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Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities

Volume , Issue 20 / 2011
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Foreword
Kiyomi Matsuo
Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities (20): 2-2, 2011.

Japanese Article Development - results and future ... of the chair ski for the competition for the Vancouver Paralympics
Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities (20): 10-13, 2011.

Japanese Article Spread of wheelchair tennis process judging from sports innovation
Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities (20): 14-19, 2011.

Japanese Article About the deuteropathy of the wheelchair athlete
Kazunari Furusawa 1), Mutsumi Ide 2), Hiroyuki Okawa 3), Fumihiro Tajima 4)
Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities (20): 20-26, 2011.

English Article Body weight loss and fluid intake for runners with visual impairment and blindness during a competitive marathon running: a pilot study
福嶋利浩1), 湯川静信2), 矢部京之助3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities (20): 27-31, 2011.

Japanese Article Trial of physical function tests for athletes with intellectual disabilities
島雅人1), 奥田邦晴1), 片岡正教1), 安田孝志1), 上田絵美1), 村田臣徳1), 岡原聡1), 片岡愛美2), 赤井友美3), 川崎純4), 木村大輔5), 中平剛志6), 二田梨江6)
Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities (20): 32-37, 2011.

Japanese Article The characteristic of the wheelchair propulsion in the quadriplegia marathon runners
大田英登1), 大川裕行2), 田島博文3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities (20): 38-43, 2011.

Japanese Article Physical capacity in wheelchair badminton players
荒谷幸次1), 大川裕行2), 芝寿美子2), 久保里司3), 荒賀博志3)
Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities (20): 44-47, 2011.

Japanese Article Fundamental researches about the scientific training of the person of cerebral palsy - Pay attention to the muscular strength and cross section, movement speed of the person of spasticity type cerebral palsy -
石塚和重, 中村直子
Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities (20): 48-51, 2011.

Japanese Article Peripheral vascular function in trained persons with high thoracic spinal cord injury
福嶋利浩1), 韓昌完1), 井手將文1), 三木由美子2), 大屋友紀子3), 堀川悦夫4), 矢部京之助5)
Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities (20): 52-58, 2011.

Japanese Article Consideration of the Meaning of Disabled Sports - Participates in the Japanese Vertical Section Ekiden by 100 Disabled Persons -
石井清志1), 陶山哲夫2), 林承弘3), 大久保春美4)
Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities (20): 59-61, 2011.

Japanese Article Report on the workshop about Inclusive Physical Education and Sport for persons with disabilities in Costa rica
服部直充1), 興梠理2)
Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities (20): 62-64, 2011.

Japanese Article Medical Support in Team Japan on Guangzhou 2010 Asian Para Games
西本裕1), 尾崎大也2), 室谷嘉一3), 田村玉美4), 小石多津子5), 陶山哲夫6)
Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities (20): 65-69, 2011.

Japanese Article Hiroshima Prefecture physical therapist Association in international exchanges wheelchair tennis tournament (peacecup) initiative
船引達朗1), 橋本渉1), 亀井聡美2), 佐藤誠亮3), 坂口暁洋4), 高橋哲也5)
Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities (20): 70-71, 2011.