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The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery

Volume 4, Issue 2 / 2012
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Latest terminus ad quem - coin wound surgery and Robo surgeon - I. of the fifth Japan minimum wound urologic endoscopic surgical society arts and sciences meeting minimum wound endoscope lower (gasless single port) surgery Opening greetings greetings
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 1-2, 2012.

Japanese Article II. Video discussion: Total prostatectomy 1. Total prostatectomy in the Tochigi Prefectural cancer center
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 14-15, 2012.

Japanese Article II. Video discussion: Total prostatectomy 2. Robot support radical total prostatectomy
森實修一, 八尾明久, 瀬島健裕, 武中篤
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 16-16, 2012.

Japanese Article II. Video discussion: Total prostatectomy 3. 3D-HMD, gasless single port, total prostatectomy
藤井靖久*1, 松岡陽*1, 沼尾昇*1,2, 齋藤一隆*1, 古賀文隆*1, 増田均*3, 木原和徳*1,2
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 18-19, 2012.

Japanese Article II. Video discussion: Total prostatectomy 4. Total prostatectomy (surgery from a coin wound)
長井辰哉, 田中篤史, 荒木英盛, 寺島康弘, 山本晃之, 石塚紀江
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 20-21, 2012.

Japanese Article II. Video discussion: Total prostatectomy 5. About laparoscopic finesse open prostate complete removal in the Komaki Municipal Hospital
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 22-23, 2012.

Japanese Article III. The special lecture medical care economy and urology department
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 24-24, 2012.

Japanese Article V. Panel discussion I: Kidney, bladder, prostate, other 1. Examination of the skill in minimum wound endoscope lower donor kidney sampling in our hospital
野原隆弘, 宮城徹, 瀬戸親
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 26-26, 2012.

Japanese Article V. Panel discussion I: Kidney, bladder, prostate, other 2. Experience - in minimum wound endoscope adjuvant lower live donor nephrectomy - Okayama medical center
津島知靖*1, 藤田竜二*1, 河内啓一郎*1, 山下真弘*1, 瀬野祐子*2, 新良治3, 中村あや*4, 村上貴典*5
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 28-28, 2012.

Japanese Article V. Panel discussion I: Kidney, bladder, prostate, other 3. Comparison with patients on dialysis and the normal renal function patients in the minimum wound endoscope lower radical nephrectomy technique
曽我倫久人*1, 小倉友二*1, 林宣男*1, 西川晃平*2, 長谷川嘉弘*2, 山田泰司*2, 有馬公伸*2, 杉村芳樹*2
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 30-30, 2012.

Japanese Article V. Panel discussion I: Kidney, bladder, prostate, other 4. Experience of the minimum wound heminephrectomy using the soft solidification
野村照久, 川口真琴, 萱沼賢司, 鈴木祥司
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 32-32, 2012.

Japanese Article V. Panel discussion I: Kidney, bladder, prostate, other 5. Examination of the minimum wound endoscope lower bladder total extraction
牧野哲也, 上川禎則, 平山幸良, 羽阪友宏, 北本興市郎, 浅井利大, 石井啓一, 金卓, 坂本亘, 杉本俊門
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 34-34, 2012.

Japanese Article V. Panel discussion I: Kidney, bladder, prostate, other 6. An evaluation and understanding degree of the nurse for the minimum wound surgery
上川禎則*1, 牧野哲也*1, 平山幸良*1, 羽坂友宏*1, 浅井利大*1, 山崎健史*2, 舟尾清昭*3, 杉本俊門*1
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 36-36, 2012.

Japanese Article V. Panel discussion I: Kidney, bladder, prostate, other 7. Does small incision total prostatectomy - third report - muscular fasciae preservation operation aiming at postoperative function maintenance contribute to erectile function after the operation?
鴨井和実, 沖原宏治, 岩田健, 木村泰典, 上田崇, 河内明宏, 三木恒治
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 38-38, 2012.

Japanese Article V. Panel discussion I: Kidney, bladder, prostate, other 8. Approach (retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, and the like) from a navel wound to the retroperitoneum
長井辰哉, 田中篤史, 荒木英盛, 寺島康浩, 山本晃之, 石塚紀江
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 40-40, 2012.

Japanese Article V. Panel discussion I: Kidney, bladder, prostate, other 9. Development of the artificially ascitic perfusion lower minimum wound surgery support equipment
寺沼政幸*1, 石田稔*2, 石井琢郎*1, 納谷幸男*3, 五十嵐辰男*1
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 42-42, 2012.

Japanese Article VI. Panel discussion II: 3D Head Mount Display gas loess single port surgery (popular name Robo surgeon surgery) 1. 3D-HMD, gasless single port adrenalectomy: Retroperitoneal approach
増田均*1,3, 木原和徳*1,2, 竹下英毅*1, 木島敏樹*1, 吉田宗一郎*1, 横山みなと*1, 石岡淳一郎*1, 松岡陽*1, 沼尾昇*1,2, 古賀文隆*1, 齋藤一隆*1, 藤井靖久*1
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 44-45, 2012.

Japanese Article VI. Panel discussion II: 3D Head Mount Display gas loess single port surgery (popular name Robo surgeon surgery) 2. 3D-HMD, gasless single port kidney ureter complete removal/radical nephrectomy
齋藤一隆*1, 竹下英毅*1, 木島敏樹*1, 吉田宗一郎*1, 横山みなと*1, 石岡淳一郎*1, 松岡陽*1, 沼尾昇*1,2, 古賀文隆*1, 増田均*3, 藤井靖久*1, 木原和徳*1,2
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 46-47, 2012.

Japanese Article VI. Panel discussion II: 3D Head Mount Display gas loess single port surgery (popular name Robo surgeon surgery) 3. 3D-HMD, gasless single port partial cystectomy/bladder complete removal
古賀文隆*1, 松岡陽*1, 沼尾昇*1,2, 齋藤一隆*1, 増田均*3, 藤井靖久*1, 木原和徳*1,2
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 48-49, 2012.

Japanese Article VI. Panel discussion II: 3D Head Mount Display gas loess single port surgery (popular name Robo surgeon surgery) 4. Experience of 3D-HMD, gasless single port, no ischemia partial nephrectomy - after graduation tenth year physician
竹下英毅*1, 吉田宗一郎*1, 横山みなと*1, 石岡淳一郎*1, 松岡陽*1, 沼尾昇*1,2, 齋藤一隆*1, 古賀文隆*1, 増田均*3, 藤井靖久*1, 木原和徳*1,2
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 50-51, 2012.

Japanese Article VI. Panel discussion II: 3D Head Mount Display gas loess single port surgery (popular name Robo surgeon surgery) 5. Antimicrobial non-administration in the minimum wound endoscopic operation: An antimicrobial graded weight loss study and the MRSA rate of detection diachronic investigation
木島敏樹*1, 増田均*3, 田所学*1, 吉田宗一郎*1, 横山みなと*1, 石岡淳一郎*1, 松岡陽*1, 沼尾昇*1,2, 齋藤一隆*1, 古賀文隆*1, 藤井靖久*1, 木原和徳*1,2
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 52-53, 2012.

Japanese Article VI. Panel discussion II: 3D Head Mount Display gas loess single port surgery (popular name Robo surgeon surgery) 6. Practice of the education system of the minimum wound endoscopic operation
沼尾昇*1, 吉田宗一郎*2, 横山みなと*2, 石岡淳一郎*2, 松岡陽*2, 古賀文隆*2, 齋藤一隆*2, 藤井靖久*2, 伴大輔*1, 小林宏寿*1, 小嶋一幸*1, 木原和徳*1,2
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 54-55, 2012.

Japanese Article VII. Introduction of the appliance which is useful for minimum wound endoscopic operation
石岡淳一郎, 吉田宗一郎, 横山みなと, 松岡陽, 沼尾昇, 齋藤一隆, 古賀文隆, 増田均, 藤井靖久, 木原和徳
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 56-57, 2012.

Japanese Article VIII. "Gasless single port Robo surgeon surgery" using the chairperson lecture 3D Head Mount Display
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 58-61, 2012.

Japanese Article X. Video discussion: Partial nephrectomy 1. Examination of the renal function after the minimum wound endoscope bottom (gasless single port) no ischemia partial nephrectomy: Does Tumor complexity affect the renal function after the operation?
横山みなと*1, 藤井靖久*1, 吉田宗一郎*1, 石岡淳一郎*1, 沼尾昇*1,2, 松岡陽*1, 古賀文隆*1, 齋藤一隆*1, 増田均*3, 木原和徳*1,2
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 62-63, 2012.

Japanese Article X. Video discussion: Partial nephrectomy 2. Minimum wound endoscope lower heminephrectomy in our hospital
三浦克紀, 古野剛史, 飴田要, 関晴夫, 奥山みどり, 松野正, 南谷正水, 谷口光太郎
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 64-65, 2012.

Japanese Article X. Video discussion: Partial nephrectomy 3. Introduction and early experience of the minimum wound partial nephrectomy
米瀬淳二, 砂倉瑞明, 増田均, 藤井靖久
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 66-67, 2012.

Japanese Article X. Video discussion: Partial nephrectomy 4. About laparoscopic finesse open partial nephrectomy in the Komaki Municipal Hospital
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 68-69, 2012.

Japanese Article X. Video discussion: Partial nephrectomy 5. No ischemia minimum wound endoscope lower heminephrectomy by the parenchyma of kidney handling of a needle hemostasis
成島雅博, 成田英生, 高木康治, 下地敏雄
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 70-71, 2012.

Japanese Article X. Video discussion: Partial nephrectomy 6. Experience of the minimum wound no ischemia heminephrectomy
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 72-72, 2012.

Japanese Article X. Video discussion: Partial nephrectomy 7. 3D-HMD, gasless single port, no ischemia partial nephrectomy
藤井靖久*1, 松岡陽*1, 沼尾昇*1,2, 齋藤一隆*1, 古賀文隆*1, 増田均*3, 木原和徳*1,2
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 74-75, 2012.

Japanese Article Invitation general remarks 1. Introduction of the minimum wound endoscopic operation (laparoscopic small surgical operation) in the laboratory of cancer Ariake Hospital
藤井靖久, 砂倉瑞明, 増田均, 米瀬淳二
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 79-84, 2012.

Japanese Article Invitation general remarks 2. Introduction of the skill in minimum wound endoscope lower prostate complete removal in the Tochigi Prefectural cancer center
川島清隆, 井上剛志, 平山和秀
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 85-88, 2012.

Japanese Article Invitation general remarks 3. Introduction of the minimum wound endoscopic operation in the Aichi cancer center center Hospital
曽我倫久人, 小倉友二, 林宣男
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 89-93, 2012.

Japanese Article Invitation general remarks 4. Introduction of the minimum wound endoscopic operation in the national cancer research center east Hospital
酒井康之, 駒井好信
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 94-99, 2012.

Japanese Article The public general remarks 1. Examination of the preoperative evaluation of the laparoscopic finesse open prostate malignant tumor surgery
柏木佑太, 武田宗万, 中野洋二郎
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 100-103, 2012.

Japanese Article Urologic laparoscopic finesse open (minimum wound endoscope bottom) surgery guidelines
The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery 4(2): 105-136, 2012.