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Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-)

Volume 39, Issue / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Introduction
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 1-2, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination of 21 convulsions accumulation type (dimorphism) acute encephalopathy in our hospital
川嶋有朋, 守谷充司, 佐藤大二郎, 熊坂衣織, 崔裕貴, 山田瑛子, 梅津有紀子, 星雄介, 高橋俊成, 新妻創, 小野頼母, 新田恩, 北村太郎, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 3-7, 2019.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the high flow quantity nasal cannula oxygen inhalation therapy (High Flow Nasal Cannula) use for respiratory syncytial virus affection children in our hospital
熊坂衣織, 小野頼母, 佐藤大二郎, 崔裕貴, 川嶋有朋, 山田瑛子, 梅津有紀子, 星雄介, 新妻創, 高橋俊成, 守谷充司, 新田恩, 北村太郎, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 9-15, 2019.

Japanese Article Kawasaki's disease and examination of the laboratory findings that are useful for early differentiation of the purulent cervical adenitis that presented lymphadenopathy
佐藤大二郎, 新田恩, 熊坂衣織, 崔裕貴, 川嶋有朋, 山田瑛子, 梅津有紀子, 高橋俊成, 新妻創, 星雄介, 小野頼母, 守谷充司, 北村太郎, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 17-21, 2019.

Japanese Article Comparison between delirium prevalence and rate of agreement of characteristic of the patients and CAM-ICU, ICDSC and DSM-V in our hospital ICU
田中知子, 佐藤博俊*, 滑川明男*, 川井由美子*, 菊池達郎*, 和田努*, 田坂有香*, 五十嵐江美*, 今村忠嗣**, 阿部貴史, 佐藤紀裕
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 23-35, 2019.

Japanese Article An example of the small intestine type Crohn's disease that a capsule endoscope was useful in a diagnosis
野村栄樹, 大山秀晃, 佐藤伊佐雄, 鈴木直生, 高橋早友未, 佐藤公子, 平塚敬士, 尾形洋平, 矢野恒太, 鈴木範明, 長崎太, 川村昌司, 境吉孝, 菊地達也
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 37-42, 2019.

Japanese Article Children of the IgA vasculitis that an abdominal symptom preceded, and the upper part endoscopy was useful
星雄介, 宇根岡紗希, 荒川貴弘, 篠崎まみ, 遠藤早紀, 阪本昌樹, 守谷充司, 鈴木力生, 新田恩, 北村太郎, 西尾利之, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 43-47, 2019.

Japanese Article An example of the neonates milk allergy that occurred for anaphylaxis
崔裕貴, 小野頼母, 熊坂衣織, 佐藤大二郎, 山田瑛子, 川嶋有朋, 梅津有紀子, 星雄介, 守谷充司, 鈴木力生, 新田恩, 北村太郎, 西尾利之, 三浦克志*, 村田祐二, 大浦敏博
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 49-53, 2019.

Japanese Article An example of the Sertoli-Leydig androblastoma in acknowledgment of the endometrial hyperplasia of postmenopausal women
仲野靖弘, 渋谷里絵*, 佐藤直実*, 新倉詩央香, 佐藤友里恵, 遠藤俊, 笹瀬亜弥, 赤石美穂, 平山亜由子, 宇賀神智久, 羽根田健, 今井紀昭, 早坂篤, 大槻健郎
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 55-58, 2019.

Japanese Article A case of mature teratoma with ruptured renal pelvis
新倉詩央香, 早坂篤, 佐藤友里恵, 仲野靖弘, 遠藤俊*, 平賀裕章**, 笹瀬亜弥, 赤石美穂, 平山亜由子, 宇賀神智久, 羽根田健, 今井紀昭, 渋谷里絵***, 大槻健郎
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 59-62, 2019.

Japanese Article 1 case that needed multiple cardiovascular procedures during opioid chronic administration in large quantities
安達厚子, 安藤幸吉, 黒瀧健二, 小林朋恵, 袖山直也, 櫻田幽美子, 筆田廣登, 山内正憲*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 63-66, 2019.

Japanese Article Two cases of the gastric anisakiasis that came to the hospital for chest pain, and needed the differentiation with the acute coronary syndrome
鈴木直生, 中川孝*, 川村昌司
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 67-71, 2019.

Japanese Article An example of the elderly people acute glomerulonephritis regarded as hemolytic streptococcus and coinfection of parvovirus B19
寺嶋祥, 中山謙二, 滝口真由*, 草刈良之*, 秋保直樹
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 73-78, 2019.

Japanese Article Example that frozen solidification balloon ablation succeeded for a heart failure case with the sustained atrial fibrillation complicated with mitral stenosis
矢内敦, 山科順裕, 倉島真一, 伏見八重, 井筒琢磨, 鈴木啓資, 青木恒介, 佐藤英二, 中川孝, 佐藤弘和, 三引義明, 石田明彦, 八木哲夫
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 79-84, 2019.

Japanese Article Two cases that produced a problem with a dabigatran bridge at the catheter ablation
松永夏実, 遠藤達也, 関川祐貴子, 畠山綾子, 成ヶ澤稔彦, 八木哲夫*
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 85-90, 2019.

Japanese Article Nutrition education to patients with heart failure, ischemic heart disease in the circulatory organ ward
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 91-96, 2019.

Japanese Article "Emergency care and social work"
澤井彰, 畠山稔*, 近田祐介**
Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) 39: 97-102, 2019.