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Medical Education (Japan)

Volume 52, Issue 3 / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article [foreword] The medical education which continues keeping deepening it by a corona evil
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 185-185, 2021.

Japanese Article Educational Practices of Medical Training via Video Learning and Video Assessment
Hiroshi MIHARA*1,2, Shinichiro HIROKAWA*1, Mizuho II*1, Masahiro WAKASUGI*1, Takayuki OBITA*1, Manabu ISHIKI*2, Hiroyuki KISHI*2, Keiichiro KITA*2, Michikazu SEKINE*2, Yuichi ADACHI*2
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 187-192, 2021.

Japanese Article The Significance of Online Interviews in the Examination for Recruitment of Junior Residents During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hidehiro SOMEKO*, Toshiaki SHIOJIRI*
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 193-201, 2021.

Japanese Article A Novel Practice of Communication Class Using ICT : Team / Individual Study Using Keynote, Slack, Power Point, Zoom in the First Year of Medical School
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 203-207, 2021.

Japanese Article Experiential Training in Elementary and Junior High School Education through the Creation of Health Guidance Videos
Yumi YONEOKA*1, Satomi SHIBAZAKI*2,3, Yuka SHIBAZAKI*3, Hisashi KATO*3,4, Keiichiro ISHIBASHI*2,3, Kensuke NAKAHIRA*1, Shigehisa MORI*2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 209-214, 2021.

Japanese Article Practice of Remote Nonverbal Communication Training for the People with Severe Motor and Intellectual Disabilities in Habilitation Center
Satomi SHIBAZAKI*1,2,4, Kohei KANEDA*2, Makiko UEMURA*3, Ryuichiro ARAKI*2, Syunsuke SAMEJIMA*5, Rie KINOSHITA*5, Ikuko SUZUKI*5, Kazuko MARUKI*5, Keiichiro ISHIBASHI*1,2, Michio SHIIBASHI*1,2,4, Shigehisa MORI*1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 215-220, 2021.

Japanese Article Virtual Hospital Tour and Observership for First and Second-year Medical Students
Keiichiro ISHIBASHI*1,2, Satomi SHIBAZAKI*1,2, Tomoe SUGIYAMA*3, Yumi YONEOKA*3, Ryuichiro ARAKI*2, Makiko UEMURA*4, Kyoko ONISHI*2, Yasuko YAMADA*2, Yuuki KAWAMURA*3, Kensuke NAKAHIRA*3, Kohei KANEDA*2, Yuka SHIBAZAKI*2, Masafumi OYAMA*5, Takeo TAKAHASHI*6, Koji TOMORI*7, Morihiro HIGASHI*8, Michio SHIIBASHI*9, Shigehisa MORI*1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 221-226, 2021.

Japanese Article Practical Training in Pharmaceutical Rehabilitation Services at Medical School Using Video and Reflection
Yuka SHIBAZAKI*1, Satomi SHIBAZAKI*1,2, Kohei KANEDA*1, Kyoko ONISHI*1, Tomoe SUGIYAMA*1, Ryuichiro ARAKI*1, Yuuki KAWAMURA*1,2, Hiromasa SATOH*1,4, Tohru KISHINO*6,7, Yoshihito KOMINE*8, Hitoshi KURABAYASHI*8, Yumi YONEOKA*3, Michio SHIIBASHI*1,2,5, Keiichiro ISHIBASHI*1,2, Shigehisa MORI*1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 227-233, 2021.

Japanese Article Online Career Education with Active Book Dialogue
Junichi TANAKA*1,6, Shuzo TERUYA*2,6, Takeshi KONDO*3,6, Ayako SHIBATA*4,6, Tatsuya FUJII*5,6, Yumi YONEOKA*7
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 235-240, 2021.

Japanese Article Educational Practice Based on Hypothesis-Driven Physical Examination - Creating Scenarios With Students by Using the Framework of Cognitive Apprenticeship
Kyoko YAMAMOTO*1,2, Seiji SHIOTA*2, Mikiko NAKAGAWA*1, Takaaki KITANO*1, Eishi MIYAZAKI*2
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 241-245, 2021.

Japanese Article Trial of Online Clinical Practice for Obstetrics and Gynecology Including Behavioral Medicine
Tomoyoshi NOHIRA*1,2, Hiroshi MITOMA*2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 247-252, 2021.

Japanese Article An Application of Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies for Clinical Clerkships in Emergency Medicine
Jun ODA*1, Hiroshi MITOMA*2
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 253-258, 2021.

Japanese Article New Simulation-Based Education Using a Simulation App in Paramedic Education
Hisanori KUROSAKI*1, Noriyasu FUKUOKA*1
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 259-262, 2021.

Japanese Article Release from Restraint -Full-online Faculty Development Using Flipped Classroom
Takeshi KONDO*1, Hiroshi NISHIGORI*2,3
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 263-269, 2021.

Japanese Article The Reality of Telemedicine, the Current Status of Telemedicine Education, and Future Prospects
Banri TSUDA*1, Hiromi MORIYA*2, Tetsuya URANO*3
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 271-277, 2021.

Japanese Article Unexpected results and harmful effects in online simulated patient-participation communication training
幕内安弥子*, 栩野吉弘*, 奥山直木*, 福本一夫*, 並川浩己*, 豊田宏光*, 鎌田紀子*, 首藤太一*
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 278-279, 2021.

Japanese Article Significance of the facilitation in "class for diabetics IPE" using the online
末松三奈*1, 肥田武*2, 安友裕子*3, 半谷眞七子*4
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 280-282, 2021.

Japanese Article Attempt of the escape game using the online by the student plan
西郡椋也*1, 塩田星児*2, 衞藤祐樹*2, 西水翔子*2, 藤谷直明*2, 山本恭子*2,3, 宮崎英士*2
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 283-284, 2021.

Japanese Article Introducing Online Kursus under the COVID-19 pandemic
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 285-286, 2021.

Japanese Article The efforts which propels education by the university-industry research collaboration in university to send from the faculty of medicine
染谷真紀*1, 山本憲*2, 鈴木忍*3,4, 井貫恵利子*3, 山本豪志朗*5, 小西靖彦*2
Medical Education (Japan) 52(3): 287-288, 2021.