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Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
Volume 2, Issue / 2006
English Article Japanese Article
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Evaluation of the emergency care training in the new clinical practice system Katsunori Aoki, Atsushi Yoshino person, Nobuyuki Yamada, Jun Sato, 間遠文貴 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 1-4, 2006. |
Examination of the blunt liver damage 鯵坂秀之, 大場大, 伊井徹, 松木伸夫, 三輪晃一 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 5-6, 2006. |
Examination about the conveyance situation of the head trauma emergency patient in Toyama-shi: The first report 旭雄士1), 若杉雅浩1), 丹下大祐1), 岡澤成祐1), 遠藤俊郎2), 奥寺敬1) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 7-8, 2006. |
Examination of the wet therapy for the fresh injury in our hospital 武内有城, 井口光孝 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 9-13, 2006. |
Treatment outcome of the urgent percutaneous cardiopulmonary support method of this hospital Keizo Shibata, Masanori Ito Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 14-16, 2006. |
1 autopsy case of the fulminant form A group β hemolytic streptococcus infection which presented significant muscle dissolution 児玉貴光1), 太田圭亮2), 後藤由和2), 稲葉英夫2) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 17-20, 2006. |
One case of the severe asthma bronchial that we managed using the percutaneous cardiopulmonary support method Keizo Shibata, Shinsuke Saito Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 21-23, 2006. |
One patient who adrenalin was given, and was saved by a paramedic 花木芳洋 1), 2), Takashi Tomita reason 1), Toshiyuki Kojima 1) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 24-27, 2006. |
An example of cancer of the esophagus medical treatment heparin origin-related thrombocytopenia (HIT) which was passing, and occurred 熊谷常康, 矢吹輝, 武山直志, 梶田裕加, 高木省治, 青木瑠里, 山田隆壽, 井上保介, 中川隆, 野口宏 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 28-29, 2006. |
1 ER type emergency medical system and ICU type emergency medical system Shuichi Terasawa Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 33-33, 2006. |
Wound care in 2 emergency visits Mutsumi Natsui Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 34-34, 2006. |
3 risk management (Medical Risk Management:MRM) and emergency care Shinnichiro Suzaki Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 35-35, 2006. |
Importance of 4 angel make Mariko Nanami Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 36-36, 2006. |
Initial treatment for 1 serious case burn Masashi Ueyama Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 37-37, 2006. |
2 Mass gathering and emergency care system 井上保介, Hiroshi Noguchi Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 38-38, 2006. |
Inspection and effect of 3 ambulance services Kazuhiro Ozawa Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 39-39, 2006. |
An action and problems for the S1-1 postgraduate training Hitoshi Yamaguchi, 大橋徳巳 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 40-40, 2006. |
The present conditions of the emergency education to a resident in the S1-2 this hospital Akihiko Tabuchi Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 40-40, 2006. |
The way of positioning and the ER doc of the emergency training in the initial clinical practice in the new clinical practice system that greeted the S1-3 second year Masamichi Yokoe, 稲田眞治, Tsukakawa Toshiyuki, Takashi Shirako, Kiyoshi Ishikawa Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 41-41, 2006. |
Resident education in the first aid in the S1-4 this hospital Kitagawa joy oneself, 岩田充永, Nishikawa Kei friend, Tsuyoshi Watase person, 西川治央 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 41-41, 2006. |
What kind of family help is necessary for S2-1 pre-hospital automation; inflection - of -CNS-FACE? Yoko Kawatani Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 42-42, 2006. |
Family help in the doctor's car which the S2-2 nurse does not board Junji Yamazaki, Junko Nakano, Norifumi Mabuchi Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 42-42, 2006. |
Thought and ambulance service of the family of the S2-3 disabled Toshihiro Yamamoto Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 43-43, 2006. |
A fact and problem of the family help in the S2-4 emergency visit Mika Takeuchi Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 43-43, 2006. |
In an action -2 next first aid designation hospital of the MS1-1 paramedic endotracheal intubation training 杉浦良啓, Hirofumi Kawakami Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 44-44, 2006. |
About informed consent of the endotracheal intubation training of the paramedic in the scale hospital out of MS1-2 Manabu Akashi 1), Yoshie Miyauchi 2), Satoshi Chihara 2), Hideaki Mizuno 3), Masayuki Kato 4), Yoshihiro Fujiwara 5), Toru Komatsu 5) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 44-44, 2006. |
The present conditions and problems of the endotracheal intubation training in MS1-3 Shizuoka Noboru Sakai Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 45-45, 2006. |
Endotracheal intubation case of the suffocation accident by the MS1-4 airway foreign body Naotaka Shiraki Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 45-45, 2006. |
A strategy and base for MS2-1 inside the hospital ICLS course initiation, continuation, the development Keiko Shimamoto, Haruko Miyahara, Takashi Ono Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 46-46, 2006. |
We work on the ACLS inside the hospital spread in the MS2-2 this hospital Ryota Matsuoka, Kondo Buddha's preach about truth Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 46-46, 2006. |
The present conditions of the ICLS spread activity in the MS2-3 this hospital nursing department Yuki Hirose, Eriko Okada, Yoko Nojima, Lake Tadashi Kamiya Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 47-47, 2006. |
The present conditions and problem of the MS2-4 cardiopulmonary resuscitation classroom Ritsuko Murai, Toshie Tanaka, Ishiguro Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 47-47, 2006. |
A characteristic and the present conditions of the resuscitation spread activity to local inhabitants including AED in MS2-5 Shimada-shi Kondo Buddha's preach about truth 1), Ryota Matsuoka 2), Norio Kanamori 2), Mikio Nakajima 2), Kitagawa peace 3), 中恵清志 3), Hisao Ito 4) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 48-48, 2006. |
Vital signs Mutsumi Murakami beginning 1), Kumiko Sakata 2) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 49-49, 2006. |
Trauma medical care in 1 district Shinji Ogura Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 50-50, 2006. |
Inspection - safety of various maintenance of airway in the relief in front of 2 hospitals, utility - Yoshito Ujiie Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 51-51, 2006. |
An example of the anterior spinal artery syndrome that occurred during use of 1-1 vibrator Kazutaka Fukuoka 1), Mitsutaka Iguchi 1), Takashi Yamada 1), 草深裕光 1), 左合正周 1), Takeuchi 1, Aruki), Koji Sugiura 2), Teiko Motoyama 2) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 52-52, 2006. |
Example that banged the head on wall in 1-2 self-cutting, and caused a cervical dislocation fracture Tsuneyasu Kumagai, 青木瑠里, Yuka Kajita, 高木省治, Description of Yutaka Noguchi, Yasuo Miki, 山田隆壽, 井上保介, Naoshi Takeyama, Takashi Nakagawa, Hiroshi Noguchi Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 52-52, 2006. |
One case of the childhood basal skull fracture with the carotid artery occlusion in 1-3 Fumitoshi Mizutani 1), Hitoshi Yamaguchi 1), 大橋徳巳 1), Shinnosuke Hattori 2), Akira Kito 2) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 53-53, 2006. |
One case of the cerebellar infarction due to the 1-4 air bag injury Suzaki method good luck, Tatsuo Takahashi, Daikichi Oguri, 渡邉督, Tsu Shinichiro Kim, Takashi Takada spring, Kenji Imagawa Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 53-53, 2006. |
An example of the lower limbs compartment syndrome that racked its brains about a 1-5 diagnosis Kazutaka Nishiyama, Yazawa sum tiger, Yukihiro Kamijo, Ryuichi Sakai, Masahiko Ohashi, 大和眞史 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 54-54, 2006. |
An example of the 1-6 exercise-induced anaphylaxis Maiko Matsuhashi, Haruo Nishikawa, Tsuyoshi Watase person, Nishikawa Kei friend, 岩田充永, Kazuo Nishikawa, Kitagawa joy oneself Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 54-54, 2006. |
An example of the 1-7 juvenile arteria basilaris obstruction Yuka Ikegame 1), Masayasu Kato 1), Teramoto Takahide 1), Izumi Toyota 1), Shinji Ogura 1), Kiyobumi Yamada 2), Yukiko Enomoto 2), Hideomi Kitajima 2), Shinnichi Yoshimura 2), Toru Iwama 2) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 55-55, 2006. |
An example of the takotsubo cardiomyopathy complicated with 1-8 malignant syndrome Takashi Kojima, Susumu Ishida, We flatter it and welcome Hibino, Nami Ikeda, Yuki Morimoto, Yasushi Ito, Iron Shinichiro, Manabu Taguchi, Atsushi Terasawa, Kunimitsu Yasuda, Takasu Hiroe, Kiyoshi Ishikawa Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 55-55, 2006. |
Example that caused pulmonary oedema by 1-9 macchia Ron taking poison rapidly Mikio Nakajima, Ryota Matsuoka, Kondo Buddha's preach about truth Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 56-56, 2006. |
An example of the abuse of the 1-10 mentally-disabled person 西川治央, Tsuyoshi Watase person, Nishikawa Kei friend, 岩田充永, Kitagawa joy oneself Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 56-56, 2006. |
Role of the ER doc in the treatment of patients with 1-11 multiple injuries Yazawa sum tiger, Ryuichi Sakai, Yukihiro Kamijo, Masahiko Ohashi, 大和眞史 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 57-57, 2006. |
An example of traumatic asphyxia by the 1-12 traffic accident 加藤諭美 1), Mitsutaka Iguchi 1), Takashi Yamada 1), 草深裕光 1), 左合正周 1), Takeuchi 1, Aruki), Sunagawa law of nature Saburo 2) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 57-57, 2006. |
Strategies for treatment by the embolization for the shock haemorrhagic case with the 1-13 trauma Yusuke Kawai, Tsuneyasu Kumagai, 青木瑠里, Yuka Kajita, Description of Yutaka Noguchi, 高木省治, Yasuo Miki, 山田隆壽, 井上保介, Naoshi Takeyama, Takashi Nakagawa, Hiroshi Noguchi Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 58-58, 2006. |
200 examination that we made trauma database registration in 1-14 our department in 2004 Ageo Mitsuhiro, Description of Ryo Aoki, 大出靖将, Oda order, Katsuyuki Yamashita, Takuya Inoue, Masashi Ueyama Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 58-58, 2006. |
Examination of 13 1-15 smoke inhalation Kayoko Takada, 荒木恒敏, Hideki Kano, Kenji Yamauchi, Koichi Furusawa, Shoji Iwatsuki, Keisuke Ito Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 59-59, 2006. |
Activity report second report of the 2-1 first aid care meeting for the study Sawako Nishijima, Mieko Hayashi, Shigeru Tanaka Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 60-60, 2006. |
The good use of suppression assessment sheet situation in the 2-2 stroke care unit Mikako Ohashi, Kimie Arai, Sumie Ishikawa, Kikuyo Egami Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 60-60, 2006. |
Tube drains self withdrawal prophylaxis for the patients of the 2-3 delirium risk state Kaori Miyata, Tsuzaki method one, Mayumi Kakimi, Country book Michiyo, The Ozaki-style beauty, Nakanishi seedling child Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 61-61, 2006. |
Prevention of the upper pinna skin trouble with the use of 2-4 oxygen mask Tomoki Ito, Maiko Shimura, Yasushi Ogiso period Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 61-61, 2006. |
The present conditions about the mental care intervention to a family in the 2-5 stroke care unit Ai Aruga, Ryo Ikeda, Bungo Aoki, Hitomi Nakamura, Mizutani sand Nobuko, Tomomi Nakagawa, Kikuyo Egami Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 62-62, 2006. |
Attitude survey of the nurse for the 2-6 angel make Naomi Tange, Reiko Kawasaki Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 62-62, 2006. |
Based on the questionnaire about present conditions and problem - change ridge duties of the new face education in the 2-7 emergency ward - Nakayama wish, Yasui I'm glad to hear that you are well and prospering, Yasuko Hattori, Kamakura Shinichi, Yuika Taniuchi, Asako Akatsuka Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 63-63, 2006. |
Action for the mouth care procedure establishment of the 2-8 new face staff Kazue Yoshida, 柴田記江, Kana Tomita, Sueko Tsuda Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 63-63, 2006. |
Under the influence of the trend Central Japan International Airport opening of a port of the foreign practice person in the 2-9 critical care center, holding of World Exposition Aichi Yoshihide Imafuku, Hikosaka ivy branch, Italy left next Yayoi, Moat Noriko, Sanae Matsuda Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 64-64, 2006. |
The need of the triage in the 2-10 this hospital Yayoi Takeshita, Tomoko Asano, Yumiko Tsuchikawa, Maki Shirai Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 64-64, 2006. |
Trial - of present situation - problems and solution to face to 2-11 Toyohashi Municipal Hospital critical care center Kazuko Murata 1), Kosei Ishihara 1), Tomiko Kondo 1), Ohara revelation 2), Yoshihito Nakajima 2), Nobuyuki Suzuki 2) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 65-65, 2006. |
One case of the esophageal injury with the 3-1 combination tube Masato Sakurai, Tsuyoshi Hatada, Takeshi Ishikura, Sakai field Hiroshi, Waro Taki Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 66-66, 2006. |
Airway maintenance when 3-2 tongue performs transection Hiroshi Kobayashi Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 66-66, 2006. |
Evaluation of the Hamamatsu Medical College emergency department by the 3-3 ambulancecrew Katsunori Aoki, Atsushi Yoshino person, Nobuyuki Yamada, Shigeru Kaneoka, Jun Sato, 間遠文貴 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 67-67, 2006. |
Inspection and effect of the ambulance service in 3-4 Iida, Nagano Shimoina God head Sadahiko 1), 2), Sumio Kobayashi 1), 2), Akihiro Kurihara 1), 3), History of Tadashi Goto 1), 3), Shiotsuki Kiyo 1), 3), Nobuaki Shimizu 1), 3), Tetsuo Suganuma 1), 3), Tatsuya Seguchi 1), 3), Masato Tanaka 1), 3), 廣本明敏 1), 3), Previous book victory 1), 3), Toku Miyazawa straight 4), Setsuo Yoshikawa 4) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 67-67, 2006. |
Emergency services clinical conference of the 3-5 Nagoya City University Hospital emergency department Akinori Takeuchi, 久保貞祐, Yuki Hattori, Jin Taniuchi, Noriko Narimatsu, Sickle tail Takahiro, Kazuyuki Arakawa Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 68-68, 2006. |
The case that has been given analysis, defibrillation during an ambulance run for 3-6 ventricular fibrillation Hirotaka Adachi 1), Masashi Miyachi 1), Masanao Oshima 1), Kiyonori Oguri 1), Shu Ogura tortoise 1), Prince Ino chapter 1), Norifumi Mabuchi 2) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 68-68, 2006. |
Ventricular fibrillation 3 case of the out of the hospital onset that we were able to save by the early defibrillation by the 3-7 emergency medical technician Takeshi Hirose, Haruki Takahashi, Quantity of Takashi Watanabe, Suzuki Zhuang Taro, Islet Zone, Wariden Shunichiro, Jin Shiraki, 岩間眞, Koji Ono, Masahiko Koda, Tomonori Segawa, Hitoshi Matsuo, Tasuku Watanabe Tomoo Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 69-69, 2006. |
The example that 3-8 defibrillation was provided, and came back to its normal life 安藤酉 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 69-69, 2006. |
One case of acute myocardial infarction that a heartbeat resumed by the automated external defibrillator (AED) enforcement by the 3-9 medical practitioner, and was able to come back to its normal life 大橋徳巳 1), Hitoshi Yamaguchi 1), Uesugi 2, Dohaku), Hideyuki Tsuboi 2), Takahito Sone 2) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 70-70, 2006. |
Experience children with problems -13-year-old ventricular fibrillation of the automated external defibrillator adaptation in 3-10 children; and - 野村真祈子, Norihisa Koyama, Yasuko Makino, Takuji Yamada, Emiko Kishimoto, 清澤秀輔, Keiko Ono, 野村孝泰, Murata Mizuki, Manabu Takenaka, Tokio Sugiura, Sachi Takeuchi, Kazushi Yasuda, Saiwaki Masanori, Tsuyoshi Ito, Shibata hemp 1,000 child Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 70-70, 2006. |
An example of the 4 years old girl that we were not able to defibrillate early that is effective for cardiac arrest by the 3-11 ventricular fibrillation Tomoya Ito 1), Mitsuru Iwasa two 1), Hisashi Ando Saburo 1), Takashi Shirako 2), 稲田眞治 2) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 71-71, 2006. |
The case that resulted in 4-1 depressed body temperature, disturbance of consciousness Kazuko Takayama, Katsuo Yamanaka, Yukio Seki, Katsuto Teranishi Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 72-72, 2006. |
An example of aorto-pulmonary fistula which an aneurysm of aortic arch was found during follow-up after the 4-2 ascending aorta replacement, and was diagnosed approximately two days after the symptom onset Jun Kihara, 稲田眞治, Kiyoshi Ishikawa, Takashi Shirako, Tsukakawa Toshiyuki, Masamichi Yokoe Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 72-72, 2006. |
Is the introduction diagnosis of the 4-3 introduction patients right? Tsuyoshi Watase person, 西川治央, Nishikawa Kei friend, 岩田充永, Kitagawa joy oneself Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 73-73, 2006. |
Significance of the D-dimer measurement in patients with 4-4 emergency visit chest pain Nodoka Sakamoto Yoshiko 1), Katsuhiro Kato 1), Megumi Araki 1), Masazumi Ajioka 1), Ryuichi Hasegawa 2), Masaki Kawase 2), Toshihiko Ichihara 3) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 73-73, 2006. |
Pit fall in the 4-5 neuroimaging Tatsuo Takahashi, Katsuo Yamanaka, Yukio Seki, Takashi Takada spring, Daikichi Oguri, Suzaki method good luck Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 74-74, 2006. |
Experience of the brain hypothermia therapy in the 4-6 this hospital Yusuke Kuriki, Ryuichi Hasegawa, Masaki Kawase, Toshihiko Ichihara, Masazumi Ajioka Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 74-74, 2006. |
The pediatric intensive medical present conditions and problems in the 4-7 critical care center Hospital Mitsuru Iwasa two, Yasushi Kanda, Tanaka Taihei, Hisashi Ando Saburo Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 75-75, 2006. |
Examination about the 4-8 acute poisoning Takashi Tomita reason, 花木芳洋, Toshiyuki Kojima Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 75-75, 2006. |
The foreign medical fact in the 4-9 local city Naoya Goto, 安藤通崇, Yohei Kagawa, Keiichiro Kamei, Hidenori Kurihara, Takaya Tanaka Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 76-76, 2006. |
The evaluation of the resident in the 4-10 new clinical practice system and reverse evaluation for the emergency department staff Katsunori Aoki, Atsushi Yoshino person, Nobuyuki Yamada, Shigeru Kaneoka, Jun Sato, 間遠文貴 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 76-76, 2006. |
It is examined the surgery adaptive agreement and info mood outlet in the 4-11 emergency Megumi Fujii 1), Katsuhiro Kato 1), Nodoka Sakamoto Yoshiko 1), Megumi Araki 1), Masazumi Ajioka 1), Ryuichi Hasegawa 1), Masaki Kawase 1), Toshihiko Ichihara 2) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 77-77, 2006. |
One case of heatstroke that caused 4-12 duodenal ulcer perforation Morimo, Takeshi Shimada, 三鴨肇, Masaru Hayashi intellect Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 77-77, 2006. |
One case of the 4-13 superior mesenteric artery detachment Kazuhiko Masuda, Akinori Takeuchi, Jin Taniuchi, Yuki Hattori, Noriko Narimatsu, 久保貞祐, Sickle tail Takahiro, Kazuyuki Arakawa Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 78-78, 2006. |
One case of hyperammonemia with the extrahepatic part portal vein obstruction detected for 4-14 disturbance of consciousness Takashi Yamada, Takeuchi Yuki, 左合正周 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 78-78, 2006. |
An example of the 4-15 amebic liver abscess Keisuke Ito, Koichi Furusawa, Hideki Kano, Kenji Yamauchi, Shoji Iwatsuki, 荒木恒敏 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 79-79, 2006. |
An example of the alimentary ileus that came by 4-16 preoperative diagnosis Green leaves Taro, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Suguru Sakamoto solstice, Shunichiro Komatsu, 広松孝, Seiki Kawai, Satoshi Tabata length, Seiji Natsume, 土屋智敬, Tadashi Matsumoto group Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 79-79, 2006. |
An example of the 4-17 atraumatic perirenal haematoma 八木橋祐亮, Norio Kawase, Shigeki Fukuzawa Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 80-80, 2006. |
4-18 Shinshu doctor copter departure Kunihiko Okada, Osamu Watanabe, Eiichi Sato, Tomoya Nagao, Gen Shinohara Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 80-80, 2006. |
Helicopter emergency care in the critical care center of the 4-19 Aichi west Mikawa district 水野光規, Akihiko Tabuchi, Yuki Hirose, Toshiya Tokui, Kazuhiro Suzuki, Makoto Hatta, Masahiro Yamamoto Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 81-81, 2006. |
Long-distance copter conveyance experience of the 4-20 IABP/PCPS operation lower patients Norifumi Mabuchi, Junko Nakano, Junji Yamazaki Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 81-81, 2006. |
About an action to the globalization of the 4-21 Matsusaka district wide area firefighting association paramedic Yasushi Ueda Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 82-82, 2006. |
An action and problem of the earthquake disaster prevention drill as the 4-22 basic hospital for disasters Mamoru Tomita Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 82-82, 2006. |
The first majority disabled acceptance training in the 4-23 this hospital Yutaka Matsumoto Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 83-83, 2006. |
Example that fell into a vegetative state though a revival was successful by 4-24 cardiac sarcoidosis to CPA Sachiko Kinugasa, Tsuneyasu Kumagai, 青木瑠里, Yuka Kajita, Description of Yutaka Noguchi, 高木省治, Yasuo Miki, 山田隆壽, 井上保介, Naoshi Takeyama, Takashi Nakagawa, Hiroshi Noguchi Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 83-83, 2006. |
It requires the administration of such a large amount of epinephrine, nifekalant, magnesium and frequently 30 or more times of defibrillation the VT, VF after CABG, was remission at amiodarone oral cases 貝沼関志, 大原義隆, 服部浩治*, 佐藤雅人, 山下満, 星野竜, 近藤ゆか, 安藤太三 Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 84-84, 2006. |
One patient who had a medical examination in 4-26 Walk in and presented with unidentified hypoxemia, and died Katsuhiro Kato 1), Megumi Araki 1), Nodoka Sakamoto Yoshiko 1), Masazumi Ajioka 1), Ryuichi Hasegawa 2), Masaki Kawase 2), Toshihiko Ichihara 3), Mai Iwaki 4) Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 84-84, 2006. |
Cancerous airway stenosis case given urgent trachea bilateral carotid stenting under 4-27 ECMO We flatter it and welcome Hibino, Susumu Ishida, Takashi Kojima, Nami Ikeda, Yuki Morimoto, Yasushi Ito, Iron Shinichiro, Manabu Taguchi, Atsushi Terasawa, Kunimitsu Yasuda, Takasu Hiroe, Kiyoshi Ishikawa Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 85-85, 2006. |
Use results of PCPS in the 4-28 this hospital Masazumi Koyasu, Miho Tanaka, 村田欣洋, Hideki Kawai, Hideki Horibe, Masanobu Yanase, Kenji Takemoto, Nonogawa sincerity, Seiji Shimizu, Watarai Masato Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2: 85-85, 2006. |