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Medical Education (Japan)

Volume 54, Issue 6 / 2023
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

English Article What Implications can be Drawn from Physicians' Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Continuing Education?
Satoshi OZEKI*, Hiroyasu INOUE*, Sachiko KASAMO*, Seiji MATSUMOTO*
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 543-548, 2023.

Japanese Article Facilitating Early Departure from Examination Rooms to Alleviate Congestion Among Medical Students
Osamu NOMURA*1,2, Yuki SOMA*3, Hiroshi KIJIMA*1,2, Hiroyuki HANADA*4
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 549-553, 2023.

Japanese Article Medicine, medical person education after the special feature COVID-19 pandemic [foreword] Technology and heart: Challenge of medicine, the medical person education for the next generation
西城卓也*1, 武田裕子*2
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 554-554, 2023.

Japanese Article Commentary on Medical Education after Experiencing the COVID-19 Pandemic
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 555-563, 2023.

Japanese Article 2-1. Utilizing escape games incorporating ICT in medical worker education: Practice and transformation through the COVID-19 pandemic
村岡千種*1, 淺田義和*2
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 564-566, 2023.

Japanese Article 2-2. Of "at the same time attempt of the interactive type remote class in the Hiroshima University faculty of medicine medicine department" subsequently
服部稔*1,2, 蓮沼直子*1,2, 粟井和夫*3
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 567-568, 2023.

Japanese Article 2-3. Development to the self-driven learning who developed it using a difficulty by COVID-19
中村真理子*1, 草刈洋一郎*1, 岡部正隆*2
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 569-570, 2023.

Japanese Article 2-4. The first annual student studies support system and the future prospects that we devised as COVID-19 pandemic correspondence
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 571-574, 2023.

Japanese Article 2-5. Attempt to build a central monitoring system for implementing synchronous online PBL exercises
草刈洋一郎*1, 中原直哉*2, 中村真理子*1
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 575-577, 2023.

Japanese Article 2-6. The change of the educational practice system utilizing LMS: The change in approximately COVID-19
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 578-579, 2023.

Japanese Article 2-7. Trace until the Learning Management System (LMS) unification that we jumped into
鈴木沙季*1,2, 阿部百合子*1,2, Eric H. JEGO*2, 日台智明*1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 580-582, 2023.

Japanese Article 2-8. Light and the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic: In the case of medical education of Teikyo University
飯塚眞由*1,2, 高田真二*1,3
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 583-585, 2023.

Japanese Article 2-9. ... which regards remote ICT medical imaging education of shadow - tomorrow as the light that a pandemic resulted in from the viewpoint of the relation of a student and the teacher
田中雅人*1, 坂井豊彦*1, 安倍博*1, 大垣内多徳*1, 上坂秀樹*1, 伊藤春海*1, 安達登志樹*2, 深澤有吾*1
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 586-587, 2023.

Japanese Article 2-10. Way of thinking of fairness, the equality after the COVID-19 pandemic
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 588-590, 2023.

Japanese Article 3-1. Attempt of the introduction of the on-demand class to Japanese literacy education
米岡裕美*, 林禅之*, 伊澤宜仁*
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 591-592, 2023.

Japanese Article 3-2. Practicing professionalism classes using an online system with awareness of cognitive load
大戸敬之*1,2, 松本祐子*1,2, 鎌田ユミ子*1,2, 志野久美子*1,2, 岩下洋一朗*2, 作田哲也*1,2, 吉田礼子*1,2, 田口則宏*1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 593-594, 2023.

Japanese Article 3-3. Introduction and expectations for three-university collaborative classes using ICT
五十嵐涼子*, 内田康太郎*, 原田芳巳*, 野平知良*, 山崎由花*, 三苫博*
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 595-597, 2023.

Japanese Article 3-4. Examination of the dual experience type learning that adopted learning of searching it in the COVID-19 pandemic
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 598-600, 2023.

Japanese Article 3-5. Early bedside teaching to nominate the resolution of the aged society which we renovated with COVID-19 pandemic for
百武美沙*1, 春田淳志*1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 601-603, 2023.

Japanese Article 3-6. TUNAGU project - to tie settings and the faculty of medicine trainee of practice report - treatment at home of the early clinical experience-based training utilizing the online
濱田千枝美*1,2, 高橋慶*3, 荒木俊介*4, 岩野歩*5, 山本幸代*6
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 604-606, 2023.

Japanese Article 3-7. The care plan making training that we conducted as the community medical care substitute training of the COVID-19 pandemic
舩元太郎*, 安倍弘生*, 宮内俊一*, 齋藤勝俊*, 黒木純*, 中村佳菜子*, 小松弘幸*
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 607-609, 2023.

Japanese Article 3-8. About the multi-type of job cooperation education of the civic participation type that passed through COVID-19 pandemic
末松三奈*1, 肥田武*2, 安友裕子*3, 半谷眞七子*4
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 610-612, 2023.

Japanese Article 3-9. Look back with communication practice in behavioral science - society of post-Corona Era which adopted the jigsaw method and a peer evaluation; ability upbringing program ...
三好智子*1, 小崎吉訓*2, 越智可奈子*2, 松川昭博*3
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 613-615, 2023.

Japanese Article 3-10. For further application of international medical interchange - ICT after the COVID-19 pandemic -
山川詩保子*1, Razvina OLGA*2, 岡崎史子*2
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 616-618, 2023.

Japanese Article 3-11. Hospital tour training for first-year medical students - from virtual to face-to-face again
石橋敬一郎*1,2, 柴崎智美*1,2, 杉山智江*2, 米岡裕美*3, 荒木隆一郎*2, 大西京子*2, 金田光平*2, 柴崎由佳*2, 森茂久*1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 619-621, 2023.

Japanese Article 4-1. Peer learning practice using Microsoft Teams in anesthesiology clinical training
鵜沼篤*1, 及川沙耶佳*2, 長谷川仁志*3, 新山幸俊*4
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 622-624, 2023.

Japanese Article 4-2. The medical education which we began under COVID-19 pandemic: Subsequent development
野平知良*, 三苫博*
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 625-627, 2023.

Japanese Article 4-3. Result and problem of the supersonic wave education by 16 pocket echoes for the student
大場健司*1, 松山泰*2, 形岡洋光*3, 阿慶田眞之輔*4, 東郷三四郎*4, 鳥本靖子*5, 齊藤岳児*6, 鈴木優子*7, 外村和也*1, 五十嵐寛*1, 梅村和夫*1
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 628-630, 2023.

Japanese Article 4-4. A new trial of clinical skills training using remote lectures - Considering the essence of simulation education from the COVID-19 pandemic -
駒澤伸泰*1,2, 瀧谷公隆*3
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 631-632, 2023.

Japanese Article 4-5. "Remote" possibility and problem - of the remote simulation; from the experience of the sedative medical safe seminar -
羽場政法*1, 駒澤伸泰*2
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 633-634, 2023.

Japanese Article 4-6. Challenge of the new digital education that used VR together with an intracatheter simulator
佐藤直*1, 山本泰司*2, 揖靖*2, 狩野賢二*3
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 635-637, 2023.

Japanese Article 4-7. Simulation education using projection type VR
坂口琢紀*, 高橋洋一*, 杉原誉明*, 植木賢*
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 638-639, 2023.

Japanese Article 4-8. Practice report of the Virtual Reality (VR: virtual reality) training in the clinical Clark ship
内田康太郎*1, 本間宙*2, 三苫博*3
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 640-641, 2023.

Japanese Article 4-9. Implementation of face-to-face and virtual hybrid team medical training based on the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic
柴崎智美*1,2, 杉山智江*2, 柴崎由佳*2, 金田光平*2, 川村勇樹*3, 佐藤寛栄*2,4, 石橋敬一郎*1,2, 菅理江*3, 米岡裕美*3, 森茂久*1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 642-645, 2023.

Japanese Article 4-10. Beyond the pandemic: Practice at Hashimoto Municipal Hospital
有吉彰子*1,3, 橋本忠幸*2, 池田知将*3, 堀谷亮介*1,3, 中村公紀*3
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 646-648, 2023.

Japanese Article 4-11. Change of the pharmacy school Hospital business training after the pandemic
猪田宏美*1, 武田達明*2, 西原茂樹*1, 松本准*2, 有吉範高*2, 座間味義人*1
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 649-650, 2023.

Japanese Article 5-1. Three years when we aimed at the redefinition to future FD/SD
早川佳穂*1,2, 今福輪太郎*1,2, 川上ちひろ*1,2, 堀田亮*1,3, 藤崎和彦*1,2, 西城卓也*1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 651-653, 2023.

Japanese Article 5-2. The hybrid type clinical practice attending physician class that came out of the exploring of the COVID-19 pandemic
鹿島田彩子*1,2, 赤石雄*1,2, 井津井康浩*2, 岡田英理子*1,2, 山脇正永*1
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 654-656, 2023.

Japanese Article 5-3. The prospects of an activity comparison and the ICT utilization before and after COVID-19 in the simulation specialist society
佐藤直*1, 淺田義和*2, 首藤太一*3, 狩野賢二*4
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 657-659, 2023.

Japanese Article 5-4. International field development - for attempt - Japanese medicine educator of the medical education study session across the border
伴信太郎*1, Elizabeth KACHUR*2, Francesco BOLSTAD*3, Subha RAMANI*4
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 660-662, 2023.

Japanese Article Significance of "the group studies Osamu skill" that we thought about from the meeting attendance selection system for COVID-19 infection measures
横平政直*1, 坂東修二*1, 駒澤伸泰*1,2
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 664-665, 2023.

Japanese Article Innovation of the medical education in the COVID-19 pandemic: Development and implementation of the VR teaching materials and the medical interview chat bot
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 666-667, 2023.

Japanese Article From the opening of a course experience of "the introduction in the meeting that we looked forward to to communication:" Workshop type class using the in professional (impromptu drama)
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 668-669, 2023.

Japanese Article The utilization of the benefit reciprocity "self-check, evaluation list" in the 55th Japan Society for Medical Education meeting pre-congless WS4 Japan Society for Medical Education health profession education: Combination with the pharmaceutical company
向原圭*1, 宮田靖志*2, 伊藤俊之*3, 森本剛*4, 佐藤佳代*5
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 670-672, 2023.

Japanese Article Exploring of the role of the medical course teacher with the qualification of the nurse
濱田千枝美*1,2, 久保田伊代*3, 牛越博昭*3, 西城卓也*4,5, 川上ちひろ*4,5
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 674-675, 2023.

Japanese Article Lingering sound The Sound of "Silence" of the "silence" - 55th medical education association meeting
Medical Education (Japan) 54(6): 676-677, 2023.