.

Japanese Article From the palliative care education class practice meeting for problems - medical student of the P-24-01 next-generation palliative care before graduation education
中村陽一1, 高宮有介2, 斎藤真理2, 黒子幸一2, 大嶋健三郎2, 伊藤優子2, 三宅智2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 208-208, 2017.

Japanese Article Comparison between Rubric evaluation and results of the case question of the CBT of the case abstract of P-24-02 PBL Tutorial
藤代健太郎1, 松崎淳人2, 杉山公仁2, 酒井謙3, 黒崎久仁彦4, 岸太一1, 廣井直樹1, 佐藤二美1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 208-208, 2017.

Japanese Article Does the unity power of the team in P-24-03 TBL result in good result?
藤田博一1, 瀬尾宏美2, 関安孝3,5, 野田智洋1, 山下竜右1,3, 小野美紀4, 高田淳1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 208-208, 2017.

Japanese Article P-24-04 Study on the way of group learning method of physiotherapy simulated patient
梅井凡子, 沖田一彦, 田中聡
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 209-209, 2017.

Japanese Article About the effectiveness of the medical interview by the P-24-05 inversion class and the cognitive function test training
金子英司1,2, 鈴木里彩2, 阿部庸子2, 下門顕太郎2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 209-209, 2017.

Japanese Article The experience of the bedside teaching student using P-24-06 Moodle, enforcement data collection and utilization
三原弘, 石木学, 関根道和, 田村賢太郎, 山田徹, 廣川慎一郎, 北島勲
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 209-209, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the tool supporting P-24-07 e-learning teaching materials making
松下毅彦, 酒井規雄
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 210-210, 2017.

Japanese Article The potential risk sense of the medical student was similar to the medical person moral hazard example through P-24-08 social media
諸井陽子1,2, 小林元2, 菅原亜紀子1, 石川和信2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 210-210, 2017.

Japanese Article The establishment and the administration system of the IR section in the P-24-09 Jichi Medical University faculty of medicine
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 210-210, 2017.

Japanese Article Introduction of the whole school of the P-24-10 electron-like lecture document delivery system
松下毅彦, 酒井規雄
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 211-211, 2017.

Japanese Article ICT base to realize P-25-01 comprehensive medical education environment
田中雅人1, 坂井豊彦2, 安倍博2, 豊岡麻理子3, 木村浩彦3, 北林美津子4, 窪田真由美4, 大垣内多徳5, 山下芳範5, 黒川哲司6, 黒田一樹7, 伊藤春海1, 内木宏延8
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 212-212, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the use of all class LMS in P-25-02 Nippon Medical School
早坂明哲1,2, 井上千鹿子1, 伊藤保彦2, 竹下俊行1, 藤倉輝道1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 212-212, 2017.

Japanese Article University crossing type skull session using a Web meeting system of the P-25-03 telemedicine center
柄谷和宏1, 五味知治2, 竹内文也3, 渡辺良成4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 212-212, 2017.

Japanese Article Reverse pull search, demand analysis for self-learning systems of the statistics technique for P-25-04 clinician researchers
川浦孝之, 北脇知己
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 213-213, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the e- portfolio having competency and the milestone evaluation function of P-25-05 medicine, dentistry, the nursing education
村永文学1, 田川まさみ2, 田口則宏3, 岩下洋一郎3, 金子美千代4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 213-213, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the educational effect of the radiation simulation in the P-25-06 radiation specialty student
松谷秀哉1, 門前暁2, 細田正洋2, 柏倉幾郎2, 加藤博之1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 213-213, 2017.

Japanese Article Result of the ICT educational program corresponding to the super-aged society that a dental association cooperated with P-25-07 3 University and built
片岡竜太1, 美島健二1, 佐藤裕二1, 弘中祥司1, 城茂治2, 近藤尚知2, 越野寿3, 豊下祥史3, 今福輪太郎4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 214-214, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the inversion type training introduction for the P-25-08 nursing science first grader
並川浩己1, 竹本恭彦1, 竹重友美2, 奥幸子2, 幕内安弥子1, 福本一夫1, 小林正宜1, 衣畑成紀1, 豊田宏光1, 鎌田紀子1, 栩野吉弘1,2, 森村美奈1, 首藤太一1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 214-214, 2017.

Japanese Article Human communication robot utilization as the means to learn the technology that P-25-09 is new
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 214-214, 2017.

Japanese Article Feeling of the student who sees it to look back of the P-26-01 e portfolio
油川ひとみ1, 清水顕2, Breugelmans Raoul1, 泉美貴1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 215-215, 2017.

Japanese Article Through recognition - lower grades next professionalism education of the student for the P-26-02 inversion class -
西屋克己1,2, 住谷和則2, 坂東修二2, 岡田宏基2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 215-215, 2017.

Japanese Article Medical care interview evaluation support by the expression analysis of the applied examination second report Kinect V2 sensor to the medical person education of the P-26-03 three dimensions sensor
岩下洋一朗1, 吉田礼子2, 松本祐子2, 作田哲志2, 中山歩2, 大戸敬之2, 古川周平2, 田口則宏1, 高永茂3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 215-215, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the multimedia document delivery system supporting the learning that is deeper than P-26-04
若月徹1, 堀場文彰1, 杉本龍哉1, 櫻井麗子1, 鴨下淳一1, 佐久間隆子1, 長崎弘2, 岩田仲生3, 鈴木茂孝1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 216-216, 2017.

Japanese Article Introduction of results reading system (alalginK1) by GPA system and web with P-26-05 functional GPA as a base
伏谷建造, 砂田芳秀
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 216-216, 2017.

Japanese Article Characteristic grasp (4) of the portfolio description document using the technique of the P-26-06 text mining
天野弘美1, 小倉浩1, 刑部慶太郎1, 片岡竜太2, 田中一正1, 倉田知光1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 216-216, 2017.

Japanese Article Characteristic grasp (3) of the portfolio description document using the technique of the P-26-07 text mining
小倉浩1, 天野弘美1, 刑部慶太郎1, 片岡竜太2, 鈴木久義3, 今福輪太郎4, 榎田めぐみ3, 木内祐二5, 田中一正1, 倉田知光1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 217-217, 2017.

Japanese Article About the education support effect in the lecture hall using the P-26-08 cloud type real-time response system
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 217-217, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts to all courses common e portfolio with an education effect and the sustainability in the P-26-09 bedside teaching
ブルーヘルマンス ラウール1, 油川ひとみ1, 青木昭子2, 泉美貴1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 217-217, 2017.

Japanese Article How does the P-27-01 medical student define the carrier? : Crossing study
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 218-218, 2017.

Japanese Article Look back on this P-27-02 career education hosted by a center
久芳さやか, 西野文子, 松坂雄亮, 野口郁惠, 永田康浩
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 218-218, 2017.

Japanese Article Analysis (2) of examination - woman doctor re-training section registration example about the carrier resumption of the P-27-03 woman doctor
横田仁子1,2, 岩崎直子1,3, 小島原典子1,4, 中村真一1,5, 小川哲也1,6, 片井みゆき1,8, 松村美由紀1,10, 地曵典恵1,9, 余田敬子1,12, 平澤恭子1,13, 加藤多津子1,14, 高村悦子1,11, 内田啓子1,2, 唐沢久美子1,7
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 218-218, 2017.

Japanese Article "Specialist in return" system and carrier upbringing in the hospital attached to the P-27-04 Saga University faculty of medicine
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 219-219, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the consciousness change of the student in the P-27-05 work-life balance class
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 219-219, 2017.

Japanese Article Factor associated with the satisfaction of the life that a couple experiences on P-27-06 obligatory term accomplishment in each hometown
中村剛史1, 牧野伸子2, 石川由紀子3, 小島華林4, 山本さやか5, 山本智美6, 新井由季7, 渡邉ありさ8, 影向一美9, 横谷倫世10, 白石裕子11, 十枝めぐみ12, 定金敦子13, 石川鎮清14
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 219-219, 2017.

Japanese Article Attitude survey about a life design and the carrier continuation of the girl student in the P-27-07 faculty of medicine medicine department
森松嘉孝1, 加地桂子2, 小森瑞恵2, 佐分利益生2, 島内諒2, 白倉宏之2, 仲田泰崇2, 西井裕哉2, 山崎哲生2, 石竹達也1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 220-220, 2017.

Japanese Article Role of the coordinator in the P-27-08 woman doctor reinstatement support
勅使川原早苗1, 片岡仁美1, 川畑智子1, 岩瀬敏秀1, 佐藤勝1, 和田淳2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 220-220, 2017.

Japanese Article Difference in self-assessment by the activity place of the P-28-01 assembly education
村田幸則1,4, 前野芳正2,4, 市野直浩3,4, 南一幸3,4, 堀場文彰3, 大田真由美4, 松井俊和2,4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 221-221, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt to deepen understanding to the many types of job cooperation for the P-28-02 medical care system new pupil
飯田洋1, 稲生優海2, 藤田浩司2, 西巻滋2, 稲森正彦1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 221-221, 2017.

Japanese Article Education effect of the many types of job cooperation education "team approach in medical care literacy" by the specialist in P-28-03 teeth medicine three department cooperation
相澤文恵1, 藤澤美穂1, 木村祐輔2, 佐藤洋一3,4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 221-221, 2017.

Japanese Article Education effect of 1 annual team approach in medical care on-site training in the P-28-04 new establishment faculty of medicine
室谷嘉一1, 住友和弘1, 柴田近1, 大野勲2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 222-222, 2017.

Japanese Article Generalization of "medical talks training of the nursing" in the P-28-05 Tokyo Women's Medical University human relations education ten years
浦瀬香子1, 岡田みどり1, 八木淳二1, 三浦美奈子2, 那須実千代2, 齋藤加代子1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 222-222, 2017.

Japanese Article The P-28-06 "local resources community medical care education for the resident who make the most of it, and wrestles" from the questionnaire of - training leader looking back -
高尾順圭1, 佐藤勝1,2, 土井浩二1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 222-222, 2017.

Japanese Article Feedback from a clinical leader for P-28-07 clinical IPE
朝比奈真由美1,2, 黒河内仙奈3, 酒井郁子3, 井出成美3, 関根祐子4, 伊藤彰一1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 223-223, 2017.

Japanese Article An effect of the many types of job cooperation competency acquisition by P-28-08 TBL: IPE in the lower grades next
常見幸, 紀平知樹
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 223-223, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the many types of job cooperation education using the charge patients in P-28-09 Tokushima University
吾妻雅彦1, 長宗雅美1, 岩田貴2, 石澤啓介3, 川添和義4, 西岡安彦5, 赤池雅史1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 223-223, 2017.

Japanese Article Is the P-29-01 term about dentistry recognized by other medical people?
鬼塚千絵1, 伊藤香恋1, 菊地滋夫2,3, 半谷眞七子4, 中村由紀5, 永松浩1, 木尾哲朗1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 224-224, 2017.

Japanese Article We help P-29-02 medicine and are evaluated the effectiveness of the IPE (Interprofessional Education) program by the medicine 3 department combination
瀬戸山陽子1, 岡谷恵子1, 小野田舞1, 泉美貴2, ブルーヘルマンス ラウル2, 山崎由花2, 阿部幸恵3, 井上みち子4, 別生伸太郎4, 濱田真向4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 224-224, 2017.

Japanese Article "The clinical ethic study meeting to think about by the many types of job" using the P-29-03 clinical ethic education package
中田亜希子1, 渕本雅昭2, 神部雅子2, 木村伊都紀2, 祖父江由紀子2, 永井由美子2, 平田香苗2, 松本幸則2, 島田長人2, 廣井直樹1,3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 224-224, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination - of making - internal consistency of the recognition degree / practice degree measure in the many types of job cooperation practice of the P-29-04 nurse and the factor validity
鈴木久義1, 藤後秀輔2, 榎田めぐみ1, 安部聡子1, 片岡竜太3, 下司映一1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 225-225, 2017.

Japanese Article We evaluate FD to make many types of job cooperation education IDT-MIE to work on by collaboration between the P-29-05 University promoted
後藤道子1, 若林英樹1, 市川周平1, 田口智博2, 竹村洋典2, 湯浅美鈴2, 荒木史郎2, 吉田和枝3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 225-225, 2017.

Japanese Article We examine the way of the team approach in medical care education for many types of job cooperation practice (IPW) of the P-29-06 nurse
藤後秀輔, 下司映一, 榎田めぐみ, 安部聡子, 鈴木久義
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 225-225, 2017.

Japanese Article Education effect of the many types of job cooperation learning in the P-29-07 early years next
鈴木久義1, 小倉浩2, 刑部慶太郎2, 片岡竜太3, 今福輪太郎6, 榎田めぐみ1, 木内祐二4, 佐口健一5, 中村明弘5, 田中佐知子5, 倉田知光2, 天野弘美2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 226-226, 2017.

Japanese Article Description analysis by the effect text mining method of the P-29-08 3 subject cooperation active learning learning
田中晶子, 中村大介, 志水宏行, 大滝周, 三橋幸聖
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 226-226, 2017.

Japanese Article Case base type many types of job cooperation education by the specialist in P-29-09 teeth medicine three department sixth grader
佐藤洋一, 田島克巳, 相澤純, 伊藤智範, 佐藤和朗, 駒野宏人, 相澤文恵, 小笠原邦昭
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 226-226, 2017.

Japanese Article Practice of many types of job cooperation education (IPE) in the P-30-01 family practice clinic
寺田豊1,2, 児玉志織1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 227-227, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the family practice competency making workshop by the P-30-02 many types of job
寺田豊1,2, 勝田琴江2, 児玉志織1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 227-227, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the team building of a person with a disability support institution and the medical office of the P-30-03 area
臺野巧1, 樋口智也2, 勝田琴絵2, 寺田豊2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 227-227, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect about the specialist job understanding of the student in the assembly education using the team base type learning by the P-30-04 3 University 4 department 9 subject
伊藤美保子1, 大槻眞嗣1, 中村小百合1, 宮本美穂1, 亀井浩行2, 木戸利秋3, 松井俊和4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 228-228, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the specialist job cooperation education in the P-30-05 area inclusion care
榎田めぐみ1, 鈴木久義2, 下司映一1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 228-228, 2017.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the other types of job duties visit training for P-30-06 faculty of medicine three years
荒木隆一郎1, 柴崎智美1, 佐藤真喜子1, 有田和恵2, 川村勇樹2, 杉山智江2, 大西京子2, 亀井美登里1, 土田哲也2, 森茂久2, 椎橋実智男2, 別所正美3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 228-228, 2017.

Japanese Article The effect that efforts of the P-30-07 team approach in medical care gave in the acquisition will of the authorized qualification
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 229-229, 2017.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the preliminary stage of the local base type specialist job cooperation education in the P-30-08 community medical care training
柴崎智美1, 佐藤真喜子1, 米岡裕美1, 本橋千恵美1, 高橋幸子1, 大野洋一1, 亀井美登里1, 土田哲也1, 森茂久1, 椎橋実智男1, 別所正美1, 田口 孝行2, 新井利民2, 萱場一則2, 細谷治3, 勝木祐二4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 229-229, 2017.

Japanese Article Revision of the many types of job Shinnyu staff training program to wear P-30-09 community medical care mind
落合甲太, 福島啓, 大島民旗
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 229-229, 2017.

Japanese Article About the harvest and practice of the many types of job cooperation education to the team approach in medical care in the P-31-01 acute phase hospital
伊藤公人, 服部良信, 水野美穂子, 小鹿幸生, 野々垣浩二, 小谷勝祥, 吉川公章
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 230-230, 2017.

Japanese Article Construction of endotracheal suctioning on fatty tuna Gee by the eyes measurement of the P-31-02 mastery of skills nurse
コリー 紀代1, 清水弘美2, 高橋望3, 小水内俊介3, 近野敦3, 金井理3, 二宮伸治4, 大塚健5, 浅賀忠義1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 230-230, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the P-31-03 Kochi many types of job cooperation community medical care training
鈴木富雄1, 泊祐子2, 真継和子2, 佐野かおり2, 中村敏明3, 佐野正幸4, 藤澤玲子1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 230-230, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the medical person upbringing training by the cooperation of P-31-04 area and the university
万代康弘1, 溝尾妙子2, 山本智恵子3, 金山時恵3, 岡京子4, 上山和子3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 231-231, 2017.

Japanese Article The personnel training in the P-31-05 area inclusion care times: "We polish a heart" in a "self-transformation" standard
山下慶三, 竹下佳弘, 笹岡宗史, 勝山政彦, 磯部昌淳
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 231-231, 2017.

Japanese Article Challenge to P-31-06 many types of job cooperation education
堀有行, 高村昭輝
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 231-231, 2017.

Japanese Article Change of the viewpoint to patients in the P-31-08 specialist job cooperation program-centered medical care
山口久美子1, 中川美奈1, 川上千春1,2, 市川理子1, 吉橋洋子1, 鶴田潤1, 高田和生1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 232-232, 2017.

Japanese Article P-32-01 Difference in consciousness of the different department students, in Kampo-medicine
小屋松淳1, 野原夏樹1, 清浦海里2, 山梨啓友1, 近藤英明2, 川尻真也2, 村瀬邦彦3, 永田康浩4, 前田隆浩1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 233-233, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts and invention of the participation type Sino-Japanese traditional medicine education in the P-32-02 this school
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 233-233, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the Chinese medicine method of education based on the resident needs in the P-32-03 Nagasaki University Hospital
松島加代子1, 梅田雅孝1, 渡邊毅1, 古賀智裕1, 池田喬哉1, 柴田英貴1, 小畑陽子1, 増崎雅子2, 川口哲3, 宮本俊之1, 長谷敦子1, 浜田久之1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 233-233, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the Chinese medicine education that adopted P-32-04 team base type learning method (TBL: team-based learning)
間宮敬子1, 清水郁夫2, 森純一郎2, 多田剛2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 234-234, 2017.

Japanese Article About the consciousness of learning strategy and the student of P-32-05 PBL, simulation education, the Sino-Japanese traditional medicine education that boiled Chinese medicine, and put an experience together
網谷真理恵1, 山口孝二郎2, 福祐貴2, 網谷東方2, 森永明倫2, 沖利通2, 浅川明弘2, 乾明夫2, 根路銘安仁1, 大脇哲洋1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 234-234, 2017.

Japanese Article Enforcement and a problem of Multi-source feedback for the P-32-06 attending physician: Case study
矢野 (五味) 晴美1, 小林裕幸2, 渡邉宗章3, 渡辺重行4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 234-234, 2017.

Japanese Article We analyze teacher temperament of P-32-07 Sapporo Medical University
松尾理1,2, 相馬仁1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 235-235, 2017.

Japanese Article P-32-08 Evaluation of grading with colors
大貫優子1,2, 里見なつき3, 川田浩志2,4, 浦野哲哉2,5, 和泉俊一郎2,6, 坂部貢7,8
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 235-235, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about study results in the P-33-01 University of Toyama faculty of medicine medicine department
三原弘, 関根道和, 石木学, 田村賢太郎, 山田徹, 廣川慎一郎, 北島勲
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 236-236, 2017.

Japanese Article The development of the evaluation tool of the behavior choice of the P-33-02 researcher: Examination of the reliability validity
中田亜希子1, 伊吹友秀3, 岸太一4, 松井健志5, 並木温4, 田代志門2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 236-236, 2017.

Japanese Article Analysis of the ADDIE factor based on the student attending a lecture answer for construction to P-33-03 clinical studies education model
大城絢子, 植田真一郎
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 236-236, 2017.

Japanese Article P-33-04 students that we noticed "oneself of the doctor glance"
幕内安弥子1, 錦織宏2, 竹本恭彦1, 栩野吉弘1, 森村美奈1, 首藤太一1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 237-237, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the relations with the change of a mini-report evaluation by the professionalism education of the P-33-05 lower grades and subsequent results
岡田宏基, 坂東修二, 住谷和則, 西屋克己
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 237-237, 2017.

Japanese Article Change of the learning will by the P-33-06 inversion class introduction
鈴木真由美, 谷口豪, 富永賢介
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 237-237, 2017.

Japanese Article Member of society basic skills necessary for a P-33-07 medical care system office worker and the training first report
黒野伸子1, 河合晋1, 大友達也2, 村田幸則3, 山崎将生3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 238-238, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of the ethic education in the field of P-33-08 health studies
岩井詠美, 土岐沢優紀, 井上智子
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 238-238, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of the education lecture on electrocardiogram reading necessary for P-33-09 early ambulation and judgment of the getting up advisability
飯田祥1, 對東俊介2, 黒田智也1, 土屋研人1, 曷川元1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 238-238, 2017.

Japanese Article Association with the self-led type teachability and outlook on learning effect, ethic of the P-33-10 medicine department first grader
坂本麻衣子1, 福森則男1,2, 植田美穂1, 木本晶子1, 小田康友1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 239-239, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt - University of Fukui community improvement consortium - second report of the practice training made with a healthy town by P-34-01 department crossing, the wide sense many types of job cooperation
井階友貴1, 武藤理1, 林寛之2, 寺澤秀一3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 240-240, 2017.

Japanese Article A disorder about the specialist acquisition of the physician working in the P-34-02 remote place and the solution
今道英秋1,2, 古城隆雄3, 小谷和彦3, 前田隆浩4, 谷憲治5, 井口清太郎6, 澤田努7, 森田喜紀8, 梶井英治3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 240-240, 2017.

Japanese Article Inspection of the learning item of the P-34-03 "family practice brushing up program" student attending a lecture
関正康1, 藤沼康樹2,3, 松島雅人4, 太田貴子5, 小此木英男1, 常喜達裕1, 三浦靖彦1, 大野岩男1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 240-240, 2017.

Japanese Article Practice report of the University of Tsukuba non expert skill training that the P-34-04 many types of job cooperate and move tissue
吉本尚1, 守屋文貴2, 前野哲博1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 241-241, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of the career education on P-34-05 physical therapy, occupational therapy studies specialty student
朝倉智之1, 臼田滋1, 下田佳央莉1, 中澤理恵1, 久留利菜菜1, 池澤麻衣子1, 勝山しおり2, 亀ヶ谷忠彦3, 李範爽1, 山路雄彦1, 山上徹也1, 今井忠則1, 十枝はるか1, 坂本雅昭1, 外里冨佐江1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 241-241, 2017.

Japanese Article Practice of the comprehensive medical care education by the P-34-06 Tohoku University "conductor type primary physician" training program
黒田仁, 金子聡一郎, 田中淳一, 沼田健裕, 高山真, 阿部倫明, 石井正
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 241-241, 2017.

Japanese Article Basic document JMECS study descriptive statistic about the practice specialist in P-34-07 faculty of medicine 6 annual student choice
小宮山学1, 家研也2,5, 田原正夫3, 村田亜紀子4, 市川周平5, 竹村洋典6, 大西弘高7
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 242-242, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination - JMECS study second analysis about the faculty of medicine 6 annual student to desire a study and education in carrier of the P-34-08 future
田原正夫1, 家研也2, 村田亜紀子3, 小宮山学4, 市川周平5, 竹村洋典6, 大西弘高7
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 242-242, 2017.

Japanese Article The effect of sex differences on intentionalness, specialized course choice of the P-34-09 faculty of medicine 6 annual student: JMECS study second analysis
村田亜紀子1, 家研也2,3, 田原正夫4, 小宮山学5, 市川周平6, 竹村洋典3, 大西弘高7
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 242-242, 2017.

Japanese Article The examination of the factor about specialized course choice of the P-34-10 faculty of medicine 6 annual student: JMECS study second analysis
家研也1,2, 村田亜紀子3, 田原正夫4, 小宮山学5, 市川周平6, 竹村洋典2, 大西弘高7
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 243-243, 2017.

Japanese Article Mentor system in the pediatric latter term training in the P-35-01 our hospital
中岸保夫1, 豊嶋大作1, 秋田大輔1, 石田敏章1, 尾崎佳代1, 笠井和子1, 笠井正志1, 神田杏子1, 楠元真由美1, 黒澤寛史1, 神前愛子1, 富永健太1, 山口善道1, 小阪嘉之2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 244-244, 2017.

Japanese Article Attitude survey about the fact of the career up instruction of the P-35-02 psychiatry latter term resident and the practice participation type bedside teaching
北市雄士1,2, 大滝純司1, 久住一郎2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 244-244, 2017.

Japanese Article P-35-03 Objectification of quality of Health services by measurable indicators in Mahosot Hospital, Lao PDR
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 244-244, 2017.

Japanese Article About the association between problem presentation and results in the P-35-04 medicine department second grade anthropotomy training
秋田恵一1, 山口久美子2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 245-245, 2017.

Japanese Article Change of the view on decease of the health subject student in the P-35-05 anatomy training participation
三好雅之1, 森徹自2, 花木啓一3, 海藤俊行4, 谷村千華5
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 245-245, 2017.

Japanese Article About the training social position of the foreign medical person in the P-35-06 University of Tokyo Hospital and the problem
山田秀臣, 菅野祐衣, 田村純人
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 245-245, 2017.

Japanese Article Attitude survey of a medical student, the resident about the P-35-07 graduation
李慶姫, 高橋誠, 田中雄二郎
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 246-246, 2017.

Japanese Article Class study to think about P-35-08 Hosei Hahakigi "organ farm" organ transplantation
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 246-246, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of overtime work registration software <overtime work check (tentative name)> of the P-35-09 clinical resident
長谷敦子1, 小畑陽子2, 松島加代子2, 森美紀子1, 野口知樹2, 長谷英毅3, 浜田久之2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 246-246, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt to make spiritual care in the medical education the language for P-35-10 terminal phase
山脇孝1, 小澤竹俊2, 千田恵子3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 247-247, 2017.

Japanese Article Attending physician training class in P-36-01 Mongolia
中島宏昭1, 高橋弘明2, 村岡亮3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 248-248, 2017.

Japanese Article The report that lectured on the issue of P-36-02 polypharmacy, Residual medicine to a faculty of medicine 6 annual student
日下部明彦1,3, 飯田洋2, 藤田浩司3, 大田光泰1,2, 稲森正彦2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 248-248, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the BLS class to a junior high student of the P-36-03 mountains Anan, Nagano area
大塩誠司1,2, 清水郁夫3, 森淳一郎3, 多田剛3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 248-248, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the education effect of the active learning on P-36-04 presentation
西迫尚1,2, 廣瀬雅宣1,2, 土田知也1,2, 高畑丞1,2, 横川雅敏1,2, 井上陽子1,2, 黒須絵莉1,2, 家研也1,2, 中野弘康1, 奥瀬千晃1, 松田隆秀2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 249-249, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the simulator aiming at teaching oneself training of the P-36-05 peritoneoscope lower peg touch training
岩田貴1, 島田光生3, 東島潤3, 西正暁3, 柏原秀也3, 高須千絵3, 石川大地3, 長宗雅美2, 吾妻雅彦2, 赤池雅史2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 249-249, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of the business trip lecture in the physical science course choice support program of P-36-06 junior and senior high school students
岡田みどり1, 林和彦2, 佐藤梓1, 齋藤加代子3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 249-249, 2017.

Japanese Article The new resident education using the P-36-07 demystification game: The future prospects
矢島つかさ1, 林寛之2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 250-250, 2017.

Japanese Article Public health education to learn a social determinant of the P-36-08 health
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 250-250, 2017.

Japanese Article About efforts of acceptance and the phylaxis of the training medical care person of the foreigner in the P-36-09 University of Tokyo Hospital
山田秀臣, 菅野祐衣, 田村純人
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 250-250, 2017.

Japanese Article P-36-10 area inclusion care system and medical interpreter
服部しのぶ1, 菅沼太陽2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 251-251, 2017.

Japanese Article About the damage situation investigation of the student in the P-37-01 Kumamoto earthquake
古川昇1, 松下正輝1, 谷口純一2, 下地徹3, 工藤仁孝3, 松岡雪4, 園川大希4, 布田美雪4, 中川富紀子1, 西谷陽子5, 安東由喜雄6
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 252-252, 2017.

Japanese Article Correspondence to the student with the developmentally disabled tendency to have a difficult feeling in P-37-02 learning and personal relationships
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 252-252, 2017.

Japanese Article About EBM education of the P-37-03 this school: Systematic Review in Medical Education (SRiME) project
稲森正彦1, 飯田洋1, 日下部明彦2, 中村亮太1, 佐々木亮1, 岩田悠里1, 奈良健1, 井浦哲雄1, 藤田浩司3, 石上友章4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 252-252, 2017.

Japanese Article Local frame, efforts to a special frame student in P-37-04 University of Toyama
山田徹1, 田村賢太郎2, 吉野修3, 武部真理子4, 若杉雅浩5, 北啓一朗6, 吉田樹一郎6, 三原弘1, 石木学1, 関根道和1, 峯村正実7, 廣川慎一郎1, 北島勲1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 253-253, 2017.

Japanese Article Comparison between study - self-assessment and behavior evaluation and simulated patient evaluation - to be consensual, and to relate to of the P-37-05 training dentist
渡邉翔1, 吉田登志子2, 武田宏明2, 塩津範子3, 鈴木康司3, 河野隆幸3, 白井肇3, 鳥井康弘1,3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 253-253, 2017.

Japanese Article The search of the effect of the at-home end-of-life care promotion study session in P-37-06 Un-nan-shi, Shimane and the future problem: Mixed study
太田龍一1, 勝部琢治2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 253-253, 2017.

Japanese Article Fact-finding of the clinical practice person in charge in the P-37-07 postgraduate education hospital group
大内元1, 尾原晴雄2, 鹿取美香1, 多和田尚志2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 254-254, 2017.

Japanese Article The way of the medical law education for the P-37-08 student nurse
谷口かおり, 大磯義一郎
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 254-254, 2017.

Japanese Article About an effect of the efforts of the SP-1-01 student-based community diagnosis and the pedagogy
守本陽一1, 孫大輔2, 中村剛史3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 256-256, 2017.

Japanese Article The efforts which we turned from the investigation according to the SP-1-02 generation to the medical student of the physician shortage area to consider
光本貴一1, 寺澤美晴1, 馬場皓大1, 谷口かおり2, 大磯義一郎2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 256-256, 2017.

Japanese Article Than exercise of elderly people in the heavy snowfall area between SP-1-03 Nakayama and - Uonuma-shi "hear it investigation about living environment and the health" of the depression of relationships -
波形ありさ1, 小野仁志1, 小林祐輝1, 齊藤朋子1, 鈴木翼2, 藤澤純一3, 小泉健4, 田中恵子2, 中井恵美2, 黒川亮2, 小川洋平4, 長谷川隆志5, 鈴木榮一5, 井口清太郎4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 256-256, 2017.

Japanese Article Than - Uonuma-shi "hear it investigation about living environment and the health" of the state of a fall rate and the teeth of the elderly people every the SP-1-04 district of relationships -
齊藤朋子1, 小野仁志1, 小林佑輝1, 波形ありさ1, 鈴木翼2, 藤澤純一3, 小泉健4, 田中恵子2, 中井恵美2, 黒川亮2, 小川洋平4, 長谷川隆志5, 鈴木榮一5, 井口清太郎4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 257-257, 2017.

Japanese Article Than - Uonuma-shi "hear it investigation about living environment and the health" of muscle weakness and the exercise custom of elderly people in the SP-1-05 Uonuma area of relationships -
小林佑輝1, 小野仁志1, 齊藤朋子1, 波形ありさ1, 鈴木翼2, 藤澤純一3, 小泉健4, 田中恵子2, 中井恵美2, 黒川亮2, 小川洋平4, 長谷川隆志5, 鈴木榮一5, 井口清太郎4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 257-257, 2017.

Japanese Article Than SP-1-06 depression, allied - Uonuma-shi "hear it investigation about living environment and the health" of the subjective healthy feeling and social capital -
小野仁志1, 小林祐輝1, 齊藤朋子1, 波形ありさ1, 鈴木翼2, 藤澤純一3, 小泉健4, 田中恵子2, 中井恵美2, 黒川亮2, 小川洋平4, 長谷川隆志5, 鈴木榮一5, 井口清太郎4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 257-257, 2017.

Japanese Article Follow-up - problem discovery power of the high school student who participated in an SP-1-07 SSH medical care system seminar, problem solution power, follow-up - of the self-assessment of the acting power
及川孔1, 斎藤優衣1, 菅野由佳1, 寒河江敬之1, 大谷晃司2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 258-258, 2017.

Japanese Article With the significance that a high school student and a medical student learn community medical care from together on the site of the SP-1-08 primary care? It is ... through practice of ... "community medical care training for a high school student and a medical student"
荘子万能1, 打村昌一2, 中山一郎3, 三澤美和4, 鈴木富雄4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 258-258, 2017.

Japanese Article We investigate a primary physician image playing an active part in a prospective northeastern area in the SP-1-09 new establishment medical college
田中聖人1, 矢吹理人1, 石山良生1, 奈良井大輝1, 小野塚航太1, 長田大輝1, 松井涼1, 一戸護1, 住友和弘2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 258-258, 2017.

Japanese Article Have faculty of medicine student for SP-1-10 doctor shortage solution
末永佳奈子1, 及川孔1, 伊藤百花1, 大谷晃司2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 259-259, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of many types of job cooperation education (IPE) using the education for patients program by the collaboration of SP-1-11 many undergraduates
加藤真由子1, 末松三奈1, 肥田武2, 高橋徳幸1, 岡崎研太郎1, 阿部恵子3, 渕田英津子4, 安井浩樹5, 半谷眞七子6, 亀井浩行6, 山内恵子7, 脇田久8, 小森拓9, 植村和正10
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 259-259, 2017.

Japanese Article The effect that the IPE program that took in the joint learning system in the SP-1-12 Web campus gave to a student
奥村謙一1, 肥田武2, 末松三奈3, 山内恵子4, 阿部恵子5, 安井浩樹3, 亀井浩行1, 半谷眞七子1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 259-259, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the pharmacologic simulation education using the SP-2-01 Web application
岡部志功, 西村有平
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 260-260, 2017.

Japanese Article SP-2-02 understanding, consciousness, attitude - cross-sectional study study of the medical student about the role of "social determinant (SDH) of the health" and the physician
武藤優樹1, 吉田昂平1, 池井優香1, 元濱奈穂子2, 武田裕子3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 260-260, 2017.

Japanese Article Educate BLS in an elementary and junior high school in setting - true case of the arrival target of the appropriate BLS education in the primary and secondary student of SP-2-03 Ishikawa; and ...
梁祐輔1, 伊藤さより1, 丸山香李1, 前川真理1, 石浦夕奈2, 高村昭輝3, 堀有行3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 260-260, 2017.

Japanese Article Proposal from a student judging from surgery, the heart rate that SP-2-04 faced for the first time
神浦真光1, 近藤喜太2, 戸嶋俊明2, 藤原俊義2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 261-261, 2017.

Japanese Article About significance of the SP-2-05 5 annual OSCE
高尾賢一朗1, 万代康弘2, 三好智子2, 飯田淳義2, 山根正彦3, 松川昭博3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 261-261, 2017.

Japanese Article Eyes analysis of a beginner and the expert in SP-2-06 dental hygienist duties
由井朋子1, 内田眞司2, 小坂洋明3, 末瀬一彦4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 261-261, 2017.

Japanese Article SP-2-07 Social Determinants of Health (SDH) through the eyes of students after ward rotations
吉田昂平1, 武藤優樹1, 池井優香1, 武田裕子2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 262-262, 2017.

Japanese Article Questionary survey (section) that is targeted for a resident with possibility of the securing of physician of Okinawa to think about from the entrance and exit change of the SP-2-08 resident
砂川敦志, 上地栄輝, 神山傑, 當山全哉, 宮城孝雅, 森澄生
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 262-262, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of the student participation in SP-2-09 simulated patient training lecture
杉真惠1, 中田亜希子2, 岡田弥生3, 端詰勝敬4, 廣井直樹2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 262-262, 2017.

Japanese Article Slow education system - sustainability between university interval and learner - leaders in the SP-2-10 Oriental medicine education and establishment ... of the expandability
蜂木麻璃奈1, 荒木晶帆2, 成田響太3,4,5, 中川幹子6
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 263-263, 2017.

Japanese Article Holding of the AED class in the hospital by the SP-2-11 medical student
長井保憲1, 栩野吉弘2,3, 加藤きみ佳1, 古川良樹1, 山本亜弥佳1, 奥幸子2, 竹重友美2, 藤田奈緒美2, 首藤太一2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 263-263, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the club activities choice factor of the new pupil in the SP-2-12 faculty of medicine
仙田敬大1, 西屋克己2, 住谷和則2, 岡田宏基2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 263-263, 2017.

Japanese Article Invention for case study from the lower grades in the SP-3-01 CPC club
磯矢嵩亮1, 児嶋耕太郎1, 中田翼1, 山口実賀2, 鈴江愛3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 264-264, 2017.

Japanese Article SP-3-02 simulation education, attempt of the seamless cellular biology training with Internal examination on autopsy, the pathology
大塩展甲1, 森慎太郎1, 松下夏樹1, 川原千香子2, 武内恒成1
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 264-264, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions and effect of peer-assisted learning in SP-3-03 Jichiidai "association of people originating from the same prefecture"
大谷真紀1, 松山泰2, 邉田健一1, 岡崎仁昭2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 264-264, 2017.

Japanese Article We think about the way of the education of the near future using SP-3-04 humanoid robot Pepper
川田礼1, 中田亜希子2, 長谷部瑞希1, 松本愛子1, 鈴木隆一1, 丸岩裕磨1, 廣井直樹2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 265-265, 2017.

Japanese Article Attitude survey of the student for the SP-3-05 clinical lecture
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 265-265, 2017.

Japanese Article We learn what, and what does the medical student that SP-3-06 remained in the same class for another year feel during a repeating the same grade period?
安井慎一郎1, 西屋克己2, 住谷和則2, 岡田宏基2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 265-265, 2017.

Japanese Article The effect that study education to conduct from SP-3-07 lower grades next gives to a medical student
馬場皓大1, 井上綾香1, 小澤由季1, 寺澤美晴1, 光本貴一1, 雪嶋俊孝1, 谷口かおり2, 大磯義一郎2
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 266-266, 2017.

Japanese Article Attend next society communication (behavioral science subject) for SP-3-08 one year
林田慎太郎1, 大塚勇輝1, 日高啓介1, 山根正修2, 松川昭博2, 三好智子3, 飯田淳義3, 万代康弘3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 266-266, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of OSCE measures in the SP-3-09 student-led medical communication circle
西本凪里1, 水谷肇1, 澤田啓1, 福田佳浩1, 元濱奈穂子2, 森村美奈3, 津村圭4, 首藤太一3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 266-266, 2017.

Japanese Article Activity report of the SP-3-10 student-led medical communication circle
水谷肇1, 西本凪里1, 澤田啓1, 福田佳浩1, 元濱奈穂子2, 幕内安弥子3, 森村美奈3, 津村圭4, 首藤太一3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 267-267, 2017.

Japanese Article Attitude survey of the faculty of medicine fourth grader for the medical interview in SP-3-11 English
朝倉美香1, 中島菖子1, 金美希1, 中川路美雲1, 戸張佑美1, 岩下瑶子1, 江川朋子1, 北川万梨子1, 錦戸佳南子1, 堀内夏湖1, 松田瑞沙1, 三松啓美1, 佐藤梓2, 鈴木光代3, 岩崎直子4
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 267-267, 2017.

Japanese Article Investigation of the needs about the SP-3-12 Kochi University faculty of medicine medical scientific live medical English education
立道理乃1, 藤田博一2, 井上知紀1, 大高泰幸1, 平山崇1, 高田淳2, 瀬尾宏美3
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 267-267, 2017.

Japanese Article Greetings of the 49th Japan Society for Medical Education meeting holding
Medical Education (Japan) 48(suppl): 324-324, 2017.