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Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program

Volume 46, Issue suppl / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Greetings of the 47th renal carcinoma meeting for the study (meeting of the 25th anniversary) foreword chairperson appointment
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 3-4, 2016.

English Article SI-1 Current Status of Systemic Therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Alain Ravaud
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 17-17, 2016.

English Article I-1 Ischemia During PN : Does it Cause AKI and Does it Impact Functional Recovery ?
Steven C.Campbell
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 18-18, 2016.

Japanese Article One or - that pathologic change - TKI of the renal carcinoma after the treatment with E-1 molecules target drug results in what kind of change in a tumor vessel
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 19-19, 2016.

Japanese Article Two cases of the metastatic renal carcinoma which suffered from continuous administration of the S-1 medical therapy, and was given metastatic focus excision
深沢賢1, 竹下暢重1, 篠崎哲男1, 梨井隼菱1, 佐藤陽介1, 小林将行1, 小丸淳1, 市川智彦2, 植田健1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 20-20, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of chromophobe renal cell carcinoma oncocytic variant which followed the course when S-2 was complicated, and suffered from a diagnosis
巣山貴仁1, 藤本歩1, 金坂学斗1, 芳生旭辰1, 荒木千裕1, 増田広1, 小島聡子1, 山田正俊2, 山崎一人2, 石田康生2, 納谷幸男1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 21-21, 2016.

Japanese Article Xp11.2 translocation type renal carcinoma cells in chromophobe renal cell carcinoma tumor of the young onset that we were not able to diagnose only on S-3 immune disease physical examination
石橋啓1, 矢部通弘1, 秦淳也1, 佐藤雄一1, 赤井畑秀則1, 小川総一郎1, 羽賀宣博1, 櫛田信博1, 柳田知彦1, 相川健1, 伊藤恵美2, 渡辺慎哉2, 和栗聡2, 小島祥敬1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 22-22, 2016.

Japanese Article An example of 12mm narrow path renal cell carcinoma detected for a metastatic bone tumor during follow-up after the S-4 prostate cancer total extraction
森田順, 谷藤暁, 松井祐輝, 小川祐, 中里武彦, 押野見和彦, 七条武志, 前田佳子, 直江道夫, 冨士幸蔵, 小川良雄
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 23-23, 2016.

Japanese Article Reflection - of the correspondence after case - partial nephrectomy that local recurrence tumors increased after S-5 partial nephrectomy rapidly, and caused duodenal permeation
近藤恒徳1, 高木敏男1, 大前憲司1, 小林博人1, 飯塚淳平1, 吉田一彦1, 福田洋典1, 長嶋洋治2, 田邉一成1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 24-24, 2016.

Japanese Article Experience of 2 cases that developed tract seeding after ablation for the S-6 renal carcinoma
武内在雄1, 立神勝則1, 伊藤大輔1, 秋武正和1, 浅山良樹2, 牛島泰宏2, 岡本大佑2, 江藤正俊1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 25-25, 2016.

Japanese Article Renal cell carcinoma with O-1 Rhabdoid-like features deletes intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies and shows rapid progress
杉本昌顕1, 孝橋賢一2, 阿部立郎2, 立神勝則1, 内藤誠二3, 小田義直2, 江藤正俊1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 26-26, 2016.

Japanese Article O-2 GPNMB is useful as a diagnosis marker of TFE3 activation renal cell carcinoma
馬場理也1, 古屋充子2, 蓮見壽史3, 加藤生真2, 長嶋洋治4, 黒田直人5, 黄瑩6, Martin Lang6, 入江信子1, 江角千晴1, 羽野博之1, 高橋渡7, 河野吉昭8, 杉山豊8, 田上憲一郎8, 山口隆大8, Laura S.Schmidt6, 江藤正俊9, 矢尾正祐3, 中谷行雄10, W.Marston Linehan6
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 26-26, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) gene expression for the O-3 clear cells type renal carcinoma
高岡直央, 宮崎美紀, 古瀬洋, 田村啓多, 鈴木孝尚, 杉山貴之, 大塚篤史, 三宅秀明, 大園誠一郎
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 27-27, 2016.

Japanese Article We examine the convalescence of O-4 renal cell carcinoma from a viewpoint of the carbohydrate metabolism
別納弘法1, 水野智弥1, 坂本攝2, 坂本和優1, 鈴木一生1, 武井航平1, 戸倉祐未1, 幸英夫1, 阿部英行1, 安士正裕1, 深堀能立1, 釜井隆男1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 27-27, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination about the pathogenicity of the missense mutation in O-5 renal carcinoma inhibitor gene FLCN
蓮見壽史1, 馬場理也2, 古屋充子3, 矢尾正祐1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 28-28, 2016.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of the body mass index level in renal cell carcinoma judging from association with O-6 Cachexia
渡邊大祐, 堀口明男, 田崎新資, 黒田健司, 佐藤全伯, 朝隈純一, 伊藤敬一, 淺野友彦
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 28-28, 2016.

Japanese Article The M2 macrophage permeation in O-7 renal cell carcinoma correlates with C-reactive protein
中山貴之, 齋藤一隆, 藤井靖久, 井上雅晴, 伊藤将也, 木島敏樹, 吉田宗一郎, 横山みなと, 松岡陽, 木原和徳
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 29-29, 2016.

Japanese Article Can you improve O-8 tumor diameter and precision of the narrow path kidney tumor diagnosis algorithm based on the renal biopsy more? Examination ... which we added ... age, Gender and R.E.N.A.L.Nephrometry Score (RNS) to
大澤崇宏1, J.Stuart Wolf Jr.2, 菊地央1, 宮島直人1, 土屋邦彦1, 丸山覚1, 安部崇重1, 篠原信雄1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 29-29, 2016.

Japanese Article Is the intratumoral variety between tumor present in immunocyte expression to invade in an O-9 renal cell carcinoma tissue?
河嶋厚成1, 金沢崇之2, 氏家剛1, 永原啓1, 藤田和利1, 植村元秀1, 和田尚2, 野々村祝夫1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 30-30, 2016.

Japanese Article Diagnosis Al gobiid sum making of the renovascular myolipoma with a few fat ingredients in the O-10 narrow path kidney tumor
田中一1, 藤井靖久1, 吉田宗一郎1, 横山みなと1, 石岡淳一郎1, 松岡陽1, 沼尾昇1, 齋藤一隆1, 上原翔2, 湯浅健2, 山本真也2, 増田均2, 米瀬淳二2, 木原和徳1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 30-30, 2016.

Japanese Article Comparison to maintenance dialysis introduction after the heminephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma of patients with O-11 Stage 4 chronicity kidney disease and the radical nephrectomy
高木敏男, 近藤恒徳, 大前憲史, 飯塚淳平, 小林博人, 奥見雅由, 橋本恭伸, 石田英樹, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 31-31, 2016.

Japanese Article O-12 Robot support using 3D image blood flow evaluation system Examination of prediction model of residual function after partial resection of lower nephrectomy
眞砂俊彦, 弓岡徹也, 森實修一, 本田正史, 瀬島健裕, 武中篤
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 31-31, 2016.

Japanese Article The effect that protein urine gives for a decreased renal function after the laparotomy partial nephrectomy in O-13 preoperation: Examination in patients with solitary kidney
橘秀和, 高木敏男, 近藤恒徳, 石田英樹, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 32-32, 2016.

Japanese Article Does the aggressive local treatment for O-14 renal carcinoma metastases to bone contribute to vital prognosis improvement?
福島啓司1, 古賀文隆1, 穂積高弘2, 五嶋孝博3, 二瓶圭二4, 唐澤克之4, 中西泰一1, 片岡円1, 鳶巣賢一1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 32-32, 2016.

Japanese Article O-15 Glasgow Prognostic Score can become the convalescence predictor when we went Cytoreductive Nephrectomy for metastatic renal carcinoma
福田洋典, 近藤恒徳, 高木敏男, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 33-33, 2016.

Japanese Article This country phase I/II clinical study of the IMA901 opsonic therapy for the O-16 metastasis-related renal carcinoma
本郷文弥1, 上田崇1, 中村晃和1, 玉田聡2, スクールオリバー3, シンハープリート3, 仲谷達也2, 三木恒治1, 浮村理1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 33-33, 2016.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma 117 case which we introduced axitinib into as O-17 second treatment
三宅秀明1, 宮崎彰2, 原田健一2, 大園誠一郎1, 藤澤正人2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 34-34, 2016.

Japanese Article O-18 sarcopenia and mGPS are independent convalescence predictors after the treatment with 1st-line sunitinib for the metastatic renal carcinoma
石原弘喜, 近藤恒徳, 大前憲史, 高木敏男, 飯塚淳平, 小林博人, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 34-34, 2016.

Japanese Article The change of the value of C-reactive protein (CRP) early after molecular target medicine start of therapy in the O-19 metastasis-related renal carcinoma and prognostic relations
安田庸輔1, 齋藤一隆2, 川村尚子2, 湯浅健3, 横山みなと2, 松岡陽2, 石岡淳一郎2, 沼尾昇2, 奥野哲男1, 山本真也3, 高橋俊二3, 米瀬淳二3, 藤井靖久2, 木原和徳2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 35-35, 2016.

Japanese Article Experience to become the support of patients with progressive kidney cancer continuing oral O-20 molecules target treatment
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 35-35, 2016.

Japanese Article The effect that transfusion in the P-1 technique gives to a survival rate of the renal carcinoma
小谷桂子, 近藤恒徳, 佐藤泰之, 飯塚淳平, 高木敏男, 石田英樹, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 36-36, 2016.

Japanese Article Three cases that were treated for renal cell carcinoma with the inferior vena cava tumor stopper which reached the P-2 atrium in the preoperation with the Aki Shichi nib
神鳥周也, 小島崇宏, 河原貴史, 木村友和, 常樂晃, 末富崇弘, 河合弘二, 宮崎淳, 西山博之
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 36-36, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination about the decreased renal function case after the P-3 robot support lower heminephrectomy
羽田圭佑, 近藤恒徳, 高木敏男, 飯塚淳平, 奥見雅由, 小林博人, 橋本恭伸, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 37-37, 2016.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the renal cell carcinoma IVC tumor emboli which suffered from management of the P-4 perioperative period
新藤貴雄, 木村剛, 程塚直人, 香山重軌, 武田隼人, 松沢一郎, 濱崎務, 近藤幸尋
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 37-37, 2016.

Japanese Article An example of renal cell carcinoma with the P-5 liver direct permeation which took the rapid course, and died of a cancer
小林進, 橋爪和純, 渡邊成樹, 堀淳一, 玉木岳, 安住誠, 北雅史, 柿崎秀宏
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 38-38, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the renal-transplant recipients who received combined modality therapy for P-6 metastasis-related renal carcinoma
杉山貴之1, 加藤大貴2, 細川真吾1, 大塚篤史1, 古瀬洋1, 三宅秀明1, 大園誠一郎1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 38-38, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor associated with the VEGF inhibitor non-tolerance in patients with P-7 metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
高松公晴1, 近藤秀幸1, 杉野智啓1, 香久山裕史1, 安水洋太1, 鈴木賢次郎1, 城武卓1, 藤堂真紀2, 小山政史1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 39-39, 2016.

English Article P-8 Nephrotoxicity induced by long term administration of VEGFR inhibitors for metastatic renal cell carcinoma
大木遼佑1, 三浦裕司1, 尾崎由記範1, 田辺裕子1, 黒澤和宏2, 浦上慎司2, 岡根谷利一2, 高野利実1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 39-39, 2016.

Japanese Article P-9 sorafenib, examination of the effect on renal function of the sunitinib
寺井一隆1, 斎藤恵介1, 武藤智1, 山口雷蔵1, 永田政義2, 堀江重郎2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 40-40, 2016.

Japanese Article Two cases of the intestinal tract emphysematosa that occurred during treatment with molecular target medicine for P-10 renal cell carcinoma
佐倉雄馬, 伊藤文子, 山崎真理, 松岡祐貴, 宮内康行, 林田有史, 平間裕美, 田岡利宜也, 常森寛行, 上田修史, 杉元幹史, 筧善行
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 40-40, 2016.

Japanese Article Two cases of the metastatic renal carcinoma which showed platelet transfusion refractoriness by the antiHLA antibody production by platelet transfusion after the P-11 Sunitinib administration early
稲津宏紀1, 木村剛2, 遠藤勇気2, 松沢一郎2, 鈴木康友3, 濱崎務2, 近藤幸尋2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 41-41, 2016.

Japanese Article 3 cases that showed Serious Adverse Event during treatment with molecular target medicine for the P-12 renal carcinoma
福田敦史, 富崎一向, 濱砂良一, 藤本直浩
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 41-41, 2016.

Japanese Article About convalescence of the P-13 renal carcinoma metastatic focus excision
浜崎和代, 高木敏男, 飯塚淳平, 近藤恒徳, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 42-42, 2016.

Japanese Article Treatment result according to the metastatic focus in the P-14 molecules target treatment
玉田聡, 仲谷達也
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 42-42, 2016.

Japanese Article Significance of NLR as the effect on P-15 metastatic renal-cell carcinoma prediction of the treatment with molecular target medicine
原秀彦, 板谷直, 多武保光宏, 桶川隆嗣, 奴田原紀久雄
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 43-43, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of NLR in the Aki Shichi nib administration for the P-16 progress renal carcinoma
小野田充敬, 加藤廉平, 高山美郷, 伊藤明人, 五十嵐大樹, 松浦朋彦, 加藤陽一郎, 岩崎一洋, 高田亮, 杉村淳, 大森聡, 阿部貴弥, 小原航
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 43-43, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the Sunitinib alternate-day administration using the P-17 therapeutic drug monitoring
大庭康司郎, 安田拓司, 浅井昭宏, 松尾朋博, 望月保志, 宮田康好, 酒井英樹
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 44-44, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the metastatic renal carcinoma given molecular target therapy more than P-18 five years
望月保志, 中西裕美, 大庭康司郎, 宮田康好, 錦戸雅春, 酒井英樹
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 44-44, 2016.

Japanese Article The tumor reduction ratio of the Aki Shichi nib in P-19 progress-related renal cell carcinoma and relative examination of the survival period
高橋正幸, 大豆本圭, 楠原義人, 福森知治, 金山博臣
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 45-45, 2016.

Japanese Article Significance of the effect of the 1st line drug in the convalescence of the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma given one by one of the P-20 molecules target medicine
亭島淳1, 大原慎也2, 藤井慎介1, 定秀孝介1, 北野弘之1, 稗田圭介1, 神明俊輔1, 井上省吾1, 林哲太郎1, 三田耕司2, 松原昭郎1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 45-45, 2016.

Japanese Article It is examined the case using the Everolimus after a tyrosine kinase inhibitor for P-21 progress-related renal cell carcinoma
水野隆一, 松本一宏, 森田伸也, 小坂威雄, 篠田和伸, 篠島利明, 菊地栄次, 浅沼宏, 宮嶋哲, 大家基嗣
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination about the effect of treatment predictor of the Aki Shichi nib for the P-22 metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
小林郁生, 中村小源太, 村松洋行, 森永慎吾, 梶川圭史, 西川源也, 吉澤孝彦, 加藤義晴, 渡邊將人, 金尾健人, 住友誠
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article About the initial treatment experience of the Aki Shichi nib for progressive renal cell carcinoma in the P-23 our hospital
山本義明, 清水宏輔, 藤井央法, 小林圭太, 井上亮, 松本洋明, 長尾一公, 松山豪泰
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 47-47, 2016.

Japanese Article Comparison of the cancer-specific survival rate in P-24 clear cell carcinoma and papillosity renal cell carcinoma type2
佐藤泰之, 高木敏男, 飯塚淳平, 近藤恒徳, 田邉一成
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 47-47, 2016.

Japanese Article Use experience of the molecular target agent for P-25 Xp11.2 translocation type renal cell carcinoma
佐々直人, 山本徳則, 吉野能, 加藤真史, 松川宜久, 藤田高史, 舟橋康人, 石田昇平, 馬嶋剛, 山本晃之, 坂本史稔, 松尾かずな, 山内裕士, 後藤百万
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 48-48, 2016.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the pazopanib treatment for the P-26 metastasis-related renal carcinoma
吉田哲也1, 西田将成1, 窪田成寿1, 富田圭司1, 水流輝彦1, 花田英紀1, 影山進1, 上仁数義1, 成田充弘1, 河内明宏1, 野田哲史2, 寺田智祐2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 48-48, 2016.

Japanese Article 2 cases thought to be high grade of atypism kidney Mucinous Tubular and Spindle Cell Carcinoma which caused P-27 metastasis, a recurrence
山崎俊成, 神波大己, 小川修
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 49-49, 2016.

Japanese Article An example of the Bellini ductal carcinoma which racked its brains about a diagnosis in P-28 preoperation
徳山尚斗, 滝澤一晴, 竹内尚史, 黒田功, 青柳貞一郎
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 49-49, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of clear type renal cell carcinoma that P-29-prone lungs, lymph node metastases regressed spontaneously
佐塚智和, 五島悠介, 柳澤充, 仲村和芳, 二瓶直樹, 五十嵐辰男, 市川智彦
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 46(suppl): 50-50, 2016.