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Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program

Volume 52, Issue suppl / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article E-1-1. A main revision point of kidney tumor WHO classification fifth edition (WHO2022): About a tissue type classified by an overall concept, papillosity renal cell carcinoma, molecular biologic technique
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 23-23, 2022.

Japanese Article E-1-2. Main revision point 2 of kidney tumor WHO classification fifth edition (WHO2022) around Oncocytic and chromophobe renal tumor:
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 24-24, 2022.

Japanese Article JS-1-1. It is ... mainly on the clinical study results of overview - molecular target drug of the renal carcinoma adjuvant postoperative treatment and the immune checkpoint inhibitor
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 25-25, 2022.

Japanese Article JS-1-2. Significance of the adjuvant postoperative treatment for the stage T2-3 renal carcinoma
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 26-26, 2022.

Japanese Article JS-1-3. Adjuvant postoperative treatment (pN1 + M1NED)
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 27-27, 2022.

Japanese Article JS-2-1. The choice that drug choice - I of 1st-line think about is this!
玉田聡1, 畠山真吾1, 山下真平2, 関根悠哉2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 28-28, 2022.

Japanese Article P-1. Examination of the antitumor effect due to the IL-7/CCL19-producing type humans CAR-T cells using the solid cancer PDX mouse model
後藤駿介1, 玉田耕治2, 江藤正俊1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 29-29, 2022.

Japanese Article P-2. Search about the relationship of the intratumoral environment and fibroblast growth factor in clear cells type renal cell carcinoma of immunity
成澤貴史1, 内藤整1, 光田吉秀2, 大江倫太郎3, 佐藤秀則4, 小林千鶴2, 福田瑞貴3, 北岡匠3, 宮野佑樹4, 伊藤裕美1, 木村瑞希2, 濱口誠2, 青島健2, 二口充3, 土谷順彦1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 29-29, 2022.

Japanese Article P-3. Elucidation of the intratumoral inhomogeneity and tumor microenvironment in the hereditary renal carcinoma using the single cell transcriptome analysis
軸屋良介1, 蓮見壽史2, 古屋充子3, 加藤生真3, 馬場理也4, 三留拓2, 大竹慎二2, 野口剛2, 川浦沙知2, 伊藤悠亮2, 村岡研太郎2, 近藤慶一2, 中井川昇2, 矢尾正祐2, 中川英刀5, 槙山和秀2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 30-30, 2022.

Japanese Article P-4. The cancer-causing mechanism and condition of a patient elucidation based on all genome analysis and transcriptome analysis of the BHD-related renal carcinoma
軸屋良介1, 蓮見壽史2, 古屋充子3, 加藤生真3, 馬場理也4, 三留拓2, 大竹慎二2, 野口剛2, 川浦沙知2, 伊藤悠亮2, 村岡研太郎2, 近藤慶一2, 中井川昇2, 矢尾正祐2, 中川英刀5, 槙山和秀2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 30-30, 2022.

Japanese Article P-5. Role of Neuritin1 as tumor promotion, the prognostic factor found using clear cells kidney cancer model derived from patients
鎌田修平1, 池田和博2, 鈴木貴3, 佐藤航2, 北山沙知4, 川上理5, 市川智彦6, 堀江公仁子2, 井上聡7
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 31-31, 2022.

Japanese Article P-6. We reconsider local progress renal cell carcinoma: Significance of permeation/extension in the pathological parenchyma of kidney
田中一1, 布川裕規2, 山本浩平2, 平川晃弘3, 中村祐基1, 内田裕將1, 福田翔平1, 吉田宗一郎1, 横山みなと1, 松岡陽1, 藤井靖久1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 31-31, 2022.

Japanese Article P-7. Analysis by the flow cytometry of the tumor im-munity microenvironment in nephrocyte cancer
福田洋典1, 雑賀寛1, 時田大輔2, 石山亮1, 池田敬至1, 石原弘喜3, 橘秀和4, 吉田一彦1, 小林博人3, 飯塚淳平1, 平井敏仁1, 山下万貴子5, 北野滋久5, 長嶋洋治6, 溝口幸宏7, 青木一教7, 近藤恒徳3, 高木敏男1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 32-32, 2022.

Japanese Article P-8. 15 clinical examination in the mucilage tube-formed spindle type renal carcinoma
小針悠希, 吉田一彦, 蓑田亮, 福田洋典, 飯塚淳平, 長嶋洋治, 高木敏男
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 32-32, 2022.

Japanese Article P-9. Examination of the usefulness of G8 score in the Nivolumab/Ipilimumab treatment
佐塚智和, 新井隆之, 佐藤広明, 加藤繭子, 若井健, 今村有佑, 坂本信一, 市川智彦
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 33-33, 2022.

Japanese Article P-10. The significance as the prognostic factor of the C-reactive protein in clear cells type renal cell carcinoma which operative treatment was provided to: Examination by the domestic multicenter study
中山哲成1, 齋藤一隆1, 田邉一成2, 近藤恒徳3, 藤井靖久4, 高橋正幸5, 神波大己6, 小山政史7
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 33-33, 2022.

Japanese Article P-11. It is the usefulness of the CRP level after the operation as recurrent predictor of the high-risk localized renal carcinoma
石山雄大1, 近藤恒徳1, 石原弘喜1, 吉田一彦2, 飯塚淳平2, 田邉一成2, 高木敏男2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 34-34, 2022.

Japanese Article P-12. Examination about the association between irAE and effect of treatment of the nivolumab + ipilimumab combination therapy for the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
蘇武竜太1, 沼倉一幸1, 畠山真吾2, 関根悠哉1, 武藤弓奈1, 小林瑞貴1, 嘉島相輝1, 山本竜平1, 小泉淳1, 奈良健平1, 齋藤満1, 成田伸太郎1, 大山力2, 羽渕友則1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 34-34, 2022.

Japanese Article P-13. Frequency and significance of Mixed response in the nivolumab treatment for the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
石川雄大1, 田中一1, 山口良友2, 丸山理子3, 吉富香澄2, 藤原遼2, 井上雅晴3, 吉田宗一郎1, 横山みなと1, 沼尾昇2, 松岡陽1, 藤井靖久1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 35-35, 2022.

Japanese Article P-14. Clinical examination about the follow-up long-term after the renal carcinoma technique of our hospital
新井隆之, 佐塚智和, 佐藤広明, 加藤繭子, 今村有佑, 坂本信一, 市川智彦
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 35-35, 2022.

Japanese Article P-15. Usefulness examination of the adverse event management using the patient reported outcome (PRO: Patient Reported Outcome) in patients with progressive renal cell carcinoma during Cabozantinib treatment: Domestic phase II randomized trial protocol (electric-PRO vs. paper-PRO vs. usual care)
大澤崇宏1, 藤井靖久2, 木村剛3, 長嶋洋治4, 北村寛5, 飯泉桜6, 大坂剛6, 坪内良一6, 篠原信雄1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 36-36, 2022.

Japanese Article P-16. Cross-sectional observational study to investigate the difference in needs between patients and healthcare workers for the renal cell carcinoma medical treatment
木村剛1, 藤井靖久2, 大澤崇宏3, 内富庸介4, 本多和典5, 大谷亜吏子6, 近藤美紀7, 輪湖哲也8, 光田吉秀9, 河合大輔9, 菅原道子9, 北野浩己9, 篠原信雄3
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 36-36, 2022.

Japanese Article P-17. Inspection in the renal function prediction-type Japanese patient population after partial nephrectomy or the nephrectomy
橘秀和1, 大前憲史2, 石原弘喜3, 福田洋典4, 吉田一彦4, 飯塚淳平4, 田邉一成4, 近藤恒徳3, 高木敏男4
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article P-18. Examination about the case recurrent after the RAPN technique
門司恵介, 後藤駿介, 木下史生, 松元崇, 李賢, 柏木英志, 塩田真己, 猪口淳一, 江藤正俊
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article P-19. It is decreased eGFR of 20% or more of less than two years by New baseline after radical nephrectomy or the partial nephrectomy
范博, 横山みなと, 安田庸輔, 中村祐基, 内田裕将, 福田翔平, 田中一, 吉田宗一郎, 松岡陽, 藤井靖久
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article P-20. Examination of RAPN in the University of the Ryukyus Hospital
高江洲大, 斎藤誠一, 仲西昌太郎, 木村隆, 芦刈明日香, 田中慧, 知念尚之, 上間南海子, 崎浜綾乃, 野原素直, 神山傑
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article P-21. Examination of the renal cell carcinoma pT3a upgrade case given laparoscopic surgery
藤原敦子1, 本郷文弥1, 上田崇1, 大橋宗洋1, 宮下雅亜1, しょう仁哲2, 上野彰久3, 中村晃和3, 石田博万4, 沖原宏冶4, 浮村理1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 39-39, 2022.

Japanese Article P-22. Two patients who underwent nephrectomy after the checkpoint inhibitor administration of immunity
元島崇信, 倉橋竜磨, 矢津田旬二, 背川卓也, 神波大己
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 39-39, 2022.

Japanese Article P-23. Clinicopathologic examination of the case given delayed cytoreductive nephrectomy and metastasectomy after Nivolumab + Ipilimumab administration
武田隼人, 木村剛, 勝彬史, 三神晃, 柳雅人, 赤塚純, 遠藤勇気, 戸山友香, 近藤幸尋
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article P-24. cT3b renal carcinoma, three patients of the inferior vena cava tumor stopper who became able to undergo resection after nivolumab, ipilimumab combination therapy
大島記世, 西山直隆, 山峯直樹, 菊島卓也, 安川瞳, 池端良紀, 伊藤崇敏, 渡部明彦, 藤内靖喜, 北村寛
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article P-25. Examination of the effectiveness of the primary tumor exeresis for the metastatic renal carcinoma
北島和樹1, 石井大輔1, 藤田哲夫2, 岩村正嗣1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 41-41, 2022.

Japanese Article P-26. Metastatic renal carcinoma case given a kidney knob after the nivolumab ipilimumab therapy
深沢賢, 野呂卓秀, 井上裕司, 馬場晴喜, 米田慧, 萩原和久, 佐藤陽介, 小林将行, 小丸淳
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 41-41, 2022.

Japanese Article P-27. The examination of the effect of the checkpoint inhibitor combination therapy by the presence or absence of nephrectomy in patients with metastatic renal-cell carcinoma of immunity: Meta-analysis
森啓一郎, 柳澤孝文, 木村高弘
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 42-42, 2022.

Japanese Article P-28. Examination of the treatment result in the progressive renal cell carcinoma IMDC favorable risk group that monotherapy was provided
水野隆一, 田中伸之, 松本一宏, 大家基嗣
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 42-42, 2022.

Japanese Article P-29. Comparison between primary tumor and early antitumor effect in the distant metastasis part in nivolumab ipilimumab combination therapy and the treatment for the progressive renal carcinoma with sunitinib
加藤廉平, 五十嵐大樹, 松浦朋彦, 前川滋克, 加藤陽一郎, 兼平貢, 高田亮, 小原航
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 43-43, 2022.

Japanese Article P-30. Early experience of the Ipi + Nivo for the progressive renal carcinoma in the Kanazawa University Hospital and IO + TKI therapy
八重樫洋, 鳥海蓮, 中川竜之介, 島田貴史, 門本卓, 岩本大旭, 野原隆弘, 泉浩二, 溝上敦
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 43-43, 2022.

Japanese Article P-31. Significance of the Immuno-Oncology combination therapy as the primary treatment in progressive renal cell carcinoma
植田浩介, 末金茂高, 伊東直城, 小笠原尚之, 黒瀬浩文, 広重佑, 築井克聡, 上村慶一郎, 名切信, 西原聖顕, 松尾光哲, 井川掌
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 44-44, 2022.

Japanese Article P-32. Primary treatment result of progressive renal cell carcinoma in the specialist in Niigata University dentistry general hospital
田崎正行, 風間明, 山名一寿, 丸山亮, 石崎文雄, 笠原隆, 冨田義彦
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 44-44, 2022.

Japanese Article P-33. Examination of the usefulness of the nivolumab ipilimumab combination therapy for the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
岡添誉, 可児尚弥, 本田智子, 原田怜, 山崎真理, 土肥洋一郎, 松岡祐貴, 加藤琢磨, 田岡利宜也, 常森寛行, 上田修史, 杉元幹史
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 45-45, 2022.

Japanese Article P-34. From multicenter database DARC-MICAN of the tendency of the 1st line renal carcinoma drug therapy choice and the short-term treatment result Ehime prefecture renal carcinoma medical therapy case
三浦徳宣1, 大西智也1, 角田俊雄1, 渡辺隆太1, 野田輝乙1, 西村謙一1, 福本哲也1, 宮内勇貴1, 菊川忠彦1, 浅井聖史2, 矢野明2, 田丁貴俊2, 柳原豊3, 二宮郁3, 菅政治3, 冨田諒太郎4, 松村正文4, 橋根勝義4, 雑賀隆史1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 45-45, 2022.

Japanese Article P-35. Examination about the effect of the immune checkpoint inhibitor on metastatic renal carcinoma in the trial exclusion case
石原弘喜1, 根本侑樹2, 中村和貴3, 西村紘一1, 橘秀和4, 福田洋典5, 吉田一彦5, 飯塚淳平5, 小林博人1, 新村浩明3, 橋本恭伸2, 近藤恒徳1, 高木敏男5
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 46-46, 2022.

Japanese Article P-36. Initial use experience of the Cabozantinib + nivolumab combination therapy in the Tokyo Women's Medical Univ. Adachi medical center
西村紘一, 石原弘喜, 稲川徹, 石山雄大, 吉野真紀, 土岐大介, 小林博人, 近藤恒徳
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 46-46, 2022.

Japanese Article P-37. Use experience of the Cabozantinib + Nivorumab combination therapy for patients with low-risk renal carcinoma with the metastatic bone tumor
澄川涼太, 立神勝則, 大坪智志, 持田学, 長谷川周二
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 47-47, 2022.

Japanese Article P-38. Treatment result of the Ipilimumab/Nivolumab combination therapy for the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma in Yokohama City University Hospital
野口剛, 蓮見壽史, 佐々木卓, 軸屋良介, 三留拓, 大竹慎二, 川浦沙知, 蓼沼知之, 伊藤悠亮, 村岡研太郎, 近藤慶一, 中井川昇, 矢尾正祐, 槙山和秀
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 47-47, 2022.

Japanese Article P-39. Use experience of Pembrolizumab/Lenvatinib combination therapy for the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
吉田一彦, 小針悠希, 小林博人, 飯塚淳平, 石田英樹, 高木敏男
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 48-48, 2022.

Japanese Article P-40. The effectiveness and safety of the immune checkpoint inhibitor for the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma of elderly people
根本侑樹1, 石原弘喜1, 中村和貴2, 橘秀和3, 福田洋典4, 吉田一彦4, 小林博人1, 飯塚淳平4, 新村浩明2, 橋本恭伸5, 田邉一成4, 近藤恒徳1, 高木敏男4
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 48-48, 2022.

Japanese Article P-41. Clinical examination about the molecular target medicine treatment result after the nivolumab single agent administration in patients with metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
山下真平1, 朴聖一2, 岩橋悠矢1, 若宮崇人1, 松村永秀3, 西畑雅也4, 西川徹5, 稲垣武2, 鈴木淳史6, 吉川和朗1, 柑本康夫1, 原勲1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 49-49, 2022.

Japanese Article P-42. Usefulness of the second treatment after the nivolumab + ipilimumab combination therapy for progressive renal cell carcinoma and safe examination
飯沼光司1, 榎本虎偉2, 富岡奨幸3, 石田貴史4, 藤本祥太5, 河田啓6, 亀山紘司7, 高木公暁8, 永井真吾9, 並木早苗1, 上田翔太1, 竹内康通1, 川瀬真1, 川瀬紘太1, 中井千愛1, 加藤大貴1, 高井学1, 中根慶太1, 古家琢也1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 49-49, 2022.

Japanese Article P-43. Initial use experience of Cabozantinib for progressive renal cell carcinoma
伊東直城, 植田浩介, 黒瀬浩文, 広重佑, 渡辺晃太, 築井克聡, 上村慶一郎, 名切信, 西原聖顕, 松尾光哲, 末金茂高, 井川掌
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 50-50, 2022.

Japanese Article P-44. Use experience of the Cabozantinib for the progressive renal carcinoma in our hospital
門本卓, 内藤伶奈人, 岩本大旭, 八重樫洋, 川口昌平, 野原隆弘, 重原一慶, 泉浩二, 角野佳史, 溝上敦
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 50-50, 2022.

Japanese Article P-45. An adverse event of the Nivolumab monotherapy for progressive renal cell carcinoma and prognostic examination
晝間楓, 村田雅樹, 風間明, 田崎正行, 山名一寿, 冨田善彦
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 51-51, 2022.

Japanese Article P-46. Kavo centimeter nib treatment result after the second treatment for the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma in our hospital
長坂拓学, 西元健, 近藤拓也, 小泉充之, 寺尾秀行, 鈴木孝尚, 岸田健
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 51-51, 2022.

Japanese Article P-47. Examination of the second treatment after the nivolumab ipilimumab combination therapy in our hospital
志賀正宣1, 神鳥周也2, 小島崇宏3, 磯田文平1, 西山博之2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 52-52, 2022.

Japanese Article P-48. Observational, prospective study about the treatment actual situation of progressive renal cell carcinoma
野澤昌弘1, 赤松秀輔2, 田中宣道3, 鞍作克之4, 西村和郎5, 今村亮一6, 影山進7, 古川順也8, 柑本康夫9, 本郷文弥10, 矢西正明11, 稲元輝生12, 兼松明弘13
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 52-52, 2022.

Japanese Article P-49. Examination of the adrenal insufficiency by the antiPD-1 antibody OPDIVO monotherapy for progressive renal cell carcinoma in our hospital
関根啓太, 巣山貴仁, 柳瀬貴弘, 加藤洋人, 若井健, 岡東篤, 芳生旭辰, 荒木千裕, 納谷幸男
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 53-53, 2022.

Japanese Article P-50. One case of the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma which showed significant anemia as paraneoplastic syndromes
勝彬史, 木村剛, 赤塚純, 谷内真美, 長谷川裕也, 三神晃, 柳雅人, 遠藤勇気, 武田隼人, 戸山友香, 近藤幸尋
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 53-53, 2022.

Japanese Article P-51. An example of the metastatic renal carcinoma that a pathological complete response was obtained by Pembrolizumab Axitinib combination therapy
清水一希, 松岡悠大, 呉偉俊, 大町哲史, 玉田聡
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 54-54, 2022.

Japanese Article P-52. Two cases of the metastatic meeting ductal carcinoma that combined modality therapy including the GC therapy was effective
古川祥之1, 田崎新資1, 武川和樹1, 瀬川裕平1, 三好秀明1, 川口真2, 辻田裕二郎1, 島崎英幸3, 堀口明男1, 新本弘4, 伊藤敬一1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 54-54, 2022.

Japanese Article P-53. One case of the metastasis to renal cell carcinoma prostate discovered with urinary retention
井熊俊介, 木村剛, 本田悠一郎, 鈴木喬太, 勝彬史, 西川佳宏, 三神晃, 柳雅人, 赤塚純, 遠藤勇気, 武田隼人, 戸山友香, 近藤幸尋
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 55-55, 2022.

Japanese Article P-54. Experience with Opdivo Yervoy in Dialysis Patients
巣山貴仁, 関根啓太, 加藤洋人, 岡東篤, 芳生旭辰, 荒木千裕, 増田広, 小島聡子, 納谷幸男
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 55-55, 2022.

Japanese Article P-55. Examination of five metastatic renal carcinoma which formed cavernous pulmonary disease after the Cabozantinib start
稲川徹1, 橘秀和2, 石山雄大1, 吉野真紀1, 西村紘一1, 石原弘喜1, 土岐大介1, 近藤恒徳1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 56-56, 2022.

Japanese Article P-56. One case of papillosity renal cell carcinoma that long-term no treatment was obtained by ipilimumab nivolumab combination therapy
大豆本圭1, 角陸文哉1, 佐々木雄太郎1, 上野恵輝1, 津田恵1, 楠原義人1, 布川朋也1, 山本恭代1, 山口邦久1, 高橋正幸1, 金山博臣1, 仁木真理子2, 上原久典3
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 52(suppl): 56-56, 2022.