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Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
Volume 11, Issue / 2015
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
Trend - of Rapid Response System - these days 児玉貴光 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 1-6, 2015. |
Examination of the mountain sickness case that consulted our hospital critical care center in the past 10 years 山本基佳, 水野雄太, 大内謙二郎, 神徳隆之, 菅沼和樹, 白井知佐子, 藤本和法, 松原千登勢, 鹿島健, 小山徹 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 7-12, 2015. |
It is a relation of revival time and the common clinical test value after a cardiac arrest 古定賢治, 稲葉英夫, 太田圭亮* Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 13-16, 2015. |
An example of the atlantooccipital articulation dislocation that was available for a diagnosis with the CT image using the many sections reconfiguration easily 鷲巣佳奈, 下山勝仁, 堀口愛, 大森一彦, 柳川洋一 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 17-20, 2015. |
An example of hematoma in the idiopathic gluteal muscles that an examination for 3DCT was useful in a diagnosis 岩瀬仁一 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 21-23, 2015. |
An example of the food poisoning by the narcissus false meal 柳川洋一 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 24-25, 2015. |
One case of the childhood liver damage due to the bicycle handlebar injury 藤田尚人1, 大森一彦3, 浅井陽2, 伊藤浩嗣1, 柳川洋一3 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 26-28, 2015. |
One case of the arteriovenous malformation that assumed fever and rear cervicodynia main complaint 瀧波慶和1)2), 山中磨磯1), 岡田亮太2), 内山崇2), 三田建一郎2), 細田哲也3), 竹内浩明3) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 29-32, 2015. |
One case of the melioidosis which we presented with septic shock and multiple organ failure and were not able to save 中井俊宏1, 稲垣雅昭1, 井上雅史1, 衣笠梨絵1, 山崎潤二1, 祖父江和哉2 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 33-37, 2015. |
Two cases that rhabdomyolysis aggravated by serum Na revision for the water intoxication 光石彬史, 中田託郎, 青木基樹, 大岩孝子, 大鐘崇志, 望月健太朗 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 38-40, 2015. |
Mainly on two cases that caused seven - hemorrhagic shock of the ray stab that experienced in our hospital - 伊藤拓也, 中西信人, 説田守道 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 41-43, 2015. |
It is an example of the multiple injuries who had aortic dissection (Stanford type B) by traffic injury 前田浩行, 大坂裕通, 大森一彦, 石川浩平, 久保田直純*, 大林治**, 柳川洋一 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 44-46, 2015. |
An example of the acute drug intoxication by mepenzolate bromide and the tributyne maleate large quantities medication 渡部厚, 牛本知孝, 岩井淳一, 村坂憲史, 後藤哲郎, 盛田英樹, 眞柴智, 和藤幸弘 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 47-48, 2015. |
Is discovered with adrenal haemorrhage; an example of the phaeochromocytoma who had the Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy 堀口ひかり(1)(2), 竹内昭憲(2), 井上保介(2), 三木靖雄(2), 梶田裕加(2), 青木瑠里(2), 岩倉賢也(2), 寺島嗣明(2), 中川隆(3) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 49-51, 2015. |
One case that multiple metastases to brain tumors became clear by a walk senseless deed 柳川洋一, 上野昌輝1, 下村巌2, 大森一彦, 伊藤浩嗣1 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 52-54, 2015. |
Example that caused cough asthmatic crisis after use of home detergent 柳川洋一1, 吉田千紗, 相原恒一郎, 平野一興, 永山正隆, 竹本正明, 山田京志, 渡邉心, 射場敏明 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 55-56, 2015. |
An example of the superior mesenteric artery syndrome that the canvas corset wearing for the thoracic vertebra bone fracture became the precipitants 大坂裕通, 福里晋, 小日向麻里子, 三島健太郎, 石川浩平, 大森一彦, 大出靖将, 柳川洋一 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 57-59, 2015. |
An example with suspected heavy drinker sudden death syndrome 大森一彦, 田代薫, 小日向麻里子, 大坂裕通, 三島健太郎, 石川浩平, 大出靖将, 柳川洋一 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 11: 60-62, 2015. |