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Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program

Volume 43, Issue suppl / 2013
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

English Article S1-1 Predictive and Prognostic Factors in mRCC
Daniel Heng
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 17-17, 2013.

English Article S1-2 Recent advances in treating mRCC
Nicholas Vogelzang
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 18-18, 2013.

Japanese Article Pathology of S2-1 non-clear renal cell carcinoma
三上修治1), 黒田直人2), 長嶋洋治3), 大家基嗣4)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 19-19, 2013.

Japanese Article Treatment result - multicenter study interim report of metastatic papillosity renal cell carcinoma in S2-2 this country
伊藤敬一1),14), 三上修治2),14), 立神勝則3),14), 舛森直哉4),14), 近藤恒徳5),14), 長嶋洋治6),14), 岸田健7),14), 黒田直人8),14), 松山豪泰9),14), 大西哲郎10),14), 中澤速和11),14), 津島知靖12),14), 大家基嗣13),14), 内藤誠二3), 浅野友彦1),14)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 20-20, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic characteristic, convalescence of S2-3 chromophobe renal cell carcinoma, preoperation prediction by the CT
柳雅人, 木村剛, 河原崎由里子, 近藤幸尋
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 21-21, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of S2-4 Xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma
廣部恵美, 舛森直哉
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 22-22, 2013.

Japanese Article Application to initial omen - no ischemia partial nephrectomy of the 3D image analysis system (Synapse Vincent) use that S3-1 is new
駒井好信1), 酒井康之1), 小林達伺2), 後藤田直人3), 齋藤典男4)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 23-23, 2013.

Japanese Article Validity of the renal carcinoma metastases to bone diagnosis using S3-2 bone scintigraphy diagnosis support software (BONENAVI)
伊藤明人, 小原航, 岩崎一洋, 丹治進, 藤岡知昭
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 24-24, 2013.

Japanese Article Trial of the effect of treatment prediction of the sunitinib by the three-dimensional Sine phase contrast MRI using PC-VIPR in S3-3 renal cell carcinoma
高山達也1), 竹原康雄2), 杉山将隆2), 石井保夫1), 杉山貴之1), 谷島崇史1), 甲斐文丈1), 鈴木孝尚1), 永田仁夫1), 大塚篤史1), 古瀬洋1), 阪原晴海2), 大園誠一郎1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 25-25, 2013.

Japanese Article Effect of the heavy particle radiotherapy on S3-4 renal carcinoma
五十嵐辰男1), 辻比呂志2), 赤倉功一郎3), 鈴木啓悦4), 島崎淳5)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 26-26, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about the tumor inhibitory effect with the therapy with low-dose sorafenib and antiCTLA-4 antibody in the S3-5 mouse renal carcinoma model
元島崇信1),2), 菰原義弘2), 哈斯塔2), 河野吉昭1), 和田孝浩1), 竹屋元裕2), 江藤正俊1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 27-27, 2013.

Japanese Article Inspection of the heminephrectomy in the O-1 Hiroshima City Asa Municipal Hospital
小畠浩平, 加藤昌生, 三田耕司
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 28-28, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about the hardness of the perirenal fat at the O-2 kidney tumor excision
松岡崇志, 山崎俊成, 大久保和俊, 神波大己, 吉村耕治, 小川修
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 29-29, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the case that required dialysis after O-3 heminephrectomy in AKI
大前憲史, 近藤恒徳, 飯塚淳平, 小林博人, 橋本恭伸, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 30-30, 2013.

Japanese Article The development of false aneurysm after the O-4 partial nephrectomy is high-frequency than it is thought
近藤恒徳1), 高木敏男1), 大前憲史1), 小林博人1), 橋本恭伸1), 飯塚淳平1), 池澤英里1), 吉田一彦1), 田嶋強2), 田邉一成1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 31-31, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison between Medical CKD and operation definitive kidney metergasia of the Surgical CKD case in the heminephrectomy for the O-5 kidney tumor
吉田一彦, 近藤恒徳, 高木敏男, 剣木崇文, 大前憲史, 飯塚淳平, 小林博人, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 32-32, 2013.

Japanese Article Treatment for progressive renal cell carcinoma in Nagoya University after the O-6 molecules target agent appearance
佐々直人, 吉野能, 山本徳則, 加藤真史, 松川宜久, 藤田高史, 舟橋康人, 鶴田勝久, 高井峻, 前田基博, 後藤百万
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 33-33, 2013.

Japanese Article The effectiveness and safety of the treatment with sunitinib for O-7 old progress-related renal cell carcinoma
藤田哲夫, 松本和将, 石井大輔, 田畑健一, 吉田一成, 岩村正嗣
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 34-34, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinical examination in the tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) administration for the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma of O-8 elderly people
前田喜寛, 和田孝浩, 高橋渡, 河野吉昭, 田上憲一郎, 榊田裕士, 江藤正俊
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 35-35, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about an adverse event and the administration schedule of the O-9 sunitinib
宋裕賢, 立神勝則, 内藤誠二
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 36-36, 2013.

Japanese Article About an effect of treatment predictor of O-10 our hospital and sunitinib in the associated institution
川井禎久, 小林圭太, 西嶋淳, 松本洋明, 長尾一公, 原貴彦, 松山豪泰
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 37-37, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison between non-clear cell carcinoma and clear cell carcinoma in the O-11 metastasis-related renal carcinoma
亭島淳, 岡清貴, 池田健一郎, 永松弘孝, 稗田圭介, 正路晃一, 宮本克利, 井上省吾, 小林加直, 大原慎也, 梶原充, 松原昭郎
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 38-38, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect of the molecular target medicine on O-12 metastasis-related papillosity renal carcinoma
力石浩介, 近藤恒徳
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 39-39, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of Xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma in the O-13 our hospital
水野隆一1), 金子剛1), 浅沼宏1), 三上修治2), 宮嶋哲1), 大家基嗣1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 40-40, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the medical treatment for O-14 progress characteristics non-clear renal cell carcinoma
深沢賢1), 滑川剛士1), 李芳菁1), 宮坂杏子1), 今村有佑1), 齋藤允孝1), 小林将行1), 小丸淳1), 巣山貴仁2), 二瓶直樹2), 市川智彦2), 植田健1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 41-41, 2013.

Japanese Article Results of the molecular target treatment for the O-15 non-clear cells type metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
日向信之, 西川昌友, 鄭裕元, 熊野晶文, 古川順也, 原田健一, 村薪基次, 三宅秀明, 藤澤正人
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 42-42, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the preoperation inferior vena cava filter custody in the renal carcinoma surgery case with the O-16 inferior vena cava tumor emboli
八木澤隆史, 近藤恒徳, 吉田一彦, 大前憲史, 高木敏男, 飯塚淳平, 小林博人, 橋本恭伸, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 43-43, 2013.

Japanese Article The effect that O-17 radical nephrectomy gives to overall survival
田中宣道1), 田中雅博2), 雄谷剛士2), 穴井智1), 千原良友1), 平山暁秀1), 米田龍生1), 吉田克法1), 平尾佳彦1), 藤本清秀1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 44-44, 2013.

Japanese Article O-18 neovascularisation inhibiting factor Vasohibin-1 is a predictive marker of the renal cell carcinoma postoperative non-recurrence
宮地禎幸1), 鹿股直樹2), 佐藤靖史3), 金星哲1), 福元和彦1), 海部三香子1), 藤井智浩1), 常義政1), 横山光彦1), 森谷卓也2), 永井敦1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 45-45, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the treatment drug reason for change of the O-19 metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
山口健哉, 大日方大亮, 松井強, 五十嵐智博, 佐藤克彦, 持田淳一, 山中弥太郎, 川田望, 高橋悟
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 46-46, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of Sequential therapy of the molecular target medicine for the O-20 metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
水野伸彦1), 村岡研太郎1), 岸田健1), 坂田綾子2), 北見一夫2), 塩井康一3), 野口純男3), 大竹慎二4), 矢尾正祐4), 中井川昇4), 窪田正信4)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 47-47, 2013.

Japanese Article 1 autopsy case of the Trousseau syndrome complicated with P-1 papillosity renal cell carcinoma
千原良友1), 大西健太1), 桑田真臣1), 穴井智1), 藤本清秀1), 本山靖2), 笹平智則3), 國安弘基3)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 48-48, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the Xp11.2 translocation type renal carcinoma with P-2 multiple metastases
有吉勇一1), 江原伸1), 小林泰之1), 賀来春紀1), 那須保友1), 公文裕巳1), 田中健大2), 柳井広之2), 黒田直人3)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 49-49, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of Bellini's tubes cancer treated effectively with P-3 Axitinib
林田有史, 末永武寛, 土肥洋一郎, 松岡祐貴, 矢野敏史, 呉秀賢, 加藤琢磨, 平間裕美, 上田修史, 杉元幹史, 筧善行
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 50-50, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the major molecular weight IGF-II production renal carcinoma that P-4 hypoglycaemic attack was discovered in i in an opportunity
木村信吾1), 三塚浩二1), 田中峻希1), 山下慎一1), 山田成幸1), 海法康裕1), 渡辺みか2), 池田義弘3), 千葉喜美男4), 荒井陽一1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 51-51, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of renal cell carcinoma (Renal cell carcinoma, unclassified, with low grade malignant potential) in the renal cyst that a P-5 percutaneous endoscopic biopsy was the opportunity of the diagnosis
麦谷荘一1), 佐藤滋則1), 加藤大貴2), 永田仁夫3), 草間由紀子4), 馬場聡4)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 52-52, 2013.

Japanese Article It is examined the Everolimus administration case for P-6 kidney clear cell carcinoma as the first line
波多野孝史1), 森啓一郎1), 石井元1), 遠藤勝久1), 都筑俊介2), 坂東重浩2), 岸本幸一2), 笠井奏子3), 田代康次郎3), 稲葉裕之3), 頴川晋3)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 53-53, 2013.

Japanese Article Effect of treatment of the sunitinib for the renal carcinoma primary tumor without the P-7 distant metastasis
徳田倫章, 長沼英和, 諸隈太, 内野洋志, 李賢, 白水翼
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 54-54, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about relative dose intensity of sunitinib for the P-8 metastatic renal-cell carcinoma and the treatment result
西川源也1), 中村小源太1), 吉澤孝彦1), 藤堂真紀2), 村松洋行1), 森永慎吾1), 小林郁生1), 梶川圭史1), 加藤義晴1), 渡邊將人1), 全並賢二1), 金尾健人1), 住友誠1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 55-55, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the molecular target drug for progressive renal cell carcinoma in P-9 Tottori University
眞砂俊彦, 岩本秀人, 森實修一, 八尾昭久, 磯山忠広, 瀬島健裕, 武中篤
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 56-56, 2013.

Japanese Article Did the treatment result of renal carcinoma metastases to bone improve by introduction of the P-10 molecules target therapy?
北村寛, 井上隆太, 広部恵美, 京田有樹, 田中俊明, 舛森直哉
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 57-57, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term use experience of the Aki Shichi nib in the P-11 our hospital
小野田充敬, 小原航, 岩崎一洋, 常盤傑, 藤岡知昭
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 58-58, 2013.

Japanese Article Use experience of the Aki Shichi nib for P-12 progress-related renal cell carcinoma
藤田竜二, 津島知靖, 河内啓一郎, 山下真弘
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 59-59, 2013.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of Axitinib for the P-13 metastasis-related renal carcinoma
滑川剛史1), 李芳菁1), 今村有佑1), 齋藤允孝1), 小林将行1), 小丸淳1), 深沢賢1), 巣山貴仁2), 二瓶直樹2), 市川智彦2), 植田健1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 60-60, 2013.

Japanese Article Initial treatment experience of cryogenic surgery for the P-14 renal carcinoma
本郷文弥1), 納谷佳男1), 大石正勝1), 上田崇1), 中村晃和1), 鴨井和実1), 河内明宏1), 田中治2), 山田恵2), 三木恒治1)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 61-61, 2013.

Japanese Article Early experience of MRI guide lower cryogenic surgery for the P-15 renal carcinoma
坂東重浩1), 三木淳1), 岸本幸一1), 清水勧一朗1), 最上拓児1), 原田潤太1), 波多野孝史2), 頴川晋3)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 62-62, 2013.

Japanese Article A nephrocyte cancer and the overlap case who obtain condition of a patient control with P-16 Temsirolimus single agent of the bile duct cancer
内野慶太1), 高吉琴絵1), 薦田正人1), 坂本直孝2), 井口厚司3)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 63-63, 2013.

Japanese Article Two patients who raised intestinal perforation during P-17 molecules target medicine administration
高橋正幸, 井崎博文, 福森知治, 金山博臣
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 64-64, 2013.

Japanese Article An example of obtained elderly patients on dialysis of the condition of a patient control long-term for P-18 metastasis-related renal carcinoma by Sequential therapy
柴原瑠美, 近藤恒徳, 大前憲史, 吉田一彦, 高木敏男, 飯塚淳平, 小林博人, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 65-65, 2013.

Japanese Article One patient who obtained long-term survival by the extirpation for the multiple sites recurrence after P-19 renal carcinoma technique
小畠浩平, 加藤昌生, 三田耕司
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 66-66, 2013.

Japanese Article The cell line establishment of P-20 Sarcomatoid RCC
川口真琴, 鈴木啓介, 岩端威之, 定岡侑子, 飯島将司, 太田茂之, 慎武, 西尾浩二郎, 佐藤両, 小堀善友, 芦沢好夫, 八木宏, 宋成浩, 新井学, 岡田弘
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 43(suppl): 67-67, 2013.