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Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-)

Volume 36, Issue / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Foreword
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 36: 1-1, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the submandibular gland calculus of salivary gland surgery case using the salivary gland endoscope
鈴木貴博, 生島寛享, 角田梨紗子, 小倉正樹
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 36: 3-6, 2016.

Japanese Article Five examination of the invasive pneumococcal infection
三浦佐和子, 高柳勝, 大山秀晃, 瀧澤沙矢香, 加藤歩, 澁谷悠馬, 深野賢太朗, 相原悠, 宮副貴光, 宮林拓矢, 守谷充司, 川合英一郎, 鈴木力生, 北村太郎, 西尾利之, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博, 八田益充*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 36: 7-11, 2016.

Japanese Article 2 cases of the late puerperal hemorrhage that needed transfusion
大山喜子, 田邉康次郎, 津田雅視*, 石山美由紀, 嶋田未知, 松本沙知子, 赤石美穂, 大槻愛, 早坂篤, 大槻健郎
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 36: 13-19, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the umbilical cord, the placenta pathology of the functional single arteria umbilicalis 2 case
嶋田未知, 大槻健郎, 星合哲郎*, 長沼廣**, 渋谷里絵**, 石山美由紀, 松本沙知子, 大山喜子, 赤石美穂, 大槻愛, 田邉康次郎, 早坂篤
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 36: 21-28, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the hemophagocytic syndrome that occurred during medical treatment of hipbone osteomyelitis
宮副貴光, 守谷充司, 三浦佐和子, 木村礼, 高橋拓大, 澁谷悠馬, 相原悠, 宮林拓矢, 川合英一郎, 鈴木力生, 新田恩, 北村太郎, 西尾利之, 高柳勝, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博, 八田益充*, 高木英誠**, 津田雅視**
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 36: 29-33, 2016.

Japanese Article Example that caused ileus five years after the laparoscopic ovarian tumor enucleation of the ovarian mature cystic teratoma
石山美由紀, 田邉康次郎, 笹瀬亜弥, 松本沙知子, 嶋田未知, 大山喜子, 赤石美穂, 大槻愛, 早坂篤, 大槻健郎
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 36: 35-39, 2016.

Japanese Article One case that led to a diagnosis of the mitochondrial illness by an initial convulsions attack
澁谷悠馬, 宮林拓矢, 相原悠, 三浦佐和子, 宮副貴光, 鈴木力生, 新田恩, 北村太郎, 千葉洋夫, 西尾利之, 高柳勝, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 36: 41-45, 2016.

Japanese Article About an earlier results report effect by the 30 minutes raising of the ward specimen collection time
大森智子, 大竹正俊
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 36: 47-53, 2016.

Japanese Article 12 years old boy case of the bacterial meningitis due to the acapsulate type Haemophilus influenzae
高橋貴恵, 藤田仁美, 大森智子, 大竹正俊
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 36: 55-58, 2016.

Japanese Article Effect on serum Cl densitometry by the bromine ion
坂本茉生, 小林航太, 佐々木幸, 大森智子, 大竹正俊
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 36: 59-63, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient who had a diagnosis of X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency disease with severe pneumonia
澁谷悠馬, 宮副貴光, 守谷充司, 相原悠, 三浦佐和子, 宮林拓矢, 鈴木力生, 新田恩, 北村太郎, 西尾利之, 高柳勝, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 36: 67-68, 2016.