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Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education

Volume 5, Issue / 2012
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The enhancement and pervasiveness of simulation-based medical education -From the inspection of overseas medical schools-
Nobuo Nara1), Masashi Beppu1), Eiji Kaneko1), Toshiya Suzuki2)
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 1-7, 2012.

Japanese Article Characteristics of learning objectives lacking in experience during clinical clerkship and their associating factors
Akiko Sugawara, Gen Kobayashi, Yoko Moroi, Tetsuhito Fukushima, Kazunobu Ishikawa
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 8-12, 2012.

Japanese Article Simulation medicine can transfer tacit knowledge to learners
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 13-16, 2012.

Japanese Article An Opinion regarding the Future Style of Conferences of Japanese Medical Educational Societies: Participation Report on SimHealth 2011 and the 27th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Educational Technology
Yoshikazu ASADA
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 17-21, 2012.

Japanese Article Production of computer software for automatic guidance of skills lab in response to user's voice
Yuzo Takahashi1), Sachiko A.Oku2), Takashi Kato3)
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 22-24, 2012.

Japanese Article Surgical skill training workshop using pig skin, stomach, and intestine for medical students and clinical residents
Gen Kobayashi1), Toshihiko Fukushima2), Akiko Sugawara1), Shin-ichi Suzuki2), Seiichi Takenoshita2), Tetsuhito Fukushima1), Kazunobu Ishikawa1)
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 25-29, 2012.

Japanese Article Design of a multi-tasking simulation course for new nurses - Based on the results of learners' satisfaction and self-confidence -
Yoshikazu ASADA1), Emiko AMAGAI2), Junko FUKUDA3), Nobuyuki SUZUKI3), Yoshihiko SUZUKI1), Ryutaro KAWANO1)
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 30-35, 2012.

Japanese Article Usefulness of making up simulated patients to mimic illness in the medical interview
Ryoko Aso1), Chikako Inoue1),2), Akinobu Yoshimura1),3), Toshiro Shimura1), Kazue Takayanagi1), Hiroto Hidaka4), Arata Azuma5)
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 36-39, 2012.

Japanese Article Evaluating simulation-based training in a "Doctor Experience Seminar" for high school students
Yoshihiko SUZUKI1), Yoshikazu ASADA1), Tsuyoshi HASEGAWA2), Fumito KUNO1), Ryutaro KAWANO1)
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 40-44, 2012.

Japanese Article It is the development first report of the drawing blood simulator for the skill training [01]
Noriko Doi
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 45-45, 2012.

Japanese Article It is examined the intravenous drip injection technique acquisition effect with the intravenous canula using the simulator [02]
Kyoko Kawabata
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 45-45, 2012.

Japanese Article Anatomical simulation education to learn a chest tertiary structure [03]
The Nagato Kowa era
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 46-46, 2012.

Japanese Article We suggest it with a use case of iPod touch and the simulator Extensions using iPad application [04]
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 46-46, 2012.

Japanese Article Development of [05] medical catheter instrument evaluation simulator
Yutaka Morita
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 46-47, 2012.

Japanese Article [06] reality - by simulation - makeup of the medical interview of the simulated patient participation
Akiko Aso
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 47-47, 2012.

Japanese Article Development of the video for the [07]AHA-like G2010-BLS education
Kiyotaka Yasui
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 47-48, 2012.

Japanese Article Trial of the interactive IT device (ARS) utilization to [08] medical person education
Yoko Moroi
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 48-48, 2012.

Japanese Article It is a utility of the medical simulation education in the new resident orientation [09]
Yasuji Arimura
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 48-48, 2012.

Japanese Article Significance to conduct elderly people, person with a disability simulated experience at new resident orientation [10]
Miho Tsujino
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 48-49, 2012.

Japanese Article The central venous catheter for clinical practice 1 annual students receives training [11]
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 49-49, 2012.

Japanese Article It is the simulation institution use situation of the medical student [12]
Yukio Yasuda
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 49-49, 2012.

Japanese Article It is surveyed the future of the simulation training in St. Luke's International Hospital [13]
Kaoru Oda
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 50-50, 2012.

Japanese Article The future problem that we saw [14] from the use trend of the Tohoku University clinical skills laboratory
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 50-50, 2012.

Japanese Article It is examined the education method of the basic life support in the adult nursing for the nursing student [15]
Yasuko Yoshimura
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 50-51, 2012.

Japanese Article Simulation educational program for the purpose of the acquisition of [16] basic nursing skill
Yumi Mizuguchi
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 51-51, 2012.

Japanese Article Effect of the new face nursing staff training that used a simulator [17]
Chizuru Yoshimoto
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 51-52, 2012.

Japanese Article [18] a trial (the first report) of the graded simulation education for nursing clinic judgement improvement
Eriko Kato
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 52-52, 2012.

Japanese Article Adopt the simulation training for ability for emergency care practice improvement [19]
Michiko Matsumoto
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 52-52, 2012.

Japanese Article It is examined the efficacy of the new face nursing staff simulation training [20]
Yukari Yoshikawa
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 52-53, 2012.

Japanese Article A leader practical skill for the intravenous injection enforcement receives training [21]
Kimiko Nakatani
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 53-53, 2012.

Japanese Article It is developed the physical assessment course by the scenario simulation for nurses [22]
Yukie Abe
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 53-54, 2012.

Japanese Article We report inspection of the Methodist Hospital simulation center [23]
Masaru Takahashi three
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 54-54, 2012.

Japanese Article [24] Having learned from simulation medical care education - Participate in ICLS in skills simulation center (SSC) -
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 54-54, 2012.

Japanese Article Effect of the basic clinical skill training program that a skill trainer (nurse) undergoes by medical education before bedside teaching continuously [25]
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 54-55, 2012.

Japanese Article It is featured the learning item where "there is not experience" in the bedside teaching [26]
Akiko Sugawara
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 55-55, 2012.

Japanese Article It is an effect of the sputum aspiration simulation training for rehabilitation staffs [27]
Akihiro Ishimaru
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 55-55, 2012.

Japanese Article It is the relation of the clinical engineer for the simulation education [28]
Masatoshi Nakayama
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 56-56, 2012.

Japanese Article Trial of the simulation training that assumed the emergency in the operating room [29]
Jin Sato
Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education 5: 56-56, 2012.