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Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-)

Volume 25, Issue / 2005
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Foreword
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 1-1, 2005.

Japanese Article Comparison of HoLEP and TUR-P
中野磨*, 田口勝行*, 今井克忠*, 金藤博行**
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 3-7, 2005.

Japanese Article Remodeling of the childhood humeral cervical bone fracture
渡辺茂, 安倍吉則, 高橋新, 柏葉光宏, 菅野晴夫, 大森康司, 北原祐
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 9-14, 2005.

Japanese Article About the characteristic of the liver damage found in measles
大場郁子*, 矢島義昭*, 大浪亜希子*, 寺井志保*, 及川圭介*, 高橋信孝*, 宮崎敦史*, 菅原和彦*, 枝幸基*, 山陰敬**
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 15-17, 2005.

Japanese Article It is examined 7 cases using CPC for benign bone tumor
柏葉光宏, 安倍吉則, 高橋新, 渡辺茂, 菅野晴夫, 大森康司, 北原祐
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 19-22, 2005.

Japanese Article About the image views of the anaphylactic shock liver
菊地亮介*, 矢島義昭*, 秋保直樹**, 高橋信孝*, 大浪亜紀子*, 寺井志保*, 及川圭介*, 宮崎敦史*, 菅原和彦*, 枝幸基*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 23-27, 2005.

Japanese Article Examination about VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean section: in the last time after running out of emperor a vaginal birth) in our hospital
廣木恵理, 大槻健郎, 佐藤尚明, 渡辺正, 渡邉孝紀
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 29-35, 2005.

Japanese Article Examination of the traumatic liver damage in our hospital
久保田洋介, 浅倉毅, 高屋潔, 大江大, 佐山淳造, 原田雄功, 赤石洋, 庄子賢, 佐藤章子, 三浦禎司, 新田文彦, 佐竹洋平, 北原祐, 酒井信光
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 37-41, 2005.

Japanese Article One case of acute myeloid leukemia (M0) that occurred for marrow necrosis
大竹正俊, 齋藤由佳, 近岡秀二, 鈴木力生, 圓谷理恵, 佐藤美佳, 早坂薫, 佐古恩, 北西龍太, 柳田紀之, 高柳勝, 山本克哉, 村田祐二
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 43-49, 2005.

Japanese Article One case of the severe HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme and low platelets) that occurred in the puerperium when a plasma exchange was successful
矢島義昭*, 秋保直樹**, 渡邉孝紀***, 高橋信孝*, 寺井志保*, 大浪亜紀子*, 宮崎敦史*, 及川圭介*, 菅原和彦*, 枝幸基*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 51-55, 2005.

Japanese Article One case of acute myeloid leukemia (M2) that occurred by the left leg weakness due to the intracranial granulocytic sarcoma
早坂薫, 大竹正俊, 近岡秀二, 鈴木力生, 圓谷理恵, 佐藤美佳, 佐古恩, 齋藤由佳, 北西龍太, 柳田紀之, 高柳勝, 山本克哉, 村田祐二
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 57-62, 2005.

Japanese Article One patient who presented with cyclosporine encephalopathy during the treatment of the hemophagocytic syndrome
佐古恩, 大竹正俊, 山本克哉, 鈴木力生, 圓谷理恵, 佐藤美佳, 齋藤由佳, 早坂薫, 北西龍太, 柳田紀之, 近岡秀二, 高柳勝, 村田祐二
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 63-68, 2005.

Japanese Article Form a cyst; one case of stomach mistake tumor consisting of pancreas, the duodenal tissue
大浪亜希子*, 枝幸基*, 寺井志保*, 及川圭介*, 高橋信孝*, 宮崎敦史*, 菅原和彦*, 矢島義昭*, 杉山幸一**, 佐山淳造***, 酒井信光***, 長沼廣****
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 69-74, 2005.

Japanese Article One case (chronic hepatitis B merger) of malignant Islets of Langerhans tumor which watched a liver remnant recurrence five years later
住吉剛忠*, 矢島義昭*, 高橋信孝*, 宮崎敦史*, 大波亜紀子*, 寺井志保*, 及川圭介*, 菅原和彦*, 枝幸基*, 長沼廣**, 長野正裕***
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 75-80, 2005.

Japanese Article One case of the epicardium comes conducting pathway which was thought to be present near a thin vein to branch from coronary sinus
菊地亮介*, 八木哲夫*, 田渕晴名*, 石田明彦*, 滑川明男*, 櫻井薫*, 山科順裕*, 伊藤明一**
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 81-85, 2005.

Japanese Article One case of the fulminant form myocarditis that developed in young people
鈴木俊伸*, 八木哲夫*, 滑川明男*, 山科順裕*, 田淵晴名*, 石田明彦*, 櫻井薫*, 伊藤明一**
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 87-90, 2005.

Japanese Article One case of the aneurysmal bone cyst which occurred in calcaneal bone
北原祐, 安倍吉則, 高橋新, 渡辺茂, 菅野晴夫, 柏葉光宏, 大森康司
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 91-93, 2005.

Japanese Article 2 cases of Solid-pseudopapillary tumor
三浦禎司*, 佐山淳造*, 長沼廣**, 高屋潔*, 大江大*, 原田雄功*, 浅倉毅*, 赤石洋*, 庄子賢*, 久保田洋介*, 佐藤章子*, 佐竹洋平*, 新田文彦*, 酒井信光*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 95-100, 2005.

Japanese Article Two cases of spontaneous hemopneumothorax (idiopathic hemopneumothorax)
佐竹洋平*, 原田雄功*, 高屋潔*, 大江大*, 佐山淳造*, 浅倉毅*, 赤石洋*, 庄子賢*, 佐藤章子*, 三浦禎司*, 新田文彦*, 長沼廣**, 酒井信光*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 101-104, 2005.

Japanese Article For the improvement to the pre-natal class that a pregnant woman demands
三浦香奈子, 田上晶子
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 105-108, 2005.

Japanese Article Using an examination - Hotta-style bone prominence degree facility judgment device of the rating system of the morbid bone prominence -
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 109-112, 2005.

Japanese Article Mother's milk child care support (the second report) in our hospital - After introduction present conditions and problems - of one and a half years
高橋千佳子, 山本優子
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 113-118, 2005.

Japanese Article About the enforcement of the intravenous injection by the nurse at examination for contrasting CT and the effect increase of - safety and the number of testing and economic effect -
遠藤美香*, 熊坂恵美子*, 堀江ミサノ**
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 119-123, 2005.

Japanese Article Significance of the SFMC measurement in patients with cirrhosis
佐々木芳*, 加藤新一*, 大森智子*, 遠藤由一*, 松橋安紀子*, 厨川和哉*, 矢島義昭**
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 125-127, 2005.

Japanese Article One case of the cold water drowning which we were able to save
佐古恩, 柳田紀之, 高柳勝, 斎藤由佳, 早坂薫, 北西龍太, 近岡秀二, 山本克哉, 村田祐二, 大竹正俊
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 131-133, 2005.

Japanese Article One case that caused sufferings from Hyperdynamic state, heart on the citric acid sildenafil (a brand name: Viagra) internal use next day
柿坂啓介, 山本匡
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 135-137, 2005.

Japanese Article One case of the penetrating skull fractured base with the bamboo skewer
亀山元信, 大友智, 鈴木保宏, 永松謙一, 小沼武英
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 139-140, 2005.

Japanese Article One patient who is addicted to tricyclic antidepressant who presented with significant electrocardiogram abnormal
大場郁子*, 山本匡*, 田渕晴名**
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 141-142, 2005.

Japanese Article One case of the acute epidural hematoma given an urgent burr hole opening in critical care center outpatient department
刈部博, 小沼武英, 亀山元信, 大友智, 永松謙一
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 25: 143-144, 2005.