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Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science

Volume , Issue 31st-suppl / 2011
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Stratagem for the construction of the intellect of the nursing
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 101-101, 2011.

Japanese Article The way of the nursing science in the globalization
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 105-105, 2011.

Japanese Article A view on decease and care of the I Japanese
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 109-109, 2011.

Japanese Article View of the world of II Ryoma Sakamoto
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 113-113, 2011.

Japanese Article The way of the policy proposal from nursing to keep life and the life of the citizen of Country I
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 117-117, 2011.

Japanese Article Through the activity of reclamation - Japan intractable disease nursing society of the nursing corresponding to the needs of the II society -
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 121-121, 2011.

Japanese Article Nursing ethic to protect dignity in III everydayness
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 125-125, 2011.

Japanese Article From the viewpoint of nursing education, the system
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 129-129, 2011.

Japanese Article - to practice - cancer palliative care from a viewpoint of the team approach in medical care by a many types of job team
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 130-130, 2011.

Japanese Article From a viewpoint of the care protocol development
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 131-131, 2011.

Japanese Article From a viewpoint of the nursing administration
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 132-132, 2011.

Japanese Article From a viewpoint of the development of methods of study
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 135-135, 2011.

Japanese Article From the viewpoint of the qualitative organon
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 136-136, 2011.

Japanese Article From the viewpoint of the intervention study method
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 137-137, 2011.

Japanese Article From the situation of the person concerned
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 141-141, 2011.

Japanese Article From the situation of the transplant nursing society
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 142-142, 2011.

Japanese Article We explain economic value (Value) of the nursing
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 143-143, 2011.

Japanese Article Being able to see nursing in team approach in medical care
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 144-144, 2011.

Japanese Article Activity Part II of the nursing system congress demanded in Great East Japan Earthquake - now
山田覚1, 田中美恵子2, 小原真理子3, 山本あい子4, 片田範子5, 川嶋みどり5
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 151-151, 2011.

Japanese Article To keep ... life, a living, a heart for the Nankai earthquake disaster that should come; ...
石井美恵子1, 大川貴子2, リボウイッツよし子3, 永井優子4
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 155-155, 2011.

Japanese Article For high enteral alimentation of aptitude enteral feeding support Quality of elderly patients
宮澤靖, 梶原和歌
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 159-159, 2011.

Japanese Article The inheritance of inspection, the nightingale: For a century of the great disaster and
久間圭子, 野地有子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 160-160, 2011.

Japanese Article How to use of "the APA article making manual second edition"
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 161-161, 2011.

Japanese Article Practice method - of the simulation education in simulation education workshop - nursing basic education
小西美和子1), 神田知咲1), 大川宣容2), 井上正隆2), 藤原史博3), 岡谷恵子3), 永島美香4), 増野園惠5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 169-169, 2011.

Japanese Article From K1 radiation exposure medical care personnel training to practice
西沢義子1), 丸山恭子2), 木立るり子1), 野戸結花1), 井瀧千恵子1), 北宮千秋1), 冨澤登志子1), 山内真弓3), 堤弥生2), 福島芳子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 173-173, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect that an outpatient specialized in nursing by the K2 clinical - education collaboration gives to nursing duties awareness
岩永喜久子1), 小板橋喜久代1), 岡美智代1), 常盤洋子1), 牛久保美津子1), 柳奈津子1), 野本悦子2), 角田明美2), 井上エリ子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 173-173, 2011.

Japanese Article Innovation of the nursing that K3 entrepreneur education brings
近藤麻理1), 西尾周一郎2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 174-174, 2011.

Japanese Article When we met ... criminal (convicts) who thought about judiciary nursing in the K4 daily life in the healthcare setting
日下修一1), 三木明子2), 宮本有紀3), 新納美美3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 174-174, 2011.

Japanese Article Because a comfortable intramuscular injection is provided by evidence - security of the K5 intramuscular injection; -
安原由子1), 升田茂章2), 川西千恵美1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 175-175, 2011.

Japanese Article Attempt - of practice, the training that K6 cooperated with "primary family" - area saying "we want to help me"
河原宣子, 梶谷佳子, 小野塚元子, 家根明子, 西田厚子, 堀妙子, 伊藤恵美子, 遠藤俊子, 前原澄子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 175-175, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of the education method in the woman in childbed care (including the conduct of labor) that is useful for K7 midwifery student
新道幸恵1), 鈴木幸子2), 遠藤俊子3), 吉澤豊予子1), 石井邦子5), 林ひろみ5), 大井けい子6), 小林康江7), 斉藤益子8), 村本淳子9), 清水嘉子10), 大平光子11), 成田伸12), 森恵美13)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 176-176, 2011.

Japanese Article With the end of life care in line with the life culture of the K8 patients, family from point of view of - regional cross-sectional approach -
長江弘子1), 和泉成子2), 櫻井智穂子1), 今村恵美子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 176-176, 2011.

Japanese Article The nursing intervention which is demanded from floor nurse that patients with cancer and a family feel relieved for K9 terminal phase and shift to home medical treatment
東清巳1), 鈴木志津枝2), 植田喜久子3), 永井眞由美4), 永田千鶴1), 木子莉瑛1), 安藤悦子2), 松本千晴1), 廣川恵子5), 大平久美6)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 177-177, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the nursing intervention ability found for home health care in the K10 area inclusion type medical care system
谷垣靜子1), 長江弘子2), 酒井昌子3), 乗越千枝4), 片山陽子5), 岡田麻里1), 仁科祐子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 177-177, 2011.

Japanese Article Attempt ... of form - Fukuoka children hospice project of the new care that K11 nursing joins together
濱田裕子1), 藤田紋佳1), 相星香2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 178-178, 2011.

Japanese Article Fact and development - of the specialist job-related display of study on specialty improvement, role expansion - nurse such as nurses in the promotion of the K12 team approach in medical care
本田彰子1), 真田弘美2), 山田雅子3), 小池智子4), 藤内美保5), 佐々木吉子1), 川本祐子1), 井上智子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 178-178, 2011.

Japanese Article We think about the application possibility of the K13 Addiction nursing
松下年子1), 日下修一2), 米山奈奈子3), 刀根洋子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 179-179, 2011.

Japanese Article About the future of the K14 world nursing science society
山本あい子, 南裕子, 酒井郁子, 下平唯子, 近藤暁子, 長坂桂子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 179-179, 2011.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the activity of the selected nurse (tentative name) who completed Masters degree course in K15 graduate school
小野美喜1), 石川倫子2), 塚本容子3), 荒井孝子4), 塩月成則5), 光根美保6)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 180-180, 2011.

Japanese Article Efforts of the protective measures education and tissue of the occupational exposure to K16 anticancer agent
神田清子1), 石井範子2), 平井和恵3), 武居明美1), 高階淳子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 180-180, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination - of the care technique that is necessary as a specialist in care - mental nursing of the heart before K17 acute stress disorder leading to post-traumatic stress disorder
宇佐美しおり1), 高橋葉子2), 那須典政3), 竹原歩4), 野末聖香5), 田中美恵子6), 安藤幸子7)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 181-181, 2011.

Japanese Article Ability for clinical care - to be required at the time of the graduate school completion that we saw from way - CNS of the training in the postgraduate education for person of K18 altitude nursing intervention upbringing
山田雅子, 梅田恵, 宇佐美しおり, 奥朋子, 市原真穂, 水野芳子, 竹森志穂, 宇都宮明美, 浅野浩子, 本城綾子, 藤田冬子, 瀧真弓, 松本佐知子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 181-181, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of the learning support system promoting clinical judgement of the nurse K19 generalist
岡崎美智子1), 道重文子2), 梶谷佳子3), 中橋苗代3), 那須潤子3), 仲前美由紀1), 井上久子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 182-182, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of the out reach type support model for the quitting a job prevention of the nurse K20 new face
日高艶子1), 白水麻子1), 飯野英親2), 松岡緑3), 高橋清美4), 小野正子2), 前田由紀子2), 竹元仁美1), 中島富有子3), 北原悦子5), 山住康恵6), 北川明6), 安酸史子6)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 182-182, 2011.

Japanese Article Inspection ... of the sense of pain inhibitory effect by the sweetness that came to ... here where the K21 sweetness stimulation inhibited nociception temporarily
掛田崇寛, 伊東美佐江, 津島ひろ江
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 183-183, 2011.

Japanese Article Possibility of the simulation education in the K22 nursing basic education
小西美和子1), 増野園惠2), 永島美香1), 藤原史博1), 神田知咲1), 岡谷恵子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 183-183, 2011.

Japanese Article Spreading effect to a viewpoint, a method, the system of the degree of difficulty inspection according to the school year in the K23 nursing OSCE and education improvement
松浦和代1), 大野夏代1), 神島滋子1), 守村洋1), 新納美美2), 三上智子1), 多賀昌江1), 山内まゆみ1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 184-184, 2011.

Japanese Article Collaboration - of upbringing - nursing department, School of Nursing of the clinical coach aiming at the carrier support at the place of the K24 practice
佐藤紀子1), 原三紀子1), 竹内千鶴子2), 小泉雅子3), 山内典子3), 出口香緒利2), 松村幸美4), 川野良子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 184-184, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect factor of the nursing care from a nursing intervention record and the nurse interview due to the symptom of the cancer coexistence patients of the O3-1-1 convalescent ward
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 187-187, 2011.

Japanese Article Investigation analysis about the stress of the nurse based on the O3-1-2 electronic chart introduction
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 187-187, 2011.

Japanese Article Economic evaluation of the nursing outpatient department by the O3-1-3 diabetes nursing authorization nurse
藤原正和1), 林千冬2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 188-188, 2011.

Japanese Article Factor to determine the number of O3-1-4 clinical nurse midwifes
前田樹海, 中村充浩
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 188-188, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of two times of short time naps that a nurse engaging in O3-1-5 third shifts system duty takes during a graveyard shift
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 189-189, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination about O3-2-6 nursing job teamwork and organized environmental relations
井上直子, 若林たけ子, 斎藤真
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 189-189, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination - of the ability necessary for a nurse in what a nurse practicing O3-2-7 team approach in medical care makes much of second report - collaboration
神谷美紀子1), 岡崎美晴2), 遠藤圭子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 190-190, 2011.

Japanese Article The fact of the cooperation of a nurse and the nursing assistant of our country in the O3-2-8 team approach in medical care promotion
佐々木吉子1), 井上智子1), 小池智子2), 青木春恵1), 川本祐子1), 山崎智子1), 内堀真弓1), 矢富有見子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 190-190, 2011.

Japanese Article Association with a tendency to failure and the error type of the O3-2-9 nurse and the emotional condition
白水麻子, 安藤満代
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 191-191, 2011.

Japanese Article From the analysis of the each domain of the O3-2-10 extraction - "group" of the category to distinguish "the corporate culture in the nursing organization" "work" "nurse"
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 191-191, 2011.

Japanese Article Out of allied factor - emotion intelligence about feelings to the patients of the O3-3-11 nurse and positive negative feelings -
中村史江1), 坪井良子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 192-192, 2011.

Japanese Article Negative affective composition for the patients whom a nurse experiences in O3-3-12 patients - nurse relations
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 192-192, 2011.

Japanese Article In people of mentoring - second level education completion that received from the nursing O3-3-13 carrier middle nurse's post -
尾崎貴美1), 川島美保2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 193-193, 2011.

Japanese Article The real condition and advantage of "the periphery venesection" by the nurse in the O3-3-14 intravenous injection
禿小恵子1), 坪井良子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 193-193, 2011.

Japanese Article Fact-finding about occupational exposure to anticancer agent measures for people of temporary nursing at home job of the O3-3-15 A prefecture
早出春美, 白鳥さつき, 中畑千夏子, 那須淳子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 194-194, 2011.

Japanese Article Difficulty to feel O4-1-16 boys student nurse to be go to the actual place training and support method to expect
工藤恭子1), 工藤千恵2), 高橋剛3), 高橋美和1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 194-194, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis of the training instruction process that was able to nurse the student who appealed for uneasiness to take charge of patients with cancer of the O4-1-17 non-notice
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 195-195, 2011.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the self-assessment of the abecedarian in the acquirement initial stage of the O4-1-18 nursing basics technique
津田智子1), 山岸仁美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 195-195, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect that O4-1-19 communication technique gives in feelings of the student nurse
上野栄一1), 松浦純平2), 上平悦子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 196-196, 2011.

Japanese Article Self-efficacy for the course of the student nurse in the O4-1-20 new establishment university
緒方文子, 二重作清子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 196-196, 2011.

Japanese Article A development process of the O4-2-21 nursing intervention ability and a characteristic of the ability for nursing intervention of the study on evaluation method 4:2 age eyes nurse and the development
戸田肇1),3), 中山洋子2),3), 小松万喜子3), 石井邦子3), 石原昌3), 大平光子3), 大見サキエ3), 黒田るみ3), 土居洋子3), 東サトエ3), 工藤真由美3), 田村正枝3), 永山くに子3), 松成裕子3), 丸山育子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 197-197, 2011.

Japanese Article Longitudinal study - from study on development process and evaluation method - clinical experience first year of the O4-2-22 nursing intervention ability to nurse third year university graduate
工藤真由美1), 中山洋子1),2), 小松万喜子2), 大見サキエ2), 大平光子2), 東サトエ2), 石井邦子2), 土居洋子2), 永山くに子2), 戸田肇2),3), 石原昌2), 田村正枝2), 松成裕子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 197-197, 2011.

Japanese Article Clarification and the difference in O4-2-23 student nurse and motivation constructive concept for the nursing of the nurse
山内木綿子1), 大西香代子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 198-198, 2011.

Japanese Article Inspection - of development - reliability, the validity of the O4-2-24 "autonomy of the nurse" measure
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 198-198, 2011.

Japanese Article We know target grasp using attempt - simulated patient of the situation setting practice to plan integration of the learning of the O4-2-25 basics nursing science domain
後藤桂子1), 小澤芳子2), 水野智子1), 徳本弘子1), 河津芳子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 199-199, 2011.

Japanese Article The analysis of the actual situation of the O4-3-26 mother's milk child care and the associated factor: From data analysis based on birth population
横山美江, 村井ちか子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 199-199, 2011.

Japanese Article About sleep and the lifestyle of O4-3-27 children
三宅靖子1), 長谷川由香2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 200-200, 2011.

Japanese Article Attitude survey for the teacher about the present conditions such as the education about the suicide prevention of O4-3-28 student, the student
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 200-200, 2011.

Japanese Article Technique of the nursing job to practice subjects for the O4-3-29 life-style related diseases prevention-centered health guidance
包國幸代1), 麻原きよみ2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 201-201, 2011.

Japanese Article Factor to influence the metabolic syndrome of the person of O4-3-30 shipyard duty
緒方文子1), シェリフ多田野亮子2), 河野史3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 201-201, 2011.

Japanese Article An effect and problem of OJT in the O4-3-31 new community health nurse training program
石川麻衣, 小澤若菜, 時長美希
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 202-202, 2011.

Japanese Article Using experience and stratagem - symptom management model about the lassitude of patients with stomach cancer during O5-1-32 outpatient department chemotherapy -
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 202-202, 2011.

Japanese Article They receive O5-1-33 outpatient department chemotherapy, and we live a life of patients with progress, recurrence colon cancer in the tendency to exacerbation, and physical symptom adjusts it
糸川紅子1), 岡本明美2), 眞嶋朋子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 203-203, 2011.

Japanese Article Thought to the meal of O5-1-34 outpatient department patients with progress stomach cancer visiting a hospital for treatment
井上泉子1), 増島麻里子2), 眞嶋朋子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 203-203, 2011.

Japanese Article Aspect of the cognitive function of patients with breast cancer during O5-1-35 hormonal therapies
間城絵里奈1), 荒尾晴惠2), 小林珠実2), 吉岡とも子3), 田墨惠子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 204-204, 2011.

Japanese Article It is the uncertainty of patients with cancer given O5-1-36 radiotherapy
三本芳1), 藤田佐和2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 204-204, 2011.

Japanese Article It is the actual situation of the quality of life of the patients and an associated factor after gynecologic cancer technique in the O5-2-37 convalescence
井上水絵, 佐藤和佳子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 205-205, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of relations of urinary incontinence and the quality of life (Quality of Life) of patients with cancer after the O5-2-38 total prostatectomy
仙波美幸1), 小松浩子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 205-205, 2011.

Japanese Article Meaning of the treatment continuation for O5-2-39 patients with female leukemia that recurred in 30s
穐山真理1), 荒井奈保子2), 井上玲子3), 下平唯子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 206-206, 2011.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the style of recollection for the psychological side of patients with O5-2-40 recurrence cancer
上野和美, 片岡健, 岡村仁
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 206-206, 2011.

Japanese Article Qualitative analysis of tray how to stop of the both sides for the sympathy experience in patients with O5-2-41 cancer and the nursing person
中村友子1), 原口優清2), 堤由美子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 207-207, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on consciousness (1) - symptom management and the communication of the regular hospital nurse about the O5-3-42 cancer nursing; and ...
北添可奈子, 池田久乃
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 207-207, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on the attendance situation to the condition explanation of patients with consciousness (2) - cancer of the regular hospital nurse about the O5-3-43 cancer nursing; and ...
池田久乃, 北添可奈子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 208-208, 2011.

Japanese Article Process of confusion and the role acquisition of the O5-3-44 palliative care authorization nurse
内田史江, 橋本和子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 208-208, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on the judgment of nursing care - expert nurse supporting the hope of the O5-3-45 youth cancer survivor; and -
石井歩, 藤田佐和
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 209-209, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the nursing intervention preventing the aggravation of the hand-and-foot syndrome with the O5-3-46 molecular target drug (sorafenib)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 209-209, 2011.

Japanese Article Meaning of the place of the treatment that women receiving O6-1-47 infertility treatment catch
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 210-210, 2011.

Japanese Article Psychological experience-based - from the O6-1-48 pregnancy after delivery, delivery from 1 through 2 than a free mention of the inventory survey of running -
松下年子1), 田中瞳2), 原田美智3), 宇賀神恵理1), 坂口由紀子1), 岡部恵子1), 藤田佳代子4), 神坂登世子5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 210-210, 2011.

Japanese Article "An actual feeling process of the death of children" of father who experienced O6-1-49 stillbirth, neonatal death
桂田かおり1), 跡上富美2), 吉沢豊予子2), 中村康香2), 佐藤祥子2), 小山田信子2), 佐藤喜根子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 211-211, 2011.

Japanese Article Change 6-month after trauma due to delivery of the O6-1-50 lying in woman in after giving birth of the stress reaction
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 211-211, 2011.

Japanese Article The family morphosis of the gestation period of O6-1-51 pregnancy precedence type marriage women and the characteristic
跡上富美1), 中村康香1), 坂村佐知2), 吉沢豊予子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 212-212, 2011.

Japanese Article Bacteriological safe construction by the preservation method of the O6-2-52 milked mother's milk
細坂泰子, 抜田博子, 伊藤文之
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 212-212, 2011.

Japanese Article Immunologic nutritional safe construction by the preservation method of the O6-2-53 milked mother's milk
細坂泰子, 抜田博子, 伊藤文之
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 213-213, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison - that factor - children of the child care uneasiness that mother of the premature baby using the O6-2-54 Analytic Hierarchy Processes has leave the hospital during NICU hospitalization
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 213-213, 2011.

Japanese Article Structure of the cooperation system of a nurse midwife and the community health nurse for O6-2-55 mother and the child continuation support
大友光恵1), 麻原きよみ2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 214-214, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison of the warm temperature effect by two kinds of foot baths in the O6-2-56 poor circulation pregnant woman
岡田早苗1), 三瓶まり2), 比良静代2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 214-214, 2011.

Japanese Article Inspection of the validity as the lumbar burden evaluation of the O6-3-57 upper part movement support movement assessment tool
田丸朋子1), 阿曽洋子1), 伊部亜希1), 本多容子1), 片山恵2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 215-215, 2011.

Japanese Article Basic study on effect of the application of a poultice to give in the absorption process of the drug at the O6-3-58 extravasation
三浦奈都子, 及川正広, 武田利明
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 215-215, 2011.

Japanese Article As fundamental researches of change - lymphedema care of the lymph change after the O6-3-59 lymphadenectomy -
竹野ゆかり1), 永谷幸子2), 大島千佳2), 藤本悦子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 216-216, 2011.

Japanese Article The chemical fiber towel is superior to the cotton towel as the O6-3-60 bed bath material; or comparison - by - temperature, subjectivity and the autonomic nerve activity
松村千鶴1), 深井喜代子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 216-216, 2011.

Japanese Article The noise to occur in the sound environment - sickroom of the O6-3-61 inpatient
大倉美穂1), 深井喜代子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 217-217, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between salivary intraoral self-purification and oral bacteria in O9-1-62 area elderly people
熊澤友紀, 深田順子, 鎌倉やよい, 米田雅彦
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 217-217, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of the mouth care program by the self-maid in O9-1-63 area elderly people
深田順子1), 鎌倉やよい1), 熊澤友紀1), 百瀬由美子1), 布谷麻耶2), 藤野あゆみ1), 横矢ゆかり3), 米田雅彦1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 218-218, 2011.

Japanese Article Difference of the effect on circulation by the bathing of O9-1-64 young old and the elderly aged 75 or over
奥田泰子1), 棚崎由紀子2), 河野保子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 218-218, 2011.

Japanese Article About the association between various experience and fall threat about the fall in O9-1-65 area elderly people
梅田奈歩1), 山田紀代美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 219-219, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between hypozincaemia and skin views in O9-2-66 medical treatment type hospital hospitalization elderly people
飯坂真司1), 須釜淳子2), 松尾淳子2), 真田弘美1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 219-219, 2011.

Japanese Article Reason - that investigation - nurse about the care to elderly people with early dementia to need medical measures by O9-2-67 care authorized examination non-application does not intervene
小坂裕佳子, 李錦純, 俵志江
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 220-220, 2011.

Japanese Article The future problem that we saw from the actual situation of discovery and the judgment of the class I pressure sore in O9-2-68 nursing job and the care job
宮嶋正子1), 阿曽洋子2), 伊部亜希2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 220-220, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience - choice - that we work as a nurse first of all that we worked as a dispatch nurse in O9-2-69 nursing facility
吉田千鶴1), 佐藤紀子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 221-221, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience of elderly people hospitalized with the chronic disease of plural O9-3-70
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 221-221, 2011.

Japanese Article Try intervention effect - of Reminiscence to elderly people with O9-3-71 dementia for a short term; and -
岩田裕美1), 操華子2), 武田宜子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 222-222, 2011.

Japanese Article Practice - that a tendency to reduction of hospice care - BMI that estimated the vital prognosis of O9-3-72 weak elderly people was grounds
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 222-222, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on the process in study - recovery process about the memory during the ICU admission of the patients who underwent O10-1-73 operation on the heart; and -
山内英樹1), 上野恭子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 223-223, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience of patients with depression participating in the O10-1-74 self-help group
大江真人1), 長谷川雅美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 223-223, 2011.

Japanese Article Recognition of the patients and the nurse about the disease understanding called O10-1-75 schizophrenia
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 224-224, 2011.

Japanese Article Of way of holding psychological distance - psychological distance between the patients with schizophrenia that O10-1-76 psychiatric nursing person uses focus to arrest you; and -
槇本香, 野嶋佐由美, 田井雅子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 224-224, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect - of simulation education - SP introduction in the O10-2-77 mind nursing science
山本勝則, 守村洋, 河村奈美子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 225-225, 2011.

Japanese Article Characteristic - by the difference of associated - Gender of the occupational identity and mental health of the nurse in the O10-2-78 medical care observation method ward
高橋理沙1), 森千鶴2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 225-225, 2011.

Japanese Article The development of the O10-2-79 module type mental patient comeback to normal life promotion training program: Motivation upbringing course to outlook on nursing and support
松枝美智子1), 坂田志保路1), 安永薫梨1), 浅井初1), 梶原由紀子1), 安田妙子2), 北川明1), 中野榮子1), 安酸史子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 226-226, 2011.

Japanese Article The development of the O10-2-80 module type mental patient comeback to normal life promotion training program: Ability for direct care upbringing course
松枝美智子1), 坂田志保路1), 安永薫梨1), 浅井初1), 梶原由紀子1), 安田妙子2), 北川明1), 中野榮子1), 安酸史子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 226-226, 2011.

Japanese Article - close as a result of recovery - half posture Creator interview of the family of the person with O10-3-81 alcoholism
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 227-227, 2011.

Japanese Article - close as a result of view on recovery - half posture Creator interview ten years after the O10-3-82 alcoholism recuperator
松下年子1), 安田美弥子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 227-227, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience of the elderly people who live in old age while having O10-3-83 depression
田中浩二1), 長谷川雅美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 228-228, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on symptom management - global image of the person with O10-3-84 schizophrenia; and -
木下結加里1), 畦地博子2), 野嶋佐由美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 228-228, 2011.

Japanese Article Literature review about the prevention of recurrence of O11-1-85 cardiovascular disease, the stroke
牧本清子1), 伊藤美樹子1), 竹内佐智恵1), 福録恵子2), 心光世津子1), 山川みやえ1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 229-229, 2011.

Japanese Article It is ... through making of examination - clinical path of support, the instruction to the patients during O11-1-86 endoxan pulse therapy
山内美千代1), 佐藤博子1), 長井聡子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 229-229, 2011.

Japanese Article Self-assessment standard of the nurse supporting the life rebuilding of patients with O11-1-87 chronic pain
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 230-230, 2011.

Japanese Article Clarification of nursing intervention activity contents of the nurse outpatient in the O11-1-88 cerebrovascular disease special hospital
長屋弥生, 唐木恵理子, 島あゆ子, 松木晴美
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 230-230, 2011.

Japanese Article Randomized controlled trial about the effect of feeding behavior, the physical activity behavior improvement program to adults with positive O11-1-89 type 2 diabetes family history
徳永友里, 西垣昌和, 小坂志保, 数間恵子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 231-231, 2011.

Japanese Article Search of the medication adherence of patients with O11-2-90 ulcerative colitis and the associated factor
川上明希1), 田中真琴1), 落合亮太2), 数間恵子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 231-231, 2011.

Japanese Article Association of the outdoor walk satisfaction of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease during O11-2-91 home oxygen therapy, degree of the gait disturbance and the quality of life
石田美香1), 池田由紀2), 籏持知恵子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 232-232, 2011.

Japanese Article Relations that a diet, an activity and the body of rehabilitation patients are in a state after O11-2-92 cerebral infarction
内田一美, 中村美知子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 232-232, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect on physical active mass factor of O11-2-93 outpatient department patients with old type 2 diabetes to visit a hospital for treatment
仙波洋子1), 藤田君支2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 233-233, 2011.

Japanese Article The process that the patients who plant O11-2-94, and ported type defibrillator (ICD) live for with ICD
中西啓介1), 岡美智代2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 233-233, 2011.

Japanese Article A factor and correspondence of Poor Control which a long-distance driver with O11-3-95 type 2 diabetes recognizes
橋本幹子1), 中村美鈴2), 内海香子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 234-234, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of the diet cure self-care behavior assessment index in patients with O11-3-96 chronicity kidney disease
日比野友子1), 深田順子2), 鎌倉やよい2), 片岡笑美子3), 小森和子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 234-234, 2011.

Japanese Article Validity and reliability of the autogenous control standard associated with the health behavior in patients with O11-3-97 chronicity kidney disease
深田順子1), 鎌倉やよい1), 日比野友子2), 坂上貴之3), 百瀬由美子1), 片岡笑美子4), 小森和子5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 235-235, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of the psychology response to urination standard of patients with O11-3-98 convalescent stroke
阿部桃子1), 佐藤和佳子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 235-235, 2011.

Japanese Article The horizontal migration of the person having O11-3-99 hemiplegia and examination about the characteristic
只浦寛子, 徳永惠子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 236-236, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of the communication system learning program by the eyes to O12-1-100 severeness child with a disability
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 236-236, 2011.

Japanese Article Aspect of judgment of the nurse about the clinical manifestations in the "cuddle" to infants with O12-1-101 congenital heart disease scene and "we hold it in our arm"
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 237-237, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the index to grasp thirst from O12-1-102 subjective expression
松尾ひとみ1), 藤原愛子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 237-237, 2011.

Japanese Article Through the action research to the nurse of care - children's ward to children and a family isolating in O12-1-103 infection prophylaxis -
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 238-238, 2011.

Japanese Article Making of the support teaching materials for total nursing care programs to O12-1-104 bowel movement child with a disability
西田みゆき1), 込山洋美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 238-238, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience of "the illness" of last part of schoolchild having bronchial asthma from O12-2-105 childhood, pubertal children
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 239-239, 2011.

Japanese Article Acquisition of the life skills of pubertal children with O12-2-106 bronchial asthma
松本祐佳里1), 中野綾美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 239-239, 2011.

Japanese Article Present conditions analysis of the self-care by a control state and the protector by the JPAC score of children with bronchial asthma in O12-2-107 Hokkaido
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 240-240, 2011.

Japanese Article Factor associated with the quality of life after the discharge of the life actual situation and the children who experienced long-term hospitalization for O12-2-108 childhood cancer with children and family and the depression
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 240-240, 2011.

Japanese Article From an investigation of examination - schoolchild nursery school A which there is of the possibility of the schoolchild nursery school supporting the growth development of children of the O12-2-109 late childhood -
長谷川由香1), 三宅靖子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 241-241, 2011.

Japanese Article Uneasiness of mother to give in a tendency to abuse of mother to O12-3-110 3 years old child health checkup, tendency to depression, examination of the effect of the attachment to children
佐藤幸子1), 遠藤恵子2), 佐藤志保1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 241-241, 2011.

Japanese Article Blood volume change of the breast during the nursing by the O12-3-111 both sides simultaneous measurement
谷本公重1), 高山蓮花1), 大橋順子2), 小川佳代3), 祖父江育子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 242-242, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on clue that O12-3-112 mother notices an accident of the health condition of children
木内妙子, 王麗華, 太田浩子, 寺本正恵
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 242-242, 2011.

Japanese Article The present conditions and effect factor of the health guidance about the SIDS of the person of obstetrics, nursing job to engage in the pediatric domain in O12-3-113 Hokkaido
市川正人, 細野恵子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 243-243, 2011.

Japanese Article Hope of the family of patients with O4-4-114 end-stage cancer
中尾江里1), 林田裕美2), 田中京子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 244-244, 2011.

Japanese Article Characteristic of knowledge, recognition, the behavior of the nurse for the delirium of patients with O4-4-115 end-stage cancer
手島美子1), 林直子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 244-244, 2011.

Japanese Article The factor that makes the control of the pain of the nurse of patients with cancer difficult for O4-4-116 terminal phase
井上玲子1), 荒井奈保子2), 穐山真理3), 下平唯子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 245-245, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect that a view on decease of the O4-4-117 nurse gives for stoma care of the cancer terminal phase
花田正子1), 中村幸代2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 245-245, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis of the factor associated with the care behavior of the regular hospital nurse for the scene having difficulty in cancer nursing for O4-4-118 terminal phase
宇宿文子1), 前田ひとみ2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 246-246, 2011.

Japanese Article Structural examination of a factor and the end-of-life care care practice model associated with the practice of the end-of-life care care in the O4-4-119 regular hospital
吉岡さおり1), 森山美知子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 246-246, 2011.

Japanese Article The treatment experience that patients with O4-5-120 elderly men lung cancer catch
荒井奈保子1), 穐山真理2), 井上玲子3), 下平唯子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 247-247, 2011.

Japanese Article After being operated on from the awareness of experience-based - symptom of the patients who underwent surgery by O4-5-121 biliary cancer, pancreatic cancer; until half a year -
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 247-247, 2011.

Japanese Article It is experienced the lassitude in the early stage after the transplant of the patients who underwent O4-5-122 same kind hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 248-248, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis of the process to find the hope of patients with O4-5-123 progress-related digestive organ cancer
川崎恵1), 喜島祐子2), 堤由美子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 248-248, 2011.

Japanese Article Self-concept of patients with breast cancer that received art of O4-5-124 breast preservation
中矢晃子1), 作田裕美2), 坂口桃子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 249-249, 2011.

Japanese Article Attempt of the reflection self-assessment standard development after the O4-6-125 go to the actual place training
上田伊佐子1),2), 川西千恵美3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 249-249, 2011.

Japanese Article The learning process of the student registered at O4-6-126 nurse midwife training course and investigation about the arrival degree
藤井宏子, 下見千恵
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 250-250, 2011.

Japanese Article Motivation and the effect factor of the student who finished O4-6-127 basics nursing science training and learning after the training
伊藤美幸1), 小松万喜子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 250-250, 2011.

Japanese Article Learning effect to the carrier development of the nursing science general training that we focused on to learn of the O4-6-128 student
遠藤良仁, 伊藤收, 山内一史
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 251-251, 2011.

Japanese Article From association that comparison - training in approximately the go to the actual place training of the occupational ability of the pro-O4-6-129 nursing university student is uneasy -
立石和子, 原谷珠美
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 251-251, 2011.

Japanese Article An experience to nurse the children that nurse O4-7-130 new face was admitted to the child psychiatry mean it
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 252-252, 2011.

Japanese Article Needs investigation of the remote go to the actual place training for the development of the Web base learning support system for O4-7-131 nursing professional upbringing
新福洋子, 田代順子, 松谷美和子, 及川郁子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 252-252, 2011.

Japanese Article Using a spread of spread of physical assessment - Rogers process model by the training for the O4-7-132 clinical nurse -
小池祥太郎, 藤本真記子, 福井幸子, 角濱春美
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 253-253, 2011.

Japanese Article Use frequency - of actual situation - nursing diagnosis label of the inflection situation of the NANDA nursing diagnosis in the O4-7-133 acute phase hospital and the associated factor
村山由起子1), 大塚和良1), 高橋甲枝1), 穴井こずえ2), 坂本弘子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 253-253, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the trend of the motivation interview by the O5-4-134 nurse and the problem
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 254-254, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on act of communicating for the self-care behavior formation of patients with O5-4-135 chronic renal failure
梅津千香子1), 水澤久恵2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 254-254, 2011.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the communication of the authorized nurse running an outpatient specialized in O5-4-136 nursing
勝山貴美子1), 田中結華2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 255-255, 2011.

Japanese Article The decision making of the nurse in the O5-4-137 everyday life behavior support and relations with the basic attribute
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 255-255, 2011.

Japanese Article O5-4-138 Trick-beauty-free features of the nursing skills of clinical nurses : It focuses on the "comfort"
長崎ひとみ, 西山佐知子, 中村美知子, 西田頼子, 内田一美, 古屋洋子, 大日向陽子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 256-256, 2011.

Japanese Article Technique to insert the nasogastric tube feeding tube which we did per point in stomach by air injection, saliva deglutition, change of position in the O5-4-139 esophagus
藤森まり子1), 藤島一郎2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 256-256, 2011.

Japanese Article Problem to the cooperation that O5-5-140 clinical leader felt through technical guidance in the nursing school
茅原路代1), 新田幸子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 257-257, 2011.

Japanese Article A change and opportunity of the training instruction view of the nurse who experienced O5-5-141 training instruction
松坂充子1), 落合亮太2), 福丸洋子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 257-257, 2011.

Japanese Article Learning of a student by the department cooperation team approach in medical care training in the medicine system university of the O5-5-142 metropolitan area and the clinical staff and evaluation
入江慎治, 下司映一, 榎田めぐみ, 菅原スミ
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 258-258, 2011.

Japanese Article Than inventory survey including stress and Addiction - NIOSH occupation-related stress standard and FTND and CAGE of the teacher of the pro-O5-5-143 nursing university -
松下年子1), 河口朝子2), 原田美智3), 本谷久美子1), 大澤優子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 258-258, 2011.

Japanese Article The training of the O5-5-144 teacher of nursing and rebuilding of the education system necessary for career up
永山くに子1), 坂井恵子2), 谷村秀子3), 稲垣富士子4), 神田敬子5), 松井弘美1), 齊藤佳余子1), 木本未来2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 259-259, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison between group of effect - people in charge and student attending a lecture group - of the nursing procedure education by O5-6-145 student nurse DVD production, the lecture
大日向陽子, 中村美知子, 西田頼子, 古屋洋子, 長崎ひとみ, 浅川和美, 内田一美, 西山佐知子, 山田章子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 259-259, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect - of the evaluation with possibility - machine of the nursing procedure acquisition by the O5-6-146 self learning
中村充浩, 前田樹海, 北島泰子, 相田京子, 金井Pak雅子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 260-260, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect that introduction of the simulated patient participation type practice that O5-6-147 area inhabitants cooperate results in for basic nursing procedure education
能見清子, 小林秀行, 水野正之, 宮本美佐, 濱本洋子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 260-260, 2011.

Japanese Article Intermediate peer evaluation in the O5-6-148 team base type learning method (Team Based Learning TBL)
和田庸平1), 尾原喜美子2), 川島美保2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 261-261, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect that an experience to turn noticed to the O5-6-149 body brings a student
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 261-261, 2011.

Japanese Article Algorithmic development about the assessment of O5-7-150 oropharyngeal cancer postoperative eating, dysphagia
西岡裕子, 鎌倉やよい, 深田順子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 262-262, 2011.

Japanese Article Usefulness - of early evaluation method - lower limbs neighborhood diameter and SpO2 measurement of deep vein thrombosis and the pulmonary embolism after the O5-7-151 gynecologic malignancy surgery
土岐沢優紀1), 柿添真由美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 262-262, 2011.

Japanese Article It is tested development and the usefulness of the functional disorder measure (contracted version) after the operation of patients with O5-7-152 upper gastrointestinal tract cancer
中村美鈴1), 段ノ上秀雄1), 武正泰子2), 北村露輝1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 263-263, 2011.

Japanese Article The way of the partnership with the nurse who aimed at the relaxation of the functional disorder after the operation of patients with O5-7-153 upper gastrointestinal tract cancer
北村露輝, 中村美鈴, 段ノ上秀雄, 松浦利江子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 263-263, 2011.

Japanese Article It is structured the care that an experienced nurse receives for the patients with dementia in medical facilities for O5-7-154 acute phase
山本克英1), 江川幸二2), 吉永喜久恵3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 264-264, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect after the PBW introduction to assume O5-8-155 winning SBT an axis
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 264-264, 2011.

Japanese Article About the specialty of recognition - surgery nursing about the sphere of business of the nurse in the O5-8-156 operating room -
深澤拓方1), 坪井良子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 265-265, 2011.

Japanese Article Relations with the enforcement situation of the nursing action of the O5-8-157 scrub nurse and the ethical sensitivity
坂本文子1), 中村美知子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 265-265, 2011.

Japanese Article Posture of the nurse who saw it from the family of the patients who became the admission after O5-8-158 first aid conveyance in the intensive care unit
林千草1), 下平唯子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 266-266, 2011.

Japanese Article Phenomenological description - of formation - acute phase nursing scene of "the time" in the O5-8-159 collaboration practice
西村ユミ1), 前田泰樹2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 266-266, 2011.

Japanese Article Trouble and burden on family by the difference of the PS of fact-finding - patients of the family supporting patients with cancer receiving O6-4-160 ambulant treatment, change - of the quality of life
山下香里, 二井谷真由美, 森山美知子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 267-267, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of a care burden feeling and the mental health degree in the family caregiver of the person with O6-4-161 at-home aphasia and the nursing care
青木正子1), 新田静江2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 267-267, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of quality of the sleep of the O6-4-162 youth dementia family caregiver and the associated factor
勝野とわ子1), 青山美紀子1), 谷杉裕代1),2), 中西美千代1), 大友晋1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 268-268, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of the O6-5-163 "development of becoming grandparents" measure
仲道由紀1), 斉藤ひさ子2), 平田伸子1), 野口ゆかり1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 268-268, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on the orientation of the state as the couple building the collaboration family of the gestation period of O6-4-164 diabetes merger pregnant woman and the husband
西内舞里1), 池添志乃2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 269-269, 2011.

Japanese Article Psychological response in ICU, CCU of the spouse of the O6-4-165 emergency conveyed prime of life patients
真島知穂1), 尾原喜美子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 269-269, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience of the donor family who conducted organ donation after O6-5-166 brain death bottom or a cardiac arrest
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 270-270, 2011.

Japanese Article The present conditions, attitude survey of the student for the O6-5-167 donor card
椿美智博1), 入江慎治2), 小西かおる2), 石田千絵2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 270-270, 2011.

Japanese Article The adjustment of the family role that aimed at the home care in the O6-5-168 NICU: Focus on mother having children needing medical care
井上敦子1), 中山美由紀2), 岡本双美子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 271-271, 2011.

Japanese Article An ethical problem and associated factor to face in nursing for the O6-5-169 perinatal period
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 271-271, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on interaction of the patients who are O6-5-170 lesbian bisexual women and the medical person
藤井ひろみ, 二宮啓子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 272-272, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on effect of the smoking to give to depression in O6-6-171 after giving birth
佐藤厚子1), 大瀬富士子1), 岸千加子2), 北宮千秋3), 工藤久4), 面澤和子5), 佐藤光子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 272-272, 2011.

Japanese Article Assembling process of the care of the family caregiver in the O6-6-172 home care transition stage
平瞳1), 高橋和子2), 関戸好子2), 原玲子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 273-273, 2011.

Japanese Article Aspect of the diet care that the main caregiver of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with O6-6-173 eating, dysphagia receives
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 273-273, 2011.

Japanese Article Meaning of the end-of-life care of the main caregiver who nursed at home elderly people with O6-6-174 non-cancer
吉岡理枝1), 森下安子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 274-274, 2011.

Japanese Article Uneasiness and coping that O6-6-175 elderly people with need of nursing care to spend by staying alone in the daytime hold
深山華織, 中村裕美子, 牧野裕子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 274-274, 2011.

Japanese Article Pay your attention to the difference with the characteristic floor nurse in clinical judgment of the health visitor in the O6-7-176 bowel movement care
河野政子1), 山田雅子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 275-275, 2011.

Japanese Article About the actual situation of fact-finding report - rate of use of the O6-7-177 psychiatry temporary nursing at home and the family care -
萱間真美1), 角田秋1), 柳井晴夫2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 275-275, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of user properties associated with the quantity of duties of the O6-7-178 psychiatry temporary nursing at home
角田秋1), 萱間真美1), 木全真理2), 柳井晴夫3), 瀬尾智美4), 船越明子5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 276-276, 2011.

Japanese Article Collaboration with the floor nurse that the health visitor in the O6-7-179 at-home transition stage works on
潮由美子, 森下安子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 276-276, 2011.

Japanese Article Consciousness comparison - of the present conditions and problem - nurse and the caregiver of the temporary nursing at home service to support the patients, a family for O6-7-180 terminal phase
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 277-277, 2011.

Japanese Article An intervention effect aiming at the independence of O6-8-181 slight need of nursing care elderly people, a factor first report associated with the independence improvement: Intervention effect by the educational program
島内節1), 成順月1), 薬袋淳子2), 福島道子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 277-277, 2011.

Japanese Article An intervention effect aiming at the independence of O6-8-182 slight need of nursing care elderly people, a factor second report associated with the independence improvement: Factor to contribute to ADL, IADL improvement
成順月1), 島内節1), 薬袋淳子2), 福島道子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 278-278, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of the prophylactic visit for service unused support elderly people judging from O6-8-183 activities of daily living level required
河野あゆみ1), 金谷志子1), 藤田倶子1), 津村智惠子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 278-278, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination - of the adequacy of the assessment item in the diagnosis of analysis - risk of the assessment structure in the O6-8-184 temporary nursing at home
岡本茂雄1), 山内豊明2), 岩城馨子3), 吉村奈央1), 藤原祐子4), 吉井朋代3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 279-279, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between quality of life change and treatment at home, care service of the home care person two years after the O6-8-185 crisis of cerebral apoplexy
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 279-279, 2011.

Japanese Article Investigation about the workplace environment necessary for the early quitting a job prevention of the nurse O9-4-186 new face
山住康恵1), 北川明1), 松岡緑2), 飯野英親3), 前田由紀子3), 小野正子3), 日高艶子4), 白水麻子4), 高橋清美1), 中島富有子2), 北原悦子6), 竹元仁美4), 松浦賢長1), 安酸史子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 280-280, 2011.

Japanese Article The support that a university works on for prevention of quitting a job of the nurse O9-4-187 new face
前田由紀子1), 飯野英親1), 小野正子1), 石原逸子2), 高橋清美3), 日高艶子4), 白水麻子4), 竹本仁美4), 松岡緑5), 中島富有子5), 北原悦子6), 山住康恵7), 北川明7), 安酸史子7)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 280-280, 2011.

Japanese Article Preliminary investigation (1) of the intervention study for the prevention of quitting a job of the nurse O9-4-188 new college graduate new face - Associated - of emotional condition and the specialist job autonomy
河口朝子1), 松下年子2), 原田美智3), 神坂登世子4), 米山和子5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 281-281, 2011.

Japanese Article Preliminary investigation (2) of the intervention study for the prevention of quitting a job of the nurse O9-4-189 new college graduate new face - Emotional experience-based - at the beginning of accession
原田美智1), 松下年子2), 河口朝子3), 神坂登世子4), 米山和子5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 281-281, 2011.

Japanese Article It is the relation of the reality shock with night duty start and age, the nursing basic education of the nurse new college graduate of the third month after O9-4-190 employment
川崎綾1), 吾妻健2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 282-282, 2011.

Japanese Article From a comparison with the presence or absence of training attendance experience of feeling of burden on nurse - new face education concerned with O9-4-191 new face education -
藤井洋子1), 灘波浩子1), 若林たけ子1), 小池敦1), 松嵜美紀2), 松本ゆかり2), 谷眞澄2), 松井和世2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 282-282, 2011.

Japanese Article From the investigation for contents - chiefs of Nursing Department of the care improvement worked on at a hospital for O9-5-192 acute phase -
丸山優1), 大塚眞理子1), 諏訪さゆり2), 酒井郁子2), 飯田貴映子2), 湯浅美千代3), 杉山智子3), 島田広美3), 吉田千文4), 麻生佳愛5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 283-283, 2011.

Japanese Article Of the efforts of the chief of Nursing Department and the ward divisional commander who aimed at the care improvement in a hospital for O9-5-193 acute phase, actually
諏訪さゆり1), 大塚眞理子2), 丸山優2), 酒井郁子1), 飯田貴映子1), 湯浅美千代3), 杉山智子3), 島田広美3), 吉田千文4), 麻生佳愛5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 283-283, 2011.

Japanese Article Assessment viewpoint of the organization which a diffuser of the O9-5-194 care improvement went
大塚眞理子1), 諏訪さゆり2), 丸山優1), 湯浅美千代3), 酒井郁子2), 杉山智子3), 島田広美3), 飯田貴映子2), 吉田千文4), 麻生佳愛5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 284-284, 2011.

Japanese Article The way of the nursing management to develop the outpatient department specialized in O9-5-195 cancer nursing
浅野美知恵1), 佐藤禮子2), 岡本明美3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 284-284, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination about the health guidance of the clinical nurse whom we arrested from the viewpoint of O9-5-196 health literacy
角野雅春1), 青山ヒフミ1), 勝山貴美子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 285-285, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of the job satisfaction measure of the nurse working in the O9-6-197 general hospital
撫養真紀子1), 勝山貴美子2), 尾崎フサ子3), 青山ヒフミ1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 285-285, 2011.

Japanese Article The making of the O9-6-198 "autonomy awareness of the specialist job of the nurse" standard (Tohoku University version) and reliability, examination of the validity
佐藤みほ, 朝倉京子, 渡邊生恵
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 286-286, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on the opportunity that carrier design - men of the second-year male nurse aim at in nurses after O9-6-199 graduation; and -
佐久間和幸1), 佐藤紀子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 286-286, 2011.

Japanese Article Internal growth process before a clinical nurse specialist of O9-6-200 Japan getting a role
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 287-287, 2011.

Japanese Article The experienced formation and specialty to see in continuing education, the personnel evaluation system of the nurse at O9-6-201 U.K.
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 287-287, 2011.

Japanese Article O9-7-202 Involvement of human resources and human resource development by skilled visiting nurse station administrator Part I Structure of the management of Ali and for the involvement
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 288-288, 2011.

Japanese Article The temporary nursing at home that a relation second report manager of human resources utilization and the personnel training by the O9-7-203 mastery of skills temporary nursing at home station manager expects
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 288-288, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on difference between relation - ward nurse supervisor and recognition of the staff of the ward nurse supervisor in O9-7-204 staff upbringing; and -
坂元綾, 山田覚
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 289-289, 2011.

Japanese Article Fact-finding (about first report - experience that we talked about) about the consultation of the O9-7-205 nurse
高橋洋子1), 古城門靖子1), 小山雅美1), 海藤靖子1), 岡本有子2), 大木正隆3), 佐々木晶世2), 宮本真巳2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 289-289, 2011.

Japanese Article Fact-finding (about the experience that received second report - consultation) about the consultation of the O9-7-206 nurse
岡本有子1), 高橋洋子2), 古城門靖子2), 小山雅美2), 海藤靖子2), 大木正隆3), 佐々木晶世1), 宮本真巳1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 290-290, 2011.

Japanese Article The cognitive characteristic and tendency of the nurse by the O9-8-207 Stroop problem to failure, an error type and association with the feeling
安藤満代, 白水麻子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 290-290, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect that feedback and mutual evaluations give for hand hygiene on O9-8-208 nurse
高橋誠一, 土屋守克
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 291-291, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of a hygiene state and the opportunistic infections bacteria of the oral cavity of patients with aspiration pneumonia by the O9-8-209 specialized mouth care
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 291-291, 2011.

Japanese Article Problem in the nursing administration for the antimicrobial resistant bacteria infection in small medical facilities out of O9-8-210
前田ひとみ1), 南家貴美代1), 矢野久子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 292-292, 2011.

Japanese Article Attitude survey - first report for a role and the discretion range of the O10-4-211 mind nursing CNS: In a nursing manager, a physician, CNS working in a mental hospital -
宇佐美しおり1), 安藤幸子2), 野末聖香3), 上野恭子4), 平井元子1), 石井美智子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 292-292, 2011.

Japanese Article Attitude survey - second report for a role and the discretion range of the O10-4-212 mind nursing CNS: In a nursing manager, a physician, CNS working in general hospital -
平井元子1), 宇佐美しおり2), 安藤幸子3), 上野恭子4), 野末聖香1), 石井美智子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 293-293, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of M-CBCM to a mental person with a disability repeating O10-4-213 rehospitalization and the IPS model
宇佐美しおり1), 中山洋子2), 白川裕一1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 293-293, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect examination of the recovery promotion program for people with O10-4-214 chronicity mental disorder: Randomized controlled trial
千葉理恵1),2), 宮本有紀1), 西井尚子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 294-294, 2011.

Japanese Article Intervention to the personal relationships expansion of the psychiatry health visitor for the user in the state of the O10-4-215 isolation
中井有里1), 畦地博子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 294-294, 2011.

Japanese Article Search of the support technique to promote an aggressive relation to treatment, the rehabilitation of the inpatient in the O10-4-216 judiciary psychiatric practice
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 295-295, 2011.

Japanese Article Nursing intervention - for the solution of O10-5-217 child, the problem that nursing care - children of the experienced nurse in the pubertal psychopathic ward hold
船越明子1), 田中敦子2), 服部希恵3), アリマ美乃里4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 295-295, 2011.

Japanese Article For the development of the family nursing tool in purpose of use and problems - child, pubertal psychiatry of the O10-5-218 staying out communication table -
アリマ美乃里1), 土谷朋子2), 船越明子3), 関佳子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 296-296, 2011.

Japanese Article Judgment of the nurse in the discharge support of the mental patient adolescent in O10-5-219 puberty
片山典子, 川野雅資
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 296-296, 2011.

Japanese Article Care - that it is effective for the discharge that we saw from care - length of stay for the discharge of patients with hospitalization schizophrenia for O10-5-220 long term
田上美千佳1), 新村順子1), 山村礎2), 森田牧子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 297-297, 2011.

Japanese Article Process of the cognitive formation for the suicide attempt patients of the nurse working in O10-5-221 emergency department
阿部美香1), 上野恭子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 297-297, 2011.

Japanese Article Inflection ... of the district activity example in professor method - lecture of community diagnosis, the community diagnosis in the first degree education of the O10-6-222 nursing science
松下光子1), 牛尾裕子2), 飯野理恵3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 298-298, 2011.

Japanese Article Consciousness - for the passive smoking of investigation - teacher and the staff about preventive measures against passive smoking in the O10-6-223 Hyogo throughout the prefecture medical care welfare system university
片山知美1), 松本泉美2), 橋本裕3), 森崎直子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 298-298, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of the ability for practice measure of the O10-6-224 discharge support nurse
戸村ひかり1), 永田智子2), 村嶋幸代2), 鈴木樹美3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 299-299, 2011.

Japanese Article A problem of the reporting to the associated organization of the maternal and child care information that the O10-6-225 municipalities, the public health center has and examination of the promotion factor
荒木田美香子, 山下留理子, 青柳美樹
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 299-299, 2011.

Japanese Article Connection to O10-6-226 extensive remote health consultation system and community health resources
下田智子1), 良村貞子1), 吉田祐子2), 中山絵里子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 300-300, 2011.

Japanese Article Problem of the healthy crisis control in the Great East Japan Earthquake of the home care person having high the O10-6-227 medical care dependence
小西かおる, 安部聡子, 石田千絵, 入江慎治
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 300-300, 2011.

Japanese Article Construction of the function vocabulary database for O10-7-228 nursing on fatty tuna Gee
服部兼敏, 平尾明美
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 301-301, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination (three reports) of the reliability by the test-retest method of the self-assessment of the nursing procedure arrival degree after the training of the O10-7-229 student nurse
猫田泰敏1), 吉野亨2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 301-301, 2011.

Japanese Article The nursing information education training design for O10-7-230 nursing administrators and the evaluation
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 302-302, 2011.

Japanese Article Based on structural analysis - life history of the outlook on nursing change of the O11-4-231 mastery of skills nurse -
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 302-302, 2011.

Japanese Article For historic heteronomy of O11-4-232 home health care and the public health nursing inspection - of - historic fact
加藤欣子, 河野由美子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 303-303, 2011.

Japanese Article The foundation of the nursing high rank qualification to see in O11-4-233 Sweden and the operation: Aim at the duties monopoly of the anesthesia nurse whom you transferred physician duties to
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 303-303, 2011.

Japanese Article The origin and the change of the midwife education in Yamanashi to look after in O11-4-234 "Yamanashi women's history notebook"
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 304-304, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparative study about the view of health of the children whom mother in O11-5-235 Japan and China has
王麗華, 太田浩子, 寺本正恵, 木内妙子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 304-304, 2011.

Japanese Article Sex education effect by the peer group method on knowledge and manner about the nature of the O11-5-236 Gen bar high school student
ヌル ウィダヤティ1),2), 野村晴香1), 吾妻健1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 305-305, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on O11-5-237 Japan and overseas Nurse Practitioner education
森美智子1), 李劭懐2), 島内節3), 磯崎富美子1), 奥山朝子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 305-305, 2011.

Japanese Article From free mention contents of activity plan of the P1-1-1 new appointment period community health nurse and evaluation - inventory survey of the ability for evaluation upbringing program -
桝本妙子1), 三橋美和2), 堀井節子2), 田中小百合3), 植村小夜子4), 神原惠5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 309-309, 2011.

Japanese Article From the interview investigation to way - participant of the educational program that community health nurse thinks about for P1-1-2 new appointment period -
田中小百合1), 桝本妙子2), 植村小夜子3), 堀井節子4), 三橋美和4), 神原惠5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 309-309, 2011.

Japanese Article Change - of the objective evaluation before and after activity plan of the P1-1-3 new appointment period community health nurse and development - individual guidance of the ability for evaluation upbringing program
堀井節子1), 三橋美和1), 植村小夜子2), 田中小百合3), 神原惠4), 桝本妙子5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 310-310, 2011.

Japanese Article Reflection promotion factor about the nursing intervention of the P1-1-4 leader community health nurse
杉田由加里1), 和住淑子2), 黒田久美子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 310-310, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of the measure about the administrative ability of the P1-1-5 community health nurse
岡山美穂1), 西嶋真理子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 311-311, 2011.

Japanese Article For construction of the effective educational program about the P1-1-6 community diagnosis - first report -
松井陽子, 植村小夜子, 飯降聖子, 大橋順子, 馬場文, 喜多理奈
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 311-311, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of "the health program to begin with the mouth" for elderly people living in P1-1-7 area
坂下玲子1), 太尾元美1), 新井香奈子1), 西平倫子2), 西谷美保3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 312-312, 2011.

Japanese Article Association of going out frequency and the mental health of elderly people resident in the area that we looked at according to P1-1-8 season
坂倉恵美子1), 河原田まりこ2), 山本勝則1), 町田佳世子3), 松井美穂3), 槙洋一4), 池野多美子5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 312-312, 2011.

Japanese Article It is mental health, quality of life, social support, an association between going out means and going out behavior awareness of protruding eyes outside P1-1-9 elderly people
河原田まり子1), 坂倉恵美子2), 槙洋一2), 山本勝則2), 池野多美子3), 町田佳代子4), 松井美穂4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 313-313, 2011.

Japanese Article Daytime comparison about the health low refuse of control of the caregiver of P1-1-10 elderly people
井上清美1), 段亜梅2), 呉小玉2), 高木廣文3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 313-313, 2011.

Japanese Article From analysis of meaning - interaction of the place of the working type support for people with P1-1-11 youth dementia -
千葉京子1), 小山幸代2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 314-314, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between health behavior transformation process and character trait of the person of P1-1-12 life-style related diseases high risk
田中昭子, 小西美智子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 314-314, 2011.

Japanese Article Factor associated with the specific medical examination non-consultation of the National Health Insurance member on the basis of P1-1-13 society economic disparity
和泉京子1), 阿曽洋子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 315-315, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on an interview in analysis - first time of the acquisition process of the practice will for the prophylactic behavior of the P1-1-14 identification health guidance participant; and ...
平田直美1), 堤由美子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 315-315, 2011.

Japanese Article It is ... from tendency - consideration of the actual situation and the problem of the healthy behavior for disease prevention of the P1-1-15 our country from literatures
細名水生1), 坂井恵子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 316-316, 2011.

Japanese Article Support for a fall risk and the prevention of the house environment of female elderly people living in P1-1-16 area
土井有羽子1), 上野昌江2), 和泉京子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 316-316, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of the teaching materials to feed back the exercise movement of P1-1-17 elderly people by 2 screen synchronized swimming video regenerative functions, and to learn
山内賢1), ラウ優紀子2), 大下聖治3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 317-317, 2011.

Japanese Article Difference in enforcement and study intervention - in prior exercise - small scale laboratory for P1-1-18 adult intellectual person with a disability to undergo a medical examination appropriately
金壽子1), 武田則昭2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 317-317, 2011.

Japanese Article It is one from the process when we planned way - first report death of the support for the suicide prevention judging from the process of the P1-1-19 attempted suicide
鈴木ひとみ1), 金城八津子2), 植村直子2), 畑下博世2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 318-318, 2011.

Japanese Article From way - second report process to live again of the support for the suicide prevention judging from the process of the P1-1-20 attempted suicide -
鈴木ひとみ1), 金城八津子2), 植村直子2), 畑下博世2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 318-318, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on cooperation of ward nursing and the community health supporting the treatment continuation of patients with P1-1-21 tuberculosis
藤村一美, 秋原志穂
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 319-319, 2011.

Japanese Article Than the interview for the experienced person of problem - disaster medical service to be associated with body correspondence at the disaster that utilized a physical examination technology of the P1-1-22 nurse -
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 319-319, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect that the experience of P1-1-23 disaster and the disaster nursing gives to a nursing person
中信利恵子1), 山田覚2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 320-320, 2011.

Japanese Article Factor associated with the manner of the infection prophylaxis of the special elderly nursing home nursing job of the P1-2-24 A prefecture
草野つぎ1), 黒田真理子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 320-320, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of recognition and the prevention behavior for the infection of the nursing job to act in P1-2-25 A prefecture elderly people institution
内藤みほ1), 水澤久恵1), 藤崎郁2), 橋本明浩1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 321-321, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the knowledge about preventive measures against pathogenic microbe exposure of the person of P1-2-26 nursing job and the consciousness and the characteristic
中畑千夏子, 白鳥さつき, 早出春美, 那須淳子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 321-321, 2011.

Japanese Article Recognition and the present conditions about hand-washing and the protector wearing of the nurse midwife in the P1-2-27 perinatal period
佐山多実子1), 田辺文憲2), 村松仁3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 322-322, 2011.

Japanese Article Inspection of the education effect in the non-healthcare worker of the new hand hygiene education method using P1-2-28 3 axis acceleration sensor
土田敏恵, 竹田千佐子, 荻野待子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 322-322, 2011.

Japanese Article Fact-finding about the hand-washing behavior of the junior high student for the development of the P1-2-29 hand hygiene educational program
河野古都絵, 安達耐子, 中田涼子, 林由佳, 福川京子, 中尾美幸, 千田好子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 323-323, 2011.

Japanese Article Relative examination with a kind and the number of the electrocardiogram electrode of the P1-2-30 living body information monitor of alarm
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 323-323, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of in connection with a nurse in the wound care with the care job in the P1-2-31 health center for the elderly
林由佳1), 齋藤信也2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 324-324, 2011.

Japanese Article The nursing support that mother of children who had the P1-2-32 influenzal encephalitis asks for
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 324-324, 2011.

Japanese Article Relations with a care burden feeling and the depressed state in the P1-3-33 old old care
亀井彩雄1), 米澤弘恵2), 鈴木明美2), 遠藤恭子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 325-325, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on diet care of the family of the at-home cerebrovascular person with a disability with P1-3-34 dysphagia
千田みゆき1), 河原加代子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 325-325, 2011.

Japanese Article Relations with an annoyance and the uneasiness after the discharge of the family supporting P1-3-35 stroke home care person
毛塚良江1), 米澤弘恵2), 鈴木明美2), 遠藤恭子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 326-326, 2011.

Japanese Article Difficulty and the hope that a contestant working on P1-3-36 electric wheelchair soccer experiences
松岡純子, 西池絵衣子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 326-326, 2011.

Japanese Article Associated - with actual situation - hospital characteristic, the discharge support activity of the placement of setting, the discharge support nurse of the discharge support department in the hospital in P1-3-37 whole country
永田智子1), 戸村ひかり2), 村嶋幸代1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 327-327, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the medical screening that basic study - health visitor for the POCT utilization in the P1-3-38 temporary nursing at home caught
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 327-327, 2011.

Japanese Article Process of the temporary nursing at home to support "single life" continuation of elderly people with P1-3-39 dementia
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 328-328, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-3-40 than group of members of problem - home medical care support team discussion in the practice about the shift support to being at home
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 328-328, 2011.

Japanese Article Study - basics attribute about the team activity of the temporary nursing at home job for P1-3-41 elderly persons living at home and regional organization characteristic and associated - with the practice degree
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 329-329, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the educational program development for the home care support inexperienced person of the P1-3-42 HIV antibody-positive person
加瀬田暢子1), 島田恵2), 前田ひとみ3), 宮腰由紀子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 329-329, 2011.

Japanese Article The matter that is necessary in difficulty, correspondence in the care plan making about the P1-3-43 internal use and improvement of the quality of the care management
新井香奈子1), 永坂美晴2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 330-330, 2011.

Japanese Article Nursing care program tentative plan for the abuse prevention that focused on P1-3-44 codependence
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 330-330, 2011.

Japanese Article Prophylaxis of the temporary nursing at home station in the P1-3-45 new influenza outbreak season
今村桃子1), 鷲尾昌一2), 西地令子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 331-331, 2011.

Japanese Article National survey about the association between experience and education, supporting circumstances and basic attribute of the ethical problem of the P1-3-46 health visitor
麻原きよみ1), 小野若菜子1), 小林真朝1), 大森純子1), 百瀬由美子2), 尾崎章子3), 長江弘子4), 酒井昌子5), 宮崎紀枝6), 小西恵美子6)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 331-331, 2011.

Japanese Article About a physician, the basic attitude of the nurse toward discretionary authority of the nurse in the P1-3-47 treatment at home
齋藤信也1), 野嶋佐由美2), 藤田佐和2), 森下安子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 332-332, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination about the significance of the grief care which P1-3-48 health visitor performs in
上平公子1), 石原多佳子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 332-332, 2011.

Japanese Article Uneasiness of the family who decided that P1-3-49 was at home and nursed you
舟山実甫1), 小西かおる2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 333-333, 2011.

Japanese Article The effective examination of the Internet temporary nursing at home support system using the quality of P1-3-50 elderly people temporary nursing at home index: Dementia care, family support
山本則子1), 本田彰子1), 岡本有子1), 高井ゆかり2), 松浦志野1), 深堀浩樹1), 柴崎美紀1), 大木正隆3), 鈴木祐恵4), 金川克子5), 石垣和子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 333-333, 2011.

Japanese Article Visit support with temporary nursing at home station and the home care establishment for the home care person having high medical needs P1-3-51 18 years old or less
及川郁子1), 上野桂子2), 川村佐和子3), 鈴木真知子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 334-334, 2011.

Japanese Article Class evaluation in the P1-3-52 home health care studies practice
吉田令子, 遠山寛子, 北素子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 334-334, 2011.

Japanese Article For promotion of the actual situation and the use of the low back pain of the nurse with the P2-1-53 moving assistance of prophylactic - movement tool -
高橋郁子1), 操華子2), 武田宜子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 335-335, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between physical attitude toward low back pain existence suit rate and body mechanics utilization of the P2-1-54 female nurse
武田啓子, 渡邉順子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 335-335, 2011.

Japanese Article Using posture analysis - simple type posture during work diagnosis system of the lifting assistance technique in the P2-1-55 bedside nursing practice -
前川泰子1), 真嶋由貴恵2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 336-336, 2011.

Japanese Article Upward movement ... which adopted ... old martial arts to test the burden on nurse by the change of position of the P2-1-56 patients
岩間美奈子, 高野佳江, 吉田ゆか
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 336-336, 2011.

Japanese Article Assistance movement from a point of view of the P2-1-57 physiologic biomechanics
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 337-337, 2011.

Japanese Article Difficulty in expectation and the practice to the supplement alternative therapy that P2-1-58 nurse holds
長瀬雅子, 高谷真由美, 樋野恵子, 青木きよ子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 337-337, 2011.

Japanese Article Basic investigation ... for the introduction to self-care management - inside the hospital continuing education of the nurse using the P2-1-59 relaxation technique
山本加奈子1), 木村恵美子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 338-338, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on effect of the touch as the P2-1-60 healing technique
近藤浩子1), 浦尾悠子2), 小宮浩美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 338-338, 2011.

Japanese Article The physical psychologic effect that P2-1-61 back massage gives to elderly men
藤田佳子1), 河野保子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 339-339, 2011.

Japanese Article Safe examination of the injection site in the anconeal fossa using the P2-1-62 ultrasonic diagnostic equipment
佐野恵美香1), 國澤尚子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 339-339, 2011.

Japanese Article Basic study on effect on tissue with the P2-1-63 pen tajine frequent injection
高橋有里, 及川正広, 三浦奈都子, 武田利明
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 340-340, 2011.

Japanese Article Inspection of the quality of the sternal pressure in the difference between height of the P2-1-64 bed and posture
長谷川智之1), 清水芙夕佳2), 辻巻謙太3), 斎藤真1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 340-340, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect that the timing of the forearm bath in the P2-1-65 youth normal human gives to sleep
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 341-341, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the presence or absence of constipation relaxation effect by the diet cure introduction for P2-1-66 institution entrance elderly people
野村晴香1), 岩崎修美1),2), 池上裕倫3), 吾妻健1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 341-341, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination ... to the normal temperature medicinal solution of the restrainning - microwave oven method of air bubbles generated in P2-1-67 infusion line
太田克矢, 熊谷一樹, 牛山裕貴, 竹内幸江
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 342-342, 2011.

Japanese Article Basic study for the manufacture of the P2-1-68 deep part injury pressure sore model
松田友美1), 石田陽子1), 三浦奈都子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 342-342, 2011.

Japanese Article Attempt of the nursing procedure practice that made much of "thinking" about P2-1-69
坂井利衣, 丹智絵子, 堤かおり, 大納庸子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 343-343, 2011.

Japanese Article Practice of the e-learning teaching materials making by the combination with P2-1-70 teacher and the student and the evaluation
熊谷たまき, 村中陽子, 服部恵子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 343-343, 2011.

Japanese Article About an approach in the actual situation - nursing basics of self-learning training for the nursing procedure acquisition of the P2-1-71 student -
中山栄純, 本戸史子, 早川有紀, 城戸滋里
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 344-344, 2011.

Japanese Article Through a support technology of actual situation - diet of the thought pattern in the nursing procedure process to help P2-1-72 life -
山口由子1), 村上裕子2), 大島弓子1), 水戸優子1), 大石朋子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 344-344, 2011.

Japanese Article Situation - intravascular injection ... of the injection technology in the P2-1-73 nursing system book
千葉美果1), 田中広美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 345-345, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on instruction to patient technology (1) of the person of P2-1-75 nursing job - Making - of "the instruction to patient technology measure" (contracted version)
小倉能理子, 一戸とも子, 齋藤久美子, 佐藤真由美, 横田ひろみ
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 346-346, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on instruction to patient technology (2) of the person of P2-1-76 nursing job - Factor - about instruction to patient technology
横田ひろみ, 一戸とも子, 齋藤久美子, 小倉能理子, 佐藤真由美
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 346-346, 2011.

Japanese Article Nursing procedure support for the nurse new face whom P2-1-77 University works on
中嶋恵美子1), 塚原ひとみ1), 浦綾子1), 大倉美鶴1), 黒髪恵1), 田中美加1), 福田和美1), 山田小織1), 金城忍2), 仲宗根洋子2), 正野逸子3), 室屋和子3), 生野繁子4), 櫨本和代4), 坂井邦子4), 北川明5), 松浦賢長5), 安酸史子5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 347-347, 2011.

Japanese Article Factor to affect the employment continuation intention of the nurse P2-2-78 new face
原島利恵, 川波公香, 市村久美子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 347-347, 2011.

Japanese Article Nursing intervention ability and carrier intention of the nurse P2-2-79 university hospital new face
望月好子1), 柳原清子2), 石井美里2), 丹澤洋子1), 横山寛子2), 吉田礼子1), 溝口満子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 348-348, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-2-80 Expected to be on the education side and the nursing practice ability of rookie nurse as seen from the nursing administrators and leaders : Than hiring after the half-year investigation
工藤京子, 鶴木恭子, 太田晴美, 河村奈美子, 山本真由美, 清水光子, 服部裕子, 樋之津淳子, 中村惠子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 348-348, 2011.

Japanese Article Integration - by allied - try angulation between an effect factor and factors about the workplace adaptation of the person of P2-2-81 new college graduate nursing job
山下千波, 原田広, 須崎しのぶ, 川口賀津子, 吉川千鶴子, 中嶋恵美子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 349-349, 2011.

Japanese Article The opportunity when a leader of the nurse P2-2-82 new face reconsiders an instruction method
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 349-349, 2011.

Japanese Article Inspection of the validity of the support method that a nursing manager for the purpose of the adaptation promotion of the nurse P2-2-83 new face uses
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 350-350, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the education system found for duty continuation by the new face nursing staff training and the new face quitting a job situation in the P2-2-84 A prefecture
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 350-350, 2011.

Japanese Article Problem - in the practice about way - introduction, the inflection of the introduction to nurse new face education of the P2-2-85 portfolio
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 351-351, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the Preceptor training after the P2-2-86 new face nursing staff training effort imposition
平賀愛美, 布施淳子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 351-351, 2011.

Japanese Article Association with the mentoring which a nurse supervisor within three years received after P2-2-87 promotion and the tissue factor to influence
吉永恵子1), 高橋永子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 352-352, 2011.

Japanese Article Difficulty in the role accomplishment that the intermediate nursing manager of the P2-2-88 new appointment recognizes in one year and support to require
吉川三枝子, 関根聡子, 高橋由紀, 松田たみ子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 352-352, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on the staff who does not have nursing administration education - role by P2-2-89 On the Job Training; and -
池田恵美子, 山田覚
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 353-353, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on reflection framework element of the person of mid-sized nursing job in pursuance of P2-2-90 tissue change project
河部房子1), 和住淑子1), 黒田久美子1), 斉藤しのぶ2), 椿祥子2), 近藤浩子3), 杉田由加里4), 杉原多可子5), 錢淑君6)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 353-353, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on reflection framework element of the ward nursing manager in pursuance of P2-2-91 tissue change project
黒田久美子1), 和住淑子1), 河部房子1), 斉藤しのぶ2), 椿祥子2), 近藤浩子3), 杉田由加里4), 杉原多可子5), 錢淑君6)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 354-354, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on reflection framework element of the senior nursing manager in pursuance of P2-2-92 tissue change project
和住淑子1), 斉藤しのぶ2), 黒田久美子1), 河部房子1), 椿祥子2), 近藤浩子3), 杉田由加里4), 杉原多可子5), 錢淑君6)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 354-354, 2011.

Japanese Article Coping behavior of the nurse supervisor for the conflict that occurred in P2-2-93 general hospital
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 355-355, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination about the management policy to be common to a person of institutional nursing part unification which is high in the job satisfaction of the P2-2-94 nurse
灘波浩子, 若林たけ子, 小池敦
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 355-355, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the competency dictionary of the Manager P2-2-95 nursing section top
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 356-356, 2011.

Japanese Article Factor to have an influence on the self-education power and self-education power of the person from P2-2-96 nursing managerial class
簑貴子, 山田静子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 356-356, 2011.

Japanese Article Concept of "the full-fledged nurse" whom P2-2-97 nursing manager thinks about
田渕かおり, 秋山典子, 兼子友里
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 357-357, 2011.

Japanese Article Conventional carrier - to influence duties recognition as of study on carrier design - of the P2-2-98 nurse
藤原房子1), 山田覚2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 357-357, 2011.

Japanese Article The carrier development and relations of the job satisfaction that we saw according to the years of experience of the P2-2-99 nurse
明神一浩1), 上野栄一2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 358-358, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between job satisfaction and role reception of the nurse working in a rehabilitation ward for P2-2-100 convalescence
関根聡子, 市村久美子, 吉川三枝子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 358-358, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the tissue commitment of the nurse center fielder working in the P2-2-101 general hospital
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 359-359, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect - that structure - total re-Ward of the factor to influence the occupation continuation will in the P2-2-102 nursing job gives
上総満高1), 山田覚2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 359-359, 2011.

Japanese Article Factor to influence the duties continuation will of the P2-2-103 hiring throughout the year nurse
中山佳世1), 高橋永子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 360-360, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison of the competitive achievement motivation by the clinical years of experience of the P2-2-104 nurse
鈴木明美, 米澤弘恵, 石綿啓子, 遠藤恭子, 佐藤佳子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 360-360, 2011.

Japanese Article Change of the learning need by the clinical years of experience of the person of P2-2-105 nursing job
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 361-361, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination (1) of the factor associated with the clinical competence of the nurse in the hospital attached to the P2-2-106 University - Association between stress coping behavior and nursing intervention ability -
和泉美枝1), 植松紗代1), 小松光代1), 西村布佐子2), 神澤暁子3), 倉ヶ市絵美佳3), 大澤智美2), 眞鍋えみ子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 361-361, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination (2) of the factor associated with the clinical competence of the nurse in the hospital attached to the P2-2-107 University - Association between nursing intervention ability and SOC, achievement motivation -
眞鍋えみ子1), 小松光代1), 和泉美枝1), 植松紗代1), 西村布佐子2), 大澤智美2), 神澤暁子3), 倉ヶ市絵美佳3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 362-362, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination (3) of the factor associated with the clinical competence of the nurse in the hospital attached to the P2-2-108 University - Association between nursing intervention ability and labor circumstances satisfaction -
植松紗代1), 和泉美枝1), 小松光代1), 西村布佐子2), 神澤暁子3), 倉ヶ市絵美佳3), 大澤智美2), 眞鍋えみ子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 362-362, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between social skill and self-efficacy of the P2-2-109 nurse
岡部綾香1), 石綿啓子2), 佐藤佳子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 363-363, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between stress and job satisfaction of the P2-2-110 nurse
赤羽由衣1), 石綿啓子2), 佐藤佳子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 363-363, 2011.

Japanese Article The association that P2-2-111 nurse uses for the stress self-management between life skills and life behavior
高橋ゆかり1), 本江朝美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 364-364, 2011.

Japanese Article About a characteristic of the occupational stress of the nursing job to work in the P2-2-112 one General Hospital and an associated factor
川野亜津子, 小泉仁子, 笹原朋代, 佐伯由香
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 364-364, 2011.

Japanese Article Associated factor of the burnout of the nurse who is mother of P2-2-113 preschool children
丸山昭子1), 鈴木英子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 365-365, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison - nursing administration person in charge and staff nurse - of the recognition of the P2-2-114 corporate culture
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 365-365, 2011.

Japanese Article Practice process of the nursing organization activation that utilized Al by the P2-2-115 nursing facilitator
村田由香, 新道幸惠, 吉田和美
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 366-366, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of the tissue climate to give the continuation learning of the P2-2-116 nurse
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 366-366, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-2-117 Impact on the accepted ease of intervention due to the difference in the organizational climate
塚本尚子, 舩木由香
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 367-367, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect that the cooperation behavior of the P2-2-118 nurse gives to patients satisfaction
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 367-367, 2011.

Japanese Article Communication between nurses' aide - patients whom the P2-2-119 nurses' aide arrests
山本紘子1), 岡本有子2), 高井ゆかり3), 山本則子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 368-368, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect to give to the nursing service of the P2-2-120 electronic chart
山口浩美1), 樺澤一之2), 渡邊カヨ子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 368-368, 2011.

Japanese Article In female nurses engaging in a night duty at factor -16 time in support of P2-2-121 double shift duty -
折山早苗1), 宮腰由紀子2), 小林敏生2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 369-369, 2011.

Japanese Article Investigation about pathogenic microbe exposure measures of the nursing job person working in the medical facilities of the P2-2-122 Kanto Koshinnetsu district
白鳥さつき, 中畑千夏子, 早出春美, 山崎章恵, 葛城彰幸, 那須淳子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 369-369, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the violence to remain in the impression that a nurse at P2-2-123 psychiatry received from the patients
酒井千知1), 山田静子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 370-370, 2011.

Japanese Article Association of experience by the P2-2-124 clinical practice and "the support to a meal"
田中瞳1), 山元由美子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 370-370, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of overactivity and information sharing, the management after the Personal Information Protection Law enforcement in the P2-3-125 home care support
長岡真希子1), 細谷たき子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 371-371, 2011.

Japanese Article Investigation of the learning continuation factor in P2-3-126 e-learning
大黒えりか1), 北川明2), 安酸史子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 371-371, 2011.

Japanese Article Investigation of the understanding degree of the term about the medical information for the P2-3-127 student nurse
横山重子1), 高森美也子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 372-372, 2011.

Japanese Article For construction of the lap stage of surgical anesthesia nursing procedure practice that is like actual situation - effect of the nursing procedure for lap stage of surgical anesthesia in the P3-1-128 adult nursing science training -
高橋甲枝, 相野さとこ, 村山由起子, 大塚和良, 東玲子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 372-372, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison - with the remark at record contents and interview of actual situation - student of the intelligence at initial visit of the student in the P3-1-129 home health care training
山崎律子, 小森直美
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 373-373, 2011.

Japanese Article P3-1-130 nursing university student having felt difficult in the relation with the patients, the family during go to the actual place training (the first report)
小林廣美, 道廣睦子, 佐藤静代, 竹内美樹, 森崎由佳
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 373-373, 2011.

Japanese Article Solution (the second report) during the go to the actual place training of the P3-1-131 nursing university student with having felt difficult
道廣睦子, 小林廣美, 佐藤静代, 竹内美樹, 森崎由佳
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 374-374, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis of the factor to produce the hesitation of the judgment of the student nurse in the P3-1-132 go to the actual place training
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 374-374, 2011.

Japanese Article Psychologic stress response of the student nurse in the P3-1-133 adult nursing science acute phase training
奥百合子1), 棚橋千弥子1), 柴田由美子1), 武井泰4), 長屋江見2), 河合正成1), 福澤大樹1), 小池敦3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 375-375, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between learning and learning will, hope in the go to the actual place training of the P3-1-134 nursing university student
佐藤静代, 道廣睦子, 小林廣美, 若井和子, 竹内美樹, 森崎由佳
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 375-375, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on way of qualitative analysis of the learning of the student in the P3-1-135 general nursing science training (adult nursing science domain) and the training education
片桐智子1), 前田隆1), 丸山香織1), 小松良子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 376-376, 2011.

Japanese Article We learn with the experience about the negotiations power of the student by nursing science training "theme learning" for P3-1-136 chronic phase
伊藤育子, 福原隆子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 376-376, 2011.

Japanese Article From the analysis of the report after learning - role playing practice of the student of the diabetes education for patients in the P3-1-137 adult nursing science training -
永田美奈加1), 宮堀真澄1), 横田修二2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 377-377, 2011.

Japanese Article Through a lecture of learning - dietitian about the many types of job cooperation in the care health center for the elderly training of the P3-1-138 student nurse, sampling of the elderly people food
白木智子, 山田智子, 近藤裕子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 377-377, 2011.

Japanese Article Research - using one consideration - country bionomics classification about a nursing experience and the experience of the patients who are convalescent for cerebral infarction of the P3-1-139 student nurse
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 378-378, 2011.

Japanese Article An expression and the behavior that we felt if the analog patients with the P3-1-140 hospitalization experience were preferable in a communication scene with the student nurse
坂下貴子1), 今井宏美2), 茂野香おる3), 榎本麻里2), 大谷眞千子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 378-378, 2011.

Japanese Article Understanding of a fact and the nursing university student of the communication of the nurse in the place of the P3-1-141 go to the actual place training
鮎川昌代, 村松真千子, 中井芙美子, 小林浩美
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 379-379, 2011.

Japanese Article Qualitative study (the first report) about the professor activity for formation support with a student and the children patient in the P3-1-142 children nursing science training of relationships
柴邦代1),2), 山口桂子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 379-379, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on research - situation recognition of the activity of the metacognition of a student, a teacher, the training leader in the P3-1-143 nursing science training; and -
新瀬朋未1), 細田泰子2), 中岡亜希子3), 中橋苗代4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 380-380, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on research - process of thinking of the activity of the metacognition of a student, a teacher, the training leader in the P3-1-144 nursing science training; and -
中橋苗代1), 細田泰子2), 中岡亜希子3), 新瀬朋未4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 380-380, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on research - nursing intervention of the activity of the metacognition of a student, a teacher, the training leader in the P3-1-145 nursing science training; and -
中岡亜希子1), 細田泰子2), 中橋苗代3), 新瀬朋未4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 381-381, 2011.

Japanese Article Trend of the study on medical safety education that paid its attention to the acquirement of the dangerous prediction in the P3-1-146 go to the actual place training
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 381-381, 2011.

Japanese Article Usefulness and problem of the dangerous foresight training to P3-1-147 student nurse
加藤真由美, 水谷都, 住吉智子, 坂井さゆり
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 382-382, 2011.

Japanese Article The enforcement situation of the aftercare technology using the simulator teaching materials in the P3-1-148 adult nursing science acute phase training
野口英子, 當目雅代, 小笠美春, 金正貴美
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 382-382, 2011.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the training leader for P3-1-149 "nursing procedure education model (plan) in the go to the actual place training"
加納佳代子, 小山眞理子, 水戸優子, 大石朋子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 383-383, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect (the first report) of the mental nursing science training orientation by the P3-1-150 psychology educational approach
佐藤史教1), 村上幸恵2), 村松仁3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 383-383, 2011.

Japanese Article Mental nursing science training orientation by the P3-1-151 psychology educational approach and change (the second report) of the uneasiness of the student
村松仁1), 佐藤史教2), 村上幸恵3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 384-384, 2011.

Japanese Article Trend and problem - first report - of the early stage rehabilitation study of patients with cerebrovascular disease in the P4-1-152 our country
岡本明子1), 原三紀子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 384-384, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of reliability, the validity of the LOCFAS Japanese edition in patients with P4-1-153 cerebral damage
神島滋子1), 奥宮暁子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 385-385, 2011.

Japanese Article The positive feedback to exercise problem enforcement results for P4-1-154 subjects raises the activation of the exercise-related brain part
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 385-385, 2011.

Japanese Article P4-1-155 Assistance relationship is on the influence of the nurse in the emotion experience and rescue action of the cervical spinal cord injury patients in convalescent
加藤隆子1), 高村祐子2), 宮本真巳3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 386-386, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on process before the life after the injury of the person with P4-1-156 injury-related cervical cord injury being rebuilt
井出 (大河内) 彩子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 386-386, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination - in the lifestyle of health-related quality of life - Japan before and after the surgery of the P4-1-157 total hip prosthesis patients
藤田君支1), 上杉裕子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 387-387, 2011.

Japanese Article Factor to influence the decision making of the patients undergoing P4-2-158 cardiovascular surgery surgery
稲垣美紀1), 藤原尚子1), 竹下裕子2), 石澤美保子3), 高見沢恵美子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 387-387, 2011.

Japanese Article Event of the nursing care "supporting life" of the patients in the P4-2-159 surgery system ward
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 388-388, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on physical activity situation from the preoperation of the patients who underwent P4-2-160 gastrectomy to a discharge
村田洋章1), 渡邊知映2), 野中麻衣子1), 高島尚美1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 388-388, 2011.

Japanese Article Development - of the supporting program to care - comeback to normal life of the patients who underwent P4-2-161 peritoneoscope lower stomach cancer resection
糸井裕子1), 谷規久子1), 竹中陽子2), 小野崎美幸1), 細井純子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 389-389, 2011.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the blight care long-term after the operation for patients with P4-2-162 femoral neck fracture
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 389-389, 2011.

Japanese Article The surgery nursing that the nurse who became the operating room placement in P4-2-163 new college graduates finds
味木由佳, 佐藤紀子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 390-390, 2011.

Japanese Article Suggestion - to thing - present office education necessary for the nurse who became the operating room placement in P4-2-164 new college graduates to find surgery nursing
味木由佳, 佐藤紀子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 390-390, 2011.

Japanese Article Fact-finding (the first report) about the preoperation orientation of the P4-2-165 A prefecture - Enforcement situation - in the outpatient department
高坂梓, 早出春美, 山崎章恵, 白鳥さつき
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 391-391, 2011.

Japanese Article Fact-finding (the second report) about the preoperation orientation in the surgery ward of the P4-2-166 A prefecture - Cooperation - with outpatient department and the ward
山崎章恵, 早出春美, 高坂梓, 白鳥さつき
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 391-391, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the case conference itinerary in the P4-2-167 lap stage of surgical anesthesia nursing science training
武井泰1), 長屋江見2), 奥百合子3), 柴田由美子3), 棚橋千弥子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 392-392, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis of the diagnosis information about NANDA nursing diagnosis label "non-effective tissue circulation" of the high use frequency in the P4-2-168 acute phase hospital
大塚和良1), 村山由起子1), 高橋甲枝1), 穴井こずえ2), 坂本弘子2), 東玲子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 392-392, 2011.

Japanese Article After the operation that P4-2-169 experience-rich nurse thinks about analysis - of the interview using examination - data mining of the delirium onset prediction factor
松浦純平1), 一ノ山隆司2), 上野栄一3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 393-393, 2011.

Japanese Article Monitoring (the first report) about the weaning process from the respirator of the nurse working in the P4-2-170 chestnut tical care domain
福田美和子1), 岡部春香1), 明神哲也2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 393-393, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the interchange in the lap stage of surgical anesthesia of recipient and the donor of the P4-2-171 live donor liver transplant and the interaction
金岡麻希, 宮園真美, 木下由美子, 富岡明子, 孫田千恵, 潮みゆき, 中尾富士子, 中尾久子, 川本利恵子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 394-394, 2011.

Japanese Article Evaluation - by study on subjective quality of life - SEIQoL-DW of the P4-2-172 rectal cancer internal anal sphincter muscle excision patients
藤田あけみ1), 工藤せい子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 394-394, 2011.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the activity of the P4-3-173 family support CNS and future activity stratagem
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 395-395, 2011.

Japanese Article Change of the intervention method to the family of effect - nurse of the "family nursing empowerment guidelines" due to the P4-3-174 child care CNS introduction
小山記代子1), 田村恵美2), 佐東美緒3), 益守かづき4), 中野綾美4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 395-395, 2011.

Japanese Article It is association with the appearance of the discipline about the factor characterizing couple relations to affect P4-3-175 child care
山岸貴子1), 小林奈美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 396-396, 2011.

Japanese Article Through experience-based - note analysis of the family in confrontation with the organ donation of P4-3-176 children -
首藤ひとみ1), 高谷恭子1), 益守かづき1), 中野綾美1), 佐東美緒2), 有田直子2), 池添志乃1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 396-396, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience of the family of the P4-3-177 delirium patients
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 397-397, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis - using the nursing theory of characteristic - Martha E.Rogers of the formation process of the wisdom of the wife living with a person with P4-3-178 advanced age aphasia
鈴木麻美1), 水野敏子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 397-397, 2011.

Japanese Article Qualitative investigation about the nursing intervention of the health visitor supporting a family nursing P4-3-179 at-home cancer medical treatment person at home
山村江美子1), 蒔田寛子2), 長澤久美子1), 冨安眞理3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 398-398, 2011.

Japanese Article About 4 examples of the effect - family participation in P4-3-180 child with a disability type of the music kinesitherapy -
伊藤良子1), 五十嵐路子2), 岡田洋子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 398-398, 2011.

Japanese Article Consideration about development and the good use of P4-3-181 family assessment tool from literatures
木村誠子1), 片岡万里2), 林昌子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 399-399, 2011.

Japanese Article Investigation about the VOD system as the learning supporting circumstances for upbringing of the P1-4-182 nursing intervention ability
平賀睦, 森本千代子, 百田武司, 末廣久美子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 400-400, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison - before and after enforcement and evaluation first report - intervention program of the P1-4-183 nursing intervention ability reinforcement program
村松由紀, 大野明美, 重久加代子, 横山重子, 松本郁子, 谷規久子, 塩澤百合子, 瀬戸口ひとみ, 福島道子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 400-400, 2011.

Japanese Article Learning - of the student before taking charge of the several patients from enforcement and evaluation second report - singularity technique of the P1-4-184 nursing intervention ability reinforcement program
大野明美, 重久加代子, 村松由紀, 横山重子, 松本郁子, 谷規久子, 入江浩子, 小野崎美幸
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 401-401, 2011.

Japanese Article Coping and learning - to enforcement and evaluation third report - plural number patients of the P1-4-185 nursing intervention ability reinforcement program
重久加代子, 村松由紀, 大野明美, 横山重子, 松本郁子, 谷規久子, 森川奈緒美, 須藤弘子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 401-401, 2011.

Japanese Article Autonomy in the clinical judgment of the P1-4-186 nurse
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 402-402, 2011.

Japanese Article Component of the resilience of the P1-4-187 nurse
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 402-402, 2011.

Japanese Article Fact-finding - of recognition and the intervention of integration medical care and the integration medical care in actual situation first report - clinical nurse that P1-4-188 nurse thinks about
狩谷恭子, 足立妙子, 澤見一枝, 関千代子, 長島緑
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 403-403, 2011.

Japanese Article Contents - that the integration medical care that P1-4-189 nurse thinks about and contents and the nurse who want to make it learn from a student by actual situation second report - nursing basic education want to study it
足立妙子, 狩谷恭子, 関千代子, 澤見一枝, 長島緑
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 403-403, 2011.

Japanese Article Development (1) of the educational program for nurses concerned with P1-4-190 IC - From the analysis of the interview of the nurse -
蔵田康子1), 大池美也子2), 原田博子2), 長家智子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 404-404, 2011.

Japanese Article Through characteristic - continuation-like interview of the process of the thought about reflection of the P1-4-191 nurse -
西田朋子1), 佐々木幾美1), 朝倉京子2), 福田美和子3), 松山友子4), 本田多美枝5), 唐澤由美子6), 石塚敏子7), 小手川良江5), 濱田悦子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 404-404, 2011.

Japanese Article An analysis first report of the pedagogy about the characteristic of the instruction to patient skill of the P1-4-192 nurse: Comparison - verbal skill - with the incumbent teacher
會津桂子1), 安杖ゆうこ1), 西沢義子1), 工藤せい子1), 小林朱実2), 鎌田恵里子2), 垣内悦子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 405-405, 2011.

Japanese Article Extraction ... of the constructive concept of development - discharge support process of the self-assessment standard in the discharge support process of the P1-4-193 floor nurse
坂井志麻1), 山本則子2), 水野敏子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 405-405, 2011.

Japanese Article Process (the second report) of "difficult terminal care contents" and the conquest that P1-4-194 nurse experienced
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 406-406, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between end-of-life care care (recognition, feelings, behavior) of the P1-4-195 nurse and social skill
齋藤智江1), 谷田恵美子2), 倉鋪桂子1), 道廣睦子1), 滝本茂子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 406-406, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis of the action research process in the ability for industrialization reinforcement program of the P1-4-196 nucleus period community health nurse
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 407-407, 2011.

Japanese Article Characteristic (the first report) of the practice of reflecting of the P1-4-197 veteran nurse
小手川良江1), 本田多美枝1), 唐澤由美子2), 石塚敏子3), 佐々木幾美4), 朝倉京子5), 福田美和子6), 松山友子7), 西田朋子4), 濱田悦子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 407-407, 2011.

Japanese Article Fact-finding of the ethical problem in the clinical practice that nurse P1-4-198 university graduate new face faces
小森あき奈1), 宮林郁子1), 鬼丸美紀1), 矢田洋一2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 408-408, 2011.

Japanese Article Attempt (the second report) by the interview that adopted examination drawing law about the concept formation of the nursing at the P1-4-199 Bachelor of Nursing course completion
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 408-408, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of CTSNE measuring the critical thought manner in the P1-4-200 nursing education
常盤文枝1), 鈴木玲子1), 山口乃生子1), 大場良子1), 高橋博美2), 横井郁子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 409-409, 2011.

Japanese Article Attempt - educational significance - of writing it of the nurse's record education for the P1-4-201 student nurse
柴田早苗1), 松本賢哉2), 矢吹明子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 409-409, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between bionomics of the P1-5-202 care prevention program participant, fall prevention self-efficacy and fall
木下香織, 矢嶋裕樹, 古城幸子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 410-410, 2011.

Japanese Article Fall experience of the longitudinal analysis -2 year of the factor about the fall of the P1-5-203 care prevention program participant and associated factor -
古城幸子, 木下香織, 矢嶋裕樹
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 410-410, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on participation, continuation of "the local support project" in the P1-5-204 care insurance authorized outside elderly aged 75 or over
田代和子1), 根岸貴子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 411-411, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination - of the training continuation possibility by P1-5-205 long term fall prophylactic at-home training intervention and evaluation - interview investigation
福録恵子1), 瀬戸奈津子2), 清水安子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 411-411, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison - of elderly people with elderly people with - at-home healthy elderly people, identification of a life independence degree and the ankle flexibility of P1-5-206 elderly people concerned, need of nursing care
本多容子1), 阿曽洋子1), 伊部亜希1), 田丸朋子1), 片山惠2), 假谷ゆかり3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 412-412, 2011.

Japanese Article The development situation of the fall in the P1-5-207 care prevention program participant and the associated factor
矢嶋裕樹, 木下香織, 古城幸子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 412-412, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-5-208 Continued significance of the "Easy amass muscle classroom" of community-dwelling elderly people for five years
薬袋淳子1), 内野聖子1), 成順月2), 島内節2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 413-413, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis of the factor to have an influence on the healthy life of the elderly people in the P1-5-209 depopulated area
岩井惠子, 和田幸子, 森永聡美, 石野レイ子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 413-413, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between type and quality of life of the ageism which elderly people resident in P1-5-210 area experience
久木原博子1), 阪本惠子1), 内山久美1), 田村美子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 414-414, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between Sense of Coherence and self-efficacy and lifestyle of P1-5-211 elderly people
松井美帆, 樋口富枝
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 414-414, 2011.

Japanese Article The conscious symptom of P1-5-212 elderly people and annual change of the zinc concentration out of the hair
福嶋龍子1), 金子直美1), 風岡たま代1), 渡部良子1), 美ノ谷新子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 415-415, 2011.

Japanese Article It is Ca, the factor of the change of the Mg among the hairs which we looked at from the men and women comparison of the essential mineral out of the hair of P1-5-213 elderly people
風岡たま代1), 福嶋龍子1), 渡部良子1), 美ノ谷新子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 415-415, 2011.

Japanese Article Sleep measurement with fundamental researches - Acty watch for the sleep improvement of P1-5-214 elderly people and mental and physical situation, associated ... with the lifestyle
小松光代, 山縣恵美, 三橋美和, 眞鍋えみ子, 岡山寧子, 木村みさか
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 416-416, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor associated with the resting saliva-secreting ability of P1-5-215 area independence elderly people
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 416-416, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination about the association of an urinary incontinence risk and the activity of the female elderly people who lived in the P1-5-216 cold districts
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 417-417, 2011.

Japanese Article Efforts to the constipation palliation with the diet cure using the rice porridge with actual situation and glucan of constipation in P1-5-217 elderly people
岩崎修美1),2), 野村晴香1), 池上裕倫3), 吾妻健1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 417-417, 2011.

Japanese Article The associated factor that has poor circulation of P1-5-218 elderly persons living at home
棚崎由紀子1), 奥田泰子2), 深井喜代子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 418-418, 2011.

Japanese Article How to catch and meaning of the pain of the knee of P1-5-219 elderly people
中野理恵1), 横田素美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 418-418, 2011.

Japanese Article Pain prevalence rate of symptom at movement in the entrance elderly people of the P1-5-220 care health center for the elderly and associated factor
高井ゆかり1), 山本則子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 419-419, 2011.

Japanese Article The home care support of elderly patients with the P1-5-221 Hospital: A home care selector and the characteristic examination
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 419-419, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison about the independence degree in the activities of daily living at the P1-5-222 elderly patients discharge in the daytime
段亜梅1), 井上清美2), 呉小玉1), 高木廣文3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 420-420, 2011.

Japanese Article Recognition and problem - of the use of study - dialect about the effect of the care of the elderly people utilized the local characteristic of P1-5-223 Okinawa
永田美和子, 鈴木啓子, 大城凌子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 420-420, 2011.

Japanese Article Nursing to support thought to health of the elderly aged 75 or over living with P1-5-224 illness
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 421-421, 2011.

Japanese Article Relation of the practitioner in the group style of recollection that is effective for P1-5-225 elderly people
内野聖子1), 浅川典子2), 橋本志麻子2), 三好理恵2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 421-421, 2011.

Japanese Article Feeling of purpose of life support of elderly people needing nursing care judging from P1-5-226 self transcendence nursing model
讃井真理1), 森川千鶴子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 422-422, 2011.

Japanese Article Elderly people with dementia care model - community-based care facility for social welfare for the aged edition - to serve as P1-5-227 aging Inn Place
永田千鶴, 東清巳, 松本千晴, 松本佳代
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 422-422, 2011.

Japanese Article Pressure for emotion, the recognition, the behavior of elderly people with P1-5-228 dementia
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 423-423, 2011.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the interaction with a resident and the care staff in the life activity scene of the elderly people with P1-5-229 dementia group home
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 423-423, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison of "the knowledge about a disease and the support of dementia" that P1-5-230 youth, a middle-age, elderly people have
谷田恵美子1), 橋本和子1), 斎藤智江2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 424-424, 2011.

Japanese Article It is ... from a viewpoint of recognition - person Centred care of the nurse for elderly people with P1-5-231 dementia
今坂鈴江, 佐々木秀美, 加藤重子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 424-424, 2011.

Japanese Article Mainly on the interview of fact and problem - corporation exclusive belonging nurse of the bowel movement care in the elderly people with P1-5-232 dementia group home -
吉原悦子1), 原等子2), 丸山泰子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 425-425, 2011.

Japanese Article Thought for the end-of-life decision making of P1-5-233 elderly people
飯塚真樹1), 濱畑章子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 425-425, 2011.

Japanese Article A fact and problem of the decision aiding about the terminal phase of patients with P1-5-234 advanced age cancer
森一恵1), 杉本知子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 426-426, 2011.

Japanese Article Investigation about the needs to difficult contents and clinical nurse specialist for the care of P1-5-235 elderly patients
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 426-426, 2011.

Japanese Article Pilot study - of the early intervention - entering time assessment sheet at move to P1-5-236 elderly people institution
小松美砂1), 濱畑章子1), 佐藤光年1), 川島珠実1), 大須賀惠子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 427-427, 2011.

Japanese Article Leader awareness and accomplishment role of the nursing job in the P1-5-237 special elderly nursing home
島田千穂1), 伊東美緒1), 堀内ふき2), 高橋龍太郎1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 427-427, 2011.

Japanese Article The ethical dilemma that a nurse working in P1-5-238 care health center for the elderly has
藤野あゆみ, 百瀬由美子, 松岡広子, 天木伸子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 428-428, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on Professional Esteem for the elderly people care of P1-5-239 medical care, the welfare-related type of job
伊東美緒, 島田千穂, 高橋龍太郎
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 428-428, 2011.

Japanese Article Role awareness about the nourishment care management in the P1-5-240 whole country care insurance institutional nursing job, nourishment care contents, the present conditions of the information cooperation
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 429-429, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-5-241 care care of the aged institutional nursing job, a care job is an ethic with difficulty and the experience that we felt for the decision of the care method every day
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 429-429, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor associated with the self-care of P1-5-242 outpatient department patients with latter term old diabetes visiting a hospital for treatment
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 430-430, 2011.

Japanese Article Clarification of the problem in insulin injection introduction and the enforcement of patients with P1-5-243 advanced age diabetes
山本由子, 亀井智子, 梶井文子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 430-430, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of the enhancement program for family caregivers taking care of P1-5-244 elderly people
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 431-431, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination (the second report) about the effectiveness of the abdominal respiration method in the conference of the P1-6-245 student nurse - Comparison - of the anxiety complex
中井夏子1), 片岡秋子2), 門間正子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 431-431, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect and learning will - of aromatherapy massage practice - aromatherapy massage in the P1-6-246 nursing basic education
澤見一枝, 関千代子, 小林美奈子, 狩谷恭子, 足立妙子, 長島緑
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 432-432, 2011.

Japanese Article Education effect <fifth report> in the tutorial education using issue of P1-6-247 base type learning (PBL)
阿部明美1), 栗原弥生1), 松井由美子1), 高橋直樹2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 432-432, 2011.

Japanese Article Education effect <sixth report> in the tutorial education using issue of P1-6-248 base type learning (PBL)
栗原弥生1), 阿部明美1), 松井由美子1), 高橋直樹2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 433-433, 2011.

Japanese Article Education effect <seventh report> in the tutorial education using issue of P1-6-249 base type learning (PBL)
高橋直樹1), 阿部明美2), 栗原弥生2), 松井由美子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 433-433, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the psychological understanding to a practice effect, everyday life behavior of the elderly people simulated experience of the P1-6-250 student nurse
小林美奈子, 関千代子, 澤見一枝
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 434-434, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis of the self-assessment of the student for the practice for the purpose of the understanding of the health behavior of P1-6-251 adults
板東孝枝, 雄西智恵美, 今井芳枝, 森恵子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 434-434, 2011.

Japanese Article From an interview of learning effect - student nurse of an experiment, the experience-based program about the P1-6-252 injection accident prevention -
川西美佐, 吉田和美, 三味祥子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 435-435, 2011.

Japanese Article It is examined the professor method about the care of the first day after the operation of the patients for P1-6-253 lap stage of surgical anesthesia: Evaluation of the technical practice using patients set and the IV line
下村裕子, 泉貴子, 三浦英恵, 住谷ゆかり, 山本伊都子, 餘目千史, 横山悦子, 丹羽淳子, 本庄恵子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 435-435, 2011.

Japanese Article It is examined the professor method about the care of the first day after the operation of the patients for P1-6-254 lap stage of surgical anesthesia: Scenario making of the technical practice role playing
泉貴子, 下村裕子, 三浦英恵, 住谷ゆかり, 山本伊都子, 餘目千史, 横山悦子, 丹羽淳子, 本庄恵子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 436-436, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the significance of the nursing education of "the healthy self-government program" for the P1-6-255 student nurse
高橋幸子, 伊良波理絵, 名渡山智子, 金城忍, 嘉手苅英子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 436-436, 2011.

Japanese Article Association with the practice effect that assumed the first annual live group work experience and group work promotion of the P1-6-256 health medical care welfare system university an aim
山本春江, 千葉敦子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 437-437, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect that adopted group discussion for P1-6-257 nursing procedure practice
丹智絵子, 坂井利衣, 大納庸子, 堤かおり
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 437-437, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the preparation practice program that we introduced P1-6-258 demonstration presentation into
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 438-438, 2011.

Japanese Article The nursing that effect - person of the nursing process practice that adopted P1-6-259 role playing had as a keyword -
吉田礼子, 秋元とし子, 林真理子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 438-438, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis ... which we did mainly on examination (the first report) - assessment of the professor method of the nursing process in the P1-6-260 nursing basic education
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 439-439, 2011.

Japanese Article From the inventory survey to significance - student of the technical study in the P1-6-261 adults nursing science -
中谷啓子, 渡邊真弓
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 439-439, 2011.

Japanese Article Than a year comparison before and after study on technical arrival - training in the mental nursing science training of the P1-6-262 student nurse -
高橋美美, 戸田由美子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 440-440, 2011.

Japanese Article Mainly on analysis of examination - treatment environment, learning of the P1-6-263 mind nursing science training method about communication -
澤田由美1), 中山亜弓1), 餅田敬司2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 440-440, 2011.

Japanese Article Efforts and problem of the physical assessment to open a course in in earlier period of P1-6-263 one year
二重作清子, 永田華千代, 古庄夏香, 能登裕子, 小野淳二, 木部泉, 山中真, 田中暁子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 441-441, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-6-265 Nursing student freshman intestinal peristaltic sound by auscultation of the physical assessment and health of self-evaluation of the relationship
永田華千代, 二重作清子, 山中真, 古庄夏香, 能登裕子, 小野淳二, 木部泉
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 441-441, 2011.

Japanese Article Learning effect - of inspection - physical assessment practice of the old age nursing education method that we introduced elderly people volunteer of the P1-6-266 area into
小泉由美, 高山直子, 橋本智江
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 442-442, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the physical assessment practice in the training according to 3 annual domains of the P1-6-267 nursing university and education needs investigation
平良美栄子1), 岡本恵里2), 片岡えりか2), 高田真澄3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 442-442, 2011.

Japanese Article About a technique of examination - excretion of the education method through the analysis of the description contents of a problem, the evaluation about the P1-6-268 nursing procedure practice -
島田多佳子, 中村雅子, 横山美樹, 伊藤綾子, 駿河絵理子, 富田倫子, 山根美保
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 443-443, 2011.

Japanese Article It is the situation of the learning teaching materials about the nursing procedure "pubic region washing" to the lying in bed patients in P1-6-269 floor
松原美紀, 山本洋子, 柳沢恵美, 犀川由紀子, 小平京子, 笠岡和子, 神山幸恵
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 443-443, 2011.

Japanese Article Development and evaluation of the still image IT education teaching materials judging from the viewpoint of the P1-6-270 student
長家智子, 大池美也子, 原田博子, 道面千恵子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 444-444, 2011.

Japanese Article Self-learning support of "the nursing process theory" that utilized P1-6-271 e-learning
辻慶子, 小塀ゆかり
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 444-444, 2011.

Japanese Article Attempt of the constitutive feedback in N-OSCE before P1-6-272 training
金正貴美, 清水裕子, 野口英子, 小笠美春
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 445-445, 2011.

Japanese Article Effective - of the posterior instruction that assumed practice and evaluation - OSCE scene of the OSCE aiming at upbringing of the P1-6-273 nursing intervention ability the teaching materials
滝下幸栄1), 高尾憲司1), 山縣恵美1), 山本容子1), 毛利貴子1), 光木幸子1), 笹川寿美1), 倉ヶ市絵美佳2), 真鍋えみ子1), 岡山寧子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 445-445, 2011.

Japanese Article Effective - of the reflection to conduct after practice and evaluation - OSCE of the OSCE aiming at upbringing of the P1-6-274 nursing intervention ability
高尾憲司1), 滝下幸栄1), 山本容子1), 山縣恵美1), 毛利貴子1), 笹川寿美1), 光木幸子1), 倉ヶ市絵美佳2), 岡山寧子1), 眞鍋えみ子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 446-446, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis - of the enforcement situation of evaluation - 2010 problem of the nursing intervention power of OSCE and the old age nursing science domain according to the P1-6-275 school year and the grade
原井美佳, 村松真澄, 坂倉恵美子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 446-446, 2011.

Japanese Article Relations with "an employment power" at the time of OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) and the graduation according to the P1-6-276 school year
村松真澄, 三上智子, 櫻井繭子, 内田雅子, 香城綾, 樋之津淳子, 中村惠子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 447-447, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination - of the subject of development - "human understanding" of the nursing basic education curriculum by the P1-6-276 exchange meeting
大内隆1), 井上誠1), 木村幸生1), 井上セツ子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 447-447, 2011.

Japanese Article Evaluation - of the observation technology practice just after the operation using examination - OSCE of the effect of the nursing procedure practice in the P1-6-278 adults nursing science (acute phase)
相野さとこ, 高橋甲枝, 村山由起子, 大塚和良, 東玲子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 448-448, 2011.

Japanese Article After examination - accession of the P1-6-279 growth actual feeling type OSCE problem from the interview investigation to a nurse at second year -
村田由香, 中信利恵子, 川西美佐, 中村もとゑ, 眞崎直子, 笹本美佐, 山村美枝, 小園由味恵, 奥村ゆかり
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 448-448, 2011.

Japanese Article A swing of the learning of the early clinical experience-based training of the student nurse in the next education returns in the P1-6-280 early years
下條三和, 濱嵜真由美, 岡崎美智子, 仲前美由紀, 上田智之
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 449-449, 2011.

Japanese Article Change of the social skill in approximately the class that presented an on-site training in P1-6-281 nursing system freshman
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 449-449, 2011.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the student for the instruction of the teacher by the P1-6-282 basics nursing science domain practice
武藤雅子, 石作恵美子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 450-450, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of scenario contents in the communication practice by the P1-6-283 simulated patient introduction
高林範子, 肥後すみ子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 450-450, 2011.

Japanese Article Simulated patient evaluation by the simulated patient participation type class of the P1-6-284 nursing system university first degree
三木祐子1), 錦織宏1), 井上京子2), 大西弘高1), 村嶋幸代3), 北村聖1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 451-451, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the nursing education method that adopted P1-6-285 song
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 451-451, 2011.

Japanese Article As for effect - "of the cooperation learning by the activity of the P1-6-286 student nurse out of the class through teacher" experience -
粕谷恵美子1), 關優美子2), 釜屋洋子3), 森山恵美4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 452-452, 2011.

Japanese Article From the report analysis of the student for the approach of effect - old age nursing science outline of the class to learn senile way of life from P1-6-287 spirit elderly people -
張平平1), 田中敦子2), 丸山優1), 飯島加奈子1), 善生まり子1), 佐藤りら1), 大塚眞理子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 452-452, 2011.

Japanese Article Consensual transformation of the student nurse by the education using the P1-6-288 roll lettering
金子周平1), 關戸啓子2), 下村明子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 453-453, 2011.

Japanese Article Text mining analysis of the change of the image of schizophrenia by the mental nursing science class using the P1-6-289 narrative teaching materials
小平朋江1), いとうたけひこ2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 453-453, 2011.

Japanese Article Adopt learning - role playing of the student nurse in the diet advice of the P1-6-290 gestation period; and -
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 454-454, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience during radiotherapy of mother having P1-7-291 children
遠藤貴子1), 下平唯子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 454-454, 2011.

Japanese Article About a symptom and quality of life of the acute radiation damage of patients with breast cancer to receive P1-7-292 radiotherapy
山内真弓1), 野戸結花2), 小倉能理子2), 佐藤裕美子1), 西沢義子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 455-455, 2011.

Japanese Article Difference - by resilience - personal illness factor of patients with P1-7-293 adulthood breast cancer
若崎淳子1), 谷口敏代2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 455-455, 2011.

Japanese Article The practice situation of the nursing for the initial treatment for patients with P1-7-294 breast cancer decision
国府浩子, 村上美華
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 456-456, 2011.

Japanese Article Uneasy degree of the day before surgery by the difference in planned technique in patients with P1-7-295 breast cancer
箕輪千佳1), 小板橋喜久代2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 456-456, 2011.

Japanese Article It is examined the effectiveness by the arms function until six months after the operation of the intervention program for the arms functional disorder prophylactic improvement of the P1-7-296 breast cancer experient
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 457-457, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the exercise support program to improve the lassitude in the patients during endocrine therapy after P1-7-297 breast cancer technique
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 457-457, 2011.

Japanese Article The thought that the wife of patients with P1-7-298 men breast cancer experienced
阪本惠子1), 田村美子2), 内山久美1), 久木原博子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 458-458, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience of "eating" of patients with stomach cancer that passed after P1-7-299 gastrectomy in eight years
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 458-458, 2011.

Japanese Article It is the examination of the actual situation of the physical active mass until two months and the associated factor after the operation of the patients who underwent P1-7-300 gastrectomy
渡邊知映1), 村田洋章2), 野中麻衣子2), 高島尚美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 459-459, 2011.

Japanese Article From change over time - preoperation of the psychologic adaptation of the P1-7-301 larynx extirpator to discharge one year later -
小竹久実子1), 鈴鴨よしみ2), 岩永和代3), 甲斐一郎4), 高橋綾5), 永松有紀6), 寺崎明美7)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 459-459, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect factor of the quality of life of the P1-7-302 larynx extirpator
岩永和代1), 小竹久実子2), 鈴鴨よしみ3), 甲斐一郎4), 高橋綾5), 寺崎明美6)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 460-460, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation about the conversation means of the P1-7-303 larynx extirpator
高橋綾1), 小竹久実子2), 岩永和代3), 鈴鴨よしみ4), 甲斐一郎5), 寺崎明美6)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 460-460, 2011.

Japanese Article How to catch condition explanation to see for the talk of patients with recurrent colon cancer receiving P1-7-304 outpatient department chemotherapy
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 461-461, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between self-efficacy and quality of life of patients with cancer visiting a hospital for treatment in a P1-7-305 outpatient department chemotherapy room
光木幸子, 毛利貴子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 461-461, 2011.

Japanese Article Development - intervention start of the exercise program for quality of life maintenance, improvement of patients with cancer during P1-7-306 chemotherapy and the one-month enforcement situation
茶園美香1), 新藤悦子1), 久保美紀1), 新幡智子2), 小林正弘1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 462-462, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination about the measurement index of the P1-7-307 uterine cervix cancer prophylactic behavior
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 462-462, 2011.

Japanese Article Thought of patients with cancer about the correspondence of the P1-7-308 nurse
岩本テルヨ1), 小田日出子1), 梶原江美1), 末光順子1), 飯野英親1), 小野聡子1), 田中愛子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 463-463, 2011.

Japanese Article Relation of the nurse when the patients with P1-7-309 cancer-related pain felt one's pain saying "it was understood"
脇田真紀1), 今井芳枝2), 雄西智恵美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 463-463, 2011.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the medical consultation by the nurse of the P1-7-310 third-party organization
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 464-464, 2011.

Japanese Article Structure of the confusion of the clinical nurse participating in patients with end-stage lung cancer in a hospital for P1-7-311 acute phase
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 464-464, 2011.

Japanese Article Qualitative study on decision making process of skin, the excretion care authorization nurse practicing P1-7-312 stoma care
高木良重1), 大池美也子2), 高橋純3), 長家智子2), 原田博子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 465-465, 2011.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the specialty of the cancer nursing that a nurse thinks about in the fourth year from the P1-7-313 years of experience second year
寺尾奈歩子1), 中村慶子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 465-465, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the intervention aiming at improvement of the knowledge about the cancerous pain of the nurse who worked in P1-7-314 cancer practice cooperation base Hospital
吉澤龍太1), 神里みどり2), 宇地原大海3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 466-466, 2011.

Japanese Article Exploratory study on nursing consultation for patients with P1-7-315 origin-related hepatocytes cancer and change of the quality of life
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 466-466, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between actual situation and burnout of the clinical judgment of the touch for patients with P1-7-316 cancer
村上美華, 前田ひとみ
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 467-467, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience about the cancer supplement alternative therapy of the P1-7-317 nurse and the difficulty
本谷久美子, 藤村朗子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 467-467, 2011.

Japanese Article Lymphedema effect of treatment inspection from P1-8-318 % finger tip bloodstream difference
作田裕美1), 佐藤美幸2), 坂口桃子3), 新井龍4), 片岡健4), 宮腰由紀子5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 468-468, 2011.

Japanese Article Inventory survey (the first report) of patients with P1-8-319 secondary lower limbs lymphedema - Present conditions - of the self-care
荒川千登世1), 赤澤千春2), 福田里砂2), 山本昌恵3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 468-468, 2011.

Japanese Article Inventory survey (the second report) of patients with P1-8-320 secondary lower limbs lymphedema - - of the continuation situation and the self-efficacy of the self-care concerned
赤澤千春1), 福田里砂1), 荒川千登世2), 山本昌恵3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 469-469, 2011.

Japanese Article Inventory survey (the third report) of patients with P1-8-321 secondary lower limbs lymphedema - - of the continuation situation and the quality of life of the self-care concerned
福田里砂1), 荒川千登世2), 赤澤千春1), 山本昌恵3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 469-469, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on the support of development - shift at home of the nursing care guideline to support the empowerment of patients with P1-8-322 end-stage cancer which is at home, and shifts; and -
藤田佐和1), 北添可奈子2), 池田久乃2), 豊田邦江3), 森下利子1), 大川宣容1), 府川晃子1), 石井歩1), 古郡夏子4), 近藤恵子5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 470-470, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the at-home palliative care support system in the P1-8-323 X prefecture
大場良子, 川畑貴美子, 常盤文枝, 菊地悦子, 鈴木玲子, 筑後幸恵, 星野純子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 470-470, 2011.

Japanese Article Shake "of the decision of patients with cancer and the family in the shift to medical treatment for the purpose of the relaxation of the P1-8-324 terminal phase;"
櫻井智穂子, 眞嶋朋子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 471-471, 2011.

Japanese Article Fact-finding of the animal assisted therapy in the P1-8-325 palliative care unit
鬼丸美紀, 鷲尾昌一, 小森あき菜, 宮林郁子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 471-471, 2011.

Japanese Article Fact-finding of the patients that we referred you, and it was gone to hospital in P1-8-326 palliative care purpose by another hospital
佐々木浩美1), 小金澤貴恵2), 山崎敦子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 472-472, 2011.

Japanese Article From the analysis of the questionnaire by change, growth - KJ method of the student who looked after from a go to the actual place training leader in the P1-9-327 general training -
河相てる美, 境美代子, 小出えり子, 炭谷靖子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 472-472, 2011.

Japanese Article After the lecture of outlook on nurse midwife - midwifery studies of the obstetrical course choice student of the P1-9-328 four-year university than a report after the training -
望月千夏子, 大野友子, 柴田眞理子, 青木康子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 473-473, 2011.

Japanese Article A characteristic of the attitude toward training instruction of the P1-9-329 go to the actual place training leader and associated factor
大堀昇1), 冨田幸江1), 天野雅美2), 石津みゑ子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 473-473, 2011.

Japanese Article Through the support of the foot bath in the contents - basics nursing science training that P1-9-330 go to the actual place training leader thought to want to learn from training experience of the student nurse -
冨田幸江1), 天野雅美2), 大堀昇1), 秦朝子1), 石津みゑ子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 474-474, 2011.

Japanese Article The go to the actual place training institution nursing department person in charge of the nursing system 13 university of P1-9-331 Kyushu, Okinawa expect it from a university, teacher of nursing
塚原ひとみ1), 中嶋恵美子1), 宇座美代子2), 砂川洋子2), 照屋典子2), 生野繁子3), 櫨本和代3), 坂井邦子3), 松岡緑4), 横川裕美子5), 清水夏子6), 松浦賢長6), 安酸史子6)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 474-474, 2011.

Japanese Article Structure of the learning support of the training leader in the P1-9-332 mind nursing science training
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 475-475, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor associated with the teacher effect in the training instruction of the P1-9-333 nursing staff
白井ひろ子1), 藤野成美2), 川本利恵子2), 藤野ユリ子1), 松本裕子1), 中畑高子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 475-475, 2011.

Japanese Article From the examination of the description -1 example of the educational practice of the teacher of nursing in the P1-9-334 basics nursing science training -
三谷理恵1), 山本直美2), 矢田眞美子1), 中西泰弘1), 細名水生1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 476-476, 2011.

Japanese Article A factor and coping of the difficulty that P1-9-335 teacher of nursing felt in go to the actual place training
渡邊淳子1), 梶原順子2), 菱谷純子3), 古村ゆかり4), 倉田貴子5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 476-476, 2011.

Japanese Article The way of the pediatric nursing science go to the actual place training instruction judging from P1-9-336 teacher instruction evaluation and self-efficacy
合田友美, 舟越和代, 三浦浩美
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 477-477, 2011.

Japanese Article State of the volunteer thought that attended P1-9-337 simulated patient training lecture
森川千鶴子, 森田深雪, 井上雅美, 中村もとゑ
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 477-477, 2011.

Japanese Article Grasp of the problem through the ability development program (the first report) problem base type learning to introduce P1-9-338 clinical nurse into university nursing education
甲田充, 西川薫, 阿部明美, 金谷光子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 478-478, 2011.

Japanese Article Education power development process ... through ability development program (the second report) - PBL to introduce P1-9-339 clinical nurse into university nursing education
西川薫, 甲田充, 阿部明美, 金谷光子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 478-478, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor making venous blood drawing blood by the gloves wearing of the P1-9-340 student nurse difficult
畑瀬智恵美, 二ツ森栄子, 中村聖子, 岡田郁子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 479-479, 2011.

Japanese Article Recognition to diet support suitable for the elderly people whom P1-9-341 student nurse thinks about
山田智子, 白木智子, 近藤裕子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 479-479, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the nursing procedure practice item judging from enforcement frequency and the number of the P1-9-342 clinical nurse of nurse national examination questions
梶原江美, 小田日出子, 飯野英親, 岩本テルヨ, 末光順子, 小野聡子, 本田輝子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 480-480, 2011.

Japanese Article Investigation about the acceptance of the student with gender identity disorders that P1-9-343 teacher of nursing thinks about
藤井徹也1), 篠崎惠美子1), 中山和弘2), 玉腰浩司3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 480-480, 2011.

Japanese Article Problem - of fact-finding - study situation and the university entrance exam system about the science system subject of the P1-9-344 nursing system university student
安藤敬子1), 中山晃志1), 下舞紀美代1), 小田正枝1), 鶴田早苗2), 瀬戸口要子2), 竹末加奈2), 松浦江美2), 松永智子2), 梅木ゆかり2), 飯野英親3), 小野正子3), 前田由紀子3), 清水夏子4), 松浦賢長4), 安酸史子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 481-481, 2011.

Japanese Article From the viewpoint of study situation of fact-finding - organism about the pro-science of the pro-P1-9-345 nursing university student subject -
中山晃志1), 安藤敬子1), 下舞紀美代1), 小田正枝1), 飯野英親2), 小野正子2), 前田由紀子2), 鶴田早苗3), 瀬戸口要子3), 竹末加奈3), 松浦江美3), 松永智子3), 梅木ゆかり3), 清水夏子4), 松浦賢長4), 安酸史子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 481-481, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination about the education effect of the early years time education in the P1-9-346 nursing university
石田佳奈子, 前田由紀子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 482-482, 2011.

Japanese Article Exploratory examination of the college life satisfaction of the P1-9-347 student nurse
仁科祐子1), 谷垣靜子2), 乗越千枝1), 宮林郁子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 482-482, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison ... with the life course of mother of outlook on life course - student of the P1-9-348 student nurse
高橋明美, 吉村惠美子, 蔵谷範子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 483-483, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison - with personal relationships skill - part-time job and the club activities experience of the P1-9-349 nursing system university student
村松由紀1), 森川奈緒美1), 樺澤一之2), 中西睦子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 483-483, 2011.

Japanese Article Difference between P1-9-350 nurse and critical thinking intentionalness of the student nurse
原明子, 道重文子, 西薗貞子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 484-484, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison with a nursing university student about the P1-9-351 creative thinking and the general university student
岸あゆみ1), 佐藤道子2), 石塚淳子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 484-484, 2011.

Japanese Article Aim as the nursing specialist job of the student nurse at the P1-9-352 entrance to school
古庄夏香, 二重作清子, 小野淳二, 能登裕子, 永田華千代, 田中暁子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 485-485, 2011.

Japanese Article How to catch nursing university students for the nursing just after the P1-9-353 entrance to school
小野淳二, 二重作清子, 古庄夏香, 能登裕子, 永田華千代
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 485-485, 2011.

Japanese Article It is ... from association with study - occupation identity and the self-affirmation awareness about upbringing of Sense of Coherence of the P1-9-354 nursing system student
杉山洋介1), 本江朝美1), 高橋ゆかり2), 深澤拓方1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 486-486, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between Sense of Coherence and occupational identity of the P1-9-355 student nurse
本江朝美1), 高橋ゆかり2), 杉山洋介1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 486-486, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the resilience (mental resilience) of the P1-9-356 nursing system junior next student
奥井良子, 白水眞理子, 間瀬由記
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 487-487, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination - for the formation of associated - effect-like occupational consciousness with a nurse image and a lifestyle, stress degree, the fatigue that P1-9-357 student has
能登裕子, 二重作清子, 古庄夏香, 永田華千代, 小野淳二, 山中真
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 487-487, 2011.

Japanese Article Study to relate to to look back of the orbit of the student for the purpose of the vital energy improvement of the P1-9-358 student nurse
毛利千祥, 井上理恵子, 錢淑君
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 488-488, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between stress reaction and character trait of the P1-9-359 student nurse
津田美智子, 今留忍
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 488-488, 2011.

Japanese Article Investigation - of the view on child care -2 annual student as occupation continuation awareness and the life-span development of the P1-9-360 student nurse
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 489-489, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the change of the intentionalness of the self-education power in the P1-9-361 nursing science abecedarian
西薗貞子, 原明子, 道重文子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 489-489, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison - of association between image and achievement motivation - grade interval of the nursing of the P1-9-362 nursing university student
鈴木美代子, 井上都之, 高橋有里, 三浦奈都子, 及川正広, 平野昭彦, 菊池和子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 490-490, 2011.

Japanese Article Characteristic (2) of the intention to a nursing job of the P1-9-363 student nurse - Process of the intention to a nursing job to follow after entrance to school for two years
阿部朋子, 重松豊美, 服部容子, 前川幸子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 490-490, 2011.

Japanese Article From analysis of expression - group interview of "the intellect" of the nursing that P1-9-364 student nurse talks about -
杉田久子1), 唐津ふさ2), 西村歌織2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 491-491, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience of the boys student nurse to learn in a lot of P1-9-365 women environment
菊池和貴1), 一戸とも子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 491-491, 2011.

Japanese Article Change of the radiation image with the P1-9-366 nuclear-power disaster occurrence
野戸結花, 小倉能理子, 漆坂真弓, 北島麻衣子, 西沢義子, 一戸とも子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 492-492, 2011.

Japanese Article Consciousness of a relation and the student with the radiation at the P1-9-367 training
井上真奈美, 張替直美, 太田友子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 492-492, 2011.

Japanese Article From the hearing investigation of the nurse examination - Filipino cadet of the training system of the foreign nurse cadet based on P1-9-368 EPA -
袖山悦子1), 金谷光子1), 甲田充1), 長谷川利夫2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 493-493, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison between P1-9-369 - University A graduate and attachment hospital new hire - who is a graduate from other schools
大久保友香子1), 小松光代1), 和泉美枝1), 高尾憲司1), 山縣恵美1), 山本容子1), 毛利貴子1), 滝下幸栄1), 三橋美和1), 笹川寿美1), 光木幸子1), 倉ヶ市絵美佳2), 眞鍋えみ子1), 岡山寧子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 493-493, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of workplace adjustability and the nursing carrier formation for the employment arrival degree of the P1-9-370 University A graduate
三上智子, 櫻井繭子, 村松真澄, 内田雅子, 坂東奈穂美, 樋之津淳子, 中村惠子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 494-494, 2011.

Japanese Article Inventory survey about upbringing of the nursing intervention ability found by nurse new college graduate with P1-9-371 bachelor's degree
松谷美和子1), 佐居由美1), 平林優子1), 井部俊子1), 高屋尚子2), 佐藤エキ子2), 卯野木健3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 494-494, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the nurse P1-9-372 new face training that we adopted "we listen" "to talk" "to write it"
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 495-495, 2011.

Japanese Article From the reflection investigation that aimed at the application to the process of thinking continuing education which led to decision of practice contents, method of the nurse P1-9-373 new face
池西悦子1), 吉田恵美1), 三木珠美1), 豊澤万里1), 大原彰子1), 長尾式子2), 齋藤奈緒2), 宮脇郁子2), 高橋京子1), 松浦正子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 495-495, 2011.

Japanese Article Upbringing of the self-education power through the peer evaluation of the nurse P1-9-374 new face
藤井貴美子1), 増崎美智子1), 本田芳香2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 496-496, 2011.

Japanese Article Investigation about "how to teach" nursing procedures in the P1-9-375 new face nursing staff training
西尾亜理砂, 大津廣子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 496-496, 2011.

Japanese Article It is ^ from an investigation of the reflection that aimed at the utilization to noticed - continuing education of the nurse new face by the reproduction stimulation law using the P1-9-376 picture
吉田恵美1), 池西悦子1), 三木珠美1), 豊澤真理1), 大原彰子1), 長尾式子2), 齊藤奈緒2), 宮脇郁子2), 高橋京子1), 松浦正子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 497-497, 2011.

Japanese Article Place to stay feeling in the workplace which nurse P1-9-377 new college graduate recognizes
粟生田友子1), 大久保明子1), 郷更織1), 西方真弓2), 横田陽子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 497-497, 2011.

Japanese Article Strategy to promote the ward socialization of the nurse P1-9-378 new college graduate
グレッグ美鈴1), 重松豊美2), 林千冬1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 498-498, 2011.

Japanese Article Important learning in the adults with P1-9-379 clinical experience 2-3 years eye nursing science training during the attendance at school that nurse university graduate thinks about
若澤弥生, 野中麻衣子, 村田洋章, 藤野彰子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 498-498, 2011.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the learning that a student realized by P2-4-380 health education theory practice
伊藤亜希子, 榊原千佐子, 小塀ゆかり
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 499-499, 2011.

Japanese Article Trial of the burnout prevention by a P2-4-381 burnoutbusters workshop and the email support
北岡和代1), 長井麻希江1), 増田真也2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 499-499, 2011.

Japanese Article Exercise of feeding behavior standard of P2-4-382 adolescent women and dietary habits and psychology index frequency grouping analysis by the simple type writing by oneself type diet history method questionnaire
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 500-500, 2011.

Japanese Article Attempt of the development of the P2-4-383 sleep health guidance program
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 500-500, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of the health education program that utilized a protection motive theory on P2-4-384 breast cancer self-examination and mammography examination utilization behavior in health care
水木暢子1), 佐藤純子1), 黒澤繭子1), 西沢義子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 501-501, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect of the health education on diabetes prevention that utilized P2-4-385 protection motive theory
佐藤純子1), 水木暢子1), 黒澤繭子1), 西沢義子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 501-501, 2011.

Japanese Article Learning need to live a life in good health of P2-4-386 area inhabitants
蔵本文乃, 中谷啓子, 岩屋裕美
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 502-502, 2011.

Japanese Article Fact-finding of the needs for the healthy life of P2-4-387 area inhabitants
伊井みず穂1), 岩井惠子1), 中納美智保1), 平尾恭子1), 和田幸子1), 井村弥生1), 森永聡美1), 築田誠1), 長谷川幹子2), 石野レイ子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 502-502, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation about the exercise of P2-4-388 A city inhabitants custom
山路真佐子, 千田みゆき, 菊池チトセ
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 503-503, 2011.

Japanese Article BMI of the P2-4-389 University A 1 annual student, manure lean person awareness, interest in health enhancement, the actual situation about the recognition of the healthy degree
中嶋恵美子, 塚原ひとみ
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 503-503, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of the sex education on university student by the P2-4-390 peer
梶原京子1), 忠津佐和代2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 504-504, 2011.

Japanese Article From the questionary survey to present conditions - teacher of the sex education in the junior high school of the P2-4-391 depopulated area -
西頭知子1), 佐々木くみ子1), 末原紀美代2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 504-504, 2011.

Japanese Article Body image of the child of the P2-4-392 Elementary School upper grades
御子柴裕子, 多賀谷昭, 中畑千夏子, 宮越幸代, 内田雅代
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 505-505, 2011.

Japanese Article From the attitude survey of study on support - high school health education charge teacher to life skills education in P2-4-393 Senior High School -
望月好子1), 石田貞代2), 小川景子1), 橘田節子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 505-505, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect such as the social support of the child going to the P2-4-394 schoolchild childcare
西地令子, 鷲尾昌一, 宮林郁子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 506-506, 2011.

Japanese Article Activity of the community health nurse connecting the children with the problem with the place of the group for mother and the development with uneasiness of the P2-4-395 child care
岡田尚美, 和泉比佐子, 松原三智子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 506-506, 2011.

Japanese Article Longitudinal analysis of the factor associated with the unbalanced diet of P2-4-396 3 years old child medical examination consultation children
西出りつ子, 中野正孝
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 507-507, 2011.

Japanese Article Factorial experiments - of mother having the children of study - infants and the 3 years old children about the change of the motherly consciousness of P2-4-397 mother
三宅優, 横山美江
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 507-507, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on the economic conditions of actual situation - household of the abuse acceptance consultation example of the P2-4-398 A child consultation center for the past 5 years; and -
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 508-508, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison - before and after difficult feeling and problem - example study meeting participation that community health nurse has in the support of the P2-4-399 children abuse example
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 508-508, 2011.

Japanese Article Factor associated with the actual situation of the explanation from a medical person about the surgery of P2-5-400 children to the control feeling of the parent after the explanation and the children
上松恵子1), 川田智惠子2), 中田尚子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 509-509, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on the presence of self-care behavior - symptom that children during P2-5-401 cleanliness isolation conduct; and -
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 509-509, 2011.

Japanese Article From coping behavior - video analysis of the children who are in the latter half of infants receiving drawing blood with P2-5-402 mother -
平田美紀1), 流郷千幸1), 古株ひろみ2), 鈴木美佐1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 510-510, 2011.

Japanese Article Consciousness about the specialty of the nurse working in a special support school taking P2-5-403 medical care
泊祐子1), 竹村淳子1), 古株ひろみ2), 道重文子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 510-510, 2011.

Japanese Article The difficulty that a male nurse has in P2-5-404 child care
加古大貴1), 前田貴彦2), 杉野健士郎2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 511-511, 2011.

Japanese Article Recognition of the nurse about the enforcer of the care of the schoolchild during P2-5-405 hospitalization
山田晃子1), 藤原千惠子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 511-511, 2011.

Japanese Article The practice situation of the psychological preparations to children and a parent receiving P2-5-406 medical care treatment and future problem
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 512-512, 2011.

Japanese Article Care ring behavior to the family of the nurse in the P2-5-407 NICU
鍬田晃子1), 中野綾美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 512-512, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on the technique of the person of nursing to negotiate with the family of study - children about "the negotiations" of a family and the person of the children with P2-5-408 disease of nursing; and -
佐東美緒1), 益守かづき2), 幸松美智子3), 石浦光世4), 中野綾美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 513-513, 2011.

Japanese Article The reason that a person of healthcare occupations hesitates about for explanation about the Tsugiko pregnancy of mother of children with P2-5-409 cleft lip cleft palate
中新美保子1), 中尾美幸2), 松田美鈴3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 513-513, 2011.

Japanese Article The possibility of the hospital automation crown in the children's ward which we looked at from P2-5-410 nurse and future problem
小笠原史士1), 小池敦2), 前田貴彦2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 514-514, 2011.

Japanese Article Investigation by the P2-5-411 risk factor Delphi method of the fall of hospitalized children
藤田優一1), 藤原千惠子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 514-514, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison between P2-5-412 student nurse and medical student - at the time of 2 after before comparison - lecture and the training of the recognition about the preparation
浅利剛史1), 今野美紀1), 佐藤洋子2), 蝦名美智子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 515-515, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of the conference by the theme of the play in the P2-5-413 children nursing science training
小口多美子, 越雲美奈子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 515-515, 2011.

Japanese Article Consciousness of the student nurse about the early detection of the P2-5-414 child abuse
辻野久美子, 沓脱小枝子, 村上京子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 516-516, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis of the scene where P2-5-415 student was left in the impression in pediatric nursing science training
中須賀洋子, 川上あずさ, 池田友美
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 516-516, 2011.

Japanese Article From a comparison with mother of characteristic - healthy children of the social support of mother of the P2-5-416 chronic disease children patient -
北宮千秋, 鈴木光子, 一戸とも子, 扇野綾子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 517-517, 2011.

Japanese Article Thought of mother for the meeting of the brothers who are hospitalized for P2-5-417 acute disease
上村昭博1), 前田貴彦2), 杉野健士郎2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 517-517, 2011.

Japanese Article Behavior of the nurse pediatric outpatient to discover P2-5-418 child abuse early
西井真有美1), 前田貴彦2), 上杉佑也1), 杉野健士郎2), 川上千代1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 518-518, 2011.

Japanese Article Assessment I which a nursing job is given for family support for the P2-5-419 children abuse prevention
石原あや1), 鎌田佳奈美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 518-518, 2011.

Japanese Article Tendency - of the assessment with the assessment II - ward which a nursing job is given for family support for the P2-5-420 children abuse prevention
鎌田佳奈美1), 石原あや2), 楢木野裕美1), 鈴木敦子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 519-519, 2011.

Japanese Article "The collaboration with the medical person mainly composed of families" in the P2-5-421 children caring at home transition stage: Thought of the family about the first report collaboration
大須賀美智1), 奈良間美保2), 茂本咲子1), 松岡真里1), 小山内文1), 橋本ゆかり1), 杉本智美3), 堀妙子4), 田中菜美子5), 新家一輝2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 519-519, 2011.

Japanese Article "The collaboration with the medical person mainly composed of families" in the P2-5-422 children caring at home transition stage: Experience of the family about the second report collaboration
茂本咲子1), 奈良間美保2), 大須賀美智1), 松岡真里1), 小山内文1), 橋本ゆかり1), 杉本智美3), 堀妙子4), 田中菜美子5), 新家一輝2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 520-520, 2011.

Japanese Article "The collaboration with the medical person mainly composed of families" in the P2-5-423 children caring at home transition stage: Experience of the nurse about the third report collaboration
松岡真里1), 奈良間美保2), 小山内文1), 橋本ゆかり1), 大須賀美智1), 茂本咲子1), 杉本智美3), 堀妙子4), 田中菜美子5), 新家一輝2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 520-520, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of the respite care by the periodical stay type temporary nursing at home to the family of children undergoing P2-5-424 home mechanical ventilation
生田まちよ, 宮里邦子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 521-521, 2011.

Japanese Article Pubertal children and development of the nursing intervention supporting the local life of the parent with P2-5-425 chronic disease
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 521-521, 2011.

Japanese Article It is ... through an experience to pay attention to clarification - feelings of the learning experience of the P2-6-426 example study meeting continuation participant
高橋直美1), 岡村典子2), 津田右子3), 三井督子4), 河内俊二5), 熊地美枝6),7), 塩田久美子4), 津田哲也1), 中川佑架1), 永岡薫1), 美濃由紀子1), 米山奈奈子8), 宮本真巳1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 522-522, 2011.

Japanese Article Role, the learning function that an incentive and the example study meeting of the P2-6-427 example donor take
美濃由紀子1), 塩田久美子2), 中川佑架1), 津田哲也1), 永岡薫1), 三井督子2), 河内俊二3), 高橋直美1), 熊地美枝4),5), 津田右子6), 岡村典子7), 米山奈奈子8), 宮本真巳1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 522-522, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination - (the first report) of study - practice and SUPER VISION of P2-6-428 Bupleurum Root Therapeutic nursing (PTN)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 523-523, 2011.

Japanese Article Evaluation - (the second report) of the education to enable study - PTN of P2-6-429 Bupleurum Root Therapeutic nursing (PTN)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 523-523, 2011.

Japanese Article Preparations and the practice situation (the first report) of the cognitive-behavioral therapy introduction of the nurse at P2-6-430 psychiatry - Investigation - in Kyushu District
白石裕子1), 東サトエ1), 外山沙弥佳1), 岡田佳詠2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 524-524, 2011.

Japanese Article Preparations and the practice situation (the second report) of the cognitive-behavioral therapy introduction of the nurse at P2-6-431 psychiatry - Investigation - in Tokyo District
岡田佳詠1), 白石裕子2), 東サトエ2), 外山沙弥佳2), 名倉友見3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 524-524, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on cognitive therapy trend for the schizophrenia positive symptom in the P2-6-432 our country
秋田友美, 心光世津子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 525-525, 2011.

Japanese Article The situation new in assertive of the nurse P2-6-433 new college graduate
鈴木英子1), 吾妻知美2), 有賀美恵子1), 森野貴輝1), 丸山昭子3), 井上善久3), 槇平一隆3), 多賀谷昭1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 525-525, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison of the stress reaction of nurse graduate and the nurse new college graduate adopted P2-6-434 newly
竹原歩1), 大北正三2), 吉田直江3), 池原弘展4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 526-526, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect that trauma and the burnout syndrome in the workplace of the P2-6-435 nursing job give to physical symptom
新山悦子1), 岡村仁2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 526-526, 2011.

Japanese Article How to catch and background factor of the nurse about the violence of the patients having it in P2-6-436 psychiatry
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 527-527, 2011.

Japanese Article Support to the nursing team by the nursing manager for the shocking event in the P2-6-437 psychopathic ward
戸田由美子1), 谷本桂2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 527-527, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on verbal abuse, study - contents of the violence which a nurse at P2-6-438 psychiatry receives from the patients and a feeling to have when received it and an associated factor; and -
伊東健太郎, 澤田愛子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 528-528, 2011.

Japanese Article Image of the student nurse for the later mental person with a disability before P2-6-439 go to the actual place training
野中浩幸1), 奥百合子1), 長屋江見2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 528-528, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison of the prejudice through before and after training for the mental person with a disability of the P2-6-440 nursing university student
奥百合子1), 野中浩幸1), 長屋江見2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 529-529, 2011.

Japanese Article Contents of a sense of fulfilment and the learning of the student in the P2-6-441 mind nursing science training
飛田健一, 伊藤恵美子, 松本賢哉, 大洞友美子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 529-529, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience-based content to lead to "understanding of the patients" of the student in the P2-6-442 mind nursing science training "self growth"
黒髪恵, 石飛マリコ, 焼山和憲
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 530-530, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on making of the nursing care guidelines for the patients with the P2-6-443 somatization symptom
嵐弘美1), 福田浩美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 530-530, 2011.

Japanese Article Follow-up of the care program trial patients for the symptom management acquisition and the support system establishment of P2-6-444 patients with rehospitalized schizophrenia
田井雅子1), 大川貴子2), 野田智子3), 大竹眞裕美2), 濱尾早苗2), 中山洋子2), 田上美千佳4), 新村順子4)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 531-531, 2011.

Japanese Article Care to make the strike length of the person with P2-6-445 eating disorders
福岡雅津子1), 畦地博子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 531-531, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination - of the ability for self-care of care - discharged patients for the discharge of patients with P2-6-446 long-term hospitalization schizophrenia
森田牧子1), 田上美千佳2), 新村順子2), 山村礎1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 532-532, 2011.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the qualitative alteration of the care in the nursing to a person with P2-6-447 drug addiction
寳田穂, 高間さとみ
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 532-532, 2011.

Japanese Article Process of the self-transformation by P2-6-448 mind person with a disability talking about a fight against illness experience
松田陽子1), 船越明子1), 羽田有紀1), 服部希恵2), 田中敦子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 533-533, 2011.

Japanese Article Making - spare examination - of the self-stigma standard Japanese edition of the P2-6-449 mental patient
松長麻美, 宮本有紀
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 533-533, 2011.

Japanese Article Develop-ment research of the mental health educational program tool of the P2-6-450 early childhood
篁宗一, 清水隆裕
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 534-534, 2011.

Japanese Article Associated factor of the school attendance evasion feelings in the high school student of P2-6-451 Nagano
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 534-534, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of the education training about the perinatal mental health for P2-6-452 nursing jobs
玉木敦子1), 片山貴文2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 535-535, 2011.

Japanese Article Literature review about the effect of the mind Fournet's training to P2-6-453 vs. a person support job
立石彩美, 小谷野康子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 535-535, 2011.

Japanese Article Suggestion to a change and the nursing action of the experience of patients with major depressive disorders with the P2-6-454 attempted suicide behavior
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 536-536, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on analysis - remedial meaning of the nursing interview scene with patients with schizophrenia to pass in P2-6-455 chronicity; and -
石川純子, 川野雅資
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 536-536, 2011.

Japanese Article Of the person of nursing job providing the care by the visit for a person with P2-6-456 schizophrenia is associated; from a viewpoint of - empowerment -
初田真人1), 石垣和子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 537-537, 2011.

Japanese Article Hearing findings - to a health visitor specialized in factor - psychiatry associated with the promotion of the P2-6-457 psychiatry temporary nursing at home
初田真人1), 玉木敦子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 537-537, 2011.

Japanese Article Promotion factor and disincentive - such as example analysis - social resource or the social capital of the mental patient living in P2-6-458 farm village
揚野裕紀子1), 川野雅資2), 曽谷貴子3), 福川京子1), 中田涼子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 538-538, 2011.

Japanese Article Fact-finding about the uneasiness at discharge of the inpatient to P2-6-459 General Hospital psychopathic ward
森千鶴1), 岡田佳詠1), 柴山大賀1), 日高紀久江1), 涌水理恵1), 田淵幸2), 篠崎まゆみ2), 倉持享子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 538-538, 2011.

Japanese Article Factor to be hard to live, and to affect the degree of the family of the P2-6-460 psychiatry outpatient
新地恵都子, 船越明子, 羽田有紀
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 539-539, 2011.

Japanese Article The recognition of mother about the difficulty that children with P2-6-461 pervasive developmental disorder experience
西池絵衣子1), 松岡純子1), 玉木敦子2), 初田真人1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 539-539, 2011.

Japanese Article Than the note of thought - men caregiver of the male caregiver caring for P2-6-462 wife -
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 540-540, 2011.

Japanese Article Consideration about the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affection factor of the citizen at the P2-6-463 wide area disaster from literatures
香月毅史1), 鈴木英子2), 叶谷由佳3), 日下和代4), 塩田久美子1), 三井督子1), 佐藤千史5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 540-540, 2011.

Japanese Article Relaxation effect by adding head treatment after P2-6-464 shampoo
室田昌子1), 北島謙吾1), 松本賢哉2), 岩脇陽子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 541-541, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between self-efficacy and effect factor of a diet cure, the kinesitherapy of patients with P4-4-465 diabetes
山岸智子1), 操華子2), 武田宣子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 541-541, 2011.

Japanese Article Thought and effect factor of feelings negative for P4-4-466 control patients with poor diabetes and the nurse having a feeling of reconciliation
林紋美, 横田素美
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 542-542, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect that family support gives in self-efficacy and self-care on patients with P4-4-467 diabetes
岩崎淳子1), 足立久子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 542-542, 2011.

Japanese Article The thing which supports the medical treatment life of the patients and the family who cerebrovascular disorder develops while having P4-4-468 diabetes, and shifted to home care
白水眞理子1), 間瀬由記1), 杉本知子1), 丸山セキ子2), 小島和恵3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 543-543, 2011.

Japanese Article Tendency of the feeding behavior of the P4-4-469 normal human
堤かおり, 丹千絵子, 大納庸子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 543-543, 2011.

Japanese Article From the findings of 20 fact-finding - adults men and women of the oral health behavior in P4-4-470 adults -
大納庸子, 堤かおり, 丹智絵子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 544-544, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between subjective healthy feeling and disease management of patients with P4-4-471 chronic cardiac insufficiency
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 544-544, 2011.

Japanese Article We live a self-life to be carried out while monitoring it, and C with P4-4-472 chronic cardiac insufficiency adjusts it
上谷千夏, 瀬戸奈津子, 清水安子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 545-545, 2011.

Japanese Article It is ... from the talk of dialysis introduction and the women that it was from one consideration ... sudden onset of the nursing care to support the self-care of P4-4-473 haemodialysis patients
野坂久美子1), 中谷信江2), 中尾美幸1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 545-545, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the self-care support to foreign haemodialysis patients by the foot care introduction of the P4-4-474 patients participation type
中尾美幸, 野坂久美子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 546-546, 2011.

Japanese Article P4-4-475 smoking cessation adjuvant comes out; association with an actual feeling and the weight gain of a gastrointestinal disorder, the smoking cessation effect in meat phosphorus and the nicotine patch controlled trial
塚原ひとみ, 中嶋恵美子, 佐久間良子, 嶋松陽子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 546-546, 2011.

Japanese Article Subjective evaluation of the foot bath to patients with P4-5-476 stroke and the massage
山居輝美1), 登喜和江1), 深井喜代子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 547-547, 2011.

Japanese Article Skin temperature change at foot bath of patients with P4-5-477 stroke
登喜和江1), 山居輝美1), 深井喜代子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 547-547, 2011.

Japanese Article A participation motive and learning environment, target recognition of the P4-5-478 life-style related diseases self-management supporter
井瀧千恵子1), 北島麻衣子1), 冨澤登志子1), 漆坂真弓1), 田上恭子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 548-548, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience with the long-term steroid remedy of the P4-5-479 systemic lupus erythematosus patients
安江郁子1), 清水安子2), 瀬戸奈津子2), 鈴木純恵3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 548-548, 2011.

Japanese Article Using technique of experience and needs - narrative approach of women with SLE having P4-5-480 baby -
中井祥子, 中原美栄, 岩根直美, 水田真由美, 鹿村眞理子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 549-549, 2011.

Japanese Article Difficulty in the medical treatment that patients with rheumatoid arthritis during P4-5-481 outpatient department going to hospital recognize and associated factor
青木きよ子1), 高谷真由美1), 樋野恵子1), 桑江久美子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 549-549, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the policy for a problem solution, the development of the discharge support of the P4-5-482 medical institution
藤澤まこと, 黒江ゆり子, 田村正枝
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 550-550, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination about the difficulty of the nurse with the care practice of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis after the P4-5-483 notice
末安ちか子1), 花田裕子2), 永江誠治2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 550-550, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on the sick having a disorder to person with P4-5-484 disease and compromise - locomotorium with the illness; and -
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 551-551, 2011.

Japanese Article It is ... from a life story of meaning - A of the peer support activity of the P4-5-485 spinocerebellar degeneration patients
内山久美1), 阪本惠子1), 久木原博子1), 田村美子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 551-551, 2011.

Japanese Article P4-5-486 Differences of Fibronectin present in each wound surface of a patient with multiple decubitus
松本尚子, 小松万喜子, 古田加代子, 米田雅彦
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 552-552, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on activity actual situation and evaluation (1) of the CNS for P4-6-487 medical needs
市原真穂, 松岡真里, 宇佐美しおり, 福嶋好重, 吉田智美, 田中結美, 田代真里, 杉野由起子, 榑松久美子, 片岡優実, 高梨早苗, 柴田明日香, 増井耐子, 竹田礼子, 宮田乃有, 平野美穂
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 552-552, 2011.

Japanese Article Support from the nursing manager whom P4-6-488 clinical nurse specialist requires
眞嶋朋子1), 淺井潤子1), 渡邉美和1), 岡本明美2), 増島麻里子1), 正木治恵1), 山下亮子1), 長坂育代1), 佐藤まゆみ3), 浅野美知恵4), 佐藤禮子5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 553-553, 2011.

Japanese Article P4-6-489 Advanced Practice Nurse and an economic evaluation: Literature review
渡邊ともね, 高井ゆかり, 岡本有子, 山本則子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 553-553, 2011.

Japanese Article The multiple regional CNS in the P4-6-490 university hospital: Study on collaboration between Certified Nurse Specialist
安田妙子1), 山内典子1), 山田咲樹子1), 三村直美1), 小泉雅子1), 佐藤由紀子1), 栗田直央子1), 金子眞理子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 554-554, 2011.

Japanese Article Development process of the ability for management in the nursing intervention of the P4-6-491 first degree graduate
両羽美穂子, 橋本麻由里, 小西美智子, 西園民子, 百武真理子, 田辺満子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 554-554, 2011.

Japanese Article Focus on result and problem - team process in the personnel training cooperation activity of P4-6-492 University A School of Nursing and the B Hospital; and ...
内田雅子1), 藤井瑞恵1), 工藤京子1), 小坂美智代2), 菅原美樹1), 渕本雅昭1), 神島滋子1), 中村惠子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 555-555, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison between recognition, tangle - nurse and student nurse (2.4 years student) of the P4-6-493 inhibition scene
野村亜矢1), 米澤弘恵2), 鈴木明美2), 遠藤恭子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 555-555, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination about the factor having an influence on the intention about the sex of the P4-7-494 twelfth grader
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 556-556, 2011.

Japanese Article Behavior of the menstruation accessory symptom relaxation in P4-7-495 pubertal women and association with the menstruation time
若井和子, 道廣睦子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 556-556, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the PMS in the P4-7-496-related opportune time
谷田部仁子, 大井けい子, 大関信子, 葛西紗幸, 佐藤愛
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 557-557, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination - in physical characteristic - winter season and summer of a person of poor circulation and the person of the P4-7-497 young woman of non-poor circulation
山田典子1),3), 吉村裕之2),3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 557-557, 2011.

Japanese Article Association between menopausal state symptom and lifestyle of P4-7-498 opportune time women
佐藤愛, 大関信子, 谷田部仁子, 葛西紗幸, 大井けい子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 558-558, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on dilemma of the nursing job to be engaged in P4-7-499 infertility treatment
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 558-558, 2011.

Japanese Article It is ... from needs for the nursing care of women undergoing P4-7-500 artificial interruption of pregnancy and the data of women with examination - nulliparity of the nursing
勝又里織, 西川浩昭
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 559-559, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison between mental health, child care stress and mother-child interaction -20 generations primipara - one year after the P4-7-501 elderly primip
園部真美1), 臼井雅美2), 廣瀬たい子3), 廣居嘉代子4), 猫田泰敏1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 559-559, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on exercise of mother in P4-7-502 child care period
山本英子, 鈴木幸子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 560-560, 2011.

Japanese Article Empowerment of mother balancing child care with P4-7-503 work
中井芙美子, 佐々木秀美, 山内京子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 560-560, 2011.

Japanese Article Element - necessary for empowerment of mother by study on ability for practice - nurse midwife of the P4-8-504 nurse midwife
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 561-561, 2011.

Japanese Article About the tissue method of mutual acts over the expression of P4-8-505 fatigue analysis - of the ethnomethodology of the mother and the child care scene of - nurse midwife
和智志げみ, 浦野茂, 永見桂子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 561-561, 2011.

Japanese Article It is an international comparison between Japan and Kingdom of Thailand about a depression symptom of P4-8-506 gestation period, the puerperium and an associated factor
金城壽子1), 川崎佳代子1), 竹尾惠子1), キシ・イマイ ケイコ1), 弓削美鈴1), 丸山陽子1), 高橋智恵1), Lertsakornsiri Maleewan2), Boonyanurak Puangrat2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 562-562, 2011.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the comfort in the P4-8-507 second pregnancy trimester
武石陽子1), 中村康香2), 吉沢豊予子2), 跡上富美2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 562-562, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison ... of change - early pregnancy and the second pregnancy trimester of the comfort of the pregnant woman in the P4-8-508 pregnancy course
中村康香1), 武石陽子2), 跡上富美1), 吉沢豊予子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 563-563, 2011.

Japanese Article Sleep of mother 1-month-old in after giving birth by P4-8-509 Actimetry
本田智子1),2), 乾つぶら1), 林猪都子1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 563-563, 2011.

Japanese Article Vertical section study on quality of the sleep of mother of after giving birth one month .4 months with the P4-8-510 OAS sleep questionnaire MA version
乾つぶら, 猪俣理恵, 林猪都子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 564-564, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of change over time of the oedema lower limb which is early in childbed to appear to P4-8-511 lying in woman and elastic stockings
関智示1), 吉沢豊予子2), 跡上富美2), 中村康香2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 564-564, 2011.

Japanese Article Of the inflection to medical care of the appendage of the fetus observation conducted before and after P4-8-512 delivery, actually
佐々木くみ子, 西頭知子
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 565-565, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on overseas working of the P4-9-513 Filipino student nurse
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 565-565, 2011.

Japanese Article Recognition of study on foreign nurse acceptance - economic partnership agreement (EPA) of the P4-9-514 student nurse, reception degree and associated factor -
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 566-566, 2011.

Japanese Article Characteristic of everyday life and the life skills of the women in the P4-9-515 China X farm village part-saving
岩崎弥生1), 小宮浩美1), 野崎章子2), 石川かおり3), 張平平4), 李従紅1)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 566-566, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis of the learning of the student using challenge - Text mining to P4-9-516 country nursing science
西川まり子1),2), 木村誠子1), 芥川清香1), 津田右子3)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 567-567, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on practice intellect - 1 of the P5-1-517 palliative care. Family understanding and nursing intervention - in the palliative care unit
坂井志織1), 守田美奈子1), 吉田みつ子1), 樋口佳栄1), 田中孝美1), 奥原秀盛2), 福井里美3), 新藤悦子4), 安達祐子5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 567-567, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on practice intellect - 2 of the P5-1-518 palliative care. Nursing intervention - about intention and act choice of the patients
田中孝美1), 守田美奈子1), 樋口佳栄1), 吉田みつ子1), 坂井志織1), 新藤悦子2), 奥原秀盛3), 福井里美4), 安達祐子5)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 568-568, 2011.

Japanese Article From nursing in the P5-1-519 metabolism cardiovascular system ambulatory practice as a study domain theoretical examination of "the nursing practice study"
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 568-568, 2011.

Japanese Article P5-1-520 Origin of midwives education in Kyoto (Part 5) "Private peace midwife school."
松岡知子1), 岩脇陽子1), 滝下幸栄1), 秋山寛子2)
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 569-569, 2011.

Japanese Article Occupation experience through the life cycle of the nurse men in psychiatry under the P5-1-521 revision Mental Health Act
井上仁美, 伊賀上睦見
Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science (31st-suppl): 569-569, 2011.