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Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-)

Volume 31, Issue / 2011
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of 59 bacteremia hospitalized in the past 4 years
大竹正俊, 齋藤秀憲, 小松寿里, 高橋怜, 佐藤亮, 楠本耕平, 鈴木大, 曽木千純, 鈴木力生, 近岡秀二, 北村太郎, 西尾利之, 高柳勝, 大浦敏博
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 3-10, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination about TOLAC (trial of labor after cesarean) in our(DM) department
渋谷祐介, 橋本千明, 田邉康次郎, 林千賀, 安井友春, 五十嵐司, 渡邉孝紀
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 11-16, 2011.

Japanese Article One case of HLH which presented sthenia of the blood coagulation factor activity during the HLH-2004 protocol enforcement
大竹正俊, 近岡秀二, 鈴木力生, 小松寿里, 齋藤秀憲, 高橋怜, 佐藤亮, 楠本耕平, 鈴木大, 曽木千純, 北村太郎, 西尾利之, 高柳勝, 大浦敏博
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 17-21, 2011.

Japanese Article Two cases of thyroidal CASTLE
長沼廣, 渋谷里絵, 大江大*, 佐山淳造*, 渡辺徹雄*, 浅倉毅*, 赤石洋*, 高屋潔*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 23-26, 2011.

Japanese Article One case that was treated with free fibula transplant for malunion imperfection after proximal tibia bone fracture technique
柴田常博, 安倍吉則, 田代尚久, 森武人, 一瀬亮吾, 千葉晋平, 板谷信行
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 27-31, 2011.

Japanese Article One case of the ovarian struma-related carotenoid
橋本千明, 渋谷祐介, 田邉康次郎, 林千賀, 安井友春, 五十嵐司, 渡辺孝紀, 渋谷里絵*, 長沼廣*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 33-37, 2011.

Japanese Article One case of the secondary ovarian cancer with the hyperplastic change of ovarian interstitial cells (hilus cells) having the differentiation to Leydig's cell
渋谷里絵, 長沼廣, 菅原準一*, 渡辺孝紀*, 山田隆之**, 石井清**, 遠藤希之***, 本山悌一****
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 39-44, 2011.

Japanese Article One case of the interstitial pneumonia that it presented peptide antibody strong positive, and shadow moved anticitrulline
横山絵美, 神田暁郎, 浅田成紀, 秋保直樹
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 45-49, 2011.

Japanese Article One case of septic shock which presented multiple organ failure including septic cardiomyopathy and a disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome
楠本耕平, 水城直人, 北村太郎, 高橋怜, 田邊雄大, 新妻創, 横山未央, 齋藤秀憲, 佐藤亮, 鈴木大, 曽木千純, 鈴木力生, 近岡秀二, 西尾利之, 高柳勝, 大浦敏博, 大竹正俊, 村田祐二*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 51-56, 2011.

Japanese Article One case of the childhood cerebral infarction
鈴木大, 高柳勝, 田邊雄大, 新妻創, 横山未央, 齋藤秀憲, 高橋怜, 楠本耕平, 佐藤亮, 曽木千純, 鈴木力生, 水城直人, 近岡秀二, 北村太郎, 西尾利之, 大浦敏博, 大竹正俊
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 57-61, 2011.

Japanese Article One case of subdural abscess merger Haemophilus influenzae meningitis treated effectively with chloramphenicol
曽木千純, 鈴木力生, 水城直人, 高柳勝, 高橋怜, 齋藤秀憲, 楠本耕平, 佐藤亮, 鈴木大, 近岡秀二, 北村太郎, 西尾利之, 大浦敏博, 大竹正俊, 箕浦貴則*, 柳田紀之*, 田澤雄作*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 63-67, 2011.

Japanese Article One case of the HHV-6 encephalopathy that showed a lesion in both thalamuses
佐藤亮, 北村太郎, 小松寿里, 齋藤秀憲, 高橋怜, 楠本耕平, 鈴木大, 曽木千純, 鈴木力生, 水城直人, 近岡秀二, 西尾利之, 高柳勝, 大浦敏博, 大竹正俊
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 69-74, 2011.

Japanese Article One case of Yellow nail syndrome which performed pleurodesis for bilateral pleural effusion
大内康太, 神田暁郎, 浅田成紀, 秋保直樹
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 75-78, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis of the feelings change of the nurse who met with the sudden change scene
山谷まき, 佐賀麗子, 瀬戸ひろみ, 山科正子, 立花江津子
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 79-85, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the support system method in the in-hospital nursing research
加藤亜紀江, 沼館紀子, 佐藤美幸, 佐々木和美
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 87-92, 2011.

Japanese Article It is ... for a rise in mother's milk rate from the viewpoint of attitude survey - rooming-in system of the lying in woman about the rooming-in system
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 93-100, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of EDTA-dependent false-related thrombocytopenia in our hospital
大森智子, 遠藤由一, 松橋安紀子, 藤村美奈子
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 31: 101-105, 2011.