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Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program

Volume 53, Issue suppl / 2023
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article That pathology intends to aim in the foreword renal carcinoma practice
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 3-3, 2023.

Japanese Article E1-1. Importance of the mediation study in the ccRCC therapeutic drug development strategy
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 23-23, 2023.

Japanese Article E1-2. "An elucidation of the kidney malignant transformation mechanism in non-clear cells type renal cell carcinoma"
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 24-24, 2023.

Japanese Article JS3-1. ... that point - I of the patients IC when we choose 1st line compound immune therapy and transduce it am doing Shared decision making in this way
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 25-25, 2023.

Japanese Article JS3-2. A choice of the 1st line compound treatment in the patients with the severe coexistence symptom of immunity and the management
吉田一彦, 高木敏男
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 26-26, 2023.

Japanese Article JS3-3. Unexpected blind spot of the meta-analysis which the author of the meta-analysis tells
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 27-27, 2023.

Japanese Article P-1. Functional analysis of the ALK-related renal carcinoma organoid which we made from iPS cells
野口剛1, 軸屋良介1, Krisna Wilan2, 大竹慎二1, 加藤生真3, 舟崎慎太郎2, 西澤秀和2, 古屋充子4, 古目谷暢1, 三留拓1, 川浦沙知1, 青盛幸太1, 入部康弘1, 倉岡将平5, 神波大己6, 西中村隆一5, 藤井誠志3, 矢尾正祐1, 馬場理也2, 蓮見壽史1, 槙山和秀1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 28-28, 2023.

Japanese Article P-2. Examination of the antitumor mechanism for the solid cancer of IL-7/CCL19 production type humans CAR-T cells which paid attention to immunophenotype of the tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes
後藤駿介1, 玉田耕治2, 江藤正俊1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 28-28, 2023.

Japanese Article P-3. Elucidation of the nonuniform acquisition mechanism between the natural history of cancer of chromophobe renal cell carcinoma and intratumorale, tumor
軸屋良介1, 古屋充子2, 加藤生真3, 馬場理也4, 野口剛5, 川浦沙知5, 入部康弘5, 青盛恒太5, 蓼沼知之5, 伊藤悠城5, 古目谷暢5, 伊藤悠亮5, 村岡研太郎5, 林成彦5, 近藤慶一5, 中井川昇5, 矢尾正祐5, 中川英刀6, 蓮見壽史5, 槙山和秀5
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 29-29, 2023.

Japanese Article P-4. Clear cells type renal cell carcinoma with the function deletion of the Nesprin1 protein is poor vital prognosis, and MYC inhibitor can become the new treatment drug
福島貴郁, 小畠浩平, 田坂亮, 小羽田悠貴, 武本健士郎, 馬場崎隆志, 宮本俊輔, 北野弘之, 後藤景介, 池田健一郎, 稗田圭介, 林哲太郎, 日向信之
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 29-29, 2023.

Japanese Article P-5. Usefulness as recurrent predictor of PD-1/PD-L1-positive permeation immune cell in localized renal cell carcinoma
新井悠一1,4, 宮居弘輔3, 浅野貴子1, 新地祐介1, 辻田裕二郎1, 黒田健司1, 堀口明男1, 津田均2, 伊藤敬一1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 30-30, 2023.

Japanese Article P-6. Clinicopathologic characteristic of Xp11.2 translocation type renal cell carcinoma (Xp11.2-RCC)
福田洋典1, 長嶋洋治2, 加藤生真3, 古屋充子3, 石原弘喜1, 吉田一彦1, 近藤恒徳4, 高木敏男1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 30-30, 2023.

Japanese Article P-7. Examination of the treatment outcome for the dialysis renal carcinoma in these 20 years
石原弘喜1, 池田敬至1, 福田洋典1, 吉田一彦1, 小林博人2, 飯塚淳平1, 近藤恒徳2, 長嶋洋治1, 高木敏男1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 31-31, 2023.

Japanese Article P-8. It is the clinicopathologic examination about the recurrence after the operation of the renal carcinoma
大西聡, 植田浩介, 末金宏基, 小笠原尚之, 渡辺晃太, 築井克聡, 上村慶一郎, 西原聖顕, 名切信, 松尾光哲, 末金茂高, 井川掌
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 31-31, 2023.

Japanese Article P-9. Examination of the factor involved in a recurrence after the operation of the pT3a renal carcinoma case
五十嵐篤1, 住吉崇幸2, 増井仁彦2, 武田将司2, 村上薫2, 松岡崇志2, 河野仁2, 北悠希2, 佐野剛視2, 後藤崇之2, 澤田篤郎2, 赤松秀輔3, 小林恭2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 32-32, 2023.

Japanese Article P-10. Examination of the factor recurrent after the operation in clear cells type renal cell carcinoma, the pT3N0M0 patients
内藤宏仁1, 本田智子1, 石川亮2, 岡添誉1, 松田伊織1, 尾崎悠1, 土肥洋一郎1, 松岡祐貴1, 加藤琢磨1, 田岡利宜也1, 上田修史1, 杉元幹史1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 32-32, 2023.

Japanese Article P-11. Metastatic recurrent pattern after the clear cells type renal cell carcinoma radical operation and racial relations
小林正貴1, 田中一1, 会田祐介1, 前澤祐弥1, 浅井真太郎1, 陳輝1, 范博1, 藤原基裕1, 中村祐基1, 石川雄大1, 福田翔平1, 早稲田悠馬1, 吉田宗一郎1, Ithaar Derweesh2, 藤井靖久1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 33-33, 2023.

Japanese Article P-12. PD-L1 expression and prognostic analysis in cases of recurrence after nephrectomy - ARCHERY study -
玉田聡1, 野澤昌弘2, 大庭康司郎3, 水野隆一4, 高本篤5, 大江知里6, 松原伸晃7, 木村剛8, 冨田善彦9, 野々村祝夫10, 江藤正俊11
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 33-33, 2023.

Japanese Article P-13. It is examined the risk factor for the recurrence after the renal cell carcinoma technique
大野大地, 原田健一, 高場智久, 原田みりい, 城島 和真, 木室里依子, 東島克佳, 湊晶規, 富崎一向, 藤本直浩
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 34-34, 2023.

Japanese Article P-14. Significance of the C-reactive protein after the operation of clear cells type renal cell carcinoma which operative treatment was provided to in front of the art for the recurrence: Examination by the renal carcinoma workshop country Uchida institution collaborative investigation
中山哲成1, 齋藤一隆1, 高木敏男2, 近藤恒徳3, 藤井靖久4, 高橋正幸5, 神波大己6, 小山政史7
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 34-34, 2023.

Japanese Article P-15. Association with the prognosis of the LDH isozyme in the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
武田隼人, 木村剛, 谷内真美, 船門良太, 長谷川裕也, 三神晃, 赤塚純, 遠藤勇気, 戸山友香, 近藤幸尋
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 35-35, 2023.

Japanese Article P-16. Examination of the usefulness of the whole body MRI in the renal carcinoma
内藤整, 土谷順彦
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 35-35, 2023.

Japanese Article P-17. One case of the kidney origin glomangioma which showed an image pattern similar to clear cells type renal cell carcinoma
谷内真美1, 木村剛1, 武田隼人1, 船門良太1, 長谷川祐也1, 三神晃1, 柳雅人1, 赤塚純1, 遠藤勇気1, 戸山友香1, 寺崎泰弘2, 清水章3, 近藤幸尋1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 36-36, 2023.

Japanese Article P-18. It is an example with suspected Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome with bilateral renal carcinoma
松島俊樹, 中西裕美, 大木雅晴, 柿田聖太, 土山彩華, 安田拓司, 松尾朋博, 大庭康司郎, 今村亮一
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 36-36, 2023.

Japanese Article P-19. One case of the progress renal carcinoma which resulted in pulmonary necrosis by a pulmonary artery tumor stopper
富岡莉紗1, 飯沼光司1, 山田豊博1, 杉野文哉1, 並木早苗1, 熊田直孝1, 川瀬真1, 竹内慎一1, 中井千愛1, 加藤大貴1, 高井学1, 中根慶太1, 北村悠2, 遠渡純輝2, 古家琢也1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 37-37, 2023.

Japanese Article P-20. The autopsy case that resulted in cerebellar haemorrhage by a blood-related adverse event
西村謙一1, 坂本みき1, 寺下誠人1, 杉原直哉1, 船木慶佑1, 佐伯佳央里1, 澤田貴虎1, 角田俊雄1, 福本哲也1, 三浦徳宣1, 宮内勇貴1, 菊川忠彦1, 雑賀隆史1, 倉田美恵2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 37-37, 2023.

Japanese Article P-21. One case that Pembrolizumab, Lenvatinib combination therapy succeeded for fumarate hydratase loss renal cell carcinoma (FH-deficient RCC)
元島崇信1, 眞鍋笙之介1, 矢津田旬二1, 久高麗鷹2, 吉井大貴3, 桑原朋広2, 菰原義弘4, 三上芳喜3, 神波大己1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 38-38, 2023.

Japanese Article P-22. The case that caused the anaphylactic shock for the contrast media which we used by the Pembrolizumab + Lenvatinib combination therapy for progress renal cell carcinoma conventionally
関根啓太, 巣山貴仁, 武井紀樹, 加藤洋人, 若井健, 岡東篤, 芳生旭辰, 荒木千裕, 納谷幸男
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 38-38, 2023.

Japanese Article P-23. We look at the mirror for the renal cell carcinomas case T1b in our hospital or more and are examined the lower heminephrectomy
巣山貴仁, 関根啓太, 池原哲郎, 加藤洋人, 若井健, 岡東篤, 芳生旭辰, 荒木千裕, 納谷幸男
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 39-39, 2023.

Japanese Article P-24. Initial introduction experience of robot support radical nephrectomy technique (RARN) in our hospital
河田賢, 中西裕美, 大庭康司郎, 安田拓司, 松尾朋博, 今村亮一
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 39-39, 2023.

Japanese Article P-25. Navigation in the RAPN technique using the three-dimensional image automatic extraction software in the Hiroshima University Hospital
池田健一郎, 宮本俊輔, 小畠浩平, 北野弘之, 後藤景介, 郷力昭宏, 稗田圭介, 林哲太郎, 日向信之
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 40-40, 2023.

Japanese Article P-26. Examination about the affected side renal function using the kidney shinty after the robot support heminephrectomy for the high relative difficulty case
牟田口淳, 猪口淳一, 上田翔平, 後藤駿介, 松元崇, 門司恵介, 塩田真己, 江藤正俊
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 40-40, 2023.

Japanese Article P-27. Comparison - with young people by perioperative results - Propensity score matching of the robot support peritoneoscope lower heminephrectomy for elderly people
冨田諒太郎1, 布川朋也1, 橋本啓佑2, 塩崎啓登3, 泉和良4, 二宮郁5, 堀克仁1, 角陸文哉1, 大豆本圭1, 佐々木雄太郎1, 上野恵輝1, 津田恵1, 楠原義人1, 山口邦久1, 山本恭代1, 高橋正幸1, 金山博臣1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 41-41, 2023.

Japanese Article P-28. Treatment result in the high relative difficulty case in the robot support heminephrectomy
玉田紳治, 兼平貢, 阿部正和, 五十嵐大輝, 松浦朋彦, 前川滋克, 加藤廉平, 加藤陽一郎, 高田亮, 杉村淳, 阿部貴弥, 小原航
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 41-41, 2023.

Japanese Article P-29. Examination of cT1 chromophobe characteristics that robot support heminephrectomy was performed in and papillosity renal cell carcinoma
神戸貴成1, 名越晶彦1, 藤原佑1, 峯佑太1, 萩本裕樹1, 服部悠斗1, 阿部陽平1, 山下大祐2, 柴崎昇1, 山崎俊成1, 川喜田睦司1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 42-42, 2023.

Japanese Article P-30. Early experience of the robot support radical nephrectomy
山崎健史, 井口圭子, 行松直, 大年太陽, 加藤実, 内田潤次
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 42-42, 2023.

Japanese Article P-31. Robot adjuvant lower nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma with the inferior vena cava tumor emboli in our hospital
吉田一彦, 福田洋典, 小針悠希, 高木敏男
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 43-43, 2023.

Japanese Article P-32. Treatment result of the case that we excised surgically for renal cell carcinoma with the inferior vena cava tumor emboli
中西裕美, 大庭康司郎, 河田賢, 安田拓司, 松尾朋博, 望月保志, 今村亮一
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 43-43, 2023.

Japanese Article P-33. Examination of the medical therapy before operation for renal cell carcinoma with the inferior vena cava tumor emboli
堀内俊秀, 萩原鮎夢, 根本侑樹, 西村紘一, 石原弘喜, 土岐大介, 小林博人, 巴ひかる, 近藤恒徳
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 44-44, 2023.

Japanese Article P-34. Report of 2 cases given RAPN for the kidney tumor which occurred in a horseshoe kidney
小針悠希, 福田洋典, 吉田一彦, 飯塚淳平, 石田英樹, 高木敏男
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 44-44, 2023.

Japanese Article P-35. Experience of the robot support peritoneoscope lower heminephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma which recurred after Ablation treatment
西川晃平, 舛井覚, 大和俊介, 西川武友, 加藤桃子, 東真一郎, 佐々木豪, 井上貴博
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 45-45, 2023.

Japanese Article P-36. Significance of the surgical complete metastatic focus excision of the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma in the post-cytokine era
清水卓斗1, 三宅牧人1, 宮本達貴1, 西村伸隆2, 伊丹祥隆3, 橘進彰4, 小橋美貴子5, 辰巳佳弘6, 岩本崇史7, 家村友輔8, 吉川貴之祐9, 藤本清秀1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 45-45, 2023.

Japanese Article P-37. Significance of the tumor weight loss nephrectomy for the metastatic renal carcinoma in the checkpoint era of immunity
安田庸輔, 湯浅健, 藤原遼, 小口智彦, 駒井好信, 沼尾昇, 山本真也, 米瀬淳二
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 46-46, 2023.

Japanese Article P-38. The metastatic focus excision for oligometastatic renal cell carcinoma: It is relations of the nothing recurrent survival after the classification and the complete resection of the oligometastasis
吉富香澄, 田中一, 前沢祐弥, 会田祐介, 松本峻弥, 相馬貴彦, 小林正貴, 范博, 藤原基裕, 中村祐基, 石川雄大, 福田翔平, 早稲田悠馬, 吉田宗一郎, 藤井靖久
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 46-46, 2023.

Japanese Article P-39. Examination about the tumor resection after the IO treatment for the renal carcinoma
田崎正行1, 大橋瑠子2, 風間明1, 晝間楓1, 石崎文雄1, 丸山亮1, 山名一寿1, 冨田善彦1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 47-47, 2023.

Japanese Article P-40. Early experience of the cytoreductive nephrectomy after the immunotherapy for cancer for patients with metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
露久保敬嗣, 加藤廉平, 塩見叡, 五十嵐大樹, 松浦朋彦, 前川滋克, 兼平貢, 高田亮, 杉村淳, 小原航
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 47-47, 2023.

Japanese Article P-41. One patient who underwent cytoreductive nephrectomy after the nivolumab + ipilimumab combination therapy, the Cabozantinib administration for progressive renal carcinoma
飯沼光司1, 山田豊博1, 富岡莉紗1, 並木早苗1, 杉野文哉1, 熊田直孝1, 竹内慎一1, 川瀬真1, 中井千愛1, 高井学1, 加藤大貴1, 中根慶太1, 酒々井夏子2, 齊郷智恵美2, 宮崎龍彦2, 古家琢也1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 48-48, 2023.

Japanese Article P-42. One case of clear cells type renal cell carcinoma which we showed durable response after the nivolumab, the ipilimumab combination therapy cancellation for a long term and performed cytoreductive nephrectomy in
阿部将大, 高橋進太郎, 辻茂久, 森中啓文, 清水真次朗, 海部三香子, 藤井智浩, 宮地禎幸
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 48-48, 2023.

Japanese Article P-43. One case that the condition of a patient control was got from by metastatic focus excision for metastases to lung after the operation of the TFE3-positive malignant epithelioid renovascular myolipoma
磯田文平, 神鳥周也, 志賀正宣, 南雲義之, 河原貴史, 根来宏光, 西山博之
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 49-49, 2023.

Japanese Article P-44. It is the characteristic of patients with metastatic renal-cell carcinoma indicating the treatment refractoriness for nivolumab ipilimumab combination therapy
沼倉一幸1, 畠山真吾2, 武藤弓奈1, 関根悠哉1, 蘇武竜太1, 小林瑞貴1, 笹川甫1, 嘉島相輝1, 山本竜平1, 奈良健平1, 齋藤満1, 成田伸太郎1, 大山力2, 羽渕友則1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 49-49, 2023.

Japanese Article P-45. The usefulness as the pre-back prediction tool of FAN score in patients with metastatic renal-cell carcinoma which received Ipi+Nivo combination therapy: We look at the multicenter rear and study a mark
山下真平1, 藤田和利2, 古川順也3, 高橋正幸4, 岩本秀人5, 濱本周造6, 三宅牧人7, 窪田裕樹8, 坂倉毅9, 橋本良博10, 池上要介11, 黒川覚史12, 伊藤哲之13, 柑本康夫1, 原勲1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 50-50, 2023.

Japanese Article P-46. Analysis of effectiveness and Inflammation-related marker of the nivolumab ipilimumab combination therapy in our hospital
志賀正宣1, 神鳥周也2, 磯田文平1, 南雲義之1, 河原貴史2, 根来宏光2, 西山博之2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 50-50, 2023.

Japanese Article P-47. Significance of the C-reactive protein flare response in the nivolumab ipilimumab combination therapy to metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
福田翔平1, 齋藤一隆2, 中山哲成2, 井上雅晴3, 田中一1, 伊藤将也4, 沼尾昇5, 湯浅健5, 古賀文隆4, 米瀬淳二5, 影山幸雄3, 藤井靖久1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 51-51, 2023.

Japanese Article P-48. DNA derived from blood extracellular intravesical bacteria becomes renal carcinoma diagnosis and immunotherapy pre-back prediction marker
植村俊彦1, 河嶋厚成1, 神宮司健太郎2, 元岡大祐3, ネスリン サッシ1, 岡利樹1, 奥田洋平1, 山本顕生1, 山道岳1, 冨山栄輔1, 石津谷祐1, 山本致之1, 加藤大悟1, 波多野浩士1, 辻川和丈2, 野々村祝夫1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 51-51, 2023.

Japanese Article P-49. The serum fucosylation haptoglobin level becomes the useful response prediction marker of the immune checkpoint inhibitor
加藤大悟1, 石津谷祐1, 山本致之1, 波多野浩士1, 河嶋厚成1, 三善英知2, 野々村祝夫1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 52-52, 2023.

Japanese Article P-50. The onset prediction of the immune-mediated adverse event by plasma CXCL10 in patients with renal carcinoma which received the immune checkpoint inhibitor
三浦裕司1, 元島崇信2, 穴見俊樹2, 浦上慎司3, 神波大己2, 菰原義弘4
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 52-52, 2023.

Japanese Article P-51. About the effect of treatment predictor of patients with metastatic renal carcinoma using the immune checkpoint inhibitor
長坂拓学, 岸田健, 竹部慎一, 山本章太郎, 近藤拓也, 寺尾秀行, 中井川昇, 笹田哲郎
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 53-53, 2023.

Japanese Article P-52. Initial use experience of the Lenvatinib+Pembrolizumab combination therapy for progressive renal cell carcinoma
伊東直城, 植田浩介, 坂井友弥, 黒瀬浩文, 渡辺晃太, 築井克聡, 上村慶一郎, 西原聖顕, 名切信, 松尾光哲, 末金茂高, 井川掌
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 53-53, 2023.

Japanese Article P-53. Early experience of the Lenvatinib Pembrolizumab combination therapy
丸山覚, 山口裕之, 高田徳容, 原林透
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 54-54, 2023.

Japanese Article P-54. Initial treatment experience of the Pembrolizumab Lenvatinib combination therapy in our hospital
関根悠哉, 沼倉一幸, 小林瑞貴, 山本竜平, 奈良健平, 齋藤満, 成田伸太郎, 羽渕友則
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 54-54, 2023.

Japanese Article P-55. Initial use experience of the Pembrolizumab + Lenvatinib combination therapy for progressive renal cell carcinoma
山田豊博, 伊藤寛之, 村瀬和正, 並木早苗, 杉野文哉, 熊田直孝, 川瀬真, 高井学, 加藤大貴, 飯沼光司, 中根慶太, 古家琢也
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 55-55, 2023.

Japanese Article P-56. Early experience of the Pembrolizumab + Lenvatinib therapy for progressive renal cell carcinoma in Yamaguchi University
平田寛1, 藤井央法1, 岡真太郎1, 小林圭太1, 中村公彦1, 三角拓1, 廣吉俊弥1, 伊藤英昭1, 磯山直仁1, 松本洋明1, 松山豪泰2, 白石晃司1
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 55-55, 2023.

Japanese Article P-57. Use experience of the Cabozantinib + nivolumab combination therapy in Niigata University
晝間楓, 田崎正行, 山名一寿, 冨田善彦
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 56-56, 2023.

Japanese Article P-58. Use experience of Nivolumab+Cabozantinib for the progress renal carcinoma in our hospital
根本侑樹, 萩原鮎夢, 西村紘一, 堀内俊秀, 石原弘喜, 土岐大介, 小林博人, 巴ひかる, 近藤恒徳
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 56-56, 2023.

Japanese Article P-59. Examination of the treatment result of NIV+IPI and IO+TKI in the metastasis to existence in our hospital-related renal carcinoma first treatment
北島和樹, 石井大輔, 藤田哲夫, 志村壮一郎, 平野修平, 高口大, 池田正臣, 松本和将, 岩村正嗣
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 57-57, 2023.

Japanese Article P-60. Results of the primary treatment for the progressive renal carcinoma in the Kitakyusyu City medical center
重安哲志, 立神勝則, 児浦未季史, 大坪智志, 長谷川周二
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 57-57, 2023.

Japanese Article P-61. Examination of the unresectable progression that CR was obtained by I-O/I-O or I-O/TKI-related renal cell carcinoma case
柴崎昇, 山崎俊成, 名越晶彦, 藤原佑, 神戸貴成, 峯佑太, 萩本裕樹, 服部悠斗, 阿部陽平, 川喜田睦司
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 58-58, 2023.

Japanese Article P-62. One patient who was able to maintain a complete response by the long-term discontinuation after the ipilimumab + nivolumab therapy for Poor risk metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
佐藤元輝, 西山直隆, 室真紀子, 林哲章, 池端良紀, 渡部明彦, 藤内靖喜, 北村寛
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 58-58, 2023.

Japanese Article P-63. Early experience of the Ipilimumab+Nivolumab combination therapy for the progressive renal carcinoma in our hospital
仲西昌太郎, 新崎隼一, 安田想, 松尾智誠, 吉岡拓哉, 高江洲大, 下地昭久, 泉惠一朗, 芦刈明日香, 木村隆, 斎藤誠一
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 59-59, 2023.

Japanese Article P-64. Examination about the prognostic factor of the ipilimumab nivolumab therapy
門司恵介, 後藤駿介, 木下史夫, 松元崇, 李賢, 柏木英志, 塩田真己, 猪口淳一, 江藤正俊
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 59-59, 2023.

Japanese Article P-65. The development of myocardial disorder situation investigation in the nivolumab ipilimumab combination therapy of progress recurrence nephrocyte cancer
藤堂真紀1, 中埜信太郎2, 城武卓3, 金子剛3, 西本紘嗣郎3, 上田源治1, 石川詩帆1, 松尾圭祐2, 金尾健人3, 小山政史3
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 60-60, 2023.

Japanese Article P-66. One case of the haemodialysis patients that resulted in myocarditis during Nivolumab+Ipilimumab combination therapy for the metastatic renal carcinoma
坂井友弥, 植田浩介, 伊東直城, 築井克聡, 上村慶一郎, 名切信, 西原聖顕, 松尾光哲, 末金茂高, 井川掌
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 60-60, 2023.

Japanese Article P-67. Examination about the effectiveness of IO drug in the metastatic renal carcinoma of elderly people and the safety
藤井陽一, 田口彗, 秋山佳之, 山田雄太, 佐藤悠佑, 山田大介, 久米春喜
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 61-61, 2023.

Japanese Article P-68. Examination of the pre-rear predictor in the metastatic clear type renal cell carcinoma case 75 years or older
水野隆一, 田中伸之, 大家基嗣
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 61-61, 2023.

Japanese Article P-69. Examination of the usefulness of G8 score in the metastatic renal carcinoma first treatment
佐塚智和, 佐藤広明, 塚本亮, 新井隆之, 五島悠介, 今村有佑, 坂本信一, 市川智彦
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 62-62, 2023.

Japanese Article P-70. Examination of safety and the usefulness according to the renal function of the cancer immunity to patients with progressive kidney cancer combination treatment
末金茂高1, 植田浩介2, 西原聖顕2, 伊東直城1, 坂井友弥2, 小笠原尚之2, 黒瀬浩文2, 渡辺晃太2, 末金宏基2, 名切信2, 松尾光哲2, 井川掌2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 62-62, 2023.

Japanese Article P-71. Examination of the second treatment in the patients who received immune therapy as primary treatment for metastatic renal carcinoma
布川朋也, 冨田諒太郎, 大豆本圭, 佐々木雄太郎, 上野恵輝, 楠原義人, 山本恭代, 山口邦久, 高橋正幸, 金山博臣
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 63-63, 2023.

Japanese Article P-72. Examination about the effectiveness of Tyrosine kinase inhibitor as the second treatment after the Nivolumab+Ipilimumab combination therapy for progressive renal cell carcinoma
植田浩介, 伊東直城, 坂井友弥, 大西聡, 末金宏基, 渡辺晃太, 築井克聡, 上村慶一郎, 西原聖顕, 名切信, 末金茂高, 井川掌
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 63-63, 2023.

Japanese Article P-73. Examination of the adverse event in the Cabozantinib administration case
山口裕之1, 高田徳容2, 丸山覚2, 原林透2
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 64-64, 2023.

Japanese Article P-74. Treatment result of the sequential treatment with Cabozantinib for the progressive renal carcinoma in our hospital
門本卓, 内藤伶奈人, 岩本大旭, 八重樫洋, 川口昌平, 野原隆弘, 重原一慶, 泉浩二, 角野佳史, 溝上敦
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program 53(suppl): 64-64, 2023.