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Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program

Volume 42, Issue suppl / 2012
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

English Article Update on Pharmacotherapy of Renal Cell Carcinoma
Nicholas J.Vogelzang
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 15-15, 2012.

English Article S1-1 Prognostic factors and treatment outcome in mRCC with targeted therapy : Experiences from NCC, Korea
Jinsoo Chung
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 16-16, 2012.

English Article S1-2 Unique Risk classification and treatment outcome for mRCC in Japan
Yoshihiko TOMITA
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 17-17, 2012.

English Article S1-3 Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy : Lessons learned from multi-institutional outcome study in Japan
Hideo Saito, Tadashi Matsuda, Kazunari Tanabe, Akihiro Kawauchi, Toshiro Terachi, Ken Nakagawa, Masatsugu Iwamura, Masanobu Shigeta, Seiji Naito, Akihiro Ito, Yoichi Arai
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 18-18, 2012.

English Article S1-4 Robot-assisted partial nephrectomy
Koon Ho Rha
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 19-19, 2012.

Japanese Article The S2-1 serum sodium level becomes the important factor predicting convalescence of the molecular target treatment in the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
植村元秀, 野々村祝夫
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 20-20, 2012.

Japanese Article Examination as the convalescence predictor of the adverse event in the treatment with S2-2 sunitinib
藤田哲夫, 岩村正嗣, 若田部陽司, 池田勝臣, 馬場志郎
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 21-21, 2012.

Japanese Article Convalescence prediction of the molecular target treatment for the S2-3 metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
亭島淳, 瀬野康之, 池田健一郎, 稗田圭介, 正路晃一, 宮本克利, 井上省吾, 小林加直, 梶原充, 松原昭郎
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 22-22, 2012.

Japanese Article Use results of the tyrosine kinase repressor for progress renal cell carcinoma in the S2-4 our hospital
三宅秀明, 楠田雄司, 酒井伊織, 原田健一, 古川順也, 村蒔基次, 藤澤正人
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 23-23, 2012.

Japanese Article S2-5 C-reactive protein (CRP) is a convalescence predictor of renal cell carcinoma with the metastasis treated with sunitinib
齋藤一隆1), 安田庸輔2), 湯浅健2), 砂倉瑞明2), 吉川慎一2), 浦上慎司2), 山本真也2), 藤井靖久2), 高橋俊二2), 福井巌2), 米瀬淳二2)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 24-24, 2012.

Japanese Article How should hands and feet skin test (Hand-Foot Skin Reaction) = we with the S3-1 sorafenib administration deal? =
篠原信雄1), 野々村祝夫2), 木村剛3), 江藤正俊4), 内藤誠二5)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 25-25, 2012.

Japanese Article Circulatory organ adverse event measures by the cerebral natriuresis peptide measurement during treatment with S3-2 molecules target medicine
植田健1), 李芳菁1), 滑川剛史1), 今村有佑1), 齋藤允孝1), 小林将行1), 小丸淳1), 深沢賢1), 二瓶直樹2), 小林欣夫3), 市川智彦2)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 26-26, 2012.

Japanese Article Clinical examination by the monitoring of the serum KL6 level in the mTOR repressor administration case for the metastatic lesion of the S3-3 renal carcinoma
若松太郎, 近藤恒徳, 橋本恭伸, 小林博人, 飯塚淳平, 池澤英里, 高木敏男, 大前憲史, 吉田一彦, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 27-27, 2012.

Japanese Article Complications of the molecular target medicine which was able to continue S3-4 treatment more than one year
山口健哉, 佐藤亜邪, 大日方大亮, 五十嵐智弘, 佐藤克彦, 持田淳一, 川田望, 平野大作, 高橋悟
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 28-28, 2012.

Japanese Article Adverse event measures of the molecular target medicine by S3-5 team "YURCC"
加藤智幸, 冨田善彦
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 29-29, 2012.

Japanese Article Examination of the target agent renal cell carcinoma case given it molecular in preoperation in O-1 Nagoya University
佐々直人, 服部良平, 吉野能, 山本徳則, 加藤真史, 松川宜久, 藤田高史, 馬嶋剛, 松尾かずな, 高井峻, 後藤百万
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 30-30, 2012.

Japanese Article Results of the molecular target drug for O-2 progress-related renal carcinoma poor risk
加藤廉平, 小原航, 岩崎一洋, 加藤陽一郎, 高田亮, 藤岡知昭
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 31-31, 2012.

Japanese Article Comparison of O-3 sorafenib early cancellation group and the long-term administrated group
深沢賢1), 李芳菁1), 塩田恵里1), 宮坂杏子1), 齋藤允孝1), 小林将行1), 小丸淳1), 巣山貴仁2), 二瓶直樹2), 市川智彦2), 植田健1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 32-32, 2012.

Japanese Article Sequential therapy for the O-4 metastasis-related renal carcinoma
宋裕賢, 立神勝則, 内藤誠二
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 33-33, 2012.

Japanese Article Molecular target medicine Sequential administration for the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma in the O-5 Hiroshima City Asa Municipal Hospital
小畠浩平, 加藤昌生, 三田耕司
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 34-34, 2012.

Japanese Article Effect to give to renal function of heminephrectomy and the cryosurgery on narrow path renal carcinoma which occurred in O-6 solitary kidney
波多野孝史1), 大林広輝1), 田代康次郎1), 稲葉裕之1), 坂東重浩1), 岸本幸一1), 最上拓児2), 砂川好光2), 原田潤太2), 小池祐介3), 頴川晋3)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 35-35, 2012.

Japanese Article O-7 R.E.A.N.A.L. Clinical examination of the heminephrectomy in our hospital using nephrectomy score
大前憲史, 近藤恒徳, 吉田一彦, 高木敏男, 池澤英里, 飯塚淳平, 小林博人, 橋本恭伸, 田辺一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 36-36, 2012.

Japanese Article Experience of the O-8 peritoneoscope lower heminephrectomy and recent maneuver
本郷文弥1), 河内明宏1), 三神一哉2), 伊藤吉三3), 内藤泰行1), 邵仁哲1), 納谷佳男1), 鴨井和実1), 三木恒治1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 37-37, 2012.

Japanese Article Examination of 7 cases given partial nephrectomy for the solitary kidney case which recurred locally after O-9 partial nephrectomy again
吉田一彦, 近藤恒徳, 高木敏男, 飯塚淳平, 若松太郎, 大前憲史, 野崎大司, 小林博人, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 38-38, 2012.

Japanese Article Results of the laparoscopic nephrectomy for kidney cancer more than O-10 7cm
藤田高史1), 服部良平1), 佐々直人1), 吉野能1), 後藤百万1), 木村亨2), 絹川常郎2), 上平修3), 山田伸4)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 39-39, 2012.

Japanese Article Comparison about the overall survival after the radical nephrectomy for O-11 renal cell carcinoma and the heminephrectomy and cardiovascular disease development
神原太樹1),2), 小林泰之2),7), 平田武志2),7), 江原伸2),7), 雑賀隆史2),3), 武田克治2),4), 入江伸2),5), 大枝忠志2),6), 那須保友2),7), 公文裕巳2),7)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 40-40, 2012.

Japanese Article Renal function after the radical nephrectomy for the O-12 confinement-related kidney tumor and examination about the overall survival
西嶋淳, 川井禎久, 松本洋明, 長尾一公, 原貴彦, 坂野滋, 松山豪泰
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 41-41, 2012.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor predicting chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression after the nephrectomy in O-13 renal cell carcinoma
瀬島健裕, 岩本秀人, 井上誠也, 佐藤真由子, 森實修一, 日向信之, 八尾昭久, 本田正史, 磯山忠広, パナギオパ ツナピ, 武中篤
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 42-42, 2012.

Japanese Article Is the convalescence of the O-14 dialysis renal carcinoma really good? - Convalescence comparison - by the stage vs. the stage analysis
飯塚淳平1), 近藤恒徳1), 橋本恭伸2), 小林博人1), 高木敏男1), 池澤英里1), 田邉一成1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 43-43, 2012.

Japanese Article Examination of anemia and the iron-metabolism by the O-15 Everolimus
陶山浩一1), 三浦裕司1), 沖田竜治2), 長谷川了2), 元島崇信2), 黒澤和宏2), 岡根谷利一2), 高野利実1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 44-44, 2012.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of the renal carcinoma surgery case using the O-17 renal carcinoma handling agreement fourth edition
宮地禎幸1), 鹿股直樹2), 大平伸1), 藤田雅一郎1), 福元和彦1), 海部三香子1), 藤井智浩1), 常義政1), 横山光彦1), 永井敦1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 45-45, 2012.

Japanese Article - that the effect on convalescence - papillosity renal carcinoma case of the tissue type in renal cell carcinoma with O-17 inferior vena cava embolus extremely has a poor prognosis
近藤恒徳, 池澤英里, 小林博人, 高木敏男, 飯塚淳平, 大前憲史, 吉田一彦, 橋本恭伸, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 46-46, 2012.

Japanese Article Significance of the tumor emboli extension level as the convalescence rule factor of the renal cell carcinoma case with the intravenous tumor emboli which performed O-18 radical nephrectomy technique
三宅秀明, 寺川智章, 古川順也, 村蒔基次, 藤澤正人
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 47-47, 2012.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the zoledronic acid in the O-19 renal carcinoma metastases to bone case
安田庸輔, 藤井靖久, 湯浅健, 助川玄, 田中一, 砂倉瑞明, 吉川慎一, 浦上慎司, 山本真也, 福井巌, 米瀬淳二
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 48-48, 2012.

Japanese Article Is the temporary administration of sunitinib and sorafenib cancellation before and after the gamma knife for O-20 renal carcinoma metastases to brain necessary?
周藤高1), 松永成生1), 永田真樹2), 山口邦雄2)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 49-49, 2012.

Japanese Article Change of the characteristic of patients with renal carcinoma by the P-1 era change
早川希, 近藤恒徳, 高木敏男, 飯塚淳平, 池澤英里, 小林博人, 橋本恭伸, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 50-50, 2012.

Japanese Article Frequency of the benign tumor according to the tumor diameter in the renal mass which surgical treatment was given in in P-2 Aichi cancer center center Hospital
曽我倫久人, 小倉友二, 林宣男
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 51-51, 2012.

Japanese Article Examination of the tissue diagnosis in the preoperation contrasting CT in the P-3 renal carcinoma
山下かおり1), 伊藤文夫1), 横田成司1), 辻村一馬1), 伊藤和代1), 水谷一夫1), 巴ひかる1), 中澤速和1), 塩見興2), 津嶋信彦3)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 52-52, 2012.

Japanese Article Comparison of a renal vein tumor emboli case and the perirenal fat texture permeation case in the P-4 T3a renal cell carcinoma case
永田政義1), 久米春喜1), 冨田京一2), 山田幸央3), 本間之夫1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 53-53, 2012.

Japanese Article Treatment for the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma in the P-5 Kyushu University Hospital
大坪智志, 立神勝則, 内藤誠二
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 54-54, 2012.

Japanese Article The present situation of the use of sunitinib for progressive renal cell carcinoma in P-6 Kumamoto
前田喜寛, 和田孝浩, 高橋渡, 河野吉昭, 本多次朗, 仲西寿朗, 谷川史城, 中村圭輔, 江藤正俊
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 55-55, 2012.

Japanese Article Experience of the preoperation administration using the sunitinib for the renal carcinoma without the P-7 distant metastasis
長沼英和, 李賢, 白水翼, 内野洋志, 諸隈太, 徳田倫章
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 56-56, 2012.

Japanese Article Two cases of the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma given P-8 molecules target medicine readministration
安住誠, 大澤崇宏, 三浪圭太, 原林透, 永森聡
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 57-57, 2012.

Japanese Article One case of progressive renal cell carcinoma which gave temsirolimus with sorafenib out of the P-9 episode of care
杉山貴之, 高山達也, 加藤大貴, 古瀬洋, 麦谷荘一, 大園誠一郎
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 58-58, 2012.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of patients with progressive / metastasis-related kidney tumor receiving the P-10 Everolimus
高橋正幸, 井崎博文, 福森知治, 金山博臣
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 59-59, 2012.

Japanese Article One case of progressive renal cell carcinoma which gave P-11 temsirolimus for four years
高山達也, 杉山貴之, 甲斐文丈, 加藤大貴, 永田仁夫, 古瀬洋, 麦谷荘一, 大園誠一郎
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 60-60, 2012.

Japanese Article It is two patients receiving the temsirolimus for patients with progressive renal cell carcinoma of P-12 Performance Status (PS) 4
林田有史, 内田稔大, 呉秀賢, 土肥洋一郎, 内藤宏仁, 松岡祐貴, 加藤琢磨, 平間裕美, 上田修史, 杉元幹史, 筧善行
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 61-61, 2012.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of P-13 Xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma
廣部恵美1), 舛森直哉1), 田中俊明1), 北村寛1), 外岡暁子2), 長谷川匡2), 塚本泰司1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 62-62, 2012.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the P-14 dialysis renal carcinoma
新地祐介1), 伊藤敬一1), 島崎英幸2), 新本弘3), 田崎新資1), 黒田健司1), 佐藤全伯1), 朝隈純一1), 堀口明男1), 瀬口健至1), 浅野友彦1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 63-63, 2012.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment for the non-clear cells renal carcinoma of our institution in the P-15 molecules target treatment era
全並賢二, 梶川圭史, 小林郁生, 西川源也, 吉澤孝彦, 加藤義晴, 中村小源太, 住友誠
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 64-64, 2012.

Japanese Article One case that m-TOR inhibitor was effective for P-16 Bellini's tubes cancer
山口雷蔵, 斎藤恵介, 小関達郎, 常盤紫野, 久末伸一, 磯谷周治, 井手久満, 武藤智, 堀江重郎
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 65-65, 2012.

Japanese Article An example of the metastatic renal carcinoma which developed appendicitis perforated during P-17 Temsirolimus administration
矢澤聰1), 水野隆一1), 金子剛1), 落合大樹2), 大家基嗣1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 66-66, 2012.

Japanese Article Examination of the heminephrectomy for the P-18 narrow path renal carcinoma
津島知靖, 河内啓一郎, 藤田竜二
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 67-67, 2012.

Japanese Article Introduction experience in the institution where examination of the P-19 peritoneoscope lower partial nephrectomy is new
納谷幸男1), 荒木千裕1), 仲村和芳2), 加賀勘家1), 巣山貴仁2), 稲原昌彦1), 増田広1), 小島聡子1), 二瓶直樹2), 市川智彦2), 五十嵐辰男2)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 68-68, 2012.

Japanese Article Experience of the no ligation continuous suture using V-LocTM180 in the P-20 peritoneoscope lower heminephrectomy
小畠浩平, 加藤昌生, 三田耕司
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 69-69, 2012.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the T3 renal carcinoma given P-21 nephrectomy
中島信幸, 清水勇樹, 朝長哲朗, 川上正能, 添田宗市, 花井一也, 星昭夫, 野本剛史, 臼井幸男, 寺地敏郎
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 70-70, 2012.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of cytoreductive nephrectomy for the P-22 metastasis-related renal carcinoma
山崎俊成1), 神波大己1), 新垣隆一郎1), 柴崎昇1), 三上芳喜2), 吉村耕治1), 小川修1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 42(suppl): 71-71, 2012.