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Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-)

Volume 33, Issue / 2013
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Foreword
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 33: 1-1, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of 16 Legionnaires' pneumonia
神田暁郎, 吉田元樹, 浅田成紀, 中山謙二, 秋保直樹
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 33: 3-6, 2013.

Japanese Article About intrinsic factor subclassification of the invasive breast cancer in our House and a histologic characteristic
長沼廣, 渋谷里絵
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 33: 7-11, 2013.

Japanese Article Schwannoma - image and pathologic comparison - that it occurred in the rare part of head and neck
石井清, 長沼廣*, 津田雅志, 渋谷恵理*, 小倉正樹**, 香取幸夫**
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 33: 13-19, 2013.

Japanese Article One patient whom aseptic meningoencephalitis developed in during pregnancy
佐藤絢子, 赤石美穂, 齋藤彰治, 田辺康次郎, 林千賀, 横溝玲, 五十嵐司, 渡辺孝紀, 宮澤康一*, 樋口じゅん*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 33: 21-24, 2013.

Japanese Article Two cases pregnant after the cornual pregnancy which we experienced in our hospital and second corner excision
赤石美穂, 五十嵐司, 佐藤絢子, 齋藤彰治, 田邉康次郎, 林千賀, 横溝玲, 渡辺孝紀
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 33: 25-28, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the acute disseminated encephalomyelitis with the antiaquaporin 4 antibody positive
橋本美香, 北村太郎, 内田崇, 高橋俊成, 新妻創, 田邊雄大, 二瓶真人, 宮林拓矢, 鈴木力生, 西尾利之, 高柳勝, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博, 大竹正俊
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 33: 29-33, 2013.

Japanese Article 1 infant case of the rotaviral cerebellitis that the improvement of the language function was found in by TRH therapy
内田崇, 北村太郎, 橋本美香, 高橋俊成, 新妻創, 田邊雄大, 二瓶真人, 宮林拓矢, 鈴木力生, 西尾利之, 高柳勝, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博, 大竹正俊
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 33: 35-39, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis that occurred for edema and severe proteinuria
高橋俊成, 西尾利之, 新妻創, 田邊雄大, 高橋怜, 樋渡えりか, 齋藤秀憲, 佐藤寛記, 鈴木力生, 近岡秀二, 北村太郎, 高柳勝, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博, 大竹正俊
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 33: 41-45, 2013.

Japanese Article It is 1 infant case who had the cerebral infarction for a type A influenza infection
新妻創, 高柳勝, 西尾利之, 樋渡えりか, 高橋怜, 田邊雄大, 齋藤秀憲, 佐藤寛記, 鈴木力生, 近岡秀二, 北村太郎, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博, 大竹正俊
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 33: 47-52, 2013.

Japanese Article 1 child of the arteriovenous malformation explosion that completely came back to its normal life though it presented decerebrate rigidity
田邊雄大, 西尾利之, 新妻創, 高橋俊成, 橋本美香, 内田崇, 宮林拓矢, 二瓶真人, 鈴木力生, 北村太郎, 高柳勝, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博, 大竹正俊, 下田由輝*, 平野孝幸*, 川瀬誠*, 刈部博*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 33: 53-57, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the exposed dose estimate method of the patients individual
坂元健太郎, 高橋規之, 工藤泰
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 33: 59-65, 2013.

Japanese Article For the abuse of children of nurse emergency visit by the use of check list a change of "is with mind"
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 33: 67-72, 2013.

Japanese Article One report of the in-hospital workshop holding
柴山美帆, 日下喜久恵
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 33: 73-76, 2013.